918 resultados para Wish to Hasten


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O presente relatório, intitulado “O Programa Idosos em Segurança: Estudo de Caso do Dter de Sintra”, baseia-se num estudo da análise do trabalho que é desenvolvido pelos militares do Destacamento Territorial de Sintra e tem a finalidade de avaliar o impacto e influência do Programa Idosos em Segurança na população adstrita a este Destacamento. O envelhecimento é uma realidade inevitável e que deve, cada vez mais ser preparada e antecipada, permitindo, a quem pretender participar na vida ativa da sua comunidade, que tal seja possível. Para aqueles que, não têm possibilidades de o fazer, deve garantir-se assegurada, em todas as situações a sua dignidade enquanto pessoa humana. O envelhecimento ativo é também uma temática abordada que carece de tratamento pela sua novidade e extrema relevância no contexto atual. Para que tais realidades sejam coincidentes é imperioso que o policiamento de proximidade se efetue e que se abram portas ao desenvolvimento das capacidades de resposta dos diferentes órgãos de apoio social e das Forças de Segurança. Para conseguirmos responder à Questão de Partida, formulámos quatro Questões Derivadas e consequentes Hipóteses que, através da sua verificação, validação ou refutação, nos permitiram responder às questões anteriormente levantadas. Foram realizadas Entrevistas e Questionários, que nos permitiram aceder às diferentes perspetivas que trabalham e são alvo deste Programa. A Guarda Nacional Republicana possui um grande reconhecimento junto das entidades externas e dos idosos com quem trabalha. Foram, no entanto, encontradas algumas falhas ao nível do efetivo, da formação, especialização e verificação do trabalho desenvolvido, a vários níveis. De salientar que muitas falhas são colmatadas pela boa capacidade de adaptação dos militares, o que evita que tais fragilidades afetem o serviço prestado e transpareçam para o exterior.


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In this study, we investigated the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate salt acclimation. The main objective was to obtain new insights into the molecular mechanisms that control salt acclimation. Therefore, we carried out a multidisciplinary study using proteomic, transcriptomic, subcellular and physiological techniques. We obtained a Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cell line acclimated to be grown at 258 mM NaCl as a model for this study. The proteomic and transcriptomic data indicate that the molecular response to stress (chaperones, defence proteins, etc.) is highly induced in these salt-acclimated cells. The subcellular results show that salt induces sodium compartmentalization in the cell vacuoles and seems to be mediated by vesicle trafficking in tobacco salt-acclimated cells. Our results demonstrate that abscisic acid (ABA) and proline metabolism are crucial in the cellular signalling of salt acclimation, probably regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the mitochondria. ROS may act as a retrograde signal, regulating the cell response. The network of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus is highly altered in salt-acclimated cells. The molecular and subcellular analysis suggests that the unfolded protein response is induced in salt-acclimated cells. Finally, we propose that this mechanism may mediate cell death in salt-acclimated cells.


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En un medio profesional en expansión como es el del Cine y los audiovisuales en el Ecuador, este trabajo de titulación plantea un tema fundamental para aportar al fenómeno constitutivo del mismo: cuál es el papel del lenguaje técnico de las herramientas que el actor posee para desarrollar su trabajo; elevar esta exposición a discusión teórica y, finalmente, compartirla con la comunidad involucrada en el ámbito pedagógico y profesional del actor. La presente tesina se constituye a partir la sustentación teórica fundamental sobre el tema y ésta es incorporada en la discusión, que tiene como marco de trabajo el estudio de caso de algunos espacios y prácticas pedagógicas para actores en Quito, Ecuador. El lenguaje técnico media la discusión con un compendio de herramientas que nace de esta exploración teórica. La intención final se materializa en la lectura de estas reflexiones teórico-técnicas para su uso como dispositivo práctico en los diversos momentos del desempeño profesional de actores audiovisuales. Enfrentar al actor en formación con la realidad de un oficio que requiere mucho esfuerzo y demanda gran parte de la voluntad, el deseo y los recursos personales, sin mucha retribución económica, ni tampoco institucional o gubernamental. Hacer conscientes a los actores de fortalezas que están contenidas en su práctica y robustecer una formulación teórico-técnica para que sea leída y comprendida por todos los sectores involucrados: críticos, políticos, maestros, productores, directores y público en general que desea entender cómo hacen los actores su trabajo.


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At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities


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The Aboriginal person's strong wish to die at home with family, surrounded by their 'country' and in their own community means effective palliative care services must be Aboriginal centred and focused.


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Le concept de coopération est souvent utilisé dans le domaine de l’éthique et de la politique pour illustrer et comprendre l’alignement des comportements associatifs entre les êtres humains. En lien avec ce concept, notre recherche portera sur la première question de savoir si Kim Sterelny (2003) réussit à produire un modèle théorique permettant d’expliquer les origines et les mécanismes de la coopération humaine. Notre recherche portera aussi sur la deuxième question de savoir s’il arrive à se servir de ce modèle pour infirmer la thèse de la modularité massive. Ainsi, ce mémoire traitera successivement du problème de la coopération, de la théorie de la sélection de groupe, du déclencheur écologique de la coopération des hominidés, des notions de coalition, d’exécution et d’engagement et finalement de la thèse de la modularité massive. Par l’examen de ces sujets, nous souhaitons démontrer que Sterelny n’arrive qu’à fournir une esquisse probable des origines et du développement de la coopération humaine et que sa critique de la thèse de la modularité massive n’arrive pas à infirmer cette dernière.


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In this thesis we study weak isometries of Hamming spaces. These are permutations of a Hamming space that preserve some but not necessarily all distances. We wish to find conditions under which a weak isometry is in fact an isometry. This type of problem was first posed by Beckman and Quarles for Rn. In chapter 2 we give definitions pertinent to our research. The 3rd chapter focuses on some known results in this area with special emphasis on papers by V. Krasin as well as S. De Winter and M. Korb who solved this problem for the Boolean cube, that is, the binary Hamming space. We attempted to generalize some of their methods to the non-boolean case. The 4th chapter has our new results and is split into two major contributions. Our first contribution shows if n=p or p < n2, then every weak isometry of Hnq that preserves distance p is an isometry. Our second contribution gives a possible method to check if a weak isometry is an isometry using linear algebra and graph theory.


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The thesis is concerned with a number of problems in Combinatorial Set Theory. The Generalized Continuum Hypothesis is assumed. Suppose X and K are non-zero cardinals. By successively identifying K with airwise disjoint sets of power K, a function/: X-*•K can be viewed as a transversal of a pairwise disjoint (X, K)family A . Questions about families of functions in K can thus bethought of as referring to families of transversals of A. We wish to consider generalizations of such questions to almost disjoint families; in particular we are interested in extensions of the following two problems: (i) What is the 'maximum' cardinality of an almost disjoint family of functions each mapping X into K? (ii) Describe the cardinalities of maximal almost disjoint families of functions each mapping X into K. Article in Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 27(03):477 - 479 · June 1983  


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Le concept de coopération est souvent utilisé dans le domaine de l’éthique et de la politique pour illustrer et comprendre l’alignement des comportements associatifs entre les êtres humains. En lien avec ce concept, notre recherche portera sur la première question de savoir si Kim Sterelny (2003) réussit à produire un modèle théorique permettant d’expliquer les origines et les mécanismes de la coopération humaine. Notre recherche portera aussi sur la deuxième question de savoir s’il arrive à se servir de ce modèle pour infirmer la thèse de la modularité massive. Ainsi, ce mémoire traitera successivement du problème de la coopération, de la théorie de la sélection de groupe, du déclencheur écologique de la coopération des hominidés, des notions de coalition, d’exécution et d’engagement et finalement de la thèse de la modularité massive. Par l’examen de ces sujets, nous souhaitons démontrer que Sterelny n’arrive qu’à fournir une esquisse probable des origines et du développement de la coopération humaine et que sa critique de la thèse de la modularité massive n’arrive pas à infirmer cette dernière.


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The idea of public experience is often invoked in different social and academic contexts. However, it seldom deserved a reflection that specifically sought to deepen its meaning from the point of view of social life. In this article we contribute to the understanding of the uniqueness of the public form of experience. We believe that one of the best ways through which we can observe the public experience is by the objectification, performance and dramatization of the culture, i.e., the “expression of lived experiences”. There is, in publicity, the possibility of simultaneous allocation of individual and collective experiences, and it is in this sense that we can see how culture influences the shaping of experience itself. Public experience is characterized by the weaving and intertwining of singular experiences that are pluralized and plural lived experiences that are singularized, in a process where individual and society interpenetrate. The relationship between experience and publicity arises from this symbolic communion contained in the systems of thought and action of societies. The decisive role of the principle of publicity to experience consists, according with the hypothesis we wish to put forward, in making available and communicating the social world of symbolic (cultural) activity. Public experience is, then, envisaged as the experience of a common world where both singular and plural definitions of the individual (taken as society) converge through lived experiences and, particularly, through their expression, which can take different symbolic forms.


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This internship report aim was to find out the importance of sustainable tourism practices from a tourist point of view. The research study and internship took place at Back-Roads Touring - a tour operator (based in London) that specializes in small group touring for seniors travellers from Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada. Google Forms online questionnaire was used in order to answer the objectives of the study. In total 1322 clients received an online questionnaire out of which 182 filled in the survey. The study had four objectives, however the main focus was to find out which tourism practices ( out of 15 choices) were the most important to the respondents during a Back-Roads Tour and which tourism options (using the same 15 choices) the respondents identify as sustainable tourism options ( objective 2 and 3). The results showed that the respondents valued the most small group touring and having an experienced tour leader, which are the core practices of the company. Furthermore, the respondents were not seeking for more sustainable tourism practices neither willing to donate money to local charities/non- profit organizations. This finding shows that the clients are content with a current model of a tour, are willing to return, however price and quality will be play a key role in the decision. The respondents´ lack of wish to support or donate money to charities /non-profit organizations, could be due to the fact that most of the clients were from middle class thus they did not have enough disposable income. Moreover, one of the objectives of this study was to find out if the clients valued sustainable tourism certification. The results showed that the respondents’ were not aware of the sustainable tourism certification that the company obtained, however slightly over half of the respondents said that the knowledge of the certification has positively influenced them to travel again with a company.


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Post-structuralist youth studies theorists have argued for nuanced perspectives on agency that are not reliant on an assumption of subjects as rational and internally coherent individuals, and understand subjectivity and social structure as produced in concert. These are important theoretical developments that have shaped recent scholarship on girls' identities and cultures. In this paper, we seek to give them some further sociological grounding by thinking through their resonance for the specific debate about young women and what feminist agency consists of, or looks like today. What we wish to further flesh out is how more familiar, modernist ideas about girls' agency have started to reach their limits not merely because of the post-structuralist turn, but because of the socio-cultural conditions of neoliberalism, post-feminism and post-girlpower. We unpack some recent shifts and complexities around three concepts: choice, empowerment and voice. These are the terms by which the possibility of girls' and young women's agency has traditionally been understood in feminist scholarship and much work in girls' studies. However, when we interrogate these concepts within the specific neoliberal, post-feminist, post-girlpower context, their usefulness for either understanding or enabling feminist agency is thrown into question.


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BACKGROUND: Palliative care patients have numerous rehabilitation needs that increase with disease progression. Palliative rehabilitation practices and perceptions of palliative medicine physicians towards the role of rehabilitation are largely unstudied. AIM: To explore palliative medicine physicians' attitudes and perceptions towards rehabilitation delivered within inpatient palliative care units. DESIGN: Qualitative study utilizing semi-structured interviews. Transcribed interviews were analysed using thematic analysis and major themes reported as results. PARTICIPANTS: Australian palliative medicine physicians working in inpatient palliative care units. RESULTS: In total, 20 physicians participated, representing specialist palliative care services across Australia. A total of 11 (55%) were males with an average of 12.5 years' experience working in palliative care. Most participants believed rehabilitation was an important aspect of palliative care; however, few felt adequate rehabilitation programmes were available. Participants varied in their concepts of what palliative rehabilitation entailed. The term rehabilitation was seen by some as helpful (fostering hope and aiding transitions) and by others to be misleading (creating unrealistic expectations). Four key themes emerged when describing physicians' attitudes, including (1) integrating rehabilitation within palliative care, (2) the intervention, (3) possibilities and (4) the message of rehabilitation. CONCLUSION: A lack of consensus exists among palliative medicine specialists regarding the definition and scope of palliative rehabilitation. Participants generally expressed a wish to offer enhanced rehabilitation interventions, however described resource and skill-set limitations as significant barriers. Further research is required to establish an evidence base for palliative rehabilitation, to support its acceptance and widespread integration within specialist inpatient palliative care.


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The Scottish Legendary is a fourteenth century collection of saints’ lives in Older Scots. The prologue describes the lives as ‘merroure’ (mirror) to readers from which ‘men ma ensample ta’ (people may take example). Thus, the Legendary sets out to reveal how the reader is (mirror) thereby moving her to wish to become how she should be (exemplarity). This dissertation argues that, rather than encouraging devotion to saints along purely dogmatic lines, the Legendary transforms the reader’s selfhood by engaging her affectively, i.e. on an emotional and somatic level. By provoking the reader affectively, the text puts the reader into what Julia Kristeva has described as a ‘semiotic state’ which harks back to the reader’s or listener’s pre-cultural, pre-subjective self (Kristeva, 1984). Thus, the text disrupts the reader’s conception of herself as a complete, hermetic subjectivity, thereby dissolving the boundaries of the reader’s self. The Legendary most powerfully infiltrates the reader’s sense of self along these lines in the moments in which female saints’ bodies are tortured and dismembered. These scenes foreground the permeability of human flesh as well as its powerful influence over selfhood. Such images of abjection are, in Kristeva’s words, ‘opposed to I’; by confronting the reader with the disintegration of subjectivity in abjection, the text incites the reader to likewise experience herself as abject, i.e. disintegrable and permeable (Kristeva 1982). As I shall demonstrate, Kristeva’s psychoanalytic theory of the formation of the self offers a fruitful framework for understanding the processes of self-knowledge through reading that these saints’ lives inspire.


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This thesis will explore the whether queer theory has had any real influence on the law on marriage and civil partnership in Scotland. It will do so by examining the work of Michael Foucault and Judith Butler, reviewing both The History of Sexuality Volume One, and Gender Trouble to establish what queer theory has to say on gender and sexuality. Both works expose the artificiality of gender and sexuality, and in doing so, show that marriage and civil partnership are institutions created to support these artificial structures. Marriage and civil partnership are not isolated from the continuing influence of queer discourse on both gender and sexuality; however, as I will show, the influence has been contained largely to opening up privilege, both legally and socially, to those who wish to conform to structures that remain heteronormative and prescriptive.