988 resultados para Australian native flower, Fabaceae, Faboideae, Floriculture, Galegeae, Light intensity, Sugar


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Fluorescence spectrophotometry can reliably detect levels of the pteridine 6-biopterin in the heads of individual Drosophila serrata Malloch 1927. Pteridine content in both laboratory and field captured flies is typically a level of magnitude higher than the minimally detectable level (mean(lab)=0.54 units, mean(field)=0.44 units, minimum detectable level=0.01 units) and can be used to predict individual age in laboratory populations with high certainty (r(2)=57%). Laboratory studies of individuals of known age ( from 1 to 48 days old) indicate that while pteridine level increases linearly with age, they also increase in a linear manner with rearing temperature and ambient light levels, but are independent of sex. As expected, the longevity of laboratory-reared males ( at least 48 days) is higher than the range of predicted ages of wild-caught males based on individual pteridine levels (40 days). However, the predictive equation based on pteridine level alone suggested that a number of wild-caught males were less than 0 days old, and the 95% confidence for these predictions based on the inverse regression broad. The age of the oldest wild-caught male is to fall within the range of 2 to 50 days. The effects of temperature and light intensity determined in laboratory study (effect sizes omega(2)=14.3 and respectively) suggests that the calibration of the prediction equation for field populations would significantly improved when combined with fine scaled studies of habitat temperature and light conditions. ability to determine relative age in individual wild-caught D. serrata presents great opportunities for a variety evolutionary studies on the dynamics of populations.


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We tested direct and indirect measures of benthic metabolism as indicators of stream ecosystem health across a known agricultural land-use disturbance gradient in southeast Queensland, Australia. Gross primary production (GPP) and respiration (R-24) in benthic chambers in cobble and sediment habitats, algal biomass (as chlorophyll a) from cobbles and sediment cores, algal biomass accrual on artificial substrates and stable carbon isotope ratios of aquatic plants and benthic sediments were measured at 53 stream sites, ranging from undisturbed subtropical rainforest to catchments where improved pasture and intensive cropping are major land-uses. Rates of benthic GPP and R-24 varied by more than two orders of magnitude across the study gradient. Generalised linear regression modelling explained 80% or more of the variation in these two indicators when sediment and cobble substrate dominated sites were considered separately, and both catchment and reach scale descriptors of the disturbance gradient were important in explaining this variation. Model fits were poor for net daily benthic metabolism (NDM) and production to respiration ratio (P/R). Algal biomass accrual on artificial substrate and stable carbon isotope ratios of aquatic plants and benthic sediment were the best of the indirect indicators, with regression model R-2 values of 50% or greater. Model fits were poor for algal biomass on natural substrates for cobble sites and all sites. None of these indirect measures of benthic metabolism was a good surrogate for measured GPP. Direct measures of benthic metabolism, GPP and R-24, and several indirect measures were good indicators of stream ecosystem health and are recommended in assessing process-related responses to riparian and catchment land use change and the success of ecosystem rehabilitation actions.


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Using a new optical configuration free from the influence of photorefractive optical nonlinearity, we investigate the main characteristics of the spatial subharmonic K/2 excited in a Bi12SiO20 crystal by a light-intensity pattern with wave vector K and frequency O. It is shown that in a large region of intensity and applied electric field the optimum value O of the frequency corresponds to the conditions of parametric excitation of the weakly damped eigenmodes of the medium: the space-charge waves. The threshold and above-threshold characteristics of the subharmonic regime are in good agreement with the theory.


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Saxicolous lichen vegetation on Ordovician rock at the mouth of the River Dovey, South Merionethshire, is examined in relation to aspect, slope angle, light intensity, rock porosity, rock microtopography and rock stability. A number of characteristic groups of species are recognized. The environmental factors measured are discussed in some detail. In addition, the wide tolerance of most saxicolous species is emphasized.


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Feeding behaviour of trained rainbow trout was investigated by the use of demand feeders, under different light conditions. The effects of the energy content of diet, and the size, colour and texture of feed pellets, on the feeding behaviour, were studied. An attempt was made to locate the assumed centres for feeding and satiety in the hypothalamus of brain by the intraperitoneal injections of goldthioglucose. Feeding under nine different constant photoperiods at 160 lux, at a temperature of 13.5°C, showed that trout exhibit a rhythmic pattern of feeding behaviour in all photoperiods except in continuous darkness.Feeding rhythms of trout attributable to the degree of gut distension were formed every eight to ten hours. Further studies by varying levels of light intensity revealed the interaction of light intensity and photoperiod. At shorter photoperiods lower levels of light intensity decreased the feeding activity in terms of food intake but by increasing the photoperiod the same feeding activity was accomplished as by the fish subject to a short photoperiod but under higher light intensity.Simulated effect of increasing and decreasing daylengths did not affect the overall food intake and growth performance. Trout are quite efficient in adjusting their food intake in terms of energy content. Colour, size and texture of feed pellets affect the feeding responses and elicit preferential food selection behaviour in trout. Goldthioglucose induced some reversable toxic effects upon general physiology of trout and did not produce any lesions in the assumed areas of feeding and satiety centres in the brain.  It was concluded that the feeding behaviour of trout exhibited selective preferences according to the physical nature of food items and those preferences could be further influenced by the biotic and abiotic factors, light being one of the most important abiotic factors.


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Nuisance growths of Cladophora have been associated with eutrophication. A review of the literature, however, reveals a scarcity of relevant experimental growth studies. Sampling experimental streams reveals that the addition of sewage effluent to good quality water alters the flora from that dominated by Potamogetan crispus to one dominated by CLadophora. Spatial and temporal differences in biomass of taxa present are discussed in the context of accompanying physicochemical data. In laboratory batch culture, growth of unialgal C. glomerata was accompanied by elevation of medium pH - considered largely responsible for the poor growth in such culture. However, appropriate experimental conditions and indices of growth were selected and the effects of various herbicides assessed. Diquat and terbutryne were shown to possess algicidal activity towards Cladophora. A closed continuous culture apparatus was developed: growth proceeded through lag, logarithmic and linear phases. Inoculum size and medium flow rate had significant effects on growth, and were standardized. In continuous culture, specific growth rate increased linearly with increased duration of light per day, up to 24 hours, and increased light intensity, up to 6000 lux - the highest intensity tested. Comparison of field and laboratory results suggests that ammonia toxicity is attributable to the undissociated form. In the laboratory, 185 µg/1 undissociated ammoniacal nitrogen reduced specific growth rate to 50% of that at 10 µg/1 undissociated ammcniacal nitrogen. 0.077-1.057 mg/1 NO2-N had no significant effect on growth. 7.2-15.2 mg/1 NO3-N had no significant effect on specific growth rate. Neither was any nitrate/phosphate interaction significant. At 4.9 mg/1 PO4-1, specific growth rate was only 48% of that at 1.9 g/1 P04-P. The critical medium PO4-P concentration was <0.1 mg/i. Specific growth rate was reduced to 50% of that in natural water by 0.036 mgCu/l, 0.070 mgzn/1 and 1.03 mgPb/l. Metal uptake was evaluated.


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The results of an investigation into how stressors interact with the action of serotonergic agents in animal models of anxiety are presented. Water deprivation and restraint both increased plasma corticosterone concentrations and elevated 5-HT turnover. In the elevated X-maze, water deprivation had a duration-dependent "anxiolytic" effect. The effect of restraint was dependent on the duration of restraint and was to inhibit maze exploration. Water-deprivation did not influence the action of diazepam or any 5-HT1A ligand in the X-maze. Restraint switched the "anxiogenic" effect of 8-0H-DPAT to either "anxiolytic" or inactive, depending on the time after the restraint when testing was performed. The Vogel conflict test detected an "anxiolytic" "anxiolytic"V"anxiolytic""anxiolytic" effect of buspirone which was additive with "anxiolytic" effects of pindolol and propranolol. Diazepam and fluoxetine were also active, but 8-0H-DPAT, ipsapirone, gepirone and yohimbine were inactive. In the elevated X-maze, "anxiogenic" responses to picrotoxin, flumazenil, RU 24969, CGS 12066B, fluoxetine and 8-0H-DPAT were detected. Other 5-HT1A ligands were inactive. Diazepam and corticosterone had "anxiolytic" effects. Increasing light intensity did not change behaviour on the elevated X-maze, but was able to reverse the effect of 8- OH-DPAT to an "anxiolytic" action. This effect was attributed to a presynaptic mechanism, because it was abolished by pCPA. The occurence of different behaviours in different reglons of the maze was shown to be susceptible to modulation by "anxiolytic" and "anxiogenic" drugs. These results are discussed in the context of there being at least two separate 5-HT mechanisms which are involved in the control of anxiety.


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Using a new optical configuration free from the influence of photorefractive optical nonlinearity, we investigate the main characteristics of the spatial subharmonic K/2 excited in a Bi12SiO20 crystal by a light-intensity pattern with wave vector K and frequency O. It is shown that in a large region of intensity and applied electric field the optimum value O of the frequency corresponds to the conditions of parametric excitation of the weakly damped eigenmodes of the medium: the space-charge waves. The threshold and above-threshold characteristics of the subharmonic regime are in good agreement with the theory.


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This chapter considers various aspects of the influence of the environment on the growth of foliose lichens and its significance in determining the ecology of individual species. Radial growth (RaG) and growth in mass of foliose lichens is influenced by climate and microclimate and also by substratum factors such as rock and bark texture, substrate chemistry, and nutrient enrichment. Seasonal fluctuations in growth, as measured by radial growth rate (RaGR) per month, often correlate best with average or total rainfall, the number of rain days, or rainfall in a specific season. Temperature has also been identified to be an important climatic factor influencing growth in some studies. Interactions between microclimatic factors and especially light intensity, temperature, and moisture status are important in determining differences in growth in relation to aspect and slope of the substratum. The physical and chemical nature of the substratum has a profound influence on the growth of foliose lichens. Hence, the effects of texture, porosity, rate of drying, and the physical changes of the substratum on growth are likely to influence lichen distributions. Bird droppings may influence growth and survival by smothering the thalli, altering the pH, or adding inhibitory and stimulatory compounds. Nitrogen and phosphate availability may also influence growth. Chemical factors also have an important influence on lichens of maritime rocks, the effect of salinity and calcium ions being of particular importance. Effects of environmental factors on growth influence the competitive ability of a lichen and ultimately its ecology and distribution.


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Radial growth and growth in mass of lichens is influenced by climatic and microclimatic factors and also by substratum factors such as rock and bark texture, chemistry, and nutrient enrichment. Seasonal fluctuations in growth, as measured by radial growth rate (RaGR) per month, often correlate best with average or total rainfall, the number of rain days, or rainfall in a specific season. Temperature is also considered to be an important climatic factor in some studies. Interactions between microclimatic factors and especially light intensity, temperature, and moisture are the most important in determining local annual growth rates. The physical and chemical nature of the substratum has a profound influence on the growth of foliose lichens. Hence, the effects of texture, porosity, rate of drying, and the physical changes of the substratum on growth are likely to influence lichen distributions. Bird droppings may influence growth and survival by smothering the thalli, altering the pH, or adding inhibitory and stimulatory compounds. Nitrogen and phosphate availability may also influence growth. Chemical factors may also have an important influence on lichens of maritime rocks, the effect of salinity and calcium ions being of particular importance. Zinc, copper, and mercury may also be important in lichen growth as they have been shown to affect the chlorophyll content of lichen algae. Effects of environmental factors on growth influence the competitive ability of lichens thus influencing their ecology and distribution.


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Variation in lichen growth rates poses a significant challenge for the application of direct lichenometry, i.e. the construction of lichen dating curves from direct measurement of growth rates. To examine the magnitude and possible causes of within-site growth variation, radial growth rates (RaGRs) of thalli of the fast-growing foliose lichen Melanelia fuliginosa ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby) Essl. and the slow-growing crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. were studied on two S-facing slate rock surfaces in north Wales, UK using digital photography and an image analysis system (Image-J). RaGRs of M. fuliginosa ssp. fuliginosa varied from 0.44 to 2.63 mmyr-1 and R. geographicum from 0.10 to 1.50 mmyr-1.5. Analysis of variance suggested no significant variation in RaGRs with vertical or horizontal location on the rock, thallus diameter, aspect, slope, light intensity, rock porosity, rock surface texture, distance to nearest lichen neighbour or distance to vegetation on the rock surface. The frequency distribution of RaGR did not deviate from a normal distribution. It was concluded that despite considerable growth rate variation in both species studied, growth curves could be constructed with sufficient precision to be useful for direct lichenometry. © 2014 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.


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We investigate the use of an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) to interrogate both fibre Bragg grating (FBG) and interferometric sensors. A broadband light source is used to illuminate both the FBG and interferometric sensors. Reflected spectral information is directed to an AWG with integral photodetectors providing 40 electrical outputs. To interrogate interferometric sensors we investigated the dual wavelength technique to measure the distance of a Fabry-Perot cavity, which produced a maximum unambiguous range of 1440μm with an active sensor. Three methods are described to interrogate FBG sensors. The first technique makes use of the reflected light intensity in an AWG channel passband from a narrow bandwidth grating, giving a usable range of 500με and a dynamic strain resolution of 96nε/√Hz at 30Hz. The second approach utilises wide gratings larger than the channel spacing of the AWG; by monitoring the intensity present in corresponding AWG channels an improved range of 1890με was achieved. The third method improves the dynamic range by utilising a heterodyne approach based on interferometric wavelength shift detection providing a dynamic strain resolution of 17nε/√Hz at 30Hz.


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The majority of studies of the effects of environmental factors on lichen growth have been carried out in the field. Growth of lichens in the field has been measured as absolute growth rate (e.g., length growth, radial growth, diameter growth, area growth, or dry weight gain per unit of time) or as a relative growth rate, expressed per unit of thallus area or weight, e.g., thallus specific weight. Seasonal fluctuations in growth in the field often correlate best with changes in average or total rainfall or frequency of rain events through the year. In some regions of the world, temperature is also an important climatic factor influencing growth. Interactions between microclimatic factors such as light intensity, temperature, and moisture are particularly important in determining local differences in growth especially in relation to aspect and slope of rock surface, or height on a tree. Factors associated with the substratum including type, chemistry, texture, and porosity can all influence growth. In addition, growth can be influenced by the degree of nutrient enrichment of the substratum associated with bird droppings, nitrogen, phosphate, salinity, or pollution. Effects of environmental factors on growth can act directly to restrict species distribution or indirectly by altering the competitive balance among different species in a community.


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The fabrication of submicron-height sine-like relief of a trifocal diffractive zone plate using a nanoimprinting technique is studied. The zone plate is intended for use in combined trifocal diffractive-refractive lenses and provides the possibility to form trifocal intraocular lenses with predetermined light intensity distribution between foci. The optical properties of the designed zone plate having the optical powers 3 D, 0, -3D in the three main diffraction orders are theoretically and experimentally investigated. The results of the theoretical investigations are in good agreement with experimental measurements. The effects of the pupil size (lens diameter) as well as the wavelength-dependent behavior of the zone plate are also discussed.


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The saxicolous lichen vegetation on Ordovician slate rock at the mouth of the River Dovey, South Merionethshire, Wales was described in relation to several environmental variables which include aspect, slope angle, light intensity, rock porosity, rock microtopography and rock stability. Each of the measured environmental variables was shown to influence the lichen vegetation. A number of groups of species which were characteristic of certain environments were described. The data from the saxicolous lichen communities were analysed using multivariate analysis. Qualitative and quantitative data were ordinated, the qualitative data being easier to interpret ecologically, and site number (which reflects distance from the sea and altitude), rock porosity and light intensity were shown to be important environmental variables. A classification of the data was also carried out. The results of the ordination and classification were combined together and a model constructed which describes saxicolous lichen vegetation. A method which uses the model as an aid to the design and interpretation of field experiments is described. The model is applied to an experiment which investigates the effect on growth of transplanting four saxicolous lichens to different aspects. Growth was inhibited in Physcia orbicularis and Parmelia conspersa on rock surfaces of northwest aspect compared with growth on rock surfaces of southeast aspect. Growth was inhibited in Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa on rock surfaces of southeast aspect compared with rock surfaces of northwesr aspect. The growth of Parmelia saxatilis was similar at both southeast and northwesr aspects. Growth inhibition or stimulation in thalli of Physcia orbicularis, Parmelia conspersa and Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa after transplantation was consistent with the predictions of the model while the results for Parmelia saxatilis were not as expected. There was evidence that the frequency of Parmelia conspersa and Parmelia glabratula at a site is related to an effect of the environment on the growth of the thalli. There was also evidence that the frequency of Physcia orbicularis at a site is related to an effect of the environment on the establishment phase of the thalli and for the competitive exclusion of Parmelia saxatilis thalli from southeast facing rock surfaces. The distribution of lichens in relation to height on nine rock surfaces was investigated. It was suggested that the distribution of the lichens was influenced by microclimatic factors which are related to height on the rock, environmental variables which are associated with the rock substratum (e.g. rock porosity and rock microtopography) and by historical factors. The pattern of one crustose and one foliose lichen on four rock surfaces of different aspect and slope was investigated. On the vertically inclined surface the density of small thalli of Buellia aethalea and Parmelia glabratula ssp fuliginosa was correlated with the microtopography of the surface in transects horizontally across the rock surface but not in transects vertically down the rock surface. there were consitent differences in the scale and intensity of pattern horizontally and vertically and also a decrease in the intensity of pattern vertically as the slope of the rock surface decreased. These results were consistent with the suggestion of a gradient of microclimatic factors up the rock. The differences in the scale and intensity of pattern in different size classes in the population were consistent with the changes in pattern with time which have been shown to occur during succession in sand dune and salt marsh vegetation. The relationship between thallus size and height on a rock surface and between the radial growth rate and location of a thallus on a rock surface were investigated. Thalli of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa were larger at the top of the rock surface than at the bottom and the data were consistent with the suggestion that the colonisation of the rock surface began at the top and, in time, spread downwards. The radial growth rate of the thalli could not be related to variation in slope, porosity, microtopography or directly to height on the rock but could be related to the horizontal location of the thalli on the rock. These results were consistent with the suggestion that here is a gradient of microclimatic factors across the rock surface which is also modified by height on the rock surface. The succession of lichen communities was described by relating the vegetation to rock porosity, rock microtopography, species diversity and rock stability. An initial stage dominated by crustose lichens leads to communities dominated by crustose, foliose and fruticose species. In the late stages of the succession on some rock surfaces crustose species again become dominant. The occurrence of the climax state and cyclic vegetation change in lichen communities are discussed. A mthod of estimating the age structure of a lichen population by relating thallus size to growth rate is described. The sources of error in the method are discussed in some detail and several refinements suggested to increase the accuracy of the method. The population dynamics of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa was investigated by applying life tables to the age structures of eight different populations. The data were consistent with a period of relatively constant recruitment of thalli into the populations. Mortality in lichen populations was divided into deaths which occur after fragmentation of the thallus and deaths which occur after catastrophic environmental events. THe data suggest that the rate of fragmenting death is dependent on the age of the thallus while the rate of catastrophic death is dependent on the number of thalli established in an age class. A comparison of the numbers of thalli in each age class in the eight populations suggested that population density is controlled firstly, by climate and secondly, by variables related to the local rock surface environment. The rate of fragmenting death is related to the diversity of the community and the influence of diversity together with environmental variables in fluctuating or cyclic changes in population number.