992 resultados para pediatrics


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Objetivou-se conhecer como a família e os profissionais da equipe de enfermagem compartilham o cuidado à criança hospitalizada. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória de cunho qualitativo. Teve como contexto a Unidade de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário Dr. Miguel Riet Corrêa Jr. Os participantes do estudo foram treze familiares de crianças internadas no setor, no período da coleta de dados e por nove profissionais da equipe de enfermagem atuantes no mesmo local. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas no 2° semestre de 2014 e analisados pela técnica de Análise temática. Foram respeitados os aspectos éticos do estudo de acordo com a Resolução 466/12. Produziram-se dados acerca da percepção dos familiares cuidadores sobre a internação da criança na Unidade de Pediatria, abordando o impacto da necessidade de internação da criança no hospital, os cuidados realizados pela família á criança no hospital, a assistência de enfermagem prestada à criança e à família no setor e sugestões do familiar cuidador para a melhoria do cuidado de enfermagem prestado no setor. Quanto à percepção dos profissionais, abordou-se a presença do familiar cuidador da criança no hospital, o cuidado prestado pela família no hospital, os cuidados prestados pelos profissionais de enfermagem à família e à criança no hospital, a estrutura da Unidade de Pediatria para o recebimento da criança e do familiar cuidador, situações em que os profissionais de enfermagem identificam que o cuidado da criança é compartilhado no hospital e os aspectos positivos e negativos do cuidado compartilhado na Unidade de Pediatria. Concluiu-se que compartilhar o cuidado à criança no hospital implica em mudanças de valores e atitudes por parte dos familiares cuidadores das crianças e dos profissionais da equipe de enfermagem, tendo em vista que ambos têm o objetivo comum de tornar a hospitalização da criança o mais breve e menos traumática possível. A enfermagem precisa mostrar iniciativa na negociação do cuidado à criança com seu familiar cuidador, valorizando suas crenças, valores e saberes, familiarizando-o com as normas e rotinas do hospital, auxiliando-o a adquirir habilidades e competências para cuidar, assumindo a articulação pela assistência prestada no setor. O conhecimento gerado nesse estudo poderá proporcionar subsídios aos cuidadores (famílias e profissionais da saúde) para a (re) construção de um cuidado sensível às necessidades da criança internada e sua família.


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Increases in pediatric thyroid cancer incidence could be partly due to previous clinical intervention. This retrospective cohort study used 1973-2012 data from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results program to assess the association between previous radiation therapy exposure in development of second primary thyroid cancer (SPTC) among 0-19-year-old children. Statistical analysis included the calculation of summary statistics and univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis. Relative to no previous radiation therapy exposure, cases exposed to radiation had 2.46 times the odds of developing SPTC (95% CI: 1.39-4.34). After adjustment for sex and age at diagnosis, Hispanic children who received radiation therapy for a first primary malignancy had 3.51 times the odds of developing SPTC compared to Hispanic children who had not received radiation therapy, [AOR=3.51, 99% CI: 0.69-17.70, p=0.04]. These findings support the development of age-specific guidelines for the use of radiation based interventions among children with and without cancer.


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A assistência em pediatria suscita a promoção de um ambiente que atenda as necessidades da criança, por meio de um olhar diferenciado que pondere a especificidade desta fase da vida em que se tem maior dificuldade em lidar com o adoecimento e enfrentar o desconhecido e o medo causado por ele. Considerando que qualquer desestruturação poderá interferir no pleno desenvolvimento da criança, o cuidar em Enfermagem Pediátrica deve contribuir para a diminuição dos efeitos estressores do ambiente hospitalar de forma a tornar a assistência humanizada. Assim, faz-se necessário investir em questões fundamentais de adequação do ambiente de pediatria, com equipamentos e tecnologias que considerem e respeitem a singularidade das necessidades tanto dos usuários quanto dos profissionais. Trabalhar a ambiência em pediatria mostra-se relevante no contexto atual, tendo em vista que devemos preconizar a assistência calcada nos princípios da humanização, que demandam a revisão das práticas cotidianas, com ênfase na criação de espaços de trabalho menos alienantes que valorizem a dignidade do profissional de saúde, da criança e da família. Por esta razão, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a ambiência de unidades pediátricas como ferramenta para a humanização da assistência a partir da percepção dos diferentes atores implicados no processo de produção de saúde. Para atingi-lo, adotou-se o delineamento da pesquisa qualitativa com caráter exploratório. Os ambientes de investigação foram as Unidades de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário Dr. Miguel Riet Corrêa Jr. (HU/FURG) e do Hospital Escola da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (HE/UFPel), tendo como sujeitos 20 usuários, 20 trabalhadores das referidas unidades, bem como 04 gestores de enfermagem e saúde. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período compreendido de agosto a outubro de 2014, por meio da triangulação metodológica, utilizando-se imagens e dados verbais obtidos por meio de fotos e entrevistas semiestruturadas com emprego de foto-elicitação, respectivamente. Para análise dos dados empregou-se o software Nvivo 10, emergindo as seguintes categorias: Confortabilidade das crianças e de suas famílias; Produção de subjetividades nas crianças e familiares; Produção de subjetividade e autonomia dos trabalhadores de enfermagem; Ambiência como ferramenta facilitadora do processo de trabalho e da produção de saúde. Cada categoria exibe subcategorias que expõem a perspectiva dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo de produção de saúde: usuários, profissionais de enfermagem e gestores. A partir dos resultados do estudo são apontadas as potencialidades e os desafios para a consolidação da ambiência como ferramenta de humanização da unidade de pediatria. Pode-se inferir que para que a unidade de pediatria seja percebida como humanizada deve ser projetada de forma que a sua ambiência comporte aspectos que visem a confortabilidade das crianças e suas famílias; possibilite a produção de subjetividades nas crianças, familiares e a autonomia dos trabalhadores de enfermagem por meio da reflexão acerca dos processos de trabalho e possibilite a utilização do próprio espaço como ferramenta facilitadora da produção de saúde.


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A cárie dentária é uma doença infeciosa, transmissível e multifatorial e é também a doença mais prevalente na cavidade oral das crianças. A grande maioria dos medicamentos desenvolvidos para a Pediatria tem na sua composição algum tipo de açúcar, de forma a tornar a sua ingestão mais agradável, o que lhes confere um potencial cariogénico agravado nesta faixa etária. A sacarose continua a ser o açúcar mais utilizado por ser de baixo custo, ser antioxidante e conferir viscosidade ao medicamento. O potencial cariogénico dos medicamentos está relacionado com vários fatores como a presença de sacarose, o seu pH endógeno, a viscosidade, a frequência de ingestão, o momento de ingestão, a capacidade de causar xerostomia e os hábitos de higiene oral individuais. Por parte dos Médicos Dentistas e Pediatras é necessário aconselhar os responsáveis das crianças dos riscos e cuidados a ter durante a toma dos medicamentos incluindo exames dentários regulares. Por parte da Indústria Farmacêutica é necessário o desenvolvimento de formulações livres de açúcar ou com edulcorantes não cariogénicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi esclarecer a relação entre a cárie dentária e os medicamentos pediátricos, enfatizando a necessidade do planeamento de ações no sentido de prevenir o desenvolvimento da doença. Para tal foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, através de pesquisa bibliográfica nos bancos de dados Medline, Pubmed, B-On e Scielo e Science Direct.


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Hospitals are a big part of the service sector. Thus, such institutions are highly influenced by the logic of the capitalist accumulation, technology and forms of labor organization, especially by private organizations. Starting with the restructuring process motion and incorporation of technologies, many changes in the working process occur, therefore, the activities of medical professionals as well. During the preparation of this research items regarding the banalization of evil were identified. This banalization and resignation of the professionals face to violence are caused by the adoption of collective defense strategies. Therefore, this research aims to analyze how the rationalization of working conditions by gynecologists obstetricians and pediatricians working in the emergency rooms of public and private hospitals in Curitiba and metropolitan region occurs. An approach of mixed methods was used as methodological procedures. The naturalization of violence, the suffering which professionals are submitted to, are combined with the political and ideological control, bureaucratic control, the imaginary built about hospitals and collective defense strategies. It is therefore possible to understand that labor conditions of gynecologists obstetricians and pediatricians in emergency rooms are rationalized. When social injustice is naturalized, political strategies for changes are not possible. For this reason, the first step is to gather awareness, there is a need to unveil the reality, to understand the phenomena at its core and discard superficialities. It is also necessary that the actions and expressions of indignation to come hand in hand with political actions in order to change to happen.


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Growth-curves are an important tool for evaluating the anthropometric development in pediatrics. The different growth-curves available are based in different populations, what leads to different cut-offs. Pediatric obesity tracks into adulthood and is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The accurate assessment of a child nutritional status using growth-curves can indicate individuals that are either obese or in risk of becoming obese, allowing an early intervention. Moreover, the association between the data obtained from growth-curves with specific metabolic risk factors further highlights the importance of these charts. This study aimed to evaluate the associations between body mass index z-score (BMIzsc), determined using the growth-curves from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and from the World Health Organization (WHO), with cardiovascular risk factors, represented here by metabolic syndrome (MS) and insulin resistance (IR) related parameters. The study involved 246 obese adolescents (10-18 years, 122 females). MS was defined according to the International Diabetes Federation. IR was considered for HOMA-IR greater than 2.5.


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Introdução: O recurso ao serviço de urgência (SU) hospitalar motivado por situações não urgentes é frequente e conduz a pior prestação de cuidados, insatisfação dos utentes e profissionais e aumento dos custos. Objectivos: Determinar os motivos para recurso a SU pediátrica hospitalar. Material e métodos: Estudo descritivo, transversal, entre 10/10 e 31/12/2013 em SU pediátrico hospitalar, através de análises de inquéritos preenchidos de forma anónima pelos acompanhantes e complementados com informação clínica pelo médico. Resultados: Foram analisados 481 questionários. O recurso ao SU ocorreu nas primeiras 24 horas de doença em 48% dos casos. Os principais motivos foram: noção de doença grave e urgente (33%), local de atendimento mais próximo (17%), preferência por avaliação por pediatra (17%). A maioria teve alta sem realização de exames complementares de diagnóstico ou tratamento (89%) e os principais diagnósticos de alta foram nasofaringite e gastroenterite agudas. Apenas 19,7% das idas ao SU poderiam ser consideradas como “justificadas” pelo cumprimento dos critérios de OMS para urgência hospitalar ou por orientação prévia por outra entidade de saúde. Não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as características das crianças que recorreram ao SU de forma “justificada” e “não justificada”. Discussão e conclusão: O reconhecimento de situações clínicas que justifiquem o recurso ao SU hospitalar não parece relacionado com habilitações literárias parentais ou atribuição de médico de família. A percepção de doença grave em situação benigna com recurso precoce e injustificado ao atendimento em contexto de serviço de urgência denota falta de educação para a saúde na população geral.


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Introdução e Objetivos: A trombose venosa profunda (TVP) e o tromboembolismo pulmonar são os componentes do tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) que, embora infrequente, é uma entidade emergente na pediatria. Apresentamos uma casuística cujo objetivo é a avaliação dos aspetos mais relevantes da TVP em idade pediátrica e da sua abordagem terapêutica. Metodologia: Revisão retrospetiva descritiva dos processos dos doentes internados na última década com o diagnóstico de TVP no Serviço de Pediatria da ULSAM. Resultados: Identificaram-se seis doentes, cinco deles do sexo feminino. A mediana de idades foi 17 anos. O edema do membro afetado esteve sempre presente e o segmento venoso mais atingido foi o ileofemoral (2/6). Houve concomitância de pelo menos dois fatores de risco adquiridos em três doentes, sendo o mais frequente o contracetivo oral combinado. Foi excluída trombofilia hereditária em cinco doentes mas ainda aguardamos o resultado do estudo de um doente. O tempo médio de tratamento foi de 9,8 meses. Discussão e Conclusão: A TVP na criança tem sido reconhecida como uma patologia rara, mas importante causa de morbilidade. A maior incidência de TVP foi documentada na adolescência com compromisso do membro inferior, tal como referido na literatura. Verificamos uma conjugação de fatores de risco que, provavelmente, se potenciaram entre si levando à ocorrência do TEV e colocamos a possibilidade do Pediatra se estar a deparar com uma nova realidade anteriormente excluída do atendimento pediátrico. O aumento na incidência desta patologia levanta a questão do acréscimo de risco trombótico nos adolescentes do sexo feminino devido à utilização de contracetivos orais combinados. Salientamos a importância de um consenso nacional no diagnóstico, tratamento e prevenção desta entidade em Pediatria.


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Background: Between 1961-1971 vitamin D deficiency was recognized as a public health issue in the UK, because of the lack of effective sunlight and the population mix [1, 2]. In recent years, health care professionals have cited evidence suggesting a re-emergence of the vitamin D deficiency linked to a number of health consequences as a concern [3-6]. Evidence from observational studies has linked low vitamin D status with impairment in glucose homeostasis and immune dysfunction [7-9]. However, interventional studies, particularly those focused on paediatric populations, have been limited and inconsistent. There is a need for detailed studies, to clarify the therapeutic benefits of vitamin D in these important clinical areas. Objective: The aims of this PhD thesis were two-fold. Firstly, to perform preliminary work assessing the association between vitamin D deficiency and bone status, glucose homeostasis and immune function, and to explore any changes in these parameters following short term vitamin D3 replacement therapy. Secondly, to assess the effectiveness of an electronic surveillance system (ScotPSU) as a tool to determine the current incidence of hospital-based presentation of childhood vitamin D deficiency in Scotland. Methods: Active surveillance was performed for a period of two years as a part of an electronic web-based surveillance programme performed by the Scottish Paediatric Surveillance Unit (ScotPSU). The validity of the system was assessed by identifying cases with profound vitamin D deficiency (in Glasgow and Edinburgh) from the regional laboratory. All clinical details were checked against those identified using the surveillance system. Thirty-seven children aged 3 months to 10 years, who had been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, were recruited for the bone, glucose and immunity studies over a period of 24 months. Twenty-five samples were analysed for the glucose and bone studies; of these, 18 samples were further analysed for immune study. Treatment consisted of six weeks taking 5000 IU units cholecalciferol orally once a day. At baseline and after completion of treatment, 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), parathyroid hormone (PTH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), collagen type 1 cross-linked C-telopeptide (CTX), osteocalcin (OCN), calcium, phosphate, insulin, glucose, homeostasis model assessment index, estimated insulin resistance (HOMA IR), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), lipids profiles, T helper 1 (Th1) cytokines (interleukin-2 ( IL-2), tumor necrosis factors-alpha (TNF-α), interferon-gamma (INF-γ)), T helper 2 (Th2) cytokines (interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-5 (IL-5), interleukin-6 (IL-6)), T helper 17 (Th17) cytokine (interleukin-17 (IL-17)), Regulatory T (Treg) cytokine (interleukin-10 (IL-10)) and chemokines/cytokines, linked with Th1/Th2 subset balance and/or differentiation (interleukin-8 (IL-8), interleukin-12 (IL-12), eosinophil chemotactic protein ( EOTAXIN), macrophage inflammatory proteins-1beta (MIP-1β), interferon-gamma-induced protein-10 (IP-10), regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1(MCP-1)) were measured. Leukoocyte subset analysis was performed for T cells, B cells and T regulatory cells and a luminex assay was used to measure the cytokiens. Results: Between September 2009 and August 2011, 163 cases of vitamin D deficiency were brought to the attention of the ScotPSU, and the majority of cases (n = 82) were reported in Glasgow. The cross-validation checking in Glasgow and Edinburgh over a one-year period revealed only 3 (11%) cases of clearly symptomatic vitamin D deficiency, which had been missed by the ScotPSU survey in Glasgow. While 16 (67%) symptomatic cases had failed to be reported through the ScotPSU survey in Edinburgh. For the 23 children who are included in bone and glucose studies, 22 (96%) children had basal serum 25(OH)D in the deficiency range (< 50 nmol/l) and one (4%) child had serum 25(OH)D in the insufficiency range (51-75 nmol/l). Following vitamin D3 treatment, 2 (9%) children had final serum 25(OH)D lower than 50 nmol/l, 6 (26%) children had final serum 25(OH)D between >50-75 nmol/l, 12 (52%) children reached a final serum 25(OH)D >75-150 nmol/l and finally 3 (13%) exceeded the normal reference range with a final 25(OH)D >150 nmol/l. Markers for remodelling ALP and PTH had significantly decreased (p = 0.001 and <0.0001 for ALP and PTH respectively). In 17 patients for whom insulin and HOMA IR data were available and enrolled in glucose study, significant improvements in insulin resistance (p = 0.04) with a trend toward a reduction in serum insulin (p = 0.05) was observed. Of those 14 children who had their cytokines profile data analysed and enrolled in the immunity study, insulin and HOMA IR data were missed in one child. A significant increase in the main Th2 secreted cytokine IL-4 (p = 0.001) and a tendency for significant increases in other Th2 secreted cytokines IL-5 (p = 0.05) and IL-6 (p = 0.05) was observed following vitamin D3 supplementation. Conclusion: An electronic surveillance system can provide data for studying the epidemiology of vitamin D deficiency. However, it may underestimate the number of positive cases. Improving vitamin D status in vitamin D deficient otherwise healthy children significantly improved their vitamin D deficient status, and was associated with an improvement in bone profile, improvements in insulin resistance and an alteration in main Th2 secreting cytokines.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop and test psychometric properties of a Mealtime Interaction Clinical Observation Tool (MICOT) that could be used to facilitate assessment and behavioural intervention in childhood feeding difficulties. Methods: Thematic analysis of four focus groups with feeding and behaviour experts identified the content and structure of the MICOT. Following refinement, inter-rater reliability was tested between three healthcare professionals. Results: Six themes were identified for the MICOT, which utilises a traffic-light system to identify areas of strength and areas for intervention. Despite poor inter-rater reliability, for which a number of reasons are postulated, some correlation between psychologists’ ratings was evident. Healthcare professionals liked the tool and reported that it could have good clinical utility. Conclusion: The study provides a promising first version of a clinical observation tool that facilitates assessment and behavioural intervention in childhood feeding difficulties.


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Introdução: A evolução da ciência e tecnologia, as mudanças no seio das organizações de saúde, as novas e emergentes filosofias de cuidados, exigem dos profissionais de saúde uma participação ativa na formação dos seus pares, tendo o processo de supervisão clínica uma importância relevante. Objetivos: Identificar a perceção dos enfermeiros tutores especialistas sobre as competências do supervisor clínico na área de saúde infantil e pediatria. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo exploratório descritivo, fenomenológico, numa amostra de dez enfermeiros tutores dos serviços da área de pediatria do Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, SESARAM. Recorremos à entrevista semiestruturada e áudio gravada. Efetuámos análise de conteúdo ao “corpus” de todas as entrevistas, com definição de subcategorias e indicadores. Resultados:. Emergiu a categoria competências do supervisor clínico e as subcategorias mais referenciadas foram as caraterísticas pessoais com 38% de unidade de registo e as competências profissionais (25,7%). Nos aspetos relevantes em saúde infantil e pediatria destacaram-se também as competências pessoais e profissionais com 40,4% cada. O principal fator facilitador da supervisão foi o ser um processo estruturado (21,6%), e o dificultador foi o deficit no relacionamento interpessoal (21,7%). No global houve mais unidades de registo relacionadas com os aspetos dificultadores. Conclusão: Conscientes das perceções dos supervisores numa área tão específica como é a área de saúde infantil e pediatria, pensamos que este estudo poderá contribuir para melhorar a qualidade do processo supervisivo na enfermagem. É necessário o esforço conjunto entre o supervisor e supervisionado, melhorando os processos mediados entre as instituições e os atores, onde proliferam a partilha de saberes, experiências e objetivos profissionais. Palavras-chave: Supervisor, Mentor, Supervisor clínico, Enfermagem, Supervisão.


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Background: Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) has been described as one of the least researched and most poorly understood psychiatric disorders (Chaffin et al., 2006). Despite this, given what is known about maltreatment and attachment, it is likely that RAD has profound consequences for child development. Very little is known about the prevalence and stability of RAD symptoms over time. Until recently it has been difficult to investigate the presence of RAD due to limited measures for informing a diagnosis. However this study utilised a new observational tool Method: A cross sectional study design with a one-year follow-up explored RAD symptoms in maltreated infants in Scotland (n=55, age range= 16-62 months) and associated mental health and cognitive functioning. The study utilised the Rating of Inhibited Attachment Behavior Scale (Corval, et al., unpublished 2014) that has recently been developed by experts in the field along side The Disturbances of Attachment Interview (Smyke & Zeanah, 1999). Children were recruited as part of the BeST trial, whereby all infants who came in to the care of the local authority in Glasgow due to child protection concerns were invited to participate. The study sample was representative of the larger pool of data in terms of age, gender, mental health and cognitive functioning. Results: The sample was found to be representative of the population of maltreated children from which it was derived. Prevalence of RAD was found to be 7.3% (n=3, 95% CI [0.43 – 14.17]) at T1, when children are first placed in to foster care. At T2, following one year in improved care conditions, 4.3% (n=2, 95% CI [below 0 – 10.16]) met a borderline RAD diagnosis. Levels of observed RAD symptoms decreased significantly at T2 in comparison to T1 but carer reported symptoms of RAD did not. Children whose RAD symptoms did not improve were found to be significantly older and showed less prosocial behaviour. RAD was associated with some mental health and cognitive difficulties. Lower Verbal IQ and unexpectedly, prosocial behaviour were found to predict RAD symptoms. Conclusions: The preliminary findings have added to the developing understanding of RAD symptoms and associated difficulties however further exploration of RAD in larger samples would be invaluable.


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Background: Post-discharge mortality is a frequent but poorly recognized contributor to child mortality in resource limited countries. The identification of children at high risk for post-discharge mortality is a critically important first step in addressing this problem. Objectives: The objective of this project was to determine the variables most likely to be associated with post-discharge mortality which are to be included in a prediction modelling study. Methods: A two-round modified Delphi process was completed for the review of a priori selected variables and selection of new variables. Variables were evaluated on relevance according to (1) prediction (2) availability (3) cost and (4) time required for measurement. Participants included experts in a variety of relevant fields. Results: During the first round of the modified Delphi process, 23 experts evaluated 17 variables. Forty further variables were suggested and were reviewed during the second round by 12 experts. During the second round 16 additional variables were evaluated. Thirty unique variables were compiled for use in the prediction modelling study. Conclusion: A systematic approach was utilized to generate an optimal list of candidate predictor variables for the incorporation into a study on prediction of pediatric post-discharge mortality in a resource poor setting.


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Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect, causing an important rate of morbidity and mortality. Treatment of CHD requires surgical correction in a significant percentage of cases which exposes patients to cardiac and end organ injury. Cardiac surgical procedures often require the utilisation of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), a system that replaces heart and lungs function by diverting circulation into an external circuit. The use of CPB can initiate potent inflammatory responses, in addition a proportion of procedures require a period of aortic cross clamp during which the heart is rendered ischaemic and is exposed to injury. High O2 concentrations are used during cardiac procedures and when circulation is re-established to the heart which had adjusted metabolically to ischaemia, further injury is caused in a process known as ischaemic reperfusion injury (IRI). Several strategies are in place in order to protect the heart during surgery, however injury is still caused, having detrimental effects in patients at short and long term. Remote ischaemic preconditioning (RIPC) is a technique proposed as a potential cardioprotective measure. It consists of exposing a remote tissue bed to brief episodes of ischaemia prior to surgery in order to activate protective pathways that would act during CPB, ischaemia and reperfusion. This study aimed to assess RIPC in paediatric patients requiring CHD surgical correction with a translational approach, integrating clinical outcome, marker analysis, cardiac function parameters and molecular mechanisms within the cardiac tissue. A prospective, single blinded, randomized, controlled trial was conducted applying a RIPC protocol to randomised patients through episodes of limb ischaemia on the day before surgery which was repeated right before the surgery started, after anaesthesia induction. Blood samples were obtained before surgery and at three post-operative time points from venous lines, additional pre and post-bypass blood samples were obtained from the right atrium. Myocardial tissue was resected during the ischaemic period of surgery. Echocardiographic images were obtained before the surgery started after anaesthetic induction and the day after surgery, images were stored for later off line analysis. PICU surveillance data was collected including ventilation parameters, inotrope use, standard laboratory analysis and six hourly blood gas analysis. Pre and post-operative quantitation of markers in blood specimens included cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), inflammatory mediators including interleukins IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α), and the adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1; the renal marker Cystatin C and the cardiovascular markers asymmetric dymethylarginine (ADMA) and symmetric dymethylarginine (SDMA). Nitric oxide (NO) metabolites and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) were measured before and after bypass. Myocardial tissue was processed at baseline and after incubation at hyperoxic concentration during four hours in order to mimic surgical conditions. Expression of genes involved in IRI and RIPC pathways was analysed including heat shock proteins (HSPs), toll like receptors (TLRs), transcription factors nuclear factor κ-B (NF- κ-B) and hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). The participation of hydrogen sulfide enzymatic genes, apelin and its receptor were explored. There was no significant difference according to group allocation in any of the echocardiographic parameters. There was a tendency for higher cTnI values and inotropic score in control patients post-operatively, however this was not statistically significant. BNP presented no significant difference according to group allocation. Inflammatory parameters tended to be higher in the control group, however only TNF- α was significantly higher. There was no difference in levels of Cystatin C, NO metabolites, cGMP, ADMA or SDMA. RIPC patients required shorter PICU stay, all other clinical and laboratory analysis presented no difference related to the intervention. Gene expression analysis revealed interesting patterns before and after incubation. HSP-60 presented a lower expression at baseline in tissue corresponding to RIPC patients, no other differences were found. This study provided with valuable descriptive information on previously known and newly explored parameters in the study population. Demographic characteristics and the presence of cyanosis before surgery influenced patterns of activity in several parameters, numerous indicators were linked to the degree of injury suffered by the myocardium. RIPC did not reduce markers of cardiac injury or improved echocardiographic parameters and it did not have an effect on end organ function; some effects were seen in inflammatory responses and gene expression analysis. Nevertheless, an important clinical outcome indicator, PICU length of stay was reduced suggesting benefit from the intervention. Larger studies with more statistical power could determine if the tendency of lower injury and inflammatory markers linked to RIPC is real. The present results mostly support findings of larger multicentre trials which have reported no cardiac benefit from RIPC in paediatric cardiac surgery.


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The hospitalizatíon of a child carnes with it major changes, etther in the child's life or parent. lllness and hospttalizatíon constitute a crisis situation for both the child and the famHy as it incorporates financiai, psychotogical, relational and social changes. The purpose of this work and analyze the satísfactíon and parents' perception on the importance of nursing care during hospttalizatíon and feelings experienced by parents. Objectives: To know the opinions and feelings of the parents in relation to the admlsston of the child 1n the service of Pediatrics at North of Portugal. Methods: Integrated this study parents of chtldren hospttalized in the pediatric inpatíent at the Hospital Trás-os-Montes e alto Douro, Vila Real, whose children were in the service to at least more than 48 hours, In total 33 escorts that replied to the questionnaire. For such a study we chose the type quantitative deschptíve. We proceeded to collect data by conductíng a questíonnaire, and the results of it were drafted in the SPSS program through Quantitatíve model wtth exploratory qualitatíve approach. Results: The age ofthe partícipants is between the 21 and 46 years - old, 75. 8% of respondents were married, 78. 8% of chtldren was hospitalized in the first time. We conclude that the mother is who else accompanies the chtld in the hospital. We had positive feedback regarding the interactíon parent-nurses since many parents stressed the good relatíonship with the nursing team (It reported that "Nurses" and "Nurses and "auxiliaries" were who else helped them, with 30. 3% and 21. 2% respectively). The feelings more mentioned were: anxiety -21 answers, sadness-20, fear-15 and hope with 15. The conditions offered to the parents were considered goodfor60.6%.