387 resultados para Meiosis


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染色体黏着是有丝分裂和减数分裂的关键事件,是保证姊妹(或同源)染色体正确分离并分配到子细胞中的关键调控环节之一,它建立于细胞分裂前的S期将新复制的姊妹染色体紧密联系在一起。来自酵母的研究结果已经证明姊妹染色体之间的黏着是由多亚基的蛋白质复合体-黏着素所介导的。在芽殖酵母有丝分裂中,黏着素由Scc1,Scc3,Smc1和Smc3四个亚基组成。减数分裂黏着素的组成与有丝分裂中的相似,只是Scc1被其减数分裂特异的Rec8变体所替换。目前,已经从高等真核生物线虫,果蝇,人,鼠以及拟南芥中分离到了黏着素相关的基因,但是对于这些基因在高等真核生物特别是植物细胞分裂中的功能还知之甚少。即使在酵母中人们对于减数分裂和有丝分裂过程中有关染色体黏着与分离的许多基本问题仍然不清楚,而且许多现象表明减数分裂的详细机制在各种生物中存在重大差异。 我们通过同源克隆的方法证明水稻(和拟南芥)基因组编码4个RAD21/REC8-like基因。这4个基因均以单拷贝存在,在核苷酸水平上没有相似性。它们所编码的蛋白质的相似性主要局限于其N-末端结构域和C-末端结构域。这4个蛋白质的中间区域没有(或者仅有极低的)相似性,但是中间区域都含有潜在的核定位信号,PEST序列,分离酶的识别序列以及多个磷酸化位点。 半定量RT-PCR,原位杂交以及Western杂交结果显示这4个基因都在生殖器官中优势表达,但是它们在花发育过程中的表达动态是不同的。OsRAD21-1和OsRAD21-3都在减数分裂时期的颖花中表达量最高,但是OsRAD21-3还在成熟花粉中高表达;OsRAD21-4在减数分裂前的颖花中表达量最高;OsRAD21-2则在雌雄蕊形成时期表达最强,之后逐渐降低。这些结果暗示这4个基因的功能可能是不同的。 免疫荧光定位分析表明,OsRad21-1和OsRad21-3 特异地定位于有丝分裂的染色体上,其分布动态表明这两个蛋白可能都参与了有丝分裂姊妹染色体之间的黏着。由于水稻四个RAD21/REC8类基因中,只有OsRAD21-3在花粉发育过程中表达,同时水稻花粉的发育成熟要经过两次有丝分裂,推测OsRad21-3蛋白可能参与这两次有丝分裂过程姊妹染色体之间的黏着。OsRad21-4则特异地定位于减数分裂前间期到中期Ⅰ的染色体上,说明它可能特异地介导减数分裂过程姊妹染色体之间的黏着。与其它已知的Rad21/Rec8-like蛋白不同,不论在有丝分裂还是在减数分裂过程中,OsRad21-2蛋白都不定位于染色体上而是特异地定位在核仁中,并且它的动态变化与核仁重建和解体的动态规律在时间上也是相一致的,这说明OsRad21-2是一种新的核仁蛋白质而与染色体的黏着无关。 OsRAD21-4 RNAi转基因水稻植株的花粉活性受到严重影响,种子结实率降低。雄性减数分裂过程中染色体出现多种异常行为:前期Ⅰ染色体异常凝集;同源染色体提早分离;染色体出现片断化。进一步的FISH实验结果证明RNAi株系中同源染色体配对和姊妹染色体臂的黏着均发生异常。因此,OsRad21-4是酵母Rec8的同源蛋白,是正确的减数分裂所必需的。 与表达分析和功能分析所得的结果相一致,进化树分析可以将Rad21/Rec8-like蛋白质分为三个亚家族:(1)Rad21亚家族,参与有丝分裂姊妹染色体黏着;(2)Rec8亚家族,参与减数分裂染色体黏着;(3)Rno亚家族,目前仅发现于高等植物中,是一种核仁蛋白质而与其它的Rad21/Rec8-like蛋白的功能不同,可能不参与染色体之间的黏着。


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减数分裂是有性生殖物种世代交替的转折点;减数分裂不仅维持了基因组的稳定性,而且通过重组创造了遗传多样性。在减数分裂过程中,DNA复制一次后进行两次连续的细胞分裂。第二次减数分裂与有丝分裂类似,涉及到姊妹染色单体的分离;而第一次减数分裂是独一无二的,在这次分裂中同源染色体分离。为保证同源染色体的准确分离,同源染色体在减数分裂前期I通过一系列复杂的过程结合在一起形成稳定的二价体。这些复杂的前期I事件包括同源配对、联会和重组。分子遗传学、细胞学和生物化学研究已经表明酵母DMC1基因在减数分裂重组、配对和联会过程中起了重要作用。OsDMC1基因是酵母DMC1基因在水稻中的同源基因。本课题应用RNA干扰技术分析了该基因在水稻生长发育过程中的功能。利用本实验室设计的RNAi工具载体pWTC605构建OsDMC1-RNAi载体;并通过农杆菌介导的水稻愈伤组织转化法获得了转基因株系;进而通过PCR和Southern杂交鉴定筛选出阳性的OsDMC1-RNAi株系。OsDMC1-RNAi株系的营养生长正常,但结实率显著降低;成熟花粉的Alexander染色显示这些OsDMC1-RNAi株系的花粉是败育的。通过内源OsDMC1基因表达量的半定量RT-PCR、Western杂交分析以及OsDMC1特异性small RNA的Northern杂交鉴定,证实OsDMC1-RNAi株系的不育表型与RNA干扰介导的内源OsDMC1 mRNA和蛋白水平的降低是相关的。进一步深入的细胞学观察显示,OsDMC1基因的knockdown导致OsDMC1-RNAi株系的雄性减数分裂异常,表现为二价体形成缺陷、染色体不等分分离和异常四分体的产生;OsDMC1基因的knockdown同时还诱导了雄性减数分裂进程的改变。荧光原位杂交实验揭示OsDMC1-RNAi株系的减数分裂同源配对过程是缺陷的。这些研究结果表明OsDMC1基因是水稻减数分裂的必需基因,该基因在减数分裂同源配对过程中起了重要作用。


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有丝分裂和减数分裂包含一系列协同作用的事件,姊妹染色体的黏着是其中非常重要的一个环节。通过对芽殖酵母的研究发现姊妹染色体的黏着是由一个多亚基的蛋白复合体——黏着素介导的,在有丝分裂过程中,黏着素由Scc1(裂殖酵母中为Rad21)、Scc3、Smc1和Smc3四个亚基组成,而在减数分裂中Scc1被其同源蛋白Rec8所取代。通过对其它真核生物包括线虫、果蝇、爪蟾、鼠、人以及拟南芥等进行的研究显示,黏着素介导的姊妹染色体黏着的基本机制在真核生物中具有保守性,但在不同的物种中,其具体的分子机制还存在着差异。开花植物的有性生殖过程包含了一个非常特殊的花粉发育阶段,其间发生了两次花粉的有丝分裂,对其我们还知之甚少。Rad21/Rec8作为黏着素的重要组分,对水稻中它的同源蛋白进行深入研究可以帮助我们对植物有丝分裂和减数分裂的染色体黏着机制有进一步的了解。 我们发现在水稻基因组中存在4个编码Rad21/Rec8家族蛋白的基因,其中OsRAD21-3位于水稻第8号染色体上,其编码的蛋白与其它的Rad21/Rec8家族蛋白一样,具有保守的N-和C-末端结构域。序列比对和进化分析的结果表明OsRad21-3蛋白属于Rad21亚家族,而免疫荧光定位分析显示OsRad21-3可以特异地定位于有丝分裂的染色体上,由此说明OsRAD21-3应当是酵母RAD21的直系同源基因。对OsRAD21-3进行半定量RT-PCR,Western杂交以及原位杂交的结果显示它在生殖器官花中优势表达,在营养器官中也能检测到表达。在花中它在从雌雄蕊形成期到成熟花粉期都有表达,其表达的位置主要位于减数分裂时期的小孢子母细胞以及减数分裂后的小孢子和花粉中。在水稻四个RAD21/REC8基因中,OsRAD21-3是唯一一个在花粉发育过程中表达的基因,说明它可能在减数分裂后的雄配子体发育过程中发挥了功能。 采用RNAi手段对OsRAD21-3的功能进行研究发现OsRAD21-3 RNAi转基因水稻植株的育性显著下降,进一步的分析表明其花粉活性受到严重影响。对OsRAD21-3i株系的雄性减数分裂过程及减数分裂后的小孢子和花粉发育过程进行观察发现,减数分裂过程中有少量细胞存在染色体的异常行为,但总体上没有对雄性减数分裂造成严重影响,而减数分裂后的小孢子和花粉发育过程则出现了显著异常,表现为花粉有丝分裂的停滞或有丝分裂染色体分离的扰乱,因此,OsRAD21-3应当主要是通过在花粉的有丝分裂过程中发挥功能而参与减数分裂后的雄配子体发育过程,而它在雄性减数分裂过程中可能也有一定作用。 利用原位杂交技术分析了水稻另外三个RAD21/REC8基因的表达特性,结果表明OsRAD21-1、OsRAD21-2和OsRAD21-4都在减数分裂前及减数分裂期的小孢子母细胞中表达,但在减数分裂后较晚时期的小孢子中则没有检测到表达。OsRAD21-4在小孢子母细胞中的表达为其参与减数分裂过程染色体的黏着提供了证据,而OsRAD21-1和OsRAD21-2在此过程中的功能还有待进一步研究。此外,OsRAD21-1和OsRAD21-2还在营养器官有丝分裂旺盛的区域表达,OsRAD21-1作为RAD21的同源基因可能与OsRAD21-3在参与有丝分裂染色体黏着方面存在功能上的冗余性,但OsRAD21-3参与花粉的发育过程则是其所特有的,这可能也在一定程度上说明了为什么水稻中会存在4个RAD21/REC8基因,并帮助我们更好地了解了它们在功能上的分化。


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The black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons) has an unusual karyotype of 2n = 8 in females and 2n = 9 in males. We have studied the evolution of this karyotype by hybridising chromosome-specific paints derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of the Chinese muntjac (M. reevesi, 2n = 46) to chromosomes of the black muntjac. The hybridisation pattern allowed us to infer chromosomal homologies between these two species. Tandem and centromeric fusions, reciprocal translocations, and insertions are involved in the reduction of the diploid number from 2n = 46 to 2n = 8, 9. The painting patterns further show complex chromosomal rearrangements in the male black muntjac which involve more than half the karyotype, including both sex chromosomes. Since early meiosis is reported to be normal without any visible inversion loops of the synaptonemal complex, the observed chromosomal rearrangements would lead to heterosynapsis and, therefore, leave a large fraction of the male black muntjac karyotype balanced between the two sexes.


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The centromere protein A (CENP-A), a histone H3-like protein, provides an essential role for chromosomal segregation during mitosis and meiosis. In this study we identified ten new CENP-A-like genes (excluding the original CENP-A gene) in cow by searching


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Genetic biodiversity is the vaflatlOn among individuals within and between units of interbreeding individuals (populations) of a species. It includes inheritable and transmittable differences that occur between individuals andlor popuhitions of a given species through reproductive interaction. There exists enormous variability among individuals andlor populations of a species for most living organisms, and most of this variation is inheritable. differences among individuals arise through mutation and via recombination of genes during meiosis. These ifferences are then transmitted to successive generations through sexual reproduction and maintained in the populations through processes such as natural selection and genetic drift. Unfortunately much of this variation is normally threatened and often in danger of extinction because most focus in conservation of natural resources is put at saving species or habitats than varieties or strains of a species


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Meiosis is a specialized eukaryotic cell division that generates haploid gametes required for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair and undergo reciprocal genetic exchange, termed crossover (CO). Meiotic CO frequency varies along the physical length of chromosomes and is determined by hierarchical mechanisms, including epigenetic organization, for example methylation of the DNA and histones. Here we investigate the role of DNA methylation in determining patterns of CO frequency along Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes. In A. thaliana the pericentromeric regions are repetitive, densely DNA methylated, and suppressed for both RNA polymerase-II transcription and CO frequency. DNA hypomethylated methyltransferase1 (met1) mutants show transcriptional reactivation of repetitive sequences in the pericentromeres, which we demonstrate is coupled to extensive remodeling of CO frequency. We observe elevated centromere-proximal COs in met1, coincident with pericentromeric decreases and distal increases. Importantly, total numbers of CO events are similar between wild type and met1, suggesting a role for interference and homeostasis in CO remodeling. To understand recombination distributions at a finer scale we generated CO frequency maps close to the telomere of chromosome 3 in wild type and demonstrate an elevated recombination topology in met1. Using a pollen-typing strategy we have identified an intergenic nucleosome-free CO hotspot 3a, and we demonstrate that it undergoes increased recombination activity in met1. We hypothesize that modulation of 3a activity is caused by CO remodeling driven by elevated centromeric COs. These data demonstrate how regional epigenetic organization can pattern recombination frequency along eukaryotic chromosomes.


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The Deleted in azoospermia family consists of RNA-binding proteins Bottle, Daz, and Daz-like (Dazl) that are expressed in the germline. Here, we report the cloning and expression of the medakafish (Oryzias latipes) dazl gene (odazl). Interestingly, although the predicted medaka Dazl protein (oDazl) contains a RRM motif and a DAZ repeat characteristic of its mammalian homologs, it lacks 80 aa at the C-terminus. By RT-PCR, RNA in situ hybridization, Western blotting and fluorescent immunohistochemistry using a rabbit anti-DazI antibody (alpha Oazl), we analyzed the expression patterns of odazl and its protein. The odazl transcript persists throughout embryogenesis and delineates with primordial germ cells. In adults, the expression of odazl RNA and its protein is restricted to germ cells of both the testis and ovary. We observed differential expression of RNA and protein at critical stages of gametogenesis. In the testis, the odazl RNA is low at premeiotic stages, abundant at meiotic stages, but absent in postmeiotic stages; whereas the oDazl protein is rich in premeiotic stages, reduced at meiotic stages, becomes barely detectable or absent in postmeiotic round spermatids or sperm, respectively. This is in sharp mature spermatozoa. In the ovary, the odazl RNA contrast to the human situation where the Dazl transcript and protein are present in and protein persist throughout oogenesis and also show differential expression at premeiotic, meiotic and postmeiotic stages. Thus, the odazl or its protein is a marker for germ cells during embryogenesis and at critical stages of gametogenesis in both sexes of medaka. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spermatogonia are the male germ stem cells that continuously produce sperm for the next generation. Spermatogenesis is a complicated process that proceeds through mitotic phase of stem cell renewal and differentiation, meiotic phase, and postmeiotic phase of spermiogenesis. Full recapitulation of spermatogenesis in vitro has been impossible, as generation of normal spermatogonial stem cell lines without immortalization and production of motile sperm from these cells after long-term culture have not been achieved. Here we report the derivation of a normal spermatogonial cell line from a mature medakafish testis without immortalization. After 140 passages during 2 years of culture, this cell line retains stable but growth factor-dependent proliferation, a diploid karyotype, and the phenotype and gene expression pattern of spermatogonial stem cells. Furthermore, we show that this cell line can undergo meiosis and spermiogenesis to generate motile sperm. Therefore, the ability of continuous proliferation and sperm production in culture is an intrinsic property of medaka spermatogonial stem cells, and immortalization apparently is not necessary to derive male germ cell cultures. Our findings and cell line will offer a unique opportunity to study and recapitulate spermatogenesis in vitro and to develop approaches for germ-line transmission.


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Background: Some triploid and tetraploid clones have been identified in the gynogenetic gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, by karyotypic and cytologic analyses over many years. Further, 5-20% males and karyotypic diversity have been found among their natural and artificial populations. However, the DNA contents and the relation to their ploidy level and chromosome numbers have not been ascertained, and whether normal meiosis occurs in spermatogenesis needs to be determined in the different clones. Methods: The sampled blood cells or sperms were mixed with blood cells from chicken or individual gibel carp and fixed in 70% pre-cooled ethanol overnight at 4degreesC. The mixed cell pellets were washed 2-3 times in 1x phosphate buffered saline and then resuspended in the solution containing 0.5% pepsin and 0.1 M HCl. DNA was stained with propidium iodide solution (40 mug/mL) containing 4 kU/ml RNase. The measurements of DNA contents were performed with Phoenix Flow Systems. Results: Triploid clones A, E, F, and P had almost equal DNA content, but triploid clone D had greater DNA content than did the other four triploid clones. DNA content of clone M (7.01 +/- 0.15 pg/nucleus) was almost equal to the DNA content of clone D (5-38 +/- 0.06 pg/nucleus) plus the DNA content of common carp sperm (1.64 +/- 0.02 pg/nucleus). The DNA contents of sperms from clones A, P, and D were half of their blood cells, suggesting that normal meiosis occurs in spermatogenesis. Conclusions: Flow cytometry is a powerful method to analyze genetic heterogeneity and ploidy level among different gynogenetic clones of polyploid gibel carp. Through this study, four questions have been answered. (a) The DNA content correlation among the five triploid clones and one multiple tetraploid clone was revealed in the gibel carp, and the contents increased with not only the ploidy level but also the chromosome number. (b) Mean DNA content was 0.052 pg in six extra chromosomes of clone D, which was higher than that of each chromosome in clones A, E, F, and P (about 0.032 pg/ chromosome). This means that the six extra chromosomes are larger chromosomes. (c) Normal meiosis occurred during spermatogenesis of the gibel carp, because DNA contents of the sperms from clones A, P, and D were almost half of that in their blood cells. (d) Multiple tetraploid clone M (7.01 +/- 0.15 pg/nucleus) contained the complete genome of clone D (5.38 +/- 0.06 pg/nucleus) and the genome of common carp sperm (1.64 +/- 0.02 pg/nucleus). Cytometry Part A 56A:46-52, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) is a unique triploid bisexual species that can reproduce by gynogenesis. As all other gynogenetic animals, it keeps its chromosome integrity by inhibiting the first meiosis division (no extrusion of the first pole body). To understand the molecular events governing this reproduction mode, suppression subtractive hybridization was used to identify the genes differentially expressed in fully-grown oocytes of the gynogenetic and gonochoristic crucian carp (gyno-carp and gono-carp). From two specific subtractive cDNA libraries, the clones screened out by dot blots and virtual Northern blots were chosen to clone, full-length cDNA by RACE. Four differentially expressed genes were obtained. Two are novel genes and are expressed specifically in the oocytes. The gyno-carp stores much more mRNA of cyclin A2, a new member of the fish A-type cyclin gene, in its fully-grown oocyte than in the gono-carp. The last gene is histone H2A. The histone H2As of these two closely related crucian carps are quite different in the C-terminus. Preliminary characterization of the four genes has been analyzed by nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence and Northern analysis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The spindle behavior and MPF activity changes in the progression of oocyte maturation were investigated and compared with cytological observation and kinase assay between gynogenetic silver crucian carp and amphimictic colored crucian carp. MPF activity was measured by using histone I-Il as phosphorylation substrate. There were two similar oscillatory MPF kinase activity changes during oocyte maturation in two kinds of fishes with different reproductive modes, but there existed some subtle difference between them. The subtle difference was that the first peak of MPF kinase activity was kept to a longer-lasting time in the gynogenetic silver crucian carp than in the amphimictic colored crucian carp. It was suggested that the difference may be related to the spindle behavior changes, such as tripolar spindle formation and spindle rearrangement in the gynogenetic crucian carp.


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Chromosome behavior in meiosis was studied by air-drying, C-banding and surface-spreading methods in female intersexes of artificial triploid transparent-colored crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Chromosome pairing and contraction were obviously asynchronous. The preferential pairing of two homologous chromosomes was the major pattern of chromosome pairing, and a few triple pairing, repeated pairing, telomer or centromere associating and multiple pairing were also observed in the pachytene cells. The metaphase I cells were mainly composed of univalents, bivalents and trivalents, as well as few of other multivalents, such as tetravalents, pentavalents, hexavalents and heptavalents, were also found in some metaphase I cells. The chromosome elements including uni-, bi-, tri- and other multivalents varied considerably among the metaphase I cells, and the associating patterns of multivalents were also diverse. Some 6 n and 12 n cells, in which premeiotic endomitosis occurred once or twice, were found at the prophase and first metaphase of meiosis, and the pairing and associating patterns were basically similar to that of the triploid cells.


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Background: The model eukaryote, Tetrahymena thermophila, is the first ciliated protozoan whose genome has been sequenced, enabling genome-wide analysis of gene expression. Methodology/Principal Findings: A genome-wide microarray platform containing the predicted coding sequences (putative genes) for T. thermophila is described, validated and used to study gene expression during the three major stages of the organism's life cycle: growth, starvation and conjugation. Conclusions/Significance: Of the,27,000 predicted open reading frames, transcripts homologous to only,5900 are not detectable in any of these life cycle stages, indicating that this single-celled organism does indeed contain a large number of functional genes. Transcripts from over 5000 predicted genes are expressed at levels >5x corrected background and 95 genes are expressed at >250x corrected background in all stages. Transcripts homologous to 91 predicted genes are specifically expressed and 155 more are highly up-regulated in growing cells, while 90 are specifically expressed and 616 are up-regulated during starvation. Strikingly, transcripts homologous to 1068 predicted genes are specifically expressed and 1753 are significantly up-regulated during conjugation. The patterns of gene expression during conjugation correlate well with the developmental stages of meiosis, nuclear differentiation and DNA elimination. The relationship between gene expression and chromosome fragmentation is analyzed. Genes encoding proteins known to interact or to function in complexes show similar expression patterns, indicating that co-ordinate expression with putative genes of known function can identify genes with related functions. New candidate genes associated with the RNAi-like process of DNA elimination and with meiosis are identified and the late stages of conjugation are shown to be characterized by specific expression of an unexpectedly large and diverse number of genes not involved in nuclear functions.