963 resultados para Antibodies, ANCA


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Torque teno virus (TTV) was discovered in 1997 in the serum of a Japanese patient who had a post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology. It is a small virus containing a circular single-stranded DNA genome which is unique among human viruses. Within a few years after its discovery, the TTVs were noted to form a large family of viruses with numerous genotypes. TTV is highly prevalent among the general population throughout the world, and persistent infections and co-infections with several genotypes occur frequently. However, the pathogenicity and the mechanism for the sustained occurrence of the virus in blood are at present unclear. To determine the prevalence of TTV in Finland, we set up PCR methods and examined the sera of asymptomatic subjects for the presence of TTV DNA and for genotype-6 DNA. TTV was found to be highly prevalent also in Finland; 85% of adults harbored TTV in their blood, and 4% were infected with genotype-6. In addition, TTV DNA was detected in a number of different tissues, with no tissue-type or symptom specificity. Most cell-biological events during TTV infections are at the moment unknown. Replicating TTV DNA has, however, been detected in liver and the hematopoietic compartment, and three mRNAs are known to be generated. To characterize TTV cell biology in more detail, we cloned in full length the genome of TTV genotype 6. We showed that in human kidney-derived cells TTV produces altogether six proteins with distinct subcellular localizations. TTV mRNA transcription was detected in all cell lines transfected with the full-length clone, and TTV DNA replicated in several of them, including those of erythroid, kidney, and hepatic origin. Furthermore, the viral DNA replication was shown to utilize the cellular DNA polymerases. Diagnoses of TTV infections have been based almost solely on PCR, whereas serological tests, measuring antibody responses, would give more information on many aspects of these infections. To investigate the TTV immunology in more detail, we produced all six TTV proteins for use as antigens in serological tests. We detected in human sera IgM and IgG antibodies to occur simultaneously with TTV DNA, and observed appearance of TTV DNA regardless of pre-existing antibodies, and disappearance of TTV DNA after antibody appearance. The genotype-6 nucleotide sequence remained stable for years within the infected subjects, suggesting that some mechanism other than mutations is used by this minute virus to evade our immune system and to establish chronic infections in immunocompetent subjects.


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Helicobacter pylorin (helikobakteeri) tartunta saadaan yleensä lapsena ja tauti jää tavallisesti pysyväksi ilman täsmähoitoa. Onnistunut hoito parantaa pysyvästi helikobakteerista aiheutuvan mahan haavataudin ja näyttää ehkäisevän mahalaukun pahanlaatuisten muutosten kehittymistä. Aloitimme Vammalassa terveyskeskuksessa toteutetun kansainvälisesti ainutlaatuisen väestöpohjaisen helikobakteeritulehduksen seulonta- ja hoito-ohjelman pilottitutkimuksella 1994. 1996 kaikki 15-40-vuotiaat ja 1997-2000 15- ja 45-vuotiaat vammalalaiset kutsuttiin verinäyteseulontaan. Yhteensä 4626 henkilöä (75% kutsutuista) osallistui seulontaan. Vasta-ainepositiivisille tarjottiin helikobakteeritulehduksen lopettava lääkekuuri. Toiminnan seurauksena helikobakteeritulehduksen esiintyvyyden laskettiin vähentyneen 12%:sta 4%:iin 15-40-vuotiaiden ikäryhmässä. Tutkimme myös helikobakteerivasta-ainepositiivisten ja -negatiivisten eroja sekä helikobakteeritulehduksen riskitekijöitä kyselytutkimuksella. Lapsuudenkodin asumisahtauden, äidin matalan koulutusasteen, tupakoinnin, alkoholinkäytön, huonojen asunto-olojen ja ylävatsavaivoista johtuvien sairauslomien todettiin liittyvän helikobakteeritulehdukseen monimuuttuja-analyysissa. Tutkimme seulontaohjelmassa käyttämiemme IgG- ja IgA-luokan helikobakteeri-vasta-ainetestien luotettavuutta eri ikäryhmissä ottaen huomioon atrofisen gastriitin esiintyvyyden. 561 kliinisin perustein gastroskopoidun potilaan aineistossa IgG-testi osoittautui erittäin herkäksi kaikissa ikäryhmissä (99%). Tarkkuus oli myös vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä hyvä (97-93%), kun atrofista gastriittia sairastavat suljettiin pois. IgA- ja CagA-helikobakteerivasta-aineiden on todettu liittyvän lisääntyneeseen mahahaava- ja mahasyöpäriskiin. Analysoimme 560 henkilön pariseeruminäytteet, jotka oli otettu kahden vuosikymmenen välein, ja totesimme, että IgA-vasta-aineiden esiintyvyyden lisääntyyminen iän myötä johtuu paitsi syntymäajankohdasta ja uusista infektioista myös IgA-vasta-ainetasojen kohoamisesta helikobakteeritulehduksen aikana. Selvitimme myös CagA-vasta-ainetasojen muuttumista analysoimalla seeruminäytteet, jotka oli otettu kahden vuosikymmenen välein. Totesimme, että samanaikaisesti kun helikobakteerin esiintyvyys väestössä on alentunut, erityisesti CagA-positiiviset infektiot ovat vähentyneet. Tutkimuksemme osoittaa, että Suomessa terveyskeskuksen yhteydessä voidaan toteuttaa näin laajamittainen seulonta- ja hoito-ohjelma, johon suomalaiset osallistuvat aktiivisesti. Nähtäväksi jää, kuinka paljon ohjelma kykeni vähentämään helikobakteeritulehdukseen liittyviä myöhäisseuraamuksia.


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Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I exhibits several distinctive characteristics among all topoisomerases. The enzyme is devoid of Zn2+fingers found typically in other bacterial type I topoisomerases and binds DNA in a site-specific manner. Using polyclonal antibodies, we demonstrate the high degree of relatedness of the enzyme across mycobacteria but not other bacteria. This absence of cross-reactivity from other bacteria indicates that mycobacterial topoisomerase I has diverged from Escherichia coli and other bacteria. We have investigated further the immunological properties of the enzyme by raising a panel of monoclonal antibodies that recognises different antigenically active regions of the enzyme and binds it with widely varied affinity. Inhibition of a C-terminal domain-specific antibody binding by enzyme-specific and non-specific oligonucleotides suggests the possibility of using these monoclonal antibodies to probe the structure, function and in vivo role of the enzyme.


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No commercial immunodiagnostic tests for human scabies are currently available, and existing animal tests are not sufficiently sensitive. The recombinant Sarcoptes scabiei apolipoprotein antigen Sar s 14.3 is a promising immunodiagnostic, eliciting high levels of IgE and IgG in infected people. Limited data are available regarding the temporal development of antibodies to Sar s 14.3, an issue of relevance in terms of immunodiagnosis. We utilised a porcine model to prospectively compare specific antibody responses to a primary infestation by ELISA, to Sar s 14.3 and to S. scabiei whole mite antigen extract (WMA). Differences in the antibody profile between antigens were apparent, with Sar s 14.3 responses detected earlier, and declining significantly after peak infestation compared to WMA. Both antigens resulted in >90% diagnostic sensitivity from weeks 8–16 post infestation. These data provide important information on the temporal development of humoral immune responses in scabies and further supports the development of recombinant antigen based immunodiagnostic tests for recent scabies infestations.


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Anti-(5-methylcytosine) antibodies were immobilized on glutaraldehyde-activated Indion 48-R, a polystyrene resin with amino groups. Immobilized antibody was very stable and could be used several times without any apparent change in the initial binding capacity of the antibody-matrix. Fractions of total DNA from various animal and plant sources were retained on this column and could be eluted quantitatively with 1.0 m NaCl. The bound fraction was further characterized for its 5-methylcytosine content by restriction enzyme digestion patterns.


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Menangle virus (MenPV) is a zoonotic paramyxovirus capable of causing disease in pigs and humans. It was first isolated in 1997 from stillborn piglets at a commercial piggery in New South Wales, Australia, where an outbreak of reproductive disease occurred. Neutralizing antibodies to MenPV were detected in various pteropid bat species in Australia and fruit bats were suspected to be the source of the virus responsible for the outbreak in pigs. However, previous attempts to isolate MenPV from various fruit bat species proved fruitless. Here, we report the isolation of MenPV from urine samples of the black flying fox, Pteropus alecto, using a combination of improved procedures and newly established bat cell lines. The nucleotide sequence of the bat isolate is 94% identical to the pig isolate. This finding provides strong evidence supporting the hypothesis that the MenPV outbreak in pigs originated from viruses in bats roosting near the piggery. © 2012 Printed in Great Britain.


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Nipah virus (NiV) (Genus Henipavirus) is a recently emerged zoonotic virus that causes severe disease in humans and has been found in bats of the genus Pteropus. Whilst NiV has not been detected in Australia, evidence for NiV-infection has been found in pteropid bats in some of Australia's closest neighbours. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of henipaviruses in fruit bat (Family Pteropodidae) populations to the north of Australia. In particular we tested the hypothesis that Nipah virus is restricted to west of Wallace's Line. Fruit bats from Australia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Indonesia were tested for the presence of antibodies to Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus, and tested for the presence of HeV, NiV or henipavirus RNA by PCR. Evidence was found for the presence of Nipah virus in both Pteropus vampyrus and Rousettus amplexicaudatus populations from East Timor. Serology and PCR also suggested the presence of a henipavirus that was neither HeV nor NiV in Pteropus alecto and Acerodon celebensis. The results demonstrate the presence of NiV in the fruit bat populations on the eastern side of Wallace's Line and within 500 km of Australia. They indicate the presence of non-NiV, non-HeV henipaviruses in fruit bat populations of Sulawesi and Sumba and possibly in Papua New Guinea. It appears that NiV is present where P. vampyrus occurs, such as in the fruit bat populations of Timor, but where this bat species is absent other henipaviruses may be present, as on Sulawesi and Sumba. Evidence was obtained for the presence henipaviruses in the non-Pteropid species R. amplexicaudatus and in A. celebensis. The findings of this work fill some gaps in knowledge in geographical and species distribution of henipaviruses in Australasia which will contribute to planning of risk management and surveillance activities.


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Rabbit antiserum specific to ovine luteinizing hormone free of contaminating antibodies to nonspecific proteins and FSH was administered to adult, intact rats at a dose of 0.1 and 0.2 ml/day for five days. LHAS had no effect on the weights of the epididymis but decreased their secretory activity to castrate level. Administration of 0.2 ml of LHAS or castration resulted in a marked and comparable reduction in the weights and secretory activity of the accessory glands. LHAS, even at a lower dose (0.1 ml/day), caused a significant reduction in the content of sialic acid in the vas deferons and Cowper's glands. These results are discussed in relation to the factors that regulate the functions of the epididymis and accessory glands.


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The immuno-staining patterns of skin leukocytes were investigated in three breeds of cattle: Holstein–Friesian, Brahman and Santa Gertrudis of similar age before and after tick infestation. The antibodies specific for CD45 and CD45RO reacted with cells in the skin of all Holstein–Friesian cattle but did not react with cells in the skin of any Brahman cattle. The same antibodies reacted with cells from the skin of four (CD45) and seven (CD45RO) of twelve Santa Gertrudis cattle. The antibodies specific for T cells and γδ subset of T cells recognized cells from all three breeds of cattle. The antibody specific for MHC class II molecules labelled cells of mostly irregular shape, presumably dermal dendritic cells and/or macrophages and Langerhans cells. The antibody specific for granulocytes (mAb CH138) reacted with cells only in sections cut from skin with lesions. The antibody specific for CD25+ cells labelled regularly shaped cells that showed a wide range of intensities of staining.


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The endemic non-pathogenic Australian rabbit calicivirus RCV-A1 is known to provide some cross protection to lethal infection with the closely related Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV). Despite its obvious negative impacts on viral biocontrol of introduced European rabbits in Australia, little is known about the extent and mechanisms of this cross protection. In this study 46 rabbits from a colony naturally infected with RCV-A1 were exposed to RHDV. Survival rates and survival times did not correlate with titres of serum antibodies specific to RCV-A1 or cross reacting to RHDV, but were instead influenced by the time between infection with the two viruses, demonstrating for the first time that the cross protection to lethal RHDV infection is transient. These findings are an important step towards a better understanding of the complex interactions of co-occurring pathogenic and non-pathogenic lagoviruses.


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Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks cause economic losses for cattle industries throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world estimated at $US2.5 billion annually. Lack of access to efficacious long-lasting vaccination regimes and increases in tick acaricide resistance have led to the investigation of targets for the development of novel tick vaccines and treatments. In vitro tick feeding has been used for many tick species to study the effect of new acaricides on the transmission of tick-borne pathogens. Few studies have reported the use of in vitro feeding for functional genomic studies using RNA interference and/or the effect of specific anti-tick antibodies. In particular, in vitro feeding reports for the cattle tick are limited due to its relatively short hypostome. Previously published methods were further modified to broaden optimal tick sizes/weights, feeding sources including bovine and ovine serum, optimisation of commercially available blood anti-coagulant tubes, and IgG concentrations for effective antibody delivery. Ticks are fed overnight and monitored for ∼5–6 weeks to determine egg output and success of larval emergence using a humidified incubator. Lithium-heparin blood tubes provided the most reliable anti-coagulant for bovine blood feeding compared with commercial citrated (CPDA) and EDTA tubes. Although >30 mg semi-engorged ticks fed more reliably, ticks as small as 15 mg also fed to repletion to lay viable eggs. Ticks which gained less than ∼10 mg during in vitro feeding typically did not lay eggs. One mg/ml IgG from Bm86-vaccinated cattle produced a potent anti-tick effect in vitro (83% efficacy) similar to that observed in vivo. Alternatively, feeding of dsRNA targeting Bm86 did not demonstrate anti-tick effects (11% efficacy) compared with the potent effects of ubiquitin dsRNA. This study optimises R. microplus tick in vitro feeding methods which support the development of cattle tick vaccines and treatments.


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Effective arbovirus surveillance is essential to ensure the implementation of control strategies, such as mosquito suppression, vaccination, or dissemination of public warnings. Traditional strategies employed for arbovirus surveillance, such as detection of virus or virus-specific antibodies in sentinel animals, or detection of virus in hematophagous arthropods, have limitations as an early-warning system. A system was recently developed that involves collecting mosquitoes in CO2-baited traps, where the insects expectorate virus on sugar-baited nucleic acid preservation cards. The cards are then submitted for virus detection using molecular assays. We report the application of this system for detecting flaviviruses and alphaviruses in wild mosquito populations in northern Australia. This study was the first to employ nonpowered passive box traps (PBTs) that were designed to house cards baited with honey as the sugar source. Overall, 20/144 (13.9%) of PBTs from different weeks contained at least one virus-positive card. West Nile virus Kunjin subtype (WNVKUN), Ross River virus (RRV), and Barmah Forest virus (BFV) were detected, being identified in 13/20, 5/20, and 2/20 of positive PBTs, respectively. Importantly, sentinel chickens deployed to detect flavivirus activity did not seroconvert at two Northern Territory sites where four PBTs yielded WNVKUN. Sufficient WNVKUN and RRV RNA was expectorated onto some of the honey-soaked cards to provide a template for gene sequencing, enhancing the utility of the sugar-bait surveillance system for investigating the ecology, emergence, and movement of arboviruses. © 2014, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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The synthesis of cytochrome P-450 (phenobarbital inducible) and cytochrome P-448 (3-methylcholanthrene inducible) have been studied in rat liver in vivo and in the wheat germ cell-free system using anti- cytochrome P-450 and anti-cytochrome P-448 antibodies. The major mature forms synthesized in vivo correspond to a molecular weight of 47,000 for cytochrome P-450 and 53,000 for cytochrome P-448. Translation of poly(A)-containing RNA from phenobarbital-treated rats in the wheat germ cell-free system reveals that the cell-free product immunoprecipitated with anti-cytochrome P-450 antibody has a molecular weight close to 47,000. In the case of 3-methylcholanthrene, the cell- free product immunoprecipitated with anti-cytochrome P-448 antibody shows a molecular weight around 59,000. Significant conversion of the 59,000 species to the 53,000 species can be demonstrated when the translation is carried out in the presence of microsomal membranes isolated from rat liver. Phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene enhance the translatable messenger.


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Background: In 2008-09, evidence of Reston ebolavirus (RESTV) infection was found in domestic pigs and pig workers in the Philippines. With species of bats having been shown to be the cryptic reservoir of filoviruses elsewhere, the Philippine government, in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, assembled a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional team to investigate Philippine bats as the possible reservoir of RESTV. Methods: The team undertook surveillance of bat populations at multiple locations during 2010 using both serology and molecular assays. Results: A total of 464 bats from 21 species were sampled. We found both molecular and serologic evidence of RESTV infection in multiple bat species. RNA was detected with quantitative PCR (qPCR) in oropharyngeal swabs taken from Miniopterus schreibersii, with three samples yielding a product on conventional hemi-nested PCR whose sequences differed from a Philippine pig isolate by a single nucleotide. Uncorroborated qPCR detections may indicate RESTV nucleic acid in several additional bat species (M. australis, C. brachyotis and Ch. plicata). We also detected anti-RESTV antibodies in three bats (Acerodon jubatus) using both Western blot and ELISA. Conclusions: The findings suggest that ebolavirus infection is taxonomically widespread in Philippine bats, but the evident low prevalence and low viral load warrants expanded surveillance to elaborate the findings, and more broadly, to determine the taxonomic and geographic occurrence of ebolaviruses in bats in the region. © 2015 Jayme et al.


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During the past 15 years, surveys to identify virus diseases affecting cool-season food legume crops in Australia and 11 CWANA countries (Algeria, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Uzbekistan and Yemen) were conducted. More than 20,000 samples were collected and tested for the presence of 14 legume viruses by the tissue-blot immunoassay (TBIA) using a battery of antibodies, including the following Luteovirus monoclonal antibodies (McAbs): a broad-spectrum legume Luteovirus (5G4), BLRV, BWYV, SbDV and CpCSV. A total of 195 Luteovirus samples were selected for further testing by RT-PCR using 7 primers (one is degenerate, and can detect a wide range of Luteoviridae virus species and the other six are species-specific primers) at the Virology Laboratory, QDAF, Australia, during 2014. A total of 145 DNA fragments (represented 105 isolates) were sequenced. The following viruses were characterized based on molecular analysis: BLRV from Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Uzbekistan; SbDV from Australia, Syria and Uzbekistan; BWYV from Algeria, China, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia and Uzbekistan; CABYV from Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan and Uzbekistan; CpCSV from Algeria, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia, and unknown Luteoviridae species from Algeria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Sudan, Uzbekistan and Yemen. This study has clearly shown that there are a number of Polerovirus species, in addition to BWYV, all can produce yellowing/stunting symptoms in pulses (e.g. CABYV, CpCSV, and other unknown Polerovirus species). Based on our knowledge this is the first report of CABYV affecting food legumes. Moreover, there was about 95% agreement between results obtained from serological analysis (TBIA) and molecular analysis for the detection of BLRV and SbDV. Whereas, TBIA results were not accurate when using CpCSV and BWYV McAbs . It seems that the McAbs for CpCSV and BWYV used in this study and those available worldwide, are not virus species specific. Both antibodies, reacted with other Polerovirus species (e.g. CABYV, and unknown Polerovirus). This highlights the need for more accurate characterization of existing antibodies and where necessary the development of better, virus-specific antibodies to enable their use for accurate diagnosis of Poleroviruses.