996 resultados para SNP


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Die vorliegende Dissertation entstand im Rahmen eines multizentrischen EU-geförderten Projektes, das die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Einzelnukleotid-Polymorphismen (SNPs) zur Individualisierung von Personen im Kontext der Zuordnung von biologischen Tatortspuren oder auch bei der Identifizierung unbekannter Toter behandelt. Die übergeordnete Zielsetzung des Projektes bestand darin, hochauflösende Genotypisierungsmethoden zu etablieren und zu validieren, die mit hoher Genauigkeit aber geringen Aufwand SNPs im Multiplexformat simultan analysieren können. Zunächst wurden 29 Y-chromosomale und 52 autosomale SNPs unter der Anforderung ausgewählt, dass sie als Multiplex eine möglichst hohe Individualisierungschance aufweisen. Anschließend folgten die Validierungen beider Multiplex-Systeme und der SNaPshot™-Minisequenzierungsmethode in systematischen Studien unter Beteiligung aller Arbeitsgruppen des Projektes. Die validierte Referenzmethode auf der Basis einer Minisequenzierung diente einerseits für die kontrollierte Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Laboratorien und andererseits als Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines Assays zur SNP-Genotypisierung mittels der elektronischen Microarray-Technologie in dieser Arbeit. Der eigenständige Hauptteil dieser Dissertation beschreibt unter Verwendung der zuvor validierten autosomalen SNPs die Neuentwicklung und Validierung eines Hybridisierungsassays für die elektronische Microarray-Plattform der Firma Nanogen Dazu wurden im Vorfeld drei verschiedene Assays etabliert, die sich im Funktionsprinzip auf dem Microarray unterscheiden. Davon wurde leistungsorientiert das Capture down-Assay zur Weiterentwicklung ausgewählt. Nach zahlreichen Optimierungsmaßnahmen hinsichtlich PCR-Produktbehandlung, gerätespezifischer Abläufe und analysespezifischer Oligonukleotiddesigns stand das Capture down-Assay zur simultanen Typisierung von drei Individuen mit je 32 SNPs auf einem Microarray bereit. Anschließend wurde dieses Verfahren anhand von 40 DNA-Proben mit bekannten Genotypen für die 32 SNPs validiert und durch parallele SNaPshot™-Typisierung die Genauigkeit bestimmt. Das Ergebnis beweist nicht nur die Eignung des validierten Analyseassays und der elektronischen Microarray-Technologie für bestimmte Fragestellungen, sondern zeigt auch deren Vorteile in Bezug auf Schnelligkeit, Flexibilität und Effizienz. Die Automatisierung, welche die räumliche Anordnung der zu untersuchenden Fragmente unmittelbar vor der Analyse ermöglicht, reduziert unnötige Arbeitsschritte und damit die Fehlerhäufigkeit und Kontaminationsgefahr bei verbesserter Zeiteffizienz. Mit einer maximal erreichten Genauigkeit von 94% kann die Zuverlässigkeit der in der forensischen Genetik aktuell eingesetzten STR-Systeme jedoch noch nicht erreicht werden. Die Rolle des neuen Verfahrens wird damit nicht in einer Ablösung der etablierten Methoden, sondern in einer Ergänzung zur Lösung spezieller Probleme wie z.B. der Untersuchung stark degradierter DNA-Spuren zu finden sein.


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The thesis identify CNV structural variants as possible markers for genomic selection and identify QTL regions for Fatty Acid Content in the Italian Brown Swiss population. Additionally it maps the QTL for mastitis resistance in the Valdostana Red Pied cattle.


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There is increasing evidence that strain variation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) might influence the outcome of tuberculosis infection and disease. To assess genotype-phenotype associations, phylogenetically robust molecular markers and appropriate genotyping tools are required. Most current genotyping methods for MTBC are based on mobile or repetitive DNA elements. Because these elements are prone to convergent evolution, the corresponding genotyping techniques are suboptimal for phylogenetic studies and strain classification. By contrast, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are ideal markers for classifying MTBC into phylogenetic lineages, as they exhibit very low degrees of homoplasy. In this study, we developed two complementary SNP-based genotyping methods to classify strains into the six main human-associated lineages of MTBC, the "Beijing" sublineage, and the clade comprising Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae. Phylogenetically informative SNPs were obtained from 22 MTBC whole-genome sequences. The first assay, referred to as MOL-PCR, is a ligation-dependent PCR with signal detection by fluorescent microspheres and a Luminex flow cytometer, which simultaneously interrogates eight SNPs. The second assay is based on six individual TaqMan real-time PCR assays for singleplex SNP-typing. We compared MOL-PCR and TaqMan results in two panels of clinical MTBC isolates. Both methods agreed fully when assigning 36 well-characterized strains into the main phylogenetic lineages. The sensitivity in allele-calling was 98.6% and 98.8% for MOL-PCR and TaqMan, respectively. Typing of an additional panel of 78 unknown clinical isolates revealed 99.2% and 100% sensitivity in allele-calling, respectively, and 100% agreement in lineage assignment between both methods. While MOL-PCR and TaqMan are both highly sensitive and specific, MOL-PCR is ideal for classification of isolates with no previous information, whereas TaqMan is faster for confirmation. Furthermore, both methods are rapid, flexible and comparably inexpensive.


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Childhood adrenocortical tumors (ACT) are rare malignancies, except in southern Brazil, where a higher incidence rate is associated to a high frequency of the founder R337H TP53 mutation. To date, copy number alterations in these tumors have only been analyzed by low-resolution comparative genomic hybridization.


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Statistical approaches to evaluate higher order SNP-SNP and SNP-environment interactions are critical in genetic association studies, as susceptibility to complex disease is likely to be related to the interaction of multiple SNPs and environmental factors. Logic regression (Kooperberg et al., 2001; Ruczinski et al., 2003) is one such approach, where interactions between SNPs and environmental variables are assessed in a regression framework, and interactions become part of the model search space. In this manuscript we extend the logic regression methodology, originally developed for cohort and case-control studies, for studies of trios with affected probands. Trio logic regression accounts for the linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure in the genotype data, and accommodates missing genotypes via haplotype-based imputation. We also derive an efficient algorithm to simulate case-parent trios where genetic risk is determined via epistatic interactions.


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Submicroscopic changes in chromosomal DNA copy number dosage are common and have been implicated in many heritable diseases and cancers. Recent high-throughput technologies have a resolution that permits the detection of segmental changes in DNA copy number that span thousands of basepairs across the genome. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) may simultaneously screen for copy number-phenotype and SNP-phenotype associations as part of the analytic strategy. However, genome-wide array analyses are particularly susceptible to batch effects as the logistics of preparing DNA and processing thousands of arrays often involves multiple laboratories and technicians, or changes over calendar time to the reagents and laboratory equipment. Failure to adjust for batch effects can lead to incorrect inference and requires inefficient post-hoc quality control procedures that exclude regions that are associated with batch. Our work extends previous model-based approaches for copy number estimation by explicitly modeling batch effects and using shrinkage to improve locus-specific estimates of copy number uncertainty. Key features of this approach include the use of diallelic genotype calls from experimental data to estimate batch- and locus-specific parameters of background and signal without the requirement of training data. We illustrate these ideas using a study of bipolar disease and a study of chromosome 21 trisomy. The former has batch effects that dominate much of the observed variation in quantile-normalized intensities, while the latter illustrates the robustness of our approach to datasets where as many as 25% of the samples have altered copy number. Locus-specific estimates of copy number can be plotted on the copy-number scale to investigate mosaicism and guide the choice of appropriate downstream approaches for smoothing the copy number as a function of physical position. The software is open source and implemented in the R package CRLMM available at Bioconductor (http:www.bioconductor.org).


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In most microarray technologies, a number of critical steps are required to convert raw intensity measurements into the data relied upon by data analysts, biologists and clinicians. These data manipulations, referred to as preprocessing, can influence the quality of the ultimate measurements. In the last few years, the high-throughput measurement of gene expression is the most popular application of microarray technology. For this application, various groups have demonstrated that the use of modern statistical methodology can substantially improve accuracy and precision of gene expression measurements, relative to ad-hoc procedures introduced by designers and manufacturers of the technology. Currently, other applications of microarrays are becoming more and more popular. In this paper we describe a preprocessing methodology for a technology designed for the identification of DNA sequence variants in specific genes or regions of the human genome that are associated with phenotypes of interest such as disease. In particular we describe methodology useful for preprocessing Affymetrix SNP chips and obtaining genotype calls with the preprocessed data. We demonstrate how our procedure improves existing approaches using data from three relatively large studies including one in which large number independent calls are available. Software implementing these ideas are avialble from the Bioconductor oligo package.


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Simulation-based assessment is a popular and frequently necessary approach to evaluation of statistical procedures. Sometimes overlooked is the ability to take advantage of underlying mathematical relations and we focus on this aspect. We show how to take advantage of large-sample theory when conducting a simulation using the analysis of genomic data as a motivating example. The approach uses convergence results to provide an approximation to smaller-sample results, results that are available only by simulation. We consider evaluating and comparing a variety of ranking-based methods for identifying the most highly associated SNPs in a genome-wide association study, derive integral equation representations of the pre-posterior distribution of percentiles produced by three ranking methods, and provide examples comparing performance. These results are of interest in their own right and set the framework for a more extensive set of comparisons.


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Amplifications and deletions of chromosomal DNA, as well as copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity have been associated with diseases processes. High-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays are useful for making genome-wide estimates of copy number and genotype calls. Because neighboring SNPs in high throughput SNP arrays are likely to have dependent copy number and genotype due to the underlying haplotype structure and linkage disequilibrium, hidden Markov models (HMM) may be useful for improving genotype calls and copy number estimates that do not incorporate information from nearby SNPs. We improve previous approaches that utilize a HMM framework for inference in high throughput SNP arrays by integrating copy number, genotype calls, and the corresponding confidence scores when available. Using simulated data, we demonstrate how confidence scores control smoothing in a probabilistic framework. Software for fitting HMMs to SNP array data is available in the R package ICE.


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Coat color dilution in several breeds of dog is characterized by a specific pigmentation phenotype and sometimes accompanied by hair loss and recurrent skin inflammation, the so-called color dilution alopecia or black hair follicular dysplasia. Coat color dilution (d) is inherited as a Mendelian autosomal recessive trait. In a previous study, MLPH polymorphisms showed perfect cosegregation with the dilute phenotype within breeds. However, different dilute haplotypes were found in different breeds, and no single polymorphism was identified in the coding sequence that was likely to be causative for the dilute phenotype. We resequenced the 5'-region of the canine MLPH gene and identified a strong candidate single nucleotide polymorphism within the nontranslated exon 1, which showed perfect association to the dilute phenotype in 65 dilute dogs from 7 different breeds. The A/G polymorphism is located at the last nucleotide of exon 1 and the mutant A-allele is predicted to reduce splicing efficiency 8-fold. An MLPH mRNA expression study using quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction confirmed that dd animals had only about approximately 25% of the MLPH transcript compared with DD animals. These results provide preliminary evidence that the reported regulatory MLPH mutation might represent a causal mutation for coat color dilution in dogs.


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BACKGROUND: Microarray genome analysis is realising its promise for improving detection of genetic abnormalities in individuals with mental retardation and congenital abnormality. Copy number variations (CNVs) are now readily detectable using a variety of platforms and a major challenge is the distinction of pathogenic from ubiquitous, benign polymorphic CNVs. The aim of this study was to investigate replacement of time consuming, locus specific testing for specific microdeletion and microduplication syndromes with microarray analysis, which theoretically should detect all known syndromes with CNV aetiologies as well as new ones. METHODS: Genome wide copy number analysis was performed on 117 patients using Affymetrix 250K microarrays. RESULTS: 434 CNVs (195 losses and 239 gains) were found, including 18 pathogenic CNVs and 9 identified as "potentially pathogenic". Almost all pathogenic CNVs were larger than 500 kb, significantly larger than the median size of all CNVs detected. Segmental regions of loss of heterozygosity larger than 5 Mb were found in 5 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Genome microarray analysis has improved diagnostic success in this group of patients. Several examples of recently discovered "new syndromes" were found suggesting they are more common than previously suspected and collectively are likely to be a major cause of mental retardation. The findings have several implications for clinical practice. The study revealed the potential to make genetic diagnoses that were not evident in the clinical presentation, with implications for pretest counselling and the consent process. The importance of contributing novel CNVs to high quality databases for genotype-phenotype analysis and review of guidelines for selection of individuals for microarray analysis is emphasised.