978 resultados para Activated sludge


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Actualment, la legislació ambiental ha esdevingut més restrictiva pel que fa a la descàrrega d'aigües residuals amb nutrients, especialment en les anomenades àrees sensibles o zones vulnerables. Arran d'aquest fet, s'ha estimulat el coneixement, desenvolupament i millora dels processos d'eliminació de nutrients. El Reactor Discontinu Seqüencial (RDS) o Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) en anglès, és un sistema de tractament de fangs actius que opera mitjançant un procediment d'omplerta-buidat. En aquest tipus de reactors, l'aigua residual és addicionada en un sol reactor que treballa per càrregues repetint un cicle (seqüència) al llarg del temps. Una de les característiques dels SBR és que totes les diferents operacions (omplerta, reacció, sedimentació i buidat) es donen en un mateix reactor. La tecnologia SBR no és nova d'ara. El fet, és que va aparèixer abans que els sistema de tractament continu de fangs actius. El precursor dels SBR va ser un sistema d'omplerta-buidat que operava en discontinu. Entre els anys 1914 i 1920, varen sorgir certes dificultats moltes d'elles a nivell d'operació (vàlvules, canvis el cabal d'un reactor a un altre, elevat temps d'atenció per l'operari...) per aquests reactors. Però no va ser fins a finals de la dècada dels '50 principis del '60, amb el desenvolupament de nous equipaments i noves tecnologies, quan va tornar a ressorgir l'interès pels SBRs. Importants millores en el camp del subministrament d'aire (vàlvules motoritzades o d'acció pneumàtica) i en el de control (sondes de nivell, mesuradors de cabal, temporitzadors automàtics, microprocessadors) han permès que avui en dia els SBRs competeixin amb els sistemes convencional de fangs actius. L'objectiu de la present tesi és la identificació de les condicions d'operació adequades per un cicle segons el tipus d'aigua residual a l'entrada, les necessitats del tractament i la qualitat desitjada de la sortida utilitzant la tecnologia SBR. Aquestes tres característiques, l'aigua a tractar, les necessitats del tractament i la qualitat final desitjada determinen en gran mesura el tractament a realitzar. Així doncs, per tal d'adequar el tractament a cada tipus d'aigua residual i les seves necessitats, han estat estudiats diferents estratègies d'alimentació. El seguiment del procés es realitza mitjançant mesures on-line de pH, OD i RedOx, els canvis de les quals donen informació sobre l'estat del procés. Alhora un altre paràmetre que es pot calcular a partir de l'oxigen dissolt és la OUR que és una dada complementària als paràmetres esmentats. S'han avaluat les condicions d'operació per eliminar nitrogen d'una aigua residual sintètica utilitzant una estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada, a través de l'estudi de l'efecte del nombre d'alimentacions, la definició de la llargada i el número de fases per cicle, i la identificació dels punts crítics seguint les sondes de pH, OD i RedOx. S'ha aplicat l'estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada a dues aigües residuals diferents: una procedent d'una indústria tèxtil i l'altra, dels lixiviats d'un abocador. En ambdues aigües residuals es va estudiar l'eficiència del procés a partir de les condicions d'operació i de la velocitat del consum d'oxigen. Mentre que en l'aigua residual tèxtil el principal objectiu era eliminar matèria orgànica, en l'aigua procedent dels lixiviats d'abocador era eliminar matèria orgànica i nitrogen. S'han avaluat les condicions d'operació per eliminar nitrogen i fòsfor d'una aigua residual urbana utilitzant una estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada, a través de la definició del número i la llargada de les fases per cicle, i la identificació dels punts crítics seguint les sondes de pH, OD i RedOx. S'ha analitzat la influència del pH i la font de carboni per tal d'eliminar fòsfor d'una aigua sintètica a partir de l'estudi de l'increment de pH a dos reactors amb diferents fonts de carboni i l'estudi de l'efecte de canviar la font de carboni. Tal i com es pot veure al llarg de la tesi, on s'han tractat diferents aigües residuals per a diferents necessitats, un dels avantatges més importants d'un SBR és la seva flexibilitat.


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Phenolic compounds in wastewaters are difficult to treat using the conventional biological techniques such as activated sludge processes because of their bio-toxic and recalcitrant properties and the high volumes released from various chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries. In the current work, a modified heterogeneous advanced Fenton process (AFP) is presented as a novel methodology for the treatment of phenolic wastewater. The modified AFP, which is a combination of hydrodynamic cavitation generated using a liquid whistle reactor and the AFP is a promising technology for wastewaters containing high organic content. The presence of hydrodynamic cavitation in the treatment scheme intensifies the Fenton process by generation of additional free radicals. Also, the turbulence produced during the hydrodynamic cavitation process increases the mass transfer rates as well as providing better contact between the pseudo-catalyst surfaces and the reactants. A multivariate design of experiments has been used to ascertain the influence of hydrogen peroxide dosage and iron catalyst loadings on the oxidation performance of the modified AFP. High er TOC removal rates were achieved with increased concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. In contrast, the effect of catalyst loadings was less important on the TOC removal rate under conditions used in this work although there is an optimum value of this parameter. The concentration of iron species in the reaction solution was measured at 105 min and its relationship with the catalyst loadings and hydrogen peroxide level is presented.


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It is well known that waste water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are estrogenic. There has been much less consideration of the androgenic activity of WWTP effluents. To partly address the shortage of information on androgens in Australian WWTP effluents, in August 2006, and again in 2007, we collected discharges from up to 45 Victorian WWTPs (~25% of all WWTPs in Victoria), grouped by treatment process, i.e. activated sludge, extended aeration, and lagoon based treatment, and measured the total estrogenic, androgenic, retinoic acid, and aromatic hydrocarbon hydrogenase activity of the effluents using a hybrid yeast bioassay. This paper will concentrate on the androgenic activity and male hormone concentrations.


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The project was conducted between May 2006 and September 2007, and involved the collection of effluent samples from 45 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The 45 WWTPs included 16 lagoon-based plants and 29 with activated sludge-based processes. Permission was obtained from all the relevant water authorities to collect samples of final effluent at point of discharge to the environment, whether that was to a creek, a river, the ocean, or the land. Samples were collected on two occasions, namely, in August 2006 (winter) and late February–early March 2007 (summer), and subjected to a number of biological and chemical analyses, including toxicity tests, measurement of hormonal (estrogenic) activity using yeast-based bioassays, and measurement of specific hormonal concentrations using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Almost all of the effluents examined showed estrogenic activity: in winter, no activity to 73 ng/l 17β-estradiol equivalents (EEQ); and in summer, no activity to 20 ng/l EEQ. On the whole, the levels of estrogenic activity observed were comparable with the range recently reported in Australia and New Zealand using human estrogen receptor-based assays (“not detected” to ~10 ng/l EEQ). The low/no bioassay response was confirmed by the chemical assessment of estradiol, estrone, and ethinyl estradiol concentrations by ELISA, which returned concentrations of these compounds for the most part below 10 ng/l.


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A three stage-treatment of domestic wastewater including anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic phases is employed in this study while a clarifier unit is replaced with a submerged membrane in the aerobic unit. The effects of operational parameters on the performance of a pilot scale submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) namely hydraulic retention time (HRT), ratio of return activated sludge (QRS), ratio of internal recycle (QIR), solid retention time (SRT) and dissolved oxygen (DO) are evaluated by simulations, using a hybrid model composed of TUDP model, oxygen transfer model, biofouling model due to extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS) and turbulent shear model. The results showed that anaerobic HRT of 3 hours, anoxic HRT of 6 hours, QRS of 20% and QIR of 300 % are satisfactory in obtaining a high removal efficiency (>90%) of COD, NH4-N, P04-P as well as a less sludge production. An increase of sludge production causes an increase in EPS, which fouls the membrane surface and increase the cleaning cycle of membrane. Operation of 5MBR system at 2 mg/I of DO and 30 days of SRT can extend the membrane cleaning cycle dramatically. The membrane cleaning cycle however is strongly dependent on the initial and terminal specific fluxes and displays inverse power relationships to those fluxes.


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Compared to the Conventional Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) have proven their superior performance in wastewater treatment and reuse during the past two decades. Further, MBRs have wide array of applications such as the removal of nutrients, toxic and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are impossible or difficult to remove using ASP. However, fouling of membrane is one of the main drawbacks to the widespread application of MBR technology and Extra-cellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) secreted by microbes are considered as one of the major foulants, which will reduce the flux (L/m2/h) through the membrane. Critical flux is defined as the flux above which membrane cake or gel layer formation due to deposition of EPS and other colloids on the membrane surface occurs. Thus, one of the operating strategies to control the fouling of MBRs is to operate those systems below the critical flux (at Sub-Critical flux). This paper discusses the critical flux results, which were obtained from short-term common flux step method, for a lab-scale MBR system treating Ametryn. This study compares the critical flux values that were obtained by operating the MBR system (consisting of a submerged Hollow-Fibre membrane with pore size of 0.4μm and effective area of 0.2m2) at different operating conditions and mixed liquor properties. This study revealed that the critical flux values found after the introduction of Ametryn were significantly lower than those of obtained before adding Ametryn to the synthetic wastewater. It was also revealed that the production of carbohydrates (in SMP) is greater than proteins, subsequent to the introduction of Ametryn and this may have influenced the membrane to foul more. It was also observed that a significant removal (40-60%) of Ametryn from this MBR during the critical flux determination experiments with 40 minutes flux-step duration.


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In many Asian countries, rapid industrialization and urbanization has led to an increased number of cars, making wastewater from gas stations an important issue of concern in urban environment. This wastewater is characterized by high concentration of oil-water emulsion, which cannot be effectively removed by a conventional gravity separator. An experimental investigation on the treatability of oily wastewater from gas stations using a membrane bioreactor (MBR) system revealed that MBR system could achieve good removal efficiency with stability against shock loading. Optimum operating conditions were found to be at a hydraulic retention time of 4 h and an oil-loading rate of 1.8 kg oil m^sup -3^.d^sup -1^. It was anticipated that adding powdered activated carbon (PAC) in the MBR could help to adsorb the oils. However, operating the MBR with only microbial flocs has an advantage over adding PAC particles into the MBR, since the former condition could provide a prolonged cycle of filtration with a relatively lesser increase in transmembrane pressure.


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Agro-industries are a life-line for sustainable future of human kind. However, the wastewater generated by agro-industries poses direct threat to the same sustainable future by polluting the freshwater sources when discharged into those freshwater sources. Thus, we need both advanced treatment technologies to treat those wastewater streams generated and better reuse practices for the treated effluents. Reverse osmosis (RO) is one of the advanced treatments to treat dissolved solids that are present in agricultural wastewater streams. But, RO is very sensitive to suspended solids (SS) present in the wastewater streams. Those SS can foul the RO membrane and make it ineffective in producing treated effluent at desired rates. Therefore, suitable pre-treatment scheme is necessary to treat the agro-wastewater streams before passing through RO. This study focuses on the qualitative and quantitative ranking of the available conventional and modern pre-treatment technologies as pre-treatment for RO. This study considers wastewater that has been treated through a secondary treatment system for example activated sludge process as the target water that needs pre-treatment. Based on qualitative ranking of conventional pre-treatment options, the Lime clarification/Granular Media filtration (GMF) option is ranked as the best; whereas finescreens/ micro-screens option ranked as the least preferred option based on the scores they attained in treating the water quality parameters that are considered essential. Based on the quantitative ranking, the low pressure membrane technology such as ultra-filtration (UF) stood first and microfiltration (MF) stood last.


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This study elucidates the enhancement of aerobic granulation by zero-valent iron (ZVI). A reactor augmented with ZVI had a start-up time of aerobic granulation (43 days) that was notably less than that for a reactor without augmentation (64 days). The former reactor also had better removal efficiencies for chemical oxygen demand and ammonium. Moreover, the mature granules augmented with ZVI had better physical characteristics and produced more extracellular polymeric substances (especially of protein). Three-dimensional-excitation emission matrix fluorescence showed that ZVI enhanced organic material diversity. Additionally, ZVI enhanced the diversity of the microbial community. Fe(2+) dissolution from ZVI helped reduce the start-up time of aerobic granulation and increased the extracellular polymeric substance content. Conclusively, the use of ZVI effectively enhanced aerobic granulation.


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An enhanced membrane bioreactor (eMBR) consisting of two anoxic bioreactors (ARs) followed by an aerated membrane bioreactor (AMBR), UV-unit and a granular activated carbon (GAC) filter was employed to treat 50-100 mg/L of remazol blue BR dye. The COD of the feed was 2334 mg/L and COD:TN:TP in the feed was 119:1.87:1. A feed flow rate of 5 L/d was maintained when the dye concentration was 50 mg/L; 10 L/d of return activated sludge was recirculated to each AR from the AMBR. Once the biological system is acclimatised, 95% of dye, 99% of COD, 97% of nitrogen and 73% of phosphorus were removed at a retention time of 74.4 h. When the effluent from the AMBR was drawn at a flux rate of 6.5 L/m(2)h, the trans-membrane pressure reached 40 kPa in every 10 days. AMBR effluent was passed through the UV-unit and GAC filter to remove the dye completely.


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O reator seqüencial em batelada (RSB) é uma variante de lodos ativados capaz de promover a remoção da matéria orgânica, a remoção dos nutrientes e a separação da fase sólida da líquida em uma unidade. A valorização das áreas urbanas, a carência de tratamento terciário e a crescente necessidade de redução nas dimensões de estações de tratamento de esgoto devem impulsionar o desenvolvimento de pesquisas sobre RSB em curto espaço de tempo. A partir deste cenário, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo modelar o comportamento do reator seqüencial em batelada a partir da teoria desenvolvida por Marais e colaboradores. Dentro deste contexto, a cinética de oxidação dos compostos orgânicos e do nitrogênio na forma amoniacal foi descrita e modelada. O trabalho experimental foi realizado em duas escalas: bancada e piloto. O experimento em escala de bancada foi dividido em duas fases. Foram utilizados dois RSBs e um sistema de fluxo contínuo. Um reator seqüencial em batelada (RSB1) foi operado com idade de lodo. O outro reator em batelada (RSB2) foi operado em função da relação F/M e o sistema de fluxo contínuo (FC1) por idade de lodo. Estes reatores foram utilizados como controle no monitoramento do RSB1 Na primeira fase, os três sistemas removeram apenas matéria orgânica. Na fase seguinte, removeram matéria orgânica e nitrogênio. A partir dos resultados obtidos em escala de bancada, foi possível concluir que o modelo desenvolvido pode ser aplicado ao reator seqüencial em batelada operando com idade de lodo, permitindo determinar a qualidade do efluente, a produção de lodo e o consumo de oxidante. Além disso, foi possível descrever o comportamento da taxa de consumo de oxigênio em função da oxidação da matéria orgânica biodegradável e da oxidação do nitrogênio na forma amoniacal. O reator seqüencial em batelada operado com idade de lodo (RSB1) alcançou remoção média de matéria orgânica de 90 % nas idades de lodo de 30, 20, 10 e 5 dias. A remoção média de nitrogênio mais elevada foi obtida na idade de lodo de 20 dias e atingiu 87 %. Nas demais idades de lodo a remoção média de nitrogênio variou entre 79 e 42 %. A modelagem do comportamento do reator seqüencial em batelada resultou numa proposta de metodologia para o dimensionamento que tem como finalidade abolir critérios obsoletos e inadequados para o dimensionamento de lodos ativados em batelada No experimento em escala piloto, foram utilizados um reator seqüencial em batelada, denominado RSB, e um sistema de fluxo contínuo com a configuração Bardenpho, denominado FC. Os sistemas de lodos ativados sob investigação foram monitorados em duas idades de lodo: 30 e 10 dias. Os dados do experimento em escala piloto mostraram que os processos físico-químicos e biológicos envolvidos na remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio no RSB foram mais eficientes do que no Bardenpho quando trataram o mesmo esgoto doméstico e foram submetidos às mesmas condições operacionais. No RSB, obteve-se 88 e 89 % de remoção de matéria orgânica nas idades de lodo de 10 e 30 dias, respectivamente. Nesta seqüência das idades de lodo, a eficiência do Bardenpho caiu de 87 para 76 %. O sistema de fluxo contínuo removeu 66 e 52 % do nitrogênio total afluente nas idades de lodo de 10 e 30 dias, respectivamente. A eficiência do RSB na remoção de nitrogênio foi determinada apenas na idade de lodo de 10 dias e alcançou 69 %. A partir dos resultados obtidos em escala de bancada e piloto, constata-se que o reator seqüencial em batelada operando com idade de lodo pode ser utilizado no tratamento de esgoto doméstico e obter eficiência na remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio igual ou superior ao sistema de fluxo contínuo.


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In wastewater treatment, activated sludge systems have been a technology widely applied as secondary treatment. During this step, which has a strong biological aspect, it is necessary to introduce oxygen supply for the maintenance of metabolic activity of the bacteria through the aerators. Aeration devices are responsible for most of the energy consumption in this stage. In this background, the influence of three aeration intensities (atmospheric air flow 3.5, 7.0 and 10.5 L.min-1) and the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) on the dimension of activated sludge flocs as well as on the efficiency of organic matter removal were assessed using a traditional activated sludge system which was fed with synthetic domestic wastewater. Samples were taken weekly from the three units that make up the system feed, aeration and storage tank in order to verify the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). It was established the process efficiency through a comparison between the initial and final COD. Besides the parameters already mentioned, this monitoring work on activated sludge batch system was also observed by Mixed Liquor Suspend Solids (MLSS), Volatile Suspend Solids (VSS), pH and temperature measures. The results have showed a maximum removal efficiency around 75% in the first aeration sequence and approximately 85% for the second and third one. For the first aeration, the DO concentration remained higher than 3.0 mg.L-1 and a diameter range from 10 to 60 μm was observed. In the second e third sequence, the DO concentration remained higher than 4.0 mg.L-1 with a diameter range of 10 until 200 μm. Although the sequence 1 and 2 have presented similar performances for organic matter removal, the sequence 2 promoted a regular floc size distribution and with lower values of Sludge Volumetric Index (SVI) meaning a better flocculating ability. In addition, the results reaffirmed what the literature has reported: higher DO concentrations produce flocs with greater dimensions


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Petroleum Refinery wastewaters (PRW) have hart-to-degrade compounds, such as: phenols, ammonia, cyanides, sulfides, oils and greases and the mono and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons: benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX), acenaphthene, nitrobenzene and naphtalene. It is known that the microrganisms activity can be reduced in the presence of certain substances, adversely affecting the biological process of wastewater treatment. This research was instigated due the small number of studies regarding to this specific topic in the avaiable literature. This body of work ims to evaluate the effect of toxic substances on the biodegradability of the organic material found in PRW. Glucose was chosen as the model substrate due to its biodegradable nature. This study was divided into three parts: i) a survey of recalcitants compounds and the removal of phenol by using both biological and photochemical-biological processes; ii) biomass aclimation and iii) evaluation of the inhibitory effect certain compounds have on glucose biodegradation. The phenol degradation experiments were carried out in an activity sludge system and in a photochemical reactor. The results showed the photochemical-biological process to be more effective on phenol degradation, suggesting the superioruty of a combined photochemical-biological treatment when compared with a simple biological process for phenol removal from industry wastewaters. For the acclimation step, was used an activated sludge from industrial wastewaters. A rapid biomass aclimation to a synthetic solution composed of the main inhibitory compouns fpund in a PRW was obtained using the following operation condition: (pH = 7,0; DO ≥ 2,0 mg/L; RS = 20 days e qH = 31,2 and 20,4 hours), The last part was consisted of using respirometry evaluation toxicity effects of selected compounds over oxygen uptake rate to adaptated and non adaptated biomass in the presence of inhibitory compounds. The adaptated sludge showed greater degration capacity, with lower sensibility to toxic effects. The respirometry has proved to be very practical, as the techiniques used were simple and rapid, such as: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS). Using the latter it is possible to perform sludge selection to beggingthe process; thus allowing its use for aerobic treatment system`s behacior prediction


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In the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, there are about 80 sewage treatment systems being the predominant technology waste stabilization ponds. The Baldo s WWTP , due to its location and low availability of area, was designed as a hybrid conventional system (UASB reactor followed by activated sludge with biodiscs) at a tertiary level, being the most advanced WWTP in the State and also with the larger treatment capacity (1620 m3/h) .The paper presents the results of its performance based on samples collections from May to December 2012. Composite samples of the effluent of the grit chamber, UASB reactors, anoxic chambers, aeration tanks and treated effluent were collected weekly, every 4 hours for 24 hours. The results showed that the WWTP effluent presented adequate ranges of temperatures, pH and DO, however removal efficiencies of BOD and TSS were below the predicted by design. The UASB reactors also showed removals of BOD and TSS less than expected, due to the accumulation of sludge in the reactors, which eventually, was washed out in the effluent. The nitrification process was not satisfactory mainly due to problems in the oxygen distribution in the aeration tanks. The removal of ammonia and TKN were high, probably by the assimilation process