135 resultados para Rifampicin


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P-Glykoprotein (P-gp) ist ein ATP-verbrauchender Transporter, der in Organschranken exprimiert wird, um Fremdstoffe auszuschleusen, darunter auch Psychopharmaka. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde im Tiermodell der Maus untersucht, welche pharmakokinetischen und pharmakodynamischen Konsequenzen sich bei Verabreichung von Risperidon als P-gp Modellsubstrat ergeben, wenn die Expression von P-gp induziert wird. Als potenzielle Induktoren wurden Dexamethason, Rifampicin, Quercetin, 5-Pregnen-3ß-ol-20-on-16α-Carbonitril (PCN) und Acitretin geprüft. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle Substanzen die Verteilung von Risperidon und seinem aktiven Metaboliten 9-Hydroxyrisperidon beeinflussten. Während sich für Quercetin und Acitretin leichte P-gp inhibitorische Eigenschaften ergaben, die an Hand von erhöhten Konzentrationen von Risperidon und 9-Hydroxyrisperidon gezeigt werden konnten, führten die bekannten P-gp Induktoren Rifampicin, Dexamethason und PCN zu verringerten Konzentrationen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Durch Western Blot Untersuchungen wurde bestätigt, dass die Induktoren die P-gp Expression im Hirngewebe tendenziell steigerten. Dies sprach dafür, dass bei Verabreichung einer Komedikation, die P-gp induziert, mit einer veränderten Verteilung von P-gp Substraten zu rechnen ist. Darüber hinaus konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass durch eine Hemmung bzw. Induktion von P-gp nicht nur die Pharmakokinetik, sondern auch die Pharmakodynamik von Risperidon und 9-Hydroxyrisperidon verändert wird. Dies wurde durch verhaltenspharmakologische Untersuchungen gezeigt. Durch Risperidon induzierte motorische Effekte auf dem RotaRod waren nach Induktion von P-gp abgeschwächt. Dies zeigte sich auch für Haloperidol, welches kein Substrat ist. Da P-gp abhängige Effekte in diesem Fall keine bedeutende Rolle spielen, ist davon auszugehen, dass neben der Induktion von P-gp an der Blut-Hirn Schranke auch andere Mechanismen wie z.B. eine Induktion von Enzymen der CYP-Familie an den beobachteten Effekten beteiligt sind. Bei Untersuchungen von kognitiven Leistungen in der Barnes Maze konnte gezeigt werden, dass Haloperidol im Gegensatz zu Risperidon das Lernverhalten negativ beeinflussen kann. Eine P-gp Induktion schien jedoch keinen deutlichen Einfluss auf das Lernverhalten unter Antipsychotika-Gabe zu haben und sprach vielmehr für substanzabhängige Effekte der einzelnen Antipsychotika bzw. P-gp Modulatoren. Zusatzuntersuchungen zur Hirngängigkeit von Acitretin, einem synthetischen Retinoid, welches derzeit als potenzielles Antidementivum geprüft wird, konnten belegen, dass es die Blut-Hirn Schranke überwindet. Bereits 1h nach Injektion war Acitretin in hoher Konzentration im Gehirn nachweisbar. Durch die Analyse zur Verteilung von Acitretin in Hirngewebe und Serum von P-gp Wildtyp und P-gp doppel knockout Mäusen konnte belegt werden, dass Acitretin nicht P-gp abhängig transportiert wird. Die Daten insgesamt betrachtet, lassen den Schluss zu, dass durch Verabreichung von Medikamenten, die P-gp Modulatoren sind, bei Antipsychotika mit pharmakokinetischen Interaktionen zu rechnen ist, welche die Wirksamkeit der Medikamente einschränken können.


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In Leber und Dünndarm bauen CYP3A-Enzyme eine Vielzahl von Fremdstoffen ab, die in den Körper gelangt sind. Zudem aber sind diese Enzyme auch in anderen Organen, wie der Haut exprimiert. Doch weder die genaue Zusammensetzung der CYP3A-Isozyme noch deren physiologische Rolle in der Haut sind bisher bekannt. Basierend auf begrenzten in vitro-Daten ist eine Rolle der CYP3A in der kutanen Vitamin D-Synthese denkbar. Auf der anderen Seite könnten die kutanen CYP3A auch lokal oder systemisch verabreichte Medikamente in der Haut verstoffwechseln und so zur Entstehung immunologischer und nicht-immunologischer unerwünschter Arzneimittelwirkungen beitragen, von denen sich bis zu 45 % in der Haut manifestieren.rnDie Arbeitshypothese dieses Projekts war, dass die CYP3A die kutane Synthese von Vitamin D regulieren. In dieser Funktion wurden sie zur Vermeidung von Vitamin D-Mangel-Erkrankungen wie Rachitis oder Osteomalazie in Europäern negativ selektiert. rnDie Expression und Regulation der CYP3A wurde in Hautbiopsien, einer Zelllinie epidermalen Ursprungs und primären Hautzellen wie auch in transgenen Mäusen untersucht. Die metabolische Aktivität der CYP3A gegenüber den kutanen Vitamin D-Vorstufen wurde mit Hilfe rekombinant exprimierter Enzyme untersucht. CYP3A5-mRNA war die häufigste der CYP3A in humanen Hautproben und überstieg die von CYP3A4 um das Dreifache, die von CYP3A7 um das 130-Fache. Damit entsprach diese 1,3 %, 0,01 % bzw. 0,01 % der jeweiligen hepatischen Genexpression. Die Expression von CYP3A43 war zu vernachlässigen. CYP3A5 zeigte eine bimodale Expression sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Proteinebene. So zeigten Träger der Wildtyp-Allels *1 eine 3,3-fach höhere mRNA- und 1,8-fach höhere Proteinmenge als homozygote Träger des Nullallels *3. CYP3A4/7- und CYP3A5-Protein wurde v. a. in den Keratinozyten der Epidermis und den Talgdrüsen, also den Bereichen der kutanen Vitamin D-Synthese lokalisiert. Die CYP3A5-Expression wurde ferner in der Haut transgener Mäusen gezeigt, die das Reportergen Luziferase unter Kontrolle des humanen CYP3A5-Promoters exprimieren. Verglichen mit der Leber war die kutane Expression des Vitamin D-Rezeptors (VDR) 100-fach höher, die der Xenosensoren CAR und PXR vergleichbar bzw. zu vernachlässigen. Dementsprechend erhöhte die Behandlung mit 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D, dem aktiven Vitamin D-Hormon, und dessen Vorstufen außer 7-Dehydrocholesterol, jedoch nicht der PXR-Ligand Rifampicin, die Expression der CYP3A. Wie in Zwei-Hybrid-Experimenten gezeigt, wurden die Effekte des 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D und dessen Vorstufen alleinig durch VDR vermittelt. Die Effektstärke hingegen war abhängig von Zellspender, Zellpassage und Zelltypus. Alle drei CYP3A-Isozyme metabolisieren Vitamin D zu einem oder mehreren unbekannten Metaboliten, jedoch nicht zu 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, dem direkten Vorläufer des aktiven Vitamin D. rnZusammengefasst legen die Daten nahe, dass die kutanen CYP3A, allen voran CYP3A5, die Vitamin D-Homöostase durch VDR-vermittelte Induktion des Abbaus von Vitamin D-Vorstufen regulieren. Dies zusammen mit Sequenzdaten liefert starke Indizien für Vitamin D als treibende Kraft der Selektion des CYP3A-Lokus in Europäern. Der Einfluss der CYP3A-Expression auf selektiv wirksame, klinisch relevante Knochenveränderungen wie Rachitis oder Osteomalazie müssen folgen.rn


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the phenotypic and genotypic resistance profiles of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) and to examine the clonal distribution in Europe and North America. METHODS: A total of 103 MRSP isolates from dogs isolated from several countries in Europe, the USA and Canada were characterized. Isolates were identified by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by broth dilution or gradient diffusion, and antimicrobial resistance genes were detected using a microarray. Genetic diversity was assessed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), PFGE and spa typing. Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) elements were characterized by multiplex PCR. RESULTS: Thirteen different sequence types (STs), 18 PFGE types and 8 spa types were detected. The hybrid SCCmec element II-III described in a MRSP isolate was present in 75 (72.8%) isolates. The remaining isolates either had SCCmec type III (n=2), IV (n=6), V (n=14) or VII-241 (n=4) or were non-typeable (n=2). The most common genotypes were ST71(MLST)-J(PFGE)-t02(spa)-II-III(SCCmec) (56.3%) and ST68-C-t06-V (12.6%). In addition to mecA-mediated beta-lactam resistance, isolates showed resistance to trimethoprim [dfr(G)] (90.3%), gentamicin/kanamycin [aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia] (88.3%), kanamycin [aph(3')-III] (90.3%), streptomycin [ant(6')-Ia] (90.3%), streptothricin (sat4) (90.3%), macrolides and/or lincosamides [erm(B), lnu(A)] (89.3%), fluoroquinolones (87.4%), tetracycline [tet(M) and/or tet(K)] (69.9%), chloramphenicol (cat(pC221)) (57.3%) and rifampicin (1.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Two major clonal MRSP lineages have disseminated in Europe (ST71-J-t02-II-III) and North America (ST68-C-t06-V). Regardless of their geographical or clonal origin, the isolates displayed resistance to the major classes of antibiotics used in veterinary medicine and thus infections caused by MRSP isolates represent a serious therapeutic challenge.


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Clopidogrel is a prodrug used widely as a platelet aggregation inhibitor. After intestinal absorption, approximately 90% is converted to inactive clopidogrel carboxylate and 10% via a two-step procedure to the active metabolite containing a mercapto group. Hepatotoxicity is a rare but potentially serious adverse reaction associated with clopidogrel. The aim of this study was to find out the mechanisms and susceptibility factors for clopidogrel-associated hepatotoxicity. In primary human hepatocytes, clopidogrel (10 and 100μM) was cytotoxic only after cytochrome P450 (CYP) induction by rifampicin. Clopidogrel (10 and 100μM) was also toxic for HepG2 cells expressing human CYP3A4 (HepG2/CYP3A4) and HepG2 cells co-incubated with CYP3A4 supersomes (HepG2/CYP3A4 supersome), but not for wild-type HepG2 cells (HepG2/wt). Clopidogrel (100μM) decreased the cellular glutathione content in HepG2/CYP3A4 supersome and triggered an oxidative stress reaction (10 and 100µM) in HepG2/CYP3A4, but not in HepG2/wt. Glutathione depletion significantly increased the cytotoxicity of clopidogrel (10 and 100µM) in HepG2/CYP3A4 supersome. Co-incubation with 1μM ketoconazole or 10mM glutathione almost completely prevented the cytotoxic effect of clopidogrel in HepG2/CYP3A4 and HepG2/CYP3A4 supersome. HepG2/CYP3A4 incubated with 100μM clopidogrel showed mitochondrial damage and cytochrome c release, eventually promoting apoptosis and/or necrosis. In contrast to clopidogrel, clopidogrel carboxylate was not toxic for HepG2/wt or HepG2/CYP3A4 up to 100µM. In conclusion, clopidogrel incubated with CYP3A4 is associated with the formation of metabolites that are toxic for hepatocytes and can be trapped by glutathione. High CYP3A4 activity and low cellular glutathione stores may be risk factors for clopidogrel-associated hepatocellular toxicity.


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The purpose of this study was to acquire information about the effect of an antibacterial and biodegradable poly-L-lactide (PLLA) coated titanium plate osteosynthesis on local infection resistance. For our in vitro and in vivo experiments, we used six-hole AO DC minifragment titanium plates. The implants were coated with biodegradable, semiamorphous PLLA (coating about 30 microm thick). This acted as a carrier substance to which either antibiotics or antiseptics were added. The antibiotic we applied was a combination of Rifampicin and fusidic acid; the antiseptic was a combination of Octenidin and Irgasan. This produced the following groups: Group I: six-hole AO DC minifragment titanium plate without PLLA; Group II: six-hole AO DC minifragment titanium plate with PLLA without antibiotics/antiseptics; Group III: six-hole AO DC minifragment titanium plate with PLLA + 3% Rifampicin and 7% fusidic acid; Group IV: six-hole AO DC minifragment titanium plate with PLLA + 2% Octenidin and 8% Irgasan. In vitro, we investigated the degradation and the release of the PLLA coating over a period of 6 weeks, the bactericidal efficacy of antibiotics/antiseptics after their release from the coating and the bacterial adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus to the implants. In vivo, we compared the infection rates in white New Zealand rabbits after titanium plate osteosynthesis of the tibia with or without antibacterial coating after local percutaneous bacterial inoculations at different concentrations (2 x 10(5)-2 x 10(8)): The plate, the contaminated soft tissues and the underlying bone were removed under sterile conditions after 28 days and quantitatively evaluated for bacterial growth. A stepwise experimental design with an "up-and-down" dosage technique was used to adjust the bacterial challenge in the area of the ID50 (50% infection dose). Statistical evaluation of the differences between the infection rates of both groups was performed using the two-sided Fisher exact test (p < 0.05). Over a period of 6 weeks, a continuous degradation of the PLLA coating of 13%, on average, was seen in vitro in 0.9% NaCl solution. The elution tests on titanium implants with antibiotic or antiseptic coatings produced average release values of 60% of the incorporated antibiotic or 62% of the incorporated antiseptic within the first 60 min. This was followed by a much slower, but nevertheless continuous, release of the incorporated antibiotic and antiseptic over days and weeks. At the end of the test period of 42 days, 20% of the incorporated antibiotic and 15% of the incorporated antiseptic had not yet been released from the coating. The antibacterial effect of the antibiotic/antiseptic is not lost by integrating it into the PLLA coating. The overall infection rate in the in vivo investigation was 50%. For Groups I and II the infection rate was both 83% (10 of 12 animals). In Groups III and IV with antibacterial coating, the infection rate was both 17% (2 of 12 animals). The ID50 in the antibacterial coated Groups III and IV was recorded as 1 x 10(8) CFU, whereas the ID50 values in the Groups I and II without antibacterial coating were a hundred times lower at 1 x 10(6) CFU, respectively. The difference between the groups with and without antibacterial coating was statistically significant (p = 0.033). Using an antibacterial biodegradable PLLA coating on titanium plates, a significant reduction of infection rate in an in vitro and in vivo investigation could be demonstrated. For the first time, to our knowledge, we were able to show, under standardized and reproducible conditions, that an antiseptic coating leads to the same reduction in infection rate as an antibiotic coating. Taking the problem of antibiotic-induced bacterial resistance into consideration, we thus regard the antiseptic coating, which shows the same level of effectiveness, as advantageous.


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Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystal deposition disease may manifest clinically as septic fever (40 degrees C), acute pseudogout attack of knee, wrist and shoulders, or as a variety of patterns of chronic inflammatory or degenerative joint disease. The association of pseudogout with fever is less widely recognised and may lead to over-investigation, delay in appropriate treatment and disproportionate costs. We report on a 67-year-old woman with a history of recurrent episodes of fever and polyarthritis every 2 months for the last 3 years. Because of this she was hospitalised several times, finally with suspected culture-negative endocarditis, and was treated for 6 weeks with gentamicin, rifampicin and vancomycin. During this therapy the patient again developed septic fever and acute arthritis of the right wrist. Radiographs of the wrist, knee and symphysis pubis revealed prominent chondrocalcinosis and destructive arthropathy.


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In this study, we established cell culture conditions for primary equine hepatocytes allowing cytochrome P450 enzyme (CYP) induction experiments. Hepatocytes were isolated after a modified method of Bakala et al. (2003) and cultivated on collagen I coated plates. Three different media were compared for their influence on morphology, viability and CYP activity of the hepatocytes. CYP activity was evaluated with the fluorescent substrate 7-benzyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin. Induction experiments were carried out with rifampicin, dexamethasone or phenobarbital. Concentration-response curves for induction with rifampicin were created. Williams' medium E showed the best results on morphology and viability of the hepatocytes and was therefore used for the following induction experiments. Cells cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium were not inducible. Incubation with rifampicin increased the CYP activity in two different hepatocyte preparations in a dose dependent manner (EC50=1.20 μM and 6.06 μM; Emax=4.1- and 3.4-fold induction). No increase in CYP activity was detected after incubation with dexamethasone or phenobarbital. The hepatocyte culture conditions established in this study proved to be valuable for investigation of the induction of equine CYPs. In further studies, other equine drugs can be evaluated for CYP induction with this in vitro system.


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Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates usually carry a single carbapenemase (e.g. KPC, NDM, OXA-48-like). Here we describe an XDR K. pneumoniae of sequence type 101 that was detected in the screening rectal swab of a patient transferred from the intensive care unit of a hospital located in Belgrade (Serbia) to Bern University Hospital (Switzerland). The isolate was resistant to all antibiotics with the exception of colistin [minimum inhibitory concentration] (MIC≤0.125μg/mL), tigecycline (MIC=0.5μg/mL) and fosfomycin (MIC=2μg/mL). The isolate co-possessed class B (NDM-1) and class D (OXA-48) carbapenemases, class A extended-spectrum β-lactamase (CTX-M-15), class C cephalosporinase (CMY-16), ArmA 16S rRNA methyltransferase, substitutions in GyrA and ParC, loss of OmpK35 porin, as well as other genes conferring resistance to quinolones (qnrA), tetracyclines [tet(A)], sulfonamides (sul1, sul2), trimethoprim (dfrA12, dfrA14), rifampicin (arr-1), chloramphenicol (cmlA1, floR) and streptomycin (aadA1). The patient was placed under contact isolation precautions preventing the spread of this nearly untreatable pathogen.


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INTRODUCTION Rates of both TB/HIV co-infection and multi-drug-resistant (MDR) TB are increasing in Eastern Europe (EE). Data on the clinical management of TB/HIV co-infected patients are scarce. Our aim was to study the clinical characteristics of TB/HIV patients in Europe and Latin America (LA) at TB diagnosis, identify factors associated with MDR-TB and assess the activity of initial TB treatment regimens given the results of drug-susceptibility tests (DST). MATERIAL AND METHODS We enrolled 1413 TB/HIV patients from 62 clinics in 19 countries in EE, Western Europe (WE), Southern Europe (SE) and LA from January 2011 to December 2013. Among patients who completed DST within the first month of TB therapy, we linked initial TB treatment regimens to the DST results and calculated the distribution of patients receiving 0, 1, 2, 3 and ≥4 active drugs in each region. Risk factors for MDR-TB were identified in logistic regression models. RESULTS Significant differences were observed between EE (n=844), WE (n=152), SE (n=164) and LA (n=253) for use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) at TB diagnosis (17%, 40%, 44% and 35%, p<0.0001), a definite TB diagnosis (culture and/or PCR positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis; 47%, 71%, 72% and 40%, p<0.0001) and MDR-TB prevalence (34%, 3%, 3% and 11%, p <0.0001 among those with DST results). The history of injecting drug use [adjusted OR (aOR) = 2.03, (95% CI 1.00-4.09)], prior TB treatment (aOR = 3.42, 95% CI 1.88-6.22) and living in EE (aOR = 7.19, 95% CI 3.28-15.78) were associated with MDR-TB. For 569 patients with available DST, the initial TB treatment contained ≥3 active drugs in 64% of patients in EE compared with 90-94% of patients in other regions (Figure 1a). Had the patients received initial therapy with standard therapy [Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol (RHZE)], the corresponding proportions would have been 64% vs. 86-97%, respectively (Figure 1b). CONCLUSIONS In EE, TB/HIV patients had poorer exposure to cART, less often a definitive TB diagnosis and more often MDR-TB compared to other parts of Europe and LA. Initial TB therapy in EE was sub-optimal, with less than two-thirds of patients receiving at least three active drugs, and improved compliance with standard RHZE treatment does not seem to be the solution. Improved management of TB/HIV patients requires routine use of DST, initial TB therapy according to prevailing resistance patterns and more widespread use of cART.


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Mycolic acids are a major constituent of the mycobacterial cell wall, and they form an effective permeability barrier to protect mycobacteria from antimicrobial agents. Although the chemical structures of mycolic acids are well established, little is known on their biosynthesis. We have isolated a mycolate-deficient mutant strain of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2-155 by chemical mutagenesis followed by screening for increased sensitivity to novobiocin. This mutant also was hypersensitive to other hydrophobic compounds such as crystal violet, rifampicin, and erythromycin. Entry of hydrophobic probes into mutant cells occurred much more rapidly than that into the wild-type cells. HPLC and TLC analysis of fatty acid composition after saponification showed that the mutant failed to synthesize full-length mycolic acids. Instead, it accumulated a series of long-chain fatty acids, which were not detected in the wild-type strain. Analysis by 1H NMR, electrospray and electron impact mass spectroscopy, and permanganate cleavage of double bonds showed that these compounds corresponded to the incomplete meromycolate chain of mycolic acids, except for the presence of a β-hydroxyl group. This direct identification of meromycolates as precursors of mycolic acids provides a strong support for the previously proposed pathway for mycolic acid biosynthesis involving the separate synthesis of meromycolate chain and the α-branch of mycolic acids, followed by the joining of these two branches.


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In cyanobacterial cells, fatty acid desaturation is one of the crucial steps in the acclimation processes to low-temperature conditions. The expression of all the four acyl lipid desaturase genes of Synechocystis PCC 6803 was studied as a function of temperature and separately as a function of light. We used cells grown at 25°C in light-activated heterotrophic growth conditions. In these cells, the production of α-linolenic acid and 18:4 fatty acids was negligible and the synthesis of γ-linolenic acid was remarkably suppressed compared with those of the cells grown photoautotrophically. The cells grown in the light in the presence of glucose showed no difference in fatty acid composition compared with cells grown photoautotrophically. The level of desC mRNA for Δ9 desaturase was not affected by either the temperature or the light. It was constitutively expressed at 25°C with and without illumination. The level of desB transcripts was negligible in the dark-grown cells and was enhanced about 10-fold by exposure of the cells to light. The maximum level of expression occurred within 15 min. The level of desA and desD mRNAs was higher in dark-grown cells than that of desB mRNA for ω3 desaturase. However, the induction of both desA and desD mRNAs for Δ12 and Δ6 desaturases, respectively, was enhanced by light about 10-fold. Rifampicin, chloramphenicol, and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea completely blocked the induction of the expression of desA, desB, and desD. Consequently, we suggest the regulatory role of light via photosynthetic processes in the induction of the expression of acyl lipid desaturases.


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Nuclear receptors regulate metabolic pathways in response to changes in the environment by appropriate alterations in gene expression of key metabolic enzymes. Here, a computational search approach based on iteratively built hidden Markov models of nuclear receptors was used to identify a human nuclear receptor, termed hPAR, that is expressed in liver and intestines. hPAR was found to be efficiently activated by pregnanes and by clinically used drugs including rifampicin, an antibiotic known to selectively induce human but not murine CYP3A expression. The CYP3A drug-metabolizing enzymes are expressed in gut and liver in response to environmental chemicals and clinically used drugs. Interestingly, hPAR is not activated by pregnenolone 16α-carbonitrile, which is a potent inducer of murine CYP3A genes and an activator of the mouse receptor PXR.1. Furthermore, hPAR was found to bind to and trans-activate through a conserved regulatory sequence present in human but not murine CYP3A genes. These results provide evidence that hPAR and PXR.1 may represent orthologous genes from different species that have evolved to regulate overlapping target genes in response to pharmacologically distinct CYP3A activators, and have potential implications for the in vitro identification of drug interactions important to humans.


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Despite the widely accepted view that transcription of gid and mioC is required for efficient initiation of cloned oriC, we show that these transcriptions have very little effect on initiation of chromosome replication at wild-type chromosomal oriC. Furthermore, neither gid nor mioC transcription is required in cells deficient in the histone-like proteins Fis or IHF. However, oriC that is sufficiently impaired for initiation by deletion of DnaA box R4 requires transcription of at least one of these genes. We conclude that transcription of mioC and especially gid is needed to activate oriC only under suboptimal conditions. We suggest that either the rifampicin-sensitive step of initiation is some other transcription occurring from promoter(s) within oriC, or the original inference of transcriptional activation derived from the rifampicin experiments is incorrect.


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Transcription regulation and transcript stability of a light-repressed transcript, lrtA, from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 were studied using ribonuclease protection assays. The transcript for lrtA was not detected in continuously illuminated cells, yet transcript levels increased when cells were placed in the dark. A lag of 20 to 30 min was seen in the accumulation of this transcript after the cells were placed in the dark. Transcript synthesis continued in the dark for 3 h and the transcript levels remained elevated for at least 7 h. The addition of 10 μm rifampicin to illuminated cells before dark adaptation inhibited the transcription of lrtA in the dark. Upon the addition of rifampicin to 3-h dark-adapted cells, lrtA transcript levels remained constant for 30 min and persisted for 3 h. A 3-h half-life was estimated in the dark, whereas a 4-min half-life was observed in the light. Extensive secondary structure was predicted for this transcript within the 5′ untranslated region, which is also present in the 5′ untranslated region of lrtA from a different cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Evidence suggests that lrtA transcript stability is not the result of differences in ribonuclease activity from dark to light. Small amounts of lrtA transcript were detected in illuminated cells upon the addition of 25 μg mL−1 chloramphenicol. The addition of chloramphenicol to dark-adapted cells before illumination allowed detection of the lrtA transcript for longer times in the light relative to controls without chloramphenicol. These results suggest that lrtA mRNA processing in the light is different from that in the dark and that protein synthesis is required for light repression of the lrtA transcript.


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The psbA2 gene of a unicellular cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa K-81, encodes a D1 protein homolog in the reaction center of photosynthetic Photosystem II. The expression of the psbA2 transcript has been shown to be light-dependent as assessed under light and dark (12/12 h) cycling conditions. We aligned the 5′-untranslated leader regions (UTRs) of psbAs from different photosynthetic organisms and identified a conserved sequence, UAAAUAAA or the ‘AU-box’, just upstream of the SD sequences. To clarify the role of 5′-upstream cis-elements containing the AU-box for light-dependent expression of psbA2, a series of deletion and point mutations in the region were introduced into the genome of heterologous cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942, and psbA2 expression was examined. A clear pattern of light-dependent expression was observed in recombinant cyanobacteria carrying the K-81 psbA2 –38/+36 region (which includes the minimal promoter element and a light-dependent cis-element with the AU-box), +1 indicating the transcription start site. A constitutive pattern of expression, in which the transcripts remained almost stable under dark conditions, was obtained in cells harboring the –38/+14 region (the minimal element), indicating that the +14/+36 region with the AU-box is important for the observed light-dependent expression. Point mutations analyses within the AU-box also revealed that changes in number, direction and identity (as assayed by adenine/uridine nucleotide substitutions) influenced the light-dependent pattern of expression. The level of psbA2 transcripts increased markedly in CG- or deletion-box mutants in the dark, strongly indicating that the AU- (AT-) box acts as a negative cis-element. Furthermore, characterization of transcript accumulation in cells treated with rifampicin suggests that psbA2 5′-mRNA is unstable in the dark, supporting the view that the light-dependent expression is controlled at the post-transcriptional level. We discuss various mechanisms that may lead to altered mRNA stability such as the binding of factor(s) or ribosomes to the 5′-UTR and possible roles of the AU-box motif and the SD sequence.