990 resultados para 190402 Creative Writing (incl. Playwriting)


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"The second of the Oral History Workshops conducted by Associate Professor Helen Klaebe and the Oral History team from the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, was conducted in El Arish on the last weekend in September 2011. The first workshop was held in Cardwell in March 2011. Historical Society members and other researchers from both the Cardwell and El Arish areas combined to organise and fund the workshops, which have produced a growing collection of recordings of personal stories from people with a wide variety of experiences during and after cyclone Yasi. Aside from being productive in documenting history, the workshops have offered a greatly appreciated educational opportunity for many people, most of whom have never before had access to such benefits. Not only were they able to learn history gathering methodologies and the relevant technical skills, but they also gained new experience in the use of computers to apply these skills. These far northern oral history workshops took the form of a shortened version of the 5 series workshops being presented at QUT in Brisbane this year. The agenda was aligned to the wishes and requirements of the participants who attended from the Cassowary Coast and Tableland regions."


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The fiction of football, or soccer as it is commonly known in both the US and Australia, has a long and deep history. Despite this, there is still academic uncertainty as to whether it qualifies description as a distinct fictive genre. This paper seeks to address this question. It brings a genre analysis approach to the football fiction canon. Starting with definitions of what constitutes football fiction and genre, the paper goes on to distinguish and aggregate common trends, tensions and divergences and identify emerging and popular movements within football fiction. The paper will then assess football fiction’s status as a discrete genre.


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Short Story About football Rugby League and City Country Clashes. Written to explore, examine and attempt to subvert generic conventions identified in PhD research. Good football fiction exists and it is plentiful.


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This piece emerged during the development of my PhD research. I started looking at the differences between young adult and adult fiction. I found strangebOUnce.com to be kindred spirits looking at football, the beautiful game, through creators eyes. I hope to publish more work with them


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Current media attention on the crossover novel highlights the increasing permeability of the boundaries between young adult and adult fiction. This paper will focus upon some of the difficulties around definitions of young adult fiction before considering the fiction of football, or soccer as it is more commonly known in Australia. The football genre exhibits a number of discrete and identifiable differences between young adult and adult readerships including, for example, the role of the protagonist, and the narrative’s distance from the game. This paper will use Franco Moretti’s Mapping as Distant Reading model of abstraction to highlight and unpack these and other characteristic differences in the narratological and stylistic techniques employed across adult and young adult texts. Close reading analysis of the adult football fiction Striker (1992) by Hunter Davies and young adult football fiction Lucy Zeezou’s Goal (2008) by Liz Deep-Jones’ will further illustrate the range of tensions and divergences as they are reflected across those readerships. The texts have been selected because they speak to themes of fear and safety; Joe Swift (Striker) is driven by a need to move away from childhood poverty and insecurity, while Lucy Zeezou shelters a homeless friend. With both protagonists being kidnapped for ransom for example, the texts have also been selected for their striking similarities in form and content.


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Interview and discussion on Robot University and AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS, transmedia creative works by Christy Dena.


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An original edutainment piece written by Caroline Heim and Christian Heim. Frederic Chopin and George Sands' turbulent and fraught relationship is dramatised through Chopin's music and Sand's writings.


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Football, or soccer as it is more commonly referred to in Australia and the US, is arguably the world’s most popular sport. It generates a proportionate volume of related writing. Within this landscape, works of novel-length fiction are seemingly rare. This paper establishes and maps a substantial body of football fiction works, explores elements and qualities exhibited individually and collectively. In bringing together current, limited surveys of the field, it presents the first rigorous definition of football fiction and captures the first historiography of the corpus. Drawing on distant reading methods developed in conjunction with closer textual analyses, the historiography and subsequent taxonomy represent the first articulation of relationships across the body of work, identify growth areas and establish a number of movements and trends. In advancing the understanding of football fiction as a collective body, the paper lays foundations for further research and consideration of the works in generic terms.


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Cyclone Yasi struck the Cassowary Coast of Northern Queensland, Australia, in the early hours of February 3, 2011, destroying many homes and property, including the destruction of the Cardwell and district historical society’s premises. With their own homes flattened, many residents were forced to live in mobile accommodation, with extended family, or leave the area altogether. The historical society members seemed, however, particularly devastated by their flattened foreshore museum and loss of their precious collection of material. A call for assistance was made through the Oral History Association of Australia’s Queensland branch (OHAA Qld), which along with a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) research team sponsored a trip to best plan how they could start to pick up the pieces to rebuild the museum. This chapter highlights the need for communities to gather, preserve and present their own stories, in a way that is sustainable and meaningful to them – whether that be because of a disaster, or as they go about life in their contemporary communities – the key being that good advice, professional support and embedded evaluation practices at crucial moments along the way can be critically important.


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Short story in journal. "It was in winter, when the peach tree in our backyard was bare, and asthma kept me from school for days at a time, that the wolves first came. You could hear them after dark, howling from the forest that covered Mt Gravatt..."--publisher website


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Two poems in journal Axon. 2013 Issue 4.


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Poem - elegiac on the death of Chrissy Amphlett, international songwriter and vocalist.