1000 resultados para geosciences


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In this study, an attempt has been made to prepare the seismic intensity map for south India considering the probable earthquakes in the region. Anbazhagan et al. (Nat Hazards 60:1325-1345, 2012) have identified eight probable future earthquake zones in south India based on rupture-based seismic hazard analysis. Anbazhagan et al. (Eng Geol 171:81-95, 2014) has estimated the maximum future earthquake magnitude at these eight zones using regional rupture character. In this study, the whole south India is divided into several grids of size 1(o) x 1(o) and the intensity at each grid point is calculated using the regional intensity model for the maximum earthquake magnitude at each of the eight zones. The intensity due to earthquakes at these zones is mapped and thus eight seismic intensity maps are prepared. The final seismic intensity map of south India is obtained by considering the maximum intensity at each grid point due to the estimated earthquakes. By looking at the seismic intensity map, one can expect slight to heavy damage due to the probable earthquake magnitudes. Heavy damage may happen close to the probable earthquake zones.


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Stable isotope geochemistry is a valuable toolkit for addressing a broad range of problems in the geosciences. Recent technical advances provide information that was previously unattainable or provide unprecedented precision and accuracy. Two such techniques are site-specific stable isotope mass spectrometry and clumped isotope thermometry. In this thesis, I use site-specific isotope and clumped isotope data to explore natural gas development and carbonate reaction kinetics. In the first chapter, I develop an equilibrium thermodynamics model to calculate equilibrium constants for isotope exchange reactions in small organic molecules. This equilibrium data provides a framework for interpreting the more complex data in the later chapters. In the second chapter, I demonstrate a method for measuring site-specific carbon isotopes in propane using high-resolution gas source mass spectrometry. This method relies on the characteristic fragments created during electron ionization, in which I measure the relative isotopic enrichment of separate parts of the molecule. My technique will be applied to a range of organic compounds in the future. For the third chapter, I use this technique to explore diffusion, mixing, and other natural processes in natural gas basins. As time progresses and the mixture matures, different components like kerogen and oil contribute to the propane in a natural gas sample. Each component imparts a distinct fingerprint on the site-specific isotope distribution within propane that I can observe to understand the source composition and maturation of the basin. Finally, in Chapter Four, I study the reaction kinetics of clumped isotopes in aragonite. Despite its frequent use as a clumped isotope thermometer, the aragonite blocking temperature is not known. Using laboratory heating experiments, I determine that the aragonite clumped isotope thermometer has a blocking temperature of 50-100°C. I compare this result to natural samples from the San Juan Islands that exhibit a maximum clumped isotope temperature that matches this blocking temperature. This thesis presents a framework for measuring site-specific carbon isotopes in organic molecules and new constraints on aragonite reaction kinetics. This study represents the foundation of a future generation of geochemical tools for the study of complex geologic systems.


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Erosion is concentrated in steep landscapes such that, despite accounting for only a small fraction of Earth’s total surface area, these areas regulate the flux of sediment to downstream basins, and their rugged morphology records transient changes (or lack thereof) in geologic and climatic forcing. Steep landscapes are geomorphically active; large sediment fluxes and rapid landscape evolution rates can create or destroy habitat for humans and wildlife alike, and landslides, debris flows, and floods common in mountainous areas represent a persistent natural and structural hazard. Despite the central role that steep landscapes play in the geosciences and in landscape management, the processes controlling their evolution have been poorly studied compared to lower-gradient areas. This thesis focuses on the basic mechanics of sediment transport and bedrock incision in steep landscapes, as these are the fundamental processes which set the pace and style of landscape evolution. Chapter 1 examines the spatial distribution of slow-moving landslides; these landslides can dominate sediment fluxes to river networks, but the controls on their occurrence are poorly understood. Using a case-study along the San Andreas Fault, California, I show that slow-moving landslides preferentially occur near the fault, suggesting a rock-strength control on landslide distribution. Chapter 2 provides the first field-measurements of incipient sediment motion in streams steeper than 14% and shows a large influence of slope-dependent flow hydraulics and grain-scale roughness on particle motion. Chapter 3 presents experimental evidence for bedrock erosion by suspended sediment, suggesting that, in contrast to prevailing theoretical predictions, suspension-regime transport in steep streams can be the dominant erosion agent. Steep streams are often characterized by the presence of waterfalls and bedrock steps which can have locally high rates of erosion; Chapters 4 and 5 present newly developed, experimentally validated theory on sediment transport through and bedrock erosion in waterfall plunge pools. Finally, Chapter 6 explores the formation of a bedrock slot canyon where interactions between sediment transport and bedrock incision lead to the formation of upstream-propagating bedrock step-pools and waterfalls.


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A Bacia de São José de Itaboraí está localizada no Município de Itaboraí, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Ela foi descoberta em 1928, pelo Engenheiro Carlos Euler, que após analisar um suposto caulim encontrado na Fazenda São José pelo seu então proprietário, Sr. Ernesto Coube, verificou que se tratava de calcário. Os Professores Rui Lima e Silva e Othon H. Leonardos, enviados ao local para estudos, encontraram uma grande quantidade de fósseis de gastrópodes continentais, despertando o interesse científico pela região. Os estudos preliminares de campo e análises químicas evidenciaram boas perspectivas de exploração do calcário para a fabricação de cimento do tipo Portland. Por mais de 50 anos, a Companhia Nacional de Cimento Portland Mauá (CNCPM) explorou a pedreira. Desde sua descoberta, a Bacia de São José, paralelamente às atividades de mineração, foi objeto de pesquisas científicas realizadas por geólogos, paleontólogos e arqueólogos. No início da década de 80, a Cia. de Cimento Mauá decidiu abandonar a área em função do esgotamento econômico da reserva de minério. Com a retirada das bombas que impediam a inundação da pedreira, formou-se uma lagoa que passou a impedir o livre acesso aos afloramentos. Desde então as pesquisas sobre a Bacia ficaram concentradas aos materiais coletados no período de exploração de calcário. Material esse distribuído no Museu Nacional (MN), Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral (DNPM), Instituto de Geociências da UFRJ, entre outros. Em 1990, a área que pertencia a CNCPM foi desapropriada por pressão da comunidade científica. A mesma passou a pertencer ao Município de Itaboraí, que criou o Parque Paleontológico de São José de Itaboraí, por meio da Lei 1.346, de 12 de dezembro de 1995. O objetivo desse trabalho foi gerar novos dados através do método geofísico conhecido como magnetometria. Para isso foram realizados levantamentos de campo utilizando um magnetômetro portátil e GPS, foram analisados e corrigidos dados utilizando softwares específicos, elaborados modelos e criados perfis a partir de descrições de testemunhos de sondagem. Os resultados obtidos visam possibilitar uma nova interpretação da geologia e da estratigrafia da bacia, dando condições para que se possa ter uma atualização dos conhecimentos relacionados à região, após quase meio século de atividade mineradora.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo principal utilizar os teores de elementos-traço e análise isotópica de Pb (204Pb,206Pb,207Pb,208Pb) como ferramentas na caracterização da poluição da Baía de Sepetiba-RJ. As coletas de sedimento superficiais de fundo foram realizadas em três campanhas, em novembro de 2010, no setor oeste da Baía de Sepetiba RJ. A malha amostral é composta por 66 amostras (BSEP 001 a BSEP 066) coletadas com busca-fundo Van Veen. O pré-processamento das amostras ocorreu no Laboratório Geológico de Preparação de Amostras do Departamento de Geologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A digestão parcial das amostras de sedimento (< 0.072 mm) para obtenção do teor parcial dos elementos-traço (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, U, Zn) e de isótopo de Pb (lixiviação) foi executada no Laboratório de Geoquímica Analítica do Instituto de Geociências da UNICAMP e a leitura foi executada através do ICP-MS. Já as análises das concentrações totais dos elementos-traço (inclusive, Hg) e de isótopos de Pb (dissolução total) foram realizadas no laboratório ACTLABS (Ontário-Canadá) através do ICP Varian Vista. As leituras isotópicas foram feitas somente nas amostras que apresentaram concentrações parciais de Pb, acima de 0,5 g/g, totalizando 21 estações. Pôde-se constatar a existência de um enriquecimento de elementos-traço no setor oeste da Baía de Sepetiba. As médias dos teores totais de Ag (0,4 g/g), Cd (0,76 g/g), Cu (62,59 g/g), Li (43,29 g/g), Ni (16,65 g/g), Pb (20,08 g/g), Sr (389,64 g/g) e Zn (184,82 g/g) excederam os limites recomendados ou valores naturais. Isto pode ser reflexo da influência antrópica na região, principalmente relacionada à atividade de dragagem e à permanência dos resíduos de minério da desativada companhia de minério Ingá, na Ilha da Madeira. Os mapas de distribuição da concentração dos metais-traço destacaram a presença de vários sítios de deposição ao longo do setor oeste da baía de Sepetiba, com destaque para a região entre a porção centro oeste da Ilha de Itacuruça e o continente; Saco da Marambaia e Ponta da Pombeba; e porção oeste da Ponta da Marambaia. As razões isotópicas 206Pb/207Pb da área estudada variaram entre 1,163 a 1,259 para dissolução total e 1,1749-1,1877 para técnica de lixiviação, valores considerados como assinaturas de sedimentos pós-industriais ou comparados à assinatura de gasolina. Ainda sobre a técnica de lixiviação, destaca-se que os sedimentos superficiais do setor oeste (206Pb/207Pb: 1,1789) da baía de Sepetiba apresentaram uma assinatura uniforme e menos radiogênica do que setor leste (206Pb/207Pb: 1,2373 e 1,2110) desta baía. Através da assinatura isotópica de Pb encontrada nesta região é possível destacar a pouca contribuição das águas oceânicas para esse sistema, entretanto, a circulação interna intensa das águas da baía permite a homogeneização destas. O emprego destes tipos de ferramentas no monitoramento ambiental da área mostrou-se bastante eficiente, sendo importante a continuidade desta abordagem de pesquisa a fim de auxiliar na implementação de um plano de manejo local.


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Os crescentes alertas sobre as mudanças climáticas e suas consequências vêm preocupando a sociedade de modo geral. Geram dúvidas sobre as reais modificações que podem ser ocasionadas, principalmente com relação aos efeitos da elevação do nível médio dos oceanos e seus efeitos nas regiões costeiras. Por vezes, as informações veiculadas contribuem para uma percepção limitada da extensão espaço-temporal dos fenômenos. Em paralelo, a democratização de mapas 2D e 3D está cada vez mais ampla, não sendo mais uma ferramenta direcionada apenas aos profissionais ligados à área da Cartografia e demais Geociências. Este é um dos enormes benefícios proporcionados pela Cartografia Digital. Porém, não teria tanto alcance sem a associação das informações a um poderoso veículo de divulgação como a Web. A Internet é um dos meios de comunicação mais democráticos do mundo e uma ferramenta de grande alcance na sociedade. O uso dessas ferramentas pode ser ainda mais explorado para a construção do conhecimento, permitindo aos cidadãos entenderem mais facilmente um determinado fenômeno por meio da sua visualização/simulação em tempo real. Isto melhora a formação de opinião e o posicionamento da sociedade sobre o caso em questão. Com base nessa argumentação, esta dissertação tem o objetivo de simular cenários de elevações do nível médio do mar e disponibilizá-los em formato de mapas interativos na Web utilizando um Modelo Digital de Elevação suficientemente acurado. Para isto, a área de estudo escolhida foi a Praia do Leme, situada no município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Os processos para atingir os objetivos envolveram etapas de coleta de dados de campo, confecção de um banco de dados integrado a dados pré-existentes, interpolações, simulação de cenários da elevação do nível do mar e implementação de uma página Web. Os cenários investigados foram obtidos por simulações de elevações do nível do mar a cada 0,5m até 4,0m acima da cota atual. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a Praia do Leme sofrerá modificações geomorfológicas, com perda de até 18,0m da praia, para uma elevação do nível médio do mar de 2,0m. Entretanto, a orla litorânea sofrerá impactos significativos a partir de uma elevação do nível do mar de 3,0m, em que o avanço planimétrico do mar pode ficar entre 76 e 90m, o que atingiria o calçadão e a região do emissário de águas pluviais do Leme, respectivamente. Isto resultaria em um volume adicional de água na praia de, aproximadamente, 106.000m3 e uma perda de até 41.400m3 de areia. Somente a partir de 3,5m de elevação, o mar atingiria a Avenida Atlântica, sendo que, desta altitude em diante, todo o bairro do Leme seria gradualmente inundado pelo avanço do mar.


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In a cooperative agreement between Amoco Production Company and the University of Arizona Geosciences Department, extensive data and resources associated with 15 deep wells drilled in the Great Salt Lake are currently on loan at the University of Arizona. Seismic data, electric and lithologic logs, cuttings and previously-prepared pollen slides will eventually permit a thorough study of both the tectonic and climatic history of the Great Salt Lake region. The preliminary study presented here concentrates on the Late Tertiary and Pleistocene climatic reconstruction of the eastern Great Basin through examination of fossil pollen.


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The relationship between chlorophyll a and fractionation of sediment phosphorus, inorganic phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (IPB), and organic phosphate-mineralizing bacteria (OPB) was evaluated in a large Chinese shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu) and its embayment (Wuli Bay). At the three study sites, the increase of chlorophyll a concentrations in April paralleled those of the iron bound phosphate accounting for major portion of sediment inorganic phosphate, and in June significantly higher OPB and IPB numbers (especially OPB) in sediment were main contributors to the peaks of chlorophyll a concentration. Even though IPB peaked from February to June, it should serve as an unimportant P source due to the irrelevancy with chlorophyll a and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). By contrast, at the other site in the embayment, the calcium-bound phosphate was predominant and solid, which was difficult to be released, and neither IPB nor OPB were detectable in the sediment, indicating weak potential for phosphorus release from the sediment, which was reflected in the small seasonal variation in SRP concentration in water column. Hence, the extents to which the three general mechanisms behind phosphate release from sediment (desorption of iron bound phosphate, solubilization by IPB and enzymatic hydrolysis by OPB) operated were different depending on seasons and sites in Lake Taihu, they may jointly drive phosphate release and accelerate the eutrophication processes.


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Knowledge of the effect of geographic factors on the assemblages of protozoan testate amoebae is still limited, despite there having been a number of studies on this fauna. We applied statistical analyses to data on the distribution of testate amoebae from nine major lakes in the Yunnan Plateau, southwest China. Cluster analysis, based on community structure, separated the lakes into two groups - the oligotrophic/mesotrophic lakes and the hypercutrophic lakes - confirming the idea that the testate amoebae assemblages in lakes are closely related to the trophic status. Additionally, within the oligotrophic/mesotrophic lakes, there was distinct geographic clustering. Linear regression analysis and the Mantel test both revealed that similarity of species composition decreased with increasing geographic distance among the oligotrophic/mesotrophic lakes.


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A self-organizing map (SOM) was used to cluster the water quality data of Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. The results showed that 81 sampling sites could be divided into several groups representing different land use types. The forest dominated region had low concentrations of most nutrient variables except COD, whereas the agricultural region had high concentrations of NO3N, TN, Alkalinity, and Hardness. The sites downstream of an urban area were high in NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP. Redundancy analysis was used to identify the individual effects of topography and land use on river water quality. The results revealed that the watershed factors accounted for 61.7% variations of water quality in the Xiangxi River. Specifically, topographical characteristics explained 26.0% variations of water quality, land use explained 10.2%, and topography and land use together explained 25.5%. More than 50% of the variation in most water quality variables was explained by watershed characteristics. However, water quality variables which are strongly influenced by urban and industrial point source pollution (NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP) were not as well correlated with watershed characteristics.


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From June 2004 to December 2004, Lake Dianchi, which had large scale of cyanobacterial blooms was investigated in order to study P-fractionation in the suspended matter and the sediment. The investigation improves our understanding of phosphorus in Lake Dianchi and the relationship between phosphorus and cyanobacterial blooms. It contributes to the available literature on the behavior of P in hypertrophic lakes. The distribution of P-fractions in Lake Dianchi was not uniform from northwest to south, but was closely related to the trophic status of the whole lake. The concentrations of total phosphorus, labile P (NH4Cl-P), Organic P (NaOH-NRP) and loss on ignition in suspended matter were positively correlated with the strength of cyanobacterial blooms. Total phosphorus in suspended matter was relatively stable for almost half an year and closely related to Chl. a concentration. The main content of organic phosphorus is in the cyanobacterial blooms. The concentrations of phosphorus bound to metal oxides and carbonates (NaOH-SRP and HCl-P) in sediment were similar to NaOH-SRP and HCl-P in the corresponding suspended matter. The latter two forms of P in suspended matter were not affected by cyanobacterial blooms, indicating that the inorganic phosphorus is derived from the sediment after resuspension from the sediment due to wind and wave action. The contribution of the different P-fractions to TP in sediment and in suspended matter indicates that NH4Cl-P in the suspended matter is an important buffer for maintaining dissolved phosphorus in water.


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Oxidation-reduction properties of surface sediments are tightly associated with the geochemistry of substances, and reducing organic substances (ROS) from hydrophytes residues may play an important role in these processes. In this study, composition, dynamics, and properties of ROS from anaerobic decomposition of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Potamogenton crispus Linn, Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara, Lemna trisulca Linn and Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittr) Kirch were investigated using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The type of hydrophytes determined both the reducibility and composition of ROS. At the peak time of ROS production, the anaerobic decomposition of M. flos-aquae produced 6 types of ROS, among which 3 belonged to strongly reducing organic substance (SROS), whereas there were only 3-4 types of ROS from the other hydrophytes, 2 of them exhibiting strong reducibility. The order of potential of hydrophytes to produce ROS was estimated to be: M. flos-aquae > E. crassipes > L. trisulca > P. crispus approximate to V. natans, based on the summation of SROS and weakly reducing organic substances (WROS). The dynamic pattern of SROS production was greatly different from WROS. The total SROS appeared periodic fluctuation with reducibility gradually weakening with incubation time, whereas the total WROS increased with incubation time. Reducibility of ROS from hydrophytes was readily affected by acid, base and ligands, suggesting that their properties were related to these aspects. In addition to the reducibility, we believe that more attention should be paid to the other behaviors of ROS in surface sediments.


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Temporal and spatial dynamics of nitrogen in lake and interstitial water were studied monthly in a large shallow, eutrophic lake in subtropical China from October 2002 to September 2003. The distribution of nitrogen was consistent with the idea that high nitrogen concentrations in the western part of the lake resulted from high levels of the nutrients from the surrounding cities through sewage-drainage systems. Nitrate was the predominant form of nitrogen in the overlying water, while ammonium was predominant in the interstitial water, indicating that strong oxidative nutrient regeneration occurred near the sediment-water interface. Nitrate could be an important dissolved inorganic matter source for phytoplankton, which in turn influenced the seasonal variations of nitrate concentrations in lake water. Significant positive correlation between ammonium fluxes and water temperature was observed and could probably be attributed to the intensified ammonification and nitrate reduction with increased temperature. Positive correlation between ammonium fluxes and algae biomass and Chl a concentrations may indicate that phytoplankton was an important factor driving ammonium fluxes in our study lake, and vice versa that higher fluxes of ammonium supported a higher biomass of the phytoplankton.


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Studies on the colonization of environmentally extreme ground surfaces were conducted in a Mars-like desert area of Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China, with microalgae and cyanobacteria. We collected and mass-cultured cyanobacterial strains from these regions and investigated their ability to form desert crusts artificially. These crusts had the capacity to resist sand wind erosion after just 15 days of growth. Similar to the surface of some Chinese deserts, the surface of Mars is characterized by a layer of fine dust, which will challenge future human exploration activities, particularly in confined spaces that will include greenhouses and habitats. We discuss the use of such crusts for the local control of desert sands in enclosed spaces on Mars. These experiments suggest innovative new directions in the applied use of microbe-mineral interactions to advance the human exploration and settlement of space.