1000 resultados para Surgery


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BACKGROUND: This study analyzed the impact of weight reduction method, preoperative, and intraoperative variables on the outcome of reconstructive body contouring surgery following massive weight reduction. METHODS: All patients presenting with a maximal BMI >/=35 kg/m(2) before weight reduction who underwent body contouring surgery of the trunk following massive weight loss (excess body mass index loss (EBMIL) >/= 30%) between January 2002 and June 2007 were retrospectively analyzed. Incomplete records or follow-up led to exclusion. Statistical analysis focused on weight reduction method and pre-, intra-, and postoperative risk factors. The outcome was compared to current literature results. RESULTS: A total of 104 patients were included (87 female and 17 male; mean age 47.9 years). Massive weight reduction was achieved through bariatric surgery in 62 patients (59.6%) and dietetically in 42 patients (40.4%). Dietetically achieved excess body mass index loss (EBMIL) was 94.20% and in this cohort higher than surgically induced reduction EBMIL 80.80% (p < 0.01). Bariatric surgery did not present increased risks for complications for the secondary body contouring procedures. The observed complications (26.9%) were analyzed for risk factors. Total tissue resection weight was a significant risk factor (p < 0.05). Preoperative BMI had an impact on infections (p < 0.05). No impact on the postoperative outcome was detected in EBMIL, maximal BMI, smoking, hemoglobin, blood loss, body contouring technique or operation time. Corrective procedures were performed in 11 patients (10.6%). The results were compared to recent data. CONCLUSION: Bariatric surgery does not increase risks for complications in subsequent body contouring procedures when compared to massive dietetic weight reduction.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of fasciocutaneous posterior interosseous artery island flaps in the treatment of recurrent or persistent carpal tunnel compression syndrome (CTS).


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to estimate intra- and post-operative risk using the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) classification which is an important predictor of an intervention and of the entire operating programme. STUDY DESIGN: In this retrospective study, 4435 consecutive patients undergoing elective and emergency surgery at the Gynaecological Clinic of the University Hospital of Zurich were included. The ASA classification for pre-operative risk assessment was determined by an anaesthesiologist after a thorough physical examination. We observed several pre-, intra- and post-operative parameters, such as age, body-mass-index, duration of anaesthesia, duration of surgery, blood loss, duration of post-operative stay, complicated post-operative course, morbidity and mortality. The investigation of different risk factors was achieved by a multiple linear regression model for log-transformed duration of hospitalisation. RESULTS: Age and obesity were responsible for a higher ASA classification. ASA grade correlates with the duration of anaesthesia and the duration of the surgery itself. There was a significant difference in blood loss between ASA grades I (113+/-195 ml) and III (222+/-470 ml) and between classes II (176+/-432 ml) and III. The duration of post-operative hospitalisation could also be correlated with ASA class. ASA class I=1.7+/-3.0 days, ASA class II=3.6+/-4.3 days, ASA class III=6.8+/-8.2 days, and ASA class IV=6.2+/-3.9 days. The mean post-operative in-hospital stay was 2.5+/-4.0 days without complications, and 8.7+/-6.7 days with post-operative complications. Multiple linear regression model showed that not only the ASA classification contained an important information for the duration of hospitalisation. Parameters such as age, class of diagnosis, post-operative complications, etc. also have an influence on the duration of hospitalisation. CONCLUSION: This study shows that the ASA classification can be used as a good and early available predictor for the planning of an intervention in gynaecological surgery. The ASA classification helps the surgeon to assess the peri-operative risk profile of which important information can be derived for the planning of the operation programme.


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AIM: In 2001 a prototype of a gun to apply bioabsorbable tacks in cranio-facial surgery has been developed. METHODS: From May 2001 to May 2002 this device has been used in the University Hospital of Innsbruck (Austria) for different cranioplasty procedures, in 34 children, showing its reliability for cranio-facial bone fixation. The children were affected by isolated craniosynostosis or by syndromical synostosis (Apert, Crouzon) and in a case of benign tumor of the parietal skull vault. The range of age, at the time of surgery, was between 3 months and 204 months of age. Bone segments were fixed using self-reinforced polylactide plates and tacks. RESULTS: Firm fixation was obtained intra-operatively and the operative time was reduced about 25-30 minutes as compared to use of plates and screws. This device has just one limitation in its own spring force: sometimes the bone thinner than 1 mm has been broken applying the tacks. CONCLUSION: After the first-year's experience it is possible to confirm that this device reduces, in selected cases, operative time, blood loss, risk of infection and, as a result, the costs.


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Retaining effective swallowing is a key element when optimising outcomes in the management of head and neck cancer. We report the functional swallowing outcomes for a cohort of 31 individuals with advanced oral and oropharyngeal cancer who underwent free or pedicled flap reconstruction of surgical defects. Swallowing was assessed pre and immediately post surgery and at four months post treatment. Swallowing assessments were related to site, size and volume of defect and composition of flap reconstruction. The effect of radiotherapy on swallowing was assessed among 17 of the 31 individuals who were submitted to radiotherapy after surgery. The proportion of patients on a total oral diet four months post treatment varied significantly by site of defect (Fishers exact test p=0.006), from 100% (7/7) of patients with a lateral defect to only 22% (2/9) of patients with a central defect. The proportion of patients on a total oral diet at the final assessment did not vary by flap reconstruction or radiotherapy.


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PURPOSE: To present a novel, minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) technique for inferior obliquus recessions. METHODS: Graded MISS inferior obliquus recessions were performed in 20 eyes of 15 patients by applying two small conjunctival cuts, one at the insertion of inferior obliquus and another where the scleral anchoring of the muscle occurred. RESULTS: The amount of recession was 12.2 +/- 2.3 mm (range 6 to 14 mm). The vertical deviation, which was measured in 25 degrees of adduction, decreased from preoperatively 12.8 degrees +/- 5.6 degrees to 2.7 degrees +/- 2.2 degrees (p < 0.0001) at 6 months. LogMAR visual acuity was preoperatively -0.10 +/- 0.17 and at 6 months -0.14 +/- 0.22 (p > 0.1). In one eye (2.5%) the two cuts had to be joined because of excessive bleeding. Binocular vision improved in eight patients, remained unchanged in six patients, and decreased from 30 to 60 arcsec in one patient (p > 0.1). Conjunctival and lid swelling were hardly visible on the first postoperative day in primary gaze position in 10/20 (50%) of eyes. Five of the eyes (25%) had mild and five (25%) moderate visibility of surgery. One patient out of 15 (7%) needed repeat surgery because of insufficient reduction of the sursoadduction within the first 6 months. The dose-effect relationship 6 months postoperatively for an accommodative near target at 25 degrees adduction was 0.83 degrees +/- 0.43 degrees per mm of recession. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that small-incision, minimal dissection inferior obliquus graded recessions are feasible and effective to improve ocular alignment in patients with strabismus sursoadductorius.


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Computer-aided surgery (CAS) allows for real-time intraoperative feedback resulting in increased accuracy, while reducing intraoperative radiation. CAS is especially useful for the treatment of certain pelvic ring fractures, which necessitate the precise placement of screws. Flouroscopy-based CAS modules have been developed for many orthopedic applications. The integration of the isocentric flouroscope even enables navigation using intraoperatively acquired three-dimensional (3D) data, though the scan volume and imaging quality are limited. Complicated and comprehensive pathologies in regions like the pelvis can necessitate a CT-based navigation system because of its larger field of view. To be accurate, the patient's anatomy must be registered and matched with the virtual object (CT data). The actual precision within the region of interest depends on the area of the bone where surface matching is performed. Conventional surface matching with a solid pointer requires extensive soft tissue dissection. This contradicts the primary purpose of CAS as a minimally invasive alternative to conventional surgical techniques. We therefore integrated an a-mode ultrasound pointer into the process of surface matching for pelvic surgery and compared it to the conventional method. Accuracy measurements were made in two pelvic models: a foam model submerged in water and one with attached porcine muscle tissue. Three different tissue depths were selected based on CT scans of 30 human pelves. The ultrasound pointer allowed for registration of virtually any point on the pelvis. This method of surface matching could be successfully integrated into CAS of the pelvis.


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Surgical navigation has proven to be a minimally invasive procedure that enables precise surgical interventions with reduced exposure to irradiation for patient and personnel. Fluoroscopy-based modules have prevailed on the market. For certain operations of the pelvis computed tomography is necessary with its high imaging quality and considerably larger scan volume. To enable navigation in these cases, matching of the CT data set and the patient's real pelvic bone is essential. The common pair point-matching algorithm is complemented by the surface-matching algorithm to achieve an even higher overall precision of the system. For conventional surface matching with a solid pointer, the bone has to be exposed from soft tissue quite extensively, using a solid pointer. This conflicts with the claim of computer-assisted surgery to be minimally invasive. We integrated an A-mode ultrasonic pointer with the intention to perform extended surface matching on the pelvic bone noninvasively. Related to the conventional method, comparable and to some extent even improved precision conditions could be established.


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AIMS: To present a novel, minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) technique for rectus muscle posterior fixation. METHODS: This study reports the results of 32 consecutive MISS rectus muscle posterior fixation surgeries performed on 19 patients by applying only two small L-shaped openings where the two retroequatorial scleromuscular sutures were placed. RESULTS: On the first postoperative day, in primary position, redness was hardly visible in 16 eyes (50%) and only moderate redness was visible in 6 eyes (19%). No serious complication occurred. Preoperative visual acuity and refraction remained unchanged at 6 months (p > 0.1). The preoperative convergence excess (n = 13) decreased from 10.3 +/- 4.1 to 5.2 +/- 4.0 degrees at 6 months (p < 0.005). In all patients operated on for gaze incomitance (n = 6) improvement was achieved at 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that keyhole minimal-dissection rectus muscle posterior fixation surgery is feasible and effective to improve ocular alignment. The MISS technique seems to be superior in the direct postoperative period since only minimal conjunctival swelling and no corneal complications were observed.


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AIMS: To study if minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) is suitable for rectus muscle reoperations. METHODS: The study presents a series of consecutive patients operated on by the same surgeon at Kantonsspital St Gallen, Switzerland with a novel MISS rectus muscle reoperation technique. Surgery is done by applying two small radial cuts along the muscle insertion. Through the tunnel obtained after muscle separation from surrounding tissue, a recession, advancement or plication is performed. RESULTS: In 62 eyes of 51 patients (age 35.4 (SD 16.3) years) a total of 86 horizontal rectus muscles were reoperated. On the average, the patients had 2.1 strabismus surgeries previously. Preoperative logMAR visual acuity was 0.38 (0.82) compared with 0.37 (0.83) at 6 months (p>0.1). On the first postoperative day, in the primary gaze position conjunctival and lid swelling and redness was hardly visible in 11 eyes, discrete in 15 eyes, moderate in 11 eyes and severe in 15 eyes. One corneal dellen and one corneal erosion occurred, which both quickly resolved. The preoperative deviation at distance for esodeviations (n = 15) of 12.5 (8.5) degrees decreased to 2.6 (7.8) degrees at 6 months (p<0.001). For near, a decrease from 12.0 (10.1) degrees to 2.9 (1.6) degrees was observed (p<0.001). The preoperative deviation at distance for exodeviations (n = 35) of -16.4 (8.5) degrees decreased to -7.9 (6.5) degrees at 6 months (p<0.005). For near, a decrease from -16.5 (11.4) degrees to -2.9 (1.5) degrees was observed (p<0.005). Within the first 6 months, only one patient had a reoperation. At month 6, in four patients a reoperation was planned or suggested by us because of unsatisfactory alignment. No patient experienced persistent diplopia or necessitated a reoperation because of double vision. Stereovision improved at month 6 compared with preoperatively (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that a small-cut, minimal dissection technique allows to perform rectus muscle reoperations. The MISS technique seems to reduce conjunctival and lid swelling in the direct postoperative period.


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BACKGROUND: There is a lack of studies about how to proceed surgically in rare strabismus diseases. It was the aim of this study to inteview experienced German-speaking strabismologists about how they perform surgery in rare but also some frequent strabismic conditions. The focus was on the choice of the technique, the timing, and the dosage. METHOD: A validated questionnaire was sent to 11 experienced strabismus surgeons. It contained questions about the following topics: congenital fibrosis syndrome, Jaentsch-Brown syndrome, intermittent exotropia, maximum dosage for rectus muscle surgery, Kestenbaum surgery, sixth nerve palsy, heterophorias, myokymia of the superior oblique muscle, thyroid endocrine orbitopathy, dissociated vertical deviation, adjustable sutures, advancement of previously recessed rectus muscles, retroequatorial myopiexia, and congenital esotropia. RESULTS: Ten experts answered the questionnaire (91 %). There was a large consent for many topics. However, for many procedures there was disagreement about the dosage and the timing. Since some questions addressed rare diseases and many strabismologists use only certain types of surgical procedures, some questions could only be answered by a few surgeons. CONCLUSIONS: German-speaking strabismologist show a large consensus about the type of surgical procedure to use, but often disagree about the dosage and timing of the operation.