943 resultados para Feed intake


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Fetal flavor conditioning during the perinatal stage could be essential at the time of the weaning to reduce the stress and improve the feed intake in pigs. The transfer of flavor compounds from maternal diet to amniotic fluid and milk has been shown in behavioral experiments, but not through analytical procedures such as gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The aim of the experiment was to trace the principal essential oils compounds supplied in the diet in maternal fluids. Twenty Large White sows around their 104th gestational day were allocated to individual farrowing crates. Two groups of 10 sows were fed either a standard gestation diet or the same diet supplemented with a mix of 8 essential oils at a rate of 1kg/ton during the last 10 days of gestation. At approximately the 113th gestational day, animals were individually treated with 10mg of Lutalyse IM was to induce farrowing. Fresh amniotic fluid was collected during the farrowing in 100-mL glass bottles and immediately stored at −20 °C freezer. During the second lactation day, 10–20 IU of Oxytocin IM was administered to each sow to facilitate collection of milk samples in 20-mL glass bottles. The samples were stored at −20 °C until analyzed by GC–MS. The presence of significant amounts of principal components of all the essential oils except one were found in the milk and amniotic fluid samples of the treated sows relative to the control sows. Our data prove the transfer of selected dietary flavors to maternal fluids and sets the scenario for further trials to manipulate postweaning behavior in piglets.


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We estimated the effect on growth and nutrient efficiency of replacing fishmeal with silage incorporated with rice bran in diets for fingerling red tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus × Oreochromis aureus) over 12 weeks. Isonitrogenous (300 g kg−1 protein dry matter basis) and isoenergetic (4450 Kcal gross energy kg−1) feed formulations with increasing levels of tilapia silage as a replacement for fishmeal were prepared: Diet 1 with no silage (0 g Kg−1), Diet 2 (250 g Kg−1), Diet 3 (500 g Kg−1), and Diet 4 (750 g Kg−1). Feed intake was similar among Diets 1, 2, and 3, while Diet 4 had a significantly lower intake. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in weight gain or specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and protein efficiency ratio (PER), among fish fed Diets 1, 2, and 3. Fish fed with Diet 4 had significantly lower weight gain; SGR and PER and significantly higher FCR. Organoleptic properties of the fish were not affected by the diets. The results of this study indicate that less expensive dried fish silage with rice bran is an alternative protein source for tilapia feed up to 50% of fishmeal replacement.


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Lipeä on vahva emäs, jonka on havaittu lisäävän hemiselluloosan ja ligniinin hydrolyysiä pötsissä. Näin ollen lipeäkäsittelyllä on mahdollista korvata viljan mekaaninen litistys ja jauhatus. Seosrehuruokinnalla, jonka osana on lipeäkäsitelty vilja, on mahdollista vähentää liiallisesta tärkkelyksestä aiheutuvia metabolisia ongelmia pötsissä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää lipeäkäsitellyn vehnän vaikutusta lypsylehmien syöntiin ja tuotokseen ad libitum seosrehuruokinnoilla. Ruokinnoissa korvattiin kuivaa murskattua vehnää asteittain kokonaisella lipeäkäsitellyllä vehnällä. Kontrollina oli perinteisesti käytetty kuiva, murskattu ohra-kaura seos. Koe tehtiin Ruotsin maatalousyliopiston (SLU) maataloustieteiden laitoksella Uumajassa. Koe alkoi syyskuussa ja päättyi joulukuussa 2010. Kokeessa oli 17 useamman kerran poikinutta lehmää ja 6 ensikkoa (Ruotsin punainen -rotu). Lehmät olivat lämpimässä pihattonavetassa, jossa seosrehun syöntiä mitattiin vaakakuppien avulla. Koekäsittelyt olivat murskattu ohra-kaura seos (1:1), murskattu kuiva vehnä (1:0), murskatun kuivan vehnän ja kokonaisen lipeävehnän seos (1:1) ja kokonainen lipeävehnä (1:0). Ruokintojen kuiva-ainepitoisuudeksi asetettiin 370 g/kg ja raakavalkuaispitoisuudeksi 180 g/kg kuiva-ainetta. Näennäinen ravintoaineen sulavuus määritettiin happoon liukenemattoman tuhkan avulla. Typen hyväksikäyttöä arvioitiin laskennallisen typpitaseen avulla. Koe toteutettiin 4x4 latinalaisen neliön koemallin mukaisesti ja käsittelyjen väliset tilastolliset erot testattiin kontrastien avulla. Kuiva-aineen (PQ=0,02) ja orgaanisen aineen (PQ=0,02) syönnit lisääntyivät, samalla kun niiden sulavuudet paranivat korvattaessa puolet kuivasta vehnästä lipeävehnällä. Ruokintojen välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa maitotuotoksessa eikä energiakorjatussa maitotuotoksessa. Maidon rasvatuotos lisääntyi vähän (PQ=0,04) ja rasvapitoisuus selvästi (PQ=0,004), kun kuivasta vehnästä korvattiin puolet lipeävehnällä. Kun kaikki kuiva vehnä korvattiin lipeävehnällä, maidon valkuaispitoisuus väheni (PL<0,001). Samoin kävi maidon ureapitoisuudelle (PL=0,002). Lipeäkäsittely ei tuottanut tässä kokeessa taloudellisesti kannattavaa tulosta, sillä maidon valkuaispitoisuus väheni ja syönti lisääntyi maitotuotoksen pysyessä samana. Vehnäruokinnoista paras tuotosvaste saatiin kuivan vehnän ja lipeävehnän seoksella.


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Fry of Heterobranchus bidorsalis (mean weight, 0.03g) were fed at 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50% of their body weight (bw)/day in outdoor concrete tanks in New Bussa, Nigeria. The fry attained the highest average weight of 6.66g in 10 weeks when fed at 40% bw/day. Feed conversion ratio ranged from 2.13 to 9.65, the protein efficiency ratio from 1.33 to 5.93. Results indicated that H. bidorsalis are efficient feed converters. Feed intake was significantly different (p<0.05) between the treatments, specific growth rate (SGR), daily growth rate (DGR), production and average weight gain indicated that 40% of fish biomass was the optimum feeding level


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Sorbitol é um poliol encontrado em produtos para fins especiais, como diet e light, Dentro deste contexto, incluem-se as lactantes como grandes consumidoras, almejando o retorno mais rápido ao peso pré-gestacional. Devido à grande carência em dados referentes às consequências metabólicas do consumo excessivo destes tipos de produtos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos da ingestão materna de sorbitol na lactação sobre os perfis nutricional, bioquímico e toxicológico nas proles amamentadas. O teste da Salmonella/microssoma foi utilizado, inicialmente, na avaliação mutagênica e citotóxica com linhagens de S. enterica sorovar Typhimurium (TA97, TA98, TA100, TA102, TA104 e TA1535). Verificamos a capacidade de reversão da mutação (I.M.) e sobrevivência (%), em diferentes concentrações (0,4; 4; 40; 400; 4000 e 5000 μg/placa). Os resultados foram considerados positivos para valores de I.M. ≥ 2,0. Ratas wistar lactantes (6 por grupo experimental), cada uma com 6 filhotes, receberam sorbitol (0,00015 mg/g/dia; 0,0015 mg/g/dia e 0,15 mg/g/dia), nos primeiros 14 dias da lactação. Neste período, avaliamos a biometria das mães e proles, consumo de ração e ingestão hídrica das mães. Após a lactação, as ratas mães foram ordenhadas, e, junto com as proles, sacrificadas por punção cardíaca, para coleta de sangue total. Os fígados das proles foram submetidos ao método de perfusão, para obtenção de hepatócitos em cultura primária, ao final dos 14 dias de lactação. Os fêmures das proles foram retirados, para obtenção da medula óssea. A bioquímica de sangue das proles (glicose, triglicerídeo, colesterol total, LDL, proteínas totais, albumina, ALT, AST, cálcio total e ionizado) foi analisada, assim como a bioquímica do leite ordenhado (triglicerídeos). Os testes do micronúcleo em medual óssea e hepatócitos, assim como o teste Cometa em sangue total, foram utilizados para avaliação genotóxica e citotóxica, de acordo com as diretrizes da OECD. Os resultados mostraram que, em concentrações mais baixas (0,00015 e 0,0015 mg/g), o sorbitol induziu o ganho de peso, principalmente na menor concentração (0,00015 mg/g), e alterações no perfil lipídico do sangue em todas as concentrações. As quantidades de triglicerídeo no leite variaram em função da dose ingerida, reduzida na maior concentração (0,15 mg/g) e aumentada na menor (0,00015 mg/g). A maior concentração (0,15 mg/g) resultou em perda de peso das mães e proles, diminuição de proteínas viscerais totais, albumina e aumento de enzimas hepáticas (ALT e AST) nas proles. Os resultados do teste da Salmonella/microssoma não indicaram mutagenicidade, entretanto, uma relação de dependência entre dose e Índice de Mutagenicidade (I.M.). Ambos os testes, micronúcleos de medula óssea e hepatócitos, apresentaram uma citotoxicidade dose dependente, estatisticamente significativa em relação ao grupo controle, corroborando com a genotoxicidade do teste Cometa e dependência de dose encontrada no teste da Salmonella/microssoma. Em concentrações mais baixas, parece existir modulação das vias lipogênicas, em contrapartida, nas mais altas a toxicidade parece dificultar tais alterações, induzindo o efeito contrário. Concluimos que o consumo excessivo de sorbitol resulta em alterações metabólicas e toxicológicas em lactentes, mesmo sendo considerado seguro pelo FDA e ANVISA.


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Experiment was conducted to study the effect of dietary protein level on growth and nutrient utilization by angel fish (Pterophyllum scalare) juveniles. Fifty-four juveniles (average wt. 2-2.5 g) were equally divided in three treatments with each of three replicates. Three formulated diets with graded protein levels, T1 (35% CP), T2 (40% CP) and T3 (45% CP) were fed to juveniles for 45 days. A trend of higher weight gain %, SGR, FER and PER was found with the increased CP level in the feed. Feed intake was similar in all the groups. T3 group fed with 45% CP registered highest weight gain % (43.26 ± 2.07), SGR (0.78 ± 0.04), FER (0.29 ± 0.01), which were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the T1 and T2 groups. Protein digestibility of T2 and T3 groups was significantly higher than the T1 group. Survival was similar in all the experimental groups. Diet with 45% CP with protein energy ratio of 112.62 mg protein/K cal. is ideal for juvenile angel fish for indoor rearing.


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A 90-day experiment was conducted to determine the effect of restricted ration and full feeding on the recovery growth and carcass compositions of fingerlings (average weight - 20.74 ± 0.13 g) of rohu, Labeo rohita (H.). Rohu fingerlings procured from a local fish breeder were fed with commercial pelleted feed (27% crude protein) during the two-week acclimatization in the laboratory condition. Experimental pelleted diet (30% crude protein) was prepared and the control group (T sub(CFR)) was fed at 3% of body weight for the 90-day trial period. The experimental group T sub(1FR) was fed for three days at 1% of body weight and the next three days at 3% of body weight, T sub(2FR) was fed for seven days at 1% of body weight and the next seven days at 3% of body weight, T sub(3FR) was fed for 15 days at l% of body weight and the 15 days at 3% of body weight and T sub(4FR) was fed for 25 days at 1% of body weight and the next 25 days at 3% of body weight, alternating between 1 and 3% for the specified period during the 90-day trial period. Daily rations were divided into two equal meals per day at 09.00 and 16.00 hours. Average percent survival rate of rohu during the 90-day trial period was more than 90. Percent live weight gain (98.90 ± 0.34, 113.0 ± 5.93, 125.71 ± 11.01 and 141.90 ± 2.89), specific growth rate (1.53 ± 0.01 1.68 ± 0.06, 1.80 ± 0.10 and 1.96 ± 0.02%/d) and absolute growth rate (1.33 ± 0.13, 1.38 ± 0.07, 1.39 ± 0.04 and 1.44 ± 0.07g/d) of the experimental groups (T sub(1FR), T sub(2FR), T sub(3FR) and T sub(4FR) respectively) increased with the advancement of the experiment in comparison to those in control, T sub(CFR) (90.92 ± 5.81%, 1.44 ± 0.07%/d and 1.34 ± 0.20g/d, respectively) and were proportionately correlated with the degree of deprivation probably through the mechanism of increased feed intake (hyperphagia), feed efficiency ratio or gross growth efficiency, protein efficiency ratio and the superior feed conversion ratio reflecting in better performance index. The body length and muscle composition of fish indicated that recovery growth happened due to protein growth but certainly not due to fat deposition in the gut. Feeding at 1 and 3% of body weight alternating over a period of 25 days might economize the culture operation of rohu.


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The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary linolenic acid (LNA)linoleic acid (LA) ratio on growth performance, hepatic fatty acid profile and intermediary metabolism of juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Six isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets were formulated to contain incremental levels of LNA from 0 to 5% at the expense of corn oil (rich in LA), resulting in six dietary treatments with LNA to LA ratios ranging from 0.35 to 14.64. The experiment continued for 7 weeks. Best growth and feed intake were obtained in the fish fed the diets containing the LNA/LA ratios of 1.17 and 2.12 (P<0.05). In contrast, feed conversion ratio was the lowest for fish fed the diets containing the LNA/LA ratios of 1.17 and 2.12 (P<0.05). Dietary LNA to LA ratios significantly influenced viscerosomatic index and hepatosomatic index (P<0.05), but not condition factor (P>0.05). Body composition was also significantly influenced by dietary LNA to LA ratios (P<0.05). Generally, liver FA compositions reflected dietary FA profiles. Declining LA and increasing LNA contents in liver were observed with the increasing dietary LNA/LA ratios (P<0.05). Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) increased with the increasing LNA to LA ratios, suggesting that yellow catfish could elongate and desaturate C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids into highly unsaturated fatty acids. As a consequence, the n-6 fatty acids (FA) declined, and total n-3 FA and n-3/n-6 ratios increased with the dietary ratios of LNA/LA (P<0.05). Dietary LNA to LA ratios significantly influenced several enzymatic activities involved in liver intermediary metabolism (P<0.05), such as lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, pyruvate kinase, succinate dehydrogenase, malic dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase, suggesting that dietary LNA/LA ratios had significant effects on nutrient metabolism in the liver. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of the effects of dietary LNA to LA ratios on the enzymatic activities of liver in fish, which provides information on diet quality and utilization, and can also be used as an indicator of the nutritional status of this fish. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transgenic animals with improved qualities have the potential to upset the ecological balance of a natural environment. We investigated metabolic rates of 'all-fish' growth hormone (GH) transgenic common carp under routine conditions and during starvation periods to determine whether energy stores in transgenic fish would deplete faster than controls during natural periods of starvation. Before the oxygen uptake was measured, the mean daily feed intake of transgenic carp was 2.12 times greater than control fish during 4 days of feeding. The average oxygen uptake of GH transgenic fish was 1.32 times greater than control fish within 96 h of starvation, but was not significantly different from controls between 96 and 144 h of starvation. At the same time, GH transgenic fish did not deplete energy reserves at a faster rate than did the controls, as the carcass energy contents of the two groups following a 60-d starvation period were not significantly different. Consequently, we suggest that increased routine oxygen uptake in GH transgenic common carp over that of control fish may be mainly due to the effects of feeding, and not to an increase in basal metabolism. GH transgenic fish are similar to controls in the regulation of metabolism to normally distribute energy reserves during starvation. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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This experiment was designed to investigate the effect of dietary supplemental ascorbic acid (AA) on the feed intake, growth, serum lysozyme, hepatic superoxide dismutase (SOD) and handling stress response in Chinese longsnout catfish (Leiocassis longirostris Gunther) exposed to three levels of unionized ammonia nitrogen (UIA-N). Juvenile Chinese longsnout catfish were reared in 54 fibreglass tanks with a 3 x 3 factorial design treatment consisting of three supplemental AA levels in ascorbyl 2-monophosphate (38, 364 and 630 mg AA equivalent kg(-1) diet) and three UIA-N concentrations [0.004 (the control), 0.037 and 0.292 mg L-1]. The fish were sampled on the 11th, 32nd and 60th day. On the 62nd day, the remaining fish were subjected to an acute stress by being held in a dipnet out of water for 60 s, and sampled at 30 min post handling. The results showed that the specific growth rate (SGR) in 32 days significantly decreased with increased water UIA-N (P=0.0476) but was not affected by dietary supplemental AA (P > 0.05). After 60 days, SGR, feeding rate (FR) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) significantly increased with increased dietary supplemental AA (P < 0.001) while remaining unaffected by water UIA-N (P > 0.05). There was no significant interaction between dietary AA and UIA-N for growth responses (P > 0.05). The serum lysozyme activity on the 11th day and the hepatic SOD activity on the 32nd day were significantly affected at high (0.292 mg L-1) water UIA-N. On the 62nd day, the increase in cortisol resulting from acute stress significantly decreased by higher UIA-N (P=0.038). It is suggested that Chinese longsnout catfish displayed an adaptive response after long-term UIA-N exposure, and AA had beneficial effects on the growth and feed intake of catfish and alleviated the negative effects of chronic ammonia stress. A chronically higher ammonia level shows a tendency to inhibit the cortisol response to another acute stressor.


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A 68-day growth trial was conducted in a flow-through system to determine the effect of dietary manganese levels on growth and tissue manganese concentration of juvenile gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Seven purified diets containing 7.21, 8.46, 9.50, 10.50, 13.03, 19.72 and 22.17 mg manganese (as manganic sulfate) per kilogram diet were fed to triplicate groups of fish (initial weight 3.21 +/- 0.01 g). The results showed that dietary manganese levels did not significantly affect feed intake of the fish. Specific growth rate, feed efficiency, total hepatic superoxide dismutase activity, carcass and skeletal manganese concentration increased significantly with increased dietary manganese(P < 0.05) while condition factor decreased significantly(P < 0.05). It was concluded that dietary requirement of manganese was 13.77 mg Mn per kilogram diet. Carcass and skeletal manganese concentration could also be used to evaluate the manganese requirement. Total hepatic superoxide dismulase activity was not a sensitive indicator for dietary requirement.


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The growth and energy budget for F-2 'all-fish' growth hormone gene transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio of two body sizes were investigated at 29.2 degrees C for 21 days. Specific growth rate, feed intake, feed efficiency, digestibility coefficients of dry matter and protein, gross energy intake (I-E), and the proportion of I-E utilized for heat production (H-E) were significantly higher in the transgenics than in the controls. The proportion of I-E directed to waste products [faecal energy (F-E) and excretory energy loss (Z(E) + U-E) where Z(E) is through the gills and U-E through the kidney], and the proportion of metabolizable energy (M-E) for recovered energy (R-E) were significantly lower in the transgenics than in the controls. The average energy budget equation of transgenic fish was as follows: 100 I-E = 19.3 F-E + 6.0 (Z(E) + U-E) + 45.2 H-E + 29.5 R-E or 100 M-E = 60.5 H-E + 39.5 R-E. The average energy budget equation of the controls was: 100 I-E = 25.2 F-E + 7.4 (Z(E) + U-E) + 35.5 H-E + 31.9 R-E or 100 M-E = 52.7 H-E + 47.3 R-E. These findings indicate that the high growth rate of 'all-fish' transgenic common carp relative to their non-transgenic counterparts was due to their increased feed intake, reduced lose of waste productions and improved feed efficiency. The benefit of the increased energy intake by transgenic fish, however, was diminished by their increased metabolism.


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The objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of a feeding stimulant on feeding adaptation of gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) fed diets with replacement of fish meal by meat and bone meal (MBM), and whether or not the juvenile gibel carp could adapt to higher MBM level in the diet. Juvenile and adult gibel carp were tested. Two and one replacement levels were used for juvenile and adult fish respectively. Each group of diets was set as two types with or without a unique rare earth oxide: Y2O3, Yb2O3, La2O3, Sm2O3, Nd2O3 or Gd2O3 (only the first four rare earth oxides were used in adult diets) for four adaptation periods of 3, 7, 14 and 28 days respectively. After mixing, an equal mixture of all six diets for juvenile or four diets for adult was offered in excess for 2 days. During the last 2 days of each experiment, no feed was offered and faeces from each tank were collected. Feeding preference was expressed as relative feed intake of each diet, which was estimated based on the relative concentration of each marker in the faeces. Given some adaptation period, such as 3-28 days, the effects of MBM and squid extract inclusion on the preference to each diet were reduced. After 28 days adaptation, the preferences between groups were not significantly different.


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Hybrid tilapia weighing 4.34 +/- 0.03 g (mean +/- SE) were reared in seawater at 23.8 to 27.0 degrees C for 8 weeks. The control group was fed to satiation twice a day throughout the experiment. The other three groups were deprived of feed for 1, 2, and 4 weeks, respectively, and then fed to satiation during the refeeding period. At the end of the experiment, fish deprived for 1 week had similar body weights to the controls, whereas fish deprived for 2 and 4 weeks had significantly lower body weights than the controls. During the refeeding period, size-adjusted feed intakes and specific growth rates were significantly higher in deprived fish than in the controls, indicating some compensatory responses in these fish. Feed intake and growth rate upon refeeding were higher the longer the duration of deprivation. No significant differences were found in digestibility, feed efficiency or protein and energy retention efficiency between the deprived and control fish during refeeding, suggesting that hyperphagia was the mechanism responsible for increased growth rates during compensatory growth. During refeeding, relative gains in protein, lipid and ash, as proportions of total body weight gain, did not differ significantly among treatment groups. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reduced feed intake and hence lower growth rates commonly occur when the environment of the pig changes, e.g. at weaning and when pigs are moved from growing accommodation to finishing accommodation. It is hypothesised that if environmental factors, such as feeder type, remain the same in the weaning and finishing accommodation this 'growth check' may be reduced. A total of 640 pigs in 32 pens of 20 pigs per pen were used to investigate the effects of two feeder types and changing or not changing the feeder type at 10 weeks of age on growth performance and behaviour in the periods from 4 to 10, 10 to finish (22) and from 4 to finish (22) weeks of age, respectively. The two feeder types tested were a 'wet and dry' single-space (S) feeder and a 'dry' multi-space feeder (M).