170 resultados para Prothrombin 20210


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the platelet count, coagulation time and platelet activity in dogs experimentally infected with Rangelia vitalii during the acute phase of the disease. For this study, 12 young dogs (females) were used, separated in two groups. Group A (uninfected control) was composed by healthy dogs (n=5), and group B consisted of R. vitalii-infected animals (n=7). After being inoculated with R. vitalii-infected blood, animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite five days post-inoculation (PI). Blood samples were collected on days 0, 10, 20 and 30 PI. The material collected was placed in tubes containing EDTA for quantification of platelets, citrate anticoagulant platelet aggregation, and measuring the clotting time. Right after blood collection on days 10 and 20 PI, dogs were anesthetized for collecting bone marrow samples. A significant reduction (P<0.01) of the number of platelets was observed in R. vitalii-infected blood, when compared with uninfected dogs on days 10 and 20 PI. Additionally, macro-platelets were observed only in infected dogs. Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time did not differ between infected and uninfected dogs. The megakaryocyte count increased (P<0.01) significantly in infected dogs when compared with uninfected ones on days 10 and 20 PI. Platelet aggregation decreased (P<0.01) significantly in infected dogs in comparison to the control on days 10 and 20 PI. Therefore, rangeliosis in dogs causes a severe thrombocytopenia during the acute phase of infection. This platelets reduction probably occurred due to splenic sequestration and/or immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel nanosized and addressable sensing platform based on membrane coated plasmonic particles for detection of protein adsorption using dark field scattering spectroscopy of single particles has been established. To this end, a detailed analysis of the deposition of gold nanorods on differently functionalized substrates is performed in relation to various factors (such as the pH, ionic strength, concentration of colloidal suspension, incubation time) in order to find the optimal conditions for obtaining a homogenous distribution of particles at the desired surface number density. The possibility of successfully draping lipid bilayers over the gold particles immobilized on glass substrates depends on the careful adjustment of parameters such as membrane curvature and adhesion properties and is demonstrated with complementary techniques such as phase imaging AFM, fluorescence microscopy (including FRAP) and single particle spectroscopy. The functionality and sensitivity of the proposed sensing platform is unequivocally certified by the resonance shifts of the plasmonic particles that were individually interrogated with single particle spectroscopy upon the adsorption of streptavidin to biotinylated lipid membranes. This new detection approach that employs particles as nanoscopic reporters for biomolecular interactions insures a highly localized sensitivity that offers the possibility to screen lateral inhomogeneities of native membranes. As an alternative to the 2D array of gold nanorods, short range ordered arrays of nanoholes in optically transparent gold films or regular arrays of truncated tetrahedron shaped particles are built by means of colloidal nanolithography on transparent substrates. Technical issues mainly related to the optimization of the mask deposition conditions are successfully addressed such that extended areas of homogenously nanostructured gold surfaces are achieved. Adsorption of the proteins annexin A1 and prothrombin on multicomponent lipid membranes as well as the hydrolytic activity of the phospholipase PLA2 were investigated with classical techniques such as AFM, ellipsometry and fluorescence microscopy. At first, the issues of lateral phase separation in membranes of various lipid compositions and the dependency of the domains configuration (sizes and shapes) on the membrane content are addressed. It is shown that the tendency for phase segregation of gel and fluid phase lipid mixtures is accentuated in the presence of divalent calcium ions for membranes containing anionic lipids as compared to neutral bilayers. Annexin A1 adsorbs preferentially and irreversibly on preformed phosphatidylserine (PS) enriched lipid domains but, dependent on the PS content of the bilayer, the protein itself may induce clustering of the anionic lipids into areas with high binding affinity. Corroborated evidence from AFM and fluorescence experiments confirm the hypothesis of a specifically increased hydrolytic activity of PLA2 on the highly curved regions of membranes due to a facilitated access of lipase to the cleavage sites of the lipids. The influence of the nanoscale gold surface topography on the adhesion of lipid vesicles is unambiguously demonstrated and this reveals, at least in part, an answer for the controversial question existent in the literature about the behavior of lipid vesicles interacting with bare gold substrates. The possibility of formation monolayers of lipid vesicles on chemically untreated gold substrates decorated with gold nanorods opens new perspectives for biosensing applications that involve the radiative decay engineering of the plasmonic particles.


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Die Entstehung der Atherosklerose ist ein komplexer Vorgang, der sich durch Ablagerung von Lipiden an der Gefäßwand sowie durch immunologische und inflammatorische Prozesse auszeichnet. Neben konventionellen Risikofaktoren wie Alter, Geschlecht, Rauchen, HDL-Cholesterin, Diabetes mellitus und einer positiven Familienanamnese werden zur Bestimmung des atherosklerotischen Risikos neue Biomarker der inflammatorischen Reaktion untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Diagnostik des Atheroskleroserisikos. Es wurde eine neuartige Chip-Technologie eingesetzt, um das Risiko für eine potentiell drohende atherosklerotische Erkrankung abzuschätzen. Dabei wurde ausgenutzt, dass molekulare Veränderungen in Genen bestimmte Krankheitsbilder auslösen können. rnEs wurde ein molekularbiologischer Test entwickelt, welcher die Untersuchung von genetischen Variationen aus genomischer DNA ermöglicht. Dafür fand die Entwicklung einer Multiplex-PCR statt, deren Produkt mit der Chip-Technologie untersucht werden kann. Dazu wurden auf einem Mikroarray Sonden immobilisiert, mit deren Hilfe genspezifische Mutationen nachgewiesen werden können. So wurden mehrere Gene mit einem geringen Aufwand gleichzeitig getestet. rnDie Auswahl der entsprechenden Marker erfolgte anhand einer Literaturrecherche von randomisierten und kontrollierten klinischen Studien. Der Mikroarray konnte für zwölf Variationen in den acht Genen Prostaglandinsynthase-1 (PTGS1), Endotheliale NO-Synthase (eNOS), Faktor V (F5), 5,10-Methylentetrahydrofolsäure-Reduktase (MTHFR), Cholesterinester-Transferprotein (CETP), Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), Prothrombin (F2) und Lipoproteinlipase (LPL) erfolgreich etabliert werden. Die Präzision des Biochips wurde anhand der Echtzeit-PCR und der Sequenzierung nachgewiesen. rnDer innovative Mikroarray ermöglicht eine einfache, schnelle und kosteneffektive Genotypisierung von wichtigen Allelen. Viele klinisch relevante Variationen für Atherosklerose können nun in nur einem Test überprüft werden. Zukünftige Studien müssen zeigen, ob die Methode eine Vorhersage über den Ausbruch der Erkrankung und eine gezielte Therapie ermöglicht. Dies wäre ein erster Schritt in Richtung präventive und personalisierter Medizin für Atherosklerose.rn


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In Medicina Veterinaria l'avvelenamento da rodenticidi anticoagulanti è conosciuto e studiato ormai da anni, essendo una delle intossicazioni più comunemente riscontrate nelle specie non target. In letteratura si rinvengono numerose pubblicazioni ma alcuni aspetti sono rimasti ancora inesplorati.Questo studio si propone di valutare il processo infiammatorio, mediante le proteine di fase acuta (APPs), in corso di fenomeni emorragici, prendendo come modello reale un gruppo di soggetti accidentalmente avvelenati da rodenticidi anticoagulanti. I 102 soggetti avvelenati presentano un valore più elevato di proteina C reattiva (CRP)con una mediana di 4.77 mg/dl statisticamente significativo rispetto alla mediana delle due popolazioni di controllo di pari entità numerica create con cross match di sesso, razza ed età; rispettivamente 0.02 mg/dl dei soggetti sani e 0.37 mg/dl dei soggetti malati di altre patologie. Inoltre all'interno del gruppo dei soggetti avvelenati un valore di CRP elevato all'ammissione può predisporre al decesso. La proteina C reattiva assume quindi un ruolo diagnostico e prognostico in questo avvelenamento. Un'altra finalità, di non inferiore importanza, è quella di definire una linea guida terapeutica con l'ausilio di biomarker coagulativi e di valutare la sicurezza della vitamina K per via endovenosa: in 73 cani, non in terapia con vitamina k, intossicati da rodenticidi anticoagulanti, i tempi della coagulazione (PT ed aPTT) ritornano nel range di normalità dopo 4 ore dalla prima somministrazione di 5 mg/kg di vitamina k per via endovenosa e nessun soggetto durante e dopo il trattamento ha manifestato reazioni anafilattiche, nessuno dei pazienti ha necessitato trasfusione ematica e tutti sono sopravvissuti. Infine si è valutata l'epidemiologia dell'ingestione dei prodotti rodenticidi nella specie oggetto di studio e la determinazione dei principi attivi mediante cromatografia liquida abbinata a spettrofotometria di massa (UPLC-MS/MS).


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The authors report on bilateral simultaneous knee arthroplasty in a 40-year-old male patient with haemophilia A, high inhibitor titre and an aneurysma spurium of the right popliteal artery. Both knees showed a fixed flexion deformity of 20 degrees. To build up haemostasis, treatment with activated prothrombin complex concentrate (APCC) and recombinant activated factor seven (rFVIIa) was initiated preoperatively. A tourniquet was used on both sides during the operation and factor VIII (FVIII) was administered to further correct coagulopathy. On the eleventh postoperative day the patient complained of increasing pain and pressure in the right knee. An ultrasound suggested aneurysm, which was confirmed by substraction angiography. Under the protection of rFVIIa the aneurysm could be coiled and further rehabilitation was uneventful. At one year post-op the patient presented a range of motion of 90/5/0 degrees for both knees and had returned to full time office work. This case indicates that haemophiliacs with high antibody titre and destruction of both knees can be operated on in one session in order to diminish the operative risk of two consecutive surgical procedures, thus allowing an effective rehabilitation programme. Because of the significant frequency of popliteal aneurysms, preoperative angiography is recommended.


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This review describes some natural proteins, which can be employed, either as factor concentrates derived from human plasma or as recombinant drug, to modulate the coagulation system. I will address some biochemical characteristics and the physiological role of von Willebrand factor, the coagulation factors of the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways, and the physiological anticoagulant protein C. In addition, I will detail the pharmacological compounds, which are available for influencing or substituting the coagulation proteins: desmopressin (DDAVP), single coagulation factor concentrates, prothrombin complex concentrates, and protein C concentrate. In particular, I will address some treatment topics of general medical interest, such as the treatment of massive bleeding, the correction of the coagulopathy induced by vitamin K-antagonists in patients with cerebral haemorrhage, and of the coagulopathy of meningococcemia. Finally, I will describe some properties and practical clinical applications of the recombinant anticoagulans lepirudin and bivalirudin, which are derived from hirudin, the natural anticoagulant of the medical leech.


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INTRODUCTION: Rivaroxaban (RXA) is licensed for prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism after major orthopaedic surgery of the lower limbs. Currently, no test to quantify RXA in plasma has been validated in an inter-laboratory setting. Our study had three aims: to assess i) the feasibility of RXA quantification with a commercial anti-FXa assay, ii) its accuracy and precision in an inter-laboratory setting, and iii) the influence of 10mg of RXA on routine coagulation tests. METHODS: The same chromogenic anti-FXa assay (Hyphen BioMed) was used in all participating laboratories. RXA calibrators and sets of blinded probes (aim ii.) were prepared in vitro by spiking normal plasma. The precise RXA content was assessed by high-pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. For ex-vivo studies (aim iii), plasma samples from 20 healthy volunteers taken before and 2 - 3hours after ingestion of 10mg of RXA were analyzed by participating laboratories. RESULTS: RXA can be assayed chromogenically. Among the participating laboratories, the mean accuracy and the mean coefficient of variation for precision of RXA quantification were 7.0% and 8.8%, respectively. Mean RXA concentration was 114±43?g/L .RXA significantly altered prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, factor analysis for intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Determinations of thrombin time, fibrinogen, FXIII and D-Dimer levels were not affected. CONCLUSIONS: RXA plasma levels can be quantified accurately and precisely by a chromogenic anti-FXa assay on different coagulometers in different laboratories. Ingestion of 10mg RXA results in significant alterations of both PT- and aPTT-based coagulation assays.


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Thrombophilia has been associated with pregnancy complications and recurrent miscarriage. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the controversial association between thrombophilia and failures of assisted reproduction technology (ART). A systematic search of the literature for studies reporting on thrombophilia in women undergoing ART up to April 2011 yielded 33 studies (23 evaluating anti-phospholipid antibodies, 5 inherited thrombophilia, and 5 both) involving 6092 patients. Overall, methodologic quality of the studies was poor. Combined results from case-control studies showed that factor V Leiden was significantly more prevalent among women with ART failure compared with fertile parous women or those achieving pregnancy after ART (odds ratio = 3.08; 95% confidence interval, 1.77-5.36). The prothrombin mutation, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation, deficiency of protein S, protein C, or anti-thrombin were all not associated with ART failure. Women with ART failure tested more frequently positive for anti-phospholipids antibodies (odds ratio = 3.33; 95% confidence interval, 1.77-6.26) with evidence of high degree of between-study heterogeneity (I(2) = 75%; P < .00001). Prospective cohort studies did not show significant associations between thrombophilia and ART outcomes. Although case-control studies suggest that women experiencing ART failures are more frequently positive for factor V Leiden and anti-phospholipid antibodies, the evidence is inconclusive and not supported by cohort studies.


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During the past two decades, orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) emerged to the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage liver disease. In Switzerland, about 100 liver transplantations are performed every year, while the shortage of cadaveric organs considerably outmatches the demand. Common indications for OLT include cirrhosis due to alcoholic liver disease or chronic viral hepatitis related to hepatitis B or C, and hepatocellular carcinoma. With the advent of the new allocation policy in Switzerland in 2007, patients listed for OLT are mainly stratified based on the Model of End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) score. Using a patient's laboratory values for serum bilirubin, serum creatinin, and the international normalized ratio for prothrombin time (INR), the MELD score accurately predicts three-month mortality among patients on the waiting list. Compared to the pre-MELD era, patients with significantly higher MELD scores undergo transplantation which leads in turn to more complications and higher costs yet with a comparable outcome. Timely referral of potential candidates to a transplant center is crucial since thorough evaluation to rule out contraindications such as uncontrolled infection, extrahepatic malignancy or advanced cardiopulmonary disease is essential. Taken together, every patient presenting with acute liver failure, decompensated cirrhosis or suspected hepatocellular carcinoma should be evaluated in a center with liver transplantation capability.


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Background Numerous interactions between the coagulation and complement systems have been shown. Recently, links between coagulation and mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1) of the complement lectin pathway have been proposed. Our aim was to investigate MASP-1 activation of factor XIII (FXIII), fibrinogen, prothrombin, and thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) in plasma-based systems, and to analyse effects of MASP-1 on plasma clot formation, structure and lysis. Methodology/Principal Findings We used a FXIII incorporation assay and specific assays to measure the activation products prothrombin fragment F1+2, fibrinopeptide A (FPA), and activated TAFI (TAFIa). Clot formation and lysis were assessed by turbidimetric assay. Clot structure was studied by scanning electron microscopy. MASP-1 activated FXIII and, contrary to thrombin, induced FXIII activity faster in the Val34 than the Leu34 variant. MASP-1-dependent generation of F1+2, FPA and TAFIa showed a dose-dependent response in normal citrated plasma (NCP), albeit MASP-1 was much less efficient than FXa or thrombin. MASP-1 activation of prothrombin and TAFI cleavage were confirmed in purified systems. No FPA generation was observed in prothrombin-depleted plasma. MASP-1 induced clot formation in NCP, affected clot structure, and prolonged clot lysis. Conclusions/Significance We show that MASP-1 interacts with plasma clot formation on different levels and influences fibrin structure. Although MASP-1-induced fibrin formation is thrombin-dependent, MASP-1 directly activates prothrombin, FXIII and TAFI. We suggest that MASP-1, in concerted action with other complement and coagulation proteins, may play a role in fibrin clot formation.


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We evaluated the score for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) recently published by the International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) in a well-defined series of sepsis patients. Thirty-two patients suffering from severe sepsis and eight patients with septic shock were evaluated following the ISTH DIC score. Fibrin monomer and D-dimer were chosen as fibrin-related markers (FRM), respectively. DIC scores for nonsurvivors (n = 13) as well as for septic shock patients were higher (P < 0.04) compared with survivors and patients with severe sepsis, respectively. Using fibrin monomer and D-dimer, 30 and 25% of patients suffered from overt DIC. Overt DIC was associated with significantly elevated thrombin-antithrombin complexes and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 levels as well as with significantly lower factor VII clotting activity. Patients with overt DIC had a significantly higher risk of death and of developing septic shock. Since more than 95% of the sepsis patients had elevated FRM, the DIC score was strongly dependent on prolongation of the prothrombin time and platelet counts. The ISTH DIC score is useful to identify patients with coagulation activation, predicting fatality and disease severity. It mainly depends on the prolongation of the prothrombin time and platelet counts.


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Indications for oral anticoagulation (OAC) have increased in recent years. OAC requires frequent monitoring of the prothrombin time to keep the intensity within the therapeutic range and to minimise the risk for complications. Patient self-management (PSM) has been found to improve the quality of OAC. The present study aimed to investigate the first 330 patients performing PSM in Switzerland. A questionnaire was sent to all patients who followed a teaching program for PSM of OAC between 1998 and 2003. Moreover, family physicians were contacted and/or discharge letters were obtained from the hospitals or the treating physicians. During the study period 13 patients died. Out of the 300 patients providing information 254 (85%) still perform PSM. At least one INR determination per two weeks was done by 74% of the patients and 25% performed at least one INR measurement every 15-30 days. The median time spent within the individual INR target range was 72%. No thromboembolic complications occurred, however, among the 13 patients who died, 1 had myocardial infarction and 6 died of heart failure. When counting these events as arterial thromboembolic complications the frequency was 0.6 (95% CI: 0.3-1.3) per 100 patient-years. The frequency of major bleeding was 0.6 (95% CI: 0.2-1.3) per 100 patient-years. We conclude from this study investigating a real-world patient collective that PSM is suitable and safe for the patients identified by their family physicians and successfully trained by our training centre.


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BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that changes in blood coagulation and fibrinolysis might explain the observed association between depression and coronary artery disease (CAD). So far, only a few coagulation factors have been investigated in this regard, and the results were not consistent. DESIGN: The aim of our study was to analyse a broad range of coagulation and fibrinolytic factors, with emphasis on factors directly involved in clot formation and degradation or reflecting coagulation activation, in patients with CAD and controls without CAD, as assessed by coronary angiography, who also underwent a diagnostic procedure for depression. METHODS: We screened 306 patients with CAD and controls without CAD for depression using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Allgemeine Depressions Skala-L questionnaires. In participants with positive screening result, diagnosis of major depression was confirmed or excluded by a structured interview. We analysed the following coagulation and fibrinolytic factors: fibrinogen, prothrombin fragment F1+2, factor XIII A-subunit, factor XIII B-subunit, tissue plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor, and D-dimer. RESULTS: We did not observe significant associations between depression and CAD, nor between depression and cardiovascular risk factors. Coagulation and fibrinolytic factors showed no differences between patients with CAD and controls, but they were associated with several cardiovascular risk factors. Depression was not associated with coagulation and fibrinolytic factors. No associations were found either when both CAD and depression were taken into account. CONCLUSION: Our study gives no evidence that there is a significant relation among depression, CAD, and blood coagulation and fibrinolysis.


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OBJECTIVE: Numerous studies have reported the technical aspects and results of surgical and/or endovascular treatment of cranial dural arteriovenous fistulae (cDAVF) and spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae (sDAVF). Only a few of them have addressed the question of thrombophilic conditions, which may be relevant as pathogenetic factors or can increase the risk for venous thromboembolic events. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare thrombophilic risk factors in patients with cDAVF and sDAVF with no history of trauma. METHODS: A total of 43 patients (25 with cDAVF and 18 with sDAVF) were included in this study. Blood samples were analyzed for G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene and factor V Leiden mutation. In all patients, prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, fibrinogen, antithrombin, protein C and S activity, von Willebrand factor antigen, ristocetin cofactor activity, D-dimer, coagulation factor VIII activity, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor were determined. Screening was performed for the occurrence of lupus antiphospholipid and cardiolipin antibodies. RESULTS: The prevalence of G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene was significantly higher in patients with cDAVF (n = 6) compared with patients with sDAVF (n = 0; P < 0.05, Fisher's exact test). A factor V Leiden mutation was found in 3 patients with sDAVF and in 1 patient with cDAVF (P = 0.29, Fisher's exact test). No significant difference was found for other parameters, except for fibrinogen, but decreased protein C activity was more frequent in patients with cDAVF compared with patients with sDAVF (4 versus 1). Decreased protein S activity was encountered in 3 patients (2 with sDAVF and 1 with cDAVF). Cardiolipin antibodies were found in 2 patients with cDAVF but in none with sDAVF, whereas only 1 patient with sDAVF had lupus antiphospholipid antibodies. CONCLUSION: In both groups of patients with dural arteriovenous fistulae, genetic thrombophilic abnormalities occurred in a higher percentage than in the general population. The differences of the genetic abnormalities may be involved in different pathophysiological mechanism(s) in the development of these distinct neurovascular entities.