912 resultados para breastfeeding problems, night nursery, breastfeeding knowledge, breastfeeding support


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Os custos elevados de aquisição de conhecimento, a intensificação da concorrência e a necessidade de aproximação do consumidor vêm estimulando empresas a buscar formas alternativas de aumentar seu potencial de inovação pela integração de usuários. No entanto, a literatura e o senso comum convergem ao afirmar que nem todo usuário está habilitado a trazer conhecimentos que sustentem a vantagem competitiva das inovações. Nesse contexto, emerge a figura do lead user que, por definição, é capaz de sentir necessidades de produtos e serviços ainda não expressos por usuários regulares. Esses conhecimentos, quando adequadamente absorvidos, trazem benefícios expressivos às empresas que os incorporam ao DNP. Sabendo que as formas de incorporação de usuários apresentam variações, este estudo se destina a entender como empresas de diferentes setores absorvem conhecimentos de lead users por diferentes práticas de integração. Para tanto, foi escolhido o método de estudo de casos múltiplos incorporados, observados em três multinacionais de grande porte: Natura, Whirlpool e Microsoft (Bing). Ao todo foram avalidados cinco modos de integração distintos, escolhidos a partir de duas formações: individual (conhecimentos isolados de usuários distintos) e coletivo (conhecimentos articulados em discussões em grupo), analisados pelos métodos de indução analítica com síntese cruzada de dados. Os resultados mostraram que as categorias teóricas utilizadas para observação inicial do fenômenol: parâmetro de identificação e técnica de seleção (aquisição); mecanismo de interação (assimilação); mecanismos de socialização (transformação) e sistema de formalização (exploração) apoiaram parcialmente o entendimento das atividades do processo e, por esta razão, precisaram se complementadas pelas categorias emergentes: criação de contexto, motivação (aquisição); estímulos, parâmetro de observação, interpretação (assimilação); definição de papéis, coordenação de processos, combinação de conhecimento (transformação) e gestão do conhecimento (exploração), coletadas na fase empírica Essa complementação aumentou a robustez do modelo inicial e mostrou como a absorção de conhecimentos pode ser avaliada pelas dimensões absortivas. No entanto, as análises intra e intercasos que se seguiram, mostraram que esse entendimento era insuficiente para explicar a capacidade de absorção por diferentes práticas, uma vez que o fenômeno é influenciado por fatores contextuais associados tanto à prática de integração quanto ao modo como cada empresa se organiza para inovar (tipo de acesso ao colaborador). As reflexões teóricas realizadas a partir desses resultados permitiram contribuir com a teoria existente de duas formas: I) pelo entendimento estendido das atividades de absorção necessárias para incorporação de conhecimentos de lead users e III) pela proposição de um modelo conceitual amplo que abarcou diferentes práticas de integração considerando também os antecedentes de inovação, as atividades absortivas e os fatores adjuntos, inerentes a cada prática. Esta pesquisa objetiva contribuir para o conhecimento teórico sobre inovação e motivar reflexões que possam ser úteis para gerentes e executivos interessados em aprimorar suas práticas e processos de captação de conhecimentos de lead users.


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Summary. This paper argues that the Obama Administration’s Asia ‘pivot’ or ‘rebalancing’ is mainly a rhetorical construct that has very little substantive effect on US security policy. In contrast to the widely held belief that a renewed emphasis on Asia would place meaningful restrictions on America’s willingness and ability to deal with European security problems there is little evidence to support this argument nor is it well-grounded conceptually. Furthermore, undue emphasis on this aspect of American policy has detracted attention from more important developments in Washington’s capacity to effectively project military power.


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This paper argues that the Obama Administration’s Asia ‘pivot’ or ‘rebalancing’ is mainly a rhetorical construct that has very little substantive effect on US security policy. In contrast to the widely held belief that a renewed emphasis on Asia would place meaningful restrictions on America’s willingness and ability to deal with European security problems there is little evidence to support this argument nor is it well-grounded conceptually. Furthermore, undue emphasis on this aspect of American policy has detracted attention from more important developments in Washington’s capacity to effectively project military power.


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A homeopatia é uma medicina diferente da medicina tradicional, em crescente expansão pelo mundo e fundamentada por três princípios básicos defendidos por Samuel Hahnemann. A homeopatia possui diversas utilizações contudo, segundo a literatura, existe uma desconfiança em relação à sua eficácia. Os objetivos deste trabalho são, em primeiro lugar, reunir de forma organizada e objetiva todos os aspetos importantes relacionados com a homeopatia e em segundo lugar, verificar se o perfil do profissional de farmácia influencia o conhecimento da população sobre os medicamentos homeopáticos bem como estabelecer o perfil dos consumidores de medicamentos homeopáticos. Primeiramente, este trabalho consiste numa revisão que compila a diversa informação sobre homeopatia desde a sua definição, os seus princípios, evolução no mundo e introdução em Portugal, as suas utilizações, a controvérsia e o papel do profissional de farmácia no aconselhamento destes medicamentos. Numa segunda etapa, este trabalho apresenta um estudo transversal, observacional e de coorte realizado a utentes de duas farmácias em que uma delas aconselha diariamente medicamentos homeopáticos ao contrário da outra. Foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas de cariz sociodemográfico e perguntas que permitem avaliar o conhecimento dos utentes sobre esta medicina. Dos 364 indivíduos, 187 (51,4%) afirmam saber o que são medicamentos homeopáticos e destes, 113 (60,4%) possuem efetivamente conhecimento sobre homeopatia, contudo, apenas 129 (35,5%) afirmam já ter tomado estes medicamentos. Tanto o conhecimento como a toma destes medicamentos manifestam-se com maior percentagem de indivíduos na farmácia que aconselha. São os indivíduos mais jovens, com ensino superior, não casados, trabalhadores ativos e com profissão pertencente à área da saúde os que demonstram mais conhecimento sobre o tema. São as mulheres, os indivíduos com ensino superior, com profissão pertencente à área da saúde e com condição socioeconómica média os que demonstraram maior adesão a estes medicamentos. Além disto, este estudo permitiu concluir que o aconselhamento do profissional de farmácia pode ser decisivo no que respeita ao conhecimento e adesão dos utentes a este tipo de medicação. A caracterização do conhecimento e da adesão dos utentes de farmácia comunitária em relação aos medicamentos homeopáticos contribuiu para verificar que tipo de população se interessa por esta área e se a adesão a estes medicamentos é satisfatória de modo a incentivar as farmácias e os profissionais de farmácia a promoverem e aconselharem mais frequentemente medicamentos homeopáticos.


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Contexte: Les approches de synthèse exploratoire (ou scoping studies) font actuellement l’objet de confusion dans leur appellation, définition et but. Elles continuent aussi de manquer de description méthodologique suffisante ou de détails sur le processus de l’analyse de données. Objectif : Cette synthèse exploratoire fait le point des connaissances sur les approches de synthèse exploratoire utilisées en santé. Plus spécifiquement, ses objectifs sont : 1) d’examiner le volume et l’étendue des synthèses exploratoires ainsi que les domaines d’étude dans lesquels elles ont été conduites; 2) de faire l’inventaire de leurs définitions, buts, forces et faiblesses; et 3) et de faire l’inventaire des approches méthodologiques existantes. Méthodes : Une recherche systématique des synthèses exploratoires a été entreprise jusqu’en avril 2014 dans les bases de données Medline, PubMed, ERIC, PsycINFO, CINAHL, EMBASE, EBM Reviews/Cochrane. Des critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont été appliqués afin de ne retenir que des études de langue française et anglaise présentant des définitions, méthodes et écarts de connaissances sur les synthèses exploratoires, ainsi que celles les comparant à d’autres types de revues de littérature. Deux reviseurs ont examiné de façon indépendante les références pertinentes. Une grille d’extraction des données a été conçue afin de recueillir pour chacune des études, les données contextuelles, les étapes méthodologiques ainsi que les définitions, buts et limites des synthèses exploratoires. Les données ont été répertoriées et classées afin de dresser un portrait global des approches de synthèses exploratoires dans un format narratif et tabulaire. Résultats : Sur deux cent cinquante-deux références identifiées, quatre-vingt-douze références pertinentes ont été retenues. Les synthèses exploratoires ont été publiées par 6 pays dans 10 domaines d’études et 73 journaux. Elles ont pour finalité d’être à la fois un support aux connaissances, une aide à la décision et un préalable à une revue systématique de littérature. Cinq auteurs ont été cités en référence et huit autres ont publié sur leur méthodologie. Elles ont 3 étapes importantes de réalisation dont la revue de littérature, la consultation des parties prenantes et la synthèse globale avec ou sans validation des résultats. Les synthèses exploratoires utilisent une méthode systématique, pas toujours exhaustive et sans évaluation formelle des études incluses Des notions claires portant sur leur définition, buts, forces et faiblesses ont été identifiées. Conclusion : Nous suggérons que de nouvelles études soient entreprises afin d’asseoir complètement cette méthode et dégager des lignes directrices pour les chercheurs qui s’y intéresseront.


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Objective: To investigate the psychosocial impact of young caregiving by empirically validating prominent qualitative themes.. This was achieved through developing an inventory called the Young Caregiver of Parents Inventory (YCOPI) designed to assess these themes and by comparing young caregivers and noncaregivers. Method: Two hundred forty-five participants between 10 and 25 years completed questionnaires: 100 young caregivers and 145 noncaregivers. In addition to the YCOPI, the following variables were measured: demographics, caregiving context, social support, appraisal, coping strategies, and adjustment (health, life satisfaction, distress, positive affect). Results: Eight reliable factors emerged from the YCOPI that described the diverse impacts of caregiving and reflected the key themes reported in prior research. The factors were related to most caregiving context variables and theoretically relevant stress and coping variables. Compared with noncaregivers, young caregivers reported higher levels of young caregiving impact, less reliance on problem-solving coping, and higher somatization and lower life satisfaction. Conclusions: Findings delineate key impacts of young caregiving and highlight the importance of ensuring that measures used in research on young caregivers are sensitive to issues pertinent to this population.


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The evaluation of ontologies is vital for the growth of the Semantic Web. We consider a number of problems in evaluating a knowledge artifact like an ontology. We propose in this paper that one approach to ontology evaluation should be corpus or data driven. A corpus is the most accessible form of knowledge and its use allows a measure to be derived of the ‘fit’ between an ontology and a domain of knowledge. We consider a number of methods for measuring this ‘fit’ and propose a measure to evaluate structural fit, and a probabilistic approach to identifying the best ontology.


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Publication describes the experience in application of ontology technique to structuring of educational materials. Several topics of physics were formalized by means of Protégé software tool. Some principal problems in building of knowledge structure were found, so the discussion may interest not only ontology users, but also the developers of ontology tools.


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This study investigated the effects of an explicit individualized phonemic awareness intervention administered by a speech-language pathologist to 4 prekindergarten children with phonological speech sound disorders. Research has demonstrated that children with moderate-severe expressive phonological disorders are at-risk for poor literacy development because they often concurrently exhibit weaknesses in the development of phonological awareness skills (Rvachew, Ohberg, Grawburg, & Heyding, 2003).^ The research design chosen for this study was a single subject multiple probe design across subjects. After stable baseline measures, the participants received explicit instruction in each of the three phases separately and sequentially. Dependent measures included same-day tests for Phase I (Phoneme Identity), Phase II (Phoneme Blending), and Phase III (Phoneme Segmentation), and generalization and maintenance tests for all three phases.^ All 4 participants made substantial progress in all three phases. These skills were maintained during weekly and biweekly maintenance measures. Generalization measures indicated that the participants demonstrated some increases in their mean total number of correct responses in Phase II and Phase III baseline while the participants were in Phase I intervention, and more substantial increases in Phase III baseline while the participants were in Phase II intervention. Increased generalization from Phases II to III could likely be explained due to the response similarities in those two skills (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007).^ Based upon the findings of this study, speech-language pathologists should evaluate phonological awareness in the children in their caseloads prior to kindergarten entry, and should allocate time during speech therapy to enhance phonological awareness and letter knowledge to support the development of both skills concurrently. Also, classroom teachers should collaborate with speech-language pathologists to identify at-risk students in their classrooms and successfully implement evidence-based phonemic awareness instruction. Future research should repeat this study including larger groups of children, children with combined speech and language delays, children of different ages, and ESOL students.^


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This study investigated the effects of an explicit individualized phonemic awareness intervention administered by a speech-language pathologist to 4 prekindergarten children with phonological speech sound disorders. Research has demonstrated that children with moderate-severe expressive phonological disorders are at-risk for poor literacy development because they often concurrently exhibit weaknesses in the development of phonological awareness skills (Rvachew, Ohberg, Grawburg, & Heyding, 2003). The research design chosen for this study was a single subject multiple probe design across subjects. After stable baseline measures, the participants received explicit instruction in each of the three phases separately and sequentially. Dependent measures included same-day tests for Phase I (Phoneme Identity), Phase II (Phoneme Blending), and Phase III (Phoneme Segmentation), and generalization and maintenance tests for all three phases. All 4 participants made substantial progress in all three phases. These skills were maintained during weekly and biweekly maintenance measures. Generalization measures indicated that the participants demonstrated some increases in their mean total number of correct responses in Phase II and Phase III baseline while the participants were in Phase I intervention, and more substantial increases in Phase III baseline while the participants were in Phase II intervention. Increased generalization from Phases II to III could likely be explained due to the response similarities in those two skills (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). Based upon the findings of this study, speech-language pathologists should evaluate phonological awareness in the children in their caseloads prior to kindergarten entry, and should allocate time during speech therapy to enhance phonological awareness and letter knowledge to support the development of both skills concurrently. Also, classroom teachers should collaborate with speech-language pathologists to identify at-risk students in their classrooms and successfully implement evidence-based phonemic awareness instruction. Future research should repeat this study including larger groups of children, children with combined speech and language delays, children of different ages, and ESOL students


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The National Police for Basic Care (PNAB), regulated by ordinance nº2488 from October 2011, restates the Family Health Strategy (ESF) as a priority to the expansion, consolidation and qualification of basic attention to health matters in Brazil. In order to bring it about, city counsellors along with other federal entities ought to ordinate their work process deepening principals, directions and fundaments of Basic Care (AB). Besides ESF, the new PNAB expatiates on the Family Health Support Centres (NASF), reaffirming their role on broadening the scope of basic care actions and their improvements, ratifying their ability to share knowledge and support Basic Care professionals. All this considered, the purpose of this work is to investigate how NASF is currently structured in João Pessoa and what has been achieved by it on what concerns to mental health. Its main objectives are to analyse the practices of mental health professionals that are part of NASF teams and if they differ from what has been developed by the other members of the teams; to discuss the articulation of NASF in managing mental health measures on what concerns to internal organisatio n and to the city health network; to identify strategies used to organise such measures on mental health in Basic Care. To reach such goals, individual interviews have taken place two city health managers and four of NASF professionals that participated on the Mental Health Office as representatives of their sanitary districts. Also a focal group formed by various supporters of NASF was created, contemplating the diversity of professional categories involved with the teams and sanitary districts. It was possible to identify in NASF, in João Pessoa, an organisation based by the matrix support in which both management and basic care demands reflect a series of actions developed alongside with ESF. Amongst such actions, matrixing, home visits and the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS) stand out. These activities have been discussed on the focal group and integrate the daily work of all NASF supporters despite their professional categories. NASF presents itself as a powerful strategy to SUS proper qualification and support to strengthen Basic Care and broaden family health teams‟actions.


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Contexte: Les approches de synthèse exploratoire (ou scoping studies) font actuellement l’objet de confusion dans leur appellation, définition et but. Elles continuent aussi de manquer de description méthodologique suffisante ou de détails sur le processus de l’analyse de données. Objectif : Cette synthèse exploratoire fait le point des connaissances sur les approches de synthèse exploratoire utilisées en santé. Plus spécifiquement, ses objectifs sont : 1) d’examiner le volume et l’étendue des synthèses exploratoires ainsi que les domaines d’étude dans lesquels elles ont été conduites; 2) de faire l’inventaire de leurs définitions, buts, forces et faiblesses; et 3) et de faire l’inventaire des approches méthodologiques existantes. Méthodes : Une recherche systématique des synthèses exploratoires a été entreprise jusqu’en avril 2014 dans les bases de données Medline, PubMed, ERIC, PsycINFO, CINAHL, EMBASE, EBM Reviews/Cochrane. Des critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont été appliqués afin de ne retenir que des études de langue française et anglaise présentant des définitions, méthodes et écarts de connaissances sur les synthèses exploratoires, ainsi que celles les comparant à d’autres types de revues de littérature. Deux reviseurs ont examiné de façon indépendante les références pertinentes. Une grille d’extraction des données a été conçue afin de recueillir pour chacune des études, les données contextuelles, les étapes méthodologiques ainsi que les définitions, buts et limites des synthèses exploratoires. Les données ont été répertoriées et classées afin de dresser un portrait global des approches de synthèses exploratoires dans un format narratif et tabulaire. Résultats : Sur deux cent cinquante-deux références identifiées, quatre-vingt-douze références pertinentes ont été retenues. Les synthèses exploratoires ont été publiées par 6 pays dans 10 domaines d’études et 73 journaux. Elles ont pour finalité d’être à la fois un support aux connaissances, une aide à la décision et un préalable à une revue systématique de littérature. Cinq auteurs ont été cités en référence et huit autres ont publié sur leur méthodologie. Elles ont 3 étapes importantes de réalisation dont la revue de littérature, la consultation des parties prenantes et la synthèse globale avec ou sans validation des résultats. Les synthèses exploratoires utilisent une méthode systématique, pas toujours exhaustive et sans évaluation formelle des études incluses Des notions claires portant sur leur définition, buts, forces et faiblesses ont été identifiées. Conclusion : Nous suggérons que de nouvelles études soient entreprises afin d’asseoir complètement cette méthode et dégager des lignes directrices pour les chercheurs qui s’y intéresseront.


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O presente relatório surge no âmbito da unidade curricular de Integração Curricular: Prática Educativa e Relatório de Estágio, inserida no plano de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este documento valida a obtenção do grau mestre, habilitando para a docência em 1.º e 2.º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste sentido, apresenta o percurso individual de formação, com opções fundamentadas e em contexto, articuladas entre os saberes teóricos e os saberes práticos construídos e aplicados ao longo da formação académica da mestranda. No desenvolvimento da Prática Educativa, a metodologia de investigação-ação foi a base de todo o trabalho desenvolvido pela professora estagiária. O seu processo cíclico faseado em quatro fases: observação, planificação, ação e reflexão, permitiu a construção de conhecimentos sólidos que sustentam a prática docente. A par desta metodologia, a supervisão pedagógica assenta num momento importante e insubstituível de aprendizagem na formação docente, uma vez que motiva à reflexão partilhada. A reflexão em colaboração com o par pedagógico, com os orientadores cooperantes e com os supervisores institucionais permite a partilha de saberes e de vivências com o objetivo de modificar e melhorar práticas de ensino. O rumo deste Relatório de Estágio desencadeia, ainda a reflexão crítica sobre todas instâncias da escola e da comunidade educativa, através da implementação de projetos contextualizados, que leva ao desenvolvimento de um processo ativo na construção pessoal, profissional e social do profissional de educação.


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The problem of sharing a cost M among n individuals, identified by some characteristic ci∈R+,ci∈R+, appears in many real situations. Two important proposals on how to share the cost are the egalitarian and the proportional solutions. In different situations a combination of both distributions provides an interesting approach to the cost sharing problem. In this paper we obtain a family of (compromise) solutions associated to the Perron’s eigenvectors of Levinger’s transformations of a characteristics matrix A. This family includes both the egalitarian and proportional solutions, as well as a set of suitable intermediate proposals, which we analyze in some specific contexts, as claims problems and inventory cost games.


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The problem of unsupervised anomaly detection arises in a wide variety of practical applications. While one-class support vector machines have demonstrated their effectiveness as an anomaly detection technique, their ability to model large datasets is limited due to their memory and time complexity for training. To address this issue for supervised learning of kernel machines, there has been growing interest in random projection methods as an alternative to the computationally expensive problems of kernel matrix construction and support vector optimisation. In this paper we leverage the theory of nonlinear random projections and propose the Randomised One-class SVM (R1SVM), which is an efficient and scalable anomaly detection technique that can be trained on large-scale datasets. Our empirical analysis on several real-life and synthetic datasets shows that our randomised 1SVM algorithm achieves comparable or better accuracy to deep autoen-coder and traditional kernelised approaches for anomaly detection, while being approximately 100 times faster in training and testing.