928 resultados para Sacred


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The destruction of rock art in the Burrup Peninsula, performed by several mammoth industries strategically located in the Peninsula since the 1960s, allows me to analyse the concept of heritage within a global history of art and find meaning in the difficult task of interpreting rock art. The Burrup Peninsula not only hosts the largest rock art site in the world, but also one of the largest deposits of natural gas, iron ore and salt. As a consequence, the land (sacred to the Indigenous people), becomes extremely important in order to sustain the booming economy of Australia. In this difficult negotiation between heritage and progress the rock art is embedded with new meanings and the heritage becomes ephemeral. Failing to include the site in the World Heritage Site list created by UNESCO, the roles of identity and memory are contested by the two groups represented on each side of the debate: on one hand, the Aboriginal Traditional owners and the archaeologists; on the other, the Australian government and the cultural establishment that denies the rock art an aesthetic significance by considering it “primitive” and “archaic”. The debate becomes even more pertinent after realizing that the Australian government has flagged other buildings and natural parks as World Heritage Sites, while the rock art in the Burrup Peninsula is catalogued as national, but not World, Heritage. As a result, the concept of heritage can be defined on several levels: local, regional, national and international.


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Significantly influencing the sociological study of religion, Hans Mol developed ideas of identity which remain thought-provoking for analyses of how religion operates within contemporary societies. Sacred Selves, Sacred Settings brings current social-religious topics into sharp focus: international scholars analyse, challenge, and apply Mol’s theoretical assertions. This book introduces the unique story of Hans Mol, who survived Nazi imprisonment and proceeded to brush shoulders with formidable intellectuals of the twentieth century, such as Robert Merton, Talcott Parsons, and Reinhold Niebuhr. Offering a fresh perspective on popular subjects such as secularization, pluralism, and the place of religion in the public sphere, this book sets case studies within an intellectual biography which describes Mol’s key influences and reveals the continuing import of Hans Mol’s work applied to recent data and within a contemporary context.


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The research investigated Balinese harmony to landscape in Indigenous villages (Bali Aga) and communities through case study, on-site evaluation, observation, and interviews. The research concluded three points: influences of Majapahit Era; traditional regulation roles; and obligated to maintain and conserve of sacred, middle and impure areas in cultural landscape practices.


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Ravished Armenia – an eight-reel, eighty-five-minute, silent dramatized film based on actual events – first screened in New York City in 1919. It was primarily for the purposes of fundraising. Aurora Mardiganian was a survivor of the Genocide and played the lead role in this film. However, the entire full-length feature film was thought lost until recently, when a twenty- minute segment of the film was found in Armenia. Following the separate discovery in Yerevan in 1994, the twenty-minute segment was incorporated into two new films (although both used the same footage). Even though both films are distinct in their notions of filmic representation, memory and the sacred memorialization of the Genocide, it is no oversight that one rendering is titled Ravished Armenia in order to pay homage to the original film and the Genocide. The second rendering, titled Credo, aims to separate itself from the initial film.


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In this issue...Montana Power Company, US Coast Guard, Alumni Dinner, Vegas Club, Chess Club, Theta Tau, Butte Civic Choral Society, Sacred Heart Grade School


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What qualities, skills, and knowledge produce quality teachers? Many stake-holders in education argue that teacher quality should be measured by student achievement. This qualitative study shows that good teachers are multi-dimensional; their effectiveness cannot be represented by students’ test scores alone. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of quality in teaching by examining the lived experiences of 10 winners or finalists of the Teacher of the Year (ToY) Award. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, examines how these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). This inquiry asked two questions: (a) How is teaching experienced by recognized as outstanding Teachers of the Year? and (b) How do ToYs feelings and perceptions about being good teachers provide insight, if any, about concepts such as pedagogical tact, teacher selfhood, and professional dispositions? Ten participants formed the purposive sample; the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Sixty to 90-minute interviews were conducted with each participant. Data also included the participants’ ToY application essays. Data analysis included a three-phase process: description, reduction, interpretation. Findings revealed that the ToYs are dedicated, hard-working individuals. They exhibit behaviors, such as working beyond the school day, engaging in lifelong learning, and assisting colleagues to improve their practice. Working as teachers is their life’s compass, guiding and wrapping them into meaningful and purposeful lives. Pedagogical tact, teacher selfhood, and professional dispositions were shown to be relevant, offering important insights into good teaching. Results indicate that for these ToYs, good teaching is experienced by getting through to students using effective and moral means; they are emotionally open, have a sense of the sacred, and they operate from a sense of intentionality. The essence of the ToYs teaching experience was their being properly engaged in their craft, embodying logical, psychological, and moral realms. Findings challenge current teacher effectiveness process-product orthodoxy which makes a causal connection between effective teaching and student test scores, and which assumes that effective teaching arises solely from and because of the actions of the teacher.


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In this dissertation I will study the phenomenon of the hipérbole sacroprofana in different Castillian writers of the 15th to the 17th centuries, in order to show in what does this fact consists, and how it has to be sorted out. Thus, I will also show how this tendency unfolds and how the use of either one or another resource leads the hipérbole towards different expressive horizons. Although the hipérbole sacroprofana is usually detected by most of scholars, it has never met proper attention, so that it has turned into a jumble in which the most disparate instances of a lady’s praise. Yet, an accurate analysis of this phenomenon reveals that this is not the case, and that this resource has manifold aspects and varying intentions and expressive ways as well. In this dissertation, where some five thousand hipérboles are analysed, I point out the various kinds of instances, and I classify them according to their expression and their literary-intellectual interweaving. Besides I monitor this fact to explain how hipérbole varies with the passage of times. By so doing a deficiency in the history of literary criticism, which mistook and likened all sorts of hipérboles in poetical texts, is eased. So we can see that, in its origins, hipérbole was confined to using sacred terms in profane poems out of their context (which I call hipérbole léxica o de inserción terminológica). This resource was effectual insofar as the use of words religiously connoted carried along devout attitudes towards poems of earthly love so that the lady and the feeling that the author professed became “adulterated” by Christian attitudes...


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Is it possible from some one out side of Ñuu Saví (Mixtec) culture to learn how to do an ethnodrama? A healer and rain maker from Mixteca land is teaching me how to ask for rain and cure diseases. “Kutù’và yu Tu’ún Va’á”, is the name of my thesis and means “I am learning the wellness word”. This work is an “ethnodramatic initiation” to their sacred language. I don’t attempt to read Don Marcelino’s mind but to create a mental scenario that would help us to contemplate the internal spectacle he and his community watch during the ethnodrama of rain and healing. Finally I will represent my learning process during my initiation to body-mental technics. The subject of the thesis travels around several concepts interrelated: feast, ritual, celebration, healing, rain, knowledge, magical thinking, learning, performance… It’s related to an analogic language, oral culture, holistic perception and ethnodramaturgy. I will apply some of the concepts of Weisz’s ethnodramatic performance theory to a place located in Mexico, state of Oaxaca, Juxtlahuaca district, belonging to the municipality of Coicoyán de las Flores, El Jicaral. A wiseman from Nuun Tiaxin, Ñuu Saví, is teaching me how to speak with Rain and Sicknesses. Ethnodrama is a word used by Weisz to make the difference between theatre, and an ethnic paratheatrical performance. The ethnic drama is a mythological text, that it is seen inside the mind of the community members. Weisz conceives the concept as part of a greater project called, Anthropology of Knowledge, that studies the imaginary solutions to explain the formation of the world, the universe and the inscribed rituals in all great antique cultures Weisz [1994b:29]. Curanderismo, quackery, belongs to a illegitimate literature, it is something no serious. An art that goes beyond the canons of a written text and does not match with the categories of our cultures. It threatens the monolithic solidity of our academic reality and then it’s excluded. Weisz proposes to study shamanic text from a marginal position in front of a central culture that only recognizes as valid certain texts. The ethnotexto is uncomfortable, it intimidates the unity of the group of the dominant culture. Curanderismo places itself then in a position that questions a conceptual colonization, that “behavior and ideology that nourish themselves from a totalizing strategy”. A colonization that transcends Europe, related to power and to the dominant position. This is how Literature field is created Weisz [2005: 102-103]...


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Humans’ perceived relationship to nature and non-human lifeforms is fundamental for sustainable development; different framings of nature – as commodity, as threat, as sacred etc. – imply different responses to future challenges. The body of research on nature repre-sentations in various symbolic contexts is growing, but the ways in which nature is framed by people in the everyday has received scant attention. This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the framing of nature by studying how wild-boar hunting is depicted on YouTube. The qualitative frame analysis identified three interrelated frames depicting hunting as battle, as consumption, and as privilege, all of which constitute and are constituted by the underlying notion of human as superior to nature. It is suggested that these hegemonic nature frames suppress more constructive ways of framing the human-nature relationship, but also that the identification of such potential counter-hegemonic frames enables their discursive manifestation.


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Eighty per cent of the world's population professes religious belief. Such beliefs provide precepts on how individuals should conduct their private lives and (often) how society should be organized. Given there are 2.1 billion Christians worldwide and 1.3 billion Muslims, understanding the religious approach to social life based on sacred texts and social teachings of Christianity and Islam has a strong relevance to those interested in implementing international economic development policies. This paper argues that religion can thus play a positive role in development and specifically support development economic policies at the international level. The purpose of this paper is not to present a fully formed development economic policy, but rather to identify teachings of the world's two largest religions – such as preferencing the poor, minimizing inequality and having the economy serve wider realms of society – that directly speak to how sustainable economic development is understood within these faith traditions and how these teachings could scaffold and support and international policy frameworks aimed to achieve sustainable economic development. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.


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As one who has mounted theatrical Bloomsdays since 1994,' I well understand that the issue of Joyces radicalism on the subject of the body is a recurring crux for dramaturg, director and actors, not so much on moral grounds, as on the grounds of playability and sometimes taste. It is one thing to read with a startled chuckle a febrile passage which transgresses norms, or to enjoy hyperbole in context, but embodied enactment is an entirely different matter, because the limits of what Joyce was prepared to essay in fiction are so extreme, so strangely and transgressively unfamiliar, despite the passing of close to a century since publication. It is the difference between reading in private and reading a staged and necessarily embodied and visual event that is the focus of this article. What performing Joyces bodies has revealed to me is his particular, unsentimental and secular take on bodies as both comic and sublime, even sacred - concepts that are rarely yoked together. Resisting the impulse to sanitise Joyce and censor him takes one into the territory of outrageous, often non-naturalistic, comedy, but also into a paradoxical notion of the body as sacred, and the gendered body as potentially subversive, via the by-ways of theatricality, censorship and taste.


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Las teorías administrativas se han basado, casi sin excepción, en los fundamentos y los modelos de la ciencia clásica (particularmente, en los modelos de la física newtoniana). Sin embargo, las organizaciones actualmente se enfrentan a un mundo globalizado, plagado de información (y no necesariamente conocimiento), hiperconectado, dinámico y cargado de incertidumbre, por lo que muchas de las teorías pueden mostrar limitaciones para las organizaciones. Y quizá no por la estructura, la lógica o el alcance de las mismas, sino por la falta de criterios que justifiquen su aplicación. En muchos casos, las organizaciones siguen utilizando la intuición, las suposiciones y las verdades a medias en la toma de decisiones. Este panorama pone de manifiesto dos hechos: de un lado, la necesidad de buscar un método que permita comprender las situaciones de cada organización para apoyar la toma de decisiones. De otro lado, la necesidad de potenciar la intuición con modelos y técnicas no tradicionales (usualmente provenientes o inspiradas por la ingeniería). Este trabajo busca anticipar los pilares de un posible método que permita apoyar la toma de decisiones por medio de la simulación de modelos computacionales, utilizando las posibles interacciones entre: la administración basada en modelos, la ciencia computacional de la organización y la ingeniería emergente.


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El presente trabajo interpreta textos de la literatura latinoamericana (1950-1970) desde la perspectiva ecocrítica, apoyándose en una mirada sistémica de pensadores del paradigma emergente que proporciona una lectura renovadora en torno al discurso literario desde un enfoque de ecología profunda. Esta literatura indaga sobre la génesis propia haciendo dialogar elementos sagrados de la cultura con todo lo demás, de esta forma, lo indígena, lo africano, lo europeose expresa desde las voces de los persona- jes con una mirada neoparadigmática, que transgrede la visión tradicional del paradigma de la modernidad en cuanto lectura de la identidad latinoamericana.AbstractThe following article analyzes on Latin American literature texts (1950-1970) from an ecocritical perspective. It is based on a systemic look from the emergent paradigm thinkers. This paradigm gives a new kind of reading regarding literary texts focusing on deep ecology perspective. Latin American literature explores its own genesis bringing together sacred and non sacred elements from culture. In this sense, Indigenous, African and European cultures sets up a dialogue. Cultures express themselves throughout the characters’ voices in texts embracing a neo-paradigmatic look that trespasses the traditional vision of modernity in regard to Latin American identity.