989 resultados para Resistance mutation


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La mosca mediterránea de la fruta, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae), es una de las plagas de mayor incidencia económica en cítricos y otros frutales a nivel mundial. En España las medidas de control de esta plaga en cítricos, desde mediados de los 90 hasta 2009, se basaron principalmente en el monitoreo de las poblaciones y en la aplicación de tratamientos aéreos y terrestres con malatión cebo. Sin embargo, desde la retirada en la Unión Europea en 2009 de los productos fitosanitarios que contienen malatión, los insecticidas más utilizados para el control de esta plaga han sido lambda-cihalotrina y spinosad. En 2004-2005 se detectaron poblaciones españolas de C. capitata resistentes a malatión. Esta resistencia se ha asociado a una mutación (G328A) en la acetilcolinesterasa (AChE), a una duplicación del gen de la AChE (Ccace2) (una de las copias lleva la mutación G328A) y a resistencia metabólica mediada por esterasas (posiblemente aliesterasas). Sin embargo, cuando se secuenció la aliesterasa CcE7 en individuos de una línea resistente a malatión, no se encontró ninguna de las mutaciones (G137D y/o W251L/S/G) asociadas a resistencia en otras especies, si bien se encontraron otras mutaciones al compararlos con individuos de una línea susceptible. Asimismo, mediante la selección en laboratorio de una línea resistente a malatión (W-4Km) con lambda-cihalotrina, se ha podido obtener una línea resistente a lambda-cihalotrina (W-1K). Finalmente, se ha demostrado la capacidad de esta especie para desarrollar resistencia a spinosad mediante selección en laboratorio. Los múltiples mecanismos de resistencia identificados evidencian el potencial de esta especie para desarrollar resistencia a insecticidas con diferentes modos de acción. Los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral son: 1) evaluar la susceptibilidad de poblaciones españolas de campo de C. capitata a lambda-cihalotrina y dilucidar los mecanismos de resistencia en la línea W-1Kλ; 2) comparar la herencia, el coste biológico y la estabilidad de la resistencia a malatión mediada por la mutación G328A y la duplicación del gen Ccace2 (una de las copias lleva la mutación G328A); y 3) investigar el papel de las mutaciones identificadas en la aliesterasa CcαE7 en la resistencia a malatión. Estos estudios son de utilidad para el desarrollo de estrategias de manejo de la resistencia que puedan prevenir o retrasar la aparición de resistencia y aumentar la sostenibilidad de los insecticidas disponibles para el control de esta plaga. Nuestros resultados indican que las poblaciones españolas de C. capitata analizadas han desarrollado resistencia a lambda-cihalotrina. Los valores de CL50 estimados para las poblaciones recogidas en la Comunidad Valenciana, Cataluña y Andalucía oscilaron entre 129 ppm y 287 ppm, igualando o sobrepasando la concentración recomendada para los tratamientos de campo (125 ppm). Estos resultados contrastan con los obtenidos con tres poblaciones de campo recogidas en Túnez, cuya susceptibilidad fue similar a la de la línea control (C). La línea resistente a lambda-cihalotrina W-1K se continuó seleccionando en el laboratorio alcanzándose unos niveles de resistencia de 205 veces con respecto a la línea C, siendo su CL50 (4224 ppm) más de 30 veces superior a la concentración recomendada para los tratamientos de campo. Esta línea resistente mostró altos niveles de resistencia cruzada a deltametrina (150 veces) y a etofenprox (240 veces), lo que sugiere que el desarrollo de resistencia a lambda-cihalotrina podría comprometer la eficacia de otros piretroides para el control de esta plaga. Hemos demostrado que la resistencia de la línea W-1K a lambda-cihalotrina fue casi completamente suprimida por el sinergista PBO, lo que indica que las enzimas P450 desempeñan un papel muy importante en la resistencia a este insecticida. Sin embargo, tanto las moscas de la línea susceptible C como las de la línea resistente W-1K perdieron inmediatamente la capacidad de caminar (efecto “knock-down”) al ser tratadas tópicamente con lambda-cihalotrina, lo que sugiere que la resistencia no está mediada por alteraciones en la molécula diana (resistencia tipo “kdr”). La resistencia metabólica mediada por P450 fue analizada comparando la expresión de 53 genes CYP (codifican enzimas P450) de las familias CYP4, CYP6, CYP9 y CYP12 en adultos de la línea resistente W-1K y de la línea susceptible C. Nuestros resultados muestran que el gen CYP6A51 (número de acceso GenBank XM_004534804) fue sobreexpresado (13-18 veces) en la línea W-1K. Por otra parte, la expresión del gen CYP6A51 fue inducida tanto en adultos de la línea W-1K como de la línea C al ser tratados con lambda-cihalotrina. Sin embargo, no se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre la línea susceptible C y la línea resistente W-1K al comparar la cantidad de P450 y la actividad NADPH-citocromo c reductasa presente en fracciones microsomales obtenidas a partir de abdómenes. Asimismo, no hemos podido correlacionar el metabolismo de deltametrina, estimado in vitro mediante la incubación de este insecticida con fracciones microsomales, con el nivel de resistencia a este piretroide observado en los bioensayos con la línea W-1K. Por otro lado, no se encontró ninguna alteración en la región promotora 5'UTR del gen CYP6A51 (-500 pb desde el inicio de la traducción) que pudiera explicar su sobreexpresión en la línea W-1K. Los datos obtenidos sugieren que la resistencia a lambda-cihalotrina en la línea W-1K está mediada por P450 y que la sobreexpresión de CYP6A51 puede desempeñar un papel importante, aunque se necesitan más evidencias para establecer una asociación directa de la resistencia con este gen. Hemos estudiado la herencia, el coste biológico y la estabilidad de la resistencia a malatión mediada por la mutación G328A y la duplicación del gen Ccace2 (una de las copias lleva la mutación G328A). La línea susceptible C, donde no se encuentra la mutación G328A (genotipo S/S), se cruzó con dos isolíneas establecidas para representar genotipos únicos correspondientes a los dos mecanismos de resistencia asociados a la molécula diana: 1) la isolínea 267Y (genotipo R/R) establecida a partir de una pareja que portaba la mutación G328A en homocigosis; 2) la isolínea 306TY (genotipo RS/RS) establecida a partir de una pareja que portaba en homocigosis la duplicación del gen Ccace2. No se realizaron cruces recíprocos, ya que mediante experimentos de hibridación in situ en cromosomas politénicos se pudo comprobar que el locus de la AChE y la duplicación (probablemente en tándem) se localizan en el cromosoma autosómico 2L. La susceptibilidad al malatión de los parentales resistentes (R/R o RS/RS) y susceptibles (S/S), los cruces F1 (S/R, S/RS y R/RS) y los retrocruzamientos indican que la resistencia a malatión es semi-dominante en ambos casos. Sin embargo, nuestros resultados no fueron concluyentes con respecto a la naturaleza monogénica de la resistencia a malatión en estas isolíneas. Por lo tanto, no podemos descartar que otros genes que contribuyan a la resistencia, además de la mutación G328A (isolínea 267Y) y de la duplicación del gen Ccace2 (isolínea 306TY), puedan haber sido seleccionados durante el proceso de selección de 267Y y 306TY. Varios parámetros biológicos fueron evaluados para determinar si estos dos mecanismos de resistencia a malatión suponen un coste biológico para los genotipos resistentes. Individuos con genotipo R/R mostraron un retraso en el tiempo de desarrollo de huevo a pupa, un peso de pupa reducido y una menor longevidad de los adultos, en comparación con los individuos con genotipo S/S. Sin embargo, el peso de pupa de los individuos con genotipo RS/RS fue similar al de los individuos S/S, y su desarrollo de huevo a pupa intermedio entre S/S y R/R. Estas diferencias en el coste biológico pueden estar relacionadas con la reducción de la eficiencia catalítica de la AChE mutada en los individuos R/R, y al efecto compensatorio que la copia no mutada del gen tiene en los individuos RS/RS que portan la duplicación. La estabilidad de la resistencia a malatión mediada por la mutación G328A y la duplicación se analizó mediante el seguimiento de los caracteres de resistencia en la progenie de retrocruzamientos S/R x R/R y S/RS x RS/RS a lo largo de varias generaciones en ausencia de presión de selección con insecticidas. Nuestros resultados muestran que la frecuencia del alelo que porta la mutación G328A disminuyó desde 67,5% en la primera generación del retrocruzamiento S/R x R/R (75% esperado, asumiendo segregación mendeliana y que sólo hay dos alelos: uno mutado y otro no mutado) a 12% después de 10 generaciones. Por el contrario, la frecuencia de la duplicación sólo disminuyó desde 75% en en la primera generación del retrocruzamiento S/RS x RS/RS (75% esperado, asumiendo segregación Mendeliana y que la duplicación segrega como un único alelo) a 50% en el mismo período, lo que indica que la duplicación es más estable que la mutación. Asimismo, se analizó la presencia de la mutación y de la duplicación en poblaciones de campo recogidas en seis localidades en 2004-2007, cuando todavía se usaba el malatión, y se comparó con poblaciones recogidas en los mismos campos en 2010, un año después de la prohibición del malatión en la Unión Europea. La frecuencia media del genotipo susceptible (S/S) aumentó del 55,9% en el período 2004-2007 a 70,8% en 2010, mientras que la frecuencia de los genotipos portadores de la mutación en homocigosis o heterocigosis (R/R y S/R) disminuyó del 30,4 al 9,2%, los que llevan la duplicación en homocigosis o heterocigosis (RS/RS y S/RS) aumentaron levemente desde 12,8 hasta 13,3%, y los que llevan a la vez la mutación y la duplicación (R/RS) también aumentaron del 1 al 6,7%. Estos resultados son consistentes con que la duplicación del gen Ccace2 (con una copia con la mutación G328A y la otra copia no mutada) es más ventajosa que la mutación G328A por si sola, ya que la duplicación mantiene los niveles de resistencia a la vez que limita el coste biológico. Para investigar la asociación entre la resistencia a malatión y las mutaciones encontradas previamente en CcE7, hemos generado isolíneas con mutaciones específicas seleccionadas por su ubicación próxima a la entrada al centro activo de la enzima. La isolínea Sm2 (procedente de una hembra heterocigota para la mutación V96L y un macho homocigoto para el alelo no mutado) mantuvo altos niveles de resistencia a malatión, incluso después de 30 generaciones sin presión de selección. Por el contrario, la isolínea 267Y (compuesta por individuos homocigotos para la mutación L267Y) y la línea 306TY (compuesta por individuos homocigotos para la doble mutación R306T-N307Y) mostraron una reducción significativa en los niveles de resistencia. También hemos encontrado que la resistencia a malatión de la línea Sm2 fue parcialmente revertida por DEF y TPP, y que Sm2 mostró una reducción significativa en la actividad MTB, como se ha descrito en otras especies que muestran resistencia específica a malatión mediada por aliesterases. Además, fue posible asociar la presencia de la mutación V96L en individuos de la línea Sm2 con supervivencia a una concentración discriminante de malatión (5,000 ppm) y con una baja actividad MTB. Estos resultados sugieren una posible relación entre la mutación V96L en la aliesterasa CcE7 y la resistencia a malatión, aunque todavía no se puede concluir que la resistencia es causada por esta mutación, siendo necesarios más estudios para comprobar su contribución a la resistencia. En conclusión, se ha encontrado por primera vez resistencia a lambda-cihalotrina en poblaciones de campo de C. capitata, y nuestros resultados indican que las P450 son el principal mecanismo de resistencia en la línea W-1K. Esta situación se suma al caso previamente descrito de resistencia en campo a malatión asociada a la mutación G328A, a la duplicación del gen Ccace2 (una de las copias lleva la mutación G328A) y a resistencia metabólica mediada por esterasas. Nuestros resultados también indican que la alteración de la molécula diana AChE parece ser responsable de un cierto nivel de resistencia a malatión en C. capitata, que puede ser estimada como aproximadamente 25-40 veces para la mutación G328A y 40-60 veces para la duplicación; mientras que la resistencia mediada por esterasas y que ha sido asociada en este estudio con la mutación V96L en CcE7 puede conferir un efecto multiplicativo (por un factor de 5 a 10) aumentando la resistencia a malatión a 200-400 veces. Por otra parte, hemos demostrado que los insectos resistentes que llevan la duplicación tienen un coste biológico menor y muestran una estabilidad mayor que aquellos con la mutación G328A en ausencia de presión de selección con insecticidas. Esto representa un escenario en el que los genotipos con la duplicación permanecerán en el campo en frecuencias bajas a moderadas, pero podrían ser seleccionados rápidamente si se utilizan malatión u otros insecticidas que muestren resistencia cruzada. Estos resultados tienen importantes implicaciones para los programas de manejo de la resistencia, ya que el repertorio de insecticidas eficaces para el control de C. capitata es cada vez más limitado. Además, la coexistencia de múltiples mecanismos de resistencia en poblaciones de campo ofrece el potencial para desarrollar resistencia frente a otros insecticidas disponibles para el control de esta plaga. Estrategias para de manejo de la resistencia basadas en la alternancia de insecticidas con diferentes modos de acción, y su combinación con otros métodos de control, deben ser implementadas para evitar el desarrollo de resistencia en campo. ABSTRACT The Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is one of the most economically damaging pests of citrus and other fruit crops worldwide. Control measures in citrus crops in Spain from the mid 90's to 2009 were mainly based on field monitoring of population levels and aerial and ground treatments with malathion bait sprays. However, since the withdrawal of phytosanitary products containing malathion in the European Union in 2009, lambda-cyhalothrin and spinosad have become the most widely used insecticides for the control of this pest. Resistance to malathion was found in Spanish field populations of C. capitata in 2004-2005. This resistance has been associated with a mutation G328A in the acetylcholinesterase (AChE), a duplication of the AChE gene (Ccace2) (one of the copies bearing the mutation G328A), and metabolic resistance mediated by esterases (probably aliesterases). However, when the gene of the aliesterase CcE7 was sequenced in individuals from a malathion resistant strain of C. capitata, none of the known G137D and/or W251L/S/G mutations associated to resistance in other species were found, though other mutations were detected when compared with individuals from a susceptible strain. Noteworthy, a lambda-cyhalothrin resistant strain (W-1K) was obtained by selecting a field-derived malathion resistant strain (W-4Km) with lambda-cyhalothrin. Moreover, it has also been demonstrated the capacity of this species to develop resistance to spinosad by laboratory selection. The multiple resistance mechanisms identified highlight the potential of this species to develop resistance to insecticides with different modes of action. The objectives of this PhD Thesis are: 1) to assess the susceptibility of Spanish field populations of C. capitata to lambda-cyhalothrin and to elucidate the resistance mechanisms in the W-1Kλ strain; 2) to compare the inheritance, fitness cost and stability of the malathion resistance mediated by the G328A mutation and the duplication of the Ccace2 gene (with one of the copies bearing the mutation G328A); and 3) to investigate the role of the aliesterase CcαE7 mutations in malathion resistance. All these studies will be of use for devising proactive resistance management strategies that could prevent or delay resistance development and would increase the sustainability of the insecticides available for Medfly control. Our results indicate that Spanish field populations of C. capitata have developed resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin. The LC50 values estimated for populations collected at Comunidad Valenciana, Cataluña and Andalucía ranged from 129 ppm to 287 ppm, equaling or overpassing the recommended concentration for field treatments (125 ppm). These results contrast with those obtained with three different Tunisian field populations, whose susceptibility was similar to that of the control (C) strain. The lambda-cyhalothrin resistant W-1K strain has been further selected to achieve a 205-fold resistance compared to the C strain, being its LC50 (4,224 ppm) more than 30 times higher than the recommended concentration for field applications. This resistant strain showed high levels of cross-resistance to deltamethrin (150-fold) and etofenprox (240-fold), suggesting that the development of resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin may compromise the effectiveness of other pyrethroids for the control of this species. We have shown that the resistance of the W-1K strain to lambda-cyhalothrin was almost completely suppressed by the synergist PBO, indicating that P450 enzymes play a very important role in resistance to this insecticide. However, both susceptible C and resistant W-1K flies were knocked down after topical treatment with lambda-cyhalothrin, suggesting that kdr resistance mediated by alterations of the target site is not playing a major role. Metabolic resistance mediated by P450 was further analyzed by comparing the expression of 53 genes of the families CYP4, CYP6, CYP9 and CYP12 in adults flies from the resistant W-1K and the susceptible C strains. We found that the gene CYP6A51 (GenBank accession number XM_004534804) was overexpressed (13-18-fold) in the W-1K strain. Moreover, the expression of the CYP6A51 gene was induced when adults of the W-1K and C strains were treated with lambda-cyhalothrin. However, no significant differences were obtained between susceptible C and resistant W-1K strains for the quantity of P450 and for the activity of NADPH- cytochrome c reductase measured in microsomal fractions obtained from abdomens. Moreover, we failed to correlate the metabolism of deltamethrin, analyzed in vitro by incubating this insecticide with microsomal fractions, with the resistance level against this pyrethroid observed in bioassays with W-1K. The sequencing of the 5´UTR region of the CYP6A51 gene failed in finding an alteration in the promoter region (-500 bp from translation start site) that could explain overexpression in the W-1K strain. All data obtained suggest that resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin in the W- 1K strain is mediated by P450 and that overexpression of CYP6A51 may play a major role, although further evidences are needed to establish a direct association of resistance with this gene. We have studied the inheritance, fitness cost and stability of the malathion resistance mediated by the G328A mutation and the duplication of the Ccace2 gene (with one of the copies bearing the mutation G328A). The malathion-susceptible C strain where the G328A mutation is not found (S/S genotype) was crossed with two isolines established to represent unique genotypes corresponding to the two target-site resistance mechanisms: 1) the 267Y isoline (genotype R/R) was established from a couple bearing the mutation G328A in homozygosis; and 2) the 306TY isoline (genotype RS/RS) was established from a couple being homozygous for the duplication of the Ccace2 gene. Reciprocal crosses have not been performed, since in situ hybridization on polythene chromosomes showed that the AChE locus and the duplication (most probably in tandem) are placed at the autosomal chromosome 2L. Mortality responses to malathion of resistant isolines (R/R or RS/RS) and susceptible (S/S) genotypes, F1 crosses (S/R, S/RS, and R/RS), and the back-crosses indicated that resistance to malathion is inherited as a semi-dominant trait in both cases. However, our results were not conclusive about the monogenic nature of the resistance to malathion in these isolines. Thus, we can not discard that other genes contributing to resistance, in addition to the mutation G328A (isoline 267Y) and the duplication of the Ccace2 gene (isoline 306TY), may have been selected during the selection process of 267Y and 306TY. Several biological parameters were evaluated to determine if these two malathion resistance mechanisms impose a fitness cost for resistant genotypes. Individuals with genotype R/R have a reduced fitness in terms of developmental time from egg to pupa, pupal weight and adult longevity, when compared to susceptible individuals (genotype S/S). Interestingly, the fitness cost was substantially diminished in individuals with genotype RS/RS. These differences in fitness may be related to the reduction of the catalytic efficiency of mutated AChE in individuals R/R, and the compensatory effect that the non-mutated copy of the gene has on individuals RS/RS bearing the duplication. The stability of malathion reistance associated with the mutation G328A or the duplication was analyzed by following these resistant traits in the progeny of the back-crosses S/RS x RS/RS and S/R x R/R over consecutive generations in the absence of insecticide selection pressure. Our results show that the frequency of the allele bearing the mutation G328A decreased from 67.5% at the first generation of the back-cross S/R x R/R (75% expected, assuming Mendelian segregation and that there are only two alleles: one mutated and the other non-mutated) to 12% after 10 generations. By contrast, the frequency of the duplication only declined from 75% at the first generation of the back-cross S/RS x RS/RS (75% expected, assuming Mendelian segregation and that the duplication segregates as an unique allele) to 50% in the same period, indicating that the duplication is more stable than the mutation. The presence of the mutation and the duplication was analyzed in field populations collected in six localities in 2004-2007, when malathion was still used, and compared to populations collected in the same fields in 2010, one year after the prohibition of malathion in the European Union. The average frequency of the susceptible genotype (S/S) increased from 55.9% in the period 2004-2007 to 70.8% in 2010, whereas the frequency of those genotypes carrying the mutation in homozygosis or heterozygosis (R/R and S/R) declined from 30.4 to 9.2%, those carrying the duplication in homozygosis or heterozygosis (RS/RS and S/RS) increased slightly from 12.8 to 13.3%, and those carrying both the mutation and the duplication (R/RS) also increased from 1 to 6.7%. These results are consistent with the duplication of the Ccace2 gene (with one of the copies bearing the mutation G328A and the other copy non-mutated) being more advantageous than the G328A mutation alone by maintaining resistance while restoring part of the fitness. In order to investigate the association of malathion resistance with mutations previously found in the aliesterase CcE7, we have generated isolines bearing specific mutations selected by their putative location near the upper part of the active site gorge of the enzyme. The isoline Sm2 (originating from a female heterozygous for the mutation V96L and a male homozygous for the non-mutated allele) kept high levels of resistance to malathion, even after 30 generations without selection pressure. On the contrary, the isoline 267Y (composed by individuals homozygous for the mutation L267Y) and the strain 306TY (composed by homozygous for the double mutation R306T-N307Y) showed a significant reduction in the levels of resistance. We have found also that resistance to malathion in the Sm2 isoline was partially reverted by DEF and TPP, and that Sm2 showed a significant reduction in MTB activity, as reported for other species showing malathion-specific resistance mediated by aliesterases. Besides, it was possible to associate the presence of the mutation V96L in individuals from the Sm2 isoline with both survival to a discriminating concentration of malathion (5,000 ppm) and low MTB activity. Our results point out to a possible connection betwen the mutation V96L in the aliesterase CcE7 and resistance to malathion, though we can not yet conclude that the resistance is caused by the mutation, being needed further work to understand its contribution to resistance. In conclusion, resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin has been found for the first time in field populations of C. capitata, and metabolic resistance mediated by P450 appears to be the main resistance mechanism in the resistant strain W-1K. These findings add to the previously reported case of field resistance to malathion, associated to the G328A mutation and the duplication of the Ccace2 gene (with one of the copies bearing the mutation G328A) and to metabolic resistance mediated by esterases. Our results also indicate that altered target site AChE appears to be responsible for a certain level of resistance to malathion in C. capitata, that can be estimated as about 25-40-fold for the mutation G328A and 40-60-fold for the duplication; whereas metabolic resistance mediated by esterases and associated in this study with the mutation V96L in CcE7 may confer a multiplicative effect (by a factor of 5 to10) increasing malathion resistance to 200-400-fold. Moreover, we have shown that resistant insects carrying the duplication have better fitness and exhibit a higher stability than those with the mutation G328A in the absence of insecticide pressure. This represents a scenario where genotypes with the duplication will remain in the field at low to moderate frequencies, but could be rapidly selected if malathion or other insecticides showing cross-resistance are used. These findings have important implications for resistance management programs, as the repertoire of effective insecticides for C. capitata control is becoming very limited. Besides, multiple resistance mechanisms coexisting in field populations provide the potential to develop resistance to other available insecticides for the control of this pest. Appropriate resistance management strategies based on the alternation of insecticides with different modes of action, and their combination with other control methods, must then be implemented to avoid the evolution of resistance in the field.


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Macrophages are considered to be the mediators of resistance to extra-intestinal Salmonella infections. Nevertheless, the initial cellular response to Salmonella infections consists primarily of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). To determine whether PMN serve an important function for the infected host, we made mice neutropenic with the rat mAb to RB6–8C5 and infected them i.v. with ≈103 Salmonella dublin or an isogenic derivative that lacks the virulence plasmid (LD842). We infected BALB/c mice, which have a point mutation in the macrophage-expressed gene Nramp1 that makes them susceptible to Salmonella, and BALB/c.D2 congenic mice, which have the wild-type Nramp1 gene that makes them resistant to Salmonella. Both mouse strains were resistant to LD842, and neutropenia made only the BALB/c strain susceptible to this infection. Neutropenic congenic mice, however, were susceptible only to wild-type S. dublin (plasmid+). These results show a complex interplay between plasmid-virulence genes in Salmonella, host macrophages, and PMN. Mice with normal macrophages need PMN to defend against nontyphoid Salmonella that carry a virulence plasmid but not against Salmonella without virulence plasmids. Mice with a mutant Nramp1 gene need PMN to defend against all Salmonella, even those that lack virulence plasmids. These results, plus the evidence that PMN kill Salmonella efficiently in vitro, suggest that Salmonella have adapted to grow inside macrophages where they are relatively sheltered from PMN. The adaptations that allow Salmonella to survive in macrophages do not protect them from PMN.


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Okadaic acid (OA) is a strong tumor promoter of mouse skin carcinogenesis and also a potent inhibitor of serine/threonine protein phosphatases. OA induces various genetic alterations in cultured cells, such as diphtheria-toxin-resistance mutations, sister chromatid exchange, exclusion of exogenous transforming oncogenes, and gene amplification. The present study revealed that it caused minisatellite mutation (MSM) at a high frequency in NIH 3T3 cells, although no microsatellite mutation was found. Nine of 31 clones (29%) exhibited MSM after 6 days of OA treatment, as opposed to only 1 of 30 clones (3%) without OA exposure. Moreover, NIH 3T3 cells treated with OA acquired tumorigenicity in nude mice, giving rise to 7 tumors within 25 weeks in 20 sites where 3 × 106 cells were injected. In contrast, the same numbers of untreated cells gave rise to only one tumor, and the tumor grew much slower. All of three OA-induced tumors examined manifested the MSM. The findings thus point to a molecular mechanism by which OA could function as a tumor promoter, and also the biological relevance of the induction of MSM in the tumorigenic process by OA.


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Resistance to organophosphorus (OP) insecticides is associated with decreased carboxylesterase activity in several insect species. It has been proposed that the resistance may be the result of a mutation in a carboxylesterase that simultaneously reduces its carboxylesterase activity and confers an OP hydrolase activity (the “mutant ali-esterase hypothesis”). In the sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina, the association is due to a change in a specific esterase isozyme, E3, which, in resistant flies, has a null phenotype on gels stained using standard carboxylesterase substrates. Here we show that an OP-resistant allele of the gene that encodes E3 differs at five amino acid replacement sites from a previously described OP-susceptible allele. Knowledge of the structure of a related enzyme (acetylcholinesterase) suggests that one of these substitutions (Gly137 → Asp) lies within the active site of the enzyme. The occurrence of this substitution is completely correlated with resistance across 15 isogenic strains. In vitro expression of two natural and two synthetic chimeric alleles shows that the Asp137 substitution alone is responsible for both the loss of E3’s carboxylesterase activity and the acquisition of a novel OP hydrolase activity. Modeling of Asp137 in the homologous position in acetylcholinesterase suggests that Asp137 may act as a base to orientate a water molecule in the appropriate position for hydrolysis of the phosphorylated enzyme intermediate.


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Insecticidal proteins from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are becoming a cornerstone of ecologically sound pest management. However, if pests quickly adapt, the benefits of environmentally benign Bt toxins in sprays and genetically engineered crops will be short-lived. The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) is the first insect to evolve resistance to Bt in open-field populations. Here we report that populations from Hawaii and Pennsylvania share a genetic locus at which a recessive mutation associated with reduced toxin binding confers extremely high resistance to four Bt toxins. In contrast, resistance in a population from the Philippines shows multilocus control, a narrower spectrum, and for some Bt toxins, inheritance that is not recessive and not associated with reduced binding. The observed variation in the genetic and biochemical basis of resistance to Bt, which is unlike patterns documented for some synthetic insecticides, profoundly affects the choice of strategies for combating resistance.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main causal agent of pathologies that are increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatment. Clinical resistance of S. pneumoniae to β-lactam antibiotics is linked to multiple mutations of high molecular mass penicillin-binding proteins (H-PBPs), essential enzymes involved in the final steps of bacterial cell wall synthesis. H-PBPs from resistant bacteria have a reduced affinity for β-lactam and a decreased hydrolytic activity on substrate analogues. In S. pneumoniae, the gene coding for one of these H-PBPs, PBP2x, is located in the cell division cluster (DCW). We present here structural evidence linking multiple β-lactam resistance to amino acid substitutions in PBP2x within a buried cavity near the catalytic site that contains a structural water molecule. Site-directed mutation of amino acids in contact with this water molecule in the “sensitive” form of PBP2x produces mutants similar, in terms of β-lactam affinity and substrate hydrolysis, to altered PBP2x produced in resistant clinical isolates. A reverse mutation in a PBP2x variant from a clinically important resistant clone increases the acylation efficiency for β-lactams and substrate analogues. Furthermore, amino acid residues in contact with the structural water molecule are conserved in the equivalent H-PBPs of pathogenic Gram-positive cocci. We suggest that, probably via a local structural modification, the partial or complete loss of this water molecule reduces the acylation efficiency of PBP2x substrates to a point at which cell wall synthesis still occurs, but the sensitivity to therapeutic concentrations of β-lactam antibiotics is lost.


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Overexpression of the yeast Pdr5 ATP-binding cassette transporter leads to pleiotropic drug resistance to a variety of structurally unrelated cytotoxic compounds. To identify Pdr5 residues involved in substrate recognition and/or drug transport, we used a combination of random in vitro mutagenesis and phenotypic screening to isolate novel mutant Pdr5 transporters with altered substrate specificity. A plasmid library containing randomly mutagenized PDR5 genes was transformed into appropriate drug-sensitive yeast cells followed by phenotypic selection of Pdr5 mutants. Selected mutant Pdr5 transporters were analyzed with respect to their expression levels, subcellular localization, drug resistance profiles to cycloheximide, rhodamines, antifungal azoles, steroids, and sensitivity to the inhibitor FK506. DNA sequencing of six PDR5 mutant genes identified amino acids important for substrate recognition, drug transport, and specific inhibition of the Pdr5 transporter. Mutations were found in each nucleotide-binding domain, the transmembrane domain 10, and, most surprisingly, even in predicted extracellular hydrophilic loops. At least some point mutations identified appear to influence folding of Pdr5, suggesting that the folded structure is a major substrate specificity determinant. Surprisingly, a S1360F exchange in transmembrane domain 10 not only caused limited substrate specificity, but also abolished Pdr5 susceptibility to inhibition by the immunosuppressant FK506. This is the first report of a mutation in a yeast ATP-binding cassette transporter that allows for the functional separation of substrate transport and inhibitor susceptibility.


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Bacterial endospores derive much of their longevity and resistance properties from the relative dehydration of their protoplasts. The spore cortex, a peptidoglycan structure surrounding the protoplasm, maintains, and is postulated to have a role in attaining, protoplast dehydration. A structural modification unique to the spore cortex is the removal of all or part of the peptide side chains from the majority of the muramic acid residues and the conversion of 50% of the muramic acid to muramic lactam. A mutation in the cwlD gene of Bacillus subtilis, predicted to encode a muramoyl-l-alanine amidase, results in the production of spores containing no muramic lactam. These spores have normally dehydrated protoplasts but are unable to complete the germination/outgrowth process to produce viable cells. Addition of germinants resulted in the triggering of germination with loss of spore refractility and the release of dipicolinic acid but no degradation of cortex peptidoglycan. Germination in the presence of lysozyme allowed the cwlD spores to produce viable cells and showed that they have normal heat resistance properties. These results (i) suggest that a mechanical activity of the cortex peptidoglycan is not required for the generation of protoplast dehydration but rather that it simply serves as a static structure to maintain dehydration, (ii) demonstrate that degradation of cortex peptidoglycan is not required for spore solute release or partial spore core rehydration during germination, (iii) indicate that muramic lactam is a major specificity determinant of germination lytic enzymes, and (iv) suggest the mechanism by which the spore cortex is degraded during germination while the germ cell wall is left intact.


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The molecular mechanisms underlying general anesthesia are unknown. For volatile general anesthetics (VAs), indirect evidence for both lipid and protein targets has been found. However, no in vivo data have implicated clearly any particular lipid or protein in the control of sensitivity to clinical concentrations of VAs. Genetics provides one approach toward identifying these mechanisms, but genes strongly regulating sensitivity to clinical concentrations of VAs have not been identified. By screening existing mutants of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we found that a mutation in the neuronal syntaxin gene dominantly conferred resistance to the VAs isoflurane and halothane. By contrast, other mutations in syntaxin and in the syntaxin-binding proteins synaptobrevin and SNAP-25 produced VA hypersensitivity. The syntaxin allelic variation was striking, particularly for isoflurane, where a 33-fold range of sensitivities was seen. Both the resistant and hypersensitive mutations decrease synaptic transmission; thus, the indirect effect of reducing neurotransmission does not explain the VA resistance. As assessed by pharmacological criteria, halothane and isoflurane themselves reduced cholinergic transmission, and the presynaptic anesthetic effect was blocked by the resistant syntaxin mutation. A single gene mutation conferring high-level resistance to VAs is inconsistent with nonspecific membrane-perturbation theories of anesthesia. The genetic and pharmacological data suggest that the resistant syntaxin mutant directly blocks VA binding to or efficacy against presynaptic targets that mediate anesthetic behavioral effects. Syntaxin and syntaxin-binding proteins are candidate anesthetic targets.


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Expression of B7-family costimulatory molecules CD80 (B7–1) and CD86 (B7–2) on tumor cells enhances host immunity. However, the role of the two B7 receptors, CD28 and CTLA4 (CD152), on T cells in antitumor immune response has not been clearly elucidated. Based on the effects of anti-CD28 and anti-CTLA4 mAbs on T cell response, it was proposed that CD28-B7 interaction promotes antitumor immunity, whereas B7-CTLA4 interaction down-regulates it. A critical test for the hypothesis is whether selective engagement of CTLA4 receptors by their natural ligands CD80 and CD86 enhances or reduces antitumor immunity. Here we used tumors expressing wild-type and mutant CD80, as well as mice with targeted mutation of CD28, to address this issue. We report that in syngeneic wild-type mice, B7W (W88>A), a CD80 mutant that has lost binding to CD28 but retained binding to CTLA4, can enhance the induction of antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL); B7Y (Y201>A), which binds neither CD28 nor CTLA4, fails to do so. Consistent with these observations, B7W-transfected J558 plasmocytoma and EL4 thymoma grow significantly more slowly than those transfected with either vector alone or with B7Y. Optimal tumor rejection requires wild-type CD80. Moreover, expression of a high level of CD80 on thymoma EL4 cells conveys immunity in mice with a targeted mutation of CD28 gene. Taken together, our results demonstrate that B7-CTLA4 interaction enhances production of antitumor CTL and resistance to tumor challenge and that optimal enhancement of antitumor immunity by CD80 requires its engagement of both CD28 and CTLA4.


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Fluoroquinolones are antibacterial agents that attack DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV on chromosomal DNA. The existence of two fluoroquinolone targets and stepwise accumulation of resistance suggested that new quinolones could be found that would require cells to obtain two topoisomerase mutations to display resistance. For wild-type cells to become resistant, the two mutations must be acquired concomitantly. That is expected to occur infrequently. To identify such compounds, fluoroquinolones were tested for the ability to kill a moderately resistant gyrase mutant. Compounds containing a C8-methoxyl group were particularly lethal, and incubation of wild-type cultures on agar containing C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones produced no resistant mutant, whereas thousands arose during comparable treatment with control compounds lacking the C8 substituent. When the test strain contained a preexisting topoisomerase IV mutation, which by itself conferred no resistance, equally high numbers of resistant mutants were obtained for C8-methoxyl and control compounds. Thus C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones required two mutations for expression of resistance. Although highly lethal, C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones were not more effective than C8-H controls at blocking bacterial growth. Consequently, quinolone action involves two events, which we envision as formation of drug–enzyme–DNA complexes followed by release of lethal double-strand DNA breaks. Release of DNA breaks, which must occur less frequently than complex formation, is probably the process stimulated by the C8-methoxyl group. Understanding this stimulation should provide insight into intracellular quinolone action and contribute to development of fluoroquinolones that prevent selection of resistant bacteria.


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Leukotriene A4 (LTA4) hydrolase [(7E,9E,11Z,14Z)-(5S,6S)-5,6-epoxyicosa-7, 9,11,14-tetraenoate hydrolase; EC] is a bifunctional zinc metalloenzyme that catalyzes the final step in the biosynthesis of the potent chemotactic agent leukotriene B4 (LTB4). LTA4 hydrolase/aminopeptidase is suicide inactivated during catalysis via an apparently mechanism-based irreversible binding of LTA4 to the protein in a 1:1 stoichiometry. Previously, we have identified a henicosapeptide, encompassing residues Leu-365 to Lys-385 in human LTA4 hydrolase, which contains a site involved in the covalent binding of LTA4 to the native enzyme. To investigate the role of Tyr-378, a potential candidate for this binding site, we exchanged Tyr for Phe or Gln in two separate mutants. In addition, each of two adjacent and potentially reactive residues, Ser-379 and Ser-380, were exchanged for Ala. The mutated enzymes were expressed as (His)6-tagged fusion proteins in Escherichia coli, purified to apparent homogeneity, and characterized. Enzyme activity determinations and differential peptide mapping, before and after repeated exposure to LTA4, revealed that wild-type enzyme and the mutants [S379A] and [S380A]LTA4hydrolase were equally susceptible to suicide inactivation whereas the mutants in position 378 were no longer inactivated or covalently modified by LTA4. Furthermore, in [Y378F]LTA4 hydrolase, the value of kcat for epoxide hydrolysis was increased 2.5-fold over that of the wild-type enzyme. Thus, by a single-point mutation in LTA4 hydrolase, catalysis and covalent modification/inactivation have been dissociated, yielding an enzyme with increased turnover and resistance to mechanism-based inactivation.


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A novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant, unable to grow in the presence of 12.5 mM EGTA, was isolated by replica plating. The phenotype of the mutant is caused by a single amino acid change (Gly149 to Arg) in the essential yeast gene CDC1. The mutant could be suppressed by overexpression of the SMF1 gene, which was isolated as an extragenic high-copy suppressor. The SMF1 gene codes for a highly hydrophobic protein and its deletion renders the yeast cells sensitive to low manganese concentration. In accordance with this observation, the smf1 null mutant exhibits reduced Mn2+ uptake at micromolar concentrations. Using a specific antibody, we demonstrated that Smf1p is located in the yeast plasma membrane. These results suggest that Smf1p is involved in high-affinity Mn2+ uptake. This assumption was also tested by overexpressing the SMF1 gene in the temperature-sensitive mutant of the mitochondrial processing peptidase (MAS1). SMF1 overexpression as well as addition of 1 mM Mn2+ to the growth medium complemented this mutation. This also suggests that in vivo Mas1p is a manganese-dependent peptidase. The yeast Smf1p resembles a protein from Drosophila and mammalian macrophages. The latter was implicated in conferring resistance to mycobacteria. A connection between Mn2+ transport and resistance or sensitivity to mycobacteria is discussed.


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Human cancer cells with a mutated p53 tumor-suppressor gene have a selective growth advantage and may exhibit resistance to ionizing radiation and certain chemotherapeutic agents. To examine the prognostic value of mutations in the p53 gene, a cohort of 90 Midwestern Caucasian breast cancer patients were analyzed with methodology that detects virtually 100% of all mutations. The presence of a p53 gene mutation was by far the single most predictive indicator for recurrence and death (relative risks of 4.7 and 23.2, respectively). Direct detection of p53 mutations had substantially greater prognostic value than immunohistochemical detection of p53 overexpression. Analysis of p53 gene mutations may permit identification of a subset of breast cancer patients who, despite lack of conventional indicators of poor prognosis, are at high risk of early recurrence and death.


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The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, is the most important insect pest of coffee worldwide and has an unusual life history that ensures a high degree of inbreeding. Individual females lay a predominantly female brood within individual coffee berries and because males are flightless there is almost entirely full sib mating. We investigated the genetics associated with this interesting life history after the important discovery of resistance to the cyclodiene type insecticide endosulfan. Both the inheritance of the resistance phenotype and the resistance-associated point mutation in the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor gene Rdl were examined. Consistent with haplodiploidy, males failed to express and transmit paternally derived resistance alleles. Furthermore, while cytological examination revealed that males are diploid, one set of chromosomes was condensed, and probably nonfunctional, in the somatic cells of all males examined. Moreover, although two sets of chromosomes were present in primary spermatocytes, the chromosomes failed to pair before the single meiotic division, and only one set was packaged in sperm. Thus, the coffee berry borer is "functionally" haplodiploid. Its genetics and life history may therefore represent an interesting intermediate step in the evolution of true haplodiploidy. The influence of this breeding system on the spread of insecticide resistance is discussed.