871 resultados para Services Marketing, DINESERV, Culture, Malaysia


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Since the emergence of service marketing, the focus of service research has evolved. Currently the focus of research is shifting towards value co-created by the customer. Consequently, value creation is increasingly less fixed to a specific time or location controlled by the service provider. However, present service management models, although acknowledging customer participation and accessibility, have not considered the role of the empowered customer who may perform the service at various locations and time frames. The present study expands this scope and provides a framework for exploring customer perceived value from a temporal and spatial perspective. The framework is used to understand and analyse customer perceived value and to explore customer value profiles. It is proposed that customer perceived value can be conceptualised as a function of technical, functional, temporal and spatial value dimensions. These dimensions are suggested to have value-increasing and value-decreasing facets. This conceptualisation is empirically explored in an online banking context and it is shown that time and location are more important value dimensions relative to the technical and functional dimensions. The findings demonstrate that time and location are important not only in terms of having the possibility to choose when and where the service is performed. Customers also value an efficient and optimised use of time and a private and customised service location. The study demonstrates that time and location are not external elements that form the service context, but service value dimensions, in addition to the technical and functional dimensions. This thesis contributes to existing service management research through its framework for understanding temporal and spatial dimensions of perceived value. Practical implications of the study are that time and location need to be considered as service design elements in order to differentiate the service from other services and create additional value for customers. Also, because of increased customer control and the importance of time and location, it is increasingly relevant for service providers to provide a facilitating arena for customers to create value, rather than trying to control the value creation process. Kristina Heinonen is associated with CERS, the Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration


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Customer loyalty has been a central topic of both marketing theory and practice for several decades. Customer disloyalty, or relationship ending, has received much less attention. Despite the close relation between customer loyalty and disloyalty, they have rarely been addressed in the same study. The thesis bridges this gap by focusing on both loyal and disloyal customers and the factors characterising them. Based on a qualitative study of loyal and disloyal bank customers in the Finnish retail banking market, both factors that are common to the groups and factors that differentiate between them are identified. A conceptual framework of factors that affect customer loyalty or disloyalty is developed and used to analyse the empirical data. According to the framework, customers’ loyalty status (behavioural and attitudinal loyalty) is influenced by positive, loyalty-supporting, and negative, loyalty-repressing factors. Loyalty-supporting factors either promote customer dedication, making the customer want to remain loyal, or act as constraints, hindering the customer from switching. Among the loyalty-repressing factors it is especially important to identify those that act as triggers of disloyal behaviour, making customers switch service providers. The framework further suggests that by identifying the sources of loyalty-supporting and -repressing factors (the environment, the provider, the customer, the provider-customer interaction, or the core service) one can determine which factors are within the control of the service provider. Attitudinal loyalty is approached through a customer’s “feeling of loyalty”, as described by customers both orally and graphically. By combining the graphs with behavioural loyalty, seven customer groups are identified: Stable Loyals, Rescued Loyals, Loyals at Risk, Positive Disloyals, Healing Disloyals, Fading Disloyals, and Abrupt Disloyals. The framework and models of the thesis can be used to analyse factors that affect customer loyalty and disloyalty in different service contexts. Since the empirical study was carried out in a retail bank setting, the thesis has managerial relevance especially for banks. Christina Nordman is associated with CERS, Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration. The doctoral thesis is part of the Göran Collert Research Project in Customer Relationships and Retail Banking and has been funded by The Göran Collert Foundation.


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The thesis is positioned in the services marketing field. Previous mobile service research has identified perceived value or relative advantage as a stable predictor of use of services. However, a more detailed view of what customers value in mobile services is needed for marketing diverse types of mobile content and attracting committed customers. The direct relationships between multidimensional value and loyalty constructs have received limited attention in the previous literature, although a multidimensional view is needed for differentiating services. This thesis studies how perceived value of mobile service use affects customer commitment, repurchase intentions, word-of-mouth and willingness to pay. The doctoral thesis consists of three journal articles and one working paper. The four papers have different sub-aims and comprise individual empirical studies. Mixed methods including both personal interviews and survey data collected from end-users of different types of mobile content services are used. The conceptual mobile perceived value model that results from the first explorative empirical study supports a six- dimensional value view. The six dimensions are further categorized into two higher order constructs: content-related perceived value (emotional, social, convenience and monetary value) and context-related (epistemic and conditional value) perceived value. Structural equation modeling is used in the other three studies to validate this framework by analyzing the relationships between context- and content-related value, and how the individual perceived value dimensions affect commitment and behavioral outcomes. Analyzing the direct relationships revealed differences in the effect of perceived value dimensions between information and entertainment mobile service user groups, between effects on commitment, repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth intentions, as well as between effects on commitment to the provider and to the mobile channel as such. This thesis contributes to earlier perceived value literature by structuring the value dimensions into two groups. Most importantly, the thesis contributes to the value and loyalty literature by increasing understanding of how the different dimensions of perceived value directly affect commitment and post-purchase intentions. The results have implications for further theory development in the electronic services field using multidimensional latent constructs, and practical implications for enhancing commitment to content provider and for differentiated marketing strategies in the mobile field. The general conclusion of this thesis is that differentiated value-based marketing of mobile services is essential for attracting committed customers who will use the same providers’ content also in the future. Minna Pihlström is associated with the Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management (CERS) at Hanken.


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The aims of this paper are to first seek an understanding of consumer decision-making when purchasing pension and investment products, and second to ascertain how this decision-making affects the consumer's choice of distribution route. The study employed both focus groups and postal questionnaire survey methods based on the framework of a classical decision-making model that investigated problem recognition, information search, evaluation tools used and post-purchase. The findings show that the decision-making process experience differed to a lesser or greater degree depending on the distribution route. The majority of respondents had recognised the need to make a purchase decision long before seeking information. Younger respondents on all incomes believed that they must make some pension provision for themselves as opposed to relying on the government's retirement provision. Many changed channels for information searches, but tended to settle with the Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). The two main evaluation tools for pension and investment were found to be the ‘charges’ and ‘historic fund performance’. The vast majority of respondents reiterated their worry that the outcomes would not be known until retirement. In terms of analysis by the level of ‘financial literacy’, respondents who scored in the upper quartile were more inclined to be on a higher income, less inclined to evaluate on charges and more proactive in discussing the investment strategy of their pension fund. Respondents who scored in the lower quartile had opposite results. One of the implications of these findings is that the younger respondents’ recognition of pension savings favours the government's intention to reverse the existing balance of pension distribution. The other main implication is that the findings will be of help to managers in appreciating the dominance of the IFA channel by providing an explanation of why consumers choose this route, and, additionally, can assist direct marketing managers in identifying customers who will be more likely to use multichannel or single-channel shoppers. It can also help the marketing manager increase the usage of different channels by addressing the factors driving the purchase decision and distribution choice.


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Calidad en salud y Satisfacción en salud son dos fenómenos de naturaleza distinta, sin embargo la literatura reporta que en las mediciones de ambas parecen evaluarse factores similares en la prestación de los servicios de salud. La calidad en salud hace referencia a las ¨creencias que como forma de la percepción forman parte de la cognición mientras que la satisfacción concebida como un juicio de valor positivo o negativo que construye el sujeto que ha recibido el servicio de acuerdo al cumplimiento de sus expectativas, es considerada uno de los principales objetivos de la calidad de atención en salud y un indicador del óptimo funcionamiento de las instituciones hospitalarias, así entonces, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar cuáles son las características asistenciales y administrativas que potencialmente influirían en la valoración de la satisfacción del usuario y funcionario frente a la atención en los servicios de salud del Hospital Municipal del Guamo-Tolima, mediante la identificación, medición y descripción de las mismas .Los resultados del estudio obtenidos a partir de la comparación de medias de cada uno de los ítems evaluados, y de la diferencia significativa de medias, mostraron que existen diferencias significativas entre la importancia asignada por los usuarios frente a la asignada por los funcionarios.


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Con el siguiente proyecto se pretende explicar cómo se realiza la integración de las técnicas de mercadeo y la relación estratégica comunitaria, debido a que las organizaciones utilizan conceptos comunitarios. Se analizan las principales estrategias de mercadeo como marketing mix, geomarketing, mercadeo de servicios, mercadeo relacional y mercadeo social. Se explican las técnicas de mercadeo como mercadeo directo, diferenciación de productos, segmentación de mercado, investigación de mercados, inteligencia de mercados, optimización de canales de distribución y comercio electrónico. Adicionalmente, se exponen las estrategias comunitarias como coaliciones comunitarias, organizaciones de base, liderazgo comunitario y empoderamiento. La metodología implementada para este proyecto es de tipo teórico-conceptual y reúne los aportes de varios documentos científicos de diversas áreas del conocimiento. Las fuentes de información, conceptos y teorías se seleccionan según el criterio del investigador en función de las posibilidades descriptivas de la integración propuesta. En esta investigación se concluye que las técnicas y las estrategias de mercadeo permiten la comunicación entre las organizaciones y las comunidades. Esto posibilita que exista participación entre ambas partes y es un factor clave para el surgimiento de la relación estratégica comunitaria. Se recomienda realizar investigaciones posteriores sobre la relación estratégica comunitaria, aplicadas a organizaciones y comunidades.


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El liderazgo ha sido definido de diferentes maneras por cientos de autores debido al contexto en el que estudian este concepto. Ninguna de estas definiciones es errónea pero algunas han tomado mayor importancia debido a los diferentes factores que enfrenta la sociedad. Desde hace unos años los países se han abierto a diferentes mercados lo cual les ha permitido eliminar las barreras políticas, económicas y culturales existentes. Esto ha llevado a que los líderes deban evaluar la nueva forma de dirigir y direccionar las organizaciones. Este es tan solo uno de los ejemplos que han llevado a modificar el concepto de liderazgo, añadiendo los nuevos retos a los que se ven enfrentados los líderes. En este trabajo de grado se estudia el que se considera uno de los mayores retos de los siglos XX y XXI: la globalización. Este fenómeno ha acercado al mundo a través del intercambio de información, de bienes, de servicios, de conocimientos y sobre todo de cultura. Esto se ha logrado a través de nuevas tecnologías, nuevos servicios de comunicación y transporte, de la ciencia y los avances de la industria. El nuevo líder debe romper la barrera nacional y abrirse a mercados extranjeros, para esto debe contar con ciertas características que le permitirán entender los diferentes mercados y a las personas que se encuentran en este. En este trabajo se identifican las que se consideran las principales características de un líder global; estas son el resultado de la investigación de diferentes autores y estudios.


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Purpose – This paper aims to address the gaps in service recovery strategy assessment. An effective service recovery strategy that prevents customer defection after a service failure is a powerful managerial instrument. The literature to date does not present a comprehensive assessment of service recovery strategy. It also lacks a clear picture of the service recovery actions at managers’ disposal in case of failure and the effectiveness of individual strategies on customer outcomes. Design/methodology/approach – Based on service recovery theory, this paper proposes a formative index of service recovery strategy and empirically validates this measure using partial least-squares path modelling with survey data from 437 complainants in the telecommunications industry in Egypt. Findings – The CURE scale (CUstomer REcovery scale) presents evidence of reliability as well as convergent, discriminant and nomological validity. Findings also reveal that problem-solving, speed of response, effort, facilitation and apology are the actions that have an impact on the customer’s satisfaction with service recovery. Practical implications – This new formative index is of potential value in investigating links between strategy and customer evaluations of service by helping managers identify which actions contribute most to changes in the overall service recovery strategy as well as satisfaction with service recovery. Ultimately, the CURE scale facilitates the long-term planning of effective complaint management. Originality/value – This is the first study in the service marketing literature to propose a comprehensive assessment of service recovery strategy and clearly identify the service recovery actions that contribute most to changes in the overall service recovery strategy.


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Sponsring är ett utbyte och en marknadsföringsmetod som används av allt fler organisationer. Med syftet att påverka personalen i en organisation är sponsring en relativt oanvänd metod för marknadsföring. Trots detta så påverkar sponsring personalen oavsett organisationens målsättning med sponsring. Syftet med studien är att utvärdera om sponsring fungerar som ett verktyg för motivation i en specifik organisation, sedan utvärderas hur sponsring bidrar till motivation. För att besvara syftet genomfördes en kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning. Denna genomfördes hos vårt studieobjekt Länsförsäkringar i Gävleborg. Analysen av den insamlade datan har genomförts med stöd av den teoretiska referensramen. Resultatet av studien visar att sponsring kan användas till att motivera personalen på Länsförsäkringar. Dock så är organisationens nuvarande sponsring något som inte tydligt motiverar personalen. Länsförsäkringar vill med sin sponsring bidra till samhället och på så sätt skapa engagemang och stolthet bland personalen. Sponsring får personalen att känna stolthet men däremot inget tydligt engagemang. Länsförsäkringar är bra på att informera personalen om sponsring, däremot så är organisationen inte lika bra på att lyssna till personalens värderingar kring sponsring. Det bristande engagemanget skulle då kunna bero på att personalen inte får tycka till om organisationens sponsring.


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One area of services marketing which has remained relatively underdeveloped, is the nature of the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty, and the moderating influences on this relationship, despite the fact that loyalty is essential for service business survival (Reichheld, 1993). This paper reports research regarding the relationship between consumer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and demographic characteristics. A telephone survey was conducted of 500 city residents, focusing on their visitation of tourism special events. The study found support for the findings of some recent, non-Australian, non-services research studies, in that respondent demographics were found to moderate the relationship between satisfaction and repurchase behaviour (in this case, repurchase intention), in an Australian services context.


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Recent discussion within the marketing literature has accentuated the overlap and interrelationships between relationship marketing and e-commerce. However, as discussion is yet to focus on relationship marketing’s theoretical antecedent of exchange theory, this paper considers the evolution of e-commerce in terms of the exchange continuum. It is proposed that insight can be derived from the application of the concepts of extrinsic and intrinsic value (Houston and Gassenheimer, 1987) to online exchange. A theoretical model of extrinsic and intrinsic evaluation is developed, based on online consumers’ valuation of the object of exchange (i.e., the product). Possible empirical measures, to test the model, are suggested, derived from the relationship and services marketing literature.


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"Schools are dull, adults are dim, kids rule, pleasure can be purchased - these are canons of children's consumer cultures. In the places where kids, commodities and images meet, education, entertainment and advertising merge. Kids consume the corporate abundance with an appetite. But what happens now that schools are on the market? Is this a form of corporate gluttony? Are designer schools educationally "grotesque"? How are students packaged? How can curriculum compete with other attractions constantly advertised to students? Are students themselves both purchasers and commodities for sale?"

This volume argues that people are entering another stage in the construction of the young as the demarcations between education, entertainment and advertising collapse and as the lines between the generations both blur and harden. Drawing from the voices of students and from contemporary cultural theory this book provokes the reader to ponder the role of the school in the "age of desire.


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The authors propose a conceptual model of the psychic distance–organizational performance relationship that incorporates organizational factors (international experience and centralization of decision making), entry strategy, and retail strategy implications. The findings suggest that when entering psychically distant markets, retailers should adopt low-cost/low-control entry strategies and adapt their retail strategy to a greater extent than in psychically close markets. However, the authors find that such strategic responses have an adverse effect on performance. They find that international experience, psychic distance, entry strategy, and retail strategy adaptation are significant drivers of organizational performance and factors that determine critical success in international retailing.


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This study employed a 2 x 2 full-factorial, between-subjects design experiment examining the influence of failure severity and perceived employee effort on hotel guests’ negative word-ofmouth (WOM) intentions following invocation of a service guarantee. The study involved a sample of 131 online panel members. Results suggest that negative WOM intentions reduced when a greater level of effort is exerted by staff in rectifying the guest’s problem and increased when a more severe failure is experienced. There is a stronger difference in guests’ negative WOM intentions between the high and low employee effort conditions when a minor versus a severe service failure is experienced by guests.