193 resultados para Acupuncture


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A acupuntura visa à terapia e à cura das enfermidades pela aplicação de estímulos através da pele, com a inserção de agulhas em pontos específicos. Essa técnica esteve isolada do mundo ocidental durante milênios, distanciando sua forma de raciocínio e linguagem da cultura ocidental. Isto restringe sua aceitação no Ocidente, sendo considerada mística e sem base científica. Além disso, a prática da acupuntura no Ocidente se depara com deficiências no ensino e difusão científica. Porém, a eficácia dessa terapia levou a Organização Mundial de Saúde a listar enfermidades que podem ser tratadas pela acupuntura e, recentemente, essa técnica foi reconhecida como especialidade médica veterinária no Brasil. A pesquisa da acupuntura reveste-se, portanto, de grande interesse, na medida em que poderá traduzir conhecimentos milenares, contribuindo para sua aceitação e incorporação.


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In the 20th century, the acupuncture has spread on occident as a complementary practice of heath care. This fact has motivated the international scientific community to invest in research that seek to understand why acupuncture works. In this work we compare statistically volt age fluctuation of bioelectric signals caught on the skin at an acupuncture point (IG 4) another nearby on acupuncture point. The acquisition of these signals was performed utilizing an electronic interface with a computer, which was based on an instrumentation amplifier designed with adequate specifications to this end. On the collected signals from a sample of 30 volunteers we have calculated major statistics and submitted them to pairing t-test with significance leveI a = O, 05. We have estimated to bioelectric signals the following parameters: standard deviation, asymmetry and curtose. Moreover, we have calculated the self-correlation function matched by on exponential curve we have observed that the signal decays more rapidly from a non-acupoint then from an acupoint. This fact is an indicative of the existence of information in the acupoint


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Hepatitis C is transmitted primarily parenterally by contaminated blood and is often associated with: intravenous drug abuse, invasive procedures, blood transfusions, acupuncture, tattooing, and alcohol and tobacco use. This study aimed to quantify and evaluate the risk factors among blood donors, volunteer blood donors and replacement individuals, infected or not by the C virus. The main transmission routes of C virus were identified in 55 men and 25 women (GI) monitored by the Ambulatory Unit of the Department of Tropical Diseases, Botucatu Medical School, and in 24 men and 26 women (GII), all active blood donors at the Bauru State Hospital Transfusional Agency. Both groups were similar in: tobacco and alcohol consumption, sexual behavior, tattooing and illicit drug use. The duration of alcohol and tobacco consumption and blood transfusions in GI were longer, whereas the option for steady partners, condom use, disposable materials and piercings were predominant in GII. In conclusion, the risk factors for hepatitis C demonstrate the necessity of health policies that act on the primary and secondary prevention levels (respectively, reduction of infection incidence and hepatopathy risk).


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O tabagismo está relacionado a 30% das mortes por câncer. É fator de risco para desenvolver carcinomas do aparelho respiratório, esôfago, estômago, pâncreas, cérvix uterina, rim e bexiga. A nicotina induz tolerância e dependência pela ação nas vias dopaminérgicas centrais, levando às sensações de prazer e recompensa mediadas pelo sistema límbico. É estimulante do sistema nervoso central (SNC), aumenta o estado de alerta e reduz o apetite. A diminuição de 50% no consumo da nicotina pode desencadear sintomas de abstinência nos indivíduos dependentes: ansiedade, irritabilidade, distúrbios do sono, aumento do apetite, alterações cognitivas e fissura pelo cigarro. O aconselhamento médico é fundamental para o sucesso no abandono do fumo. A farmacoterapia da dependência de nicotina divide-se em: primeira linha (bupropiona e terapia de reposição da nicotina), e segunda linha (clonidina e nortriptilina). A bupropiona é um antidepressivo não-tricíclico que age inibindo a recaptação de dopamina, cujas contra-indicações são: epilepsia, distúrbios alimentares, hipertensão arterial não-controlada, abstinência recente do álcool e uso de inibidores da monoaminoxidase (MAO). A terapia de reposição de nicotina pode ser feita com adesivos e gomas de mascar. Os efeitos da acupuntura no abandono do fumo ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos. As estratégias de interrupção abrupta ou redução gradual do fumo têm a mesma probabilidade de sucesso.


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A acupuntura (AP) é uma técnica terapêutica empírica desenvolvida em uma cultura oriental e que utiliza pensamento mágico (linguagem pré-científica) em seu raciocínio. É uma terapia reflexa que utiliza a estimulação de pontos específicos do corpo com objetivo de atingir um efeito terapêutico ou homeostático. A AP preconiza que a saúde é dependente das funções psico-neuro-endócrinas, sob influência do código genético e de fatores extrínsecos como nutrição, hábitos de vida, clima, qualidade do ambiente, entre outros. O presente artigo faz uma breve revisão sobre a filosofia da AP, seus marcos históricos na China e no Ocidente, a história da AP veterinária no Brasil e no mundo. Também aborda a prática da AP, incluindo as formas de diagnóstico, a definição do protocolo de tratamento, os métodos de estimulação dos pontos, o agulhamento de animais, suas indicações, contra-indicações e reações adversas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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An experiment was conducted to examine the luteolytic effectiveness of using low or micro doses of PGF(2 alpha) when administered at the (BAI HUI) acupuncture point, which is frequently used to treat ovarian disturbances in Veterinary Acupuncture. The results indicate that PGF(2 alpha) given at a very low micro dose of 0.5mg (one tenth the conventional recommended dose) when administered at the BAI HUI acupuncture point located at the sacral lumbar space is equally effective at inducing luteolysis in mid-luteal phase mares as conventional PGF(2 alpha) i.m. treatment using a tenfold higher dose. Therefore, based on the results of the present study we suggest that the BAI HUI sacral lumbar route somehow provides an extremely efficient pathway for the drug to the ovarian level.


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The present study was conducted in order to verify the efficacy of lower doses and alternative routes of a prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue, luprostiol (PGF), for the induction of luteolysis and the precipitation of estrus in nonlactating Nelore cows (Bos taurus indicus). A conventional dose (15 mg) of PGF was compared to doses lower than the conventional dose, which ranges from 10 to 50%, that were administered intramuscularly (IM), intravulvosubmucosally (IVSM), or in the Bai-hui acupuncture site located within the lumbosacral area. The cows were administered PGF 8 day after estrus in the presence of a corpus luteum, and randomly assigned to the following groups: G1 (positive control), 15 mg, IM (n = 23); G2, 7.5 mg, IM (n = 23); G3, 3.75 mg, I M (n = 24); G4, 7.5 mg, IVSM (n = 25); G5, 3.75 mg, Bai-hui acupoint (n = 24); and G6, 1.5 mg, Bai-hui acupoint (n = 25). The results indicated that 50% of a conventional dose of PGF (7.5 mg) resulted in a complete luteal regression (plasma progesterone < 1 ng/ml) at Hour 48, and hastened estrus, regardless of whether or not PGF was administered IM or IVSM. Comparatively, 10 or 25% of the conventional dose, even when administered to the Bai-hui acupoint, resulted in an initial reduction in the concentration of progesterone at Hour 24, followed by an increase observed at Hour 48. In conclusion, 25% of a conventional PGF dose administered via the Bai-hui acupoint proved inadequate to induce a complete luteal regression, whereas 50% of a conventional dose administered IM or IVSM was found to be the minimal dose required to induce effectively a complete luteal regression, and to precipitate the onset of estrus in nonlactating Nelore cows.


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Os efeitos da lidocaina e da acupuntura nos pontos bilaterais associados ao pericárdio 6 (Pc6-Neiguan) e ao coração 7 (C7-Shenmen), no tratamento da taquicardia ventricular (TV) induzida por dopamina em equinos anestesiados com halotano, foram avaliados e comparados. Seis equinos, distribuídos em três grupos: grupo-controle (GC), grupo tratado com acupuntura (GA) e grupo tratado com lidocaína (GL), foram anestesiados três vezes cada, com intervalo de uma semana entre cada anestesia. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros cardiovasculares (frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial e eletrocardiografia), os respiratórios (frequência respiratória, capnografía, saturação de hemoglobina e hemogasometria) e o escore de recuperação. A dose arritmogênica da dopamina (DAD) foi determinada a partir da infusão de 70µg/kg/min IV durante 10 minutos, sem interrupção, preenchendo o critério arritmogênico: quatro ou mais complexos ventriculares prematuros seguidos, com duração de pelo menos 15 segundos ou TV sustentada. O tempo médio de aparecimento da DAD ou da TV foi de 6,05±0,45 minutos nos animais não tratados, e a TV se reverteu espontaneamente aos 2,7±0,2 minutos. O grupo tratado com acupuntura reverteu a TV no tempo médio de 1,8±0,2 (P<0,05) em relação ao grupo tratado com lidocaina 1,3±0,2 (P<0,01). Os tratamentos mostraram-se eficientes na reversão TV.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da eletroacupuntura (EA) sobre os aspectos macroscópicos e microscópicos em 36 coelhos que tiveram o tendão calcanear comum seccionado e que, após 30 dias, receberam enxerto de peritônio bovino conservado em solução saturada de sal. Após a cirurgia, os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos de igual número: os do grupo E10 foram estimulados pela EA do segundo ao 11º dia de pós-operatório, os do grupo E20 do 11º ao 31º dia de pós-operatório e os do grupo C não foram estimulados. Posteriormente, os animais foram redistribuídos em três subgrupos de igual número, os quais foram observados no pós-operatório por 11, 31 e 91 dias. Nos coelhos do E10 e E20, ocorreu diminuição de aderência da área enxertada aos tecidos circunvizinhos. Aos 31 dias de pós-operatório, observou-se nos do E10 tecido conjuntivo. Verificou-se intensa neovascularização no local enxertado em todos os animais que receberam estímulo pela EA. Nos coelhos do E10, aos 91 dias, verificou-se intensa quantidade de tecido conjuntivo, com fibras colágenas organizadas e paralelas ao eixo do tendão. O estímulo pela EA na fase precoce do pós-operatório estimulou a maturação cicatricial com mínima reação inflamatória.


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Resultados satisfatórios têm sido relatados com o emprego da eletroacupuntura (EA), como adjuvante da anestesia geral no homem e em animais. O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar a dose de indução anestésica do propofol em função do emprego da eletroacupuntura em cães. Foram utilizados 20 cães, distribuídos em dois grupos de igual número, GEA: foi realizada EA nos acupontos estômago 36 (E36), vesícula biliar 34 (VB 34) e baço-pâncreas 6 (BP 6), bilateralmente, durante 45 minutos antes da indução anestésica e GC: não foi realizada EA antes da indução anestésica. Os animais foram tranqüilizados com acepromazina intravenosa (0,05mg.kg-1) 60 minutos antes da indução anestésica, realizada com propofol na taxa de 0,2ml.kg.min-1. A análise estatística foi realizada por test t não pareado(P<0,05). Os valores foram apresentados em média±SD. Não houve diferença significativa na dose do propofol entre os grupos (5±2mg kg-1 no GC e 5,2±1,6mg kg-1 no GEA), sugerindo que a eletroacupuntura não potencializou o efeito depressor do propofol sobre o sistema nervoso central.


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Pharmacopuncture, the injection of subclinical doses of drugs into acupoints reduces drug undesirable side effects, residues in animal consumption products and treatment costs in large animals. Acepromazine (Acp) produces several undesirable effects, such as hypotension. Previous studies with the injection of 1/10 of Acp dose in dog acupoints showed its advantage for sedation, minimizing undesirable effects. Eight horses were randomly submitted to four different treatment protocols according to a Latin Square double-blind design: (i) 0.1 ml kg(1) of saline subcutaneously injected at the cervical region, (ii) 0.1 mg kg(1) of Acp injected subcutaneously at the cervical region, (iii) 0.01 ml kg(1) of saline injected into GV1 acupoint (aquapuncture) and (iv) 0.01 mg kg(1) of Acp injected into GV1 acupoint (pharmacopuncture). Heart rate, respiratory rate, head height and degree of sedation were measured before and at 30, 60 and 90 min after treatments. Signs of sedation were observed in all treated groups at 30 min and only in 1/10Acp-GV1 at 60 min after the treatments. Only the group treated with 0.1 mg kg(1) of Acp s.c. had significantly lower values of head height at 30 min. Respiratory rate tended to reduce in all groups but was significantly lower only in horses treated with 0.1 mg kg(1) of Acp s.c. Heart rate remained unchanged in all groups. Acp-pharmacopuncture on GV1 in horses produced a mild sedation when compared with the conventional dose of Acp. More investigations are necessary to determine the optimal dosage of Acp-pharmacopuncture for sedation in horses.


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Background: Canine hip dysplasia (HD) is characterized by hip joint laxity and subluxation. It is the most common cause of osteoarthritis in dogs, especially in larger breeds. Its management includes nutritional supplements, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, acupuncture or surgical procedures. Implantation of gold beads in acupuncture points and trigger points around a joint has been used in the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs for at least 30 years. Gold bead implants(GBI) acts as continuous acupuncture stimulation and trigger point treatment in canine HD with long lasting results. Electrophysiological investigations of trigger points reveal dysfunctional muscle spindles which indicate that the electrical activity of active loci arises from extrafusal motor endplates.Case: This is a report on the use of acupuncture and GBI for bilateral HD in a nine year old female German Shepherd. The patient has a HD non-responsive to anti-inflammatory drugs and was unable to stand up or walk by its own. Radiographs showed marked dysplasia, significant subluxation with the femoral head partly out of a shallow acetabulum and massive secondary arthritic bone changes, mainly on the right side. The animal was submitted to eight acupuncture sessions with seven days interval. After the first acupuncture session the use of NSAID was interrupted. After eight weeks the dog was considered rehabilitated and underwent GBI in acupoints and trigger points as maintenance treatment. During the one-year follow-up period the improvement remained unchanged with no need of analgesics.Discussion: It has been suggested that acupuncture or GBI can treat the chronic pain resulting from osteoarthritis induced by HD. According to AP theory, GBI is permanent and long-lasting acupoint stimulation. Moreover, the method is inexpensive, quick and easy to perform, with no postoperative pain or need of exercise restriction. Although gold is extremely corrosion-resistant, the surface of the gold implants stimulates a reaction from the immune system causing an oxidative liberation of gold ions with anti-inflammatory actions. It is well known that gold ions are effective inhibitors of the respiratory burst of neutrophils and monocytes and the proliferation of lymphocytes. These findings suggest that gold implantation, on a local scale, mimics the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect of drugs with chemically bound gold ions. The relatively slow speed of the process results in a limited liberation of gold ions securing that they are taken up almost exclusively by cells close to the implant. The nine year old female German shepherd had a positive response to acupuncture with pain relieve and locomotor rehabilitation. For the nine year old female German shepherd previous acupuncture sessions to GBI resulted in no post-implant worsening period. Indeed, the association acupuncture/GBI does not have the anti-inflammatory drugs undesirable effects and brings long lasting results. In conclusion, GBI therefore should be considered for canine HD when conservative or medical treatments fail to give the desired effect.


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Back pain, whether they have a primary or secondary origin, is a important cause to the drop of the equine performance, but the size and the complex biomechanics make it difficult to diagnosis and treat the injury. As it is, the knowledge of this anatomic site is of great importance to the thoracolumbar examination. The diagnosis of back pain is done through physical examination and complementary exams, represented by the image methods of diagnosis, such as radiography, ultrasonography and thermography. The most important lesions that cause the back pain in an equine are impingement of the dorsal spinous processes, desmopathy of the supraespinous ligament, osteoarthritis of the articular processes and lesions of the vertebral discs and body. The most common treatments to back pain are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, local injections, acupuncture, physiotherapy, training management and surgery.


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Presently, acupuncture is a technique considered to be capable of stimulating the regulatory systems of the organism, such as the central nervous system, the endocrine system and the immunological system. The median frequency of the upper trapezium muscle with 40% and 60% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of 15 healthy volunteers, was analyzed after the individuals were submitted to the AA treatment. The non-parametric Friedman test was used to compare median frequency values. In this exploratory study, the level of significance of each comparison was set to p < 0.05. The intraclass analyses indicate a significant increase of the median frequency muscle at 60% of the MVC (Wicoxon test). Based on the results found, the AA peripheral stimulus can act as a modulator mechanism of muscle activity and was possible to verify correspondence of the auricular acupoint with the trapezius muscle. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.