900 resultados para Animais - Pesquisa científica


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O presente artigo focaliza episódios históricos relacionados à pesquisa médica acerca da febre amarela (1881-1903), buscando discutir (a) a influência que os fatores econômicos, sociais e políticos exercem sobre a pesquisa científica; (b) o caráter coletivo, controvertido e não-linear do processo de produção de conhecimentos na ciência; (c) a natureza arbitrária dos conhecimentos científicos, no sentido de que representam formas de ver, e não são perenes ou elaborados apenas sobre bases racionais; (d) o papel pouco cabal desempenhado pelas demonstrações experimentais, que não se mostram irrefutáveis; e (e) o papel desempenhado pelos paradigmas, que conduzem não apenas a caminhos frutíferos, mas também a becos sem saída. O intuito é proporcionar subsídios que sejam úteis tanto aos pesquisadores como aos professores que atuam na área do Ensino de Ciências.


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The Scientific Algorithms are a new metaheuristics inspired in the scientific research process. The new method introduces the idea of theme to search the solution space of hard problems. The inspiration for this class of algorithms comes from the act of researching that comprises thinking, knowledge sharing and disclosing new ideas. The ideas of the new method are illustrated in the Traveling Salesman Problem. A computational experiment applies the proposed approach to a new variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem named Car Renter Salesman Problem. The results are compared to state-of-the-art algorithms for the latter problem


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This study analyzes the perceptions of technical and administrative UFPA, in relation to the insertion of the components and assumptions of DBP in evaluation practice. Addresses the history, concepts, meanings, about AD methods, skills, evaluation skills, the APF and AD UFPA and Programme itself. The research is characterized as a hypothetical-deductive, descriptive and applied, using the case study. Data were analyzed using a quantitative approach, using the descriptive and inferential statistics. Data were collected through the application of questionnaires to 222 technical and administrative searched IFES, not occupants of FG and CD. The results indicate that the factors perceived in relation to the constituent elements such as: evaluation practice, measurement of competence, program management, timing, individual skills and fundamentals of the program and those related to assumptions such as: democratic process, integrative perspective, character development and pedagogical continuous evaluation practices are perceived in the evaluation process. The study concludes that comparing the results of the constituent elements and assumptions of the PAD of thechnical-administrative UFPA, it can be said about a tendency to change, though subtle, compared to the traditional model of AD, directed only to the granting of career progression for a new logic based on the results, showing an early effectiveness of the program evaluation practice by law and by the Institution. The results are confirmatory of advance evaluation practice in the institution, more so than has previously been expected, which demonstrates the value of scientific criteria of scientific research


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The Conservation Units, specially the National and State parks are among the major destinations for adventure tourism and ecotourism, so that the National System of Unit Conservation (Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação) SNUC (Law 9.985/2000) covers the practice of touristic activities, specially the ecotourism in these territorial unities. Despite these are areas for environmental conservation, practice of environmental education, scientific research and contemplation of the nature in its primary or in a similar condition, the practice of touristic activity does not often meet these aims. The main aim of this research was to evaluate the touristic activities and the actions of territorial management in the State Park of Pedra da Boca (PEPB), situated in the city of Araruna/PB. According to the results, the PEPB has in its territorial area a porphyritic granite rock set, whose geological and geomorphologic settings are unique and have scenic value. It is also home of flora and fauna endemic species and representative of the savanna biome. The data and information achieved show that the Park has a remarkable potential for tourism, especially ecotourism, however, there is a need for development of territorial management actions, in order to subsidize the use of spatial tourism site


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar um software que permita uma análise detalhada da dinâmica da deglutição. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo dez indivíduos após acidente vascular encefálico, sendo seis do gênero masculino, com idade média de 57,6 anos. Foi realizada videofluoroscopia da deglutição e as imagens foram digitalizadas em microcomputador, com posterior análise do tempo do trânsito faríngeo da deglutição, por meio de um cronômetro e do software. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio do trânsito faríngeo da deglutição apresentou-se diferente quando comparados os métodos utilizados (cronômetro e software). CONCLUSÃO: Este software é um instrumento de análise dos parâmetros tempo e velocidade da deglutição, propiciando melhor compreensão da dinâmica da deglutição, com reflexos tanto na abordagem clínica dos pacientes com disfagia como para fins de pesquisa científica.


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Neste ensaio, tomamos como problema as ações da política empresarial no Brasil, em específico a política de responsabilidade social das empresas, por entender que existe nessa iniciativa um status de inovação tecnológica que precisa ser interrogado, pois se inscreve no interior de uma racionalidade que objetiva o governo das populações e tem como instrumento técnico, para realizar esse fim, uma sociedade controlada por mecanismos de segurança. Para tanto, partimos da análise de três procedimentos efetivados por alguns projetos sociais desenvolvidos por empresas brasileiras - a pesquisa científica, o protagonismo juvenil e a metodologia participativa. A referência de análise são textos de diversas naturezas, veiculados por esses projetos e disponíveis ao acesso público.


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O artigo trata da formação da indústria farmacêutica brasileira. Aborda algumas questões de história econômica e social, tais como o surgimento do sistema de saúde pública, as práticas de combate às doenças infecciosas, desde as desinfecções e produção de substâncias químicas pela indústria, à soroterapia e produção de soros e vacinas nas instituições de pesquisa científica públicas e nas empresas farmacêuticas privadas. Toma para análise da indústria farmacêutica privada nacional, a empresa Instituto Pinheiros - Produtos Terapêuticos S.A., enfatizando as relações entre seus cientistas, no desenvolvimento de produtos, de tecnologia e da própria discussão científica com as instituições públicas de pesquisa criadas no âmbito da política de saúde pública pelo estado de São Paulo.


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O interesse por pesquisas relacionadas a Wilhelm Reich é notório nos últimos anos. Com o intuito de contribuir com a difusão das produções acadêmicas nesse campo, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar as dissertações de mestrado e as teses de doutorado desenvolvidas em universidades brasileiras entre 1979 e 2008. Os resultados revelaram a existência de 81 produções acadêmicas, das quais 60 são dissertações de mestrado e 21, teses de doutorado. Isso nos leva a concluir que Reich tem sido objeto de interesse de pesquisadores em áreas diversas, o que evidencia que esse autor é um referencial teórico importante para a reflexão de temas contemporâneos.


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As occurs with a number of drugs, the bioavailability of amphotericin B (AmB) used to treat fungal infections by the ocular route remains a great challenge to research scientists. In fact, the poor bioavailability of AmB is due mainly to the corneal barrier, which leads to a precorneal loss and consequent decrease in the absorption of this drug into the intraocular tissues. The toxicity associated with this molecule, together with its poor ability to penetrate the intact corneal epithelium, also represents a major drawback to its clinical use. New effective and safe drug vehicles for ocular delivery of AmB are therefore urgently needed. Microemulsions (MEs) seem to be an interesting system, owing to their transparent appearance, thermodynamic stability and favorable viscosity. Knowledge of the process of formation of AmB-containing MEs, as well as a good understanding of the physical chemistry of such systems, would provide reliable information on the best conditions for the use of these systems as eye drops. The goal of this research was thus to make an approach to this subject by reviewing the main studies on the use of MEs as delivery systems for AmB in topical eye treatment.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bacterial fruit blotch of cucurbits (BFB), caused by the seed borne Gramnegative bacterium Acidovorax citrulli is a serious threat to cucurbit industry worldwide. Since late 1980`s after devastating outbreaks in watermelon fields in southern United States, BFB has spread worldwide and has been reported in other cucurbit crops such as melon, pumpkin, cucumber and squash. To date, there is evidence for the existence of at least two genetically and pathogenically distinct populations of A. citrulli. In Brazil, the first report of BFB was in 1991, in a watermelon field in São Paulo. Although widespread in the country, BFB has been a major problem to melon production. More precisely, BFB has caused significant yield losses to melon production in northeastern Brazil, which concentrates > 90% of the country`s melon production. Despite the management efforts and the recent advances in A. citrulli research, BFB is still a continuous threat to the cucurbit industry, including seed producers, growers and transplant nurseries. To better understand the population structure of A. citrulli strains in Brazil, and to provide a basis for the integrated management of BFB, we used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of housekeeping and virulence-associated genes and pathogenicity tests on different cucurbit seedlings to characterize a Brazilian population of A. citrulli strains from different hosts and regions. Additionally, we conducted for the first time a comparative analysis of the A. citrulli group I and II population at genomic level and showed that these two groups differ on their genome sizes due to the presence of eight DNA segments, which are present in group II and absent in group I genomes. We also provide the first evidence to suggest that temperature might be a driver in the ecological adaptation of A. citrulli populations under nutrient-rich or -depleted conditions. Finally, in order to improve the routine detection of A. citrulli on melon seedlots, we designed a new primer set that is able to detect the different Brazilian haplotypes, thus minimizing the risk of false-negatives on PCR-based seed health testing.