964 resultados para Reserva Rio das Pedras


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Environmental degradation is a global problem that particularly affects areas subject to seasonal climatic variations, such as the brazilian semiarid region, namely the Caatinga Domain. Combined with other negative factors, such as natural resource misuse and disorderly land occupation, the consequences of Environmental Degradation have challenged science in the quest for addressing the resulting social and environmental problems. Accordingly, Environmental Perception methodology, by analyzing the concepts, attitudes and values, (especially those pertaining to environmental conservation) represent an important tool in studies that address the relationship between the environment and human actions. Sustainability Indicators are also relevant tools to assess the possible causes and consequences of environmental problems. Among several Sustainability Indicators available, the PressuresState-Impact-Response (PSIR) method is an analytical tool that permits the grouping of factors affecting sustainability as well as their consequences for nature and human health, and thus indicate mitigating actions for society and the public authorities. From this perspective, three areas of Caatinga were studied in Rio Grande do Norte state: Seridó Ecological Station (ESEC), Municipality of Serra Negra do Norte; Private Natural Reserve Stoessel de Brito (PNRSB), Municipality of Jucurutu; and part of the Serra de Santana, Municipality of Tenente Laurentino Cruz. The areas are both legally protected and unprotected and subject to diferent management protocols, though their share the common characteristic of human misuse of natural resources. In this scenario, this thesis´ main goal was to introduce the rural communities into the conservation process, using the results of Environmental Perception of such communities, combined with the analysis of the sustainability of municipalities through PSIR. Information on Environmental Perception was obtained from primary and secondary data from previous studies carried out in the ESEC Seridó and PRNP Stoessel de Brito. Additional data was obtained through direct observation and interview forms applied to rural communities in the Municipality of Tenente Laurentino Cruz. The results showed that respondents possessed a broad knowledge regarding environmental degradation, its causes and consequences for the caatinga biome. PEIR analysis showed that environmental degradation was smaller in countries with protected areas, as compared to those without. The population´s knowledge about environmental degradation and their acceptance of conservation units, as showed by Environmental Perception Analysis, coupled with the results of PEIR, suggest that those attitudes may foster actions aimed at reduction of environmental degradation in the Caatinga domain


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In recent years we have observed, in Brazil, the expansion of democratic spaces, providing the use of participatory management strategies in common-pool areas. However, the existence of a co-management model does not guarantee its practice, neither that it will prevent the depletion of common features characterizing the tragedy proposed by Hardin. In this work we analysed the management of Acaú-Goiana RESEX which is located in the cities of Acaú (PB) and Goiana (PE), eight years after its legal creation. We evaluated how much the users of RESEX possess information (even if non formalized) regarding the common use of area and whether they exhibit collectivist values. We used as an interpretative tool the facilitators principles of common resource management (PGRC) identified by Elinor Ostrom and the questionnaire of human values proposed by Schwartz. The human values questionnaire was applied to 240 individuals, half beneficiary and the other half non-beneficiary, only the beneficiaries were submitted to the questionnaire of PGRC. Interviews were conducted in the period of May to September 2014. We tested three hypotheses: 1) The degree of dependence from RESEX resources will play an important role on indirect knowledge of the PGRC; 2) the inclusion of individuals in a communal area (RESEX) increases collectivists values; 3) higher collectivist value rates increases knowledge of PGRC. To this end, we defined levels of socio-economic dependence of RESEX resources, knowledge of PGRC and individual values. GLM statistic analysis of mean comparison and correlation were employed. Our results showed that the knowledge on six of the seven items analyzed in the basic principles (PGRC) is still low. The extended land area and the high number of users may be exerting a detrimental effect on the development of a co-management. Contrary to expected, it was not the dependency who influenced knowledge on the PGRC, but the time spent in contact with the RESEX. This indicates that direct contact with the environment, not the dependence of it, that raises awareness about PGRC. According to our hypothesis, individuals with collectivist values showed greater knowledge of PGRC and reduced hours of work within the RESEX, indicating a greater tendency of individuals refrain their use of the common resource. Individualistic values correlated with less knowledge of a PGRC. Among the beneficiaries, individuals with higher individualistic values had higher monthly income, while among non-beneficiaries there was no such correlation, demonstrating the economic advantages of individualism (free-riding) in situations of non-private use of resources. Our data emphasize the importance of guiding the main actors in the development of a co-participatory management in the direction of the basic principles, and to develop collectivist values among users of a common good can raise awareness of these principles.


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The present study aims to understand the process of Participation of the Health Council- CMS in the formularization, implementation and control of the Municipal health plan of Pedras de Fogo, through four criteria of quality of participation considered by Demo (1993): representation, legitimacy, base participation, and self-responsibility. The criteria of representation is related to the quality of politics of the representative over the representings. Legitimacy is related to the politics` quality of the process of participation based on norms and rules that stipulate the participation, the base participation is a necessary political support so that the power authorization directed to the representings can be effective and the self-responsibility refers to the capacity of being responsible when it concerns to the public service or property. Through the descriptive and exploratory study a qualitative method was adopted to consider the conditions of the participation of the twelve council members of the City council of Health of Pedras de Fogo, through a formulated Instrument based on the criteria of DEMO (1993). It was concluded that the quality of the participation of the council members of the CMS of Pedras de Fogo understands essential aspects of the criteria of quality considered by Demo (1993) but it shows fragilities as unfamiliarity with the norms that legitimize the performance of the council; unfamiliarity of its condition of being an agent and the importance of the participation of the base for the reinforcement of its participation, as well as inertia related to the check and rendering of accounts on its performance. This way it makes sense that the participation of the council in the four criteria of quality of politics considered in this paper needs to improve


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This work presents a reflection on possibilities and boundaries of consolidation and expansion of human settlements characterized as traditional communities that are located within protected areas, using as study reference the State Sustainable Development Reserve Ponta do Tubarão, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The main topics highlight the conflict between the right to housing and the prevalence of fundamental rights of traditional populations, opposed to the diffuse right to environment, according to the regulatory framework of the Brazilian Urban and Environmental Policies. At the same time that these settlements, historically built, are substantiated by the principles of recognition of rights to traditional populations, they are in a condition of complexity to the resolution of conflicts in its urban dimension and lead to an impairment of natural sites. This work questions how the instruments of land use and occupation are defined and relate to environmental planning, especially considering that the settlements are located in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). It aims to further the discussion of the urban dimension in settlements, characterizing its formation and growth process, to identify the gaps and convergences between the Urban and Environmental Policy, under the foundations of a socio-environmental approach. The results spotlights the conflicts between occupation and natural areas, inferring that the definition of Urban Policies instruments and its integration with Environmental Policies instruments account for essential and priority actions to the achievement to the rights to a sustainable city, as determined in the Cities Statute and environmental protection goals, defined for the Conservation Units


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The present study aims to understand the process of Participation of the Health Council- CMS in the formularization, implementation and control of the Municipal health plan of Pedras de Fogo, through four criteria of quality of participation considered by Demo (1993): representation, legitimacy, base participation, and self-responsibility. The criteria of representation is related to the quality of politics of the representative over the representings. Legitimacy is related to the politics` quality of the process of participation based on norms and rules that stipulate the participation, the base participation is a necessary political support so that the power authorization directed to the representings can be effective and the self-responsibility refers to the capacity of being responsible when it concerns to the public service or property. Through the descriptive and exploratory study a qualitative method was adopted to consider the conditions of the participation of the twelve council members of the City council of Health of Pedras de Fogo, through a formulated Instrument based on the criteria of DEMO (1993). It was concluded that the quality of the participation of the council members of the CMS of Pedras de Fogo understands essential aspects of the criteria of quality considered by Demo (1993) but it shows fragilities as unfamiliarity with the norms that legitimize the performance of the council; unfamiliarity of its condition of being an agent and the importance of the participation of the base for the reinforcement of its participation, as well as inertia related to the check and rendering of accounts on its performance. This way it makes sense that the participation of the council in the four criteria of quality of politics considered in this paper needs to improve


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This work presents a reflection on possibilities and boundaries of consolidation and expansion of human settlements characterized as traditional communities that are located within protected areas, using as study reference the State Sustainable Development Reserve Ponta do Tubarão, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The main topics highlight the conflict between the right to housing and the prevalence of fundamental rights of traditional populations, opposed to the diffuse right to environment, according to the regulatory framework of the Brazilian Urban and Environmental Policies. At the same time that these settlements, historically built, are substantiated by the principles of recognition of rights to traditional populations, they are in a condition of complexity to the resolution of conflicts in its urban dimension and lead to an impairment of natural sites. This work questions how the instruments of land use and occupation are defined and relate to environmental planning, especially considering that the settlements are located in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). It aims to further the discussion of the urban dimension in settlements, characterizing its formation and growth process, to identify the gaps and convergences between the Urban and Environmental Policy, under the foundations of a socio-environmental approach. The results spotlights the conflicts between occupation and natural areas, inferring that the definition of Urban Policies instruments and its integration with Environmental Policies instruments account for essential and priority actions to the achievement to the rights to a sustainable city, as determined in the Cities Statute and environmental protection goals, defined for the Conservation Units


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O presente trabalho surge como resultado da investigação efetuada ao longo das margens do rio Bestança, no concelho de Cinfães, consistindo este não só num contributo para a defesa, preservação, conhecimento e divulgação do notável património molinológico que as margens deste rio albergam, mas também, no estudo do seu estado atual e numa reflexão que questiona o futuro destas, outrora imprescindíveis, estruturas. No sentido de uma melhor fundamentação desta investigação, assim como do estudo e reflexão do tema, foi elaborado o inventário dos moinhos de água localizados nas margens do rio Bestança. Além do inventário, foi também recolhida, analisada e tratada, informação respeitante às suas características, ao seu estado de conservação, sistemas e materiais de construção utilizados. Para um melhor entendimento e contextualização dos temas (moinhos e património), apresentase, de forma sintética, no decurso deste trabalho, um resumo da evolução histórica e tecnológica dos moinhos, assim como uma descrição das várias tipologias existentes. Assim, e da mesma forma, se procede relativamente ao tema património, elaborando-se uma descrição da evolução que o conceito de património, da sua proteção, conservação e restauro, sofreu ao longo dos tempos, assim como de algumas teorias de intervenção a ele associadas. Este trabalho tem o intuito de não só alertar para o estado de degradação e abandono em que se encontra este importante património e de sensibilizar a população, e os poderes administrativos, da sua importância enquanto elemento cultural e identitário do vale do Bestança, como também de apresentar soluções que visem a sua recuperação e valorização, integrando-o de forma sustentável numa nova realidade. Para tal, apresenta-se no final deste trabalho uma proposta de recuperação e adaptação de um moinho a novas funções, que visem potenciar o desenvolvimento económico e social, do local onde este se insere. Apesar de esta investigação se limitar às margens do rio Bestança, foi possível apurar que este património se encontra disseminado por todo o vale, marginando os afluentes deste rio, com capacidade para mover "rodas", espera-se também, que este trabalho seja o mote inicial para a realização da inventariação, estudo, conservação e restauro de todo o extenso espólio patrimonial, molinológico ou não, do vale do rio Bestança.


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Colombia se ha comprometido a nivel internacional a realizar acciones que conduzcan al país hacia el desarrollo sostenible, específicamente a proteger los recursos naturales. En línea con esta apuesta, la presente investigación propone la construcción de la Reserva Natural El Chuval, en el municipio El Retén, Magdalena. Para la construcción de dicha Reserva se realiza un diagnóstico que indica las principales características del Chuval, se identifican posibles riesgos para la conservación de sus valores ambientales, y se complementa el análisis con una propuesta de manejo que se enmarca en la metodología de Agendas Ambientales Locales desarrollada por la ONU. Pese a que el municipio es consciente de la relevancia ambiental del Chuval, aún no se han tomado decisiones definitivas para proteger esta zona, razón por la cual, la presente investigación busca llenar un vacío en el ordenamiento territorial del municipio, que fortalezca la protección de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.


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O uso de tecnologias no setor florestal tem permitido dentre outras possibilidades, conhecer a real condição da floresta desempenhando o menor trabalho possível, o que garante uma maior eficiência ao se tratar, por exemplo, em tipos de amostragem no inventário florestal. A pesquisa teve como objetivo testar a eficiência da amostragem aleatória e sistemática em quatro níveis de intensidade amostral para produzir estimativas de biomassa seca acima do solo e comparar mapas de predição de biomassa com dados gerados pelo LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). O trabalho foi realizado em uma reserva florestal de 800 ha do Campo Experimental da Embrapa Acre. Os dados foram fornecidos pela Embrapa Acre e gerados em duas fases, a primeira por meio de um inventário 100%, no qual foi utilizado para simular a amostragem na área de estudo, sendo utilizado todas as árvores vivas com DAP > 30 cm, a segunda fase através de dados LIDAR, ou seja, utilizando o perfilhamento à Laser aerotransportado. Para simular a amostragem foram utilizados três tamanhos de parcelas distintos 20mx20m, 50mx50m e 100mx100m em diferentes intensidades amostrais que foram 0,5%, 1%, 5% e 10%. O parâmetro utilizado para comparação foi o da biomassa seca acima do solo em Mg.ha-1 pelo teste Tukey, a 95% de probabilidade através do programa Minitab17 e as parcelas foram sorteadas e distribuídas por meio de simulações de instalação de parcelas utilizando o Arc GIS 10. Os dados LIDAR foram amostrados por uma empresa contratada, a partir deles foram realizados todos os modelos e a extrapolação das métricas para toda a área através do comando gridmetrics. Os mapas de predição foram confeccionados pela ferramenta de interpolação vizinhos próximos do Arc GIS 10 e as comparações entre os mapas foram feitas pela ferramenta do Arc GIS 10, Zonal statistic. A biomassa média obtida do inventário florestal foi de 155,2 Mg.ha-1, sendo que o tamanho de parcela ótimo encontrado foi de 50mx50m e os tratamentos que mais se aproximaram da média do inventário florestal foram o aleatório com intensidade amostral de 5% e o sistemático com intensidade amostral de 10%. Os tratamentos que atenderam o erro aceitável de 10% foram à amostragem aleatória com intensidades amostrais de 5% e 10% e a amostragem sistemática com intensidade amostral de 10%. Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os tratamentos. Os mapas de vegetação baseados na biomassa que melhor representaram a biomassa seca acima do solo no tamanho de parcela 50mx50m foram na amostragem aleatória com intensidade amostral de 10%, e na amostragem sistemática com intensidades amostrais de 5% e 10%, comparando com os mapas gerados a partir do inventário 100% e dos dados LIDAR. Pode-se concluir que o tamanho ótimo de parcela foi de 50mx50m, com intensidades amostrais acima de 5% não havendo diferença entre os métodos de amostragem e que os mapas gerados pelo inventário 100% e pelos dados LIDAR foram equivalentes.


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A pesquisa objetivou fazer uma reflexão acerca da ocupação e utilização do espaço de comunidades localizadas no Rio Aranapú, na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá. Esta RDS está situada na confluência dos rios Solimões, Japurá e Auti-Paraná, no Médio Solimões, com extensão de 1.124.000 ha. Constitui-se na primeira experiência brasileira em implantar em área de várzea, um conjunto de ações que objetivam conciliar a conservação da biodiversidade com a melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações que habitam a área. Por estarem localizadas em ambiente de várzea, essas comunidades adaptam seu modo de vida às modificações da natureza, ou seja, à subida e descida do nível da água do rio, a cada seis meses. A pesquisa está pautada numa discussão que remete ao entendimento da dinâmica de ocupação do espaço de acordo com as duas estações bem definidas na região: cheia e seca. Para isso utiliza-se de abordagem geográfica referente ao espaço geográfico, visto que a produção ocorre conforme o desenvolvimento de tais áreas de ocupação. Baseia-se nos referenciais nacionais e internacionais da Educação Ambiental para a gestão participativa, uma vez que entre os fatores mais significativos para fixação das comunidades nessa região está a presença abundante de recursos naturais.


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A nivel nacional se han realizado diferentes investigaciones aplicando el MÉTODO DE BALANCE HÍDRICO DE THORNTHWAITE Y MATHER 1957.  Este metodología brinda información específica sobre la disponibilidad de humedad en el suelo, cantidad que se evapotranspira, excelo y déficit mensual en el suelo, etc.   En la subcuenca del río Saraí, ubicada en la Reserva Indígena de Ujarrás, se aplicó tal metodología, cuyo objetivo fue establecer que mediante la relación algunas propiedades físicas del suelo, factores hídricos y climáticos de la subcuenca, se podría determinar la distribución espacial y temporal de la recarga de aguas subterráneas, según zona climática, unidad geomorfológica y uso del suelo.