918 resultados para Metais: Toxicidade


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Análises ecotoxicológicas vêm sendo empregadas no monitoramento de efluentes industriais com o intuito de minimizar o impacto ambiental, avaliar a eficiência de estações de tratamento, bem como requisito para a obtenção e manutenção de licenças junto aos órgãos ambientais. Com o objetivo de avaliar a toxicidade de um efluente industrial de origem petroquímica, foram realizados ensaios de toxicidade crônica com espécies de três diferentes níveis tróficos (Selenastrum capricornutum, Ceriodaphnia dubia e Pimephales promelas). As amostras do efluente foram também analisadas quanto aos valores de cianeto, DBO5, DQO, fenol, fósforo solúvel, fósforo total, nitrogênio amoniacal, nitrogênio total, óleos e graxas minerais, óleos e graxas totais, óleos e graxas vegetal/animal, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, sólidos suspensos totais, sulfeto, surfactantes e metais (mercúrio, cádmio, cobre, cromo, manganês, chumbo, zinco e níquel). As coletas ocorreram mensalmente, de agosto de 2002 a julho de 2003, na saída da estação de tratamento. Os resultados das análises físicas e químicas foram comparados com os limites de emissão disponíveis na Resolução nº 20/86 do CONAMA e Portaria Estadual nº 05/89 da Secretaria da Saúde e do Meio Ambiente (RS) A maioria dos parâmetros (85,7%) estava de acordo com a legislação vigente, exceto o fósforo total, o nitrogênio total e o nitrogênio amoniacal. No entanto, todas as amostras apresentaram toxicidade para pelo menos um dos organismos utilizados nos ensaios. Apesar de um maior número de amostras ter apresentado toxicidade para S. capricornutum, o efluente foi tóxico para P. promelas em concentrações mais baixas, se comparado com os outros dois organismos. Foi possível identificar correlação estatisticamente significativa (p≤0,05) entre a toxicidade para S. capricornutum e os valores de manganês (r=0,44), toxicidade para C. dubia e os valores de nitrogênio total e DQO (r=0,40) e toxicidade para P.promelas e os valores de sólidos suspensos totais, sulfeto, nitrogênio total e cianeto (r=0,71).


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O crescimento da expectativa de vida média da população mundial tem sido acompanhado do aumento na prevalência de doenças neurodegenerativas, como a doença de Parkinson, isquemia cerebral e, especialmente, a doença de Alzheimer. A doença de Alzheimer (DA) caracteriza-se por um crescente declínio na função mental e memória do paciente. Estes sintomas são explicados por uma profunda perda neuronal e pela presença de alterações estruturais no tecido cerebral: as placas senis, extracelulares e os emaranhados neurofibrilares, intracelulares. O passo que desencadeia a neurodegeneração na DA é ainda objeto de estudo, mas a hipótese mais aceita atualmente é a de que a secreção anormal do peptídeo β amilóide (Aβ), principal componente das placas senis, dê início ao processo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos investigar a toxicidade induzida pelo peptídeo Aβ1-42 e seu fragmento, o peptídeo Aβ25-35 em culturas organotípicas de hipocampo de ratos. Na primeira parte do trabalho, investigamos a toxicidade induzida pela exposição de culturas organotípicas de hipocampo de ratos a 10 ou 20 μM do peptídeo Aβ1-42, por 24 ou 72 h. Além disso, investigamos o envolvimento das proteínas iNOS e GSK-3β no mecanismo de morte celular induzida pelo peptídeo Aβ1-42. Na segunda parte do trabalho, investigamos a toxicidade induzida pelo fragmento Aβ25-35 na concentração de 25 μM, nos tempos de 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 ou 48 h de exposição às culturas organotípicas, e seu efeito sobre as proteínas Akt, GSK-3β e PTEN. A morte celular foi quantificada pela incorporação do iodeto de propídeo, corante marcador excluído de células sadias, e as proteínas foram quantificadas por imunodetecção com o uso de anticorpos específicos. Nossos resultados mostraram que o peptídeo Aβ1-42 apresentou toxicidade nas concentrações de 10 e 20 μM, induzindo a uma considerável morte celular após 72 h de exposição. A análise do imunoconteúdo da proteína iNOS mostrou um aumento significativo em relação ao controle, após 72 h de exposição ao peptídeo e na concentração de 20 μM. Os resultados obtidos na segunda parte do trabalho mostraram uma morte celular significativa apenas após 48 h de exposição ao peptídeo Aβ25- 35 na concentração de 25 μM. O tratamento com peptídeo Aβ25-35 levou ao aumento no estado de fosforilação da proteína Akt após 6 h de exposição e também da proteína GSK-3β, um potencial substrato da Akt. Após 12 h de exposição ao peptídeo, observamos uma diminuição de ambas as proteínas (Akt e GSK-3β). Porém, após 24 h de exposição ao peptídeo, a proteína Akt continua menos fosforilada enquanto que a proteína GSK-3β apresenta um novo pico de fosforilação. O imunoconteúdo da proteína fosfatase PTEN apresentou um aumento significativo em 24 h e 48 h. Os resultados do presente estudo mostraram que o tratamento das culturas organotípicas de hipocampo de ratos com o peptídeo Aβ1-42 como com o fragmento Aβ25-35 apresentou toxicidade após um período de aproximadamente 48 h de tratamento, e mostrou ser um bom modelo para o estudo de sua toxicidade. Com relação ao mecanismo investigado, os dados sugerem que a proteína iNOS pode estar envolvida na toxicidade induzida pelo peptídeo Aβ1-42. Além disso, sugerem que o fragmento Aβ25-35 possa exercer sua toxicidade através da inibição da via de sobrevivência celular PI3-K, por diminuir a fosforilação/ativação da proteína Akt, parecendo envolver a proteína fosfatase PTEN, principal regulador negativo da via PI3-K/Akt.


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The objectives of this research were to investigate the agrotoxic most used in the Gramorezinho region in the green belt of Natal, and to evaluate the acute toxicity of these, based on the LC50-48h values estimated in tests for Danio rerio, internationally used as test organism. The acute toxicity tests were performed under laboratory conditions, according to standardized methods (ABNT/NBR/15088/04) for this species. The LC50-48h estimated to Tamaron BR was 352.89 mg.L-1, which characterizes that as practically non-toxic, according to toxicological classes cited by Zucker. For Decis 25EC, the LC50-48h estimated was 0.0004156 mg.L-1 (4.156 X 10-4 mg.L-1), which classifies it as highly toxic to this species


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Considering their commercial importance, as these are the species of freshwater fish more commercialized in Brazil, their occurence in different kinds of aquatic environments (lakes, rivers and dams) and for being tolerant to a wide range of variation of various physical parameters and chemical water, the fish species Oreochromis niloticus, Cyprinus carpio and Colossoma macropomum were chosen for this study, furthermore, to test the toxicity we used the herbicide Roundup. The fingerlings of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), commun carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) were submitted to the herbicide roundup in the following concentrations: 0.0 (control); 18,06; 19,10; 20,14; 21,18 and 22,22 mg.L-1, 0.0 (control); 13,89; 14,86; 15,83; 16,81 and 17,78 mg.L-1, and 0.0 (control); 18,06; 19,10; 20,14; 21,18 and 22,22 mg.L-1, respectively, three for 96 hours. The LC50 - 96h for O. niloticus, C. carpio and C. macropomum was 21,63, 15,33 and 20,06 mg.L-1 of the herbicide roundup, respectively. The results show that this herbicide is classified as slightly toxic to the three species. The values of dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature recorded in the aquarium control and aquarium experimental of the three fish species have remained without significant variations during the tests, which reduces the possibility of death caused by sudden variations of these parameters during the 96 hours the experiment. The values of LC50 between different species of fish were observed, noting that the species O.niloticus, C. carpio and C. macropomum showed no expressive differences. The values of environmental risk of Roundup were calculated to obtain more stringent parameters in assessing the dangerousness of those on nontargets. The risk of environmental contamination by Roundup for the Nile tilapia, common carp, and tambaqui are low for the lowest application rate (1 L.ha-1) and depths (1.5 and 2.0 m). The dilution of 100%, the highest recommended dose (5 L.ha-1) and depths (1.5 and 2.0 m) the risk is moderate for the three species. The values of the Risk Ratio (QR) were greater than 0,1, indicating that the values of the CAE and LC50 are above acceptable levels and there is a need, this study, a refinement in ecotoxicological tests


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Methomyl (Lannate®) is an insecticide from the carbamate group, frequently used in pest control in various types of crops. This compound works inhibiting the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. The use of physicochemical and ecotoxicological analysis is the most efficient strategy for the correct characterization and control of residues of metomil. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the acute toxicity of methomyl in 96 hours of exposure and, through a sublethal assay of 5 hours, to assess its effect on the activity of acetylcholinesterase present in brain and squeletic dorsal muscle of the Danio rerio fish. The results showed that the LC50-96 found to D. rerio was 3.4 mg/L and it was found through the average of four definitive tests. In vitro assays were used to test the inhibitory action of methomyl directly over soluble AChE, extracted from the squeletic dorsal muscle, with maximum inhibition of 68.57% to the insecticide concentrations of 0.2 mg/L. In sublethal tests with D. rerio, inhibitory effect of methomyl was found over the soluble form of AChE in the squeletic dorsal muscle, both in one and five hours of fish exposure to the insecticide. In both period, the average values of inhibition were around 61%. In the same condition, no significant inhibitory effect of methomyl soluble and membrane AChE of the D. rerio was observed in the 0.42, 0.85, 1.70 and 2.50 mg/L concentrations and in both times of fish exposure


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Untreated effluents that reach surface water affect the aquatic life and humans. This study aimed to evaluate the wastewater s toxicity (municipal, industrial and shrimp pond effluents) released in the Estuarine Complex of Jundiaí- Potengi, Natal/RN, through chronic quantitative e qualitative toxicity tests using the test organism Mysidopsis Juniae, CRUSTACEA, MYSIDACEA (Silva, 1979). For this, a new methodology for viewing chronic effects on organisms of M. juniae was used (only renewal), based on another existing methodology to another testorganism very similar to M. Juniae, the M. Bahia (daily renewal).Toxicity tests 7 days duration were used for detecting effects on the survival and fecundity in M. juniae. Lethal Concentration 50% (LC50%) was determined by the Trimmed Spearman-Karber; Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50%) in fecundity was determined by Linear Interpolation. ANOVA (One Way) tests (p = 0.05) were used to determinate the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and Low Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC). Effluents flows were measured and the toxic load of the effluents was estimated. Multivariate analysis - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Correspondence Analysis (CA) - identified the physic-chemical parameters better explain the patterns of toxicity found in survival and fecundity of M. juniae. We verified the feasibility of applying the only renewal system in chronic tests with M. Juniae. Most efluentes proved toxic on the survival and fecundity of M. Juniae, except for some shrimp pond effluents. The most toxic effluent was ETE Lagoa Aerada (LC50, 6.24%; IC50, 4.82%), ETE Quintas (LC50, 5.85%), Giselda Trigueiro Hospital (LC50, 2.05%), CLAN (LC50, 2.14%) and COTEMINAS (LC50, IC50 and 38.51%, 6.94%). The greatest toxic load was originated from ETE inefficient high flow effluents, textile effluents and CLAN. The organic load was related to the toxic effects of wastewater and hospital effluents in survival of M. Juniae, as well as heavy metals, total residual chlorine and phenols. In industrial effluents was found relationship between toxicity and organic load, phenols, oils and greases and benzene. The effects on fertility were related, in turn, with chlorine and heavy metals. Toxicity tests using other organisms of different trophic levels, as well as analysis of sediment toxicity are recommended to confirm the patterns found with M. Juniae. However, the results indicate the necessity for implementation and improvement of sewage treatment systems affluent to the Potengi s estuary


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The incidence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms is one of the important consequences of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. It is a very common phenomenon in reservoirs and shrimp ponds in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Cyanobacterias produce toxins which can affect aquatic organisms and men trough the food chain. Aiming to contribute to the studies of cyanobacterias in RN, we propose: a) to evaluate the toxicity of isolated cyanobacterias in important fresh-water environments; and b) to verify the effects of both natural and cultured blooms occurred in reservoirs for human supply and in the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii. This study was carried out using samples of natural blooms occurred between March and October of 2004 in Gargalheiras Dam (08º L e 39º W), in July of 2004 in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Dam (06o S e 37o W) and in commercial shrimp ponds (Litopenaeus vannamei) located in fresh-water environments. The samples were collected with plankton net (20µm.) for identification, isolation and obtaining of phytoplanktonic biomass for liophilization and later toxicity bioassays. The toxicity of cultured samples and natural blooms was investigated through bioassays in Swiss mice. Quantification of cyanobacteria in samples was conducted following the Ütermol method, with 300mL samples fixed with lugol. The toxicity test with Ceriodaphnia silvestrii followed ABNT, 2001 recommendations, and were accomplished with natural hepatotoxic bloom s samples and cultured samples of both non-toxic and neurotoxic C. raciborskii. In this test, five newborns, aged between 6 and 24 hours, were exposed to different concentrations (0 a 800 mg.L-1) of crude cyanobacterial extracts during 24 and 48 hours. Three replicates were used per treatment. The pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen at the beginning and after 24 and 48hours from the test were measured. We estimated the CL50 through the Trimmed Spearman-Karber method. The blooms were constituted by Microcystis panniformis, M. aeruginosa, Anabaena circinalis, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Planktothrix agardhii, producers of mycrocistin-LR confirmed with HPLC analysis. Samples of hepatotoxic blooms registered toxinogenic potential for C. silvestrii, with CL50-24h value of 47.48 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 38.15 mg.L-1 for GARG samples in march/2005; CL50-24h of 113,13 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 88,24 mg.L-1 for ARG July/2004; CL50-24h of 300.39 mg.L-1 and CL50-48h of 149.89 mg.L-1 for GARG October/2005. For cultured samples, values of CL50-24h and CL50-48h for C. raciborskii toxic strains were 228.05 and 120.28 mg.L-1, respectively. There was no mortality of C. silvestrii during the tests with non-toxic C. raciborskii strain. The toxicity test with C. silvestrii presented good sensitivity degree to cyanotoxins. The toxicity of natural hepatotoxic blooms samples (microcystins) and cultured neurotoxic saxitoxins producer samples analyzed in this study give us strong indications of that toxin s influence on the zooplanktonic community structure in tropical aquatic environments. Eleven cyanobacteria strains were isolated, representing 6 species: Anabaenopsis sp., Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Chroococcus sp., Microcystis panniformis, Geitlerinema unigranulatum e Planktothrix agardhii. None presented toxicity in Swiss mice. The strains were catalogued and deposited in the Laboratório de Ecologia e Toxicologia de Organismos Aquáticos (LETMA), in UFRN, and will be utilized in ecotoxicológical and ecophysiological studies, aiming to clarify the causes and control of cyanobacterial blooms in aquatic environments in RN. This state s reservoirs must receive broader attention from the authorities, considering the constant blooms occurring in waters used for human consumption


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Heavy metals are used in many industrial processestheirs discard can harm fel effects to the environment, becoming a serious problem. Many methods used for wastewater treatment have been reported in the literature, but many of them have high cost and low efficiency. The adsorption process has been used as effective for the metal remoal ions. This paper presents studies to evaluate the adsorption capacity of vermiculite as adsorbent for the heavy metals removal in a synthetic solution. The mineral vermiculite was characterized by differents techniques: specific surface area analysis by BET method, X-ray diffraction, raiosX fluorescence, spectroscopy in the infraredd region of, laser particle size analysis and specific gravity. The physical characteristics of the material presented was appropriate for the study of adsorption. The adsorption experiments weredriveal finite bath metod in synthetic solutions of copper, nickel, cadmium, lead and zinc. The results showed that the vermiculite has a high potential for adsorption, removing about 100% of ions and with removal capacity values about 85 ppm of metal in solution, 8.09 mg / g for cadmium, 8.39 mg/g for copper, 8.40 mg/g for lead, 8.26 mg/g for zinc and 8.38 mg/g of nickel. The experimental data fit in the Langmuir and Freundlich models. The kinetic datas showed a good correlation with the pseudo-second order model. It was conducteas a competition study among the metals using vermiculiti a adsorbent. Results showed that the presence of various metals in solution does not influence their removal at low concentrations, removing approximat wasely 100 % of all metals present in solutions


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Concern with the environment has lead to an increase in the research for new adsorption techniques, low cost adsorvent materials and with high availability. Many works search the development of higher selectivity modified adsorvents. The Brazil has the second world reserve of oiled shale, because of it, the use of that reject is of great interest. This study has the goal of characterize and analyze the retorted shale, reject of the pirobetuminous shale pyrolysis, and the retorted shale modified through the humid impregnation method, wich the precursors were the metals nitrates ( Cobalt, Nickel and Copper), to the usage has adsorvent materials. The samples were characterized chemically, textually and structurally by the X ray fluorescence (XRF), BET, X ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) techniques. The impregnated samples showed a reduction in the superficial area and in the pore volume when compared with the retorted shale. Besides that, diffractions referred to the impregnated metals where observed in the XRD analysis, wich were the same metals detected in the XRF and SEM analysis. The materials showed homogeneity in it s composition. The results shows that the materials presents adequate adsorption characteristics


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The acceleration of industrial growth in recent decades on all continents aroused the interest of the companies to counter the impacts produced on the environment, spurred primarily by major disasters in the petroleum industry. In this context, the water produced is responsible for the largest volume of effluent from the production and extraction of oil and natural gas. This effluent has in its composition some critical components such as inorganic salts, heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, ), presence of oil and chemicals added in the various production processes. In response to impact, have been triggered by research alternative adsorbent materials for water treatment and water produced, in order to removing oils and acids and heavy metals. Many surveys of diatomaceous earth (diatomite) in Brazil involve studies on the physico-chemical, mineral deposits, extraction, processing and applications. The official estimated Jazi are around 2.5 million tonnes, the main located in the states of Bahia (44%) and Rio Grande do Norte (37,4%). Moreover, these two states appear as large offshore producers, earning a prominent role in research of adsorbents such as diatomite for treatment of water produced. Its main applications are as an agent of filtration, adsorption of oils and greases, industrial load and thermal insulator. The objective of this work was the processing and characterization of diatomite diatomaceous earth obtained from the municipality of Macaíba-RN (known locally as tabatinga) as a low cost regenerative adsorbent for removal of heavy metals in the application of water produced treatment. In this work we adopted a methodology for batch processing, practiced by small businesses located in producing regions of Brazil. The characterization was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and specific surface area (BET). Research conducted showed that the improvement process used was effective for small volume production of diatomite concentrated. The diatomite obtained was treated by calcination at temperature of 900 oC for 2 hours, with and without fluxing Na2CO3 (4%), according to optimal results in the literature. Column adsorption experiments were conducted to percolation of the in nature, calcined and calcined fluxing diatomites. Effluent was used as a saline solution containing ions of Cu, Zn, Na, Ca and Mg simulating the composition of produced waters in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The breakthrough curves for simultaneous removal of copper ions and zinc as a result, 84.3% for calcined diatomite and diatomite with 97.3 % for fluxing. The calcined fluxing diatomite was more efficient permeability through the bed and removal of copper and zinc ions. The fresh diatomite had trouble with the permeability through the bed under the conditions tested, compared with the other obtained diatomite. The results are presented as promising for application in the petroleum industry


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This project describes a methodology optimization that would allow for a more efficient microwave assisted digestion process for petroleum samples. With the possible chance to vary various factors at once to see if any one factor was significant enough in the answers, experimental planning was used. Microwave assisted digestion allows, through the application of potency, an increasing number of collisions between the HNO3 and H2O2 molecules, favoring sample opening for complex matrixes. For this, a 24 factorial experimental planning was used, varying potency, time and the volumes for HNO3 65% and H2O2 30%. To achieve the desired answers, several elements were monitored (C, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn and V) through Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). With this initial study it was noticed that the HNO3 was not a significant factor for any of the statistical studies for any of the analytes and the other 3 factors and their interactions showed statistical significance. A Box Behnken experimental planning was used taking in consideration 3 factors: H2O2 volume, time (min) and Potency (W), Nitric Acid kept at 4mL for a mass of 0,1g of petroleum. The results were extremely satisfying showing higher efficiency in the digestion process and taking in a responsibility between the answers for each analyte and the carbon monitoring was achieved in the following conditions: 7mL of H2O2, 700 Watts of potency and a reaction time of 7 minutes with 4mL de HNO3 for a mass of 0,1g of petroleum. The optimized digestion process was applied to four different petroleum samples and the analytes determined by ICP-OES


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The produced water is a byproduct formed due to production of petroleum and carries with it a high amount of contaminants such as oil particles in suspension, organic compounds and metals. Thus, these latter pollutants are very difficult to treat because of its high solubility in water. The objective of this work is to use and evaluate a microemulsioned system to remove metals ( K , Mg , Ba , Ca , Cr , Mn , Li , Fe ) of synthetic produced water. For the extraction of metals, it was used a pseudoternary diagram containing the following phases: synthetic produced water as the aqueous phase (AP), hexane as organic phase (OP), and a cosurfactant/surfactant ratio equal to four (C/S = 4) as the third phase, where the OCS (saponified coconut oil) was used as surfactant and n-butanol as cosurfactant. The synthetic produced water was prepared in a bench scale and the region of interest in the diagram for the removal of metals was determined by experimental design called. Ten points located in the phase Winsor II were selected in an area with a large amount of water and small amounts of reagents. The samples were analyzed in atomic absorption spectrometer, and the results were evaluated through a statistical assesment, allowing the efficiency analysis of the effects and their interactions. The results showed percentages of extraction above 90% for the metals manganese, iron, chromium, calcium, barium and magnesium, and around 45% for metals lithium and potassium. The optimal point for the simultaneous removal of metals was calculated using statistical artifact multiple response function (MR). This calculation showed that the point of greatest extraction of metals occurs was the J point, with the composition [72% AP, 9% OP, 19% C/S], obtaining a global extraction percentage about 80%. Considering the aspects analyzed, the microemulsioned system has shown itself to be an effective alternative in the extraction of metals on synthetic produced water remediation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)