919 resultados para Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ)


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the impact of major loss of telecommunications on general practice in a rural region of Australia. DESIGN: A multi-stage qualitative study. Purposively selected participants were invited to contribute to initial data collection using an online survey, followed by interviews with selected participants. Thematic analysis of the data was performed by both research team members. SETTING: South-western Victoria, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Individuals from organisations involved in Telstra recovery efforts, disaster management, health care and general practice staff. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The survey collected freeform responses from participants. Semi-structured interviews further explored a variety of experiences from purposively selected participants. RESULTS: Organisations and practices in the region were prepared for major disasters, but not for the unusual and 'limited' disaster of losing telecommunications, including lack of Internet access and loss of telephone services. Although alternative measures were found for telecommunications, there was still a significant impact on many health-care-related activities and general practice functionality during the outage period. In particular, there was an increase in duties for administrative staff to compensate for loss of telecommunications. Patient traffic for many services decreased due to uncertainty about availability and continuation of business. CONCLUSIONS: The Warrnambool outage could be used as a case study illustrating the dramatic impact of communication loss. Major impacts include changes in patient traffic, increased administrative duties and slowing of patient care. When developing or assessing disaster management plans, general practices should consider the impact of telecommunication loss on functionality and prepare appropriate alternative, accessible and reliable measures.


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Health education is largely informed by psychological theories and practices that pursue reductionist views of people learning. However, critical attention is moving to understand health in ways that reconsider relationships to context and the forms of life within which everyday living takes place. This shift is apparent in theoretical developments from health literacy to critical health literacies. The discussion herein presents an introduction to critical health literacies focusing on potential contributions critically oriented psychologies offer this work. Research is introduced from critical health psychology, critical educational psychology and critical community psychology to engage psychological phenomena as jointly constituted via embodied, discursive and relational means. Subsequently, it is argued, by re-evaluating understanding in this way, a prospective kind of psychosocial theory is elucidated capable of promoting and sustaining health inclusive education.


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Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in Australia. The Australian Cancer Society has set a national goal 'to exploit prevention opportunities and to increase early detection'. To address this goal, information about community perceptions is required. Through the use of a Delphi process, a questionnaire was developed to investigate community knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding primary prevention and early detection activities. This paper describes the results of a postal survey of a random sample of 855 Queensland adults selected from electoral rolls. Results indicate that there is a high level of uncertainty about bowel cancer and a belief that many behaviours are related to bowel cancer. While 74 per cent believed that tests could detect bowel cancer, only 52 per cent were confident that a doctor could accurately diagnose it. Only 35 per cent agreed that the public should be screened for bowel cancer and only 10 per cent would get a check-up. Perhaps reflecting the degree of uncertainty among health professionals about bowel cancer, there appears to be a high level of misinformation and confusion in the community. The need for an educational programme to address these issues is discussed. Article in Health Education Journal 54(3):331-339 September 1995


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Despite the well-recognized benefits of exercise, Americans are gaining weight in astounding proportions and levels of physical activity are on the decline. The purpose of this study was to investigate a relationship between physical fitness, self-concept and sexual health. There is a dearth of knowledge on this relationship specifically in the context of sex-negative curricula, which is the dominate discourse in the United States. One hundred and thirty-three participants between the ages of 18 - 50 volunteered for fitness testing and data collection. Physical fitness was assessed through body fat, resting metabolic rate, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. Self-reported exercise was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Self-concept was measured by the Six Factor Self-Concept Scale, which presented a total self-concept score and as six individual concepts of self (likability, morality, task accomplishment, giftedness, power and vulnerability). Additionally, sexual function was measured by Derogatis Interview for Sexual Functioning and presented as both an aggregate score and five separate constructs of sexual functioning (fantasy/cognition, arousal, orgasm, behavior/experience, and drive/desire). Questions pertaining to sexual partners, sex education, and demographic information were also included. The results of the General Linear Model indicated significant relationships between physical fitness, self-concept and total sexual functioning. The sexual behavior/experience of men was predicted by body fat percentage and flexibility. In women, behavior/experience was predicted by body fat percentage and arousal was predicted by cardiovascular endurance. Total self-concept was related to muscular endurance. When men were isolated in the analysis, likability was positively related to sexual behavior/experience, and task accomplishment was inversely related to sexual behavior/experience. In women, giftedness was related to cognition/fantasy, arousal, orgasm and total sexual functioning. No relationships were found between physical fitness and the number of sexual partners in men; however, both muscular strength and the power self-concept were significantly related to number of sexual partners in women. As a result of these findings, women may be inclined to exercise to improve arousal and sexual functioning. Furthermore, educators should note the findings of a positive relationship between physical and psychological health and sexual well-being because they provide support for the development and adoption of sex-positive curricula that incorporate potential benefits of sexual activity.


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OBJECTIVES: We describe the methodology for a major study investigating the impact of reconfigured cleft care in the United Kingdom (UK) 15 years after an initial survey, detailed in the Clinical Standards Advisory Group (CSAG) report in 1998, had informed government recommendations on centralization. SETTING AND SAMPLE POPULATION: This is a UK multicentre cross-sectional study of 5-year-olds born with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate. Children born between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2007 were seen in cleft centre audit clinics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Consent was obtained for the collection of routine clinical measures (speech recordings, hearing, photographs, models, oral health, psychosocial factors) and anthropometric measures (height, weight, head circumference). The methodology for each clinical measure followed those of the earlier survey as closely as possible. RESULTS: We identified 359 eligible children and recruited 268 (74.7%) to the study. Eleven separate records for each child were collected at the audit clinics. In total, 2666 (90.4%) were collected from a potential 2948 records. The response rates for the self-reported questionnaires, completed at home, were 52.6% for the Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire and 52.2% for the Satisfaction with Service Questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: Response rates and measures were similar to those achieved in the previous survey. There are practical, administrative and methodological challenges in repeating cross-sectional surveys 15 years apart and producing comparable data.


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A obesidade, a cárie dentária e as alterações na visão e no sono das crianças tornaram‐se problemas de saúde pública de considerável importância. Neste sentido, foi realizado um estudo, baseado num questionário e observações, em 72 crianças vigiadas nos cuidados de saúde primários, com o objetivo de definir a prevalência de obesidade, alterações da visão, cárie dentária, alterações do sono e hábitos de vida diários. Os resultados destacam a importância de medidas preventivas, que promovam a educação para a saúde e de hábitos de vida saudáveis junto dos profissionais de saúde, crianças e seus pais.


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There is a significant need for the improvement of nutrition education in Vietnamese universities in order to better prepare health and education professionals to respond to contemporary nutrition transition problems. Strong leadership at national and ministerial levels will be required to set a clear agenda for changes in this area.


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Breast cancer, the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in women, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. Well-established risk factors of breast cancer are mostly related to women’s reproductive history, such as early menarche, late first pregnancy and late menopause. Survival rates have improved due to a combination of factors, including better health education, early detection with large-scale use of screening mammogram, improved surgical techniques, as well as widespread use of adjuvant therapy. At initial presentation, clinicopathological features of breast cancer such as age, nodal status, tumour size, tumour grade, and hormonal receptor status are considered to be the standard prognostic and predictive markers of patient survival, and are used to guide appropriate treatment strategies. Lymphovascular invasion (LBVI), including lymphatic (LVI) and blood (BVI) vessel invasion, has been reported to be prognostic and merit accurate evaluation, particularly in patients with node negative tumours who might benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. There is a lack of standard assessment and agreement on distinguishing LVI from BVI despite the major challenges in the field. A systematic review of the literatures, examining methods of detection and the prognostic significance of LBVI, LVI and BVI, was carried out. The majority of studies used haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and classical histochemistry to identify LVI and BVI. Only few recent studies used immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of the endothelium lining lymphatic and blood vessels, and were able to show clear differences between LVI and BVI. The prognostic significance of LBVI and LVI was well-documented and strongly associated with aggressive features of breast tumours, while the prognostic value and the optimal detection method of BVI were unclear. Assessment and prognostic value of LBVI on H&E sections (LBVIH&E) was examined and compared to that of LVI and BVI detected using IHC with D2-40 for LVI (LVID2–40) and Factor VIII for BVI (BVIFVIII) in patients with breast cancer including node negative and triple negative patients (n=360). LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 102 (28%), 127 (35%) and 59 (16%) patients respectively. In node negative patients (206), LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 41 (20%), 53 (26%) and 21 (10%) respectively. In triple negative patients (102), LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 35 (29%), 36 (35%) and 14 (14%) respectively. LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were all significantly associated with tumour recurrence in all cohorts. On multivariate survival analysis, only LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were independent predictors of cancer specific survival (CSS) in the whole cohort (P=0.022 and P<0.001 respectively), node negative (P=0.008 and P=0.001 respectively) and triple negative patients (P=0.014 and P<0.001 respectively). Assessment of LVI and BVI by IHC, using D2-40 and Factor VIII, improves prediction of outcome in patients with node negative and triple negative breast cancer and was superior to the conventional detection method. Breast cancer is recognised as a complex molecular disease and histologically identical tumours may have highly variable outcomes, including different responses to therapy. Therefore, there is a compelling need for new prognostic and predictive markers helpful of selecting patients at risk and patients with aggressive diseases who might benefit from adjuvant and targeted therapy. It is increasingly recognised that the development and progression of human breast cancer is not only determined by genetically abnormal cells, but also dependent on complex interactions between malignant cells and the surrounding microenvironment. This has led to reconsider the features of tumour microenvironment as potential predictive and prognostic markers. Among these markers, tumour stroma percentage (TSP) and tumour budding, as well as local tumour inflammatory infiltrate have received recent attention. In particular, the local environment of cytokines, proteases, angiogenic and growth factors secreted by inflammatory cells and stromal fibroblasts has identified crucial roles in facilitating tumour growth, and metastasis of cancer cells through lymphatic and/or blood vessel invasion. This might help understand the underlying process promoting tumour invasion into these vessels. An increase in the proportion of tumour stroma and an increase in the dissociation of tumour cells have been associated with poorer survival in a number of solid tumours, including breast cancer. However, the interrelationship between these variables and other features of the tumour microenvironment in different subgroups of breast cancer are not clear. Also, whether their prognostic values are independent of other components of the tumour microenvironment have yet to be identified. Therefore, the relationship between TSP, clinicopathological characteristics and outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer, in particular node negative and triple negative disease was examined in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer (n=361). The TSP was assessed on the haematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections. With a cut-off value of 50% TSP, patients with ≤50% stroma were classified as the low-TSP group and those with >50% stroma were classified as the high-TSP group. A total of 109 (30%) patients had high TSP. Patients with high TSP were old age (P=0.035), had involved lymph node (P=0.049), Her-2 positive tumours (P=0.029), low-grade peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.034), low CD68+ macrophage infiltrate (P<0.001), low CD4+ (P=0.023) and low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.017), tumour recurrence (P=0.015) and shorter CSS (P<0.001). In node negative patients (n=207), high TSP was associated with low CD68+ macrophage infiltrate (P=0.001), low CD4+ (P=0.040) and low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.016) and shorter CSS (P=0.005). In triple negative patients (n=103), high TSP was associated with increased tumour size (P=0.017) high tumour grade (P=0.014), low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.048) and shorter CSS (P=0.041). The 15-year cancer specific survival rate was 79% vs 21% in the low-TSP group vs high-TSP group. On multivariate survival analysis, a high TSP was associated with reduced CSS in the whole cohort (P=0.007), node negative patients (P=0.005) and those who received systemic adjuvant therapy (P=0.016), independent of other pathological characteristics including local host inflammatory responses. Therefore, a high TSP in invasive ductal breast cancer was associated with recurrence and poorer long-term survival. The inverse relation with the tumour inflammatory infiltrate highlights the importance of the amount of tumour stroma on immunological response in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer. Implementing this simple and reproducible parameter in routine pathological examination may help optimise risk stratification in patients with breast cancer. Similarly, the relationship between tumour budding, clinicopathological characteristics and outcome was examined in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer (n=474), using routine pathological sections. Tumour budding was associated with several adverse pathological characteristics, including positive lymph node (P=0.009), presence of LVI (P<0.001), and high TSP (P=0.001) and low-grade general peri-tumural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.002). In node negative patients, a high tumour budding was associated with presence of LVI (P<0.001) and low-grade general peri-tumural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.038). On multivariate survival analysis, tumour budding was associated with reduced CSS (P=0.001), independent of nodal status, tumour necrosis, CD8+ and CD138+ inflammatory cells infiltrate, LVI, BVI and TSP. Furthermore, tumour budding was independently associated with reduced CSS in node negative patients (P=0.004) and in those who have low TSP (P=0.003) and high-grade peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.012). A high tumour budding was significantly associated with shorter CSS in luminal B and triple negative breast cancer subtypes (all P<0.001). Therefore, tumour budding was a significant predictor of poor survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer, independent of adverse pathological characteristics and components of tumour microenvironment. These results suggest that tumour budding may promote disease progression through a direct effect on local and distant invasion into lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. Therefore, detection of tumour buds at the stroma invasive front might therefore represent a morphologic link between tumour progression, lymphatic invasion, spread of tumour cells to regional lymph nodes, and the establishment of metastatic dissemination. Given the potential importance of the tumour microenvironment, the characterisation of intracellular signalling pathways is important in the tumour microenvironment and is of considerable interest. One plausible signalling molecule that links tumour stroma, inflammatory cell infiltrate and tumour budding is the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT). The relationship between total and phosphorylated STAT1 (ph-STAT1), and total and ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression, components of tumour microenvironment and survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer was examined. IHC of total and ph-STAT1/STAT3 was performed on tissue microarray of 384 breast cancer specimens. Cellular STAT1 and cellular STAT3 expression at both cytoplasmic and nuclear locations were combined and identified as STAT1/STAT3 tumour cell expression. These results were then related to CSS and phenotypic features of the tumour and host. A high ph-STAT1 and a high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was associated with increased ER (P=0.001 and P<0.001 respectively) and PR (all P<0.05), reduced tumour grade (P=0.015 and P<0.001 respectively) and necrosis (all P=0.001). Ph-STAT1 was associated with increased general peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.007) and ph-STAT3 was associated with lower CD4+ T-lymphocyte infiltrate (P=0.024). On multivariate survival analysis, including both ph-STAT1 and ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression, only high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was significantly associated with improved CSS (P=0.010) independent of other tumour and host-based factors. In patients with high necrosis grade, high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was independent predictor of improved CSS (P=0.021). Ph-STAT1 and ph-STAT3 were also significantly associated with improved cancer specific survival in luminal A and B subtypes. STAT1 and STAT3 tumour cell expression appeared to be an important determinant of favourable outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer. The present results suggest that STATs may affect disease outcome through direct impact on tumour cells, and the surrounding microenvironment. The above observations of the present thesis point to the importance of the tumour microenvironment in promoting tumour budding, LVI and BVI. The observations from STATs work may suggest that an important driving mechanism for the above associations is the presence of tumour necrosis, probably secondary to hypoxia. Further work is needed to examine the interaction of other molecular pathways involved in the tumour microenvironment, such as HIF and NFkB in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer.


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La clase de educación física es un espacio en el cual los niños y adolescentes pueden incrementar los niveles de actividad física y alcanzar las recomendaciones emitidas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), sin embargo, existe poca evidencia científica a nivel nacional sobre las actividades físicas que realizan los estudiantes dentro del ámbito escolar, específicamente dentro de las clases de educación física y sus relaciones con el contexto; es por esto que el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los niveles de actividad física de niños y adolescentes durante las clases de educación física en tres colegios oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia, por medio de la herramienta SOFIT. Estudio de diseño descriptivo y transversal realizado entre octubre de 2014 y mayo de 2015. Las observaciones se llevaron a cabo en tres colegios oficiales de la ciudad de Bogotá ubicados en las localidades de Tunjuelito y Ciudad Bolívar que aceptaron su participación en la investigación. Se obtuvo la aprobación para participar de 1361 estudiantes (682 niñas y 679 niños) de 5 a 17 años de los cuales 180 estudiantes (93 niños y 87 niñas) fueron seleccionados de manera aleatoria sistemática, siguiendo el protocolo SOFIT para observar su nivel de actividad física durante las clases de educación física. El 45,23% del tiempo de la clase de educación física los estudiantes mantuvieron un comportamiento sedentario; mientras que el 30.91% y el 23.86% del tiempo de la clase presentaron un nivel de actividad física moderada (AFM) y vigorosa (AFV) respectivamente. El nivel de actividad física moderada a vigorosa (AFMV), fue de 54,78% es decir, 35,27 minutos de la clase. Los docentes no promovieron la actividad física en un 56,47% del tiempo de la clase y se encontró que ningún docente promovió la actividad física fuera de la clase, es decir, alentando a sus estudiantes a que practicaran cualquier forma de actividad física en horas extraescolares. El contexto de la clase que más se desarrolló fue la condición física con un 35,66% del tiempo de la clase, seguido por los contextos de generalidades 24,83% y habilidades 23,84%. El contexto de la clase generalidades está asociada significativamente y de manera negativa (β=-0,32, p=0,006) con menor porcentaje de tiempo en AFM y AFV, las variables activas de SOFIT, lo que sugiere que las clases deben invertir menos tiempo en este contexto e incrementar el porcentaje de tiempo en los otros contextos como condición física y habilidades para aumentar la cantidad de minutos de AFMV en los estudiantes.


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Introducción Las pacientes con miomas uterinos pueden llegar a sufrir de síntomas urinarios y de disfunción sexual. Es para nosotros importante conocer la frecuencia de estas patologías en pacientes con miomas con indicación de cirugía atendidos en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi y la relación entre estas tres entidades. Metodología Estudio cuasi experimental de antes-después. El estudio se encuentra dividido en dos fases, en esta primera fase a las pacientes se les aplicó los cuestionarios FSFI, IIQ-7 y UDI-6 antes de realizar el procedimiento quirúrgico. En una segunda fase se realizará un nuevo abordaje a los 6 y 12 meses donde se aplicarán los mismos instrumentos. Se utilizó coeficiente de Spearman y Kruskall-Wallis para evaluar la relación. Resultados En esta primera fase se incluyeron 81 participantes, con una mediana de años de 46 (RIQ=42-49) mínimo 33 y máximo 71 años. La mediana de miomas fue de 1 (RIQ1-2) máximo 5 miomas. El resultado total de la FSFI fue de 21(RIQ=18,5-25,5). La mediana de la escala UDI -6 fue de 50,4 (RIQ=0-31,2) y la mediana de IIQ-7 fue de 4,75 (RIQ=0-23,7). Se presentó una correlación negativa débil entre los puntajes de FSFI y los cuestionarios UDI-6 (-0.3604) e IIQ 7 (-0.3530), con una prevalencia de riesgo de disfunción sexual de 61%. Conclusiones En esta primera fase de la investigación se pudo observar una existencia de correlación entre la función sexual y la sintomatología urinaria. La prevalencia de disfunción sexual es mayor que en población de mujeres sin patología de miomas uterino.


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There is increasing interest in the role the environment plays in shaping the dietary behavior of youth, particularly in the context of obesity prevention. An overview of environmental factors associated with obesity-related dietary behaviors among youth is needed to inform the development of interventions. A systematic review of observational studies on environmental correlates of energy, fat, fruit/ vegetable, snack/fast food and soft drink intakes in children (4–12 years) and adolescents (13–18 years) was conducted. The results were summarized using the analysis grid for environments linked to obesity. The 58 papers reviewed mostly focused on sociocultural and economical–environmental factors at the household level. The most consistent associations were found between parental intake and children’s fat, fruit/vegetable intakes, parent and sibling intake with adolescent’s energy and fat intakes and parental education with adolescent’s fruit/ vegetable intake. A less consistent but positive association was found for availability and accessibility on children’s fruit/vegetable intake. Environmental factors are predominantly studied at the household level and focus on sociocultural and economic aspects. Most consistent associations were found for parental influences (parental intake and education).More studies examining environmental factors using longitudinal study designs and validated measures are needed for solid evidence to inform interventions.


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Nonlinear Dynamics, provides a framework for understanding how teaching and learning processes function in Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU). In Nonlinear Pedagogy, emergent movement behaviors in learners arise as a consequence of intrinsic self-adjusted processes shaped by interacting constraints in the learning environment. In a TGfU setting, representative, conditioned games provide ideal opportunities for pedagogists to manipulate key constraints so that self-adjusted processes by players lead to emergent behaviors as they explore functional movement solutions. The implication is that, during skill learning, functional movement variability is necessary as players explore different motor patterns for effective skill execution in the context of the game. Learning progressions in TGfU take into account learners’ development through learning stages and have important implications for organisation of practices, instructions and feedback. A practical application of Nonlinear Pedagogy in a national sports institute is shared to exemplify its relevance for TGfU practitioners.


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Event-specific scales commonly have greater power than generalized scales in prediction of specific disorders and in testing mediator models for predicting such disorders. Therefore, in a preliminary study, a 6-item Alcohol Helplessness Scale was constructed and found to be reliable for a sample of 98 problem drinkers. Hierarchical multiple regression and its derivative path analysis were used to test whether helplessness and self-efficacy moderate or mediate the link between alcohol dependence and depression, A test of a moderation model was not supported, whereas a test of a mediation model was supported. Helplessness and self-efficacy both significantly and independently mediated between alcohol dependence and depression. Nevertheless, a significant direct effect of alcohol dependence on depression also remained.


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Information and communication technologies (particularly websites and e-mail) have the potential to deliver health behavior change programs to large numbers of adults at low cost. Controlled trials using these new media to promote physical activity have produced mixed results. User-centered development methods can assist in understanding the preferences of potential participants for website functions and content, and may lead to more effective programs. Eight focus group discussions were conducted with 40 adults after they had accessed a previously trialed physical activity website. The discussions were audio taped, transcribed and interpreted using a themed analysis method. Four key themes emerged: structure, interactivity, environmental context and content. Preferences were expressed for websites that include simple interactive features, together with information on local community activity opportunities. Particular suggestions included online community notice boards, personalized progress charts, e-mail access to expert advice and access to information on specific local physical activity facilities and services. Website physical activity interventions could usefully include personally relevant interactive and environmentally focused features and services identified through a user-centered development process.