955 resultados para EMPOWERMENT


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The world is aging. This subject is becoming more and more present on the communication media. The future journalists must be made aware of this phenomena that involves a important change in the society. One of the ways can be the study of the empowerment and Social Capital Formation techniques, using the new Information and Communication Technologies, or following the example of the Open Universities to the Third Age that are appearing all over the world. In this article we’ll study the case of “Programa Universitario para Mayores” (University Program for the Grown ups), at Seville University (Spain).


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The quantitative research conducted on communication in organizations from bauruenses has served as inspiration for: the development of applied research regarding Brazilian organizational reality, to the communication courses and on the improvements in the communication aspect of the organizations in the region. The goal is to provide information related t the role of organizational communication and the public relations role in this process, measuring the empowerment of this community. The mapping methodology is based on structured questionnaires in order to capture ordinary factors, active and retroactive, from the communication processes such as: relationship types, channels and media, degree of interaction and interdependence between the parties; types of public involved in the process and the expectations of the organization in relation to goals, objectives, actions, events and activities programmed in communication. For the delineation of a reflective proposal from the data, we chose to work on analyzing three dimensions: the strategic communication, linked to the business model and information technologies; the internal communication, linked to culture, to the organizational structure and management that implies the new paradigms of relationship; and lastly, the intention to materialize the collected data on indicators and scales from attributes caused or inhibited from the excellent communication, including evaluation of the practice of Public Relations. This article presents the main results related to micro companies in Bauru, São Paulo.


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Road accidents cause more deaths than homicides in Latin America, nevertheless it is not highlighted as a major concern by media and society. World Health Organization put this issue in high priority by releasing the Decade of Action in Road Safety that establishes five pillars to guide national road safety plans and activities. This paper addresses the drawbacks in the implementation of these actions in Latin American countries and its implications to achieve a sustainable development. The main concerns are: lack of empowerment of the road safety management organisations; lower vehicular standards; corruption related to the enforcement of traffic safety laws to and to the construction of safer roads; absence of safety vehicular inspections; vehicle fleet increase, decrease of public transportation demand; and the absence of a safety culture. Without facing these problems, sustainable development in Latin America will be impaired, once road safety is a fundamental link to achieve sustainability.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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The internet is fast becoming a means for people to obtain information, creating a unique forum for the intersection of the public, technical, and private spheres. To ground my research theoretically, I used Jürgen Habermas’s sphere theory. Habermas (1987) explains that the technical sphere colonizes the private sphere, which decreases democratic potential. In particular, the internet is a place for altering technical colonization of the private and public spheres. My research focuses on women’s health because it is a particularly useful case study for examining sphere tensions. Historically, the biomedical health establishment has been a powerful agent of colonization, resulting in detrimental effects for women and their health. The purpose of this study is to examine how the internet encourages expert and female patient deliberation, which empowers women to challenge the experts and, thus, make conversations between the private/technical spheres more democratic. I used PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) as a case to observe the changing sphere boundaries by studying the discourse that took place on multiple patient and doctor websites over a four-year period. Through my research, I found that the PCOS women challenge the biomedical model by appropriating medical language. By understanding the medical talk, the women are able to feel confident when discussing their health conditions with the doctor and with each other. The PCOS women also become lay-experts who have personal and medical experience with PCOS, reducing private sphere colonization. This case study exemplifies how female empowerment can influence expert culture, challenging our conventional understanding of democracy.


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To determine the incidence of adverse drug events (ADE) that resulted in the need for children's emergency care, a total of 23,286 pediatric emergency case notes were analyzed. They were selected on the basis of the ICD code indicating a possible ADE. ADEs were found in 13 case notes (0.06%), predominantly among girls and mainly in the 1 to 5 year age group. About half of the observed events occurred as a result of accidental ingestion, 27.3% were suicide attempts, and 27.3% arose due to the discontinuation of treatment. Antiepileptic drugs were those most often involved. Three (23%) were serious. The results suggest that children have easy access to medications and are involved in the majority of accidental occurrences. Using drugs involves risks, and drawing attention to such risks while prescribing and dispensing them fosters the sharing of responsibility and the empowerment of the users, measures necessary to health promotion.


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Objective: to understand the meaning of the childbirth experience for Brazilian primiparas in the postpartum period. Design: a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used to derive the two themes that emerged from the discourses. Setting: participants were recruited at four primary-level health-care units in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. After providing written informed consent, an appointment was made for an interview at the participants' homes. Participants: 20 primiparas in the postpartum period, aged 15-26 years old, who attended the health-care units to vaccinate their infants and test for phenylketonuria. Findings: two thematic categories emerged from the interviews: the meaning attributed to childbirth (with four subcategories) and perceptions of care. Among the participants, the childbirth experience was marked by the 'fear of death' and 'losing the child'. The pain of giving birth was expected, and the moment of childbirth was associated with pain of high intensity. Key conclusions: childbirth is considered synonymous with physical and emotional suffering, pain, fear and risk of death. Implications for practice: this research indicates the need to break the current mechanistic model of care on which health professionals' actions are based. Care during childbirth must be guided by the foundation that women are the subjects of childbirth actions, in an attempt to emphasise actions that grant them with the autonomy and empowerment needed to experience the situation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The living conditions of the inhabitants of Iauarete, an indigenous area in the municipality of Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, State of Amazonas (Northern Brazil), have been negatively affected by population density, poor sanitation and maintenance of sanitation practices that are incompatible with that reality. To improve the population's quality of life, sanitation systems that are adequate to the local socio-cultural characteristics should be implemented, as well as educational processes with emphasis on social mobilization and community empowerment. The aim of this paper is to report and discuss a training course on health and sanitation using action research, directed to the mobilization of the Iauarete indigenous people, with the objective of assisting other studies of this nature. In the meetings, issues related to environmental health were discussed, a Community Newspaper was constructed, the course participants made interviews and drew up claims documents. This experience has enhanced the participants' understanding of local problems and of the importance of social mobilization for the dialogue with governmental institutions that are responsible for providing sanitation services and for seeking better living conditions. The researchers and teachers of the training course benefitted from the construction of collective knowledge resulting from interaction with subjects of the investigated situation and from the recognition and redefinition of their representations, fulfilling the fundamental premise of action research.


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Estudo qualitativo que teve como objetivo discutir a potencialidade das Oficinas de Trabalho Crítico-emancipatórias utilizando a dinâmica facilitadora da Árvore do Conhecimento. Os pilares teóricos constitutivos desta Oficina foram: a educação crítico-emancipatória e o empoderamento; as emoções como construtoras do conhecimento; a abordagem dialética de transformação da realidade e da consciência; a participação e a responsabilidade compartilhada. O estudo foi realizado junto a 95 profissionais integrantes de 12 Equipes de Saúde da Família de um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados indicam que as potencialidades das Oficinas de Trabalho Crítico-emancipatórias relacionam-se diretamente aos seus pilares de sustentação e a dinâmica da Árvore do Conhecimento utilizada na avaliação mostrou-se potente para revelá-los. Assim, as Oficinas de Trabalho constituem uma importante ferramenta para a enfermagem no que tange à sua dimensão educativa, no caso, para o enfrentamento da violência de gênero contra a mulher.


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Medling vid brott är relativt nytt i Sverige. Internationell forskning inom området har bedrivits i ca 20 år men svensk forskning inom området är begränsad. Från och med januari 2008 blir alla Sveriges kommuner skyldiga att erbjuda medling vid brott i fall då gärningspersonen är under 21 år. Medling vid brott har sitt ursprung i filosofin om reparativ rättvisa, men har som fenomen främst utvecklats utan direkt teoretisk förankring. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att skildra tre gärningspersoners erfarenheter av medling vid brott, samt att beskriva de filosofier och teorier som stödjer medling vid brott och presentera de lagar som reglerar metoden. En enkät formulerades för att ta reda på om ungdomar mellan 13-18 år kände till medling vid brott. För att få reda på gärningspersonernas erfarenheter av medling vid brott användes semi-strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer, med frågeställningar om varför intervjupersonerna ställde upp, hur medlingsmötet upplevdes och hur de kände innan samt efter medlingen. För att hitta lämpliga intervjupersoner kontaktades medlingsverksamheter runt om i Sverige vilket resulterade i sammanlagt tre intervjuer. Analysen av intervjuerna gjordes utifrån tidigare forskning inom området samt utifrån teorierna om reintegrative shaming och empowerment. Vårt val av teorin om reintegrative shaming grundades utifrån att vi under studiens gång uppmärksammade att denna teori hade hög relevans för ämnet. Valet av teorin om empowerment gjordes efter att vi läst in oss på teorin om restorative justice, då vi fann att delar i denna filosofi kunde sammankopplas med tankegångar inom teorin om empowerment. Resultatet av enkätundersökningen visade att av 169 tillfrågade hade 46 st hört talas om medling tidigare. Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att alla tre intervjupersonerna fått en annan syn på brottsoffret och brottet efter deltagandet i medlingen och upplevde medlingsmötet som positivt.


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In modern society, individuals constantly pass judgments on their own body and physical competence as well as that of other people. All too often, the verdict is less favourable. For the person, these physical self-perceptions (PSP) may negatively affect global self-esteem, identity, and general mental well being. The overall aim of this thesis is to examine primarily the role that exercise, but also the roles that gender and culture, play in the formation of PSP. In Study I, using confirmatory factor analyses, strong support for the validity of a first-order, and a second-order hierarchical and multidimensional model of the Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP: Fox & Corbin, 1989) was found across three national samples (Great Britain, Sweden and Turkey) of university students. Cross-cultural differences were detected, with the British sample demonstrating higher latent means on all PSPP subdomains except for the physical condition subdomain (Condition), than the Swedish and Turkish samples. In Study II, a higher self-reported exercise frequency was associated with more positive PSP (in particular for Condition) and more importance attributed to PSP in Swedish university students. Males demonstrated higher overall PSPP-scores than females. In Study III, a true-experimental design with randomisation into an intervention and a control group was adopted. Strong support for the effects of an empowerment-based exercise intervention programme on PSP and social physique anxiety (SPA) over six months for adolescent girls was found. The relations of exercise, gender and culture with PSP, SPA and self-esteem are discussed from the standpoints of a variety of theoretical models (the EXSEM-model), and frameworks (self-presentation and objectification theory). The two theories of self-enhancement and skill-development are examined with regard to the direction of the exercise-physical self relationship and motivation for exercise. Arguments for the relevance of exercise and PSP for practitioners in promoting general mental well-being and preventing modern-day diseases are outlined.