991 resultados para Crescimento radicular


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the inoculation with plant growth-promoting bacteria on the formation of sugarcane pre-sprouted seedlings, originated from individual buds, and to quantify the initial growth of these seedlings in association with nitrogen application, in a low fertility soil. Two experiments were carried out: one in greenhouse conditions, with a time span of 50 days, and the other in vases under field conditions, with a time span of 180 days. In both experiments, a randomized complete block design was used with a factorial arrangement of 2x3, in the first experiment - with or without inoculation, and with three quantities of bud reserve -, and of 2x2x4, in the second one - with or without inoculation, with or without nitrogen, evaluated in four times: at 45, 90, 135, and 180 days. The inoculant had effect on the initial growth of the pre-sprouted seedlings, increasing sprouting speed and dry matter accumulation on roots and shoots, regardless of the bud reserve amount. In the second experiment, the inoculant increased the initial growth of shoots and root system up to 180 days after transplantation, increasing height, tillering, stalk diameter, dry matter production of stalks and straw, and root length, regardless of nitrogen application. The inoculant has a positive physiological effect on plant growth.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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A produção de mudas é um dos pontos cruciais nos empreendimentos florestais e diversos trabalhos procuraram identificar o método mais adequado de produção. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o uso da espuma fenólica na substituição de recipientes e de substrato na produção de mudas clonais de eucalipto. Foram implantados quatro experimentos, sendo dois de viveiro (experimentos 1 e 2) e dois de campo (experimentos 3 e 4) em locais e períodos distintos. Todos os experimentos foram compostos por quatro tratamentos: 1 - tubete de 55 cm³ + substrato comercial; 2 - espuma pequena (60 cm³); 3 - espuma média (75 cm³); e 4 - espuma grande (90 cm³). Nos experimentos, avaliouse a mortalidade das mudas e a biomassa do sistema radicular e da parte aérea. No experimento 1, as mudas produzidas nas espumas pequenas obtiveram menor índice de mortalidade (1%), enquanto no sistema convencional foi de 15% e observou-se superioridade na produção de biomassa aérea das mudas produzidas na espuma grande. No experimento 2, as mudas produzidas na espuma apresentaram maior sensibilidade ao excesso de água durante a fase de enraizamento, sendo a mortalidade de 40 % para os tratamentos com a utilização da espuma que foi superior ao tratamento convencional (16%). No experimento 3, conduzido no campo, não foi observada mortalidade das mudas ou diferenças na produção de biomassa entre os tratamentos. No experimento 4, observou-se maior resistência ao déficit hídrico nos tratamentos com as espumas média e grande e maior produção de biomassa aérea no tratamento com a espuma grande.


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Campomanesia adamantium and Campomanesia pubescens are morphologically similar, occur in the same regions of the Cerrado, are difficult to differentiate and exhibit naturally slow growth and development. The objectives of this study were to analyze fruit and seed biometric data, emergence capacity and seedling growth characteristics. Fruit from both species was collected and used to measure biometric data of the fruit and seeds and to set up two emergence and two seedling growth experiments. C. adamantium fruit is round and has wider, pale yellow seeds while C. pubescens fruit is ellipsoidal to pyriform with yellow gold seeds. C. adamantium’s greater fresh fruit mass and biometric variability favors selection of promising material for commercialization. Seed drying reduced the speed and rate of seedling emergence of C. adamantium, but had no effect on C. pubescens. Leaf number, height, shoot dry weight and the ratio of shoot dry weight to root dry weight were greater in C. adamantium than in the slower growing C. pubescens. Increases in substrate volume favor seedling development. Slow-release fertilizer application at 1g per 115 cm3 substrate increased leaf formation, plant height and shoot dry weight of seedlings of both species and lateral budding in C. adamantium. Until 120 days after transplant, lateral budding was not observed in C. pubescens seedlings. For all traits evaluated in this experiment, C. adamantium seedling growth was greater than that of C. pubescens.


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The jabuticaba fruit tree from classified in the Myrtaceae family and Plinia genre. There are about nine species of this fruit tree, that include as most important, Plinia trunciflora (jabuticaba de cabinho), naturally occurring in southwestern Paraná State, Brazil, P. cauliflora (jabuticaba Paulista or Jabuticaba Açu) and P. jaboticaba (Vell) (jabuticaba sabará), with all the over species producing fruit for the industry or fresh consumption. Nevertheless, there aren‟t commercial orchards with this culture, with highest yield part from extractive. This fact can be combined with lack of technical knowledge for the plants produce in the field. As these species are found in the forest, the first point is whether they can adapt to other light intensity conditions. The aim of this work was to identify the adaptive behavior of jabuticaba fruit seedling and tree when they were put in different light intensities and what this can be considered ideal for the growth, as well as, its influence in the leaves secondary compounds production. Two experiments were conducted, with the first involved with the study of the seedlings and the second with plants in the field. The work was carried out at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Paraná State - Brazil. The experimental design was a completely randomized and a block design with four treatments and four replications of 10 seedlings or two plants per plot, according to nursery or orchard conditions, respectively. The treatments were base according to the light intensity. The treatments used were, 1 - full sun, similar the orchard condition, with 0% shading; 2 - side cover with shade cloth and top with transparent plastic, representing a gap forest condition; 3 - side and top cover with shade cloth, representing stage where the forest canopy is closing, focusing only indirect sunlight; 4 - side and top cover with shade cloth, simulating a closed canopy condition, with PPD (photon flux density) of 10% (90% shading); 5 - side and top cover with shade cloth, simulating a more open canopy condition with PPD 65% (35% shading). The growth and development seedling and plant characteristics were evaluated once by month, as also, during time part in the plants the secondary metabolites leaves, soil activity microbiological and the fresh and dry matter root and shoot and, root length from seedlings. For the growth and development of jabuticaba Açú Paulista seedling recommend to use of side cover with shade cloth and top with transparent plastic, representing a gap forest condition. In orchard, for the growth and development of plants jabuticaba Híbrida tree it was recommended the use of side and top cover with shade cloth of some type. For production of secondary metabolites of leaves, the plant must to be full sunlight condition orchard.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da micorriza vesicular-arbuscular e das doses de fósforo sobre o crescimento e a absorção de nutrientes em mudas de seringueira, em casa-de-vegetação. Os tratamentos constaram de três doses de fósforo: 0,9; 1,8 e 2,7 g de P2O5/planta, tendo como fonte o superfosfato triplo, e dois tratamentos de inoculação: não-inoculado e inoculado com Gigaspora margarita, ambos em solo não-esterilizado. Os parâmetros analisados foram infecção radicular, altura das plantas, diâmetro do caule, peso da matéria seca da parte aérea, teor foliar e absorção de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Fe, Mn e Zn em materiais coletados nove meses após a instalação do experimento. A aplicação da dose de 2,7 g de P2O5/planta favoreceu a infecção radicular e 2,7 g dc P2O5/planta. O fornecimento de B ao solo, na concentração de 1 mg/kg, induziu níveis do toxicidade nas plantas.


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The effects of estrogen deficiency on bone characteristics are site-dependent, with the most commonly studied sites being appendicular long bones (proximal femur and tibia) and axial bones (vertebra). The effect on the maxillary and mandibular bones is still inconsistent and requires further investigation. This study was designed to evaluate bone quality in the posterior maxilla of ovariectomized rats in order to validate this site as an appropriate model to study the effect of osteoporotic changes. Methods: Forty-eight 3-month-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: an ovariectomized group (OVX, n=24) and Sham-operated group (SHAM, n=24). Six rats were randomly sacrificed from both groups at time points 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks. The samples from tibia and maxilla were collected for Micro CT and histological analysis. For the maxilla, the volume of interest (VOI) area focused on the furcation areas of the first and second molar. Trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV, %), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th.), trabecular number (Tb.N.), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp.), and connectivity density (Conn.Dens) were analysed after Micro CT scanning. Results: At 8 weeks the indices BV/TV, Tb.Sp, Tb.N and Conn.Dens showed significant differences (P<0.05) between the OVX and SHAM groups in the tibia. Compared with the tibia, the maxilla developed osteoporosis at a later stage, with significant changes in maxillary bone density only occurring after 12 weeks. Compared with the SHAM group, both the first and second molars of the OVX group showed significantly decreased BV/TV values from 12 weeks, and these changes were sustained through 16 and 20 weeks. For Tb.Sp, there were significant increases in bone values for the OVX group compared with the SHAM group at 12, 16 and 20 weeks. Histological changes were highly consistent with Micro CT results. Conclusion: This study established a method to quantify the changes of intra-radicular alveolar bone in the posterior maxilla in an accepted rat osteoporosis model. The degree of the osteoporotic changes to trabecular bone architecture is site-dependent and at least 3 months are required for the osteoporotic effects to be apparent in the posterior maxilla following rat OVX.


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Con los objetivos de evaluar el efecto de los tres sistemas de labranza sobre el comportamiento de la enfermedad producida por Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. y determinar cuál de los tres sistemas de labranza (cero, mínima y convencional) es económicamente más rentable para producir frijol, se llevó a efecto un estudio en la estación experimental La Compañía ubicada en el municipio de San Marcos, departamento de Carazo. El experimento fue establecido en época de primera (mayo-agosto) y postrera (septiembre -diciembre). El diseño utilizado fue bloques completos al azar (SCA) con tres tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Se tomaron datos sobre el número de plantas emergidas, incidencia de las enfermedades de la raíz, número de plantas a la cosecha, número de vainas por planta, peso de 1,000 semillas y también datos sobre los costos agrícolas de cada uno de los tratamientos y sus respectivos rendimientos. A los datos agronómicos se les realizó un análisis económico. Los resultados mostraron que en época de primera el mejor sistema de labranza para el cultivo del frijol, basándose en mejores rendimientos físicos y económicos resultó ser labranza mínima en comparación con labranza convencional; así mismo sucedió en postrera resultando ser, labranza mínima mejor que labranza cero Y convencional.


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Con el objetivo de determinar la actividad radicular y el patrón de distribución de las raíces activas del lima Tahití Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swing., mediante la variación de almacenamiento de agua del suelo utilizando técnicas nucleares, se condujo un experimento en la finca San Bernardo, municipio de Masatepe, Departamento de Masaya. Se escogieron plantas de la misma edad, pureza varietal, características vegetativas uniformes y se establecieron en cada unidad experimental 4 tratamientos (50, 100, 150,200 cm de distancia del tronco), por 2 repeticiones para un total de 16 observaciones y se cubrió con plástico de polietileno negro en un área de 19.63 m2 que corresponde a un circulo de radio igual a 250 cm del tronco a cada árbol. En la época seca se tomaron lecturas, y la información obtenida y analizada permite concluir que en árboles de limón Tahití de 6 años de edad, y en las condiciones edafoclimáticas y de manejo del cultivo en que se llevó el experimento, presenta su actividad radicular directamente proporcional a las distancias horizontales del tronco del árbol, mediante el consumo total de agua en el volumen de suelo (O - 90 cm de profundidad), y a la vez directamente proporcional cada 30 cm de profundidad para un perfil de suelo de (O - 90 cm de profundidad), lo que indica presencia de un sistema radicular extenso y profundo.


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El teocintle anual de Nicaragua (Zea nicaragüensis Iltis & Benz), es una especie silvestre endémica de Nicaragua, y pariente muy cercano del maíz, sus semillas presentan un alto porcentaje de latencia, por lo que los estudios fuera de su hábitat natural son escasos. Tomando en consideración esta limitante, en el área experimental del Programa Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN) se estableció un estudio en laboratorio y canteros para identificar tratamientos que inhibieran en un mayor porcentaje la latencia de la semilla. El experimento se agrupó en dos fases: Fase I (ensayo de germinación), Fase II ensayo de la evaluación de los sustratos para medir el crecimiento del (sistema radicular). El diseño empleado para ambas fases fue un Diseño Completo al Azar (DCA) en un arreglo bifactorial con cuatro repeticiones. En la Fase I se evaluaron fechas de recolección de semillas (1991, 1992, 2005 y 2006), y tratamientos para inhibir latencia (ácido giberélico, un testigo, agua oxigenada al 20% y agua oxigenada al 50%. En la Fase II, se evaluó el período de recolección de semillas (1991-1992 y 2005-2006) y sustratos (50% arena + 50% tierra y 100% lombrihumus) sobre variables de crecimiento y del (sistema radicular). Se realizó un análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y separación de medias por Duncan (a=0.05). El ANDEVA determinó efecto significativo en los factores evaluados e interacción para los dos ensayos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que en la Fase I el tratamiento agua oxigenada al 50% presentó un mayor número de semillas germinadas, y se encontró que las semillas de teocintle con un mayor período de envejecimiento mostraron los más altos valores de germinación. De igual manera, los pesos secos provenientes de los tallos de plantas jóvenes, así como las raíces de las mismas, presentaron los mayores valores promedios en peso.


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Este experimento fue conducido en La Compañía, Estación Experimental del Instituto Superior de Ciencias Agropecuarias (ISCA), ubicado en el departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua, Fue realizado en época de primera (junio a septiembre), 1987), con los siguientes objetivos: Determinar la dosis más adecuada de PCNB contra R solani en frijol. Evaluar el efecto de la mezcla de PCNB + Metalaxyl sobre el rendimiento del frijol. Determinar el porcentaje de pérdidas causadas por R. Solani en frijol. Seleccionar la mejor variedad de frijol en este experimento. Los resultados mostraron que la dosis de 6.81kg/ha de PCNB fue la mejor produciendo un rendimiento de 3. % más que el control y un 12% más que la mayor dosis de PCNB usada (11.36 kg/ha) la variedad Revolución 84 produjo el más alto rendimiento.


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Visa responder ao questionamento acerca da existência de uma causalidade necessária entre a instituição do IGF em uma determinada matriz tributária nacional – em especial a brasileira – e o efeito da fuga de capitais produtivos. Também visa comparar a receita pública auferida com a instituição do imposto em face das perdas econômicas na fuga de capitais para o exterior.