941 resultados para intervention study


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Evidências cada vez mais consistentes têm subsidiado a definição de recomendações acerca do consumo de frutas e hortaliças (F&H) como um fator de proteção contra o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis. Essas recomendações têm sido transformadas em iniciativas de promoção do consumo de F&H. A escassez de estudos sobre a efetividade de intervenções voltadas para mudanças no consumo de F&H motivou a concepção desta tese, que teve por objetivo avaliar a efetividade de uma estratégia que integra diversas ações de promoção do consumo de frutas e hortaliças em múltiplos cenários, desenvolvidas junto a famílias que vivem em comunidades de baixa renda no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em três comunidades cobertas pela Estratégia Saúde da Família na Zona Oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 2007 a 2010. Trata-se de um estudo de intervenção comunitária tipo antes-e-depois. A coleta de dados incluiu duas avaliações pré-intervenção e uma avaliação pós-intervenção sobre a disponibilidade intradomiciliar e consumo de F&H e outras práticas alimentares. A intervenção mostrou-se efetiva para aumentar a disponibilidade intra-domiciliar de frutas e hortaliças nas três comunidades. Famílias mais expostas ao conjunto de elementos da intervenção apresentaram um maior aumento na aquisição de F&H entre o período pré e pós-intervenção. Mesmo em cenários sócio-demográficos menos favoráveis, quando as famílias foram mais expostas à intervenção, houve aumento pontual na disponibilidade intra-domiciliar de frutas e/ou hortaliças, apesar de não estatisticamente significativo. Por outro lado, também foi demonstrado que aumentos na aquisição de refrigerantes e biscoitos atenuaram o efeito da intervenção.


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A halitose se caracterizada pela emanação de um odor desagradável onde cerca de 90% de se origina dentro da cavidade oral. Estudos têm demonstrado uma relação direta entre a doença periodontal e o odor ofensivo do hálito. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a frequência e distribuição de halitose em um grupo de pacientes com doença periodontal em um estudo transversal observacional (n=112) e, em um estudo intervencionista, avaliar o efeito do tratamento periodontal full-mouth e convencional na redução da halitose em um grupo de pacientes com doença periodontal. Os pacientes responderam a uma anamnese, tiveram seu hálito mensurado pelo halímetro e teste organoléptico, além de realizados Índice de placa visível, Índice de sangramento gengival, Índice de saburra lingual e exame periodontal completo. No estudo 2, os pacientes foram submetidos a seis distintas formas de tratamento: terapia periodontal em sessão única, terapia convencional em quadrantes e, um grupo controle, com somente instrução de higiene oral. Todas as modalidades subdivididas: com e sem raspagem lingual diária. No primeiro estudo os resultados mostraram que, tanto para teste organoléptico quanto para o halímetro, houve maior grau de halitose nos grupos de idades mais avançadas, nos que relataram sangramento gengival e escovação menos que três vezes ao dia. Ainda no teste organoléptico a escovação de língua gerou diferença estatística. Não houve diferença estatística entre as medidas de halitose entre teste organoléptico e halímetro. Foram encontrados aproximadamente 75% de pacientes periodontais com halitose. No segundo estudo os resultados mostraram superioridade conforme análise do halímetro para 30, 60 e 90 dias para os grupos de raspagem em sessão única contra raspagem por quadrantes. Sendo todos os grupos superiores ao controle. Não houve diferença na abordagem com ou sem a raspagem de língua. De acordo com o teste organoléptico, não houve diferença entre os quatro tipos de tratamento periodontal comparados aos grupos controle. O mesmo aplica-se ao WTCI, onde os grupos de tratamento foram superiores ao controle, todavia semelhantes entre si. Concluiu-se que a idade e o sangramento gengival, assim como a frequência de escovação podem influenciar no grau de halitose, tanto no teste organoléptico quanto halímetro. A escovação de língua mostrou-se superior apenas na avaliação organoléptica. Quando avaliado através do halímetro o tratamento full-mouth foi superior ao tratamento convencional. Esta diferença não foi observada quando avaliado através do método organoléptico. Todas as modalidades de tratamento periodontal foram superiores aos grupos controle. A raspagem lingual não teve influência nos tratamentos.


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[Abstract] Verbal communication strategy (VCS) refers to a programmed knowledge applied by individuals to understand and express intentions via language symbols in their realization of communicative objectives according to social conventions. As an important index of social development, verbal communication strategy has provided a new perspective for social skill studies. However, more work has to be done in the investigation of LD children’s VCS developmental pattern and affecting mechanism. Through contextual test, structured interview and role-play, the present study, by adopting integrated measurements of instrumental and interpersonal effectiveness, explored the developmental characteristics of Chinese learning-disabled primary school children across 3-6th grades at both comprehension and application levels. Then, their social perspective-taking performance and verbal retelling competence of each participant were examined, on the basis of which, path analysis was conducted, with social perspective-taking, verbal retelling and verbal communication strategy comprehension as independent variables, to reveal the inner mechanism affecting LD children’s application of verbal communication strategy. Finally, an intervention study was carried out through a combination of polite request strategy understanding lessons and social perspective-taking training dramas. The results indicate that:(1) No significant grade differences were found in LD group for polite request strategy, while significant differences were reported across different grades of non-LD children. For indirect reply strategy, significant grade and gender differences were found among LD children, but the developmental trajectory between the two groups was different. For both polite request and indirect reply strategies, the strategy comprehension level of LD children was significantly lower than those without learning disabilities. (2) No significant grade and gender differences were found in LD group in their application of polite request strategy, while for non-LD children, significant differences were reported across different grades. For indirect reply strategy, both LD and non-LD groups exhibited similar developmental characteristics. Significant group differences only exist in the over-all application level of polite request strategies, not in indirect reply strategies. However, the differences of the latter between the two groups were found at significant level only among the 11-12 year olds. (3) LD children’s perspective-taking and verbal retelling competence were significantly lower than those of non-LD group. For polite request strategy, the influence of social perspective-taking to strategy application was indirect and must be via strategy comprehension, while for indirect reply strategy, strategy comprehension was found to play as a partial mediator between social perspective-taking and strategy application. The influence of verbal retelling to strategy application was indirect on both types of strategies. (4) LD children’s strategy comprehension and social perspective-taking level can be improved, and the improvement of these two competences has significant positive impact on the increase of their strategy application level. Key Words: learning disabilities, verbal communication strategy, social perspective- taking


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We investigated perceptions among overweight and obese state employees about changes to health insurance that were designed to reduce the scope of health benefits for employees who are obese or who smoke. Before implementation of health benefit plan changes, 658 state employees who were overweight (ie, those with a body mass index [BMI] of 25-29.9) or obese (ie, those with a BMI of > or = 30) enrolled in a weight-loss intervention study were asked about their attitudes and beliefs concerning the new benefit plan changes. Thirty-one percent of employees with a measured BMI of 40 or greater self-reported a BMI of less than 40, suggesting they were unaware that their current BMI would place them in a higher-risk benefit plan. More than half of all respondents reported that the new benefit changes would motivate them to make behavioral changes, but fewer than half felt confident in their ability to make changes. Respondents with a BMI of 40 or greater were more likely than respondents in lower BMI categories to oppose the new changes focused on obesity (P < .001). Current smokers were more likely than former smokers and nonsmokers to oppose the new benefit changes focused on tobacco use (P < .01). Participants represented a sample of employees enrolled in a weight-loss study, limiting generalizability to the larger population of state employees. Benefit plan changes that require employees who are obese and smoke to pay more for health care may motivate some, but not all, individuals to change their behaviors. Since confidence to lose weight was lowest among individuals in the highest BMI categories, more-intense intervention options may be needed to achieve desired health behavior changes.


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Background: Vitamin B2 exists in blood as riboflavin and its cofactors, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and FAD. The erythrocyte glutathione reductase activation coefficient (EGRAC) has traditionally been used to assess vitamin B2 status in humans. We investigated the relationships of EGRAC and plasma and erythrocyte concentrations of riboflavin, FMN, and FAD in elderly volunteers and their responses to riboflavin administration. Methods: EGRAC and plasma and erythrocyte concentrations of riboflavin, FMN, and FAD were determined in 124 healthy individuals with a mean age of 69 years. The same measurements were made in a subgroup of 46 individuals with EGRAC 1.20 who participated in a randomized double-blind 12-week intervention study and received riboflavin (1.6 mg/day; n = 23) or placebo (n = 23). Results: Median plasma concentrations were 10.5 nmol/L for riboflavin, 6.6 nmol/L for FMN, and 74 nmol/L for FAD. In erythrocytes, there were only trace amounts of riboflavin, whereas median FMN and FAD concentrations were 44 and 469 nmol/L, respectively. Erythrocyte FMN and FAD correlated with each other and with EGRAC and plasma riboflavin (P


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Red meat from grass-fed animals, compared with concentrate-fed animals, contains increased concentrations of long-chain (LC) n-3 PUPA. However, the effects of red meat consumption from grass-fed animals on consumer blood concentrations of LC n-3 PUFA are unknown. The aim of the present study was to compare the effects on plasma and platelet LC n-3 PUFA status of consuming red meat produced from either grass-fed animals or concentrate-fed animals. A randomised, double-blinded, dietary intervention study was carried out for 4 weeks on healthy subjects who replaced their habitual red meat intake with three portions per week of red meat (beef and lamb) from animals offered a finishing diet of either grass or concentrate (n 20 consumers). Plasma and platelet fatty acid composition, dietary intake, blood pressure, and serum lipids and lipoproteins were analysed at baseline and post-intervention. Dietary intakes of total n-3 PUFA, as well as plasma and platelet concentrations of LC n-3 PUFA, were significantly higher in those subjects who consumed red meat from grass-fed animals compared with those who consumed red meat from concentrate-fed animals (P<0.05). No significant differences in concentrations of serum cholesterol, TAG or blood pressure were observed between groups. Consuming red meat from grass-fed animals compared with concentrate-fed animals as part of the habitual diet can significantly increase consumer plasma and platelet LC n-3 PUFA status. As a result, red meat from grass-fed animals may contribute to dietary intakes of LC n-3 PUFA in populations where red meat is habitually consumed.


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Aims: To determine if an educational DVD increases knowledge and changes attitudes of women with diabetes towards preconception care.

Methods: Ninety-seven women with diabetes (Type 1, n = 89; Type 2, n = 8), aged 18–40 years, completed a pre-DVD and post-DVD intervention study by postal questionnaire. Beliefs and attitudes associated with preventing an unplanned pregnancy and seeking preconception care were assessed using a validated questionnaire; scales included benefits, barriers, personal attitudes and self-efficacy. Knowledge of pregnancy planning and pregnancy-related risks were assessed by a 22-item questionnaire.

Results: After viewing the DVD there was significant positive change in women’s perceived benefits of, and their personal attitudes to, receiving preconception care and using contraception: change in score post-DVD viewing 0.7 (95% confidence interval 0.3, 1.2), P = 0.003, and 0.8 (0.3, 1.2), P = 0.001, respectively. The DVD significantly improved self-efficacy, that is, self-confidence to use contraception for prevention of an unplanned pregnancy and to access preconception care [3.3 (1.9, 4.7), P < 0.001], and significantly reduced perceived barriers to preconception care [-0.7 (-1.2, -0.2), P = 0.01]. Knowledge of pregnancy planning and pregnancy-related risks increased significantly after viewing the DVD: mean increase was 37.6 ± 20.0%, P < 0.001, and 16.9 ± 21.2%, P < 0.001, respectively.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a DVD in increasing knowledge and enhancing attitudes of women with diabetes to preconception care. This DVD could be used as a prepregnancy counselling resource to prepare women with diabetes for pregnancy.


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Background Recommendations by the UK Department of Health suggest that protection from neural tube defects (NTD) can be achieved through intakes of an extra 400 mu g daily of folate/folic acid as natural food, foods fortified with folic acid, or supplements. The assumption is that all three routes of intervention would have equal effects on folate status.

Methods We assessed the effectiveness of these suggested routes of intervention in optimising folate status. 62 women were recruited from the University staff and students to take part in a 3-month intervention study. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the following five groups: folic acid supplement (400 mu g/day; I); folic-acid-fortified foods (an additional 400 mu g/day; II); dietary folate (an additional 400 mu g/day; III); dietary advice (IV), and control (V). Responses to intervention were assessed as changes in red-cell folate between preintervention and postintervention values.

Findings 41 women completed the intervention study. Red-cell folate concentrations increased significantly over the 3 months in the groups taking folic acid supplements (group I) or food fortified with folic acid (group II) only (p<0.01 for both groups). By contrast, although aggressive intervention with dietary folate (group III) or dietary advice (group IV) significantly increased intake of food folate (p<0.001 and p<0.05, respectively), there was no significant change in folate status.

Interpretation We have shown that compared with supplements and fortified food, consumption of extra folate as natural food folate is relatively ineffective at increasing folate status. We believe that advice to women to consume folate-rich foods as a means to optimise folate status is misleading.


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Fruit and vegetable (FV) intake, which is often low in older people, may be associated with improved muscle strength and physical function. However, there is a shortage of intervention trial evidence to support this. The current study examined the effect of increased FV consumption on measures of muscle strength and physical function among healthy, free-living older adults. A randomized controlled intervention study was undertaken. Eighty-three participants aged 65-85 years, habitually consuming =2 portions of FV/day, were randomised to continue their normal diet (=2 portions/day), or to consume =5 portions of FV/day for 16 weeks. FV were delivered to all participants each week, free of charge. Compliance was monitored at baseline, 6, 12 and 16 weeks by diet history and by measuring biomarkers of micronutrient status. Grip strength was measured by a hand-held dynamometer, while lower-extremity physical function was assessed by performance-based measures. Eighty-two participants completed the intervention. The 5 portions/day group showed greater change in daily FV consumption compared to the 2 portions/day group (P?


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Aims: Palliative care in long-term care (LTC) homes is an area of growing concern. Little work has been done to explore innovative ways to identify and care for residents who become palliative. The purpose of this intervention study was to evaluate the implementation of the Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) in LTC. Specifically we explored staff perceptions about implementing the PPS and how it cued staff to initiate palliative care discussion with residents and family when a resident’s health declined.

Methods: This study utilized a qualitative descriptive design that included data from four separate sources: journals of three ‘champions’ who were responsible for leading the implementation of the PPS; staff evaluations of three educational training sessions; minutes from meetings; and 11 interviews from key staff who were involved in the implementation process. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis.

Results: Staff generally felt positively about using the PPS in LTC and stated that it increased awareness of palliative care and helped identify those residents who were nearing the end of life. There were some barriers to implementing it, such as staff resistance and lack of time to complete it. The importance of having a designated ‘champion’ and effective interdisciplinary communication in addition to widespread training, were identified as successful strategies to facilitate the implementation process.

Conclusion: These study findings support the use of the PPS in LTC and offer some perspective about ways to implement it successfully. Future work is needed to evaluate the PPS in LTC using more rigorous designs.


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To compare methods to estimate the incidence of visual field progression used by 3 large randomized trials of glaucoma treatment by applying these methods to a common data set of annually obtained visual field measurements of patients with glaucoma followed up for an average of 6 years.


The methods used by the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS), the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS), and the Early Manifest Glaucoma Treatment study (EMGT) were applied to 67 eyes of 56 patients with glaucoma enrolled in a 10-year natural history study of glaucoma using Program 30-2 of the Humphrey Field Analyzer (Humphrey Instruments, San Leandro, Calif). The incidence of apparent visual field progression was estimated for each method. Extent of agreement between the methods was calculated, and time to apparent progression was compared.


The proportion of patients progressing was 11%, 22%, and 23% with AGIS, CIGTS, and EMGT methods, respectively. Clinical assessment identified 23% of patients who progressed, but only half of these were also identified by CIGTS or EMGT methods. The CIGTS and the EMGT had comparable incidence rates, but only half of those identified by 1 method were also identified by the other.


The EMGT and CIGTS methods produced rates of apparent progression that were twice those of the AGIS method. Although EMGT, CIGTS, and clinical assessment rates were comparable, they did not identify the same patients as having had field progression.


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O presente trabalho propõe-se analisar as características fonológicas de 14 crianças com perturbação de linguagem (PL) e comparar com 14 crianças que apresentam desenvolvimento linguístico normal (estudo 1). As crianças com PL foram divididas em dois sub-grupos: as crianças com PL com quociente de inteligência não verbal (QINV) normal e as crianças com PL com QINV baixo. O estudo 2 visa analisar a eficácia de duas abordagens de intervenção (articulatória e fonológica) no grupo das 14 crianças com PL, usando um estudo experimental controlado randomizado. As medidas de resultados incluem indicadores de severidade (e.g., percentagem de consoantes correctas; percentagem de ocorrência de processos fonológicos; inventário fonético) e de inteligibilidade (palavras isoladas e fala encadeada). O trabalho pretende ainda analisar a resposta ao tratamento das crianças tendo em conta o seu nível de QINV. Foi também desenvolvido um questionário para obter as opiniões dos pais (análise qualitativa) sobre as abordagens de intervenção implementadas. Os resultados obtidos no estudo 1 indicam que as crianças com PL apresentam dificuldades graves a nível do desenvolvimento fonológico. Estas dificuldades evidenciaram-se pela percentagem reduzida de consoantes correctas e pela elevada frequência de utilização de processos fonológicos típicos nas crianças com PL quando comparadas com as crianças com desenvolvimento da linguagem normal. Verificou-se que as crianças com PL também apresentaram processos fonológicos que não são frequentes no desenvolvimento fonológico normal. Neste estudo verificou-se ainda que as crianças com QINV baixo e as crianças com QINV normal não apresentaram uma performance significativamente diferente nas medidas analisadas. Os resultados do estudo da análise da eficácia das abordagens de intervenção indicam que as duas abordagens foram eficazes na melhoria da produção das crianças. Os resultados mostraram uma diferença significativa no grupo tratado com a abordagem fonológica (AF) (p = 0.018) e no grupo tratado com a abordagem articulatória (AA) (p = 0.018) relativamente à diferença entre a PCC obtida antes e depois da intervenção terapêutica. Verificou-se também uma diferença significativa (p = 0.015) entre os dois grupos de intervenção o que sugere que o grupo das crianças tratadas com a AF apresentou uma evolução significativamente maior a nível da PCC comparativamente ao grupo das crianças tratadas com a AA. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo mostraram também que as diferenças a nível do QINV não influenciaram a resposta ao tratamento. Todos os pais consideraram que a intervenção contribuiu para a evolução das crianças, e que a terapia os ajudou a compreender melhor os seus filhos. Relativamente às experiências de inteligibilidade, os resultados foram obtidos através de um conjunto de ouvintes, entre os quais se verificou uma elevada concordância. Os resultados destas experiências mostraram que a AF foi eficaz na melhoria da inteligibilidade das palavras e da fala encadeada das crianças, ao contrário da AA.


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The human gut microbiome is known to be associated with various human disorders, but a major challenge is to go beyond association studies and elucidate causalities. Mathematical modeling of the human gut microbiome at a genome scale is a useful tool to decipher microbe-microbe, diet-microbe and microbe-host interactions. Here, we describe the CASINO (Community And Systems-level INteractive Optimization) toolbox, a comprehensive computational platform for analysis of microbial communities through metabolic modeling. We first validated the toolbox by simulating and testing the performance of single bacteria and whole communities in vitro. Focusing on metabolic interactions between the diet, gut microbiota, and host metabolism, we demonstrated the predictive power of the toolbox in a diet-intervention study of 45 obese and overweight individuals and validated our predictions by fecal and blood metabolomics data. Thus, modeling could quantitatively describe altered fecal and serum amino acid levels in response to diet intervention.


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CONTEXT: Existing data regarding the association between growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and liver fat content are conflicting. OBJECTIVE: We aimed i) to assess intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL) content in hypopituitary adults with GHD compared to matched controls and ii) to evaluate the effect of growth hormone (GH) replacement on IHCL content. DESIGN: Cross-sectional comparison and controlled intervention study. PATIENTS, PARTICIPANTS: Cross-sectional comparison: 22 hypopituitary adults with GHD and 44 healthy controls matched for age, BMI, gender and ethnicity. Intervention study: 9 GHD patients starting GH replacement (GH Rx group), 9 GHD patients not starting replacement therapy (non-GH Rx group). INTERVENTION: Intervention study:GH replacement for 6 months in the GH Rx group, dosage was titrated to achieve normal IGF-1 levels. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: IHCL content determined by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1 H MRS). RESULTS: Cross-sectional comparison: There was no difference in IHCL content between GHD patients and healthy controls (1.89% (0.30, 4.03) vs. 1.14% (0.22, 2.32); p=0.2), the prevalence of patients with hepatic steatosis (IHCL of ≥ 5.56%) was similar in the two groups (22.7% vs. 15.9%; chi square probability = 0.4). Intervention study: The change in IHCL content over 6 months did not differ between the GH Rx group and the non-GH Rx group (-0.63 ± 4.53% vs. +0.11 ± 1.46%; p=0.6). CONCLUSIONS: In our study liver fat content and the prevalence of hepatic steatosis did not differ between hypopituitary adults with GHD and matched controls. In GHD patients GH replacement had no effect on liver fat content.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialidade Intervenção Precoce