939 resultados para compulsory licensing


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Overwhelmingly, school-based sexuality education programmes focus on the prevention of infection, pregnancy and abuse, with little if any attention given to positive views of sexuality and rarely the inclusion of sex positive issues such as pleasure, intimacy and desire. This paper explores the experience of teaching about pleasure to pre-service health and physical education teachers as part of compulsory studies in a unit on sexuality education designed to prepare them to teach sexuality education in secondary schools. Drawing on the aims, theoretical framework, content and pedagogical structure of the unit, and data collected from 42, third-year pre-service teachers (PST) in Australia via surveys and student assessment, the paper provides some practical examples of what teaching about pleasure might look like in practice. It argues that with adequate preparation, a framework to celebrate sex and sexuality, a gender lens to examine normative discourses, and the opportunity for reflection, PST can develop the confidence, skill and willingness to include pedagogies of pleasure in their school-based work.


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Using nationally representative data on individual subjective views on gender roles, we examine the gender gap in educational achievement in Turkey and show that the cultural bias against the education of girls is a fundamental factor behind their low educational attainment in socially conservative societies. The 1997 education reform in Turkey extended compulsory schooling from 5 to 8 years. Using the reform as a natural experiment, we investigate the impact of the reform on the effects of mothers’ traditional views in determining children’s educational attainment. We find that the reform helped reduce school dropout rates across the country. Nevertheless, regardless of the mother’s view on gender roles, the reductions in school dropout rates were similar for boys and girls, failing to eliminate the gender gap against girls. Turkey is an excellent environment to study the effects of societal gender roles since it combines modernity with traditionalism and displays a wide spectrum of views on gender roles. It is also one of the few developing countries where a gender gap to the detriment of females still exists in educational achievement


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Aim: The need for dietetic students to develop interprofessional collaborative practice capabilities is well recognised. The aim of this study was to examine the ability of an online interprofessional education (IPE) unit (using asynchronous and synchronous media) to improve dietetic students' confidence in understanding professional roles and attitudes associated with interprofessional practice along with exploring their experience in the unit. Methods: Final year master of dietetic students undertaking a compulsory online unit in IPE were invited to complete a questionnaire examining their confidence in understanding professional roles and their interprofessional attitudes both pre- and post-delivery of the unit, and to participate in semi-structured telephone interviews to explore their experience in the unit. Results: Thirty-five dietetic students completed the questionnaire pre- and post-unit, along with seven students undertaking a telephone interview. Their confidence in understanding the roles of other health professions (P = 0.000 to 0.014), self-assessment of interprofessional communication and teamwork skills (P = 0.002) and attitudes towards interprofessional interaction (P = 0.001) and interprofessional relationships (P = 0.002) increased significantly from pre- to post-unit. The students articulated positives about the experience (flexibility of the delivery, opportunity to reflect on personal factors related to teamwork, increasing their knowledge of other professions) and some challenges (lack of body language, some technological difficulties, the need for regular contribution to the teams' asynchronous discussion boards). Conclusions: This study suggests that although there can be some challenges in online IPE, it can be a positive experience and can improve dietetic students' collaborative practice attitudes and confidence in understanding other professional roles.


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 This PhD investigated obesity and mental health issues. Physical activity, screen-based behaviour (including e-gaming) measures don’t seem to be closely linked to BMI-z or psychosocial outcomes in Fijian adolescents. Expectations of the BMI-z impact of PA programs should be low and control on violent e-gaming through licensing agreements is suggested.


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Introduction: The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the lived experience of retirement in a context where it is not compulsory, and to understand consequent changes in roles, identity and occupational adaptation from the perspective of Australian retirees. Method: Five people aged between 61 and 68 years, who had retired during the previous 18 months, were interviewed. Data analysis included transcription and coding of data, data aggregation and identification of themes. Findings: The themes that emerged from the data analysis were related to time structure and meaningful occupations, ageing and performance capacity, role changes, emotional adjustment to retirement and preparation for retirement. Conclusion: The findings suggest that engagement in meaningful occupations and valued roles, along with the emergence of grandparenting as a significant role, the development of new interests and engagement in retirement planning activities, and support in restructuring the use of time are essential to maintain a positive identity and to adapt successfully to retirement. © The College of Occupational Therapists Ltd.


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Atualmente, o leilão de espectro tem sido evento de considerável relevância para o mercado de telecomunicações. As cifras alcançadas nos leilões, a oportunidade que eles representam para as empresas interessadas em explorar o mercado de telecomunicações, e o interesse do governo em alocar de forma eficiente este recurso, trouxeram notoriedade e magnitude para este mecanismo de seleção. Com o advento de novas tecnologias de comunicação móvel, detentoras de características inovadoras que permitem preencher cada vez mais a cesta de necessidades do consumidor, e a partir da alocação destas tecnologias a distintas faixas de espectro, tornou-se necessário, a determinação do mecanismo de escolha mais adequado daquele que será o gestor do recurso que permitirá a oferta desses serviços ao mercado: o espectro de freqüência. Com o intuito de se avaliar esse cenário, e os distintos papéis de seus participantes, busca-se nesse trabalho, através da análise do mais recente conjunto de leilões realizados para alocação deste recurso, o leilão das licenças 3G na Europa, compreender os pormenores envolvidos desde a elaboração até o desfecho deste processo. Objetiva-se, por fim, enriquecer o debate sobre esse tema ao discutir-se o cenário brasileiro. O trabalho ao analisar os leilões europeus nos permite identificar que as regras do leilão, como comentado por diversos autores, não são diretamente transplantáveis entre diferentes ambientes. Afinal dentro do ambiente homogêneo caracterizado pelo continente europeu, apesar da semelhança entre os diversos modelos de leilão utilizados, o sucesso obtido em países como Reino Unido e Alemanha, não foi repassado aos demais, ao compararmos o preço pago per capta. Entretanto, o espectro tem seu valor altamente conectado à disponibilidade tecnológica de sua utilização, logo, espectro sem tecnologia adequada para seu uso é observado como de valor privado aproximadamente zero pelos participantes. Esse fenômeno foi caracterizado pelo baixo valor atribuído ao espectro não pareado. Apesar de valor ser relativamente nulo, não é zero, pois a aquisição do direito de uso do espectro pode representar um "hedge" para ser utilizado, senão hoje, quando a tecnologia estiver disponível. Porém sendo o espectro recurso escasso, a alocação deste para tecnologia ainda indisponível pode ser considerado ineficiente. Observa-se, também, que o "incumbent" tende a valorizar mais uma licença, porém não se conseguiu determinar se isso ocorre devido a maior quantidade de informação que este detém sobre o mercado, ou devido à tentativa de manter o "status quo" do oligopólio atual. Baseado no comentado anteriormente e nos resultados dos leilões torna-se evidente que caso o entrante não seja protegido, como o "incumbent" valoriza mais a licença este sempre pagará mais por esta. E caso, o entrante tenha esta certeza, este não virá participar do leilão, o que na maior parte dos casos inviabilizaria o leilão pois haveriam tantas licenças quanto participantes. Ao analisar-se o caso brasileiro identifica-se a presença de um jogo nacional e um subjogo regional, onde os participantes podem ser simultaneamente "incumbents" para uma região, porém entrantes em outra.


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o esporte ocupa uma posição privilegiada no segmento de entretenimento e envolve enorme capacidade de geração de renda e de empregos, devendo ser, então, tratado como negócio. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo é identificar como uma gestão profissional do Departamento de Marketing de um clube de futebol, com um planejamento estratégico bem definido, pode gerar benefícios tangíveis e intangíveis para uma agremiação e, para tanto, vale-se do estudo de caso do modelo de gestão de marketing do Atlético-PR, que vem se constituindo em benchmarking no universo do futebol brasileiro. Desta feita, procura-se demonstrar como o marketing esportivo bem gerido pode incrementar as receitas já tradicionalmente praticadas pelos clubes brasileiros de futebol, a saber: direitos de transmissão, Internet, bilheteria, licenciamento de produtos, publicidade e patrocínio. Para tanto, utiliza-se de um levantamento teórico e empírico da realidade destas fontes de receita, apuradas no estágio atual, e apresenta experiências internacionais e de caráter nacional bem-sucedidas que adaptadas poderiam levar ao aumento dos valores arrecadados pelos clubes brasileiros de futebol. Os resultados indicam que há inúmeras ferramentas de marketing passíveis de aplicabilidade no segmento esportivo, como sugere o estudo de caso do Clube Atlético Paranaense, capazes de fazer com que os clubes brasileiros incrementem seu potencial de receita.


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In 1964, year of the military coup, the Brazilian government established a housing finance system with the intention of reducing the housing shortage that had been going on for decades. In order to reach this goal, the government created the Housing Finance System (acronym in Portuguese ¿ SFH), a set of rules which intended to set up a regulated market through standardized contracts and compulsory sources of funds. The system survived for some time, due to the state control of prices and salaries in the authoritarian regime. However, the increasing inflationary pressure obliged the government to adopt a populist subsidy policy, which left as a consequence outstanding balances at the end of the contracts that very often exceeded the value of the financed units. The solution adopted was to create a fund to settle these residual balances. Such fund should be capitalized by the government and by compulsory contributions from borrowers and financial institutions. Since the government did not make such contributions, the debt of this fund increased on a yearly basis, reaching around 3,5 % of Brazil¿s GDP in December 31, 2006. Due to the decline of private investments in the housing finance system, this debt concentrated mostly on public and state-owned companies, government agencies and public funds. The outcome of this policy was the Salary Variations Compensation Fund (acronym in Portuguese ¿ FCVS), which has a negative net equity of 76 billion reais and costs 100 million reais per year to be managed, and whose main creditor is the Federal Government itself.


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In the backdrop of the strict patent regime flatly adopted by the World Trade Organization (WTO) for all countries, a few countries constantly challenge this system through aggressive patent bargains. Within the pharmaceutical sector, noticeably, some countries now threaten to issue or otherwise actually issue compulsory licenses that may sway large pharmaceutical companies into selling drugs with large discounts or into granting voluntary licenses domestically. That is conspicuously the negotiation strategy adopted by Brazil in its negotiations with big international pharmaceutical companies.This paper explains Brazil’s aggressive bargaining approach based on an analysis of two aspects of its political economy. The first has to do with the international context of patent bargaining in the post-WTO era. Accordingly, the existence of large and fast growing domestic markets position countries such as Brazil as strategic destinations for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and trade. Together with an absence of a propensity to innovate in pharmaceutical products, these conditions boost Brazil’s bargaining power for issuing compulsory licenses over pharmaceutical products. The second aspect is related to political economy dynamics inside Brazil. Accordingly, the political framework in Brazil undermines long-term policies and favors short-sighted ones also vis-a-vis R&D investments in the pharmaceutical industry. This remains true regardless of the strictness of the patent regime in place. The lesson of Brazil is relevant arguably for other more powerful developing countries which presently examine Brazil's approach while further challenging the WTO's strict patent policy for the future.