971 resultados para Ultrasound imaging


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El impacto que ha generado el trauma en Colombia a lo largo de la historia, nos ha obligado a mejorar y adaptar diferentes tipos de sistemas de atención en trauma, basados en los lineamientos internacionales, los cuales buscan evitar el significativo aumento en las tasas de mortalidad y discapacidad que se obtienen de este, especialmente en los servicios de Emergencias en los cuales se reciben el 100% de estos pacientes con traumatismo múltiple o politraumatismo. Dentro de este grupo de pacientes hay un subgrupo que son las pacientes con trauma de abdomen que cursan con estabilidad hemodinámica y además son clasificados de bajo riesgo, ya sea por índices de trauma o por otros métodos como la medición sérica de lactato, los cuales tienen un papel poco despreciable al momento de ver mortalidad y discapacidad por trauma, ya sea penetrante o cerrado; en este trabajo específicamente nos centramos en las personas que consultan al servicio de Emergencias con trauma cerrado de abdomen los cuales son considerados de bajo riesgo, siendo este subgrupo de pacientes uno de los más difíciles de abordar y enfocar al momento de la valoración inicial, ya que se debe tener la seguridad de que no hay lesiones que comprometen la vida y por consiguiente estos pacientes puedan ser dados de alta.


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Sixteen formalin-fixed foetal livers were scanned in vitro using a new system for estimating volume from a sequence of multiplanar 2D ultrasound images. Three different scan techniques were used (radial, parallel and slanted) and four volume estimation algorithms (ellipsoid, planimetry, tetrahedral and ray tracing). Actual liver volumes were measured by water displacement. Twelve of the sixteen livers also received x-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) scans and the volumes were calculated using voxel counting and planimetry. The percentage accuracy (mean ± SD) was 5.3 ± 4.7%, −3.1 ± 9.6% and −0.03 ± 9.7% for ultrasound (radial scans, ray volumes), MR and CT (voxel counting) respectively. The new system may be useful for accurately estimating foetal liver volume in utero.


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Malignant or benign tumors may be ablated with high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This technique, known as focused ultrasound surgery (FUS), has been actively investigated for decades, but slow to be implemented and difficult to control due to lack of real‐time feedback during ablation. Two methods of imaging and monitoring HIFU lesions during formation were implemented simultaneously, in order to investigate the efficacy of each and to increase confidence in the detection of the lesion. The first, Acousto‐Optic Imaging (AOI) detects the increasing optical absorption and scattering in the lesion. The intensity of a diffuse optical field in illuminated tissue is mapped at the spatial resolution of an ultrasound focal spot, using the acousto‐optic effect. The second, Harmonic Motion Imaging (HMI), detects the changing stiffness in the lesion. The HIFU beam is modulated to force oscillatory motion in the tissue, and the amplitude of this motion, measured by ultrasound pulse‐echo techniques, is influenced by the stiffness. Experiments were performed on store‐bought chicken breast and freshly slaughtered bovine liver. The AOI results correlated with the onset and relative size of forming lesions much better than prior knowledge of the HIFU power and duration. For HMI, a significant artifact was discovered due to acoustic nonlinearity. The artifact was mitigated by adjusting the phase of the HIFU and imaging pulses. A more detailed model of the HMI process than previously published was made using finite element analysis. The model showed that the amplitude of harmonic motion was primarily affected by increases in acoustic attenuation and stiffness as the lesion formed and the interaction of these effects was complex and often counteracted each other. Further biological variability in tissue properties meant that changes in motion were masked by sample‐to‐sample variation. The HMI experiments predicted lesion formation in only about a quarter of the lesions made. In simultaneous AOI/HMI experiments it appeared that AOI was a more robust method for lesion detection.


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L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est une cause principale de décès et de morbidité dans le monde; une bonne partie des AVC est causée par la plaque d’athérosclérose carotidienne. La prévention de l’AVC chez les patients ayant une plaque carotidienne demeure controversée, vu les risques et bénéfices ambigus associés au traitement chirurgical ou médical. Plusieurs méthodes d’imagerie ont été développées afin d’étudier la plaque vulnérable (dont le risque est élevé), mais aucune n’est suffisamment validée ou accessible pour permettre une utilisation comme outil de dépistage. L’élastographie non-invasive vasculaire (NIVE) est une technique nouvelle qui cartographie les déformations (élasticité) de la plaque afin de détecter les plaque vulnérables; cette technique n’est pas encore validée cliniquement. Le but de ce projet est d’évaluer la capacité de NIVE de caractériser la composition de la plaque et sa vulnérabilité in vivo chez des patients ayant des plaques sévères carotidiennes, en utilisant comme étalon de référence, l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) à haute-résolution. Afin de poursuivre cette étude, une connaissance accrue de l’AVC, l’athérosclérose, la plaque vulnérable, ainsi que des techniques actuelles d’imagerie de la plaque carotidienne, est requise. Trente-et-un sujets ont été examinés par NIVE par ultrasonographie et IRM à haute-résolution. Sur 31 plaques, 9 étaient symptomatiques, 17 contenaient des lipides, et 7 étaient vulnérables selon l’IRM. Les déformations étaient significativement plus petites chez les plaques contenant des lipides, avec une sensibilité élevée et une spécificité modérée. Une association quadratique entre la déformation et la quantité de lipide a été trouvée. Les déformations ne pouvaient pas distinguer les plaques vulnérables ou symptomatiques. En conclusion, NIVE par ultrasonographie est faisable chez des patients ayant des sténoses carotidiennes significatives et peut détecter la présence d’un coeur lipidique. Des études supplémentaires de progression de la plaque avec NIVE sont requises afin d’identifier les plaques vulnérables.


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Purpose: We present an iterative framework for CT reconstruction from transmission ultrasound data which accurately and efficiently models the strong refraction effects that occur in our target application: Imaging the female breast. Methods: Our refractive ray tracing framework has its foundation in the fast marching method (FNMM) and it allows an accurate as well as efficient modeling of curved rays. We also describe a novel regularization scheme that yields further significant reconstruction quality improvements. A final contribution is the development of a realistic anthropomorphic digital breast phantom based on the NIH Visible Female data set. Results: Our system is able to resolve very fine details even in the presence of significant noise, and it reconstructs both sound speed and attenuation data. Excellent correspondence with a traditional, but significantly more computationally expensive wave equation solver is achieved. Conclusions: Apart from the accurate modeling of curved rays, decisive factors have also been our regularization scheme and the high-quality interpolation filter we have used. An added benefit of our framework is that it accelerates well on GPUs where we have shown that clinical 3D reconstruction speeds on the order of minutes are possible.


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In this work we examine the reliability and validity (in comparison to magnetic resonance imaging; MRI) of real-time ultrasound measures of lumbar erector spinae thickness. We also consider the between-day reliability of the lumbar multifidus muscle area as measured via ultrasound. 23 male subjects aged 21-45 years were measured three times over the course of nine days by one operator. The first (L1) through to the fifth (L5) lumbar vertebral levels were measured on the left and right sides. MRI was performed on the same day as first ultrasound scanning. For between-day intra-rater reliability, intra-class correlation co-efficients (ICCs), standard error of the measurement, minimal detectable difference and co-efficients of variation (CVs) were calculated along with their 95% confidence intervals and Bland-Altman analysis was performed. On Bland-Altman analysis, erector spinae thickness and multifidus area ultrasound measures 'agreed' with equivalent MR measures, though the correlation between MR and ultrasound measures was typically poor to moderate. For both ultrasound measures, the ICCs ranged from 'moderate' to 'excellent' at individual vertebral levels, although multifidus area (CV ranged from 8 to 15%) was less reliable than erector spinae thickness (CV ranged from 6 to 10%). 'Agreement' on Bland-Altmann analysis was present between days for all ultrasound measures. Averaging between sides and between vertebral levels improved reliability. Average erector spinae thickness showed a CV of 5.5% (ICC 0.77) and average multifidus area 6.2% (ICC 0.80).


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Degeneration of tendon tissue is a common cause of tendon dysfunction with the symptoms of repeated episodes of pain and palpable increase of tendon thickness. Tendon mechanical properties are directly related to its physiological composition and the structural organization of the interior collagen fibers which could be altered by tendon degeneration due to overuse or injury. Thus, measuring mechanical properties of tendon tissue may represent a quantitative measurement of pain, reduced function, and tissue health. Ultrasound elasticity imaging has been developed in the last two decades and has proved to be a promising tool for tissue elasticity imaging. To date, however, well established protocols of tendinopathy elasticity imaging for diagnosing tendon degeneration in early stages or late stages do not exist. This thesis describes the re-creation of one dynamic ultrasound elasticity imaging method and the development of an ultrasound transient shear wave elasticity imaging platform for tendon and other musculoskeletal tissue imaging. An experimental mechanical stage with proper supporting systems and accurate translating stages was designed and made. A variety of high-quality tissue-mimicking phantoms were made to simulate homogeneous and heterogeneous soft tissues as well as tendon tissues. A series of data acquisition and data processing programs were developed to collect the displacement data from the phantom and calculate the shear modulus and Young’s modulus of the target. The imaging platform was found to be capable of conducting comparative measurements of the elastic parameters of the phantoms and quantitatively mapping elasticity onto ultrasound B-Mode images. This suggests the system has great potential for not only benefiting individuals with tendinopathy with an earlier detection, intervention and better rehabilitation, but also for providing a medical tool for quantification of musculoskeletal tissue dysfunction in other regions of the body such as the shoulder, elbow and knee.


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Aim: To evaluate the early response to treatment to an antiangiogenetic drug (sorafenib) in a heterotopic murine model of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using ultrasonographic molecular imaging. Material and Methods: the xenographt model was established injecting a suspension of HuH7 cells subcutaneously in 19 nude mice. When tumors reached a mean diameter of 5-10 mm, they were divided in two groups (treatment and vehicle). The treatment group received sorafenib (62 mg/kg) by daily oral gavage for 14 days. Molecular imaging was performed using contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), by injecting into the mouse venous circulation a suspension of VEGFR-2 targeted microbubbles (BR55, kind gift of Bracco Swiss, Geneve, Switzerland). Video clips were acquired for 6 minutes, then microbubbles (MBs) were destroyed by a high mechanical index (MI) impulse, and another minute was recorded to evaluate residual circulating MBs. The US protocol was repeated at day 0,+2,+4,+7, and +14 from the beginning of treatment administration. Video clips were analyzed using a dedicated software (Sonotumor, Bracco Swiss) to quantify the signal of the contrast agent. Time/intensity curves were obtained and the difference of the mean MBs signal before and after high MI impulse (Differential Targeted Enhancement-dTE) was calculated. dTE represents a numeric value in arbitrary units proportional to the amount of bound MBs. At day +14 mice were euthanized and the tumors analyzed for VEGFR-2, pERK, and CD31 tissue levels using western blot analysis. Results: dTE values decreased from day 0 to day +14 both in treatment and vehicle groups, and they were statistically higher in vehicle group than in treatment group at day +2, at day +7, and at day +14. With respect to the degree of tumor volume increase, measured as growth percentage delta (GPD), treatment group was divided in two sub-groups, non-responders (GPD>350%), and responders (GPD<200%). In the same way vehicle group was divided in slow growth group (GPD<400%), and fast growth group (GPD>900%). dTE values at day 0 (immediately before treatment start) were higher in non-responders than in responders group, with statistical difference at day 2. While dTE values were higher in the fast growth group than in the slow growth group only at day 0. A significant positive correlation was found between VEGFR-2 tissue levels and dTE values, confirming that level of BR55 tissue enhancement reflects the amount of tissue VEGF receptor. Conclusions: the present findings show that, at least in murine experimental models, CEUS with BR55 is feasable and appears to be a useful tool in the prediction of tumor growth and response to sorafenib treatment in xenograft HCC.


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BACKGROUND: /st> Retrobulbar anaesthesia allows eye surgery in awake patients. Severe complications of the blind techniques are reported. Ultrasound-guided needle introduction and direct visualization of the spread of local anaesthetic may improve quality and safety of retrobulbar anaesthesia. Therefore, we developed a new ultrasound-guided technique using human cadavers. METHODS: /st> In total, 20 blocks on both sides in 10 embalmed human cadavers were performed. Using a small curved array transducer and a long-axis approach, a 22 G short bevel needle was introduced under ultrasound guidance lateral and caudal of the eyeball until the needle tip was seen 2 mm away from the optic nerve. At this point, 2 ml of contrast dye as a substitute for local anaesthetic was injected. Immediately after the injection, the spread of the contrast dye was documented by means of CT scans performed in each cadaver. RESULTS: /st> The CT scans showed the distribution of the contrast dye in the muscle cone and behind the posterior sclera in all but one case. No contrast dye was found inside the optic nerve or inside the eyeball. In one case, there could be an additional trace of contrast dye behind the orbita. CONCLUSIONS: /st> Our new ultrasound-guided technique has the potential to improve safety and efficacy of the procedure by direct visualization of the needle placement and the distribution of the injected fluid. Furthermore, the precise injection near the optic nerve could lead to a reduction of the amount of the local anaesthetic needed with fewer related complications.


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BACKGROUND: During paravertebral block, the anterolateral limit of the paravertebral space, which consists of the pleura, should preferably not be perforated. Also it is possible that, during the block, the constant superior costotransverse ligament can be missed in the loss-of-resistance technique. We therefore aimed to develop a new technique for an ultrasound-guided puncture of the paravertebral space. METHODS: We performed 20 punctures and catheter placements in 10 human cadavers. A sonographic view showing the pleura and the superior costotransverse ligament was obtained with a slightly oblique scan using a curved array transducer. After inline approach, injection of 10 ml normal saline confirmed the correct position of the needle tip, distended the space, and enabled catheter insertion. The spread of contrast dye injected through the catheters was assessed by CT scans. RESULTS: The superior costotransverse ligament and the paravertebral space were easy to identify. The needle tip reached the paravertebral space without problems under visualization. In contrast, the introduction of the catheter was difficult. The CT scan revealed a correct paravertebral spread of contrast in 11 cases. Out of the remaining, one catheter was found in the pleural space, in six cases there was an epidural, and in two cases there was a prevertebral spread of contrast dye. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully developed a technique for an accurate ultrasound-guided puncture of the paravertebral space. We also showed that when a catheter is introduced through the needle with the tip lying in the paravertebral space, there is a high probability of catheter misplacement into the epidural, mediastinal, or pleural spaces.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reliability and validity of a novel ultrasound (US) imaging method to measure metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) finger joint cartilage. METHODS: We examined 48 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 18 patients with osteoarthritis (OA), 24 patients with unclassified arthritis of the finger joints, and 34 healthy volunteers. The proximal cartilage layer of MCP and PIP joints for fingers 2-5 was bilaterally visualized from a posterior view, with joints in approximately 90 degrees flexion. Cartilage thickness was measured with integrated tools on static images. External validity was assessed by measuring radiologic joint space width (JSW) and a numeric joint space narrowing (JSN) score in patients with RA. RESULTS: Precise measurement was possible for 97.5% of MCP and 94.2% of PIP joints. Intraclass correlation coefficients for bilateral total joint US scores were 0.844 (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.648-0.935) for interobserver comparisons and 0.928 (95% CI 0.826-0.971) for intraobserver comparisons (using different US devices). The US score correlated with JSN for both hands (adjusted R(2) = 0.513, P < 0.001) and JSW of the same finger joints (adjusted R(2) = 0.635, P < 0.001). Reduced cartilage shown by US allowed discrimination of early symptomatic OA versus early RA and healthy joints. In patients with RA, US scores correlated with duration of treatment-resistant, progressive RA. CONCLUSION: The US method of direct visualization and quantification of cartilage in MCP and PIP joints is objective, reliable, valid, and can be useful for diagnostic purposes in patients with arthritis.


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OBJECTIVES: To study the validity of both rheumatological and orthodontic examinations and ultrasound (US) as screening methods for early diagnosis of TMJ arthritis against the gold standard MRI. METHODS: Thirty consecutive juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients were included in this pilot study. Rheumatological and orthodontic examinations as well as US were performed within 1 month of the MRI in a blinded fashion. Joint effusion and/or increased contrast enhancement of synovium or bone were considered signs of active arthritis on MRI. RESULTS: A total of 19/30 (63%) patients and 33/60 (55%) joints had signs of TMJ involvement on MRI. This was associated with condylar deformity in 9/19 (47%) patients and 15/33 (45%) joints. Rheumatological, orthodontic and US examinations correctly diagnosed 11 (58%), 9 (47%) and 6 (33%) patients, respectively, with active TMJ arthritis, but misdiagnosed 8 (42%), 10 (53%) and 12 (67%) patients, respectively, as having no signs of inflammation. The best predictor for active arthritis on MRI was a reduced maximum mouth opening. CONCLUSION: None of the methods tested was able to reliably predict the presence or absence of MRI-proven inflammation in the TMJ in our cohort of JIA patients. US was the least useful of all methods tested to exclude active TMJ arthritis.