952 resultados para Recém-nascido


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - ICT


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Technology advances and scientific studies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) have contributed significantly to reduce mortality and morbidity of at-risk newborns (NB). However, they are more likely to present neurological and/or developmental psychomotor delay with neurological and sensory alterations. Therefore, proposals for neonatal intervention were developed with the aim of protecting the baby and offering appropriate incentives to minimize the effects of hospital intervention. To this end, programs of protective measures such as the Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) were developed. Given the relevance of the issue described, this systematic review critically appraises articles from the national and international literature, published in recent years (from 2000 to 2011), that describe whether the KMC can be a protective factor for the development of writing in premature infants. The textual search was conducted using the Virtual Health Library (VHL), a website that covers publications worldwide, allowing access to articles from health science, including LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library and SciELO, as database. The findings revealed that infants who participated in the KMC program showed improvements in their development and that factors such as low-birth-weight prematurity and learning disorders have close relationship with the onset of motor impairments and changes in psychomotor development. The findings showed no articles describing the KMC as a protective factor for the incidence of dysgraphia. Thus, we emphasize the importance of conducting further studies on these topics.


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Introduction: Scientific evidence indicates that neonatal exposure to ototoxic drugs cause hearing loss in newborns. Objective: To characterize the use of ototoxic antibiotics in newborns (NB), treated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and evaluate possible hearing modifications. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional quantitative approach, using data from medical records of infants who were at some time in the NICU and used antibiotics, including ototoxic, from January to June 2004 as much as 2010, and the data were compared and analyzed. Parents/guardians of infants born in 2004 were contacted and applied a questionnaire containing questions about the children’s hearing. These children were submitted to audiological evaluation. Results: There was significant reduction in the time of use, the amount of antibiotics prescribed to newborns and Vancomycin prescription in 2010 compared to 2004. The hearing tests of 13 born in 2004 showed: sensorineural hearing loss in only 2 (one with moderate hearing loss and descending configuration in pure tone audiometry and the other with bilateral cochlear impairment); audiometric thresholds within the normal range in 11 patients, and the presence of otoacoustic emissions in 9. In Evoked Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) no changes were observed. Conclusion: The reduction in the time of use, the amount and types of antibiotics observed may be related to the adoption of a Protocol in 2008, by the service. In contrast, auditory alterations may be related to a neonatal exposure to antibiotics in 2004.


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Podemos observar que muitos jovens estão dispostos a mudar o mundo, porém, em contraste a essa afirmação, dados demonstram que ainda é grande o número evasão dos mesmos durante o Ensino Médio. Esse fato pode ser atribuído a diferentes motivos: a violência e ingresso na criminalidade, convivência familiar conflitante, má qualidade de ensino, falta de interesse ou a necessidade de trabalhar para ajudar a família ou a si próprio. Outro fator que contribui com a evasão escolar, é a falta de estímulos aos professores que, em geral, vêm sendo desestimulados pela baixa remuneração ou salários pouco atraentes, ausência de um plano de carreira promissor e recompensador, falta de infraestrutura adequada nas escolas e a falta de valorização profissional perante a sociedade, o que, por consequência, desestimula também o ingresso de jovens recém-formados na carreira da licenciatura. Nesse sentido, a necessidade de mecanismos que resgatem a qualidade do ensino nas escolas é eminente e a Universidade pode desempenhar um papel importante, pois representa uma fonte geradora de conhecimento e tecnologia, que nem sempre chegam à população. Assim a difusão de conhecimento e tecnologia, no Ensino Médio, representa um passo promissor na popularização da ciência e o início para a busca do interesse dos jovens ao conhecimento científico e suas tecnologias, através de oficinas e exposições que tem contribuído para a divulgação científica. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a apreciação dos alunos do Ensino Médio que participaram de oficinas de férias propostas pelo Projeto de Extensão “Difundindo e popularizando a Ciência”. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de sistematizações das respostas coletadas junto aos alunos que expressaram suas concepções sobre as oficinas a partir de formulários específicos. Num primeiro momento, trazemos dados, de 2007 a 2012, relativos a oficina Experimentando Genética, em ...


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The current curriculum policy of the Secretary of Education in the State of Sao Paulo introduced into the education environment the Registrar of Teacher and Student - support material to ease the teacher's work and the student's learning, in order to address all the curriculum components created as strategy of learning. The resulting guidelines that aim to transform the everyday policies of educational institutions and the individuals who compose them, are incorporated into the school experience. These decisions, however, do not transfer into life outside the learning environment nor are they translated into the work of the teachers exactly as their creators intended. Thus, in order to better understand the curriculum policies introduced by the Registrar in schools, it is essential to comprehend the viewpoint of the teachers who themselves are both the targets and agents of curriculum policy, and later the Registrar. For that was made reflexive interviews with eigth teachers that teach in São Paulo metropolitan region, than we could see that they adapt their external determinations in their own reality


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The Cerrado is home to important biodiversity areas in the state of Sao Paulo. Therefore, research on the reproduction of species of this biome are essential to help conservation programs. Pollination is the main mechanism by which outcrossing plants perpetuate their populations, and the attractive, such as nectar, are of vital importance to many anthophilous animals and essential to the maintenance of interactions with pollinators. In this context, the objective of this study was to investigate the ecological dynamics of secretion and sugar composition of floral nectar in Zeyheria montana, an ornithophilous exclusive Cerrado species, visited preferentially by Colibri serrirostris, also exclusive to this biome. This dynamic was assessed in isolated flowers in pre-anthesis, using microsyringes to collect nectar and manual refractometer to measure the concentration. Experiments were carried out to evaluate production throughout anthesis, including the assessment of total daily production, the effect of successive removal, the rate of production during the day and night and changes in concentration and composition of sugars, which was performed in HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). The rate of nectar production was about three times greater at night with a concentration two times lower, resulting in a supply of large amounts of dilute nectar in the early morning hours, peak of visitation for hummingbirds. Moreover, the production of nectar was more pronounced before the anthesis, and is available to visitors already in newly opened flowers, which are preferentially visited by C. serrirostris. There was an increase in the nectar production of flowers in the group with successive manual removal upon the control group, suggesting that the withdrawal by visitors stimulates the production, ensuring the availability of the resource including flowers previously visited... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A hematúria é a eliminação de um número anormal de hemácias na urina e suas causas são múltiplas e nem sempre a investigação clínica é simples. A indicação para se estabelecer a diferenciação entre as causas das hematúrias, se glomerulares ou não glomerulares é feita através de solicitação específica do exame de dismorfismo eritrocitário. Esse exame é realizado em urina recém emitida, colhida em jato médio, por meio de microscopia de contraste de fase onde a morfologia das hemácias pode sugerir a origem da hematúria, direcionando o diagnóstico e conduta terapêutica pelo clínico. Neste projeto estudou-se a aplicação da caracterização das hemácias por microscopia de contraste de fase nos casos de hematúrias detectadas, sem a presença de leucocitúrias (sinais que sugerem infecção do trato urinário) nos achados de sedimentoscopia urinária realizados na rotina do setor de bioquímica clínica do CRD-Nac-UNESP, avaliando assim a importância da indicação da aplicação deste procedimento para a clínica


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Os riscos à saúde e os altos custos do uso de agrotóxicos e de outras substâncias que favoreçam a produção agrícola têm dado espaço para a Homeopatia atuar como mecanismo alternativo no controle de pragas e incremento na agricultura de sustentabilidade. Diversos trabalhos e experimentos, tradicionais e atuais, enfatizam a importância e a eficácia desta alternativa também à saúde dos humanos e dos animais. O uso de modelos vegetais nos estudos homeopáticos contribui para o entendimento dessa afirmação, pois o efeito placebo passa a não considerado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar os efeitos das soluções homeopáticas derivadas de cristais de ácido giberélico e de ácido salicílico no enraizamento de estacas de hortelã (Mentha spicata L.). Estacas recém-formadas foram mergulhadas em soluções tratamento nas potências 6CH, 12CH, 18CH, 24 CH e 30CH com aplicação única ou suplementar; como testemunhas foram empregadas soluções de etanol 30% não dinamizado, etanol 30% dinamizado e água desmineralizada. Os resultados mostraram que as soluções derivadas do ácido salicílico promoveram melhores resultados que as soluções oriundas do ácido giberélico e dos tratamentos controle. Este aspecto concorda com a prática homeopática como um todo, pois o ácido salicílico é considerado agente inibidor das reações fisiológicas relacionadas com o enraizamento de estacas. Além disso, foi importante detectar que o uso de soluções homeopáticas em regime de dose única trouxe melhores resultados do que o seu uso contínuo


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The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus has as main food source blood of medium and large sizes mammals, but sporadically is observed feeding on birds, causing occasionally excessive bleeding and economic losses. Due to this D. rotundus is one of the most studied species of bats in the Americas. Once known that the lunar clarity might influence the nocturnal activities of the common vampire bats, the present study was carried out to know the behavior and schedules of emergencies and returns of bats to the shelter, its social behavior at the shelter´s entrance, especially of the dominant male, and the size and composition of the colony in different moon phases. The colony was composed by 105 individuals (65 females and 40 males) harboring in a hollow-tree of Farm Edgardia in Botucatu Municipality, State of São Paulo. Through the eight filming sessions, two for each moon phase, it was possible to observe that the distribution of emergences and returns to the shelter thought the night followed a specific pattern for each moon phase. The greatest number of emerging bats occurred in periods in which the moon was not born yet and the largest number of returns just before moon has been reached its maximum level in the sky. Therefore, the time period that bats are staying outside the shelter seems to be directly influenced by lunar light. This factor can influence the social activity of the colony and, in particular, the dominant male, who remains still on tree’s trunk, near the entrance of the shelter with greater frequency during periods of low moon light


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the types of resistance of soybean genotypes to the attack of Spodoptera cosmioides (Walker, 1858), under laboratory conditions. Plants of the soybean genotypes, IAC 100, Dowling, PI 227687, PI 274454, BR 16, IGRA RA 626 RR, PI 227682, BRSGO 8360, IGRA RA 516 RR e P 98Y11 RR, were cultivated in vases and placed in a greenhouse in order to have their leaves used afterwards in free-choice and no-choice no-preference for feeding tests and evaluation of the biological parameters of S. cosmioides fed on the genotypes. For free-choice no preference for feeding test, 10 leaf discs were prepared and placed in Petri dishes equidistantly among themselves, and then two recently-hatched caterpillar per genotype were release in the center of the plate. The same test was performed for third instar larvae, so that one caterpillar per genotype was used. In non-choice test, only one genotype was used in each Petri dish, where two recently-hatched or one third instar caterpillars were released, respectively. For both tests, the attractiveness was assessed at 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360, 720 and 1440 minutes after the release of the insects. In addition, the leaf area consumed was evaluated. Randomized blocks design and completely randomized design were used for free-choice and non-choice tests, respectively, with 10 replications. In biology test, recently-hatched larvae were transferred to Petri dishes with leaves of the genotypes, evaluating the period of larvae, pupae and overall (larvae + pupae), viability of larvae, pupae and overall, weight of 12 days-old larvae and 24 hours-old pupae and longevity of the adults. Completely randomized design was used for this test, with 30 replications. Genotypes IGRA RA 516 RR and IGRA RA 626 RR were the least and the most consumed by recently-hatched larvae of S. cosmioides, respectively, in non-choice non-preference for feeding test. Genotypes PI 274454 and PI 227687 were...