999 resultados para Relações publicas


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The final paper “Woman and power: perceptions of women leaders in organizations” is a study based on the perception of the female rise to leaderships positions. Through the history and social relations, this study aims to understand how this process happens in fact. This topic has been part of studies over the last 200 years and still is far away from being over. In order to enrich this paper, a historical investigation was conducted focusing on woman occupying public and private spaces. To improve this experience, Michel Foucault and his power theories were used to understand how this process happens. Complementing this study, Margarida Kunsch, the PR theoretician, investigated the power relations trough the organization environment, based on the influence caused by Organization Communication. To complement this study, 9 women in leadership positions shared their experience in leadership positions and the main characteristic of women in this position. Throughout the study, it was noticed that the social-historical interventions affect not only the professional life, but also, the personal life. Concluding this study, it was noticed that there is no recipe to be a woman in a leadership position, but, each interviewed constructed their own way, living the deconstructions process of the social accepted gender


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The success and recognition for their dedication put into the work are the need of every worker, and for that there is a constant quest for success in organizations. In this scenario, the Brazilian publishing market offers self-help literature as a practical method of acquiring the fundamental knowledge for professional development. The self-help literature for professional development addresses motivation as an essential characteristic for success, as a motivated worker earns more visibility and prominence to motivate other team members, thus arousing a spirit of leadership among the players. The motivation of workers also meets the expectations of organizations, because they improve productivity without requiring new investments. Thus, the literature on professional development is positioned as one of the best selling literary styles sold in Brazil over the years. To have an understanding of the discourse of literary style and persuasive methods known in them, we present a semiotic analysis of the five introductory chapters of selected works. Greimassian Semiotics offers great tools for understanding the introductory speeches of professional development books, which are intended to present the synthesis of the work, or demonstrate the values and knowledge of the authors, coaxing the reader to read on and be receptive to the idea of motivation presented in the books


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The process of globalization resulted in a variety of new products emerging. Companies were obliged to find new ways of maintaining the attractiveness for their products to sustain their brands in the economic field. So in this scenario social accountability became an important subject for companies that want to achieve a positive image among consumers. This paper aims to explain how organizational communication is essential to create and manage social accountability in a company. Aiming to explain the relation between organizational communication and social accountability, this final project had three main purposes: establish the connection between organizational communication and social accountability, point out and discuss the main strategies in this communication field, and then propose an action plan for Raízen to solve an established problem in one of its factories


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This project aimed at discussing about the possibility of transforming a corporate blog into an Intranet tool. The objective is to make the internal communication more interactive by bringing the employee closer to the organization through conversing in a less formal environment. In the first series of discussions, issues such as how the organizational communication works as a whole, which communications vehicles are normally used to reach the target group and the role of public relations in the organizational communication, were conducted aiming the discussion around the internal communication and the personnel, one of the objectives of this paper. Following these discussions, the focal points was around digital communication and its possibilities in the organization, as well as talking about and discussing the blog and the Intranet. Finally a theoretical discussion was conducted concerning the possibilities of turning this corporate blog into an Intranet tool and the reasons why public relations should manage this new communications tool


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In recent years, the concept of art education has been changing substantially the artistic and cultural education in the Brazilian educational system, particularly in relation to the formation of a critical awareness and practice of citizenship. In this process, the Community Public Relations and Public Communication excel in fostering alliances between government and community. Based on literature review and authors debates, such as Geertz, Santos, White, Freire, Araujo, Barbosa, Kunsch e Peruzzo. Besides the analysis of important materials, official documents and Brazilian projects involving art, culture and education, such as Research-Action Report 2013, the National Plan for Culture, the National Education Plan and the Municipal Act 6119; this paper seeks to explicit this affirmation, assuming the social transformation aiming a full citizenship, as a motivational factor. In this paper we also present a plan that includes a project in art education for the Stable Dance Company and the public elementary schools in Bauru SP


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This work of course conclusion has as objective main the development of a plan of marketing for academy of Acquamondo gymnastics. The enterprise has good equipment and training structure, allowing the client a propitious exercise that shows valuables results. However, there's no structured organization of internal and external communication and marketing: the concern with this topics, essential nowadays to the companies' survivor, practically doesn't exists. Expecting the improvement of the relationship between academy and its clients, enlarge the horizons of the mark and make it known at Bauru and region, stablish priority publics and actions and prospect new clients, the main ideas have been used of practices which contribute in an expressive way for the e stablished objective, like planning, strategic planning, marketing, communication and Public Relations, all applied to the reality of a micro and small company. Based on the concepts described above and by means of SWOT Analysis, a model of marketing plan was proposed with the aim of expanding the reach and impact power of Acquamondo gymnastics in the region its operates


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With the actual context of globalization and with advance of information and communication technologies, especially on the internet, the ways in which individuals relate and communicate have changed. Then, it comes a new dynamic of creation, production and distribution of messages, accompanied to a reality of information overloaded as a result of the diversity of emission sources which makes it difficult to attract the attention of individuals. Thus, the communication process in organizations has to go through a reconfiguration in order to adapt to these changes, seeking a strong position and new strategies to reach your audience. In this sense, many organizations are using storytelling to transmit their messages. Then, the objective is to understand how this narrative format can be a strategic resource of communication and also understand how the stories of common people help to produce identification, relationship and to strengthen the organizational image. Therefore, it analyzes, through the content analysis method and categorization technique, three videos that are constituted as storytelling, especially those based on people experience. It is expected that this research may contribute to the theoretical and methodological study of the adoption of new communication strategies, such as this narrative format


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This project aims to use concepts of innovation and obsolescence in products, to analyze and test the technological product FingerByte, a blend glove and joystick that needs to be appropriate for specific audiences. For this adjustment, this project uses a qualitative opinion survey, known as focus group in order to obtain data during product testing with certain audiences. Another purpose of the paper is to serve as a guide to readers in similar situations where you wish to use focus groups to develop products that have not been put on the market. The experiment uses the knowledge of public relations, both in research and in data analysis. The main results of the research are described in this monograph, in order to demonstrate what are the possible types of data being collected, helping the reader to approach the experience of qualitative research


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A proposta deste trabalho é criar um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial voltado para a capacitação de profissionais de micro e pequenas empresas em comunicação, juntamente com a aluna de Design da Unesp - Bauru, Tatiana Kurokawa Hasimoto. Observando o poder dessa ferramenta em outras áreas do conhecimento (como administração e empreendedorismo) exploramos o potencial da área de comunicação para a criação de um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial, voltado para a capacitação e seleção. O trabalho tem como base um mapeamento de microempresas da cidade de Bauru, realizado pelo Núcleo de Opinião da UNESP, coordenado pela Profª Drª Célia Maria Retz Godoy dos Santos, onde foi possível perceber a falta de conhecimento sobre a área de comunicação por essas empresas. O objetivo é mostrar a importância da comunicação e principalmente como o profissional de Relações Públicas pode atuar nessas empresas


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This undergraduate research final paper analyzed the communication process carried out by the São Paulo State Water and Sanitation Company - Sabesp from the perspective of public communication, social capital and right to information theories. By monitoring Sabesp's institutional fanpage and website from 24 to 30 August 2015, it sought to assess the performance of Sabesp in disclosing public information on the context of the water supply crisis in São Paulo, concerning the fulfillment of requirements of the Right to Information Law (12.527/2011) and the need for interaction and dialogue between the institution and its stakeholders, taken as principles of public communication. The results suggest that digital media can enhance information flow and contribute to foster public relations and civic participation, but there are opportunities for Sabesp to improve communication and reach greater transparency


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pesquisa que objetiva oferecer subsídios p~ ra a estratégia de ação de bibliotecas publicas centrados no sistema de interrelação entre bibliotecário e usuário de biblio tecas públicas da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, através da investigação da auto e heteroimagem mútua e mediante aplicação do Modelo de Simetria Social. Situa o problema, des - crevendo o estereótipo das imagens daqueles indivíduos, e explicita a posição teórico - científica da literatura especializada. Expoe os critérios para o levantamento de dados, o método e o procedimento mensurativo. Enfoca e analisa a relação crítica verifica da, fundamentada na hipótese de que a inten sidade do nível de padronização dos servi - ços oferecidos por aquelas bibliotecas restringe o relacionamento entre bibliotecá rios e usuários, ocasionando maior defasa - gem entre a auto-imagem e a hetero-imagem construída por estes.


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Este estudo propõe uma análise das relações de poder que circulam nas práticas da Inspeção Escolar da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, tendo como cenário principal as condições que permitiram a realização do concurso para o cargo Professor Inspetor Escolar em 2007. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foram utilizadas as contribuições de Michel Foucault e da Análise Institucional. O primeiro capítulo, A produção da Inspeção Escolar, faz uma revisão das condições que produziram a necessidade da atuação da Inspeção Escolar no Brasil e as condições que contribuíram para a realização do concurso para o cargo Professor Inspetor Escolar em 2007. O segundo capítulo, A fiscalização permanente, discute as práticas desenvolvidas pela Inspeção Escolar que evidenciam o uso de técnicas disciplinares, que contribuíram para o fortalecimento do neoliberalismo. O terceiro capítulo, Análise de Implicação, traz reflexões sobre as questões que se evidenciam nas práticas atuais do grupo de Inspeção Escolar da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, a partir dos conceitos da Análise Institucional


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o processo de formulação das políticas do setor elétrico no âmbito da empresa hold~ng do sistema, a Eletrobrás, e analisar a influên cia deste processo no controle a que ela ê submetida. Considera-se o controle como um mecanismo de coordenação e articulação das políticas pGblicas, vendo-o na perspectiva de vários agentes, governamentais ou nao, que participam na formulação e implementação da política do setor elétrico. A p~ lítica pública, por sua vez, e considerada como o produto de um conjunto de decisões inter-relacionadas que sao tomadas por estes agentes. Afirma-se, desta forma, que um sistema de controle não envolve apenas aspectos técnico-gerenciais, pois di mensões de ordem político-institucionais estão presentes, exigindo- se reflexões sobre as relações de poder e do processo decis6rio. Ademais, pela ambigUidade estrutural, lado pGblico ve~~u~ privado. das estatais, a relação governo-empresas e empresas-sociedade apresenta características particulares, que são levadas em conta no trabalho. Usa-se uma forma matricial para representar as interdepe~ dências da Eletrobrás com as organizações julgadas relevantes e define-se a natureza destas relações quanto ao conteGdo das decisões que são tomadas e a sua relação hierárquica. Com o objetivo de melhor situar o leitor no desenvolv:~en to do tema, faz-se inicialmente uma apresentação do modele do setor elétrico quanto a sua configuração, sua situação at~al, sua estrutura organizacional e as atribuições dos seus pri~cipais órgãos. Em seguida apresenta-se os resultados da pesquisa observan do a Eletrobrás em relação às unidades de decisão de acerdo com o seu agrupamento por tipo de política (política macrceco nômica, de financiamento, do setor elétrico, do meio ambi€ate e agentes externos do Governo). Posteriormente, se relaciona a Eletrobrás com as variáveis da pesquisa. Com base nestes dados, procura-se fazer um esboço do ?r~ cesso de formulação e implementação das políticas da Eletrobras, definindo-se para isto um quadro denominado Bases de Dados Estratégicos. Nesta oportunidade, também ê analisado o conteúdo das políticas e o papel da Eletrobras na sua concep;:ao. Finalmente, a Eletrobrás é vista em relação ao sistema de controle das estatais, onde se procura ressaltar os seguintes aspectos: a autonomia das estatais; os tipos de controle Cm! croeconômico e social-político); e a definição de refer~ncils. Ressalta-se o controle como um processo principalmente polít! co e a necessidade de que ele tenha um caráter . ~ . apr 10TI s tlCC' em lugar de servir como mero instrumento de diagnóstico. Por últi mo, apresenta-se as características que a Eletrobrás deve ter e o papel que esta empresa deve assumir em um sistema de C0lltrole das empresas estatais que privilegie a descentralizaç~o, a autonomia, a cobrança de responsabilidades e a participação da sociedade.