972 resultados para OUTROS


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The production of the red pottery brick, made traditionally with clay, is a technique that is already stabled. However, in spite of the little complexity that involves the conventional process of these bricks production, it are exposed to many problems that begin in the fase of exploration of the mines, the problems get worse because of the lack of the clay's characterization, and they continue through the steps of the dough preparation, conformation of the products, the drying and the burning process. The wastefulness is shown and so is the low quality of the material produced. Among other factors, the high use of energy in the burning makes the cost of this material inaccessible to the low income consumer. Besides this, the destruction of the environment around the mines and the use of native vegetation to produce wood - the most used fuel in the pottery industry - make serious environmental damage. The production technique of a new type of simple brick (adobe), that has low cost and no environmental damage, can be the viable altemative to lower the cost of this part of the civil construction, and, consequently, in the building of cheaper houses. In this paper, the results of the mechanical resistance of the adobe brick are shown, using in its composition, clay, natural vegetable fibers, cement and plaster in a process that is completely handcrafted and manual. It is intented to make clear that are possible alternatives to be put in practice, with the simple process, using "raw earth" that has been used in the construction of houses in thousands of years, trying to solve these severe problems. Analysis and tests were performed to find results that could prove the possibility of the utilization of this kind of material. Other studies are in progress, and the new researches are necessary to enrich this work, but it stays the certainty that there is potential to produce bricks from adobe, as an alternative that has low cost to civil construction


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This research aims to identify the process of appropriation of audio visual (in digital video) for collective symbolic production (participatory video practice that expresses popular culture) in a socio-cultural context where the minorities are. Therefore, we based this study on the students‟ experience of the film and video workshops held by Cinema para Todos (Culture Point Cine for All), in Natal, RN. Culture Point is the basis of the project Programa Nacional de Cultura, Educação e Cidadania Cultura Viva (National Program of Culture, Education and Citizenship - Living Culture) of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture. In 2010, the Cine for All developed three film and video workshops in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Northeastern of Brazil), in the municipalities of Açu, Lajes and São Gonçalo do Amarante, within a public policy project of socio-cultural inclusion. These three workshops are the focus of this empirical investigation. To support the analysis of this research we consider that the spaces of workshops are sites of the social practices origin, assuming they show the development of the changes of actions that generate new practices. In this socio-cultural context the students as interlocutors process the communicative culture mediation, where come from the logics of action (using digital video) to become a mediatic practice (video auto ethnographic). With the overall goal set and the field of investigative action delimited we considered the methodology of case study suitable for the observation of the object, because it is a phenomenon of modernity, occurring in a context of real life and with little or no control over events. Participant observation and interviews was also applied to this case study. The analytical theoretical support comes from the notion of mediation by Jesús Martín-Barbero and the concept of habitus by Pierre Bourdieu. The research found that a new way of communicating has been developing by this social group, and this reflects the technological change experienced by them. The auto ethnographic videos, short movies, reveal an allegorical trial of the mainstream media, because while they use the mainstream format, they rework the aesthetic, but without revising the history, in fact they proposing to retell the history of themselves full of colorful details and with richness of their forgotten popular culture.


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The physiologist H. Selye defined stress as the nonspecific response of the body to any factors that endanger homeostasis (balance of internal environment) of the individual. These factors, agents stressors, are able to activate the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, thus resulting in the physiological responses to stress by the release of glucocorticoids that leads to psychophysiological changes, including effects on cognitive functions such as learning and memory. When this axis is acutely stimulated occurs a repertoire of behavioral and physiological changes can be adaptive to the individual. Notwithstanding, when the HPA axis is chronically stimulated, changes may favor the development of, such as anxiety disorders. Some drugs used in the clinic for the treatment of anxiety disorders these can exert effects on cognitive function, on the HPA axis and on the anxiety. In this context, the aim of our study was to investigate the effects of administration i.p. acute of diazepam (DZP, 2 mg/kg), buspirone (BUS, 3 mg/kg), mirtazapine (MIR, 10 mg/kg) and fluoxetine (FLU, 10 mg/kg) in male mice submitted to acute restraint stress, and evaluated using plus-maze discriminative avoidance task (PMDAT), which simultaneously evaluates parameters such as learning, memory and anxiety. Our results demonstrated that (1) the administration of DZP and BUS, but not FLU, promoted anxiolytic effects in animals; (2) administration mirtazapine caused sedative effect to animals; (3) in the training session, the animals treated with BUS, MIR and FLU learned the task, on the other hand DZP group showed impairment in learning; (4) in the test session, animals treated with DZP, BUS, and MIR showed deficits in relation to discrimination between the enclosed arms, aversive versus non-aversive arm, demonstrating an impairment in memory, however, animals treated with FLU showed no interference in the retrieval of this memory; (5) acute stress did not interfere in locomotor activity, anxiety, or learning on the learning task, but induced impairment in retrieval memory, and the group treated with FLU did not demonstrated this deficit of memory . These results suggest that acute administration of drugs with anxiolytic and antidepressant activity does not interfere with the learning process this aversive task, but impair its retrieval, as well as the acute restraint stress. However, the antidepressant fluoxetine was able to reverse memory deficits promoted by acute stress, which may suggest that modulation, even acutely serotonergic neurotransmission, by selectively inhibiting the reuptake of this neurotransmitter, interferes on the process of retrieval of an aversive memory


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Foram entrevistados via ligação telefônica 1.410 indivíduos, amostra aleatória e representativa da população acima de 18 anos residente em domicílios conectados à rede de telefonia fixa. A prevalência de tabagismo foi de 21,8%, maior em homens (25%) e em indivíduos na faixa entre 18 e 29 anos. Tabagismo e sedentarismo juntos ocorrem em 13,9% dos homens e 14,2% das mulheres; tabagismo e baixo consumo de frutas em 12,9% dos homens e 12,3% das mulheres; e tabagismo e baixo consumo de legumes em 5,8% dos homens e 5,1% das mulheres. A associação de tabagismo e consumo excessivo de álcool foi observada apenas nos homens (em 3,5% deles) e, da mesma forma que verificada para tabagismo isoladamente, sua ocorrência concomitante a outros fatores comportamentais de risco de doenças e agravos crônicos não transmissíveis (DANT) associou-se inversamente à escolaridade. Os dados apontam indícios de efeito de aglomeração entre tabagismo e sedentarismo, tabagismo e álcool em excesso, tabagismo e dieta inadequada, justificando intervenções focadas na prevenção e redução concomitante dos principais fatores comportamentais de risco de DANT.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A cúrcuma (Curcuma longa L.), espécie originária do sudeste asiático, é considerada uma preciosa especiaria. Com a proibição do uso de pigmentos sintéticos nos principais países da América do Norte e Europa, têm sido procuradas alternativas naturais. A cúrcuma, além de sua principal utilização como condimento, possui substâncias antioxidantes, antimicrobianas e corantes (curcumina) que lhe conferem possibilidade de emprego nas áreas de cosméticos, têxtil, medicinal e alimentício. Até o presente momento, poucos estudos foram realizados com a cúrcuma no Brasil, fato que determina baixa produtividade. Entretanto, recentes resultados de pesquisa mostram a possibilidade de obtenção de produtividades semelhantes às de seu país de origem, ainda que maiores estudos sejam necessários para definição de estande, adubação e outras práticas culturais. Os objetivos do presente trabalho são apresentar a versatilidade mercadológica da cúrcuma, caracterizar a espécie quanto a aspectos botânicos, nutricionais e químicos, bem como reunir e discutir informações técnicas para melhoria da produtividade e qualidade dos rizomas.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a atividade in vitro da cefalosporina de quarta geração, cefpiroma em comparação com ceftazidima, ceftriaxona, cefotaxima e imipenem em um estudo multicêntrico envolvendo nove hospitais de seis cidades em quatro estados. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 804 amostras clínicas isoladas em pacientes internados em unidades de terapia intensiva ou unidades de oncohematologia. As amostras foram coletadas no período de junho a novembro de 1995, isto é, antes da cefpiroma estar disponível comercialmente no Brasil, e testadas através do método de microdiluição em placas conforme descrito pelo National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Todas as amostras resistentes à cefpiroma foram retestadas utilizando-se o E-test. RESULTADOS: Contra as amostras de enterobactérias (n= 344), a cefpiroma apresentou atividade de 2 a 32 vezes superior àquela apresentada pelas cefalosporinas de terceira geração (CTGs) e semelhante àquela apresentada pelo imipenem. As porcentagens de enterobactérias sensíveis foram: 88% para a cefpiroma, 69% para as CTGs e 96% para o imipenem. O espectro de ação da cefpiroma foi maior ou igual ao do imipenem contra as espécies Citrobacter freundii, E. aerogenes, Morganella morganii e Serratia marcescens. Contra Acinetobacter sp. (n=77), a cefpiroma foi ligeiramente mais ativa que a ceftazidima, porém as porcentagens de resistência foram muito altas para esses compostos (84% e 88% respectivamente). As atividades da cefpiroma, ceftazidima e imipenem foram semelhantes contra Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=128), com MIC50/porcentagem de sensibilidade de 8/59%, 8/62% e 4/62% respectivamente. Contra bactérias aeróbias gram-positivas, a cefpiroma foi de 4 a 16 vezes mais ativa que as CTGs. Contra S. epidermidis e outras espécies de estafilococos coagulase-negativos a cefpiroma foi ligeiramente superior ao imipenem, porém, contra as outras espécies de bactérias gram-positivas avaliadas, o imipenem apresentou atividade um pouco superior. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados desse estudo sugerem que, no Brasil, a cefpiroma apresenta espectro de ação superior ao das CTGs contra bactérias gram-negativas (Enterobacteriaceae e não-fermentadares) e gram-positivas e semelhante ao do imipenem contra algumas espécies de enterobactérias e contra P. aeruginosa.


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The risks of accidents, illness and early death are part of life on Earth, which touches all living creatures, including Mankind. Because of modern mass communication media, the emotional impact of current risks are greater than in the past. Many unnecessary risk can and should be avoided, and with respect to other they can be drastically reduced. In addition to this, some risks should be confronted in order to avoid greater ones. In any risk analysis, eventual benefits should be taken into consideration, the risks surrounding other activities and other factors. Some risks examples and their implications are presented and discussed, in general. Nuclear energy is specifically treated, but it also refers and comments that which surrounds other human activities (airplanes, automobiles, smog, gasoline, DDT, and coal energy). As in the history of aviation, nuclear industry has a history of greater successes than failures. Nonetheless, in both cases, serious accidents deserve deep thought, including the increment of security norms. The current fear of some people to nuclear energy is compared to the unfounded fear at the advent of gasoline last century. Risks, naturally, should not be exagerated, but they cannot be discarded. The main intention of the author is to discuss the complexity of the problem, and to see that risks are evaluated and accepted. In relation to nuclear energy, the author only mentions his point of view, defended in other publications, that it involves very high risks.


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The authors studied 201 school children form both sexes, aging 12 to 14 years, in order to identify anodontia, including in third molars. The results indicated a congenital absence of teeth in 24.37% of the examined children, distributed into 10.44% of boys and 13.93% of girls. Anodontia was observed concerning third molar teeth and other teeth, and the correlation was calculated by the total, sex, and hemiarch. The data were presented and discussed, and the results included several conclusions.


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Purpose - To evaluate the adverse reactions of fosinopril with other antihypertensives used as monotherapy. Methods - Out-patients (n = 2,568) with diagnostic of mild to moderate hypertension, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 95-115 mmHg, with no antihypertensive treatment for 15 days, were included to treatment initially with fosinopril (F) 10mg, once daily, for six weeks. After this period, patients with DBP >95mmHg had the dosage, once daily, increased to 20 mg, while the others were maintained with the same dosage for six more weeks. Adverse reactions of 822 patients treated as monotherapy were grouped as absent, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, cough, gastrointestinal, neurological, genital-urinary dysfunctions and dermatological and compared with 1,568 with F. Monotherapy consist in α-methyldopa (100 patients); β-blocker (129); calcium blocker (106); diuretic (394); and another ACE inhibitors (93). Results - At the end of the period without treatment, the blood pressure (BP), 165 ± 16/105 ± 7 mmHg decreased significantly at 6(th) week to 144 ± 15/91 ± 9 mmHg (p < 0.05 vs week 0) with further lowering to 139 ± 13/86 ± 7 mmHg till the end of 12(th) week. BP response (DBP ≤90 mmHg) was obtained in 89% of the patients with F. Absence of adverse reactions were ≥70% in patients with F compared to other drugs. Conclusion - Fosinopril has demonstrated therapeutic efficacy and less adverse reactions compared to antihypertensives used previously as monotherapy.


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The risks of accidents, illness and early death are part of life on Earth, which touches all living creatures, including Mankind. Because of modern mass communication media, the emotional impact of current risks are greater than in the past. Many unnecessary risks can and should be avoided, and with respect to others, they can be drastically reduced. In addition to this, some risks should be confronted in order to avoid greater ones. In any risk analysis, eventual benefits should be taken into consideration, the risks surrounding other activities, and other factors. Some risks examples and their implications are presented and discussed, in general Nuclear energy is specifically treated, but it also refers and comments that which surrounds other human activities (airplanes, automobiles, smog, gasoline, DDT, and coal energy). As in the history of aviation, nuclear industry has a history of greater successes than failures Nonetheless, in both cases, serious accidents deserve deep thought, including the increment of security norms. The current fear of some people to nuclear energy is compared to the unfounded fear at the advent of gasoline last century Risks, naturally, should not be exagerated, but they cannot be discarded. The main intention of the author is to discuss the complexity of the problem, and to see that risks are evaluated and accepted. In relation to nuclear energy, the author only mentions his point of view, defended in other publications, that it involves very high risks.


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The salivary system of the Hymenoptera consists of the mandible, hypopharynx and thoracic salivary glands. It is very important because it is related to various aspects of the life of the insects, such as pheromone production, feeding the young, food digestion and nest building. Adult Polistes versicolor (Olivier) individuals were dissected, the thoracic salivary glands removed and processed for scanning electronic microscopy and histological examination. The P. versicolor thoracic salivary gland presents alveolar secretory units, consists of pseudoacines and does not have a reservoir. Four types of cells are present in the gland. The T1 and T2 cells make up the pseudoacines and differ mainly by the many secretory vessels in T2. There is a cluster of T3 cells at the base of the gland duct collectors, also with secretory characteristics. The secretion produced in the pseudoacines is conducted by canals and ducts to the outside, and the latter are made of T4 cells. The comparison of these characteristics with those of different Hymenoptera species, already studied, showed that the thoracic salivary gland cannot be used as a single comparison factor in evolutionary studies.


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The synthesis of intracellular glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC in baker's yeast was investigated in submerged culture supplied with glucose or glycerol as sole carbon sources. Inhibitors of the glycolytic pathway, Krebs cycle and respiratory chain did not stimulate glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase synthesis when added in low concentrations in up 7.5 × 10 -5 mol/L. The repression exercised by glucose on the synthesis of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in YP-glucose medium was reduced by the addition of fermentation products and of sodium bisulfite. Synthesis of the enzyme was raised 22-110%. However, in YP-glycerol medium, the addition of 0.06% (w/v) sodium bisulfite reduced (29%) the synthesis of the enzyme, while 0.012% (v/v) acetaldehyde stimulated the synthesis of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase by 12%.