905 resultados para Membrane Proteins


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S100A12 (Calgranulin C) is a small acidic calcium-binding peripheral membrane protein with two EF-hand structural motifs. It is expressed in macrophages and lymphocytes and highly up-regulated in several human inflammatory diseases. In pigs, S100A12 is abundant in the cytosol of granulocytes, where it is believed to be involved in signal modulation of inflammatory process. In this study, we investigated the interaction of the porcine S100A12 with phospholipid bilayers and the effect that ions (Ca2+, Zn2+ or both together) have in modifying protein-lipid interactions. More specifically, we intended to address issues such as: (1) is the protein-membrane interaction modulated by the presence of ions? (2) is the protein overall structure affected by the presence of the ions and membrane models simultaneously? (3) what are the specific conformational changes taking place when ions and membranes are both present? (4) does the protein have any kind of molecular preferences for a specific lipid component? To provide insight into membrane interactions and answer those questions, synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and surface plasmon resonance were used. The use of these combined techniques demonstrated that this protein was capable of interacting both with lipids and with ions in solution, and enabled examination of changes that occur at different levels of structure organization. The presence of both Ca2+ and Zn2+ ions modify the binding, conformation and thermal stability of the protein in the presence of lipids. Hence, these studies examining molecular interactions of porcine S100A12 in solution complement the previously determined crystal structure information on this family of proteins, enhancing our understanding of its dynamics of interaction with membranes.


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[EN] Chronic hypoxia is accompanied by changes in blood and skeletal muscle acid-base control. We hypothesized that the underlying mechanisms include altered protein expression of transport systems and the enzymes involved in lactate, HCO3- and H+ fluxes in skeletal muscle and erythrocytes. Immunoblotting was used to quantify densities of the transport systems and enzymes. Muscle and erythrocyte samples were obtained from eight Danish lowlanders at sea level and after 2 and 8 weeks at 4100 m (Bolivia). For comparison, samples were obtained from eight Bolivian natives. In muscle membranes there were no changes in fibre-type distribution, lactate dehydrogenase isoforms, Na+,K+-pump subunits or in the lactate-H+ co-transporters MCT1 and MCT4. The Na+-H+ exchanger protein NHE1 was elevated by 39 % in natives compared to lowlanders. The Na+-HCO3- co-transporter density in muscle was elevated by 47-69 % after 2 and 8 weeks at altitude. The membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase (CA) IV in muscle increased in the lowlanders by 39 %, whereas CA XIV decreased by 23-47 %. Levels of cytosolic CA II and III in muscle and CA I and II in erythrocytes were unchanged. The erythrocyte lactate-H+ co-transporter MCT1 increased by 230-405 % in lowlanders and was 324 % higher in natives. The erythrocyte inorganic anion exchanger (Cl--HCO3- exchanger AE1) was increased by 149-228 %. In conclusion, chronic hypoxia induces dramatic changes in erythrocyte proteins, but only moderate changes in muscle proteins involved in acid-base control. Together, these changes suggest a hypoxia-induced increase in the capacity for lactate, HCO3- and H+ fluxes from muscle to blood and from blood to erythrocytes.


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The aim of the present study is understanding the properties of a new group of redox proteins having in common a DOMON-type domain with characteristics of cytochromes b. The superfamily of proteins containing a DOMON of this type includes a few protein families. With the aim of better characterizing this new protein family, the present work addresses both a CyDOM protein (a cytochrome b561) and a protein only comprised of DOMON(AIR12), both of plant origin. Apoplastic ascorbate can be regenerated from monodehydroascorbate by a trans-plasma membrane redox system which uses cytosolic ascorbate as a reductant and comprises a high potential cytochrome b. We identified the major plasma membrane (PM) ascorbate-reducible b-type cytochrome of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max) hypocotyls as orthologs of Arabidopsis auxin-responsive gene air12. The protein, which is glycosylated and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored to the external side of the PM in vivo, was expressed in Pichia pastoris in a recombinant form, lacking the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-modification signal, and purified from the culture medium. Recombinant AIR12 is a soluble protein predicted to fold into a β-sandwich domain and belonging to the DOMON superfamily. It is shown to be a b-type cytochrome with a symmetrical α-band at 561 nm, to be fully reduced by ascorbate and fully oxidized by monodehydroascorbate. Redox potentiometry suggests that AIR12 binds two high-potential hemes (Em,7 +135 and +236 mV). Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the auxin-responsive genes AIR12 constitute a new family of plasma membrane b-type cytochromes specific to flowering plants. Although AIR12 is one of the few redox proteins of the PM characterized to date, the role of AIR12 in trans-PM electron transfer would imply interaction with other partners which are still to be identified. Another part of the present project was aimed at understanding of a soybean protein comprised of a DOMON fused with a well-defined b561 cytochrome domain (CyDOM). Various bioinformatic approaches show this protein to be composed of an N-terminal DOMON followed by b561 domain. The latter contains five transmembrane helices featuring highly conserved histidines, which might bind haem groups. The CyDOM has been cloned and expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris, and spectroscopic analyses have been accomplished on solubilized yeast membranes. CyDOM clearly reveal the properties of b-type cytochrome. The results highlight the fact that CyDOM is clearly able to lead an electron flux through the plasmamembrane. Voltage clamp experiments demonstrate that Xenopus laevis oocytes transformed with CyDOM of soybean exhibit negative electrical currents in presence of an external electron acceptor. Analogous investigations were carried out with SDR2, a CyDOM of Drosophila melanogaster which shows an electron transport capacity even higher than plant CyDOM. As quoted above, these data reinforce those obtained in plant CyDOM on the one hand, and on the other hand allow to attribute to SDR2-like proteins the properties assigned to CyDOM. Was expressed in Regenerated tobacco roots, transiently transformed with infected a with chimeral construct GFP: CyDOM (by A. rhizogenes infection) reveals a plasmamembrane localization of CyDOM both in epidermal cells of the elongation zone of roots and in root hairs. In conclusion. Although the data presented here await to be expanded and in part clarified, it is safe to say they open a new perspective about the role of this group of proteins. The biological relevance of the functional and physiological implications of DOMON redox domains seems noteworthy, and it can but increase with future advances in research. Beyond the very finding, however interesting in itself, of DOMON domains as extracellular cytochromes, the present study testifies to the fact that cytochrome proteins containing DOMON domains of the type of “CyDOM” can transfer electrons through membranes and may represent the most important redox component of the plasmamembrane as yet discovered.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Pigmentbindung verschiedener Pflanzenproteine untersucht, um daraus Rückschlüsse auf ihre Funktion zu ziehen. PsbS, die S-Untereinheit des Photosystems II, konnte mit Pigmenten isoliert werden. Es wurde kein Hinweis auf eine spezifische Wechselwirkung der Chromophore gefunden, Ergebnisse wie pigmentabhängig stärkere Helixbildung unterstützen jedoch die Vermutung, PsbS fungiere als transienter Pigmentcarrier. Die Sequenzverwandten OHP, Sep1 und Sep2 binden entweder keine Pigmente oder nur so schwach, dass eine Bindung mit den verwendeten Methoden nicht nachweisbar ist.WSCP aus Blumenkohl ist ein wasserlösliches chlorophyllbindendes Protein mit unbekannter Funktion. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein rekombinantes WSCP mit N-terminal angehängtem His-Tag hergestellt und überexprimiert. WSCP-his tetramerisiert pigmentabhängig und bindet Chlorophylle, nicht aber Carotinoide. In seinen biochemischen und spektroskopischen Eigenschaften gleicht das rekombinante dem nativen WSCP und kann als Werkzeug für Untersuchungen zur Funktion herangezogen werden. Rekonstitutionsexperimente mit Chlorophyll-Derivaten zeigten, dass der Phytolrest für die Oligomerisierung des Proteins verantwortlich ist. WSCP bindet außerdem die Chlorophyll-Vorstufen Chlorophyllid und Mg-Protoporphyrin IX. Es könnte sich um ein Carrierprotein handeln, welches die Vorstufen von der Chloroplastenhülle durch das Stroma zur Thylakoidmembran transportiert. Der Fall eines chlorophyllbindenden Pflanzenproteins ohne Carotinoide ist einmalig. Messungen zu Photostabilität und Singulettsauerstoffbildung zeigten, dass es dennoch gebundenes Chlorophyll vor photooxidativer Schädigung schützt.


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During central nervous system myelination, oligodendrocytes extend membrane processes towards an axonal contact site which is followed by ensheathment resulting in a compacted multilamellar myelin sheath. The formation of this axon-glial unit facilitates rapid saltatory propagation of action potentials along the axon and requires the synthesis and transport of copious amounts of lipids and proteins to the axon-glial contact site. Fyn is a member of the Src family of non receptor tyrosine kinases and inserted into the inner leaflet of the oligodendrocyte membrane by acylation. Fyn activity plays a pivotal role in the maturation of oligodendrocytes and the myelination process. It was suggested previously that Fyn kinase can be stimulated by binding of a neuronal ligand to oligodendroglial F3/ contactin, a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol anchored immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) member protein. It could be shown here, that neuronal cell adhesion molecule L1 binds to oligodendrocytes in an F3-dependent manner and activates glial Fyn. In the search for downstream participants of this novel axon-glial signalling cascade, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 was identified as a novel Fyn target in oligodendrocytes. HnRNP A2 was known to be involved in the localisation of translationally repressed myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA by binding to a cis acting A2 response element (A2RE) present in the 3’ untranslated region. Transport of MBP mRNAs occurs in RNA-protein complexes termed RNA granules and translational repression during transport is achieved by hnRNP A2-mediated recruitment of hnRNP E1 to the granules. It could be shown here, that Fyn activity leads to enhanced translation of reporter mRNA containing a part of the 3’ UTR of MBP including the A2RE. Furthermore hnRNP E1 seems to dissociate from RNA granules in response to Fyn activity and L1 binding. These findings suggest a novel form of neuron- glial communication: Axonal L1 binding to oligodendroglial F3 activates Fyn kinase. Activated Fyn phosphorylates hnRNP A2 leading to removal of hnRNP E1 from RNA granules initiating the translation of MBP mRNA. MBP is the second most abundant myelin protein and mice lacking this protein show a severe hypomyelination phenotype. Moreover, the brains of Fyn knock out mice contain reduced MBP levels and are hypomyelinated. Hence, L1-mediated MBP synthesis via Fyn as a central molecule could be part of a regulatory mechanism required for myelinogenesis in the central nervous system.


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The DOMON domain is a domain widespread in nature, predicted to fold in a β-sandwich structure. In plants, AIR12 is constituted by a single DOMON domain located in the apoplastic space and is GPI-modified for anchoring to the plasma membrane. Arabidopsis thaliana AIR12 has been heterologously expressed as a recombinant protein (recAtAIR12) in Pichia pastoris. Spectrophotometrical analysis of the purified protein showed that recAtAir12 is a cytochrome b. RecAtAIR12 is highly glycosylated, it is reduced by ascorbate, superoxide and naftoquinones, oxidised by monodehydroascorbate and oxygen and insensitive to hydrogen peroxide. The addition of recAtAIR12 to permeabilized plasma membranes containing NADH, FeEDTA and menadione, caused a statistically significant increase in hydroxyl radicals as detected by electron paramagnetic resonance. In these conditions, recAtAIR12 has thus a pro-oxidant role. Interestingly, AIR12 is related to the cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase which is involved in lignin degradation, possibly via reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. In Arabidopsis the Air12 promoter is specifically activated at sites where cell separations occur and ROS, including •OH, are involved in cell wall modifications. air12 knock-out plants infected with Botrytis cinerea are more resistant than wild-type and air12 complemented plants. Also during B. cinerea infection, cell wall modifications and ROS are involved. Our results thus suggest that AIR12 could be involved in cell wall modifying reactions by interacting with ROS and ascorbate. CyDOMs are plasma membrane redox proteins of plants that are predicted to contain an apoplastic DOMON fused with a transmembrane cytochrome b561 domain. CyDOMs have never been purified nor characterised. The trans-membrane portion of a soybean CyDOM was expressed in E. coli but purification could not be achieved. The DOMON domain was expressed in P. pastoris and shown to be itself a cytochrome b that could be reduced by ascorbate.


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Biologische Membranen sind Fettmolekül-Doppelschichten, die sich wie zweidimensionale Flüssigkeiten verhalten. Die Energie einer solchen fluiden Oberfläche kann häufig mit Hilfe eines Hamiltonians beschrieben werden, der invariant unter Reparametrisierungen der Oberfläche ist und nur von ihrer Geometrie abhängt. Beiträge innerer Freiheitsgrade und der Umgebung können in den Formalismus mit einbezogen werden. Dieser Ansatz wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit dazu verwendet, die Mechanik fluider Membranen und ähnlicher Oberflächen zu untersuchen. Spannungen und Drehmomente in der Oberfläche lassen sich durch kovariante Tensoren ausdrücken. Diese können dann z. B. dazu verwendet werden, die Gleichgewichtsposition der Kontaktlinie zu bestimmen, an der sich zwei aneinander haftende Oberflächen voneinander trennen. Mit Ausnahme von Kapillarphänomenen ist die Oberflächenenergie nicht nur abhängig von Translationen der Kontaktlinie, sondern auch von Änderungen in der Steigung oder sogar Krümmung. Die sich ergebenden Randbedingungen entsprechen den Gleichgewichtsbedingungen an Kräfte und Drehmomente, falls sich die Kontaktlinie frei bewegen kann. Wenn eine der Oberflächen starr ist, muss die Variation lokal dieser Fläche folgen. Spannungen und Drehmomente tragen dann zu einer einzigen Gleichgewichtsbedingung bei; ihre Beiträge können nicht mehr einzeln identifiziert werden. Um quantitative Aussagen über das Verhalten einer fluiden Oberfläche zu machen, müssen ihre elastischen Eigenschaften bekannt sein. Der "Nanotrommel"-Versuchsaufbau ermöglicht es, Membraneigenschaften lokal zu untersuchen: Er besteht aus einer porenüberspannenden Membran, die während des Experiments durch die Spitze eines Rasterkraftmikroskops in die Pore gedrückt wird. Der lineare Verlauf der resultierenden Kraft-Abstands-Kurven kann mit Hilfe der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Theorie reproduziert werden, wenn der Einfluss von Adhäsion zwischen Spitze und Membran vernachlässigt wird. Bezieht man diesen Effekt in die Rechnungen mit ein, ändert sich das Resultat erheblich: Kraft-Abstands-Kurven sind nicht länger linear, Hysterese und nichtverschwindende Trennkräfte treten auf. Die Voraussagen der Rechnungen könnten in zukünftigen Experimenten dazu verwendet werden, Parameter wie die Biegesteifigkeit der Membran mit einer Auflösung im Nanometerbereich zu bestimmen. Wenn die Materialeigenschaften bekannt sind, können Probleme der Membranmechanik genauer betrachtet werden. Oberflächenvermittelte Wechselwirkungen sind in diesem Zusammenhang ein interessantes Beispiel. Mit Hilfe des oben erwähnten Spannungstensors können analytische Ausdrücke für die krümmungsvermittelte Kraft zwischen zwei Teilchen, die z. B. Proteine repräsentieren, hergeleitet werden. Zusätzlich wird das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte und Drehmomente genutzt, um mehrere Bedingungen an die Geometrie der Membran abzuleiten. Für den Fall zweier unendlich langer Zylinder auf der Membran werden diese Bedingungen zusammen mit Profilberechnungen kombiniert, um quantitative Aussagen über die Wechselwirkung zu treffen. Theorie und Experiment stoßen an ihre Grenzen, wenn es darum geht, die Relevanz von krümmungsvermittelten Wechselwirkungen in der biologischen Zelle korrekt zu beurteilen. In einem solchen Fall bieten Computersimulationen einen alternativen Ansatz: Die hier präsentierten Simulationen sagen voraus, dass Proteine zusammenfinden und Membranbläschen (Vesikel) bilden können, sobald jedes der Proteine eine Mindestkrümmung in der Membran induziert. Der Radius der Vesikel hängt dabei stark von der lokal aufgeprägten Krümmung ab. Das Resultat der Simulationen wird in dieser Arbeit durch ein approximatives theoretisches Modell qualitativ bestätigt.


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A novel nanosized and addressable sensing platform based on membrane coated plasmonic particles for detection of protein adsorption using dark field scattering spectroscopy of single particles has been established. To this end, a detailed analysis of the deposition of gold nanorods on differently functionalized substrates is performed in relation to various factors (such as the pH, ionic strength, concentration of colloidal suspension, incubation time) in order to find the optimal conditions for obtaining a homogenous distribution of particles at the desired surface number density. The possibility of successfully draping lipid bilayers over the gold particles immobilized on glass substrates depends on the careful adjustment of parameters such as membrane curvature and adhesion properties and is demonstrated with complementary techniques such as phase imaging AFM, fluorescence microscopy (including FRAP) and single particle spectroscopy. The functionality and sensitivity of the proposed sensing platform is unequivocally certified by the resonance shifts of the plasmonic particles that were individually interrogated with single particle spectroscopy upon the adsorption of streptavidin to biotinylated lipid membranes. This new detection approach that employs particles as nanoscopic reporters for biomolecular interactions insures a highly localized sensitivity that offers the possibility to screen lateral inhomogeneities of native membranes. As an alternative to the 2D array of gold nanorods, short range ordered arrays of nanoholes in optically transparent gold films or regular arrays of truncated tetrahedron shaped particles are built by means of colloidal nanolithography on transparent substrates. Technical issues mainly related to the optimization of the mask deposition conditions are successfully addressed such that extended areas of homogenously nanostructured gold surfaces are achieved. Adsorption of the proteins annexin A1 and prothrombin on multicomponent lipid membranes as well as the hydrolytic activity of the phospholipase PLA2 were investigated with classical techniques such as AFM, ellipsometry and fluorescence microscopy. At first, the issues of lateral phase separation in membranes of various lipid compositions and the dependency of the domains configuration (sizes and shapes) on the membrane content are addressed. It is shown that the tendency for phase segregation of gel and fluid phase lipid mixtures is accentuated in the presence of divalent calcium ions for membranes containing anionic lipids as compared to neutral bilayers. Annexin A1 adsorbs preferentially and irreversibly on preformed phosphatidylserine (PS) enriched lipid domains but, dependent on the PS content of the bilayer, the protein itself may induce clustering of the anionic lipids into areas with high binding affinity. Corroborated evidence from AFM and fluorescence experiments confirm the hypothesis of a specifically increased hydrolytic activity of PLA2 on the highly curved regions of membranes due to a facilitated access of lipase to the cleavage sites of the lipids. The influence of the nanoscale gold surface topography on the adhesion of lipid vesicles is unambiguously demonstrated and this reveals, at least in part, an answer for the controversial question existent in the literature about the behavior of lipid vesicles interacting with bare gold substrates. The possibility of formation monolayers of lipid vesicles on chemically untreated gold substrates decorated with gold nanorods opens new perspectives for biosensing applications that involve the radiative decay engineering of the plasmonic particles.


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The membrane protein Cytochrome c Oxidase (CcO) is one of the most important functional bio-molecules. It appears in almost every eukaryotic cell and many bacteria. Although the different species differ in the number of subunits, the functional differences are merely marginal. CcO is the terminal link in the electron transfer pathway of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Electrons transferred to the catalytic center of the enzyme conduce to the reduction of molecular oxygen to water. Oxygen reduction is coupled to the pumping of protons into the inter-membrane space and hence generates a difference in electrochemical potential of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This potential difference drives the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the universal energy carrier within all biological cells. rnrnThe goal of the present work is to contribute to a better understanding of the functional mechanism of CcO by using time-resolved surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (TR-SERRS). Despite intensive research effort within the last decades, the functional mechanism of CcO is still subject to controversial discussions. It was the primary goal of this dissertation to initiate electron transfer to the redox centers CuA, heme a, heme a3 and CuB electrochemically and to observe the corresponding redox transitions in-situ with a focus on the two heme structures by using SERRS. A measuring cell was developed, which allowed combination of electrochemical excitation with Raman spectroscopy for the purpose of performing the accordant measurements. Cytochrome c was used as a benchmark system to test the new measuring cell and to prove the feasibility of appropriate Raman measurements. In contrast to CcO the heme protein cc contains only a single heme structure. Nevertheless, characteristic Raman bands of the hemes can be observed for both proteins.rnrnIn order to investigate CcO it was immobilized on top of a silver substrate and embedded into an artificial membrane. The catalytic activity of CcO and therefore the complete functional capability of the enzyme within the biomimetic membrane architecture was verified using cyclic voltammetry. Raman spectroscopy was performed using a special nano-structured silver surface, which was developed within the scope of the present work. This new substrate combined two fundamental properties. It facilitated the formation of a protein tethered bilayer lipid membrane (ptBLM) and it allowed obtaining Raman spectra with sufficient high signal-to-noise ratios.rnSpectro-electrochemical investigations showed that at open circuit potential the enzyme exists in a mixed-valence state, with heme a and and heme a3 in the reduced and oxidized state, respectively. This was considered as an intermediate state between the non-activated and the fully activated state of CcO. Time-resolved SERRS measurements revealed that a hampered electron transfer to the redox center heme a3 characterizes this intermediate state.rn


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Im zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) myelinisieren Oligodendrozyten neuronale Axone, indem sie ihre Zellfortsätze mehrfach um axonale Segmente wickeln. Die Ausbildung dieser multilamellaren Membranstapel ermöglicht eine saltatorische und damit rasche und energie-effiziente Erregungsleitung (Nave, 2010). Eine Schädigung des Myelins beeinträchtigt die Reizweiterleitung und führt zur Degeneration der Axone, wie es zum Beispiel bei der Multiplen Sklerose der Fall ist. Das Myelin basische Protein (MBP) ist ein Hauptbestandteil des Myelin und ist essentiell für die Kompaktierung der Myelinmembran (Wood et al., 1984). Die MBP mRNA wird in hnRNP A2 enthaltenen RNA Granulen in einem translations-inaktiven Zustand zu den distalen Fortsätzen transportiert. Vermittelt durch axonale Signale wird nach axo-glialem Kontakt die Translation von MBP ermöglicht (White et al., 2008). Der genaue Mechanismus der differentiellen Genregulation des MBP Proteins ist bisher nur unzureichend aufgeklärt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte eine kleine regulatorische RNA (sncRNA) identifiziert werden, welche über die seed Region mit der MBP mRNA interagieren und die Translation regulieren kann. In primären Oligodendrozyten führt die Überexpression der sncRNA-715 zu reduzierten MBP Protein Mengen und die Blockierung der endogenen sncRNA-715 führt zu einer gesteigerten MBP Synthese. Interessanterweise korreliert während der Differenzierung der Oligodendrozyten in vitro und in vivo die Synthese des MBP Proteins invers mit der Expression der sncRNA-715. In Oligodendrozyten beeinflusst eine experimentell erhöhte sncRNA-715 Menge die Zellmorphologie und induziert Apoptose. Weiterhin ist sncRNA-715 in zytoplasmatischen granulären Strukturen lokalisiert und assoziiert mit MBP mRNA in hnRNP A2 Transport- Granula. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass sncRNA-715 ein Bestandteil der hnRNP A2 Granula sein könnte und dort spezifisch die Translation der MBP mRNA während des Lokalisationsprozesses inhibiert. In chronischen MS Läsionen sind Olig2+-Zellen zu finden. Obwohl die MBP mRNA in diesen Läsionen nachzuweisen ist, kann kein Protein synthetisiert werden. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass in diesen Läsionen die Expression der sncRNA-715 erhöht ist. SncRNA-715 könnte die Translation von MBP verhindern und folglich als Inhibitor der Remyelinisierung während des Krankheitsverlaufs fungieren. Schwann-Zellen sind die myelinisierenden Zellen im peripheren Nervensystem (PNS). Im Zuge der Myelinisierung wird die MBP mRNA in diesen Gliazellen ebenfalls in die distalen Fortsätze transportiert und dort lokal translatiert und in die Myelinmembran eingebaut (Trapp et al., 1987). Im Gegensatz zum ZNS ist im PNS nur wenig über den Transportmechanismus der mRNA bekannt (Masaki, 2012). Es ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass in Schwann-Zellen und Oligodendrozyten die Lokalisation und die translationale Hemmung der MBP mRNA ähnlichen Mechanismen unterliegen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass hnRNP A2 und sncRNA-715 in Schwann-Zellen exprimiert werden und in zytoplasmatischen Granula-ähnlichen Strukturen lokalisiert sind. Während der Differenzierung dieser Gliazellen in vivo und in vitro korreliert die Expression der sncRNA-715 invers mit der Synthese des MBP Proteins. HnRNP A2 und sncRNA-715 scheinen in Schwann-Zellen assoziiert zu sein und könnten wie in Oligodendrozyten den Transport der MBP mRNA vermitteln.


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Die vorliegende kumulative Arbeit umfasst Analysen zur Aufklärung der molekularen Grundlagen des humanen Usher-Syndroms (USH), der häufigsten Ursache kombinierter vererblicher Taub-Blindheit. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, neue Erkenntnisse zur Funktion der USH-Proteine und den von ihnen organisierten Protein-Netzwerken in der Photorezeptorzelle zu erhalten. Dadurch sollten weitere Einsichten in die molekularen Ursachen des retinalen Phänotyps von USH gewonnen werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analysen wurden in einem Übersichtsartikel (I) und zwei Originalarbeiten (II, III) zusammengestellt.rn Im Übersichtsartikel (I) wurden die vorliegenden Hinweise zusammengefasst, die USH auf Grundlage der molekularen Verbindungen ebenfalls als Ciliopathien definiert. Zudem wird die Bedeutung des periciliären USH-Proteinnetzwerkes für das sensorische Cilium (Außensegment) der Photorezeptorzelle herausgestellt. rn In Publikation II wurde der Aufbau des USH1-USH2-Proteinnetzwerkes als Teil des periciliären Komplexes analysiert, der beim cargo handover von vesikulärer Fracht vom Innensegment- auf den ciliären Transport für die Photorezeptorzelle essentiell ist. Experimentell wurde Ush2a als neuer SANS-Interaktionspartner validiert. Des Weiteren wurde ein ternärer Komplex aus den USH-Proteinen SANS, Ush2a und Whirlin identifiziert, dessen Zusammensetzung durch die phosphorylierungsabhängige Interaktion zwischen SANS und Ush2a reguliert werden könnte. Dieser ternäre Komplex kann sowohl der Integrität der Zielmembran dienen als auch am Transfer von Molekülen ins Außensegment beteiligt sein.rn In Publikation III wurde das MAGUK-Protein Magi2 als neuer Interaktionspartner von SANS identifiziert und die Interaktion durch komplementäre Interaktionsassays validiert. Dabei wurde ein internes PDZ-Binde-Motiv in der SAM-Domäne von SANS identifiziert, das die Interaktion zur PDZ5-Domäne von Magi2 phosphorylierungsabhängig vermittelt. Dadurch wurde bestätigt, dass SANS durch post-translationale Modifizierung reguliert wird. Weiterführende Experimente zur Funktion des Magi2-SANS-Komplexes zeigen, dass Magi2 an Prozess der Rezeptor-vermittelten Endocytose beteiligt ist. Die Phosphorylierung von SANS durch die Kinase CK2 spielt bei der Endocytose ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle. Der Phosphorylierungsstatus von SANS moduliert die Interaktion zu Magi2 und reguliert dadurch negativ den Prozess der Endocytose. In RNAi-Studien wurde die durch Magi2-vermittelte Endocytose darüber hinaus mit dem Prozess der Ciliogenese verknüpft. Die Analyse der subzellulären Verteilung der Interaktionspartner lokalisieren Magi2 im periciliären Komplex und assoziieren das periciliäre USH-Proteinnetzwerk dadurch mit dem Prozess der Endocytose in der ciliary pocket. Der SANS-Magi2-Komplex sollte demnach für Aufbau und Funktion des sensorischen Ciliums der Photorezeptorzelle eine wichtige Rolle spielen.rn Die Gesamtheit an Informationen, die aus den Publikationen dieser Dissertation und aus den Kooperationsprojekten (*) resultieren, haben die Kenntnisse zur zellulären Funktion der USH-Proteine und ihrer Interaktionspartner und damit über die pathogenen Mechanismen von USH erweitert. Dies bildet die Basis, um fundierte Therapiestrategien zu entwickeln.


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Previous work has shown that the -tocopherol transfer protein ( -TTP) can bind to vesicular or immobilized phospholipid membranes. Revealing the molecular mechanisms by which -TTP associates with membranes is thought to be critical to understanding its function and role in the secretion of tocopherol from hepatocytes into the circulation. Calculations presented in the Orientations of Proteins in Membranes database have provided a testable model for the spatial arrangement of -TTP and other CRAL-TRIO family proteins with respect to the lipid bilayer. These calculations predicted that a hydrophobic surface mediates the interaction of -TTP with lipid membranes. To test the validity of these predictions, we used site-directed mutagenesis and examined the substituted mutants with regard to intermembrane ligand transfer, association with lipid layers and biological activity in cultured hepatocytes. Substitution of residues in helices A8 (F165A and F169A) and A10 (I202A, V206A and M209A) decreased the rate of intermembrane ligand transfer as well as protein adsorption to phospholipid bilayers. The largest impairment was observed upon mutation of residues that are predicted to be fully immersed in the lipid bilayer in both apo (open) and holo (closed) conformations such as Phe165 and Phe169. Mutation F169A, and especially F169D, significantly impaired -TTP-assisted secretion of -tocopherol outside cultured hepatocytes. Mutation of selected basic residues (R192H, K211A, and K217A) had little effect on transfer rates, indicating no significant involvement of nonspecific electrostatic interactions with membranes.


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Plasmalemmal injury is a frequent event in the life of a cell. Physical disruption of the plasma membrane is common in cells that operate under conditions of mechanical stress. The permeability barrier can also be breached by chemical means: pathogens gain access to host cells by secreting pore-forming toxins and phospholipases, and the host's own immune system employs pore-forming proteins to eliminate both pathogens and the pathogen-invaded cells. In all cases, the influx of extracellular Ca(2+) is being sensed and interpreted as an "immediate danger" signal. Various Ca(2+)-dependent mechanisms are employed to enable plasma membrane repair. Extensively damaged regions of the plasma membrane can be patched with internal membranes delivered to the cell surface by exocytosis. Nucleated cells are capable of resealing their injured plasmalemma by endocytosis of the permeabilized site. Likewise, the shedding of membrane microparticles is thought to be involved in the physical elimination of pores. Membrane blebbing is a further damage-control mechanism, which is triggered after initial attempts at plasmalemmal resealing have failed. The members of the annexin protein family are ubiquitously expressed and function as intracellular Ca(2+) sensors. Most cells contain multiple annexins, which interact with distinct plasma membrane regions promoting membrane segregation, membrane fusion and--in combination with their individual Ca(2+)-sensitivity--allow spatially confined, graded responses to membrane injury.


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Based on the structural similarity of viral fusion proteins within the family Paramyxoviridae, we tested recently described and newly synthesized acetanilide derivatives for their capacity to inhibit measles virus (MV)-, canine distemper virus (CDV)- and Nipah virus (NiV)-induced membrane fusion. We found that N-(3-cyanophenyl)-2-phenylacetamide (compound 1) has a high capacity to inhibit MV- and CDV-induced (IC(50) muM), but not NiV-induced, membrane fusion. This compound is of outstanding interest because it can be easily synthesized and its cytotoxicity is low [50 % cytotoxic concentration (CC(50)) >/= 300 muM], leading to a CC(50)/IC(50) ratio of approximately 100. In addition, primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes and primary dog brain cell cultures (DBC) also tolerate high concentrations of compound 1. Infection of human PBMC with recombinant wild-type MV is inhibited by an IC(50) of approximately 20 muM. The cell-to-cell spread of recombinant wild-type CDV in persistently infected DBC can be nearly completely inhibited by compound 1 at 50 muM, indicating that the virus spread between brain cells is dependent on the activity of the viral fusion protein. Our findings demonstrate that this compound is a most applicable inhibitor of morbillivirus-induced membrane fusion in tissue culture experiments including highly sensitive primary cells.


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Cardiac myocytes are characterized by distinct structural and functional entities involved in the generation and transmission of the action potential and the excitation-contraction coupling process. Key to their function is the specific organization of ion channels and transporters to and within distinct membrane domains, which supports the anisotropic propagation of the depolarization wave. This review addresses the current knowledge on the molecular actors regulating the distinct trafficking and targeting mechanisms of ion channels in the highly polarized cardiac myocyte. In addition to ubiquitous mechanisms shared by other excitable cells, cardiac myocytes show unique specialization, illustrated by the molecular organization of myocyte-myocyte contacts, e.g., the intercalated disc and the gap junction. Many factors contribute to the specialization of the cardiac sarcolemma and the functional expression of cardiac ion channels, including various anchoring proteins, motors, small GTPases, membrane lipids, and cholesterol. The discovery of genetic defects in some of these actors, leading to complex cardiac disorders, emphasizes the importance of trafficking and targeting of ion channels to cardiac function. A major challenge in the field is to understand how these and other actors work together in intact myocytes to fine-tune ion channel expression and control cardiac excitability.