942 resultados para Tissue transglutaminase


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There has been growing recognition of a changing clinical presentation of celiac disease (CD), with the manifestation of milder symptoms. Serologic testing is widely used to screen patients with suspected CD and populations at risk. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the clinical presentation of CD in childhood, assess the diagnostic value of serologic tests, and investigate the impact of IgA deficiency on diagnostic accuracy. We evaluated 206 consecutive children with suspected CD on the basis of clinical symptoms and positive serology results. Ninety-four (46%) had biopsy-proven CD. The median age at diagnosis of CD was 6.8 years; 15% of the children were <2 years of age. There was a higher incidence of CD in girls (p = 0.003). Iron deficiency and intestinal complaints were more frequent in children with CD than those without CD (61% vs. 33%, p = 0.0001 and 71% vs. 55%, p = 0.02, respectively), while failure to thrive was less common (35% vs. 53%, p = 0.02). The sensitivity of IgA tissue transglutaminase (IgA-tTG) was 0.98 when including all children and 1.00 after excluding children with selective IgA deficiency. The specificity of IgA-tTG was 0.73 using the recommended cut-off value of 20 IU, and this improved to 0.94 when using a higher cut-off value of 100 IU. All children with CD and relative IgA deficiency (IgA levels that are measurable but below the age reference [n = 8]) had elevated IgA-tTG. In conclusion, CD is frequently diagnosed in school-age children with relatively mild symptoms. The absence of intestinal symptoms does not preclude the diagnosis of CD; many children with CD do not report intestinal symptoms. While the sensitivity of IgA-tTG is excellent, its specificity is insufficient for the diagnostic confirmation of a disease requiring life-long dietary restrictions. Children with negative IgA-tTG and decreased but measurable IgA values are unlikely to have CD.


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Retinoids are known to inhibit proliferation of and induce terminal differentiation of many normal and transformed cells. It has been postulated that retinoids exert their effect by altering gene expression. HL-60 cells and macrophages both respond to retinoic acid action by the rapid induction of the enzyme tissue transglutaminase. The induction has been shown to be due to increased transcription of the transglutaminase gene. The first part of the dissertation studied the structure-function relationship of retinoid-regulated transglutaminase induction, differentiation and proliferation in HL-60 cells using retinoid analogs. The results indicated strict structural constraints and a strong structure-function correlation between transglutaminase induction and differentiation; those retinoids that induced transglutaminase also induced differentiation, those analogs that did not induce transglutaminase could not induce differentiation. The ability of the retinoids to induce transglutaminase in HL-60 cells was paralleled in macrophages. However, the antiproliferative effect of the retinoids displayed less stringent structural constraints than their differentiation- and transglutaminase-inducing properties. Specifically all the retinoids were able to inhibit proliferation to varying extents. It is concluded that the induction of transglutaminase and of differentiation by retinoids is mediated by receptors. While receptor mediation cannot be entirely ruled out, with the current data no definitive statement can be made about the antiproliferative activity of retinoids. Also, the concordance in the ability of the retinoids to induce transglutaminase and the ability to induce differentiation of HL-60 cells suggests that the former is an early response of the cells to retinoids and differentiation a later consequence on the same pathway. Using the induction of transglutaminase as an index of the direct, or primary, effect of retinoids on gene expression, the second part of the dissertation investigates, by 2D gel electrophoresis, the alteration in the rates of synthesis of other proteins in macrophages and HL-60 cells in response to short incubations with retinoic acid. Any changes in parallel with transglutaminase were taken to indicate proteins directly under the control of retinoic acid. It is concluded that retinoic acid regulates the expression of a circumscribed set of genes in a cell-specific manner. The results support the hypothesis that retinoids exert their multiple effects on myeloid cells, in part, by receptor-mediated alternations in gene expression. ^


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Prematurely born babies are often treated with glucocorticoids. We studied the consequences of an early postnatal and short dexamethasone treatment (0.1-0.01 microg/g, days 1-4) on lung development in rats, focusing on its influence on peaks of cell proliferation around day 4 and of programmed cell death at days 19-21. By morphological criteria, we observed a dexamethasone-induced premature maturation of the septa (day 4), followed by a transient septal immatureness and delayed alveolarization leading to complete rescue of the structural changes. The numbers of proliferating (anti-Ki67) and dying cells (TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling) were determined and compared with controls. In dexamethasone-treated animals, both the peak of cell proliferation and the peak of programmed cell death were reduced to baseline, whereas the expression of tissue transglutaminase (transglutaminase-C), another marker for postnatal lung maturation, was not significantly altered. We hypothesize that a short neonatal course of dexamethasone leads to severe but transient structural changes of the lung parenchyma and influences the balance between cell proliferation and cell death even in later stages of lung maturation.


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The uterine endometrium is a major target for the estrogen. However, the molecular basis of estrogen action in the endometrium is largely unknown. I have used two approaches to study the effects of estrogen on the endometrium. One approach involved the study of the interaction between estrogen and retinoic acid (RA) pathways in the endometrium. I have demonstrated that estrogen administration to rodents and estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in postmenopausal women selectively induced the endometrial expression of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase II (RALDH2), a critical enzyme of RA biosynthesis. RALDH2 was expressed exclusively in the stromal cells, especially in the stroma adjacent to the luminal and glandular epithelia. The induction of RALDH2 by estrogen required estrogen receptor and occurred via a direct increase in RALDH2 transcription. Among the three RA receptors, estrogen selectively induced the expression of RARα. In parallel, estrogen also increased the utilization of all-trans retinol (the substrate for RA biosynthesis) and the expression of two RA-regulated marker genes, cellular retinoic acid binding protein II (CRABP2) and tissue transglutaminase (tTG) in the endometrium. Thus estrogen coordinately upregulated both the production and signaling of RA in both the rodent and human endometrium. This coordinate upregulation of RA system appeared to play a role in counterbalancing the stimulatory effects of estrogen on the endometrium, since the depletion of endogenous RA in mice led to an increase in estrogen-stimulated stromal proliferation and endometrial Akt phosphorylation. In addition, I have also used a systematic approach (DNA microarray) to categorize genes and pathways affected by the ERT in the endometrium of postmenopausal women and identified a novel estrogen-regulated gene EIG121. EIG121 was exclusively expressed in the glandular epithelial cells of the endometrium and induced by estrogen in vivo and in cultured cell lines. Compared with the normal endometrium, EIG121 was highly overexpressed in type 1 endometrial cancer, but profoundly suppressed in type 2 endometrial tumors. Taken together, these studies suggested that estrogen regulates the expression of many genes of both the pro-proliferative and anti-proliferative pathways and the abnormality of these pathways may increase the risks for estrogen-dependent endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. ^


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Gluten is the main structural protein complex of wheat with equivalent toxic proteins found in other cereals (rye, barley, and oats) which are responsible for different immunologic responses with different clinical expressions of disease. The spectrum of gluten-related disorders has been classified according to pathogenic, clinical, and epidemiological differences in three main forms: (i) wheat allergy (WA), an IgE-mediated disease; (ii) autoimmune disease, including celiac disease (CD), dermatitis herpetiformis, and gluten ataxia; and (iii) possibly immune-mediated, gluten sensitivity [1]. WA is an immunologic Th2 response with typical manifestations which can vary from dermatological, respiratory, and/or intestinal to anaphylactic reactions. In contrast, CD is an autoimmune disorder, a gliadin-specific T-cell response which is enhanced by the action of intestinal tissue transglutaminase (tTG), with a wide clinical spectrum including symptomatic cases with either intestinal (e.g., chronic diarrhea, weight loss) or extraintestinal features (e.g., anemia, osteoporosis, neurologic disturbances) and silent forms that are occasionally discovered as a result of serological screening [1]. We studied wheat allergy in two children with early diagnosis of CD, who developed immediate allergic symptoms after eating small amounts of wheat flour.


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The pathognomonic plaques of Alzheimer’s disease are composed primarily of the 39- to 43-aa β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide. Crosslinking of Aβ peptides by tissue transglutaminase (tTg) indicates that Gln15 of one peptide is proximate to Lys16 of another in aggregated Aβ. Here we report how the fibril structure is resolved by mapping interstrand distances in this core region of the Aβ peptide chain with solid-state NMR. Isotopic substitution provides the source points for measuring distances in aggregated Aβ. Peptides containing a single carbonyl 13C label at Gln15, Lys16, Leu17, or Val18 were synthesized and evaluated by NMR dipolar recoupling methods for the measurement of interpeptide distances to a resolution of 0.2 Å. Analysis of these data establish that this central core of Aβ consists of a parallel β-sheet structure in which identical residues on adjacent chains are aligned directly, i.e., in register. Our data, in conjunction with existing structural data, establish that the Aβ fibril is a hydrogen-bonded, parallel β-sheet defining the long axis of the Aβ fibril propagation.


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Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is an intrinsic part of organismal development and aging. Here we report that many nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause apoptosis when applied to v-src-transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs). Cell death was characterized by morphological changes, the induction of tissue transglutaminase, and autodigestion of DNA. Dexamethasone, a repressor of cyclooxygenase (COX) 2, neither induced apoptosis nor altered the NSAID effect. Prostaglandin E2, the primary eicosanoid made by CEFs, also failed to inhibit apoptosis. Expression of the protooncogene bcl-2 is very low in CEFs and is not altered by NSAID treatment. In contrast, p20, a protein that may protect against apoptosis when fibroblasts enter G0 phase, was strongly repressed. The NSAID concentrations used here transiently inhibit COXs. Nevertheless, COX-1 and COX-2 mRNAs and COX-2 protein were induced. In some cell types, then, chronic NSAID treatment may lead to increased, rather than decreased, COX activity and, thus, exacerbate prostaglandin-mediated inflammatory effects. The COX-2 transcript is a partially spliced and nonfunctional form previously described. Thus, these findings suggest that COXs and their products play key roles in preventing apoptosis in CEFs and perhaps other cell types.


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Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi di Dottorato è incentrato sullo sviluppo di strategie analitiche innovative basate sulla sensoristica e su tecniche di spettrometria di massa in ambito biologico e della sicurezza alimentare. Il primo capitolo tratta lo studio di aspetti metodologici ed applicativi di procedure sensoristiche per l’identificazione e la determinazione di biomarkers associati alla malattia celiaca. In tale ambito, sono stati sviluppati due immunosensori, uno a trasduzione piezoelettrica e uno a trasduzione amperometrica, per la rivelazione di anticorpi anti-transglutaminasi tissutale associati a questa malattia. L’innovazione di questi dispositivi riguarda l’immobilizzazione dell’enzima tTG nella conformazione aperta (Open-tTG), che è stato dimostrato essere quella principalmente coinvolta nella patogenesi. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, entrambi i sistemi sviluppati si sono dimostrati una valida alternativa ai test di screening attualmente in uso per la diagnosi della celiachia. Rimanendo sempre nel contesto della malattia celiaca, ulteriore ricerca oggetto di questa tesi di Dottorato, ha riguardato lo sviluppo di metodi affidabili per il controllo di prodotti “gluten-free”. Il secondo capitolo tratta lo sviluppo di un metodo di spettrometria di massa e di un immunosensore competitivo per la rivelazione di prolammine in alimenti “gluten-free”. E’ stato sviluppato un metodo LC-ESI-MS/MS basato su un’analisi target con modalità di acquisizione del segnale selected reaction monitoring per l’identificazione di glutine in diversi cereali potenzialmente tossici per i celiaci. Inoltre ci si è focalizzati su un immunosensore competitivo per la rivelazione di gliadina, come metodo di screening rapido di farine. Entrambi i sistemi sono stati ottimizzati impiegando miscele di farina di riso addizionata di gliadina, avenine, ordeine e secaline nel caso del sistema LC-MS/MS e con sola gliadina nel caso del sensore. Infine i sistemi analitici sono stati validati analizzando sia materie prime (farine) che alimenti (biscotti, pasta, pane, etc.). L’approccio sviluppato in spettrometria di massa apre la strada alla possibilità di sviluppare un test di screening multiplo per la valutazione della sicurezza di prodotti dichiarati “gluten-free”, mentre ulteriori studi dovranno essere svolti per ricercare condizioni di estrazione compatibili con l’immunosaggio competitivo, per ora applicabile solo all’analisi di farine estratte con etanolo. Terzo capitolo di questa tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi per la rivelazione di HPV, Chlamydia e Gonorrhoeae in fluidi biologici. Si è scelto un substrato costituito da strips di carta in quanto possono costituire una valida piattaforma di rivelazione, offrendo vantaggi grazie al basso costo, alla possibilità di generare dispositivi portatili e di poter visualizzare il risultato visivamente senza la necessità di strumentazioni. La metodologia sviluppata è molto semplice, non prevede l’uso di strumentazione complessa e si basa sull’uso della isothermal rolling-circle amplification per l’amplificazione del target. Inoltre, di fondamentale importanza, è l’utilizzo di nanoparticelle colorate che, essendo state funzionalizzate con una sequenza di DNA complementare al target amplificato derivante dalla RCA, ne permettono la rivelazione a occhio nudo mediante l’uso di filtri di carta. Queste strips sono state testate su campioni reali permettendo una discriminazione tra campioni positivi e negativi in tempi rapidi (10-15 minuti), aprendo una nuova via verso nuovi test altamente competitivi con quelli attualmente sul mercato.


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The importance of S100A4, a Ca2+-binding protein, in mediating tumour cell migration, both intracellularly and extracellularly, is well documented. Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) a Ca2+-dependent protein crosslinking enzyme, has also been shown to enhance cell migration. Here by using the well characterised non-metastatic rat mammary R37 cells (transfected with empty vector) and highly metastatic KP1 cells (R37 cells transfected with S100A4), we demonstrate that inhibition of TG2 either by TG2 inhibitors or transfection of cells with TG2 shRNA block S100A4-accelerated cell migration in the KP1cells and in R37 cells treated with exogenous S100A4. Cell migration was also blocked by the treatment with the non-cell permeabilizing TG2 inhibitor R294, in the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 (Clone 16, which has a high level of TG2 expression). Inhibition was paralleled by a decrease in S100A4 polymer formation. co-immunoprecipitation and Far Western blotting assays and cross-linking assays showed not only the direct interaction between TG2 and S100A4, but also confirmed S100A4 as a substrate for TG2. Using specific functional blocking antibodies, a targeting peptide and a recombinant protein as a competitive treatment, we revealed the involvement of syndecan-4 and a5ß1 integrin co-signalling pathways linked by activation of PKCa in this TG2 and S100A4-mediated cell migration. We propose a mechanism for TG2-regulated S100A4-related mediated cell migration, which is dependent on TG2 crosslinking.


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Background: Activated factor XIII (FXIIIa), a transglutaminase, introduces fibrin-fibrin and fibrin-inhibitor cross-links, resulting in more mechanically stable clots. The impact of cross-linking on resistance to fibrinolysis has proved challenging to evaluate quantitatively. Methods: We used a whole blood model thrombus system to characterize the role of cross-linking in resistance to fibrinolytic degradation. Model thrombi, which mimic arterial thrombi formed in vivo, were prepared with incorporated fluorescently labeled fibrinogen, in order to allow quantification of fibrinolysis as released fluorescence units per minute. Results: A site-specific inhibitor of transglutaminases, added to blood from normal donors, yielded model thrombi that lysed more easily, either spontaneously or by plasminogen activators. This was observed both in the cell/platelet-rich head and fibrin-rich tail. Model thrombi from an FXIII-deficient patient lysed more quickly than normal thrombi; replacement therapy with FXIII concentrate normalized lysis. In vitro addition of purified FXIII to the patient's preprophylaxis blood, but not to normal control blood, resulted in more stable thrombi, indicating no further efficacy of supraphysiologic FXIII. However, addition of tissue transglutaminase, which is synthesized by endothelial cells, generated thrombi that were more resistant to fibrinolysis; this may stabilize mural thrombi in vivo. Conclusions: Model thrombi formed under flow, even those prepared as plasma 'thrombi', reveal the effect of FXIII on fibrinolysis. Although very low levels of FXIII are known to produce mechanical clot stability, and to achieve ?-dimerization, they appear to be suboptimal in conferring full resistance to fibrinolysis.


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Background - Several studies have shown that celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals, is highly prevalent among relatives of celiac patients. Aim - To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in a group of first degree relatives of Brazilian celiac patients. Methods - First degree relatives of celiac patients attending the Brasilia University Hospital Pediatric Gastroenterology Outpatient Clinic or the Celiac Disease Investigation Center, Brasília, DF, Brazil, between March 2001 and November 2004 were invited to undergo serological screening for celiac disease applying the IgA anti-endomysium antibody test (IgA-EMA). All positive IgA-EMA sera underwent a second screening using the IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies test. Duodenal or small intestinal biopsies were performed in all subjects positive to serological testing. Biopsy samples were classified as type (O) normal, (I) infiltrative, (II) infiltrative hyperplastic, (III) flat destructive, and (IV) atrophic hypoplastic. The final diagnosis was ascertained in subjects showing positive serological tests and a grade I to III small intestinal lesion. Results - Nine new cases of celiac disease were found among the 188 first degree relatives tested (4.8%). Conclusion - The present study confirms the high prevalence of celiac disease among first degree celiac patients’ relatives and reinforces the need of extensive diagnostic screening in this specific group.


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Background: Celiac disease is an immune-mediated inflammation of the small intestine caused by sensitivity to dietary gluten in genetically sensitive individuals. Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the predictive value of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies for the diagnosis of celiac disease in a pediatric population in order to determine if duodenal biopsy can be avoided. Patients and Methods: The subjects were selected among individuals with probable celiac disease, referring to a gastrointestinal clinic. After physical examinations and performing tissue transglutaminase-immunoglobulin A (tTG-IgA) tests, upper endoscopy was performed if serological titer was higher than 18 IU/mL. Therapy started according to pathologic results. Results: The sample size was calculated to be 121 subjects (69 female and 52 male subjects); the average age of subjects was 8.4 years. A significant association was found between serological titer and pathologic results; in other words, subjects with high serological titer had more positive pathologic results for celiac disease, compared to others (P < 0.001). Maximum sensitivity (65%) and specificity (65.4%) were achieved at a serological titer of 81.95 IU/ml; the calculated accuracy was lower in comparison with other studies. As the results indicated, lower antibody titer was observed in patients with failure to gain weight and higher antibody titer was reported in diabetic patients. Conclusions: As the results indicated, a single serological test (tTg-IgA test) was not sufficient for avoiding intestinal biopsy.


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Context - It is well recognized that celiac disease is an immune-mediated systemic disorder highly prevalent among relatives of celiac patients. Objectives - The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of celiac disease in a group of first degree relatives of celiac children, and to access the frequency of human leukocyte antigen HLA-DQ2 and DQ8 in celiac disease patients and their affected relatives. Methods - A survey was conducted of 39 children with celiac disease with follow-up in the Pediatric outpatient’s clinic of Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital, in Madeira Island, Portugal. Were invited 110 first degree relatives to undergo serological screen for celiac disease with IgA antibody to human recombinant tissue transglutaminase (IgA-TGG) quantification. In all seropositive relatives, small intestinal biopsy and HLA typing was recommended. Results - HLA- typing was performed in 38 celiac patients, 28/74% DQ2 positive, 1/2% DQ8 positive and 9/24% incomplete DQ2. Positive IgA-TGG was found in five out of the 95 relatives, and CD was diagnosed in three of them. Three relatives had the presence of HLA-DQ2, two were DQ2 incomplete (DQB1*02). Conclusion - The prevalence of celiac disease among first degree celiac patients´ relatives was 3.1%, 4.5 times higher than the general Portuguese population (0,7%) witch reinforces the need of extensive diagnostic screening in this specific group. HLA-DQ2 typing may be a tool in the diagnostic approach.


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Se describe la variante homocigota c.320-2A>G de TGM1 en dos hermanas con ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva. El clonaje de los transcritos generados por esta variante permitió identificar tres mecanismos moleculares de splicing alternativos.


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Transglutaminase can catalyze the cross-linking reaction between soluble clotting protein molecules from the plasma for prevention of excess blood loss from a wound and obstructing micro-organisms from invading the wound in crustaceans. A novel transglutaminase (FcTG) gene was cloned from hemocytes of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis by 3' and 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR. The full-length cDNA consists of 2972 bp, encoding 757 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 84.96 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.61. FcTG contains a typical transglutaminase-like homologue (TGc domain: E-value = 1.94e-38). Three catalytic sites (Cys-324, His-391 and Asp-414) are present in this domain. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcTG showed high identity with black tiger shrimp TG, kuruma shrimp TG and crayfish TG. Transcripts of FcTG mRNA were mainly detected in gill, lymphoid organ and hemocytes by RT-PCR. RNA in situ hybridization further confirmed that FcTG was constitutively expressed in hemocytes both in the circulatory system and lymphoid organ. The variation of mRNA transcription level in hemocytes and lymphoid organ following injection of killed bacteria or infection with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) was quantified by RT-PCR. The up-regulated expression of FcTG in shrimp lymphoid organ following injection of bacteria indicates that it is inducible and might be associated with bacterial challenge. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.