895 resultados para Wind Turbine, Energy Storage, Voltage, SimPower Systems, MATLAB


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Resum del "VII Workshop REBIUN sobre proyectos digitales". Ens dóna el marc tecnològic (Driver) i legal (Cedro, Rebiun), parla del Open Access i exposa alguns projectes digitals de biblioteques


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Para lograr la integración de la cadena de valor, Brinsa S.A realizó la implementación del sistema de información, WMS, tecnificando los procesos del centro de almacenaje y alcanzando así la máxima utilización de este. BRINSA S.A. validó la teoría existente poniéndola en práctica y añadiendo características especiales que surgieron en el transcurso de esa implementación; ayudando a garantizar un éxito a la hora de aplicar un sistema de información dentro de una compañía.


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La present comunicació exposa una experiència en l'organització del currículum de l'estudiant del grau de Geografia, Ordenació del Territori i Gestió del Medi Ambient de la Universitat de Girona relacionada amb les capacitats de tractament i explotació de la Informació Geogràfica, especialment amb els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG). En aquest marc, es defineixen uns perfils amb l'objectiu de formar professionals que puguin accedir a llocs de treball com a Tècnic, Analista o Director de projectes SIG i, mitjançant les assignatures específiques pròpies es dissenya un programa que, juntament amb d'altres recursos educatius externs al Grau de Geografia, permeten a l'estudiant escollir un nivell d'aprofundiment diferent i personalitzat, segons les seves capacitats i voluntats


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La asesoría de empresas Ribas Álvarez tiene, actualmente, un problema con la gestión de documentos internos, que se realiza mediante correo interno y una aplicación sencilla de indexación de archivos (HTML); sin ningún tipo de supervisión ni restricción. Esta empresa dispone de un cierto número de trabajadores, los cuales pertenecen a diferentes secciones (privadas o públicas) dentro de la empresa. La información que circula dentro de la empresa, no tiene ningún tipo de seguridad pudiendo cualquier trabajador, disponer de ella aunque no le sea de utilidad. Se quiere crear una aplicación que cumpla con las necesidades que la empresa desea para la administración y gestión de documentos internos, con un control de usuarios y seguridad de acceso a esta aplicación. El objetivo básico de la aplicación seria la creación y gestión de una intranet de control y seguimiento de documentos para una asesoría de empresas


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The results of time-resolved gas phase studies of labile germylenes (GeH2 and GeMe2) and dimethylstannylene (SnMe2) reactions reported to date are considered together with data of quantum-chemical investigations of the potential energy surfaces of these systems. Reaction mechanisms are discussed. A comparison of reactivity in the series of carbene analogs, ER2 (E = Si, Ge, Sn, R = H, Me), is made.


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The high thermal storage capacity of phase change material (PCM) can reduce energy consumption in buildings through energy storage and release when combined with renewable energy sources, night cooling, etc. PCM boards can be used to absorb heat gains during daytime and release heat at night. In this paper, the thermal performance of an environmental chamber fitted with phase change material boards has been investigated. During a full-cycle experiment, i.e. charging–releasing cycle, the PCM boards on a wall can reduce the interior wall surface temperature during the charging process, whereas the PCM wall surface temperature is higher than that of the other walls during the heat releasing process. It is found that the heat flux density of the PCM wall in the melting zone is almost twice as large as that of ordinary wall. Also, the heat-insulation performance of a PCM wall is better than that of an ordinary wall during the charging process, while during the heat discharging process, the PCM wall releases more heat energy. The convective heat transfer coefficient of PCM wall surface calculated using equations for a normal wall material produces an underestimation of this coefficient. The high convective heat transfer coefficient for a PCM wall is due to the increased energy exchange between the wall and indoor air.


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Global climate change results from a small yet persistent imbalance between the amount of sunlight absorbed by Earth and the thermal radiation emitted back to space. An apparent inconsistency has been diagnosed between interannual variations in the net radiation imbalance inferred from satellite measurements and upper-ocean heating rate from in situ measurements, and this inconsistency has been interpreted as ‘missing energy’ in the system. Here we present a revised analysis of net radiation at the top of the atmosphere from satellite data, and we estimate ocean heat content, based on three independent sources. We find that the difference between the heat balance at the top of the atmosphere and upper-ocean heat content change is not statistically significant when accounting for observational uncertainties in ocean measurements, given transitions in instrumentation and sampling. Furthermore, variability in Earth’s energy imbalance relating to El Niño-Southern Oscillation is found to be consistent within observational uncertainties among the satellite measurements, a reanalysis model simulation and one of the ocean heat content records. We combine satellite data with ocean measurements to depths of 1,800 m, and show that between January 2001 and December 2010, Earth has been steadily accumulating energy at a rate of 0.50±0.43 Wm−2 (uncertainties at the 90% confidence level). We conclude that energy storage is continuing to increase in the sub-surface ocean.


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In this paper, the global market potential of solar thermal, photovoltaic (PV) and combined photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) technologies in current time and near future was discussed. The concept of the PV/T and the theory behind the PV/T operation were briefly introduced, and standards for evaluating technical, economic and environmental performance of the PV/T systems were addressed. A comprehensive literature review into R&D works and practical application of the PV/T technology was illustrated and the review results were critically analysed in terms of PV/T type and research methodology used. The major features, current status, research focuses and existing difficulties/barriers related to the various types of PV/T were identified. The research methods, including theoretical analyses and computer simulation, experimental and combined experimental/theoretical investigation, demonstration and feasibility study, as well as economic and environmental analyses, applied into the PV/T technology were individually discussed, and the achievement and problems remaining in each research method category were described. Finally, opportunities for further work to carry on PV/T study were identified. The review research indicated that air/water-based PV/T systems are the commonly used technologies but their thermal removal effectiveness is lower. Refrigerant/heat-pipe-based PV/Ts, although still in research/laboratory stage, could achieve much higher solar conversion efficiencies over the air/water-based systems. However, these systems were found a few technical challenges in practice which require further resolutions. The review research suggested that further works could be undertaken to (1) develop new feasible, economic and energy efficient PV/T systems; (2) optimise the structural/geometrical configurations of the existing PV/T systems; (3) study long term dynamic performance of the PV/T systems; (4) demonstrate the PV/T systems in real buildings and conduct the feasibility study; and (5) carry on advanced economic and environmental analyses. This review research helps finding the questions remaining in PV/T technology, identify new research topics/directions to further improve the performance of the PV/T, remove the barriers in PV/T practical application, establish the standards/regulations related to PV/T design and installation, and promote its market penetration throughout the world.


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Academic and industrial literature concerning the energy consumption of commercial kitchens is scarce. Electricity consumption data were collected from distribution board current transformers in a sample of fourteen UK public house restaurants. This was set up to identify patterns of appliance use as well as to assess the total energy consumption of these establishments. The electricity consumption in the selected commercial kitchens was significantly higher than current literature estimates. On average, 63% of the premises electricity consumption was attributed to the catering activity. Key appliances that contributed to the samples average electricity consumption were identified as refrigeration (70 kwh, 41%), fryers (11 kwh, 13%), combi-ovens (35 kwh, 12%) bain maries (27 kwh, 9%) and grills (37kwh, 12%). Behavioral factors and poor maintenance were identified as major contributors to excessive electricity usage with potential savings of 70% and 45% respectively. Initiatives are required to influence operator behavior, such as the expansion of mandatory energy labeling, improved feedback information and the use of behavior change campaigns. Strict maintenance protocols and more appropriate sizing of refrigeration would be of great benefit to energy reduction.


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Collectively small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are significant energy users although many are unregulated by existing policies due to their low carbon emissions. Carbon reduction is often not a priority but smart grids may create a new opportunity. A smart grid will give electricity suppliers a picture of real-time energy flows and the opportunity for consumers to receive financial incentives for engaging in demand side management. As well as creating incentives for local carbon reduction, engaging SMEs with smart grids has potential for contributing to wider grid decarbonisation. Modelling of buildings, business activities and technology solutions is needed to identify opportunities for carbon reduction. The diversity of the SME sector complicates strategy development. SMEs are active in almost every business area and occupy the full range of property types. This paper reviews previous modelling work, exposing valuable data on floor space and energy consumption associated with different business activities. Limitations are seen with the age of this data and an inability to distinguish SME energy use. By modelling SME energy use, electrical loads are identified which could be shifted on demand, in a smart network. Initial analysis of consumption, not constrained by existing policies, identifies heating and cooling in retail and commercial offices as having potential for demand response. Hot water in hotel and catering and retail sectors may also be significant because of the energy storage potential. Areas to consider for energy efficiency schemes are also indicated.