116 resultados para Lacticin 3147


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This paper presents an investigation on air compressibility in the air chamber and its effects on the power conversion of oscillating water column (OWC) devices. As it is well known that for practical OWC plants, their air chambers may be large enough for accommodating significant air compressibility, the “spring effect,” an effect that is frequently and simply regarded to store and release energy during the reciprocating process of a wave cycle. Its insight effects on the device’s performance and power conversion, however, have not been studied in detail. This research will investigate the phenomena with a special focus on the effects of air compressibility on wave energy conversion. Air compressibility itself is a complicated nonlinear process in nature, but it can be linearised for numerical simulations under certain assumptions for frequency domain analysis. In this research work, air compressibility in the OWC devices is first linearised and further coupled with the hydrodynamics of the OWC. It is able to show mathematically that in frequency-domain, air compressibility can increase the spring coefficients of both the water body motion and the device motion (if it is a floating device), and enhance the coupling effects between the water body and the structure. Corresponding to these changes, the OWC performance, the capture power, and the optimised Power Take-off (PTO) damping coefficient in the wave energy conversion can be all modified due to air compressibility. To validate the frequency-domain results and understand the problems better, the more accurate time-domain simulations with fewer assumptions have been used for comparison. It is shown that air compressibility may significantly change the dynamic responses and the capacity of converting wave energy of the OWC devices if the air chamber is very large.


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Durante las tres últimas décadas, numerosos/as arqueólogos/as han discutido extensamente sobre el ritual funerario original de las poblaciones del sur ibérico entre los siglos ix y vi a.c., esto es, cremación o inhumación. Este debate está además conectado con la existencia o no de complejidad social antes de la llegada fenicia, con la aparición de una élite “orientalizada” y con la adopción de nuevos objetos y prácticas por las poblaciones locales. En este artículo hago uso del concepto deleuziano de “desterritorialización” y lo asocio con el de “frontera” desarrollado por anzaldúa para interpretar la sociedad del sur ibérico. Para ello, analizo la evidencia funeraria indígena y cuestiono la división estricta entre cremación e inhumación en la región; así como examino la profundidad y significado de los cambios funerarios en las comunidades locales.


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Transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (TRPM8) is the principal cold and menthol receptor channel. Characterized primarily for its cold sensing role in sensory neurons, it is expressed and functional in several non-neuronal tissues, including vasculature. We previously demonstrated that menthol causes vasoconstriction and vasodilatation in isolated arteries, depending on vascular tone. Here we investigated calcium's role in responses mediated by TRPM8 ligands in rat tail artery myocytes using patch-clamp electrophysiology and ratiometric Ca2+ recording. Isometric contraction studies examined actions of TRPM8 ligands in the presence/absence of L-type calcium channel blocker. Menthol (300 μM), a concentration typically used to induce TRPM8 currents, strongly inhibited L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ current (L-ICa) in myocytes, especially it's sustained component, most relevant for depolarisation-induced vasoconstriction. In contraction studies, with nifedipine present (10 μM) to abolish L-ICa contribution to phenylephrine (PE)-induced vasoconstrictions of vascular rings, a marked increase in tone was observed with menthol. Menthol-induced increases in PE-induced vasoconstrictions were mediated predominantly by Ca2+-release from sarcoplasmic reticulum, since they were significantly inhibited by cyclopiazonic acid. Pre-incubation of vascular rings with a TRPM8 antagonist strongly inhibited menthol-induced increases in PE-induced vasoconstrictions, thus confirming specific role of TRPM8. Finally, two other common TRPM8 agonists, WS-12 and icilin, inhibited L-ICa. Thus, TRPM8 channels are functionally active in rat tail artery myocytes and play a distinct direct stimulatory role in control of vascular tone. However, indirect effects of TRPM8 agonists, which are unrelated to TRPM8, are mediated by inhibition of L-type Ca2+ channels, and largely obscure TRPM8-mediated vasoconstriction.


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Dutra, R. P. S.; Varela,M. L.; Nascimento, R. M. ; Gomes, U. U. ; Martinelli1, A. E. ; Paskocimas, C. A. Estudo comparativo da queima rápida com a queima tradicional nas propriedades de materiais cerâmicos de base argilosa. Cerâmica [online]. 2009, vol.55, n.333, pp. 100-105. ISSN 0366-6913. doi:Disponivem em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Dutra, R. P. S.; Varela,M. L.; Nascimento, R. M. ; Gomes, U. U. ; Martinelli1, A. E. ; Paskocimas, C. A. Estudo comparativo da queima rápida com a queima tradicional nas propriedades de materiais cerâmicos de base argilosa. Cerâmica [online]. 2009, vol.55, n.333, pp. 100-105. ISSN 0366-6913. doi:Disponivem em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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One of the greatest sources of biologically active compounds is natural products. Often these compounds serve as platforms for the design and development of novel drugs and therapeutics. The overwhelming amount of genomic information acquired in recent years has revealed that ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified natural products are much more widespread than originally anticipated. Identified in nearly all forms of life, these natural products display incredible structural diversity and possess a wide range of biological functions that include antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and antiallodynic activities. The unique pathways taken to biosynthesize these compounds offer exciting opportunities for the bioengineering of these complex molecules. The studies described herein focus on both the mode of action and biosynthesis of antimicrobial peptides. In Chapter 2, it is demonstrated that haloduracin, a recently discovered two-peptide lantibiotic, possesses nanomolar antimicrobial activity against a panel of bacteria strains. The potency of haloduracin rivals that of nisin, an economically and therapeutically relevant lantibiotic, which can be attributed to a similar dual mode of action. Moreover, it was demonstrated that this lantibiotic of alkaliphile origin has better stability at physiological pH than nisin. The molecular target of haloduracin was identified as the cell wall peptidoglycan precursor lipid II. Through the in vitro biosynthesis of haloduracin, several analogues of Halα were prepared and evaluated for their ability to inhibit peptidoglycan biosynthesis as well as bacterial cell growth. In an effort to overcome the limitations of in vitro biosynthesis strategies, a novel strategy was developed resulting in a constitutively active lantibiotic synthetase enzyme. This methodology, described in Chapter 3, enabled the production of fully-modified lacticin 481 products with proteinogenic and non-proteinogenic amino acid substitutions. A number of lacticin 481 analogues were prepared and their antimicrobial activity and ability to bind lipid II was assessed. Moreover, site-directed mutagenesis of the constitutively active synthetase resulted in a kinase-like enzyme with the ability to phosphorylate a number of peptide substrates. The hunt for a lantibiotic synthetase enzyme responsible for installing the presumed dehydro amino acids and a thioether ring in the natural product sublancin, led to the identification and characterization of a unique post-translational modification. The studies described in Chapter 4, demonstrate that sublancin is not a lantibiotic, but rather an unusual S-linked glycopeptide. Its structure was revised based on extensive chemical, biochemical, and spectroscopic characterization. In addition to structural investigation, bioinformatic analysis of the sublancin gene cluster led to the identification of an S-glycosyltransferase predicted to be responsible for the post-translational modification of the sublancin precursor peptide. The unprecedented glycosyltransferase was reconstituted in vitro and demonstrated remarkable substrate promiscuity for both the NDP-sugar co-substrate as well as the precursor peptide itself. An in vitro method was developed for the production of sublancin and analogues which were subsequently evaluated in bioactivity assays. Finally, a number of putative biosynthetic gene clusters were identified that appear to harbor the necessary genes for production of an S-glycopeptide. An additional S-glycosyltransferase with more favorable intrinsic properties including better expression, stability, and solubility was reconstituted in vitro and demonstrated robust catalytic abilities.


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Las bibliotecas son depositarias del conocimiento históricamente acumulado e intermediarias entre éste, y la sociedad. En consecuencia, la función primordial de las bibliotecas ha sido la de proporcionar este conocimiento a las sociedades, comunidades e individuos, para que estos lo utilicen en la solución de los más variados problemas de investigación, educación, recreación o, en general, de relación con su vida y el medio social y natural en que ésta se desenvuelve.Una biblioteca juvenil debe, en consecuencia, tener como función primordial, la de poner a disposición de los jóvenes de una sociedad determinada, el conocimiento que éstos necesitan para resolver sus problemas de educación, recreación o de existencia en general.Esta función puede ser cumplida por la biblioteca juvenil, dentro de los marcos del sistema formal de educación, como biblioteca escolar, o fuera de él como biblioteca pública. En el primer caso, el acento de la función estará puesto en contribuir a la solución de los problemas que plantee al joven la escuela o el liceo. En el segundo, en contribuir a solucionar los problemas de otro tipo, existenciales, o recreativos.En un país como Venezuela, en el que la población es mayoritariamente joven, obviamente, es la biblioteca juvenil la más usada. De hecho, las pocas bibliotecas públicas que existen en el país cuentan con la juventud como principal usuario y, acorde con esta realidad, las prioridad des del Estado en la construcción del sistema nacional de bibliotecas, han sido asignadas a este sector de la población gran parte de los recursos destinados por el Estado al desarrollo de servicios bibliotecarios han sido asignados al desarrollo de redes de bibliotecas públicas para niños y jóvenes y al desarrollo de un sistema nacional de bibliotecas escolares.


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SCOPUS: no.j


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El proceso de investigación se aborda desde las inquietudes que el investigador recoge de su experiencia en la enseñanza de la geografía en la escuela y de los resultados investigativos en cuanto a la didáctica de la geografía en el desarrollo del pensamiento espacial a partir de la construcción de conceptos geográficos. Por ello, el problema de investigación se dirige a reconocer cómo construyen el concepto de ciudad los estudiantes (entre los 10 y 12 años de edad) del Colegio Fundación Colombia ubicado en la Localidad de Usaquén en Bogotá, a partir de sus experiencias y percepciones espaciales cotidianas. En este contexto se abordan aportes teóricos sobre las categorías de ciudad, cotidianidad y representación mental apoyados en el enfoque epistemológico de la geografía de la percepción. Lo anterior, define como interés central la comprensión del proceso de construcción del concepto de ciudad que realizan los estudiantes a partir de sus vivencias y percepciones espaciales cotidianas. Para lo cual, en la ponencia se presentarán los resultados de la aplicación de algunos de los instrumentos diseñados (encuesta, entrevista), que buscan identificar y caracterizar las vivencias cotidianas que poseen los estudiantes sobre la ciudad, así como realizar el análisis acerca de como los niños y las niñas ven la ciudad, qué imágenes construyen desde su experiencia diaria, los referentes que usan y como la construyen, es decir, su proceso de configuración de ciudad como habitantes – constructores de la misma