343 resultados para neurones


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Depuis le milieu des années 2000, une nouvelle approche en apprentissage automatique, l'apprentissage de réseaux profonds (deep learning), gagne en popularité. En effet, cette approche a démontré son efficacité pour résoudre divers problèmes en améliorant les résultats obtenus par d'autres techniques qui étaient considérées alors comme étant l'état de l'art. C'est le cas pour le domaine de la reconnaissance d'objets ainsi que pour la reconnaissance de la parole. Sachant cela, l’utilisation des réseaux profonds dans le domaine du Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN, Natural Language Processing) est donc une étape logique à suivre. Cette thèse explore différentes structures de réseaux de neurones dans le but de modéliser le texte écrit, se concentrant sur des modèles simples, puissants et rapides à entraîner.


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Le corps humain est composé de plusieurs milliards de cellules neuronales, lesquelles ont un impact primordial sur les systèmes vitaux. En effet, le système nerveux, étant lui-même un système vital du corps humain, effectue de nombreuses fonctions afin de voir au bon fonctionnement des autres systèmes du corps, tels que le système cardiovasculaire, le système digestif, le système musculaire et bien d’autres. Plusieurs maladies neurodégénératives telles que l’Alzheimer et la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, affectent les cellules nerveuses du corps et occasionnent la perte de différentes fonctions causant une diminution du bien-être et pouvant mener à la mort. La hausse du nombre d’individus atteint de maladies neurodégénératives observée au fils des ans nous montre l’importance de comprendre les phénomènes moléculaires qui se produisent lors des mécanismes de dégénérescence axonale dans les neurones. Lors de ma maîtrise dans le laboratoire du professeur Richard Blouin, j’ai étudié l’impact d’une augmentation intracellulaire de calcium sur la protéine dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK) en utilisant un modèle cellulaire humain, les SH-SY5Y. J’ai pu démontrer que l’entrée de calcium dans la cellule avait un impact sur la quantité de protéine DLK présente dans celles-ci. En effet, j’ai pu observer une diminution de la quantité de DLK dans les cellules suite à une entrée de calcium, un phénomène exclusivement calcium-dépendant. À l’aide d’inhibiteurs pharmacologiques, j’ai pu montrer l’implication, des calpaïnes, des protéases calcium-dépendantes reconnues pour leur rôle dans la dégénérescence axonale. Les essais in vitro montrent que DLK est une cible spécifique des calpaïnes.


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La course d’endurance active le système de récompense (SR) et est reliée aux comportements de recherche alimentaire. L’influence de la leptine sur l’activité physique (AP) volontaire est bien documentée d’un point de vue physiologique, mais très peu en termes d’impact hédonique. La leptine inhibe l’effet récompensant lié à la consommation de nourriture et joue un rôle semblable pour d’autres types de stimuli. La leptine s’arrime à la forme longue du récepteur à la leptine (Leprb) situé sur les neurones à dopamine (DA) et GABA de l’aire tegmentale ventrale (ATV) dans le mésencéphale. Signal transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) est un facteur de transcription important de la cascade de signalisation de la leptine. La phosphorylation de STAT3 n’est détectée que dans une parcelle des neurones DA positifs pour le Leprb, conférant aux neurones DA STAT3-spécifiques des caractéristiques uniques. Nous avons généré un modèle murin invalidé pour STAT3 sélectivement dans les neurones DA (STAT3DAT-KO). La première expérience consistait à évaluer les paramètres métaboliques de base de notre modèle en utilisant les chambres métaboliques Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS), incluant l’activité ambulatoire, le ratio d’échanges respiratoires (RER) et la production de chaleur. Les STAT3DAT-KO sont hyperactives, démontré par une activité locomotrice augmentée, mais aucune variation entre les deux groupes n’est observée pour le RER et la production de chaleur, en plus d’un gain de poids identique. Une stratégie de récupération ciblant la réinsertion de STAT3 dans les neurones DA du système mésolimbique normalise l’AP anciennement plus élevée des STAT3DAT-KO à celle des contrôles, suivant l’accès libre à une roue d’exercice (RE) pour une durée de 4 semaines, suivant l’accès libre à une roue d’exercice (RE) pour une durée de 4 semaines. L’injection d’un psychostimulant (agoniste du récepteur DA de type 1 (D1R), le Chloro-APB-Hydrobromide (SKF 82958)) reflète une fonction dopaminergique réduite chez les STAT3DAT-KO. Un test de recherche compulsive de nourriture révèle une suppression de la prise alimentaire chez les deux groupes expérimentaux. Nous démontrons pour la première fois que la motivation alliée à la course d’endurance, indépendamment de la régulation de la prise alimentaire par la leptine, est dépendant d’une signalisation leptine-STAT3 amoindrie dans les neurones DA du système mésolimbique, révélant STAT3 comme élément clé dans la régulation du tonus dopaminergique et des propriétés récompensantes de l’AP.


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La course d’endurance active le système de récompense (SR) et est reliée aux comportements de recherche alimentaire. L’influence de la leptine sur l’activité physique (AP) volontaire est bien documentée d’un point de vue physiologique, mais très peu en termes d’impact hédonique. La leptine inhibe l’effet récompensant lié à la consommation de nourriture et joue un rôle semblable pour d’autres types de stimuli. La leptine s’arrime à la forme longue du récepteur à la leptine (Leprb) situé sur les neurones à dopamine (DA) et GABA de l’aire tegmentale ventrale (ATV) dans le mésencéphale. Signal transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) est un facteur de transcription important de la cascade de signalisation de la leptine. La phosphorylation de STAT3 n’est détectée que dans une parcelle des neurones DA positifs pour le Leprb, conférant aux neurones DA STAT3-spécifiques des caractéristiques uniques. Nous avons généré un modèle murin invalidé pour STAT3 sélectivement dans les neurones DA (STAT3DAT-KO). La première expérience consistait à évaluer les paramètres métaboliques de base de notre modèle en utilisant les chambres métaboliques Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS), incluant l’activité ambulatoire, le ratio d’échanges respiratoires (RER) et la production de chaleur. Les STAT3DAT-KO sont hyperactives, démontré par une activité locomotrice augmentée, mais aucune variation entre les deux groupes n’est observée pour le RER et la production de chaleur, en plus d’un gain de poids identique. Une stratégie de récupération ciblant la réinsertion de STAT3 dans les neurones DA du système mésolimbique normalise l’AP anciennement plus élevée des STAT3DAT-KO à celle des contrôles, suivant l’accès libre à une roue d’exercice (RE) pour une durée de 4 semaines, suivant l’accès libre à une roue d’exercice (RE) pour une durée de 4 semaines. L’injection d’un psychostimulant (agoniste du récepteur DA de type 1 (D1R), le Chloro-APB-Hydrobromide (SKF 82958)) reflète une fonction dopaminergique réduite chez les STAT3DAT-KO. Un test de recherche compulsive de nourriture révèle une suppression de la prise alimentaire chez les deux groupes expérimentaux. Nous démontrons pour la première fois que la motivation alliée à la course d’endurance, indépendamment de la régulation de la prise alimentaire par la leptine, est dépendant d’une signalisation leptine-STAT3 amoindrie dans les neurones DA du système mésolimbique, révélant STAT3 comme élément clé dans la régulation du tonus dopaminergique et des propriétés récompensantes de l’AP.


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Simultaneous recording from multiple single neurones presents many technical difficulties. However, obtaining such data has many advantages, which make it highly worthwhile to overcome the technical problems. This report describes methods which we have developed to permit recordings in awake behaving monkeys using the 'Eckhorn' 16 electrode microdrive. Structural magnetic resonance images are collected to guide electrode placement. Head fixation is achieved using a specially designed headpiece, modified for the multiple electrode approach, and access to the cortex is provided via a novel recording chamber. Growth of scar tissue over the exposed dura mater is reduced using an anti-mitotic compound. Control of the microdrive is achieved by a computerised system which permits several experimenters to move different electrodes simultaneously, considerably reducing the load on an individual operator. Neurones are identified as pyramidal tract neurones by antidromic stimulation through chronically implanted electrodes; stimulus control is integrated into the computerised system. Finally, analysis of multiple single unit recordings requires accurate methods to correct for non-stationarity in unit firing. A novel technique for such correction is discussed.


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We investigated whether stimulation of the pyramidal tract (PT) could reset the phase of 15-30 Hz beta oscillations observed in the macaque motor cortex. We recorded local field potentials (LFPs) and multiple single-unit activity from two conscious macaque monkeys performing a precision grip task. EMG activity was also recorded from the second animal. Single PT stimuli were delivered during the hold period of the task, when oscillations in the LFP were most prominent. Stimulus-triggered averaging of the LFP showed a phase-locked oscillatory response to PT stimulation. Frequency domain analysis revealed two components within the response: a 15-30 Hz component, which represented resetting of on-going beta rhythms, and a lower frequency 10 Hz response. Only the higher frequency could be observed in the EMG activity, at stronger stimulus intensities than were required for resetting the cortical rhythm. Stimulation of the PT during movement elicited a greatly reduced oscillatory response. Analysis of single-unit discharge confirmed that PT stimulation was capable of resetting periodic activity in motor cortex. The firing patterns of pyramidal tract neurones (PTNs) and unidentified neurones exhibited successive cycles of suppression and facilitation, time locked to the stimulus. We conclude that PTN activity directly influences the generation of the 15-30 Hz rhythm. These PTNs facilitate EMG activity in upper limb muscles, contributing to corticomuscular coherence at this same frequency. Since the earliest oscillatory effect observed following stimulation was a suppression of firing, we speculate that inhibitory feedback may be the key mechanism generating such oscillations in the motor cortex.


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Growth differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, a family of proteins that play diverse roles in many aspects of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. GDF-5 has also been shown to be a trophic factor for embryonic midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vitro (Krieglstein et al. 1995) and after transplantation to adult rats in vivo (Sullivan et al. 1998). GDF-5 has also been shown to have neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects on adult dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra in animal models of Parkinson’s disease (Sullivan et al. 1997, 1999; Hurley et al. 2004). This experimental evidence has lead to GDF-5 being proposed as a neurotrophic factor with potential for use in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. However, it is not know if GDF-5 is expressed in the brain and whether it plays a role in dopaminergic neuron development. The experiments presented here aim to address these questions. To that end this thesis is divided into five separate studies each addressing a particular question associated with GDF-5 and its expression patterns and roles during the development of the rat midbrain. Expression of the GDF-5 in the developing rat ventral mesencephalon (VM) was found to begin at E12 and peak on E14, the day that dopaminergic neurons undergo terminal differentiation. In the adult rat, GDF-5 was found to be restricted to heart and brain, being expressed in many areas of the brain, including striatum and midbrain. This indicated a role for GDF-5 in the development and maintenance of dopaminergic neurons. The appropriate receptors for GDF-5 (BMPR-II and BMPR-Ib) were found to be expressed at high levels in the rat VM at E14 and BMPR-II expression was demonstrated on dopaminergic neurons in the E13 mouse VM. GDF-5 resulted in a three-fold increase in the numbers of dopaminergic neurons in cultures of E14 rat VM, without affecting the numbers of neurones or total cells. GDF-5 was found to increase the proportion of neurons that were dopaminergic. The numbers of Nurr1-positive cells were not affected by GDF-5 treatment, but GDF-5 did increase the numbers of Nurr1- positive cells that expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Taken together this data indicated that GDF-5 increases the conversion of Nurr1-positive, TH-negative cells to Nurr1-positive, TH-positive cells. In GDF-5 treated cultures, total neurite length, neurite arborisation and somal area of dopaminergic were all significantly increased compared to control cultures. Thus this study showed that GDF-5 increased the numbers and morphological differentiation of VM dopaminergic neurones in vitro. In order to examine if GDF-5 could induce a dopaminergic phenotype in neural progenitor cells, neurosphere cultures prepared from embryonic rat VM were established. The effect of the gestational age of the donor VM on the proportion of cell types generated from neurospheres from E12, E13 and E14 VM was examined. Dopaminergic neurons could only be generated from neurospheres which were prepared from E12 VM. Thus in subsequent studies the effect of GDF-5 on dopaminergic induction was examined in progentior cell cultures prepared from the E12 rat VM. In primary cultures of E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the numbers of TH-positive cells without affecting the proliferation or survival of these cells. In cultures of expanded neural progenitor cells from the E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the expression of Nurr1 and TH, an action that was dependent on signalling through the BMPR-Ib receptor. Taken together, these experiments provide evidence that GDF-5 is expressed in the developing rat VM, is involved in both the induction of a dopaminergic phenotype in cells of the VM and in the subsequent morphological development of these dopaminergic neurons


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The amygdala is a limbic structure that is involved in many of our emotions and processing of these emotions such as fear, anger and pleasure. Conditions such as anxiety, autism, and also epilepsy, have been linked to abnormal functioning of the amygdala, owing to improper neurodevelopment or damage. This thesis investigated the cellular and molecular changes in the amygdala in models of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and maternal immune activation (MIA). The kainic acid (KA) model of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) was used to induce Ammon’s-horn sclerosis (AHS) and to investigate behavioural and cytoarchitectural changes that occur in the amygdala related to Neuropeptide Y1 receptor expression. Results showed that KA-injected animals showed increased anxiety-like behaviours and displayed histopathological hallmarks of AHS including CA1 ablation, granule cell dispersion, volume reduction and astrogliosis. Amygdalar volume and neuronal loss was observed in the ipsilateral nuclei which was accompanied by astrogliosis. In addition, a decrease in Y1 receptor expressing cells in the ipsilateral CA1 and CA3 sectors of the hippocampus, ipsi- and contralateral granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus and ipsilateral central nucleus of the amygdala was found, consistent with a reduction in Y1 receptor protein levels. The results suggest that plastic changes in hippocampal and/or amygdalar Y1 receptor expression may negatively impact anxiety levels. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and tight regulation and appropriate control of GABA is vital for neurochemical homeostasis. GABA transporter-1 (GAT-1) is abundantly expressed by neurones and astrocytes and plays a key role in GABA reuptake and regulation. Imbalance in GABA homeostasis has been implicated in epilepsy with GAT-1 being an attractive pharmacological target. Electron microscopy was used to examine the distribution, expression and morphology of GAT-1 expressing structures in the amygdala of the TLE model. Results suggest that GAT-1 was preferentially expressed on putative axon terminals over astrocytic processes in this TLE model. Myelin integrity was examined and results suggested that in the TLE model myelinated fibres were damaged in comparison to controls. Synaptic morphology was studied and results suggested that asymmetric (excitatory) synapses occurred more frequently than symmetric (inhibitory) synapses in the TLE model in comparison to controls. This study illustrated that the amygdala undergoes ultrastructural alterations in this TLE model. Maternal immune activation (MIA) is a risk factor for neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and also epilepsy. MIA was induced at a critical window of amygdalar development at E12 using bacterial mimetic lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Results showed that MIA activates cytokine, toll-like receptor and chemokine expression in the fetal brain that is prolonged in the postnatal amygdala. Inflammation elicited by MIA may prime the fetal brain for alterations seen in the glial environment and this in turn have deleterious effects on neuronal populations as seen in the amygdala at P14. These findings may suggest that MIA induced during amygdalar development may predispose offspring to amygdalar related disorders such as heightened anxiety, fear impairment and also neurodevelopmental disorders.


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Early local invasion by astrocytoma. cells results in tumor recurrence even after apparent total surgical resection, leading to the poor prognosis associated with malignant astrocytomas. Proteolytic enzymes have been implicated in facilitating tumor cell invasion and the current study was designed to characterize the expression of the cysteine proteinase cathepsin S (CatS) in astrocytomas and examine its potential role in invasion. Immunohistochemical analysis of biopsies demonstrated that CatS was expressed in astrocytoma cells but absent from normal astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, neurones and endothelial cells. Microglial cells and macrophages were also positive. Assays of specific activity in 59 astrocytoma biopsies confirmed CatS expression and in addition demonstrated that the highest levels of activity were expressed in grade IV tumors. CatS activity was also present in astrocytoma cells in vitro and the extracellular levels of activity were highest in cultures derived from grade IV tumors. In vitro invasion assays were carried out using the U251MG cell line and the invasion rate was reduced by up to 61% in the presence of the selective CatS inhibitor 4-Morpholineurea-LeuHomoPhe-vinylsulphone. We conclude that CatS expression is up-regulated in astrocytoma. cells and provide evidence for a potential role for CatS in invasion.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify interstitial cells (ICs) in the wall of the rabbit urethra using antibodies to the Kit receptor, and to examine their location, morphology and relationship with nerves and smooth muscle cells (SMCs), as studies of enzymatically isolated cells from the rabbit urethra have established that there are specialized cells that show spontaneous electrical activity and have morphological properties of ICs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Urethral tissues from rabbits were fixed, labelled with antibodies and examined with confocal microscopy. Some specimens were embedded in paraffin wax and processed for histology. Histological sections from the most proximal third and mid-third region of rabbit urethra were stained with Masson's Trichrome to show their cellular arrangement. RESULTS: Sections from both regions had outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of SM, and a lamina propria containing connective tissue and blood vessels; the lumen was lined with urothelial cells. The mid-third region had a more developed circular SM layer than the most-proximal samples, and had extensive inner longitudinal SM bundles in the lamina propria. Labelling with anti-Kit revealed immunopositive cells within the wall of the rabbit urethra, in the circular and longitudinal layers of the muscularis. Double-labelling with an antibody to SM myosin showed Kit-positive cells on the boundary of the SM bundles, orientated parallel to the axis of the bundles. Others were in spaces between the bundles and often made contact with each other. Kit-positive cells were either elongated, with several lateral branches, or stellate with branches coming from a central soma. Similar cells could be labelled with vimentin antibodies. Their relationship with intramural nerves was examined by double immunostaining with an anti-neurofilament antibody. There were frequent points of contact between Kit-positive cells and nerves, with similar findings in specimens double-immunostained with anti-neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). CONCLUSION: Kit-positive ICs were found within the SM layers of the rabbit urethra, in association with nerves, on the edge of SM bundles and in the interbundle spaces. The contact with nNOS-containing neurones might imply participation in the nitrergic inhibitory neurotransmission of the urethra. PMID: 17212607 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Two distinct families of neuropeptides are known to endow platyhelminth nervous systems-the FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) and the neuropepticle Fs (NPFs). Flatworm FLPs are strusturally simple, each 4-6 amino acids in length with a carboxy terminal aromatic-hydropliobic-Arg-Phe-amide motif. Thus far, four distinct flatworm FLPs have been characterized, with only one of these from a parasite. They have a widespread distribution within the central and peripheral nervous system of every flatworm examined, including neurones serving the attachment organs, the somatic Musculature and the reproductive system. The only physiological role that has been identified for flatworm FLPs is myoexcitation. Flatworm NPFs are believed to be invertebrate homologues of the vertebrate neuropeptide Y (NPY) family of peptides. Flatworm NPFs are 36-39 amino acids in length and are characterized by a caboxy terminal GRPRFarnide signature and conserved tyrosine residues at positions 10 and 17 from the carboxy terminal. Like FLPs, NPF occurs throughout flatworm nervous systems, although less is known about its biological role. While there is some evidence for a myoexcitatory action in cestodes and flukes, more compelling physiological data indicate that flatworm NPF inhibits cAMP levels in a manner that is characteristic of NPY action in vertebrates. The widespread expression of these neuropeptides in flanworm parasites highlights the potential of these signalling systems to yield new targets for novel anthelmintics. Although platyhelminth FLP and NPF receptors await identification, other molecules that play pivotal roles in neuropeptide signalling have been uncovered. These enzymes, involved in the biosynthesis and processing of flatworm neuropeptides, have recently been described and offer other distinct and attractive targets for therapeutic interference.


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Aims: Infection of the mouse central nervous system with wild type (WT) and vaccine strains of measles virus (MV) results in lack of clinical signs and limited antigen detection. It is considered that cell entry receptors for these viruses are not present on murine neural cells and infection is restricted at cell entry.

Methods: To examine this hypothesis, virus antigen and caspase 3 expression (for apoptosis) was compared in primary mixed, neural cell cultures infected in vitro or prepared from mice infected intracerebrally with WT, vaccine or rodent neuroadapted viruses. Viral RNA levels were examined in mouse brain by nested and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.

Results: WT and vaccine strains were demonstrated for the first time to infect murine oligodendrocytes in addition to neurones despite a lack of the known MV cell receptors. Unexpectedly, the percentage of cells positive for viral antigen was higher for WT MV than neuroadapted virus in both in vitro and ex vivo cultures. In the latter the percentage of positive cells increased with time after mouse infection. Viral RNA (total and mRNA) was detected in brain for up to 20 days, while cultures were negative for caspase 3 in WT and vaccine virus infections.

Conclusions: WT and vaccine MV strains can use an endogenous cell entry receptor(s) or alternative virus uptake mechanism in murine neural cells. However, viral replication occurs at a low level and is associated with limited apoptosis. WT MV mouse infection may provide a model for the initial stages of persistent MV human central nervous system infections.


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Introduction: Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels comprise a group of nonselective calcium-permeable cationic channels, which are polymodal sensors of environmental stimuli such as thermal changes and chemicals. TRPM8 and TRPA1 are cold-sensing TRP channels activated by moderate cooling and noxious cold temperatures, respectively. Both receptors have been identified in trigeminal ganglion neurones, and their expression in nonneuronal cells is now the focus of much interest. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular and functional expression of TRPA1 and TRPM8 in dental pulp fibroblasts.
Methods: Human dental pulp fibroblasts were derived from healthy molar teeth. Gene and protein expression was determined by polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting. Cellular localization was investigated by immunohistochemistry, and TRP functionality was determined by Ca2+ microfluorimetry.
Results: Polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting showed gene and protein expression of both TRPA1 and TRPM8 in fibroblast cells in culture. Immunohistochemistry studies showed that TRPA1 and TRPM8 immunoreactivity co-localized with the human fibroblast surface protein. In Ca2+ microfluorimetry studies designed to determine the functionality of TRPA1 and TRPM8 in pulp fibroblasts, we showed increased intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) in response to the TRPM8 agonist menthol, the TRPA1 agonist cinnamaldehyde, and to cool and noxious cold stimuli, respectively. The responses to agonists and thermal stimuli were blocked in the presence of specific TRPA1 and TRPM8 antagonists.
Conclusions: Human dental pulp fibroblasts express TRPA1 and TRPM8 at the molecular, protein, and functional levels, indicating a possible role for fibroblasts in mediating cold responses in human teeth.