943 resultados para CORONARY-HEART-DISEASE


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Introdução: A incidência da doença arterial coronária é uma das principais causas de morbidade e motalidade em diversos países e o estudo dos fatores de risco têm grande importância na prevenção e no tratamento dessa enfermidade. Entre outros fatores, a obesidade e a obesidade abdominal têm sido associadas com a maior incidência de DAC. A ingestão diária de nutrientes também pode estar relacionada com essa doença, porém, uma vez que a alimentação é complexa e contém diversos nutrientes, ainda não foi possível elucidar o impacto da alimentação no risco de desenvolver a doença arterial coronária. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre o consumo alimentar diário, a presença de obesidade abdominal e achados angiográficos de obstrução arterial em pacientes portadores de cardiopatia isquêmica, submetidos a cateterismo cardíaco. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, com 284 pacientes submetidos a cateterismo cardíaco, da unidade de hemodinâmica de um hospital universitário. Foi avaliada a RCQ, o IMC, a ingestão alimentar diária através de um inquérito nutricional, a análise bioquímica do sangue e a avaliação do laudo do cateterismo cardíaco. Resultados: Dos pacientes avaliados, 172 indivíduos (60,6%) apresentavam alterações em uma ou mais artérias coronárias. A ingestão média diária de calorias foi de 2450,56 Kcal/dia. O consumo de proteínas foi em média 1,66 g/Kg/dia, de carboidratos foi de 3,83 g/Kg/dia e de lipídeos foi de 1,21 g/Kg/dia. A idade, o sexo masculino, os níveis séricos de triglicerídeos, o consumo de álcool e a glicemia em jejum foram estatisticamente significativos na análise multivariada. Conclusão: Nos pacientes avaliados, o consumo diário de calorias encontra-se adequado, porém a ingestão de proteínas, carboidratos e lipídeos estão inadequados. Em relação aos fatores de risco para DAC, as mulheres apresentaram maior associação para desenvolver a síndrome metabólica do que os homens.


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Background: Despite an increasing body of knowledge concerning gender and lifestyle factors as determinants of sickness absence in well-developed countries, the relationship between these variables has not been elucidated in emerging economic power countries, where the burden of non-communicable diseases is particularly high. This study aimed to analyze the relationships among lifestyle-related factors and sick leave and to examine whether gender differences in sickness absence can be explained by differences in socio-demographic, work and lifestyle-related factors among Brazilian workers. Methods: In this longitudinal study with a one year follow-up among 2.150 employees of a Brazilian airline company, sick leave was the primary outcome of interest. Independent variables collected by interview at enrolment in the study were gender, age, educational level, type of work, stress, and lifestyle-related factors (body mass index, physical activity and smoking). In addition, the risk for coronary heart disease was determined based on measurement of blood pressure, total cholesterol and glucose levels. The total number of days on sick leave during 12 months follow-up was available from the company register. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the influence of socio-demographic, type of work and lifestyle-related factors on sick leave. Results: Younger employees, those with lower educational level, those who worked as air crew members and those with higher levels of stress were more likely to have sick leave. Body mass index and level of physical activity were not associated with sick leave. After adjustment by socio-demographic variables, increased odds for 10 or more days of sick leave were found in smokers (OR = 1.51, CI = 1.05-2.17), and ex-smokers (OR = 1.45, CI = 1.01-2.10). Women were more likely to have 10 or more days of sick leave. Gender differences were reduced mainly when adjusted for type of work (15%) and educational level (7%). Conclusions: The higher occurrence of sick leave among women than among men was partly explained by type of work and educational level. Our results suggest that type of work, a stressful life, and smoking are important targets for health promotion in this study population


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A associação entre fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) na pósmenopausa e o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual no menacme foi avaliado em estudo caso-controle envolvendo 414 mulheres na pósmenopausa com idade de 60,4 ± 5,5 anos e IMC de 25,3 ± 4,7 kg/m2. As variáveis consideradas foram: caracterização do ciclo menstrual entre 20 e 35 anos (independente) e relato atual sobre ocorrência de hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus e doença arterial coronariana (dependentes). Utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão logística, ajustados para outras variáveis implicadas no risco para doenças CV, com nível de significância 5%. Observou-se que mulheres que relataram irregularidade menstrual prévia estiveram associadas com risco aumentado para ocorrência de algum FRCV [odds ratio ajustado (OR)= 2,14; IC-95%= 1,02–4,48], quando comparadas àquelas com ciclos regulares. Análise estratificada demonstrou as seguintes associações significativas com o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual: hipertensão arterial (OR= 2,4; 95% IC= 1,39–5,41), hipercolesterolemia (OR= 2,32; 95% IC= 1,17–4,59), hipertrigliceridemia (OR= 2,09; 95% IC= 1,10–4,33) e angioplastia coronariana (OR= 6,82; 95% IC= 1,44–32,18). Os dados sugerem que o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual, indicativo da ocorrência da síndrome dos ovários policísticos na idade reprodutiva, pode estar relacionado com aumento do risco para doenças CV na pós-menopausa __________________________________________________ABSTRACT Menstrual Cycle Irregularity as a Marker of Cardiovascular Risk Factors at Postmenopausal Years.To evaluate the association between cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF)during postmenopausal years and previous menstrual irregularity during reproductive years, we performed a case-control study in 414 postmenopausal women (mean age 60.4 ± 5.5 years; BMI 25.3 ± 4.7 kg/m2). The variables assessed were: menstrual cycle characteristics at age 20–35y (independent) and records of arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and coronary heart disease (dependent). Statistical analysis used the chi-square test and logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders for cardiovascular risk, with significance set at 5%. Women reporting previous menstrual irregularity were associated with increased risk for some CVRF [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 2.14; CI-95%= 1.02–4.48], when compared with those reporting regular menstrual cycles. Stratified analysis demonstrated significant associations of previous menstrual irregularity with: arterial hypertension [OR= 2.74; CI-95%= 1.39–5.41), hypercholesterolemia (OR= 2.32; CI-95%= 1.17–4.59), hypertriglyceridemia (OR= 2.09; CI-95%=1.10–4.33), and coronary angioplasty (OR= 6.82; CI-95%= 1.44–32.18). These data suggest that a prior history of menstrual irregularity, as indicative of polycystic ovary syndrome, may be related to increased risk for CVD during postmenopausal years


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OBJETIVOS: Examinar a associação entre consumo de álcool e risco para doença coronariana em amostra populacional. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, conduzido de janeiro/2006 a junho/2007, na região metropolitana de São Paulo, como parte do estudo internacional (Gender, Alcohol, and Culture: an International Study). Os sujeitos (1.501, sendo 609 homens e 892 mulheres) eram residentes da região metropolitana de São Paulo, tinham 30 anos ou mais de idade e foram selecionados aleatoriamente, a partir de amostragem complexa por conglomerados. Todos os indivíduos consentiram em participar da pesquisa. A variável dependente foi risco cardíaco avaliado através do WHO Rose Angina Questionnaire. A análise multivariada consistiu em regressão logística, tendo sido realizado ajuste para uso de tabaco e índice de massa corpórea. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi 75%. Ser mulher, ter mais idade, ser negro, fumante e ter um índice de massa corpórea elevado, foram associados a maior risco para doença coronariana. Indivíduos que nunca beberam na vida (OR = 2,22) e ex-bebedores (OR = 2,42) tiveram maior risco de doença cardíaca do que aqueles que informaram beber até 19 g de álcool por dia, sem episódios de beber excessivo. Entre os que tiveram episódios de embriaguês observou-se uma tendência a maior risco (OR = 3,95, p = 0,09). CONCLUSÕES: Nossos achados sugerem um menor risco para doença coronariana entre os bebedores moderados. Destaca-se que os estudos que avaliam o impacto do álcool sobre doença cardíaca precisam identificar o padrão de uso de álcool dos sujeitos, visto que este aspecto pode modificar o risco. Políticas públicas são necessárias para reduzir o uso nocivo de álcool e a morbidade a ele relacionada no país.


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The antioxidant effect of plant extract has been an interesting issue for many researchers in past few years. Spices have been identified as products with large amounts of antioxidants, and rosemary is one the most studied spice. Studies have shown evidences that population with high intake of these substances have less incidence of coronary heart disease. The objective of this work was verify the antioxidant action of the commercial rosemary oleoresin Herbalox® (used to feed the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) fish. The juveniles pacu were fed with isocaloric and isoproteic diets, for two groups the lipid source was soybean oil and for the another it was corn oil. For each group of the different lipid sources, rosemary extract Herbalox® (were added in one lot and on the other which was used as control. The results showed that the addition of rosemary extracts to the ration protected them against peroxidation, when compared with the control, the lipid source also have influence on these protection.


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Living cells are continuously exposed to a variety of challenges that exert oxidative stress and are directly related with senescence and the onset of various pathological conditions such as coronary heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. Nevertheless, living organisms have developed a complex antioxidant network to counteract reactive species that are detrimental to life. With the aim of bio-prospecting plant species from the Brazilian Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, we have established a methodology to detect secondary antioxidant metabolites in crude extracts and fractions obtained from plant species. Combining HPLC with an electrochemical detector allowed us to detect micromolecules that showed antioxidant activities in Chimarrhis turbinata (DC) leaf extracts. Comparison with purified flavonoid standards led us to identify the compounds in their natural matrices giving valuable information on their antioxidant capacity.


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Phenolic compounds are numerous and ubiquitous in the plant kingdom, being particularly present in health-promoting foods. Epidemiological evidences suggest that the consumption of polyphenol-rich foods reduces the incidence of cancer, coronary heart disease and inflammation. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is one of the most abundant polyphenol compounds in human diet. Data obtained from in vivo and in vitro experiments show that CGA mostly presents antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic activities. However, the effects of CGA on the inflammatory reaction and on the related pain and fever processes have been explored less so far. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of CGA in rats. In comparison to control, CGA at doses 50 and 100 mg/kg inhibited carrageenin-induced paw edema beginning at the 2nd hour of the experimental procedure. Furthermore, at doses 50 and 100 mg/kg CGA also inhibited the number of flinches in the late phase of formalin-induced pain test. Such activities may be derived from the inhibitory action of CGA in the peripheral synthesis/release of inflammatory mediators involved in these responses. On the other hand, even at the highest tested dose (200 mg/kg), CGA did not inhibit the febrile response induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in rats. Additional experiments are necessary in order to clarify the true target for the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of CGA. © 2006 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.


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Background: Evidences have showed that the incidence of arterial hypertension is greater in postmenopausal women as compared to premenopausal. Physical inactivity has been implicated as a major contributor to weight gain and abdominal obesity in postmenopausal women and the incidence of cardiovascular disease increases dramatically after menopause. Additionally, more women than men die each year of coronary heart disease and are twice as likely as men to die within the first year after a heart attack. A healthy lifestyle has been strongly associated with the regular physical activity and evidences have shown that physically active subjects have more longevity with reduction of morbidity and mortality. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by endothelial cells has been implicated in this beneficial effect with improvement of vascular relaxing and reduction in blood pressure in both laboratory animals and human. Although the effect of exercise training in the human cardiovascular system has been largely studied, the majority of these studies were predominantly conducted in men or young volunteers. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of 6 months of dynamic exercise training (ET) on blood pressure and plasma nitrate/nitrite concentration (NOx-) in hypertensive postmenopausal women. Methods: Eleven volunteers were submitted to the ET consisting in 3 days a week, each session of 60 minutes during 6 months at moderate intensity (50% of heart rate reserve). Anthropometric parameters, blood pressure, NOx- concentration were measured at initial time and after ET. Results: A significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values was seen after ET which was accompanied by markedly increase of NOx- levels (basal: 10 ± 0.9; ET: 16 ± 2 μM). Total cholesterol was significantly reduced (basal: 220 ± 38 and ET: 178 ± 22 mg/dl), whereas triglycerides levels were not modified after ET (basal: 141 ± 89 and ET: 147 ± 8 mg/dl). Conclusion: Our study shows that changing in lifestyle promotes reducftion of arterial pressure which was accompanied by increase in nitrite/nitrate concentration. Therefore, 6-months of exercise training are an important approach in management arterial hypertension and play a protective effect in postmenopausal women. © 2009 Zaros et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common cause of death in many developed countries. The major risk factors for CHD are smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and lack of physical activity. Importantly, passive smoke also increases the risk for CHD. The mechanisms involved in the effects of passive smoke in CHD are complex and include endothelial dysfunction, lipoprotein modification, increased inflammation and platelet activation. Recently, several studies have shown that exposure to tobacco smoke can result in cardiac remodeling and compromised cardiac function. Potential mechanisms for these alterations are neurohumoral activation, oxidative stress, and MAPK activation. Although the vascular effects of cigarette smoke exposure are well known, the effects of tobacco smoking on the heart have received less attention. Therefore, this review will focus on the recent findings as to the effects of passive smoking in acute and chronic phases of vascular and cardiac remodeling. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Previous events evidence that sudden cardiac death (SCD) in athletes is still a reality and it keeps challenging cardiologists. Considering the importance of SCD in athletes and the requisite for an update of this matter, we endeavored to describe SCD in athletes. The Medline (via PubMed) and SciELO databases were searched using the subject keywords sudden death, athletes and mortality. The incidence of SCD is expected at one case for each 200,000 young athletes per year. Overall it is resulted of complex dealings of factors such as arrhythmogenic substrate, regulator and triggers factors. In great part of deaths caused by heart disease in athletes younger than 35 years old investigations evidence cardiac congenital abnormalities. Athletes above 35 years old possibly die due to impairments of coronary heart disease, frequently caused by atherosclerosis. Myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction are responsible for the most cases of SCD above this age (80%). Pre-participatory athletes' evaluation helps to recognize situations that may put the athlete's life in risk including cardiovascular diseases. In summary, cardiologic examinations of athletes' pre-competition routine is an important way to minimize the risk of SCD. © 2010 Ferreira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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High blood pressure (HBP) and obesity is a well-established major risk factor for stroke and coronary heart disease. However, the literatures are scarce about these informations in adolescents from low-and-middle income countries. This school-based survey was carried out among students from Maringá (Brazil) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) selected random sampling. We studied 991 Brazilian adolescents (54.5% girls) in the age range of 14-18 years. In Argentina, we studied 933 adolescents (45.9% female) in the age range of 11-17 years. The outcomes of this study are general obesity, abdominal obesity and HBP. The associated factors analysed were gender, age and health behaviours. The prevalence of obesity was 5.8% in Brazil and 2.8% in Argentina, the prevalence of abdominal obesity was 32.7% in Brazil and 11.1% in Argentina, the prevalence of HBP was 14.9% in Brazil and 13.5% in Argentina. The multilevel analysis showed that older adolescents (>14 years old) have a little likelihood of being overweight, whereas male adolescents are more likely to be obese and have HBP. The abdominal obesity in both indicators were not associated with the independent variables. The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors is high in Latin American adolescents independent of each country, and was associated with male gender.Journal of Human Hypertension advance online publication, 15 August 2013; doi:10.1038/jhh.2013.74.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR