1000 resultados para note


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Boberach: Gegen die Ablehnung der österreichischen Einladung zur Wiederherstellung der Bundesversammlung wird eingewandt, daß der Deutsche Bund weiterhin besteht und auf internationalem europäischem Recht beruht. Die Bundesversammlung wurde 1848 lediglich vertagt, die Befugnisse des engeren Rates auf die Provisorische Zentralgewalt übertragen. - Wentzke: Stellt gegenüber der Denkschrift fest, daß die europäischen Mächte 1815 den deutschen Bund durch ein föderatives Band begründeten, das den Bundesstaat mit einheitlicher Spitze, den Dualismus und die Monarchie ausschließt. "Es ist europäisches Recht, daß Deutschland ein Staatenbund bleibe, daß Österreich in der Versammlung des Bundes den Vorsitz führe, und daß die Teilnahme an der Bundesgewalt nur in dem in der Bundesakte festgesetzten Stimmenverhältnis ausgeübt werden dürfe, im Übrigen aber alle Bundesglieder von einander unabhängig sind." Hält fest an der Anschauung, daß die Bundesversammlung sich am 12. Juli 1848 nur auf unbestimmte Zeit vertagte und ihre Befugnisse als engerer Rat auf die von ihr eingesetzte provisorische Zentralgewalt übertrug


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Boberach: Die preußische Zirkularnote für einen Engeren Bund ist ein Meisterstück der Diplomatie, aber Preußen und seinem König ist nicht zu trauen, sie würden nur ein preußisches Kaisertum mit preußischer Bürokratie aufrichten. Das preußische Großmachtstreben würde sofort die kleineren Einzelstaaten bedrohen. - Wentzke: Die Note an und für sich ist ein diplomatisches Meisterstück, indem sie die Notwendigkeit des österreichischen Kaiserstaates für Deutschland und die Ehrlichkeit der preußischen Politik hervorhebt. Leider aber hat die Vergangenheit Preußens, seine Großmachtsgelüste, zu tiefen Anlaß zum Mißtrauen gegeben. Dazu hat die Heuchelei der Reaktion unter Friedrich Wilhelm IV. den Höhepunkt erreicht. Wird Preußens König deutscher Kaiser, so wird er zunächst die kleineren Staaten vernichten und durch seine Bureaukratie das preußische Kaisertum aufrichten


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Various software packages for project management include a procedure for resource-constrained scheduling. In several packages, the user can influence this procedure by selecting a priority rule. However, the resource-allocation methods that are implemented in the procedures are proprietary information; therefore, the question of how the priority-rule selection impacts the performance of the procedures arises. We experimentally evaluate the resource-allocation methods of eight recent software packages using the 600 instances of the PSPLIB J120 test set. The results of our analysis indicate that applying the default rule tends to outperform a randomly selected rule, whereas applying two randomly selected rules tends to outperform the default rule. Applying a small set of more than two rules further improves the project durations considerably. However, a large number of rules must be applied to obtain the best possible project durations.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Der Wiener Gemeinderat entschließt sich zur Verteidigung der Stadt. Ernennung des Generalleutnants Bem zum Lagerkommandanten. Mitgeteilt vom Oberkommandierenden der Nationalgarde


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BACKGROUND For chronic subdural hematoma, placement of a Blake drain with a two-burr-hole craniotomy is often preferred. However, the placement of such drains carries the risk of penetrating the brain surface or damaging superficial venous structures. OBJECTIVE To describe the use of a Nelaton catheter for the placement of a subdural drain in two-burr-hole trephination for chronic subdural hematoma. METHOD A Nelaton catheter was used to guide placement of a Blake drain into the subdural hematoma cavity and provide irrigation of the hematoma cavity. With the two-burr-hole method, the Nelaton catheter could be removed easily via the frontal burr hole after the Blake drain was in place. RESULTS We used the Nelaton catheters in many surgical procedures and found it a safe and easy technique. This method allows the surgeon to safely direct the catheter into the correct position in the subdural space. CONCLUSIONS This tool has two advantages. First, the use of a small and flexible Nelaton catheter is a safe method for irrigation of a chronic subdural hematoma cavity. Second, in comparison with insertion of subdural drainage alone through a burr hole, the placement of the Nelaton catheter in subdural space is easier and the risk of damaging relevant structures such as cortical tissue or bridging veins is lower. Thus this technique may help to avoid complications when placing a subdural drain.


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This paper offers an economic analysis explaining why royalty relief under US Federal legislation is expensive in terms of revenue foregone, but is largely ineffective in increasing US offshore oil production. Repeal of royalty relief is therefore justified.


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Kydland and Prescott (1977) develop a simple model of monetary policy making, where the central bank needs some commitment technique to achieve optimal monetary policy over time. Although not their main focus, they illustrate the difference between consistent and optimal policy in a sequential-decision one-period world. We employ the analytical method developed in Yuan and Miller (2005), whereby the government appoints a central bank with consistent targets or delegates consistent targets to the central bank. Thus, the central bank s welfare function differs from the social welfare function, which cause consistent policy to prove optimal.


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This paper clarifies the relationship between an injurer's wealth level and his care choice by highlighting the distinction between monetary and non-monetary care. When care is non-monetary, wealth-constrained injurers generally take less than optimal care, and care is increasing in their wealth level under both strict liability and negligence. In contrast, when care is monetary, injurers may take too much or too little care under strict liability, and care is not strictly increasing in injurer wealth. Under negligence, the relationship between injurer care and wealth is similar in the two formulations. However, when litigation costs are added to the model, the relationship between injurer care and wealth becomes non-monotonic under both liability rules.


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This paper re-examines the social versus private value of lawsuits when both injurers and victims can take care. The basic conclusions of that literature remain valid in this context: the private and social values generally differ, and there is no necessary relationship between them, meaning that there may be either too many or too few suits. Introducing the possibility of victim care does, however, alter the calculation of the deterrent effect of lawsuits. In particular, because allowing suits tends to reduce the incentives for victims to invest in precaution, the social value of prohibiting suits increases in direct relation to the productivity of victim care in lowering accident risk.


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Salomo Salman Chajim Halberstam