1000 resultados para Estimativas de futuro


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Este artigo analisa as possibilidades de uma estratégia nacional da política energética com visão de longo prazo, que sinalize, tanto para as agên­cias do governo quanto para a iniciativa privada, o rumo que se deseja seguir e que garanta as responsabilidades e o atendimento à sociedade. Por isso, re­toma as características da formação e do desenvolvimento inicial do setor elé­trico brasileiro, destacando a montagem de um eficiente modelo institucional estatal que garantiu, durante décadas, o crescimento econômico e o atendi­mento à população. Em seguida analisa, resumidamente, as crises que carac­terizavam o setor e as empresas, a partir dos anos 70, e seus desdobramentos que desembocaram na organização de uma reforma institucional privilegian­do a participação da iniciativa privada no setor. A parte final do artigo analisa diversos problemas, tendências e questões ainda em aberto decorrentes da marcha da transição rumo ao novo modelo institucional e da crise de energia elétrica mais recente. Destaca a importância das decisões da administração pública na transição e da revisão de conceitos relativos à reforma do Estado, no caso os limites do estado mínimo e dos mercados competitivos, na elabo­ração de uma estratégia de longo prazo para o setor.


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As transformações que o mundo tem experimentado, por meio de inovações tecnologias constantes, mercados em mudança e novas formas de organização comercial e social certamente exigem adaptações das teorias e práticas do design. Se for visto com seriedade e responsabilidade, este poderá se tornar uma das bases da configuração do ambiente tecnológico e contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida no planeta. Neste livro, em que fazem essa previsão, calcados em ampla argumentação, os autores expõem um cenário abrangente do design no Brasil e no mundo, de suas origens históricas aos os dias atuais e do que se espera da área para o futuro. Eles analisam como o design se desenvolveu, de que modo foi sendo moldado ao longo do tempo, suas aplicações e implicações nos campos econômico, tecnológico, social e ambiental, além do papel do designer enquanto profissional criativo e científico. Ainda hoje, as corporações subordinam o designer a áreas técnicas, como a de engenharia. Os autores defendem maior reconhecimento e autonomia desse profissional, na medida em que ele pode estar à frente de diversas atividades nas organizações, como criação de sinalização e uniformes, desenvolvimento de produtos, layout de ambientes e papelaria, estabelecendo identidade comum para esses elementos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This essay aims to grasp the historical and contemporary issues related to the military personnel who were persecuted, their struggles and motivations over the period 1946-1988. Advocates as hypothesis that its political intervention is a legitimate expression of a presence in the defense of democracy in Brazil. But not only: the militant intervention of this group for national causes also refers to a diagnosis, which represents a challenge to many working groups of the Comissão Nacional da Verdade, especially when taking into account the number of military personnel persecuted or the selective specifi city of the repression that fell on them.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Further to increase the wood yield, is important goal of forest tree breeding the adaptation of clones through diverse environment, especially for soil and climate. Perennial tree species such as eucalypts, have a long life cycle and the frosts can occur and to be their limiting source of cultivation. The aim of the study was to determine the genetic variability and the genetic correlations between selection ages of clones cultivated in the municipality of Palma So la, SC, Brazil, where frosts are common in the winter. A clonal trial was set up in 2008 in Palma So la, by statistical design of randomized complete blocks considering 29 clones, six replications, six plants per plot, and 3.0m x 3.0 m spacing. The silvicultural characters of total plant height, diameter of breast height (dbh), and wood volume were evaluated through 24, 36, 48, and 60 months old. The deviance analysis and estimates of genetic parameters were based on the REML / BLUP genetic statistical procedure. Significant differences were observed for all traits in the deviance analysis. High correlations and statistically significant between characters were observed, indicating that the early selection will provide significant gains. Part of the clones USP/IPEF 64, USP/IPEF 78, USP/IPEF 52, USP/IPEF 68, and USP/IPEF 74) are potential to be used into the breeding programs and in commercial stands into the studied frost regions.


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Along of the Brazilian territory is to encourage a lot of self-management communities, seeking a new way of social organization through of cultural practices and economic antagonistic logic of the capitalist system. These communities create a lifestyle which we are not used in the context of modern life, they are focused to a greater preservation of nature, to an economy based on spiritualization and cultural exchange. The peculiarity of these communities is to offer the same structure as a modern city, electricity, clothing, basic sanitation, food among others, which the state already offers, but with alternative ways.For a more specific study was selected community-Porangaba Future Vision, São Paulo. Through this case of study, it is thought to enable a better understanding of how it is possible within a country emerge a community that creates its own structure encompassed by cultural practices and economic characteristics and finally understanding what are the effects on the geographic area


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Here we present an exploratory study on the subject of Physics and Music, discussing how this issue is addressed in two high schools belonging to state education network in Rio Claro – SP city. Initially, we conducted a critical analysis of the books that are used as the main tool to support the teacher in the classroom. Alert this analysis , it is possible to realize low-level content when we bring the topic into the classroom. Based in this analysis and an experimental class that was held as part of the course Teaching Practice and Supervised , the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity - UNESP Campus Rio Claro was an elaborate educational proposal related to Physics Teaching and Music with a thematic strategy different from the traditional approach , considering the use of experiments built with low cost (Ferreira and Ramos , 2008) materials , which can be an alternative to improve the teaching learning process student , because these experiments stimulate and provide a more dynamic and closer interaction with the objects class. We also seek to study, in greater depth , aspects of wave physics, discussing how a wave propagates in a string with its two fixed ends , which besides being a subject that is usually covered in books , is a phenomenon that is present in string instruments


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The Bom Futuro tin deposit is located in Ariquemes, north-central state of Rondônia. Since its discovery in the late 80s, the tin deposit of Bom Futuro has been explored and considered one of the leading Brazilian producers of cassiterite, exploring it mainly in secondary deposits (placers) in the vicinity of the hill Bom Futuro. The primary mineralization occurs in the contacts between quartz veins and pegmatites with the rocks of the hill and its exploitation has been the goal of new studies in the area. These bodies occur in all rock types of the hill, leading edges of hydrothermal alteration with each rock. The focus of the study is the characterization of hydrothermal alteration through the analysis of the edges of pegmatitic veins intruded on each of the main rock types found on the hill Bom Futuro, which are: biotite gneiss, biotite amphibolite, subvolcanic breccia, topaz leucogranite, topaz leucoriolito and micro melassienito porphyry. The analysis and comparison showed familiarities between the edges of alteration encountered, and possible subdivision into three main zones: the inner zone or the vein itself, intermediate zone or transition zone and the change zone where the passage of hydrothermal features to rocks features is gradual. The cassiterite and sphalerite were found scattered in three zones, however in larger quantities in the intermediate zone, near the contact