991 resultados para 029903 Medical Physics


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Ireland, in the eighteenth century, followed the classic tripartite division of regular medical practitioners into physicians, surgeons and apothecaries. At the beginning of the century surgeons and apothecaries were regarded as mere tradesmen, but by the end of the century both were regarded as professionals and had the right to regulate their respective professions. Practitioners in different regions of Europe developed in a different manner, and eighteenth-century practitioners in Ireland developed independently from their English counterparts. In common with Britain and Europe in the eighteenth century, the total number of practitioners increased in Ireland, and by the end of the century, apothecaries were the largest group in Dublin, closely followed by the surgeons. Surgeons and apothecaries at the start of the eighteenth century belonged to the same guild. However in mid-century, St Luke's guild of apothecaries was established and this provided the apothecaries with a new identity that allowed them to pursue auto regulation, rather than hitherto, when they had been regulated by the physicians. This was vital to the apothecaries as they were in direct commercial competition with both the physicians and the surgeons and faced increasing pressure from both druggists and the disparate group of practitioners known as the irregulars. The 1765 County Infirmaries Act established a hospital in virtually every county in Ireland, and cast the surgeon as the primary medical officer in the countrywide network of hospitals. This legislation, which was unique in Europe, had the unintended consequence of elevating the status of the surgeons, as prior to this physicians were always in the ascendancy in the voluntary hospitals in Ireland and Britain, in contrast to France. The status of the surgeons was further enhanced by the establishment of the College of Surgeons in Ireland in 1784, which provided them with a new corporate identity, the authority to regulate the profession countrywide, and, also, the ability to educate surgeons in Ireland. The establishment of the College of Surgeons placed further pressure on the apothecaries to demonstrate that they also had a recognisable identity, and the authority to regulate their own profession. This was achieved with the 1791 Apothecaries Act which established the Apothecaries Hall and give the apothecaries the right to regulate themselves. This innovative legislation deemed the apothecaries a profession, and was enacted twenty-four years prior to similar legislation in Britain. Commercial pressure from druggists and, probably, irregulars expedited the requirement of the apothecaries to establish a new corporate identity, in order to distance themselves from these groups. The changing status of both apothecaries and surgeons had little effect on the physicians as a group, and, despite being the beneficiaries of a generous bequest from Sir Patrick Dun in 1711 to provide medical chairs in Dublin, the physicians displayed an inertia during the eighteenth century that was not in keeping with the developments that occurred in the contemporary Dublin medical world. The fact that it took ninety-five years, and that five acts of parliament, two House of Commons enquiries and a House of Lords enquiry were required to ensure that Dun's wishes were brought to fruition demonstrates that the physicians did not develop at the same pace as the other medical groups in the city. Had Dun’s bequest been implemented as he desired, Dublin, with a number of voluntary hospitals, would have been well placed to provide comprehensive tuition for medical students in the eighteenth century. It was not until the nineteenth century that the city, and the populace, benefited from this legacy. This thesis will trace these developments in the context of changes that occurred in contemporary medical education and diagnosis in Ireland, Britain and France. It will demonstrate that Irish practitioners developed independently, influenced mainly by local issues, but also by those who had travelled abroad and returned to Ireland with new concepts and ideas, ensuring that Irish medical practitioners had the institutional structure that could encompass the diagnostic and regulatory changes that would become accepted in the nineteenth century.


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The medical professionalism movement, bolstered by many influential medical organizations and institutions, has in the last decade produced a number of conceptual definitions of professionalism and a number of concrete proposals for its measurement and teaching. These projects, however laudable, are misguided when they treat professionalism as a unitary descriptive concept rather than as a contested and therefore primarily evaluative one; when they conceive professionalism as a domain of medical practice separable in principle from other domains; and when they treat professionalism as, in principle, a specifiable goal or product of sufficiently well designed educational curricula. The logic of professionalism-as-product corresponds to the logic of techne (art or practical skill) in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Aristotle provides a cogent argument, however, that the moral excellences denoted by "professionalism" cannot be "produced" or even prespecified in the concrete; rather, they must be acquired through long practice under the careful concrete guidance of teachers who themselves embody these moral excellences. Phronesis (practical wisdom) rather than techne must therefore be the guiding logic of educational initiatives in medical professional formation, with particular emphasis on close mentorship and on the moral character both of students and of those who teach them.


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BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection have high rates of alcohol consumption, which is associated with progression of fibrosis and lower response rates to HCV treatment. AIMS: This prospective cohort study examined the feasibility of a 24-week integrated alcohol and medical treatment to HCV-infected patients. METHODS: Patients were recruited from a hepatology clinic if they had an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test score >4 for women and >8 for men, suggesting hazardous alcohol consumption. The integrated model included patients receiving medical care and alcohol treatment within the same clinic. Alcohol treatment consisted of 6 months of group and individual therapy from an addictions specialist and consultation from a study team psychiatrist as needed. RESULTS: Sixty patients were initially enrolled, and 53 patients participated in treatment. The primary endpoint was the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) alcohol composite scores, which significantly decreased by 0.105 (41.7% reduction) between 0 and 3 months (P < 0.01) and by 0.128 (50.6% reduction) between 0 and 6 months (P < 0.01) after adjusting for covariates. Alcohol abstinence was reported by 40% of patients at 3 months and 44% at 6 months. Patients who did not become alcohol abstinent had reductions in their ASI alcohol composite scores from 0.298 at baseline to 0.219 (26.8% reduction) at 6 months (P = 0.08). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that an integrated model of alcohol treatment and medical care could be successfully implemented in a hepatology clinic with significant favorable impact on alcohol use and abstinence among patients with chronic HCV.


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The Duke University Medical Center Library and Archives is located in the heart of the Duke Medicine campus, surrounded by Duke Hospital, ambulatory clinics, and numerous research facilities. Its location is considered prime real estate, given its adjacency to patient care, research, and educational activities. In 2005, the Duke University Library Space Planning Committee had recommended creating a learning center in the library that would support a variety of educational activities. However, the health system needed to convert the library's top floor into office space to make way for expansion of the hospital and cancer center. The library had only five months to plan the storage and consolidation of its journal and book collections, while working with the facilities design office and architect on the replacement of key user spaces on the top floor. Library staff worked together to develop plans for storing, weeding, and consolidating the collections and provided input into renovation plans for users spaces on its mezzanine level. The library lost 15,238 square feet (29%) of its net assignable square footage and a total of 16,897 (30%) gross square feet. This included 50% of the total space allotted to collections and over 15% of user spaces. The top-floor space now houses offices for Duke Medicine oncology faculty and staff. By storing a large portion of its collection off-site, the library was able to remove more stacks on the remaining stack level and convert them to user spaces, a long-term goal for the library. Additional space on the mezzanine level had to be converted to replace lost study and conference room spaces. While this project did not match the recommended space plans for the library, it underscored the need for the library to think creatively about the future of its facility and to work toward a more cohesive master plan.


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Emergency departments are challenging research settings, where truly informed consent can be difficult to obtain. A deeper understanding of emergency medical patients' opinions about research is needed. We conducted a systematic review and meta-summary of quantitative and qualitative studies on which values, attitudes, or beliefs of emergent medical research participants influence research participation. We included studies of adults that investigated opinions toward emergency medicine research participation. We excluded studies focused on the association between demographics or consent document features and participation and those focused on non-emergency research. In August 2011, we searched the following databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Google Scholar, Scirus, PsycINFO, AgeLine and Global Health. Titles, abstracts and then full manuscripts were independently evaluated by two reviewers. Disagreements were resolved by consensus and adjudicated by a third author. Studies were evaluated for bias using standardised scores. We report themes associated with participation or refusal. Our initial search produced over 1800 articles. A total of 44 articles were extracted for full-manuscript analysis, and 14 were retained based on our eligibility criteria. Among factors favouring participation, altruism and personal health benefit had the highest frequency. Mistrust of researchers, feeling like a 'guinea pig' and risk were leading factors favouring refusal. Many studies noted limitations of informed consent processes in emergent conditions. We conclude that highlighting the benefits to the participant and society, mitigating risk and increasing public trust may increase research participation in emergency medical research. New methods for conducting informed consent in such studies are needed.


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This thesis reports advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with the ultimate goal of improving signal and contrast in biomedical applications. More specifically, novel MRI pulse sequences have been designed to characterize microstructure, enhance signal and contrast in tissue, and image functional processes. In this thesis, rat brain and red bone marrow images are acquired using iMQCs (intermolecular multiple quantum coherences) between spins that are 10 μm to 500 μm apart. As an important application, iMQCs images in different directions can be used for anisotropy mapping. We investigate tissue microstructure by analyzing anisotropy mapping. At the same time, we simulated images expected from rat brain without microstructure. We compare those with experimental results to prove that the dipolar field from the overall shape only has small contributions to the experimental iMQC signal. Besides magnitude of iMQCs, phase of iMQCs should be studied as well. The phase anisotropy maps built by our method can clearly show susceptibility information in kidneys. It may provide meaningful diagnostic information. To deeply study susceptibility, the modified-crazed sequence is developed. Combining phase data of modified-crazed images and phase data of iMQCs images is very promising to construct microstructure maps. Obviously, the phase image in all above techniques needs to be highly-contrasted and clear. To achieve the goal, algorithm tools from Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging (SWI) and Susceptibility Tensor Imaging (STI) stands out superb useful and creative in our system.


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Software-based control of life-critical embedded systems has become increasingly complex, and to a large extent has come to determine the safety of the human being. For example, implantable cardiac pacemakers have over 80,000 lines of code which are responsible for maintaining the heart within safe operating limits. As firmware-related recalls accounted for over 41% of the 600,000 devices recalled in the last decade, there is a need for rigorous model-driven design tools to generate verified code from verified software models. To this effect, we have developed the UPP2SF model-translation tool, which facilitates automatic conversion of verified models (in UPPAAL) to models that may be simulated and tested (in Simulink/Stateflow). We describe the translation rules that ensure correct model conversion, applicable to a large class of models. We demonstrate how UPP2SF is used in themodel-driven design of a pacemaker whosemodel is (a) designed and verified in UPPAAL (using timed automata), (b) automatically translated to Stateflow for simulation-based testing, and then (c) automatically generated into modular code for hardware-level integration testing of timing-related errors. In addition, we show how UPP2SF may be used for worst-case execution time estimation early in the design stage. Using UPP2SF, we demonstrate the value of integrated end-to-end modeling, verification, code-generation and testing process for complex software-controlled embedded systems. © 2014 ACM.


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In the analysis of industrial processes, there is an increasing emphasis on systems governed by interacting continuum phenomena. Mathematical models of such multi-physics processes can only be achieved for practical simulations through computational solution procedures—computational mechanics. Examples of such multi-physics systems in the context of metals processing are used to explore some of the key issues. Finite-volume methods on unstructured meshes are proposed as a means to achieve efficient rapid solutions to such systems. Issues associated with the software design, the exploitation of high performance computers, and the concept of the virtual computational-mechanics modelling laboratory are also addressed in this context.


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In this paper a computer simulation tool capable of modelling multi-physics processes in complex geometry has been developed and applied to the casting process. The quest for high-quality complex casting components demanded by the aerospace and automobile industries, requires more precise numerical modelling techniques and one that need to be generic and modular in its approach to modelling multi-processes problems. For such a computer model to be successful in shape casting, the complete casting process needs to be addressed, the major events being:-• Filling of hot liquid metal into a cavity mould • Solidification and latent heat evolution of liquid metal • Convection currents generated in liquid metal by thermal gradients • Deformation of cast and stress development in solidified metal • Macroscopic porosity formation The above phenomena combines the analysis of fluid flow, heat transfer, change of phase and thermal stress development. None of these events can be treated in isolation as they inexorably interact with each other in a complex way. Also conditions such as design of running system, location of feeders and chills, moulding materials and types of boundary conditions can all affect on the final cast quality and must be appropriately represented in the model.


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A brief description of a software environment in FORTRAN77 for the modelling of multi-physics phenomena is given. The numerical approach is based on finite volume methods but extended to unstructured meshes (ie. FV-UM). A range of interacting solution procedures for turbulent fluid flow, heat transfer with solidification/melting and elasto-visco-plastic solid mechanics are implemented in the first version of PHYSICA, which will be released in source code form to the academic community in late 1995.


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The demands of the process of engineering design, particularly for structural integrity, have exploited computational modelling techniques and software tools for decades. Frequently, the shape of structural components or assemblies is determined to optimise the flow distribution or heat transfer characteristics, and to ensure that the structural performance in service is adequate. From the perspective of computational modelling these activities are typically separated into: • fluid flow and the associated heat transfer analysis (possibly with chemical reactions), based upon Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology • structural analysis again possibly with heat transfer, based upon finite element analysis (FEA) techniques.


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Procedures are described for solving the equations governing a multi-physics process. Finite volume techniques are used to discretise, using the same unstructured mesh, the equations of fluid flow, heat transfer with solidification, and solid deformation. These discretised equations are then solved in an integrated manner. The computational mechanics environment, PHYSICA, which facilitates the building of multi-physics models, is described. Comparisons between model predictions and experimental data are presented for the casting of metal components.


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A review of the atomistic modelling of the behaviour of nano-scale structures and processes via molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method of a canonical ensemble is presented. Three areas of application in condensed matter physics are considered. We focus on the adhesive and indentation properties of the solid surfaces in nano-contacts, the nucleation and growth of nano-phase metallic and semi-conducting atomic and molecular films on supporting substrates, and the nano- and multi-scale crack propagation properties of metallic lattices. A set of simulations selected from these fields are discussed, together with a brief introduction to the methodology of the MD simulation. The pertinent inter-atomic potentials that model the energetics of the metallic and semi-conducting systems are also given.