956 resultados para Troubles-talk


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Although LH is essential for survival and function of the corpus luteum (CL) in higher primates, luteolysis occurs during nonfertile cycles without a discernible decrease in circulating LH levels. Using genome-wide expression analysis, several experiments were performed to examine the processes of luteolysis and rescue of luteal function in monkeys. Induced luteolysis with GnRH receptor antagonist (Cetrorelix) resulted in differential regulation of 3949 genes, whereas replacement with exogenous LH (Cetrorelix plus LH) led to regulation of 4434 genes (1563 down-regulation and 2871 up-regulation). A model system for prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha-induced luteolysis in the monkey was standardized and demonstrated that PGF(2 alpha) regulated expression of 2290 genes in the CL. Analysis of the LH-regulated luteal transcriptome revealed that 120 genes were regulated in an antagonistic fashion by PGF(2 alpha). Based on the microarray data, 25 genes were selected for validation by real-time RT-PCR analysis, and expression of these genes was also examined in the CL throughout the luteal phase and from monkeys treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to mimic early pregnancy. The results indicated changes in expression of genes favorable to PGF(2 alpha) action during the late to very late luteal phase, and expressions of many of these genes were regulated in an opposite manner by exogenous hCG treatment. Collectively, the findings suggest that curtailment of expression of downstream LH-target genes possibly through PGF(2 alpha) action on the CL is among the mechanisms underlying cross talk between the luteotropic and luteolytic signaling pathways that result in the cessation of luteal function, but hCG is likely to abrogate the PGF(2 alpha)-responsive gene expression changes resulting in luteal rescue crucial for the maintenance of early pregnancy. (Endocrinology 150: 1473-1484, 2009)


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The study investigates actions by recipients in spontaneous Russian conversations by focusing on DA, NU and TAK, when they are used as responses to the main speaker's larger on-going turn. The database for the study consists of some 7 hours of spontaneous conversations. The participants of the conversations come from different parts of Russia. The use of DA, NU and TAK was analyzed by applying the method of ethnomethodological conversation analysis from the point of view of the type of the context, the sequential placement of the response and its manner of production. The particles were analyzed both in contexts in which they responded to an informing and in affective contexts. The particles NU and TAK were used by the speakers almost exclusively in informing contexts, whereas DA was the central response type in affective contexts. DA was also the most common response to information with affective implications. The information, to which the particle NU provided as response, was often unspesific and projected a spesification or explanation by its speaker as the next action. DA and TAK, by contrast, treated the information as one that could be followed and was sufficient in its local context. As a response to parenthetical information NU responded to information that was only loosely connected with the mainline of talk. The particle DA, by contrast, was used as a response to such parenthetical information, which was more crucial for the larger on-going activity. Only NU was used as a response that invited the main speaker to continue a turn that she or he had offered as possibly complete. NU was also used by the recipient after her or his own contribution as a continuer. In affective contexts, DA expressed, depending on its more spesific context, not only agreement but also other functions, such as giving up arguing or prior knowledge on the topic being discussed. In addition DA responses were used to display empathy and identification with the state of affairs expressed by the co-participant. NU, by contrast, was seldom used as a response to a turn that expressed affect. When it was used in affective contexts, it displayed agreement with the co-participant or just registered an assessment by her or him.


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In this study I look at what people want to express when they talk about time in Russian and Finnish, and why they use the means they use. The material consists of expressions of time: 1087 from Russian and 1141 from Finnish. They have been collected from dictionaries, usage guides, corpora, and the Internet. An expression means here an idiomatic set of words in a preset form, a collocation or construction. They are studied as lexical entities, without a context, and analysed and categorized according to various features. The theoretical background for the study includes two completely different approaches. Functional Syntax is used in order to find out what general meanings the speaker wishes to convey when talking about time and how these meanings are expressed in specific languages. Conceptual metaphor theory is used for explaining why the expressions are as they are, i.e. what kind of conceptual metaphors (transfers from one conceptual domain to another) they include. The study has resulted in a grammatically glossed list of time expressions in Russian and Finnish, a list of 56 general meanings involved in these time expressions and an account of the means (constructions) that these languages have for expressing the general meanings defined. It also includes an analysis of conceptual metaphors behind the expressions. The general meanings involved turned out to revolve around expressing duration, point in time, period of time, frequency, sequence, passing of time, suitable time and the right time, life as time, limitedness of time, and some other notions having less obvious semantic relations to the others. Conceptual metaphor analysis of the material has shown that time is conceptualized in Russian and Finnish according to the metaphors Time Is Space (Time Is Container, Time Has Direction, Time Is Cycle, and the Time Line Metaphor), Time Is Resource (and its submapping Time Is Substance), Time Is Actor; and some characteristics are added to these conceptualizations with the help of the secondary metaphors Time Is Nature and Time Is Life. The limits between different conceptual metaphors and the connections these metaphors have with one another are looked at with the help of the theory of conceptual integration (the blending theory) and its schemas. The results of the study show that although Russian and Finnish are typologically different, they are very similar both in the needs of expression their speakers have concerning time, and in the conceptualizations behind expressing time. This study introduces both theoretical and methodological novelties in the nature of material used, in developing empirical methodology for conceptual metaphor studies, in the exactness of defining the limits of different conceptual metaphors, and in seeking unity among the different facets of time. Keywords: time, metaphor, time expression, idiom, conceptual metaphor theory, functional syntax, blending theory


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This paper focuses on the fundamental right to be heard, that is, the right to have one’s voice heard and listened to – to impose reception (Bourdieu, 1977). It focuses on the ways that non-mainstream English is heard and received in Australia, where despite public policy initiatives around equal opportunity, language continues to socially disadvantage people (Burridge & Mulder, 1998). English is the language of the mainstream and most people are monolingually English (Ozolins, 1993). English has no official status yet it remains dominant and its centrality is rarely challenged (Smolicz, 1995). This paper takes the position that the lack of language engagement in mainstream Australia leads to linguistic desensitisation. Writing in the US context where English is also the unofficial norm, Lippi-Green (1997) maintains that discrimination based on speech features or accent is commonly accepted and widely perceived as appropriate. In Australia, non-standard forms of English are often disparaged or devalued because they do not conform to the ‘standard’ (Burridge & Mulder, 1998). This paper argues that talk cannot be taken for granted: ‘spoken voices’ are critical tools for representing the self and negotiating and manifesting legitimacy within social groups (Miller, 2003). In multicultural, multilingual countries like Australia, the impact of the spoken voice, its message and how it is heard are critical tools for people seeking settlement, inclusion and access to facilities and services. Too often these rights are denied because of the way a person sounds. This paper reports a study conducted with a group that has been particularly vulnerable to ongoing ‘panics’ about language – international students. International education is the third largest revenue source for Australia (AEI, 2010) but has been beset by concerns from academics (Auditor-General, 2002) and the media about student language levels and falling work standards (e.g. Livingstone, 2004). Much of the focus has been high-stakes writing but with the ascendancy of project work in university assessment and the increasing emphasis on oracy, there is a call to recognise the salience of talk, especially among students using English as a second language (ESL) (Kettle & May, 2012). The study investigated the experiences of six international students in a Master of Education course at a large metropolitan university. It utilised data from student interviews, classroom observations, course materials, university policy documents and media reports to examine the ways that speaking and being heard impacted on the students’ learning and legitimacy in the course. The analysis drew on Fairclough’s (2003) model of the dialectical-relational Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to analyse the linguistic, discursive and social relations between the data texts and their conditions of production and interpretation, including the wider socio-political discourses on English, language difference, and second language use. The interests of the study were if and how discourses of marginalisation and discrimination manifested and if and how students recognised and responded to them pragmatically. Also how they juxtaposed with and/or contradicted the official rhetoric about diversity and inclusion. The underpinning rationale was that international students’ experiences can provide insights into the hidden politics and practices of being heard and afforded speaking rights as a second language speaker in Australia.


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Tämä tutkielma on osa Helsingin yliopiston rahoittamaa HY-talk -tutkimusprojektia, jonka tavoite on vankentaa puheviestinnän, erityisesti vieraiden kielten suullisen taidon opetusta ja arviointia yleissivistävässä koulutuksessa ja korkeakouluasteella. Tämän tutkielman tavoite on selvittää millaisia korjauksia englantia vieraana kielenä puhuvat ihmiset tekevät puheeseensa ja tutkia itsekorjauksen ja sujuvuuden välistä suhdetta. Korjausjäsennystä ja itsekorjausta on aiemmin tutkittu sekä keskustelunanalyysin että psykolingvistiikan aloilla, ja vaikka tämä tutkielma onkin lähempänä aiempaa keskustelunanalyyttistä kuin psykolingvististä tutkimusta, siinä hyödynnetään molempia suuntauksia. Itsekorjausta on yleisesti pidetty merkkinä erityisesti ei-natiivien kielenpuhujien sujuvuuden puutteesta. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää, kuinka läheisesti itsekorjaus todella liittyy sujuvuuteen tai sen puutteeseen. Tutkielman materiaali koostuu HY-talk -projektia varten kerätyistä puhenäytteistä ja niiden pohjalta tehdyistä taitotasoarvioinneista. Puhenäytteet kerättiin vuonna 2007 projektia varten järjestettyjen puhekielen testaustilanteiden yhteydessä kolmessa eteläsuomalaisessa koulussa. Koska projektin tavoitteena on tutkia ja parantaa kielten suullisen taidon arviointia, projektissa mukana olleet kieliammattilaiset arvioivat puhujien taitotasot projektia varten (Eurooppalaisen Viitekehyksen taitotasokuvainten pohjalta) koottujen arviointiasteikoiden perusteella, ja nämä arvioinnit tallennettiin osaksi projektin materiaalia. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan itsekorjauksia aiemman psykolingvistisen tutkimuksen pohjalta kootun korjaustyyppiluokituksen sekä tätä tutkielmaa varten luodun korjausten oikeellisuutta vertailevan luokituksen avulla. Lisäksi siinä vertaillaan kahden korkeamman ja kahden matalamman taitotasoarvioinnin saaneen puhujan itsekorjauksia. Tulokset osoittavat, että ei-natiivien puheessa esiintyy monenlaisia eri korjaustyyppejä, ja että yleisimpiä korjauksia ovat alkuperäisen lausuman toistot. Yleisiä ovat myös korjaukset, joissa puhuja korjaa virheen tai keskeyttää puheensa ja aloittaa kokonaan uuden lausuman. Lisäksi tuloksista käy ilmi, ettei suurin osa korjauksista todennäköisesti johdu puhujien sujuvuuden puutteesta. Yleisimmät korjaustyypit voivat johtua suurimmaksi osaksi yksilön puhetyylistä, siitä, että puhuja hakee jotain tiettyä sanaa tai ilmausta mielessään tai siitä, että puhuja korjaa puheessaan huomaamansa kieliopillisen, sanastollisen tai äänteellisen virheen. Vertailu korkeammalle ja matalammalle taitotasolle arvioitujen puhujien välillä osoittaa selkeimmin, ettei suurin osa itsekorjauksista ole yhteydessä puhujan sujuvuuteen. Vertailusta käy ilmi, ettei pelkkä itsekorjausten määrä kerro kuinka sujuvasti puhuja käyttää kieltä, sillä toinen korkeammalle taitotasolle arvioiduista puhujista korjaa puhettaan lähes yhtä monesti kuin matalammalle tasolle arvioidut puhujat. Lisäksi korjausten oikeellisuutta vertailevan luokituksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, etteivät niin korkeammalle kuin matalammallekaan tasolle arvioidut puhujat useimmiten korjaa puhettaan siksi, etteivät pystyisi ilmaisemaan viestiään oikein ja ymmärrettävästi.


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Phantom limb pain (PLP) is a neuropathic pain condition occurring after amputation of a limb. PLP affects amputees’ quality of life and results in loss of productivity and psychological distress. The origin of pain from a non-existing limb creates a challenging situation for both patients and nurses. It is imperative to provide patients and nurses with the knowledge that PLP is a real phenomenon that requires care and treatment. This knowledge will lead to reduced problems for patients by allowing them to talk about PLP and ask for help when needed. Understanding of this phenomenon will enable nurses to appreciate the unique features of this form of neuropathic pain and apply appropriate techniques to promote effective pain management. Performing accurate and frequent assessments to understand the unique characteristics of PLP, displaying a non-judgemental attitude towards patients and teaching throughout the peri-operative process are significant nursing interventions.


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In dealing with electromagnetic phenomena and in particular the phenomena of optics, despite the recognition of the quanta of light people tend to talk of the amplitudes and field strengths, as if the electromagnetic field were a classical field. For example we measure the wavelength of light by studying interference fringes. In this paper we study the inter-relationship of three ways of looking at the problem: in terms of classical wave fields, wave function of the photon; and the quantized wave field. The comparison and contrasts of these three modes of description are carefully analyzed in this paper. The ways in which these different modes complement our intuition and insight are also discussed.


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In a multifaceted immunity to mycobacterial infection, induced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) by Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) may act as an important influencing factor for the effective host immunity. We here demonstrate that M. bovis BCG-triggered TLR2-dependent signaling leads to COX-2 and PGE2 expression in vitro in macrophages and in vivo in mice. Further, the presence of PGE2 could be demonstrated in sera or cerebrospinal fluid of tuberculosis patients. The induced COX-2 expression in macrophages is dependent on NF-kappa B activation, which is mediated by inducible NO synthase (iNOS)/NO-dependent participation of the members of Notch1-PI-3K signaling cascades as well as iNOS-independent activation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPKs. Inhibition of iNOS activity abrogated the M. bovis BCG ability to trigger the generation of Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD), a marker for Notch1 signaling activation, as well as activation of the PI-3K signaling cascade. On the contrary, treatment of macrophages with 3-morpholinosydnonimine, a NO donor, resulted in a rapid increase in generation of NICD, activation of PI-3K pathway, as well as the expression of COX-2. Stable expression of NICD in RAW 264.7 macrophages resulted in augmented expression of COX-2. Further, signaling perturbations suggested the involvement of the cross-talk of Notch1 with members with the PI-3K signaling cascade. These results implicate the dichotomous nature of TLR2 signaling during M. bovis BCG-triggered expression of COX-2. In this perspective, we propose the involvement of iNOS/NO as one of the obligatory, early, proximal signaling events during M. bovis BCG-induced COX-2 expression in macrophages.


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In the autumn of 1997, Russian government was faced with media pressure when owners of the TV channels ORT and NTV joined forces against it. This study is based on media sources from October 1997 to December 1997. It shows clearly how the enormous power of the media was able to dictate what happened in Russia. In the mid-1990s Russians started to talk about political technology, which became a commonly used term by professionals, journalists, politicians and intelligence services. As a result of this action, two leading reformers in the government, Anatoliy Chubais and Boris Nemtsov, were dismissed from their highly influential posts as finance and energy ministers respectively, but retained their power as first deputy prime ministers. According to the correspondents, the real reason was to resolve a conflict within the parliament, which had demanded the dismissal of Mr. Chubais. This demand was presented after Chubais had accepted $90,000 as a reward for co-writing a book on privatization. Chubais was considered to be Russia’s “business card” towards the west – the"Authors’ case" (Delo avtorov) was only solved after President Boris Yeltsin took part in the public debate. According to the research, the media owned by powerful businessmen Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinski, was able to use its own security services to expose sensitive material (Russian term ‘kompromat’), if necessary, concerning any given person. The so-called Authors’ case can be considered as a part of the battle and the tip of the iceberg in arrangements designed to organize the funding of the Russian presidential election campaign in 2000. The reason why this particular incident was so widely covered on television was because several programs aimed to reveal to the public "hidden bribes" that, as they claimed, government officials had received. The political aspect, however, was quite mild, when the concrete issues of possible dismissals of Ministers were debated in the Parliament. Everything was dealt with as a “family matter” inside Kremlin. Yeltsin's "family" consisted of practically anybody from oligarch Berezovsky to Chubais, the father of Russia's privatization policy. Methods of critical history implementation analysis has been used in this research in determining the use of the source material. Literature and interviews have also provided a good base for the study. The study proves that any literature dealing with the subject has not paid enough attention to how the dismissal of Alexander Kazakov, deputy of President’s administration, was linked directly with Gazprom, the state gas monopoly. Kazakov had to leave Gazprom and lose his position as Chubais' ally when the influential ORT television company was deteriorated.


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This thesis is an empirical study of how two words in Icelandic, "nú" and "núna", are used in contemporary Icelandic conversation. My aims in this study are, first, to explain the differences between the temporal functions of "nú" and "núna", and, second, to describe the non-temporal functions of "nú". In the analysis, a focus is placed on comparing the sequential placement of the two words, on their syntactical distribution, and on their prosodic realization. The empirical data comprise 14 hours and 11 minutes of naturally occurring conversation recorded between 1996 and 2003. The selected conversations represent a wide range of interactional contexts including informal dinner parties, institutional and non-institutional telephone conversations, radio programs for teenagers, phone-in programs, and, finally, a political debate on television. The theoretical and methodological framework is interactional linguistics, which can be described as linguistically oriented conversation analysis (CA). A comparison of "nú" and "núna" shows that the two words have different syntactic distributions. "Nú" has a clear tendency to occur in the front field, before the finite verb, while "núna" typically occurs in the end field, after the object. It is argued that this syntactic difference reflects a functional difference between "nú" and "núna". A sequential analysis of "núna" shows that the word refers to an unspecified period of time which includes the utterance time as well as some time in the past and in the future. This temporal relation is referred to as reference time. "Nú", by contrast, is mainly used in three different environments: a) in temporal comparisons, 2) in transitions, and 3) when the speaker is taking an affective stance. The non-temporal functions of "nú" are divided into three categories: a) "nú" as a tone particle, 2) "nú" as an utterance particle, and 3) "nú" as a dialogue particle. "Nú" as a tone particle is syntactically integrated and can occur in two syntactic positions: pre-verbally and post-verbally. I argue that these instances are employed in utterances in which a speaker is foregrounding information or marking it as particularly important. The study shows that, although these instances are typically prosodically non-prominent and unstressed, they are in some cases delivered with stress and with a higher pitch than the surrounding talk. "Nú" as an utterance particle occurs turn-initially and is syntactically non-integrated. By using "nú", speakers show continuity between turns and link new turns to prior ones. These instances initiate either continuations by the same speaker or new turns after speaker shifts. "Nú" as a dialogue particle occurs as a turn of its own. The study shows that these instances register informings in prior turns as unexpected or as a departure from the normal state of affairs. "Nú" as a dialogue particle is often delivered with a prolonged vowel and a recognizable intonation contour. A comparative sequential and prosodic analysis shows that in these cases there is a correlation between the function of "nú" and the intonation contour by which it is delivered. Finally, I argue that despite the many functions of "nú", all the instances can be said to have a common denominator, which is to display attention towards the present moment and the utterances which are produced prior or after the production of "nú". Instead of anchoring the utterances in external time or reference time, these instances position the utterance in discourse internal time, or discourse time.


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Tutkielmassa käsitellään ruotsin suullisen kielitaidon kriteeripohjaista arviointia Eurooppalaiseen viitekehykseen perustuvan arviointiskaalan avulla arvioijan näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan seitsemän arvioijan arviointiprosessin reflektointia. Arvioijat osallistuvat poikkitieteelliseen HY-TALK-pilottitutkimukseen Helsingin yliopistossa. Tutkielman tavoitteena on eritellä, miten arvioijat kokevat peruskoulu- ja lukio-opetuksen opetussuunnitelmiin sisältyvän kriteeripohjaisen kielitaidon skaalan käytön ruotsin kielen suullisen taidon arviointityön pohjana. Erityisesti painotetaan arvioijien subjektiivista kokemusta skaalan avulla arvioinnista. Lisäksi analysoidaan kyseisten arvioijien arviointitulosten reliabiliteettia HY-TALK-tutkimuksessa. Aineistona käytetään arvioijien avoimilla haastatteluilla kerättyjä kommentteja skaalan käytöstä ja arvioinnista, sekä samojen arvioijien oppilasarviointituloksia HY-TALK-pilottitutkimuksesta. Tutkimusmetodi on kvalitatiivinen kokeenjälkeinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkielman teoriatausta nojautuu suullisen kielitaidon arvioinnin tutkimukseen. Suullisen kielitaidon arvioinnin perustana voidaan pitää Bachman ja Palmerin (1996) teoriaa kommunikatiivisesta kielitaidosta. Kielitaito jaetaan organisatoriseen ja pragmaattiseen kompetenssiin. Kokeen reliabiliteetti ja validiteetti nousevat tutkielmassa keskeisiksi käsitteiksi. Suullisen kielitaidon mittaamisessa ongelmana on kommunikaation arviointi. Koetyyppinä suorituskoe, jossa kokelas arvioidaan kommunikatiivisessa tilanteessa, ei yleisen käsityksen mukaan vastaa autenttista kielenkäyttötilannetta. Kokeen perusteella halutaan kuitenkin tehdä yleistys kokelaan kielitaidosta ja selviytymisestä oikeissa kielenkäyttötilanteissa. Arvioinnissa tehdään ero analyyttisen ja holistisen arvioinnin välille. Kriteeripohjaisessa arvioinnissa pyritään pitäytymään analyyttisessa arvioinnissa, jolloin arvioija kiinnittää huomiota monipuolisesti kokelaan kielitaidon eri osa-alueisiin. Tutkielman tuloksena seitsemän analysoidun arvioijan välillä on suuria eroja arvioinnin lähtökohdissa ja subjektiivisissa painotuksissa. Osa arvioijista painotti organisatorista kompetenssia, ja osa taas pragmaattista kompetenssia. Interaktion ja kommunikaation roolista suullisen kielitaidon arvioinnissa oli suuria mielipide-eroja. Osa arvioijista painotti arvioinnissa kommunikaation tärkeyttä ja muita pragmaattiseen kompetenssiin kuuluvia osa-alueita, kun taas osa mainitsi esimerkiksi oikeakielisyyden ja rakenteiden hallinnan. Kolme arvioijaa painotti pragmaattista kompetenssia, kaksi mainitsi piirteitä molemmista, ja kaksi painotti organisatorista kompetenssia. Osa eroista selittyy arviointitapahtumien eroilla sekä arvioijien kokemuksella. Toisaalta, nämä erot arvioinnin subjektiivisissa painotuksissa eivät suuresti näy itse pilottitutkimuksen viitekehyspohjaisen arviointiskaalan avulla saaduissa oppilasarviointituloksissa. Arvioijien välisiä eroja oppilasarvioinnissa kuitenkin esiintyy. Organisatorista kompetenssia painottavat antoivat osalle oppilaista hieman muita parempia arvosanoja. Tutkielman päätelmä on, että tässä tapaustutkimuksessa arviointityössä oli subjektiivisia painotuksia, ja että jonkin verran eroja kriteeripohjaisessa oppilasarvioinnissa löytyi. Erot eivät kuitenkaan yleisesti ottaen olleet kovin suuria.


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The position of knowing better and the space for knowing otherwise. Pedagogical mode of address in teaching (and in research) This book is a study of teaching, research, and expertise – the position of “knowing better” – as a pedagogical relationship. The focus of the study is empirical research of the classroom practices of four primary school teachers in a Finnish comprehensive school, and the interpretative discussions on those practices between the researcher and the teachers. To know, or knowing, is considered an interactive action: it is different ways of knowing and encounters between the better and the other knowledge. In these encounters, the different pedagogical modes of address construct space for interaction and relationships between the speakers in the space. In teaching and researching one is involved in practices connected to power/knowledge systems and conceptions of the hierarchies of different knowledges. Teaching is considered as a special interactive relationship interrelating knowledge and power through the discourses of the culturally and historically constructed school institution, discourses which operate in the practices and narratives of the teaching, teacher, and the pedagogical dialogue. This study uses the feminist poststructural perspective in which the discursive construction of the subject position is considered as an ambivalent process of subjectification and in which such concepts as marginality and otherness are salient. The pedagogical dialogue of these discursive practices address the learner and learning, and space is constructed for different positions, and for thinking and knowing otherwise. The ethnographic data on everyday pedagogical practices of teachers in the school institution was constructed jointly by the researchr, teachers and pupils durint the empirical study. The analysis and interpretations concentrate on the pedagogical practices in teaching and how teachers talk about them. In other words, how do the teachers enter the culturally and historically constructed, institutional space of the teacher in the classrooms of the comprehensive school, how do they take the position of the teacher and what kind of pedagogical address do they use? And, by taking those positions and using different modes of address, how do they position their pupils in the pedagogical interaction? These pedagogical practices are considered as surrounded and modified by the discourses that can be found in the cultural images of a school teacher, the historical and theoretical narratives about teaching and teachers of the school institution, and in the educational policy texts. The same discourses are also repeated, transformed and intertwined in the practices and narratives of the academic institution. These are considered in the study through the positionings of the researcher in the process of empirical research. The researcher and research are constructed in terms of the production of the power/knowledge dynamics. These dynamics are examined in the construction of the theoretical perspective and in the considerations of the methodology, epistemology and ethics of the study.


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This conversation analytical study analyses the interactional practices adopted by speech therapists and their clients during their training in voice therapy. This study also describes how learning takes place during the therapy process. In contrast to traditional voice therapy studies, change is examined here by using qualitative research methodology, namely conversation analysis. This study describes the structures of interaction in voice therapy, shows how the shortcomings in the client s performance are evaluated and corrected and finally, how the voice training sequence and the participation changes during therapy. The database consists of 51 videotaped voice therapy sessions from six clients with voice disorders. The analytic focus is on the practices in one voice training exercise of the trilled /r/. All the sequences of this exercise (in total 36) and all adjacency pairs within (N = 627) were transcribed and analysed in detail. This study shows that voice training consists of successive model imitation adjacency pairs. This adjacency pair works as a resource in voice training. Furthermore, the use of this particular adjacency pair is an institutional practice in all therapies in this study. The structure of interaction in voice training sequences resembles the practices found in aphasia therapy and in speech therapy of children, as well as the practices of educational and counselling interaction and physiotherapy. More than half of the adjacency pairs were expanded to three (or more) part structures as client s responses were typically followed by therapist s feedback. With their feedback turns, therapists: 1) maintain training practice, 2) evaluate the problem of client s performance, 3) deliver information, 4) activate the client to observe the performance and 5) assist her in correcting the performance. This study describes the four different ways that therapists help their clients to improve the performance after encountering a problem. The longitudinal data shows that learning in therapy is manifested in the changing participation. As clients learn to identify their voice features, they can participate in evaluating or correcting their performances by themselves. This study describes the recurrent professional practices of voice therapists and shows how the institutional commitments of voice therapy are managed in and through talk and interaction. The study also provides detailed description of the management of help in voice training. By describing the interaction in training sequences, this study expands the conception of voice rehabilitation and how it can be researched. The results demonstrate that the learning process and therapy outcomes can be assessed by analysing interaction in therapy. Moreover, this analysis lays the foundation for a novel understanding of the practices in speech therapy and for the development of speech therapy theory. By revealing the activities of interaction, it also makes it possible to discuss them explicitly with speech therapy students. Key words: voice therapy, conversation analysis, institutional interaction, learning, change in participation, feedback, evaluation, error correction, self-repair


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This report provides an analysis of the cultural, policy and legal implications of ‘mash-ups’. This study provides a short history of mash-ups, explaining how the current ‘remix culture’ builds upon a range of creative antecedents and cultural traditions, which valorised appropriation, quotation, and transformation. It provides modern examples of mash-ups, such as sound recordings, musical works, film and artistic works, focusing on works seen on You Tube and other online applications. In particular, it considers - * Literary mash-ups of canonical texts, including Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, The Wind Done Gone, After the Rain, and 60 Years Later; * Artistic mash-ups, highlighting the Obama Hope poster, the ‘Column’ case, and the competition for extending famous album covers; * Geographical mash-ups, most notably, the Google Australia bushfires map; * Musical mash-ups, such as The Grey Album and the work of Girl Talk; * Cinematic mash-ups, including remixes of There Will Be Blood and The Downfall; and This survey provides an analysis of why mash-up culture is valuable. It highlights the range of aesthetic, political, comic, and commercial impulses behind the creation and the dissemination of mash-ups. This report highlights the tensions between copyright law and mash-ups in particular cultural sectors. Second, this report emphasizes the importance of civil society institutions in promoting and defending mash-ups in both copyright litigation and policy debates. It provides a study of key organisations – including: * The Fair Use Project; * The Organization for Transformative Works; * Public Knowledge; * The Electronic Frontier Foundation; and * The Chilling Effects Clearinghouse This report suggests that much can be learnt from this network of organisations in the United States. There is a dearth of comparable legal clinics, advocacy groups, and creative institutions in Australia. As a result, the public interest values of copyright law have only received weak, incidental support from defendant companies – such as Network Ten and IceTV – with other copyright agendas. Third, this report canvasses a succinct model for legislative reform in respect of copyright law and mash-ups. It highlights: * The extent to which mash-ups are ‘tolerated uses’; * The conflicting judicial precedents on substantiality in Australia and the United States; * The debate over copyright exceptions relating to mash-ups and remixes; * The use of the take-down and notice system under the safe harbours regime by copyright owners in respect of mash-ups; * The impact of technological protection measures on mash-ups and remixes; * The possibility of statutory licensing in respect of mash-ups; * The use of Creative Commons licences; * The impact of moral rights protection upon mash-ups; * The interaction between economic and moral rights under copyright law; and * Questions of copyright law, freedom of expression, and political mash-ups.


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This dissertation reports on research on the contradictions between “right-aged” motherhood accordant with normative life-course and the motherhood of a woman who lives her life according to her own choices and options. The focus of this study is to analyse and interpret the motherhood of women who have become mothers for the first time both at a very young age (under 20) and at an older age (in their 40s), from the viewpoint of life-course, age and social class. The study discusses motherhood both as an experience and as a socially-constructed phenomenon. Research questions are the following: How do mothers at different ages talk about pregnancy and motherhood as a part of their life-course? What meanings do mothers at different ages give to age, growing up and adulthood? How is social class constructed in the speech of different-aged mothers? This dissertation includes five articles and a summary chapter. The theoretical starting points for the study are Finnish critical family studies, Finnish feminist social policy studies and Anglo-American feminist motherhood studies. Additionally, this study draws on sociological age studies and new sociological social class studies. The methodological approach is discursive-materialistic. This approach recognises issues related to language, cultural representation and subjectivity, but it also aims to locate them in their social and historical context. The data is drawn from twenty-four interviews of different-aged mothers and articles collected from popular magazines on babies and parenting. In the interview data, different issues related to motherhood are constructed due not only to the women’s age, but also their social background. Social class becomes visible in the relationship between the interviewed women and nuclear family, expert knowledge or money and livelihood. In this study, social class and age are intertwined. It is almost impossible to analytically distinguish which of the mothers’ experiences are related to class and which are related to age. In this study, young motherhood is shown as quite positive. Even though the interviewed young women did not usually plan to have a child, it was not a great shock either. In the young mothers’ speech, motherhood appears as a natural part of the life-course and growing up. The conditions young mothers suggested as necessary to good motherhood do not depend on standard of living, education or social background. A young age is seen as a resource, not as an obstacle to good motherhood. Postponing one’s motherhood is associated with materialism and a career-oriented lifestyle. The older mothers in this study rarely reported having postponed their motherhood on purpose. Some of them explained the delay with extended studies or financial insecurity caused by part-time unemployment. Others recounted they had been insecure about their abilities to cope with a child or lacked a suitable partner. Some of them may have wanted a child much earlier in life, given the right circumstances. In the older mothers’ speech, motherhood is strongly associated with adult life, permanent employment and a (heterosexual) nuclear family.