982 resultados para Cell Lineage


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The social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, undergoes a remarkable starvation-induced program of development that transforms a population of unicellular amoebae into a fruiting body composed of resistant spores suspended on a stalk. During this development, secreted cAMP drives chemotaxis of the amoebae, leading to their aggregation, and subsequent differentiation and morphogenesis. Four sequentially expressed G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for cAMP play critical roles in this process. The first of these, cAR1, is essential for aggregation as it mediates chemotaxis as well as the propagation of secreted cAMP waves throughout aggregating populations. Ligand-induced internalization has been shown to regulate a variety of GPCRs. However, little was known at the outset of this study about the role of internalization in the regulation of cAR1 function or, for that matter, in developmental systems in general. For this study, cAMP-induced cAR1 internalization was assessed by measuring (1) the reduction of cell surface binding sites for [ 3H]cAMP and (2) the redistribution of YFP-tagged receptors to the cell's interior, cAMP was found to induce little or no loss of ligand binding (LLB) in vegetative cells. However, the ability to induce LLB increased progressively over the initial 6 hrs of development, reaching ∼70% in cells undergoing aggregation. Despite these reductions in surface binding, detectable cAR1-YFP redistribution could be induced by cAMP only after the cells reached the mound stage (10 hrs) and was found to occur naturally by the ensuing slug stage (18 hrs). Site-directed substitution of a cluster of 5 serines in the receptor's cytoplasmic tail that was previously shown to be the principal site of cAMP-induced cAR1 phosphorylation impaired both LLB and receptor redistribution and furthermore resulted in mound-stage developmental arrest, suggesting that phosphorylation of cAR1 is a prerequisite for its internalization and that cAR1 internalization is required for post-aggregative development. To assess the involvement of clathrin mediated endocytosis, Dictyostelium cells lacking the clathrin light chain gene (clc-) or either of two dynamin genes were examined and found to be defective in LLB and, in the case of clc- cells, also cAR1 redistribution and turnover. Furthermore, cAR1 overexpression in clc- cells (like the serine mutant in wild-type cells) promoted developmental arrest in mounds. The mound-arrest phenotype was also recapitulated in a wild-type background by the specific expression of cAR1 in prestalk cells (but not prespore cells), suggesting that development depends critically on internalization and clearance of cAR1 from these cells. Persistent cAR1 expression following aggregation was found to be associated with aberrant expression of prestalk and prespore genes, which may adversely affect development in the prestalk cell lineage. The PI3 kinase-TORC2 signal transduction pathway, known to be important for Dictyostelium chemotaxis and internalization of yeast pheromone receptors, was examined using chemical inhibitors and null cells and found to be necessary for cAR1 internalization. In conclusion, cAR1 was shown to be similar to other GPCRs in that its internalization depends on phosphorylation of cytoplasmic domain serines, utilizes clathrin and dynamin, and involves the TORC2 complex. In addition, the findings presented here that cAR1 internalization is both developmentally regulated and required for normal development represent a novel regulatory paradigm that might pertain to other GPCRs known to play important roles in the development of humans and other metazoans. ^


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AP-2γ is a member of the AP-2 transcription factor family, is highly enriched in the trophoblast cell lineage, and is essential for placenta development. In an effort to identify factors regulating AP-2γ gene expression we isolated and characterized the promoter and 5′ flanking region of the mouse and human AP-2γ genes. The transcription start site of the mouse AP-2γ gene was mapped by primer extension and 5′ RACE. Transient gene transfer studies showed that basal promoter activity resides within a highly conserved ∼200 by DNA sequence located immediately upstream of the transcription start site. The conserved region is highly GC-rich and lacks typical TATA or CCAAT boxes. Multiple potential Sp and AP-2 binding sites are clustered within this region. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays demonstrated that Sp1 and Sp3 bind to three sites in the promoter region of the mouse AP-2γ gene. Combined mutation of the three putative Sp sites reduced promoter activity by 80% in trophoblast and non-trophoblast cells, demonstrating the functional importance of these sites in AP-2γ gene expression. ^ Mutational analysis of the 5′-flanking region revealed a 117-bp positive regulatory region of the mouse AP-2γ gene located between −5700 and −5583 upstream of the transcription start site. This 117-bp positive regulatory element provided approximately 7-fold enhancement of reporter gene expression in cultured trophoblast cells. A C/EBP-Sp1 transcription factor-binding module is located in this DNA sequence. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays demonstrated that transcription factors Sp1, Sp3 and C/EBP bind to the enhancer element. Mutation of each protein-binding site reduced the enhanced expression significantly. Mutagenesis assays showed that two other protein-binding sites also contribute to the enhancer activity. In summary, we have shown that Sp1 and Sp3 bind to cis-regulatory elements located in the promoter region and contribute to basal promoter activity. We have identified a 117-bp positive regulatory element of AP-2γ gene, and we have shown that Sp and C/EBP proteins bind to the cis -regulatory elements and contribute to the enhanced gene expression. ^


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Investigating cell dynamics during early zebrafish embryogenesis requires specific image acquisition and analysis strategies. Multiharmonic microscopy, i.e., second- and third-harmonic generations, allows imaging cell divisions and cell membranes in unstained zebrafish embryos from 1- to 1000-cell stage. This paper presents the design and implementation of a dedicated image processing pipeline (tracking and segmentation) for the reconstruction of cell dynamics during these developmental stages. This methodology allows the reconstruction of the cell lineage tree including division timings, spatial coordinates, and cell shape until the 1000-cell stage with minute temporal accuracy and micrometer spatial resolution. Data analysis of the digital embryos provides an extensive quantitative description of early zebrafish embryogenesis.


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Las células en los tejidos biológicos están continuamente sometidas a estímulos físicos tales como la presión hidrostática y esfuerzos de tracción, compresión o cortante, entre otros. La importancia de los estímulos mecánicos en el comportamiento de las células se ha reconocido recientemente al comprobarse cómo la naturaleza de estas fuerzas puede cambiar en patologías tales como las enfermedades vasculares o el cáncer. En respuesta a estos cambios, las células reaccionan modificando desde su forma o aspecto hasta su ciclo celular. Consecuentemente, el interés por el comportamiento mecánico de las células ha experimentado un auge creciente que ha requerido el desarrollo de varias técnicas de caracterización. En este contexto, se puede afirmar que una de las técnicas que ha irrumpido con más fuerza en esta nueva área, situada entre el mundo biológico y el físico, es la microscopía de fuerza atómica. En esta Tesis se ha abordado el estudio mediante microscopía de fuerza atómica de linfocitos de ratón que constituyen un linaje celular especialmente difícil de caracterizar mediante esta técnica por su tamaño y naturaleza no adherente. Los linfocitos, como actores fundamentales del sistema inmune, tienen gran importancia en la determinación de la respuesta que un organismo desencadena ante la presencia de un biomaterial. Bajo esta premisa, y como condición previa a la caracterización de los linfocitos, ha sido necesario el desarrollo de una metodología robusta y de amplia aplicabilidad que permita el estudio de células sobre biomateriales. Finalmente y con el objetivo de correlacionar el comportamiento mecánico de los linfocitos con alguna característica fisiológica relevante, se ha analizado la hipótesis de que el comportamiento mecánico pueda ser utilizado como marcador de la edad biológica. Consecuentemente se ha abordado el estudio del comportamiento mecánico de los linfocitos clasificados por grupos de edad, de manera que se han obtenido los primeros resultados que indican cómo puede manifestarse el proceso de inmunosenescencia -depresión del sistema inmune relacionada con el envejecimiento- en el comportamiento mecánico de las células del sistema inmune. Cells within tissues are continuously exposed to physical forces including hydrostatic pressure, shear stress, and compression and tension forces. The relevance of these mechanical stimuli has recently been recognised by different works in which significant changes were observed in these forces when they were measued in individuals affected by cardiovasvular diseases or cancer. Cells may alter their orientation, shape, internal constitution, contract, migrate, adhere, modify the synthesis and degradation of extracellular constituents, or even their life cycle in response to perturbations in their mechanical environment. As a consequence of this, the attention in cell mechanical behavior has undergone a significant thrust and novel techniques have been developed. In this context, atomic force microscopy has become a basic tool for the progress of this field. In this Thesis, the mechanical behavior of living murine T-lymphocytes was assessed by atomic force microscopy. Lymphocytes play a main role in the immune system of the individual and, consequently, in the immune response triggered by the presence of a biomaterial. The observation and characterization of the lymphocytes required the development of a robust experimental procedure that allowed overcoming the difficulties related to the analysis of this cell lineage, in particular their relatively large size and non-adherent character. These procedures could be easily transferred to other non-adherent cell lineages. Finally, to check the viability of developed method, we study the lymphocyte mechanical behavior as a function of the murine ageing. The obtained data represent a first step in the knowledge about how mechanical stimuli can affect the age-dependent decrease in immunological competence, i.e., the immunosenescence.


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Mutations in the nubbin (nub) gene have a phenotype consisting of a severe wing size reduction and pattern alterations, such as transformations of distal elements into proximal ones. nub expression is restricted to the wing pouch cells in wing discs since early larval development. These effects are also observed in genetic mosaics where cell proliferation is reduced in all wing blade regions autonomously, and transformation into proximal elements is observed in distal clones. Clones located in the proximal region of the wing blade cause in addition nonautonomous reduction of the whole wing. Cell lineage experiments in a nub mutant background show that clones respect neither the anterior–posterior nor the dorsal–ventral boundary but that the selector genes have been correctly expressed since early larval development. The phenotypes of nub el and nub dpp genetic combinations are synergistic and the overexpression of dpp in clones in nub wings does not result in overproliferation of the surrounding wild-type cells. We discuss the role of nub in the wing’s proximo–distal axis and in the formation of compartment boundaries.


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The enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (Parp) catalyzes poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation reaction and is involved in DNA repair and cell death induction upon DNA damages. Meanwhile, poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of chromosome-associated proteins is suggested to be implicated in the regulation of gene expression and cellular differentiation, both of which are important in tumorigenesis. To investigate directly the role of Parp deficiency in tumorigenicity and differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells during tumor formation, studies were conducted by using wild-type J1 (Parp+/+) ES cells and Parp+/− and Parp−/− ES clones generated by disrupting Parp exon 1. These ES cells, irrespective of the Parp genotype, produced tumors phenotypically similar to teratocarcinoma when injected s.c. into nude mice. Remarkably, all tumors derived from Parp−/− clones contained syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells (STGCs), which possess single or multiple megalo-nuclei. The STGCs were present within large areas of intratumoral hemorrhage. In contrast, neither STGC nor hemorrhage was observed in tumors of both wild-type J1 cells and Parp+/− clones. Electron microscopic examination showed that the STGCs possess microvilli on the cell surface and contained secretory granules in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, the cytoplasms of STGCs were strongly stained with antibody against mouse prolactin, which could similarly stain trophoblasts in placenta. These morphological and histochemical features indicate that the STGCs in teratocarcinoma-like tumors derived from Parp−/− clones belong to the trophoblast cell lineage. Our findings thus suggest that differentiation of ES cells into STGCs was possibly induced by the lack of Parp during the development of teratocarcinoma.


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P75/AIRM1 is a recently identified surface molecule that belongs to the sialoadhesin family and displays homology with the myeloid cell antigen CD33. In lymphoid cells, p75/AIRM1 is confined to natural killer cells and mediates inhibition of their cytolytic activity. In this study, we show that p75/AIRM1 is also expressed by cells of the myelomonocytic cell lineage, in which it appears at a later stage as compared with CD33. In vitro proliferation and differentiation of cord blood-derived CD34+ cells (induced by stem cell factor and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor) were consistently inhibited by the addition of anti-p75/AIRM1 mAb. Engagement of CD33 led to inhibition in some experiments. A sharp decrease of cell proliferation/survival was detected in all three p75/AIRM1+ chronic myeloid leukemias analyzed when cultured in the presence of either anti-p75/AIRM1 or anti-CD33 mAbs. Thus, the present study suggests that p75/AIRM1 and CD33 may play a regulatory role in normal myelopoiesis and may be viewed as suitable target molecules to counteract the proliferation/survival of chronic myeloid leukemias.


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A transgenic mouse model of metastatic prostate cancer has been developed that is 100% penetrant in multiple pedigrees. Nucleotides −6500 to +34 of the mouse cryptdin-2 gene were used to direct expression of simian virus 40 T antigen to a subset of neuroendocrine cells in all lobes of the FVB/N mouse prostate. Transgene expression is initiated between 7 and 8 weeks of age and leads to development of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia within a week. Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia progresses rapidly to local invasion. Metastases to lymph nodes, liver, lung, and bone are common by 6 months. Tumorigenesis is not dependent on androgens. This model indicates that the neuroendocrine cell lineage of the prostate is exquisitely sensitive to transformation and provides insights about the significance of neuroendocrine differentiation in human prostate cancer.


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When tumors form in intestinal epithelia, it is important to know whether they involve single initiated somatic clones. Advanced carcinomas in humans and mice are known to be monoclonal. However, earlier stages of tumorigenesis may instead involve an interaction between cells that belong to separate somatic clones within the epithelium. The clonality of early tumors has been investigated in mice with an inherited predisposition to intestinal tumors. Analysis of Min (multiple intestinal neoplasia) mice chimeric for a ubiquitously expressed cell lineage marker revealed that normal intestinal crypts are monoclonal, but intestinal adenomas frequently have a polyclonal structure, presenting even when very small as single, focal adenomas composed of at least two somatic lineages. Furthermore, within these polyclonal adenomas, all tumor lineages frequently lose the wild-type Apc allele. These observations can be interpreted by several models for clonal interaction within the epithelium, ranging from passive fusion within regions of high neoplastic potential to a requirement for active clonal cooperation.


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Somatic mosaicism has been observed previously in the lymphocyte population of patients with Fanconi anemia (FA). To identify the cellular origin of the genotypic reversion, we examined each lymphohematopoietic and stromal cell lineage in an FA patient with a 2815–2816ins19 mutation in FANCA and known lymphocyte somatic mosaicism. DNA extracted from individually plucked peripheral blood T cell colonies and marrow colony-forming unit granulocyte–macrophage and burst-forming unit erythroid cells revealed absence of the maternal FANCA exon 29 mutation in 74.0%, 80.3%, and 86.2% of colonies, respectively. These data, together with the absence of the FANCA exon 29 mutation in Epstein–Barr virus-transformed B cells and its presence in fibroblasts, indicate that genotypic reversion, most likely because of back mutation, originated in a lymphohematopoietic stem cell and not solely in a lymphocyte population. Contrary to a predicted increase in marrow cellularity resulting from reversion in a hematopoietic stem cell, pancytopenia was progressive. Additional evaluations revealed a partial deletion of 11q in 3 of 20 bone marrow metaphase cells. By using interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization with an MLL gene probe mapped to band 11q23 to identify colony-forming unit granulocyte–macrophage and burst-forming unit erythroid cells with the 11q deletion, the abnormal clone was exclusive to colonies with the FANCA exon 29 mutation. Thus, we demonstrate the spontaneous genotypic reversion in a lymphohematopoietic stem cell. The subsequent development of a clonal cytogenetic abnormality in nonrevertant cells suggests that ex vivo correction of hematopoietic stem cells by gene transfer may not be sufficient for providing life-long stable hematopoiesis in patients with FA.


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Conditional gene repair mutations in the mouse can assist in cell lineage analyses and provide a valuable complement to conditional gene inactivation strategies. We present a method for the generation of conditional gene repair mutations that employs a loxP-flanked (floxed) selectable marker and transcriptional/translational stop cassette (neostop) located within the first intron of a target gene. In the absence of Cre recombinase, expression of the targeted allele is suppressed generating a null allele, while in the presence of Cre, excision of neostop restores expression to wild-type levels. To test this strategy, we have generated a conditional gene repair allele of the mouse Huntington’s disease gene homolog (Hdh). Insertion of neostop within the Hdh intron 1 generated a null allele and mice homozygous for this allele resembled nullizygous Hdh mutants and died after embryonic day 8.5. In the presence of a cre transgene expressed ubiquitously early in development, excision of neostop restored Hdh expression and rescued the early embryonic lethality. A simple modification of this strategy that permits the generation of conventional gene knockout, conditional gene knockout and conditional gene repair alleles using one targeting construct is discussed.


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We have previously described how T and natural killer (NK) lineage commitment proceeds from common T/NK progenitors (p-T/NK) in the murine fetal thymus (FT), with the use of a clonal assay system capable of discriminating p-T/NK from unipotent T or NK lineage-committed progenitors (p-T and p-NK, respectively). The molecular mechanisms controlling the commitment processes, however, are yet to be defined. In this study, we investigated the progenitor activity of FT cells from Id2−/− mice that exhibit defective NK cell development. In the Id2−/− FT, NK cells were greatly reduced, and a cell population that exclusively contains p-NK in the wild-type thymus was completely missing. Id2−/− FT progenitors were unable to differentiate into NK cells in IL-2-supplemented-FT organ culture. Single progenitor analysis demonstrated that all Id2−/− fetal thymic progenitors are destined for the T cell lineage, whereas progenitors for T/NK, T, and NK cell lineages were found in the control. Interestingly, the total progenitor number was similar between Id2−/− and Id2+/+ embryos analyzed. Expression of Id2 was correlated with p-NK activity. Our results suggest that Id2 is indispensable in thymic NK cell development, where it most probably restricts bipotent T/NK progenitors to the NK cell lineage.


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Wnt1 signaling has been implicated as one factor involved in neural crest-derived melanocyte (NC-M) development. Mice deficient for both Wnt1 and Wnt3a have a marked deficiency in trunk neural crest derivatives including NC-Ms. We have used cell lineage-directed gene targeting of Wnt signaling genes to examine the effects of Wnt signaling in mouse neural crest development. Gene expression was directed to cell lineages by infection with subgroup A avian leukosis virus vectors in lines of transgenic mice that express the retrovirus receptor tv-a. Transgenic mice with tva in either nestin-expressing neural precursor cells (line Ntva) or dopachrome tautomerase (DCT)-expressing melanoblasts (line DCTtva) were analyzed. We overstimulated Wnt signaling in two ways: directed gene transfer of Wnt1 to Ntva+ cells and transfer of β-catenin to DCTtva+ NC-M precursor cells. In both methods, NC-M expansion and differentiation were effected. Significant increases were observed in the number of NC-Ms [melanin+ and tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1)+ cells], the differentiation of melanin− TYRP1+ cells to melanin+ TYRP1+ NC-Ms, and the intensity of pigmentation per NC-M. These data are consistent with Wnt1 signaling being involved in both expansion and differentiation of migrating NC-Ms in the developing mouse embryo. The use of lineage-directed gene targeting will allow the dissection of signaling molecules involved in NC development and is adaptable to other mammalian developmental systems.


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Friend of GATA (FOG) proteins regulate GATA factor-activated gene transcription. During vertebrate hematopoiesis, FOG and GATA proteins cooperate to promote erythrocyte and megakaryocyte differentiation. The Drosophila FOG homologue U-shaped (Ush) is expressed similarly in the blood cell anlage during embryogenesis. During hematopoiesis, the acute myeloid leukemia 1 homologue Lozenge and Glial cells missing are required for the production of crystal cells and plasmatocytes, respectively. However, additional factors have been predicted to control crystal cell proliferation. In this report, we show that Ush is expressed in hemocyte precursors and plasmatocytes throughout embryogenesis and larval development, and the GATA factor Serpent is essential for Ush embryonic expression. Furthermore, loss of ush function results in an overproduction of crystal cells, whereas forced expression of Ush reduces this cell population. Murine FOG-1 and FOG-2 also can repress crystal cell production, but a mutant version of FOG-2 lacking a conserved motif that binds the corepressor C-terminal binding protein fails to affect the cell lineage. The GATA factor Pannier (Pnr) is required for eye and heart development in Drosophila. When Ush, FOG-1, FOG-2, or mutant FOG-2 is coexpressed with Pnr during these developmental processes, severe eye and heart phenotypes result, consistent with a conserved negative regulation of Pnr function. These results indicate that the fly and mouse FOG proteins function similarly in three distinct cellular contexts in Drosophila, but may use different mechanisms to regulate genetic events in blood vs. cardial or eye cell lineages.


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Neural crest cells arise from the ectoderm and are first recognizable as discrete cells in the chicken embryo when they emerge from the neural tube. Despite the classical view that neural crest precursors are a distinct population lying between epidermis and neuroepithelium, our results demonstrate that they are not a segregated population. Cell lineage analyses have demonstrated that individual precursor cells within the neural folds can give rise to epidermal, neural crest, and neural tube derivatives. Interactions between the neural plate and epidermis can generate neural crest cells, since juxtaposition of these tissues at early stages results in the formation of neural crest cells at the interface. Inductive interactions between the epidermis and neural plate can also result in "dorsalization" of the neural plate, as assayed by the expression of the Wnt transcripts characteristic of the dorsal neural tube. The competence of the neural plate changes with time, however, such that interaction of early neural plate with epidermis generates only neural crest cells, whereas interaction of slightly older neural plate with epidermis generates neural crest cells and Wnt-expressing cells. At cranial levels, neuroepithelial cells can regulate to generate neural crest cells when the endogenous neural folds are removed, probably via interaction of the remaining neural tube with the epidermis. Taken together, these experiments demonstrate that: (i) progenitor cells in the neural folds are multipotent, having the ability to form multiple ectodermal derivatives, including epidermal, neural crest, and neural tube cells; (ii) the neural crest is an induced population that arises by interactions between the neural plate and the epidermis; and (iii) the competence of the neural plate to respond to inductive interactions changes as a function of embryonic age.