993 resultados para Tensão pré-menstrual


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The increase of the global competitiveness of the global alliances of the economic blocks, generates an increasing stream of information that makes with that the companies are always the seek of new developments. The climate of changes generates concern with what it must be assimilated by organization, and things that don¿t serve the definitive company. The organizational environment of the companies is taken by uncertainty. The organizational culture becomes itself very important for the organization, therefore it judges what the company can use in the relation with its environment, and what does not serve to its organizational structure. Together with the culture is necessary that itself a learning environment, leading thus culture. The work considered here studies the organizational culture of a company making relation with the organizational Learning, and helps to clarify the profile of a culture that propitiates the organizational learning. This work analyzes the Isabela¿s S/A organizational culture, making relation with the organizational learning. Of this form, look it self to describe and to identify the culture of the searched company, studying its difficulties and advantages, making relation with the deep learning. The company is characterized, the situation problem and the subject of study. In the theoretical referential was made an analysis of the culture, its formation until the types of culture, applying itself after a model of organizational learning. A model for the study of the culture is applied, where self is characterized, tipology of the culture, and applied a model for the study of the learning. The results of the considered study, answer the research problem, where they are analysed with the application of the diagnostic research of the searched company. This discloses an organization with a strong culture, however flexible to assimilate changes. It has a harmony between the values that generate the culture and that they are characterized, spreading out thus an environment that propitiates organizational learning, a culture that generates learning.


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This dissertation is concerned with the implications of the learning process on the technological capabilities accumulation. This relationship was examined at the Electrolux do Brasil S/A ¿ Guabirotuba Unity ¿ in Curitiba/PR, over the period of 1980 to 2000. The Brazilian factory products White Goods destined to the Brazilian market as well as to exportation. The Swedish group Electrolux, to which the Brazilian factory belongs to, produces and sell goods to more then 150 countries. Regardless their importance, studies on the accumulation of technological capabilities and the underlying learning process are still scarce in Brazil, especially those focusing on the eletrodomestics products, and more specifically on the refrigerators and freezers industry. Based on a case study in the Electrolux do Brasil S/A, from 1980 to 2000, this investigation examined the influence of the learning process in the paths of the technological capabilities accumulation in the firm. The learning processes were analyzed in the light of the analytical framework proposed by Figueiredo (2001). This framework consists in four key features: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. The technological capabilities accumulation were studied considering two technological functions: Process and Production Organization Activities and Products Activities. The evidences to classify and describe the paths of technological capabilities accumulation as well as to analyse the learning were mainly qualitative. This investigation joins other previous studies, in which there was noticed that the learning process have great involvement on technical changes, playing a relevant role on the technological capabilities of a company. Based on the investigation done and on the practical utilization of the analytical structure proposed by Figueiredo (2001), we infer that the way and the speed of technological capabilities accumulation are related to how the various learning processes were used by the company. One implied that, in levels from one to six, the studied company cumulated capabilities to level (5). Regarding technological competence, it approached industrialized countries firms, which present level (6), advanced.


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Aços de alta resistência mecânica, aspergidos termicamente, são os materiais mais adequados para garantir o bom desempenho de certos componentes de plataformas offshore, expostos a situações severas de carregamento em água do mar. A literatura apresenta vários estudos relativos ao efeito combinado entre esforços mecânicos e o meio agressivo, em aços de alta resistência, entretanto, poucos avaliam o desempenho desses aços aspergidos metalicamente. A susceptibilidade à corrosão sob tensão e à corrosão-fadiga, de um aço de alta resistência mecânica aspergido termicamente, empregado em componentes de plataformas offshore, foi avaliada mediante as técnicas de ensaio de tração com baixa taxa de deformação, ensaio de fadiga por flexão em três pontos e metalografia da fratura. Os ensaios foram realizados em água do mar sintética ao potencial de corrosão e à um potencial catódico, utilizando-se amostras de aço revestidas termicamente com zinco e alumínio pelo processo de aspersão com plasma spray. O comportamento de amostras ensaiadas ao ar foi usado como parâmetro para avaliação do desempenho do aço em água do mar. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o aço revestido é susceptível à corrosão sob tensão e à corrosão fadiga em água do mar, sendo que o mecanismo de fragilização envolve a ruptura prematura dos revestimentos e a participação do hidrogênio.