979 resultados para linfócitos T reguladores


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Neste breve artigo, procuro analisar um workshop de pesquisa sobre o tema das “Cidades Inteligentes”, ou smart cities, no qual estive presente. Nessa análise, mostro como os conceitos de “cidade inteligente” e “big data” são construídos de modo distinto pelos dois grupos de pessoas presentes no evento, que classifico como “otimizadores” e “reguladores”. Essas diferentes formas de se enxergar os dispositivos em questão levam a uma série de controvérsias. Em um primeiro momento, procuro enquadrar o modo como algumas das controvérsias aparecem dentro do marco teórico da Construção Social da Tecnologia (SCOT). Posteriormente, pretendo mostrar que as controvérsias que apareceram ao longo do evento não foram solucionadas – e dificilmente serão, num futuro próximo – enquanto não se optar por um modelo analítico tal como a Teoria Ator-Rede, que dá ouvidos para um grupo ignorado naquelas discussões: os dispositivos empregados na construção do conceito de “Cidade Inteligente”.


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A sustentabilidade é uma realidade que pode ser compreendida como a utilização dos recursos para atender as necessidades do presente sem comprometer a capacidade das gerações futuras em atender suas próprias necessidades. Esta pesquisa, por sua vez, procura evidenciar a importância da sustentabilidade no contexto empresarial e como as empresas são pressionadas pelo mercado, pela sociedade que está mais consciente de seu papel e agentes reguladores que, além de alertar e educar, estão mais rigorosos em suas fiscalizações para que suas atividades sejam permeadas de responsabilidade social e ambiental. É um estudo de cunho exploratório-descritivo, pois aborda de forma geral a importância da sustentabilidade para a perenidade dos negócios, proporcionando, entre outros, benefícios relacionados à imagem da empresa ante a sociedade, incentivos fiscais e facilidade na concessão de crédito, bem como contribui com a sociedade por meio de projetos culturais e políticas ambientais.


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Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is endemic in Brazil and the northeast region had the highest incidence of the disease , despite, in the last 30 years, it has spread to all geographic regions of the country. Leishmania infantum is the m ain etiological agent of VL in Latin America, Europe and North Africa. However, not all infected individuals develop the disease; in fact, the majority present spontaneous re solution of infection without symptoms. The evaluation of the immunological profil e has been mostly conducted stimulating, with Leishmania spp. antigen, peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from subjects with VL. These studies showed that VL patients had an inhibition of both, lymphocyte proliferation and proinflammatory response to Leishmania spp. antigen. Our study aimed to evaluate the immune response in active LV, cured post treatment and asymptomatic infection. To reach this aim, we analyzed immunophenotypic features related to activation, Treg and memory lymphocytes, by flow cytometry, as well as, evaluation of cytokine production, in ex vivo or in whole blood culture. In active VL volunteers, a longitu dinal study was conducted with reassessment at 4 and 14 months after clinical cure. The control group included individuals th at live d in endemic region and were either Positive Control, consisting of individuals with positive anti - L eishmania spp. serology and/or positive PCR for Leishmania  spp. and Negative Control composed by individuals with negative anti - Leishmania antibodie s serology and negative PCR for Leishmania . During VL, CD4 lymphocytes showed greater activation and memory profile s and were the major source of cytokines in culture when compared to CD8 lymphocytes , and these were not Leishmania specific. There were act ivated lymphocytes during VL (CD4 + CD69 + :4.9%) when compared to control groups, Positive (CD4 + CD69 + :1.96%, p=0.0045) and Negative (CD4 + CD69 + :1.35%, p=0.006), on the other hand, this was non - specific activation. The lymphocyte activation profile remain ed el evated even 14 months post treatmen t. A fter clinical cure , the activation was Leishmania specific (CD4 + CD25 + absence of SLA: 8.4%, and presence of SLA: 10.7% p=0.0279). CD8 + CD25 + lymphocytes were able to produce Leishmania specific IFN - γ in both, Positive Controls (absence of SLA 5.2% and presence of SLA: 9.5%, p=0.0391) and Cured 4 month (absence of SLA: 3.9%; presence of SLA: 10.7% p=0.0098). Whole blood culture cells, of VL patients, were able to produce IFN - γ, by SLA stimulation (absence of SLA: 28.0 pg ∕mL, and presence: 44.3 pg∕mL p=0.0020) as well as recovered groups (absence of SLA 2.3 pg∕mL and presence of SLA 139.8 pg∕mL, p=0.0005). However, the high level of IL - 10 seem ed to inhibit pro - inflammatory activity of IFN - γ and TNF - α during symptomatic dis ease . Unlike other pro - inflammatory cytokines, active VL group d id not produce Leishmania specific IL - 2 (absence of SLA 2.4 pg∕mL and presence of SLA: 2.6 pg∕mL). Based on these data we conclude that the restoration of lymphocyte activation and decreased i n IL - 10 Leishmania specific production were related to a protective immune profile.


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Automatic detection of blood components is an important topic in the field of hematology. The segmentation is an important stage because it allows components to be grouped into common areas and processed separately and leukocyte differential classification enables them to be analyzed separately. With the auto-segmentation and differential classification, this work is contributing to the analysis process of blood components by providing tools that reduce the manual labor and increasing its accuracy and efficiency. Using techniques of digital image processing associated with a generic and automatic fuzzy approach, this work proposes two Fuzzy Inference Systems, defined as I and II, for autosegmentation of blood components and leukocyte differential classification, respectively, in microscopic images smears. Using the Fuzzy Inference System I, the proposed technique performs the segmentation of the image in four regions: the leukocyte’s nucleus and cytoplasm, erythrocyte and plasma area and using the Fuzzy Inference System II and the segmented leukocyte (nucleus and cytoplasm) classify them differentially in five types: basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils. Were used for testing 530 images containing microscopic samples of blood smears with different methods. The images were processed and its accuracy indices and Gold Standards were calculated and compared with the manual results and other results found at literature for the same problems. Regarding segmentation, a technique developed showed percentages of accuracy of 97.31% for leukocytes, 95.39% to erythrocytes and 95.06% for blood plasma. As for the differential classification, the percentage varied between 92.98% and 98.39% for the different leukocyte types. In addition to promoting auto-segmentation and differential classification, the proposed technique also contributes to the definition of new descriptors and the construction of an image database using various processes hematological staining


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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is endemic in many countries, including Brazil. The protozoan Leishmania infantum, is the etiological agent of VL, and is transmitted by the bite of female sandflies during the blood meal. The majority of subjects when exposed to the parasite do not develop the disease, because of development of Th1 cellular responses. Those who have develop signs of VL such as fever, weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, have impairment of the cellular immune response, specific to the Leishmania antigens. We evaluated whether the specififc anergy during symptomatic VL, may be associated with changes in T cells costimulatory molecules or their ligands in CD14+ monocytes. There is an increase in CTLA-4 porcentage on CD4+ T lymphocytes (p=0.001) and ICOS on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (p=0.002 to CD4+ and p=0.003 to CD8+), after stimulation by soluble Leishmania antigen (SLA) during active visceral leishmaniasis, and that there is a higher percentage of these molecules ex vivo, when comparing symptomatic to recovered individuals (p=0.04 to CTLA-4 in CD4+, and p=0.001 to ICOS in CD4+ and p=0.026 to CD8+). Moreover, we found a high gene expression of CTLA-4, OX-40 and ICOS during active VL. CD40, CD80, CD86, HLA-DR and ICOSL molecules do not suffer changes during disease. There is IFN-γ production by the peripheral blood cells, after SLA stimulation, by peripheral blood cells in symptomatic subjects; however, there is a decrease of the ratio IFN-γ/IL-10, which is reversed after clinical recovery. The impairment of some costimulatory molecules pathways during symptomatic VL could inhibit the ability of phagocytes to kill Leishmania and could facilitate their survival and the proliferation inside macrophages.


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Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory condition primarily caused by bacteria in dental biofilm, which interact with the host, thus determining the nature of the resulting disease. Despite the wide knowledge about the pathogenesis of these diseases, the exact composition of the T cell profile during the active phase of the disease (Th1, Th2 or Th17) remains unknown. This study aimed to evaluate by immunohistochemical expression, the presence of the markers (IL-17, IL-23 and RORγt), involved in Th17 response in clinically healthy gingiva cases (n = 32), biofilm-induced gingivitis (n = 30), chronic periodontitis (n = 32) and aggressive periodontitis (n = 25), in order to analyze if the expression and/or distribution of these molecules in lymphocytes and macrophages, present in the inflammatory infiltrate of periodontal tissue, influences the tissue destruction observed in these diseases. The morphological analysis of cases was performed which assessed the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate in mild, moderate and intense. For each case, in the area with the most representative immunostaining, 5 fields were chosen and analyzed, both for the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate as for the quantity of immunostained cells, based on predetermined scores: score 0 (absence of inflammatory infiltrate/immunostaining), score 1 (the infiltrate/immunostaining covered less than 25% of the field area), score 2 (the infiltrate/immunostaining occupied between 25 and 50%) and score 3 (infiltrate/immunostaining present in over 50% of the field area). From this, a median was generated representing each case. The intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate correlated with the disease progression, in other words, it was crescent from clinically healthy gingiva to aggressive periodontitis (P <0.001). It was detected the presence of IL-17, IL-23 and RORγt in most of the evaluated cases and the number of immunostained cells correlated with the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate (P <0.001) and with the clinical parameters analyzed (P <0.001), showing a positive correlation, mainly moderate. Aggressive periodontitis showed a higher percentage of immunostaining for all markers in relation to other clinical conditions assessed, suggesting a possible association of these markers with the progression of this disease, in which the higher the loss of periodontal support, the greater the amount of inflammatory infiltrate and larger the number of immunostained cells.


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The Nursing Homes are an important alternative care in the world, but Brazil still has no valid instrument to monitor the quality these institutions. In the United States, the Observable Indicators of Nursing Home Care Quality Instrument (OIQ) is used to assess the quality of Nursing Home care using 30 indicators of structure (2 dimensions) and process (5 dimensions) related to quality person-centered care. The present study aimed at cross-culturally adapting the OIQ in order to evaluate the quality of Nursing Home care in Brazil. Conceptual and item equivalence were determined to assess the relevance and viability of OIQ in the Brazilian context, using the Content Validity Index (CVI) and a group of specialists composed of 10 participants directly involved in the object of study. Next, operational, idiomatic and semantic equivalence were carried out concurrently. This consisted of 5 phases: (1) two translations and (2) their respective back translations; (3) formal appraisal of referential and general meaning; (4) review by a second group of specialists; (5) application of the pretest at three Nursing Homes by different social entities: health professionals, sanitary surveillance regulators and potential consumers. Measurement equivalence was evaluated by the Cronbach’s alpha test to verify the internal consistency of the instrument. To measure inter-evaluator agreement, the General Agreement Index (ICG) and Kappa coefficient were used. Timely compliance and 95% Confidence Interval of indicators, dimensions and total construct were estimated. The CVI obtained high results for both relevance (95.3%) and viability (94.3%) in the Brazilian context. With respect to referential meaning, similarity was observed, ranging between 90-100% for the first back translation and 70-100% for the second. In relation to general meaning, version 1 was better, classified as “unchanged” in 80% of the items, whereas in version 2 it was only 47%. In the pretest, the OIQ was easy to understand and apply. The following outcomes were obtained: a high Cronbach’s alpha (0.93), satisfactory ICG (75%) and substantial agreement between the pairs of evaluators (health professionals, regulators from the Superintendency of Sanitary Surveillance –SUVISA-, and potential consumers), according to the Kappa coefficient (0.65). It´s possible take the operational equivalence held since it preserved the original layout in the Brazilian version from the maintenance in application mode, response options, number of items, statements and scores. The performance of nursing homes obtained approximate average scores of 87, a variation 55-111 considering a range from 30 to 150 points. The worst outcomes were related to process indicators with a mean of 2.8 per item, while structure was 3.75 on a scale of 1 to 5. The lowest score was obtained for the care dimension (mean 2). The OIQ version was deemed to be a valid and reliable instrument in the Brazilian context. It is recommended that health professionals, regulators and potential consumers adopt it to access and monitor the quality of Nursing Home care and demonstrating opportunities for improvement.


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There are several abiotic factors reported in the literature as regulators of the distribution of fish species in marine environments. Among them stand out structural complexity of habitat, benthic composition, depth and distance from the coast are usually reported as positive influencers in the diversity of difentes species, including reef fish. These are dominant elements in reef systems and considered high ecological and socioeconomic importance. Understanding how the above factors influence the distribution and habitat use of reef fish communities are important for their management and conservation. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the influence of these variables on the community of reef fishes along an environmental gradient of depth and distance from shore base in sandstone reefs in the coast of state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These variables are also used for creating a simple predictive model reef fish biomass for the environment studied. Data collection was performed through visual surveys in situ, and recorded environmental data (structural complexity of habitat, type of coverage of the substrate, benthic invertebrates) and ecological (wealth, abundance and reef fish size classes). As a complement, information on the diet were raised through literature and the biomass was estimated from the length-weight relationship of each species. Overall, the reefs showed a low coverage by corals and the Shallow reefs, Intermediate I and II dominated by algae and the Funds by algae and sponges. The complexity has increased along the gradient and positively influenced the species richness and abundance. Both attributes influenced in the structure of the reef fish community, increasing the richness, abundance and biomass of fish as well as differentiating the trophic structure of the community along the depth gradient and distance from the coast. Distribution and use of habitat by recifas fish was associated with food availability. The predictor model identified depth, roughness and coverage for foliose algae, calcareous algae and soft corals as the most significant variables influencing in the biomass of reef fish. In short, the description and understanding of these patterns are important steps to elucidate the ecological processes. In this sense, our approach provides a new understanding of the structure of the reef fish community of Rio Grande do Norte, allowing understand a part of a whole and assist future monitoring actions, evaluation, management and conservation of these and other reefs of Brazil.


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While the carnivores are considered regulators and structuring of natural communities are also extremely threatened by human activities. Endangered little-spotted-cat (Leopardus tigrinus) is one of the lesser known species from the Neotropical cats. In this work we investigate the occupancy and the activity pattern of L. tigrinus in Caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte testing: 1) how environmental and anthropogenic factors influence their occupation and 2) how biotic and abiotic factors influence their activity pattern. For this we raised occurrence data of species in 10 priority areas for conservation. We built hierarchical models of occupancy based on maximum likelihood to represent biological hypotheses which were ranked using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). According to the results the feline occupancy is more likely away from rural settlements and in areas with a higher proportion of woody vegetation. The opportunistic killing of L. tigrinus and in retaliation for poultry predation close to residential areas can explain this result; as well as more complex vegetation structure can better serve as refuge and ensure more food. Analyzing the records of the species through circular statistics we conclude that the activity pattern is mostly nocturnal, although considerable crepuscular and a small diurnal activity. L. tigrinus activity was directly affected by the availability of small terrestrial mammals, which are essentially nocturnal. In addition, the temperatures recorded in the environment directly and indirectly affect the activity of the little-spotted-cat, as also influence the activity of their potential prey. Generally, the cats were more active when possible prey were active, and this happened at night when lower temperatures are recorded. Moreover, the different lunar phases did not affect the activity pattern. The results improve the understanding of an endangered feline inhabiting the Caatinga biome, and thus can help develop conservation and management strategies, as well as in planning future research in this semi-arid ecosystem.


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Preeclampsia is a disease specific of human pregnancy that affects 3-8% of pregnant women, and it is one of the three leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity. The disease is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria after the 20th week of gestation. The risk factors for this disease are not completely understood but appear to include dysregulation of the immune response arising from defects in placentation, environmental and genetic factors. This study aimed to determine whether the variation in the amount of proinflammatory cytokine receptors IL-1R2, IL-6R and TNF-αR1 would be involved in preeclampsia. They were recruited women with preeclampsia (n=24) and women who evolved during pregnancy without changes in blood pressure (n=12) were recruited. Clinical and laboratory data were collected. The cytokine receptors (IL-1R2, TNF-αR1 and IL-6R) were assessed in mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood using flow cytometry (Control = 8; PE = 24). C-reactive protein (CRP) was determined by CRP ultrasensitive method (Control = 7; PE = 18) was performed using sera pregnant women. Women with preeclampsia had higher weight at the beginning of the pregnancy (p=0.0171) and lower gestational age at delivery (0.0008). Classical monocytes were decreased in preeclampsia but not intermediate or non-classical monocytes. The frequency of IL-1R2 pro inflammatory cytokine receptors is decreased in women with PE only in the subpopulation of non-classical monocytes (p = 0.0011). TNF-αR1 receptor and IL-6R, had a decreased frequency in the three subpopulations of monocyte (classic, intermediate and non-classical) when compared to women with normal pregnancy. An increase in IL-1R2 receptor in TCD4+ lymphocytes, but a decrease in TNF-receptor and IL-6R in women with preeclampsia were found. No differences in the frequency of those receptors in CD3+/CD8+ in preeclampsia. There was no difference in C-reactive protein in preeclampsia. The reduction in the amount of IL-1R2, TNF- αR1 and IL-6R monocytes and lymphocytes can be involved in the regulation of inflammation observed in preeclampsia, contributing to disease.


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Fucoidan is a term used to define heteropolysaccharides that are composed of less than 90% L-fucose. The exception to this rule is the homofucoidan obtained from the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. This fucoidan can be purchased from SIGMA Co. and have been used in various research for evaluation of their pharmacological activities. However, it is not a pure molecule. In fact, it is a mix of several fucoidan molecules. In this work, were obtained, from acetone precipitation, and biochemically characterized, four fucoidan molecules from SIGMA-ALDRICH Co. fucoidan to evaluate their anticoagulant, antioxidant, antiadipogenic, immunomodulatory and antiurolithiatic activities. In anticoagulant activity, evaluated by aPTT assay, fucoidans F0.9, F1.1 and F2.0 increased eightfold the coagulation time, compared to the control, when a mass of 10 μg was used. To PT test, only fucoidan F0.9 was capable of increase the coagulation time, compared to control. In the total antioxidant capacity assay (TAC), the fucoidan F2.0 showed 400 ascorbic acid equivalents, while fucoidan F0.5, the lest effective, 38 equivalents. In respect to the effect on pre-adipocyte cell lines (3T3-L1) adipogenesis, was observed that fucoidan F1.1 and F2.0 reduced the adipogenesis and this effect was associated to the reduction in the expression of regulatoy proteins C/EBPα, C/EBPβ and PPARγ. On the other hand, fucoidans F0.5 and F0.9 induced increased expression of these regulatory proteins. Furthermore, fucoidan F2.0 induced hydrolysis of triglycerides present in the interior of adipocytes. The immunomodulatory effect was evaluated and observed that the presence of fucoidans F0.5 , F1.1 and F2.0 significantly reduced the production of nitric oxide by activated macrophages with LPS specially fucoidan F2.0 that in 100 μg/mL, reduced about 55% the effect caused by LPS. Relative to the effect upon the formation of calcium oxalate crystals, fucoidan F0.5 was more effective in reduce the aggregation of the crystals and this effect it was not significantly different regarding the effect caused by the crude. Besides, fucoidan F0.5 only promoted the formation of COD type crystals, while fucoidans F1.1 and F2.0 did not influence the formation of crystals compared with the control. The results described in this study indicate that the commercial crude fucoidan of Fucus vesiculosus it’s a mix of several fucoidan which, in turn, have different chemical compositions besides having different pharmacological activities. The use of these fucoidans it´s indicated according the pharmacological activity to be evaluated.


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Fucoidan is a term used to define heteropolysaccharides that are composed of less than 90% L-fucose. The exception to this rule is the homofucoidan obtained from the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. This fucoidan can be purchased from SIGMA Co. and have been used in various research for evaluation of their pharmacological activities. However, it is not a pure molecule. In fact, it is a mix of several fucoidan molecules. In this work, were obtained, from acetone precipitation, and biochemically characterized, four fucoidan molecules from SIGMA-ALDRICH Co. fucoidan to evaluate their anticoagulant, antioxidant, antiadipogenic, immunomodulatory and antiurolithiatic activities. In anticoagulant activity, evaluated by aPTT assay, fucoidans F0.9, F1.1 and F2.0 increased eightfold the coagulation time, compared to the control, when a mass of 10 μg was used. To PT test, only fucoidan F0.9 was capable of increase the coagulation time, compared to control. In the total antioxidant capacity assay (TAC), the fucoidan F2.0 showed 400 ascorbic acid equivalents, while fucoidan F0.5, the lest effective, 38 equivalents. In respect to the effect on pre-adipocyte cell lines (3T3-L1) adipogenesis, was observed that fucoidan F1.1 and F2.0 reduced the adipogenesis and this effect was associated to the reduction in the expression of regulatoy proteins C/EBPα, C/EBPβ and PPARγ. On the other hand, fucoidans F0.5 and F0.9 induced increased expression of these regulatory proteins. Furthermore, fucoidan F2.0 induced hydrolysis of triglycerides present in the interior of adipocytes. The immunomodulatory effect was evaluated and observed that the presence of fucoidans F0.5 , F1.1 and F2.0 significantly reduced the production of nitric oxide by activated macrophages with LPS specially fucoidan F2.0 that in 100 μg/mL, reduced about 55% the effect caused by LPS. Relative to the effect upon the formation of calcium oxalate crystals, fucoidan F0.5 was more effective in reduce the aggregation of the crystals and this effect it was not significantly different regarding the effect caused by the crude. Besides, fucoidan F0.5 only promoted the formation of COD type crystals, while fucoidans F1.1 and F2.0 did not influence the formation of crystals compared with the control. The results described in this study indicate that the commercial crude fucoidan of Fucus vesiculosus it’s a mix of several fucoidan which, in turn, have different chemical compositions besides having different pharmacological activities. The use of these fucoidans it´s indicated according the pharmacological activity to be evaluated.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Ensino do 1.º ciclo e do 2.º ciclo do Ensino Básico


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As plantas são organismos sésseis, incapazes de se movimentar de modo a procurar melhores condições ambientais ou nutricionais. Desenvolveram, assim mecanismos que lhes permitem adaptar-se e sobreviver em condição de stress. O stress parece ser parcialmente descodificado num sinal de défice de energia que desencadeia uma resposta, que envolve a indução da expressão de genes relacionados com processos catabólicos e a repressão de genes envolvidos em processos anabólicos. As proteínas quinases e fosfatases desempenham um papel fundamental na regulação das vias de sinalização de stress e, em particular as quinases da superfamília das SnRK encontram-se envolvidas em vários processos da resposta a stress, principalmente abióticos. Enquanto as SnRK2 e SnRK3 estão sobretudo envolvidas na resposta a ABA e a stress hídrico e salino, as SnRK1 têm sido descritas como reguladores chave da resposta a défice energético. No entanto, um número crescente de estudos tem evidenciado a interligação entre estas duas vias de sinalização. Apesar da importância de SnRK1 na regulação da resposta ao stress e na regulação do crescimento e desenvolvimento em plantas, os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos são ainda pouco conhecidos. Com o objetivo de identificar proteínas que interagem com SnRK1 e que poderão estar envolvidas na sua via de sinalização, foi efetuado um rastreio, pelo método Y2H, utilizando uma biblioteca comercial normalizada construída a partir de mRNA extraído de onze tecidos de Arabidopsis. Foram identificadas 32 proteínas que potencialmente interagem com SnRK1.1, entre as quais MARD1 e NDF4. O estudo destas interações permitiu verificar que MARD1 medeia a interação entre SnRK1.1 e RAPTOR1B, sugerindo que, de forma semelhante à que ocorre em mamíferos, esta interação pode interligar a resposta ao défice energético envolvendo os complexos SnRK1 e TOR. Curiosamente, verificou-se que MARD1 medeia igualmente a interação entre SnRK1.1 e várias das MAPKs de Arabidopsis, o que poderá indicar que estas duas vias de sinalização estão igualmente interligadas. Foi também verificado que, no sistema de Y2H, SnRK1.1 interage, em alguns casos de forma depende de NDF4, com as proteínas DELLA, componentes essências da via de sinalização de giberelinas, o que pode sugerir uma interligação entre estas duas vias de sinalização e, desta forma, explicar parcialmente o papel de SnRK1 no crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. Um novo mecanismo de interligação entre as vias de sinalização de ABA e energia é sugerida pelos resultados obtidos em ensaios de Y2H mostrando que SnRK1.1 interage com SnRK2.3 e, pela observação de que em plantas que não expressam SnRK1.1/2, a expressão de genes de resposta a ABA é fortemente comprometida, sugerindo que SnRK1 poderá ativar as SnRK2 e, deste modo, ativar a resposta a ABA. No seu conjunto, estes dados evidenciam o papel de SnRK1 como regulador central da resposta ao défice energético em plantas e sugerem alguns dos mecanismos moleculares que poderão estar envidos, nomeadamente através da interação com várias outras vias de sinalização como o complexo TOR (interagindo com RAPTOR1B), as MAPKs, a via de sinalização de ABA (através da interação com SnRK2) e a via de sinalização de giberelinas (através da interação com proteínas DELLA).


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In recent years, the growth of the microfinance sector has been significant. Either as a cause or as a consequence, some governments have decided to make it part of the financial system adapting regulatory frameworks to allow the sector to continue to expand as the number of formal institutions increases. It is the case in Peru where many NGOs have decided not to become regulated, arguing that this change could leave them to move away from the social aims for which they were created. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, where the legal framework encourages the regulation of microfinance institutions, there appears to be a need to study the potential future role of NGOs in the sector. In consideration of this question, this paper attempts to analyse the social role of those NGOs that have decided not to become regulated institutions. In this study a number of social indicators are analysed; these include the number of female clients, average loan amount and how loans are used, among others. These indicators will be used to attempt to evaluate the social role of unregulated NGOs and their prospects in this new context.