964 resultados para Dry eye syndrome


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BACKGROUND: The off-label use of topical tacrolimus (Protopic) for inflammatory external eye diseases is gaining popularity. However, there are no reports on the safety profile of this new treatment option. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We treated six patients with different inflammatory eye diseases with topical tacrolimus (Protopic 0.03 %) as off-label use in addition to the conventional anti-inflammatory treatment. Patients were interviewed for side effects and serum drug concentrations were measured under steady state conditions one hour after topical application of tacrolimus ointment. RESULTS: Two patients reported a slight burning sensation immediately after application, in one patient we found a slight worsening of the dry eye problems. No patient abandoned the treatment due to side effects. Serum drug concentrations remained below the analytical threshold in all cases (< 1.5 ng/ml). CONCLUSIONS: Tacrolimus for the topical treatment of anterior segment inflammatory eye diseases is well tolerated without detectable systemic drug resorption.


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The region of human chromosome 22q11 is prone to rearrangements. The resulting chromosomal abnormalities are involved in Velo-cardio-facial and DiGeorge syndromes (VCFS and DGS) (deletions), “cat eyesyndrome (duplications), and certain types of tumors (translocations). As a prelude to the development of mouse models for VCFS/DGS by generating targeted deletions in the mouse genome, we examined the organization of genes from human chromosome 22q11 in the mouse. Using genetic linkage analysis and detailed physical mapping, we show that genes from a relatively small region of human 22q11 are distributed on three mouse chromosomes (MMU6, MMU10, and MMU16). Furthermore, although the region corresponding to about 2.5 megabases of the VCFS/DGS critical region is located on mouse chromosome 16, the relative organization of the region is quite different from that in humans. Our results show that the instability of the 22q11 region is not restricted to humans but may have been present throughout evolution. The results also underscore the importance of detailed comparative mapping of genes in mice and humans as a prerequisite for the development of mouse models of human diseases involving chromosomal rearrangements.


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Purpose: Meibomian-derived lipid secretions are well characterised but their subsequent fate in the ocular environment is less well understood. Phospholipids are thought to facilitate the interface between aqueous and lipid layers of the tear film and to be involved in ocular lubrication processes. We have extended our previous studies on phospholipid levels in the tear film to encompass the fate of polar and non-polar lipids in progressive accumulation and aging processes on both conventional and silicone-modified hydrogel lenses. This is an important aspect of the developing understanding of the role of lipids in the clinical performance of silicone hydrogels. Method: Several techniques were used to identify lipids in the tear film. Mass-spectrometric methods included Agilent 1100-based liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LCMS) and Perkin Elmer gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS). Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was used for separation of lipids on the basis of increasing solvent polarity. Routine assay of lipid extractions from patient-worn lenses was carried out using a Hewlett Packard 1090 liquid chromatograph coupled to both uv and Agilent 1100 fluorescence detection. A range of histological together with optical, and electron microscope techniques was used in deposit analysis. Results: Progressive lipid uptake was assessed in various ways, including: composition changes with wear time, differential lipid penetrate into the lens matrix and, particularly, the extent to which lipids become unextractable as a function of wear time. Solvent-based separation and HPLC gave consistent results indicating that the polarity of lipid classes decreased as follows: phospholipids/fatty acids > triglycerides > cholesterol/cholesteryl esters. Tear lipids were found to show autofluorescence—which underpinned the value of fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence detection coupled with HPLC separation. The most fluorescent lipids were found to be cholesteryl esters; histological techniques coupled with fluorescence microscopy indicated that white spots (’’jelly bumps’’) formed on silicone hydrogel lenses contain a high proportion of cholesteryl esters. Lipid profiles averaged for 30 symptomatic and 30 asymptomatic contact lens wearers were compiled. Peak classes were split into: cholesterol (C), cholesteryl esters (CE), glycerides (G), polar fatty acids/phospholipids (PL). The lipid ratio for ymptomatic/symptomatic was 0.6 ± 0.1 for all classes except one—the cholesterol ratio was 0.2 ± 0.05. Significantly the PL ratio was no different from that of any other class except cholesterol. Chromatography indicated that: lipid polarity decreased with depth of penetration and that lipid extractability decreased with wear time. Conclusions: Meibomian lipid composition differs from that in the tear film and on worn lenses. Although the same broad lipid classes were obtained by extraction from all lenses and all patients studied, quantities vary with wear and material. Lipid extractability diminishes with wear time regardless of the use of cleaning regimes. Dry eye symptoms in contact lens wear are frequently linked to lipid layer behaviour but seem to relate more to total lipid than to specific composition. Understanding the detail of lipid related processes is an important element of improving the clinical performance of materials and care solutions.


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Purpose: With the potential to address evaporative dry eye, a novel spray has been developed in which phospholipid liposomes are delivered to the tear film via the surface of the closed eyelid. This study evaluated the short-term effects of liposomal spray application on the lipid and stability characteristics of the pre-ocular tear film in normal eyes. Methods: Twenty-two subjects (12M, 10F) aged 35.1 ± 7.1 years participated in this prospective, randomised, double-masked investigation in which the liposomal spray was applied to one eye, and an equal volume of saline spray (control) applied to the contralateral eye. Lipid layer grade (LLG), non-invasive tear film stability (NIBUT) and tear meniscus height (TMH) were evaluated at baseline, and at 30, 60, 90 and 135 minutes post-application. Subjective reports of comfort were also compared. Results: Treated and control eyes were not significantly different at baseline (p>0.05). Post-application, LLG increased significantly, at 30 and 60 minutes, only in the treated eyes (p=0.005). NIBUT also increased significantly in the treated eyes only (p<0.001), at 30, 60 and 90 minutes. TMH did not alter significantly (p>0.05). Comfort improved relative to baseline in 46% of treated and 18% of control eyes, respectively, at 30 minutes post-application. Of those expressing a preference in comfort between the eyes, 68% preferred the liposomal spray. Conclusions: Consistent with subjective reports of improved comfort, statistically and clinically significant improvements in lipid layer thickness and tear film stability are observed in normal eyes for at least an hour after a single application of a phospholipid liposomal spray.


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The project objective was to develop a reliable selection procedure to match contact lens materials with individual wearers by the identification of a biochemical marker for assessment of in-eye performance of contact lenses. There is a need for such a procedure as one of the main reasons for contact lens wearers ceasing wearing contact lenses is poor end of day comfort i.e. the lenses become intolerable to the wearer as the day progresses. The selection of an optimal material for individual wearers has the potential benefit to reduce drop Qut, hence increasing the overall contact lens population, and to improve contact lens comfort for established wearers. Using novel analytical methods and statistical techniques, we were able to investigate the interactions between the composition of the tear film and of the biofilm deposited on the contact lenses and contact lens performance. The investigations were limited to studying the lipid components of the tear film; the lipid layer, which plays a key role in preventing evaporation and stabilising the tear film, has been reported to be significantly thinner and of different mixing characteristics during contact lens wear. Different lipid families were found to influence symptomatology, in vivo tear film structure and stability as well as ocular integrity. Whereas the symptomatology was affected by both the tear film lipid composition and the nature of the lipid deposition, the structure of the tear film and its stability were mainly influenced by the tear film lipid composition. The ocular integrity also appeared to be influenced by the nature of the lipid deposition. Potential markers within the lipid species have been identified and could be applied as follows: When required in order to identify a problematic wearer or to match the contact lens material to the contact lens wearer, tear samples collected by the clinician could be dispatched to an analytical laboratory where lipid analysis could be carried out by HPLC. A colorimetric kit based on the lipid markers could also be developed and used by clinician directly in the practice; such a kit would involve tear sampling and classification according to the colour into "Problem", "Border line" and "Good" contact lens wearers groups. A test kit would also have wider scope for marketing in other areas such as general dry-eye pathology.


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Contact lenses have become a popular method of vision correction for millions of people globally. As with all devices designed for use within the body, interactions occur between the implanted material and the surrounding biological fluid. A common complaint of lens wearers is that they often experience symptoms of dry eye whilst wearing lenses. This sensation is often heightened towards the end of the day. Through the course of this study, various analytical techniques have been utilised including one dimensional electrophoresis and Western Blotting to study the protein profiles of tear samples. By studying the tears of non-contact lens wearers, it was possible to analyse what could be considered normal, healthy, individuals. A clinical study was also undertaken which followed a population of individuals from the neophyte stage to one whereby they were accustomed lens wearers. Tears were monitored at regular intervals throughout the course of this study and worn contact lenses were also analysed for proteins that had been deposited both on and within the lens. Contact lenses disrupt the tear film in a physical manner by their very presence. They are also thought to cause the normal protein profile to deviate from what would be considered normal. The tear film deposits proteins and lipids onto and within the lens. The lens may therefore be depriving the tear film of certain necessary components. The ultimate aim of this thesis was to discover how, and to what extent, lenses affected tear proteins and if there were any proteins in the tear fluid that had the potential to be used as biochemical markers. Should this be achievable it may be possible to identify those individuals who were more likely to become intolerant lens wearers. This study followed the changes taking place to the tear film as an effect of wearing contact lenses. Twenty-eight patients wore two different types of silicone hydrogel lenses in both a daily wear and a continuous wear regime. The tear protein profiles of the lens-wearers were compared with a control group of non-lens wearing individuals. The considerable amount of data that was generated enabled the clearly observable changes to the four main tear proteins to be monitored.


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The tear film, cornea and lens dictate the refractive power of the eye and the retinal image quality is principally defined by diffraction, whole eye wavefront error, scatter, and chromatic aberration. Diffraction and wave aberration are fundamentally pupil diameter dependent; however scatter can be induced by refractive surgery and in the normal ageing eye becomes an increasingly important factor defining retinal image quality. The component of visual quality most affected by the tear film, refractive surgery and multifocal contact and intraocular lenses is the wave aberration of the eye. This body of work demonstrates the effects of each of these anomalies on the visual quality of the eye. When assessing normal or borderline self-diagnosed dry eye subjects using aberrometry, combining lubricating eye drops and spray does not offer any benefit over individual products. However, subjects perceive a difference in comfort for all interventions after one hour. Total higher order aberrations increase after laser assisted sub-epithelial keratectomy performed using a solid-state laser on myopes, but this causes no significant decrease in contrast sensitivity or increase in glare disability. Mean sensitivity and reliability indices for perimetry were comparable to pre-surgery results. Multifocal contact lenses and intraocular lenses are designed to maximise vision when the patient is binocular, so any evaluation of the eyes individually is confounded by reduced individual visual acuity and visual quality. Different designs of aspheric multifocal contact lenses do not provide the same level of visual quality. Multifocal contact lenses adversely affect mean deviation values for perimetry and this should be considered when screening individuals with multifocal contact or intraocular lenses. Photographic image quality obtained through a multifocal contact or intraocular lens appears to be unchanged. Future work should evaluate the effect of these anomalies in combination; with the aim of providing the best visual quality possible and supplying normative data for screening purposes.


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Purpose. To review the evolution in ocular temperature measurement during the last century and examine the advantages and applications of the latest noncontact techniques. The characteristics and source of ocular surface temperature are also discussed. Methods. The literature was reviewed with regard to progress in human thermometry techniques, the parallel development in ocular temperature measurement, the current use of infrared imaging, and the applications of ocular thermography. Results. It is widely acknowledged that the ability to measure ocular temperature accurately will increase the understanding of ocular physiology. There is a characteristic thermal profile across the anterior eye, in which the central area appears coolest. Ocular surface temperature is affected by many factors, including inflammation. In thermometry of the human eye, contact techniques have largely been superseded by infrared imaging, providing a noninvasive and potentially more accurate method of temperature measurement. Ocular thermography requires high resolution and frame rate: features found in the latest generation of cameras. Applications have included dry eye, contact lens wear, corneal sensitivity, and refractive surgery. Conclusions. Interest in the temperature of the eye spans almost 130 years. It has been an area of research largely driven by prevailing technology. Current instrumentation offers the potential to measure ocular surface temperature with more accuracy, resolution, and speed than previously possible. The use of dynamic ocular thermography offers great opportunities for monitoring the temperature of the anterior eye. © 2005 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc.


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More information on the biochemical interactions taking place between the tear film and the contact lens is required to further our understanding of the causative mechanisms behind the symptoms of dryness and grittiness often experienced by contact lens wearers. These symptoms can often lead to an intolerance to contact lens wear.


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Full text: It seems a long time ago now since we were at the BCLA conference. The excellent FIFA World Cup in Brazil kept us occupied over the summer as well as Formula 1, Wimbledon, Tour de France, Commonwealth Games and of course exam paper marking! The BCLA conference this year was held in Birmingham at the International Convention Centre which again proved to be a great venue. The number of attendees overall was up on previous years, and at a record high of 1500 people. Amongst the highlights at this year's annual conference was the live surgery link where Professor Sunil Shah demonstrated the differences in technique between traditional phacoemulsification cataract surgery and femtosecond assisted phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Dr. Raquel Gil Cazorla, a research optometrist at Aston University, assisted in the procedure including calibrating the femtosecond laser. Another highlight for me was the session that I chaired, which was the international session organised by IACLE (International Association of CL Educators). There was a talk by Mirjam van Tilborg about dry eye prevalence in the Netherlands and how it was managed by medical general practitioners (GPs) or optometrists. It was interesting to know that there are only 2 schools of optometry there and currently under 1000 registered optometrists there. It also seems that GPs were more likely to blame CL as the cause for dry eye whereas optometrists who had a fuller range of tests were better at solving the issue. The next part of the session included the presentation of 5 selected posters from around the world. The posters were also displayed in the main poster area but were selected to be presented here as they had international relevance. The posters were: 1. Motivators and Barriers for Contact Lens Recommendation and Wear by Nilesh Thite (India) 2. Contact lens hygiene among Saudi wearers by Dr. Ali Masmaly (Saudi) 3. Trends of contact lens prescribing and patterns of contact lens practice in Jordan by Dr. Mera Haddad (Jordan) 4. Contact Lens Behaviour in Greece by Dr. Dimitra Makrynioti (Greece) 5. How practitioners inform ametropes about the benefits of contact lenses and overcome the potential barriers: an Italian survey, by Dr. Fabrizio Zeri (Italy) It was interesting to learn about CL practice in different parts, for example the CL wearing population ration in Saudi Arabia is around 1:2 Male:Female (similar to other parts of the world) and although the sale of CL is restricted to registered practitioners there are many unregistered outlets, like clothing stores, that flout the rules. In Jordan some older practitioners will still advise patients to use tap water or even saliva! But thankfully the newer generation of practitioners have been educated not to advise this. In Greece one of the concerns was that some practitioners may advise patients to use disposable lenses for longer than they should and again it seems to be the practitioners with inadequate education that would do this. In India it was found that cost was one barrier to using contact lenses but also some practitioners felt that they shouldn’t offer CLs due to cost too. In Italy sensitive eyes and CL care and maintenance were the barriers to CL wear but the motivators were vision and comfort and aesthetics. Finally the international session ended with the IACLE travel award and educator awards presented by IACLE president Shehzad Naroo and BCLA President Andrew Yorke. The travel award went to Wang Ling, Jinling Institute of Technology, Nanjing, China. There were 3 regional Contact Lens Educator of the Year Awards sponsored by Coopervision and presented by Dr. J.C. Aragorn of Coopervision. 1. Asia Pacific Region – Dr. Rajeswari Mahadevan of Sankara Nethralaya Medical Research Foundation, Chennai, India 2. Americas Region – Dr. Sergio Garcia of University of La Salle, Bogotá and the University Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia 3. Europe/Africa – Middle East Region: Dr. Eef van der Worp, affiliated with the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands The posters above were just a small selection of those displayed at this year's BCLA conference. If you missed the BCLA conference then you can see the abstracts for all posters and talks in a virtual issue of CLAE very soon. The poster competition was kindly sponsored by Elsevier. The poster winner this year was: Joan Gispets – Corneal and Anterior Chamber Parameters in Keratoconus The 3 runners up were: Debby Yeung – Scleral Lens Central Corneal Clearance Assessment with Biomicroscopy Sarah L. Smith – Subjective Grading of Lid Margin Staining Heiko Pult – Impact of Soft Contact Lenses on Lid Parallel Conjunctival Folds My final two highlights are a little more personal. Firstly, I was awarded Honorary Life Fellowship of the BCLA for my work with the Journal, and I would like to thank the BCLA, Elsevier, the editorial board of CLAE, the reviewers and the authors for their support of my role. My final highlight from the BCLA conference this year was the final presentation of the conference – the BCLA Gold Medal award. The recipient this year was Professor Philip Morgan with his talk ‘Changing the world with contact lenses’. Phil was the person who advised me to go to my first BCLA conference in 1994 (funnily he didn’t attend himself as he was busy getting married!) and now 20 years later he was being honoured with the accolade of being the BCLA Gold Medallist. The date of his BCLA medal addressed was shared with his father's birthday so a double celebration for Phil. Well done to outgoing BCLA President Andy Yorke and his team at the BCLA (including Nick Rumney, Cheryl Donnelly, Sarah Greenwood and Amir Khan) on an excellent conference. And finally welcome to new President Susan Bowers. Copyright © 2014 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The study aimed to analyze the field of nursing diagnoses safety / protection of NANDA International present in patients in the Intensive Care Unit. This is a crosssectional study in intensive care complex of a university hospital in northeastern Brazil. The research took place in two stages. The first step was to collect data through an interview form and physical examination, with 86 patients admitted to the unit, during the months of December 2013 to May 2014. Spreadsheets were built in Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Software in which were marked by the researcher of this study, the presence or absence of defining characteristics, related factors and risk factors of the 31 studied diagnoses. In the second stage, held between July and August 2014, the sheets were sent to three diagnosticians, previously trained to perform the diagnostic inference. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics for the diagnoses that showed higher frequencies than 50%, using IBM SPSS version 20.0 for Statistic Windows.O project was approved by the 440/414 and Presentation Certificate for Ethics Assessment number 22955113 .2.0000.5292. The results indicated the presence of 29 field of nursing diagnoses safety / protection in hospital clientele in the Intensive Care Unit, of which five were present in 100% of patients, namely: Risk of contamination, injury risk, falls risk,risk of allergic response and risk of trauma. Diagnoses that presented more frequently than 50% were: Risk of infection, dry eye risk, poisoning risk, vascular trauma risk, impaired skin integrity, impaired dentition, bleeding risk, risk imbalance in body temperature, Risk perioperative positioning injury, impaired tissue integrity, peripheral neurovascular dysfunction Risk, Risk adverse response to contrast media with iodine, shock Hazard and Risk of aspiration. For these analyzes, we identified 35 risk factors, 11 defining characteristics and three related factors showed statistically significant association with the studied diagnoses. For diagnostics: Risk of contamination, injury risk, falls risk, allergic response risk, trauma Risk, Risk of infection, dry eye risk and risk poisoning there was no association with any of their risk factors. We conclude that most of the area of nursing diagnoses safety / protection feature is prevalent in critically ill patients, with special attention to the risk diagnoses. There was a significant association between these diagnoses and its components. It is noteworthy, therefore, that the lifting of this profile contributes relevant clues to the inference of the priority nursing diagnoses domain safety / protection in the study population, supporting the practice of nursing and stimulating knowledge on the subject.


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Purpose To quantify diadenosine polyphosphate levels in tears of congenital aniridia patients to estimate the ocular surface changes associated with congenital aniridia compared to normal individuals. Methods Fifteen patients diagnosed with congenital aniridia and a control group of forty volunteers were studied. Tears were collected to quantify the levels of diadenosine polyphosphates Ap4A and Ap5A by high-performance liquid chromatography (H.P.L.C). Break-up time (BUT), corneal staining, McMonnies questionnaire and the Schirmer I test were applied to both groups. Results Dinucleotides in congenital aniridia patients were higher than in control subjects. For the congenital aniridia group, under 15 years old, the values were 0.77 ± 0.01 μm and 0.17 ± 0.02 μm for Ap4A and Ap5A, respectively. The group aged from 15 to 40 years old provided concentrations of 4.37 ± 0.97 μm and 0.46 ± 0.05 μm for Ap4A and Ap5A, the group over 40 gave concentrations of 11.17 ± 5.53 μm and 0.68 ± 0.17 μm for Ap4A and Ap5A. Dinucleotide concentrations increased with age, being statistically significant different among the three age groups (p < 0.05). Congenital aniridia patients showed a normal tear secretion and no dry eye McMonnies scores, except for the group over 40 years old. BUT values decreased and corneal staining increased with age and correlated with the levels of diadenosine polyphosphates (p < 0.05). Conclusions The levels of dinucleotides in tears increase in aniridia patients compared with healthy subjects, and they seem to be related with the progression of corneal disorders in aniridia patients, both of which increase with ageing.


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Purpose:  To study the concentrations of diadenosine polyphosphates in the ocular surface after PRK and LASIK. Methods:  Sixty-one patients (30 males and 31 females) with ages ranging from 20 to 63 (34.04 ± 9.13 years) were recruited in Balear Institute of Ophthalmology, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. LASIK was performed in 92 eyes of 46 patients and PRK in 25 eyes of 15 patients. Variations in the levels of diadenosine polyphosphate (Ap4A and Ap5A), Schirmer I (Jones test), TBUT, corneal staining together with the Dry Eye Questionnaire to evaluate discomfort and dryness were studied. All tests were performed at the preoperative visit and at 1-day, 2-week, 1-month and 3-month postoperative visits. Results:  Ap4A showed a 5 and 3.5 fold increase at the 1-day visit for LASIK and PRK, respectively. LASIK patients continued having higher statistically significant concentrations (p = 0.01) all over the follow-up. Ap5A showed no significant differences at any visit. Tear volume decreased during the 3 months in LASIK. The PRK cases had a normal volume at 1 month. TBUT in LASIK increased at the 1-day visit (p = 0,002) and decreased from the 2 weeks onwards and for the PRK, decreased by a 35% at the 1-day visit and kept reduced for a month. Discomfort only increased at the 1-day visit (p = 0.007). Dryness frequency was similar in all visits. Conclusions:  Ap4A levels only are increased in refractive surgery patients during the first day after the surgery. This increasing suggests that Ap4A may help accelerating the healing process.


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Objective: To evaluate the differences between goblet cell density (GCD) and symptomatology after one month of orthokeratology lens wear. Methods: A pilot, short-term study was conducted. Twenty-two subjects (29.7. ±. 7.0 years old) participated voluntarily in the study. Subjects were divided into two groups: habitual silicone hydrogel contact lens wearers (SiHCLW) and new contact lens wearers (NCLW). Schirmer test, tear break up time (TBUT), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and conjunctival impression cytology. GCD, mucin cloud height (MCH) and cell layer thickness (CLT) were measured. All measurements were performed before orthokeratology fitting and one month after fitting to assess the evolution of the changes throughout this time. Results: No differences in tear volume and TBUT between groups were found (p>0.05). However, the OSDI score was statistically better after one month of orthokeratology lens wear than the baseline for the SiHCLW group (p=0.03). Regarding the goblet cell analysis, no differences were found in CLT and MCH from the baseline visit to the one month visit for the SiHCLW compared with NCLW groups (p>0.05). At baseline, the GCD in the SiHCLW group were statistically lower than NCLW group (p<0.001). There was a significant increase in GCD after orthokeratology fitting from 121±140cell/mm2 to 254±130cell/mm2 (p<0.001) in the SiHCLW group. Conclusion: Orthokeratology improves the dry eye subject symptoms and GCD after one month of wearing in SiHCLW. These results suggest that orthokeratology could be considered a good alternative for silicone hydrogel contact lens discomfort and dryness. © 2016 British Contact Lens Association.


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It is an Olympic year and we have just witnessed the fantastic games hosted by Rio de Janeiro. Well done to team USA for winning the most medals overall but also well done to so many other nations and individuals who performed so well or were ambassadors in other ways. Teenage swimmer Yusra Mardini who swam for the refugee team and South Africa's Wayde van Niekerk who broke the longstanding 400 m record of Michael Johnson that has stood since 1999. Of course, we must mention sprinter Usain Bolt and swimmer Michael Phelps, who have now transcended superstar status and entered a new level of icon. My personal highlight was the sportsmanship witnessed in the 5000 m when American Abbey D’Agostino was accidentally felled by New Zealand runner Nikki Hamblin. D’Agostino helped Hamblin back to her feet but slumped to the track after realising her own injury. Hamblin helped her up and stayed with her so that both completed the race. The International Olympic Committee has awarded both with the prestigious Pierre de Coubertin award, also known as the International Fair Play Trophy. Fair play is of paramount importance in publishing in peer-reviewed papers. At CLAE we try and maintain, as do other journals, this by ensuring double blind peer review and allowing authors to select the most appropriate handling editor for their submission. Our handling editors are placed across the world (2 in Europe, 1 in the Americas, 1 in Australia and 1 in Asia) and part of their role is to encourage submissions from their region. Over the last decade we certainly have seen more and more papers from places that haven’t previously published in CLAE. In this issue of CLAE we have a true international blend of papers. We have papers from authors from the UK, USA, Iran, Jordan, France, Poland, Turkey, Nigeria, France, Spain and Brazil. I think it's a testament to the continued success of the journal that we are attracting new writers from so many parts of the world and retain papers from more established authors and research centres. We do continue to attract many weaker papers that are rejected early in the review process. Often these will be unexceptional case reports or papers describing a surgical technique. Case reports are published but only those that offer something original and especially those with interesting photographs. In this issue you will see Professor James Wolffsohn (UK) has an interesting paper around a lot of the focus of his recent research activity into clinical evaluation of methods of correcting presbyopia. In this paper he highlights predictors to aid success of presbyopic contact lenses. If you have been involved in any clinical work or research in the field of dry eye disease then you will know well the CLDEQ (Contact Lens Dry Eye Questionnaire) devised by Robin Chalmers and her colleagues (USA). This issue of CLAE details the latest research using the CLDEQ-8 (the 8 item version of the CLDEQ). The Shahroud Eye Cohort Study has produced many papers already and in this issue we see Fotouhi Akbar (Iran) looking at changes in central and peripheral corneal thickness over a five year period. These days we use a lot of new instrumentation, such as optical low-coherence reflectometry. In this issue Emre Güler (Turkey) compares that to a new optical biometry unit. Dry eye is more common and in this issue we see a study by Oluyemi Fasina (Nigeria) to investigate the disease in adults in South-West Nigeria. The TearLab™ is now commonly used to investigate osmolarity and Dorota Szczesna-Iskander (Poland) looks at measurement variability of this device. Following the theme of dry eyes and tear testing Renaud Laballe (France) looks at the use of scleral lenses as a reservoir-based ocular therapeutic system. In this issue we have a couple of papers looking at different aspects of keratoconus. Magdalena Popiela (UK) looks at demographics of older keratoconic patients in Wales, Faik Orucoglu (Turkey) reports a novel scoring system for distinguishing keratoconus from normal eyes, Gonzalo Carracedo (Spain) reports the effect of rigid gas permeable lens wear on dry eye in keratoconus and Hatice Nur Colak (Turkey) compares topographic and aberrations in keratoconus. Other interesting papers you will find are Mera Haddad (Jordan) investigates contact lens prescribing in Jordan, Camilla Fraga Amaral (Brazil) offers a report on the use of ocular prosthetics, Naveed Ahmed Khan (Malaysia) reports of the use of dimethyl sulfoxide in contact lens disinfectant and Michael Killpartrick (UK) offers a short piece with some useful advice on contamination risk factors that may occur from the posterior surface of disposable lenses. So for this issue I would say that the Gold Medal for biggest contribution in terms of papers has to go to Turkey. I could have awarded it to the UK too, but Turkey has three full papers and the UK has two plus one short communication. Turkey is also one of the countries that has shown the largest increase in submissions over the last decade. Finally, welcome aboard to our newest Editorial Board Member Nicole Carnt from Australia. Nicole has been an active researcher for many years and acted as a reviewer for CLAE many times in the past. We look forward to working with you.