801 resultados para Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Molecular, 2015.


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Angiodysplasias are one of the reasons of gastrointestinal bleeding, whose origin is usually due to vascular malformations. There are different types of therapies for angiodysplasia such as endoscopic, angiographic and pharmacological techniques. Among the last ones, there is little variety of effective drugs to treat the disease. We describe the therapeutic failure with thalidomide in a male with recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding due to angiodysplasias. A thorough diagnostic work-up, including gastroscopy, enteroscopy, angiography and capsule endoscopy were performed. Despite treatment with high-dose somatostatin analogues and oral iron, the patient continued bleeding. The patient was administered then thalidomide for three months with no clinical response. Thalidomide had to be withdrawn owing to adverse effects.


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Ultra-slow fluctuations (0.01-0.1 Hz) are a feature of intrinsic brain activity of as yet unclear origin. We propose a candidate mechanism based on retrograde endocannabinoid signaling in a synaptically coupled network of excitatory neurons. This is known to cause depolarization-induced suppression of excitation (DISE), which we model phenomenologically. We construct emergent network oscillations in a globally coupled network and show that for strong synaptic coupling DISE can lead to a synchronized population burst at the frequencies of resting brain rhythms.


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Background: Postoperative esophageal leaks have a high morbidity and mortality. Self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) have been used as an alternative to re-operation. Aim: Evaluating predictors of success of SEMS in postoperative esophageal leaks. Methods: Retrospective study of patients with postoperative esophageal leaks referred for SEMS placement in a reference center during a period of 3 years. Technical success was defined as closure of the leak in barium swallow at 15 days. Clinical success was considered as endoscopic and/or radiographic confirmation of closure after stent removal. Results: Thirteen patients placed SEMS. Median follow-up was 58 days. Leaks had a median size of 20 mm. Time between surgery and SEMS placement was 20 days. One patient died 2 days after SEMS placement and one had worsening of the fistula after SEMS expansion. Time till stent migration was 9 days. Technical success was achieved in 9 of 11 patients, with clinical success without recurrence in 5 patients. All leaks with less than 20 mm were solved endoscopically. Technical and clinical success was higher when time between surgery and SEMS placement was lower, even though without statistical significance (respectively, p = 0.228 and 0.374). In the 8 patients who died during follow-up, median survival was 59 days. Conclusions: Technical success of SEMS was higher than 80%; however, due to high morbidity and mortality, only 45% of patients had their stent removed. Lower time from diagnosis to SEMS placement and leak size less than 20 mm may be associated with better results.


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Despite a low incidence in developed countries, gastrointestinal taeniasis should be suspected in patients with abdominal pain, diarrhea, anemia, and/or malabsorption of unknown origin, even more so if they come from endemic regions or areas with poor hygienic and alimentary habits. Diagnosis is traditionally reached by identifying the parasite in stools, but more recently both serological and immunological approaches are also available. Based on a patient diagnosed by gastroscopy, a literature review was undertaken of patients diagnosed by endoscopy. We discuss endoscopy as diagnostic modality, and the effectiveness and safety that endoscopic treatment may provide in view of the potential risk for neurocysticercosis.


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En endodoncia durante las últimas décadas se han realizado avances en el campo de los materiales biocerámicos que pueden ser utilizados para: obturación retrógrada, recubrimiento pulpar, reparación de perforaciones, tratamiento de dientes con ápices abiertos, reparación de defectos de reabsorción y también se usan como cementos selladores, atribuyéndoseles grandes ventajas comparadas con los selladores tradicionales. Los materiales biocerámicos han demostrado la capacidad de superar algunas de las limitaciones de las generaciones anteriores de materiales de endodoncia, pues presentan excelentes propiedades fisicoquímicas y biológicas por lo que en la actualidad su uso es recomendado ampliamente en la práctica clínica. Este artículo se centra en la revisión de los nuevos materiales biocerámicos utilizados en endodoncia, sus características fisicoquímicas, biológicas, sus ventajas y desventajas, así como su uso en aplicaciones clínicas.


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O intento predominante desta investigação prende-se em tomar conhecimento de como as recentes Viaturas Blindadas de Rodas adquiridas pelo Exército Português se adequam em Território Nacional, naquilo que se poderá constituir como um Eixo de Aproximação, e inseridas numa operação defensiva. Para a realização deste trabalho foi adotada uma metodologia de investigação baseada em alguns autores. Para a recolha de informação foi usada a pesquisa documental e bibliográfica e a realização de entrevistas. Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em várias partes, sendo que se dividem em dois grandes grupos. Numa primeira fase são introduzidos conceitos teóricos que suportam a investigação, nomeadamente no âmbito da Zona de Operações Terrestre, e das características das diferentes versões da VBR PANDUR II 8x8. Numa segunda fase, conduz-se o Estudo do Espaço de Batalha pelas Informações numa determinada região do Território Nacional, terminando esta etapa com a junção dos conhecimentos anteriormente adquiridos com a análise do terreno feita. Concluiu-se com a realização desta investigação que as forças equipadas com estas viaturas estão preparadas para executar operações de índole defensiva no âmbito das operações retrógradas ou defesas móveis, devido às suas capacidades. Com a sua elevada capacidade de projeção, mobilidade do terreno, autonomia, observação do campo de batalha, estas viaturas conferem ao Exército Português uma nova tipologia de força – A Força Média.


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In this study, we investigated the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate salt acclimation. The main objective was to obtain new insights into the molecular mechanisms that control salt acclimation. Therefore, we carried out a multidisciplinary study using proteomic, transcriptomic, subcellular and physiological techniques. We obtained a Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cell line acclimated to be grown at 258 mM NaCl as a model for this study. The proteomic and transcriptomic data indicate that the molecular response to stress (chaperones, defence proteins, etc.) is highly induced in these salt-acclimated cells. The subcellular results show that salt induces sodium compartmentalization in the cell vacuoles and seems to be mediated by vesicle trafficking in tobacco salt-acclimated cells. Our results demonstrate that abscisic acid (ABA) and proline metabolism are crucial in the cellular signalling of salt acclimation, probably regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the mitochondria. ROS may act as a retrograde signal, regulating the cell response. The network of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus is highly altered in salt-acclimated cells. The molecular and subcellular analysis suggests that the unfolded protein response is induced in salt-acclimated cells. Finally, we propose that this mechanism may mediate cell death in salt-acclimated cells.


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Background: Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is one of the most common causes of urinary tract obstruction in children. Several methods are used to diagnose upper urinary tract obstruction including renal ultrasonography (US), intravenous pyelogram (IVP), diuretic renography (DR), magnetic resonance urography (MRU) and antegrade or retrograde pyelography. Nowadays it is suggested to use diuretic renography as the best method for diagnosing of UPJO. There is no comparative study between IVP and DR scan for diagnosis of UPJO in children. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to compare IVP with furosemide injection and diuretic renography in diagnosis of clinically significant UPJO. Patients and Methods: This was a cross sectional study performed in 153 UPJO suspected children (121 boys, 32 girls) based on US findings in cases presented with urinary tract infection (UTI), prenatal hydronephrosis, abdominal/flank pain, abdominal mass and hematuria. Renal ultrasound was used as an initial screening tool for detection of urinary tract abnormality. Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) was ruled out by voiding cystourethrography (VCUG). Serum creatinin, blood urea nitrogen, urinalysis and urine culture was screened in all cases. IVP with furosemide and DR were performed as soon as possible after the mentioned workup. Results: During a five year period, 46 out of 153 patients were diagnosed as UPJO based on diuretic renography: the age ranged from 4 months to 13 years (mean: 3.1 ± 0.78 years). There was a significant higher (76%) proportion of UPJO in the boys and in the left side (78%). The sensitivity of IVP with furosemide injection in diagnosis of UPJO was 91.3% whereas DR was accepted as standard for diagnostic procedure in diagnosis of UPJO. Conclusions: Although DR is accepted as the best method for diagnosis of UPJO, we found a small sensitivity difference between IVP and DR in kidneys with normal or near normal function. In many settings such as small cities lacking facilities for advanced isotope imaging technology, use of IVP with diuretic maybe an acceptable procedure for diagnosis of UPJO.


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Depuis les débuts de la deuxième vague féministe, la participation quasi-universelle des femmes au marché du travail a causé la perte, pour les pères de famille, du rôle de pourvoyeur exclusif que ces derniers avaient tenu depuis si longtemps. Les femmes hétérosexuelles de la société contemporaine sont dorénavant plus scolarisées et atteignent des carrières plus avancées que leurs contreparties masculines. Alors que les femmes soutiennent davantage la famille par leurs emplois, les hommes doivent proportionnellement assumer des rôles plus actifs et participatifs à la maison. En cette période de transition, de transformation et de redéfinition rapides des rôles genrés à l’intérieur de l’économie familiale hétérosexuelle, les pères participent de manière plus équitable à l’éducation des enfants et à l’entretien du domicile, ces rôles ayant longtemps été attribués presque exclusivement aux femmes. Ces nouvelles responsabilités détonnent avec les représentations stéréotypées des hommes dans la culture populaire, ainsi qu’avec les modèles d’identification de la masculinité normative que les hommes ont requis et requièrent toujours sous l’égide de l’hétérosexualité imposée. De ce fait, les hommes occidentaux de moins de cinquante ans se trouvent souvent à cheval entre deux mondes d’exigences concurrentes. La place que peuvent et doivent prendre les pères au sein de leurs familles requiert un questionnement critique. L’ironie de la place du père peut être comprise comme la tension entre les normes du genre rétrogrades ou conservatrices et les exigences – à la fois politiques et pragmatiques – de la masculinité de la classe moyenne contemporaine. Cette tension fondamentale et structurante de la masculinité contemporaine est vécue par l’anxiété d’association au genre, ainsi qu’à travers des difficultés filiales, paternelles et intergénérationnelles. Ce mémoire de maîtrise adopte une approche déconstructiviste envers l’analyse de constructions contemporaines de la masculinité reproductive. À travers les gender studies, la théorie queer ainsi que la psychanalyse, le mémoire offre des lectures analytiques du discours de croissance personnelle de John Stoltenberg, de la fiction autobiographique de Karl Ove Knausgaard, ainsi que de la série télévisée américaine Dexter.


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Depuis les débuts de la deuxième vague féministe, la participation quasi-universelle des femmes au marché du travail a causé la perte, pour les pères de famille, du rôle de pourvoyeur exclusif que ces derniers avaient tenu depuis si longtemps. Les femmes hétérosexuelles de la société contemporaine sont dorénavant plus scolarisées et atteignent des carrières plus avancées que leurs contreparties masculines. Alors que les femmes soutiennent davantage la famille par leurs emplois, les hommes doivent proportionnellement assumer des rôles plus actifs et participatifs à la maison. En cette période de transition, de transformation et de redéfinition rapides des rôles genrés à l’intérieur de l’économie familiale hétérosexuelle, les pères participent de manière plus équitable à l’éducation des enfants et à l’entretien du domicile, ces rôles ayant longtemps été attribués presque exclusivement aux femmes. Ces nouvelles responsabilités détonnent avec les représentations stéréotypées des hommes dans la culture populaire, ainsi qu’avec les modèles d’identification de la masculinité normative que les hommes ont requis et requièrent toujours sous l’égide de l’hétérosexualité imposée. De ce fait, les hommes occidentaux de moins de cinquante ans se trouvent souvent à cheval entre deux mondes d’exigences concurrentes. La place que peuvent et doivent prendre les pères au sein de leurs familles requiert un questionnement critique. L’ironie de la place du père peut être comprise comme la tension entre les normes du genre rétrogrades ou conservatrices et les exigences – à la fois politiques et pragmatiques – de la masculinité de la classe moyenne contemporaine. Cette tension fondamentale et structurante de la masculinité contemporaine est vécue par l’anxiété d’association au genre, ainsi qu’à travers des difficultés filiales, paternelles et intergénérationnelles. Ce mémoire de maîtrise adopte une approche déconstructiviste envers l’analyse de constructions contemporaines de la masculinité reproductive. À travers les gender studies, la théorie queer ainsi que la psychanalyse, le mémoire offre des lectures analytiques du discours de croissance personnelle de John Stoltenberg, de la fiction autobiographique de Karl Ove Knausgaard, ainsi que de la série télévisée américaine Dexter.


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Introdução: O presente trabalho tem como tema Microcirurgia Endodôntica sendo esta um tipo de Retratamento Endodôntico Cirúrgico (RTEC). Este tipo de procedimento está indicado em casos de insucesso prévio no Tratamento Endodôntico Não Cirúrgico (TENC). Embora atualmente os índices de sucesso do TENC sejam elevados, existem ainda alguns casos, que não atingem os resultados desejados mesmo realizando corretamente todas as etapas do tratamento. Quando assim é, há necessidade de abordar o sistema de canais radiculares por outra via: recorrer à cirurgia endodôntica e à obturação retrógrada. Objetivos: Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal abordar uma técnica de Retratamento Endodôntico Cirúrgico: a Microcirurgia Endodôntica. Procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica, analisando literatura que versa o tema, a evolução da técnica, o protocolo cirúrgico em toda a sua extensão, a sua utilidade e aplicabilidade na prática clínica. Materiais e métodos: Na execução desta revisão bibliográfica, os motores de pesquisa on-line utilizados foram os seguintes: b-On, Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct e Google Académico. Os critérios de inclusão limitaram o uso de artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2016 e nos idiomas de português, inglês e espanhol. Os critérios de exclusão rejeitaram artigos dos quais o teor não teria relevância para a concretização do trabalho e artigos fora dos limites temporais. Conclusão: Na literatura científica, quando a técnica Microcirurgica é comparada com a técnica convencional de RTEC mostra uma taxa de sucesso de excelência e que maioritariamente, os autores defendem que esta deverá ser usada apenas como retratamento, e não isoladamente ou como primeira abordagem terapêutica. Nas últimas décadas, o crescente desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico da cirurgia endodôntica leva à introdução da microcirurgia graças ao recurso da magnificação e iluminação, instrumentos adaptados à nova realidade da cirurgia endodôntica, novos equipamentos e novos materiais associados à retrobturação. É de salientar que este processo cirúrgico é menos invasivo para o paciente e que se obtém um aumento das taxas de sucesso.


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OBJECTIVE: To capture the clinical patterns, timing of key milestones and survival of patients presenting with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease (ALS/MND) within Australia.

METHODS: Data were prospectively collected and were timed to normal clinical assessments. An initial registration clinical report form (CRF) and subsequent ongoing assessment CRFs were submitted with a completion CRF at the time of death.

DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study.

PARTICIPANTS: 1834 patients with a diagnosis of ALS/MND were registered and followed in ALS/MND clinics between 2005 and 2015.

RESULTS: 5 major clinical phenotypes were determined and included ALS bulbar onset, ALS cervical onset and ALS lumbar onset, flail arm and leg and primary lateral sclerosis (PLS). Of the 1834 registered patients, 1677 (90%) could be allocated a clinical phenotype. ALS bulbar onset had a significantly lower length of survival when compared with all other clinical phenotypes (p<0.004). There were delays in the median time to diagnosis of up to 12 months for the ALS phenotypes, 18 months for the flail limb phenotypes and 19 months for PLS. Riluzole treatment was started in 78-85% of cases. The median delays in initiating riluzole therapy, from symptom onset, varied from 10 to 12 months in the ALS phenotypes and 15-18 months in the flail limb phenotypes. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was implemented in 8-36% of ALS phenotypes and 2-9% of the flail phenotypes. Non-invasive ventilation was started in 16-22% of ALS phenotypes and 21-29% of flail phenotypes.

CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of a cohort registry for ALS/MND is able to determine clinical phenotypes, survival and monitor time to key milestones in disease progression. It is intended to expand the cohort to a more population-based registry using opt-out methodology and facilitate data linkage to other national registries.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Although guidelines state that functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) can be diagnosed with minimal investigation, consultations and investigations still have high costs. We investigated whether these are due to specific behaviors of specialist clinicians by examining differences in clinician approaches to organic gastrointestinal diseases vs FGIDs. METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of 207 outpatient department letters written from the gastroenterology unit at a tertiary hospital after patient consultations from 2008 through 2011. We collected data from diagnostic letters and case notes relating to patients with organic (n = 108) or functional GI disorders (n = 119). We analyzed the content of each letter by using content analysis and reviewed case files to determine which investigations were subsequently performed. Our primary outcome was the type of diagnostic language used and other aspects of the clinical approach. RESULTS: We found gastroenterologists to use 2 distinct types of language, clear vs qualified, which was consistent with their level of certainty (or lack thereof), for example, "the patient is diagnosed with…." vs "it is possible that this patient might have….". Qualified diagnostic language was used in a significantly higher proportion of letters about patients with FGIDs (63%) than organic gastrointestinal diseases (13%) (P < .001). In addition, a higher proportion of patients with FGIDs underwent endoscopic evaluation than patients with organic gastrointestinal diseases (79% vs 63%; P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: In an analysis of diagnoses of patients with FGIDs vs organic disorders, we found that gastroenterologists used more qualified (uncertain) language in diagnosing patients with FGIDs. This may contribute to patient discard of diagnoses and lead to additional, unwarranted endoscopic investigations.


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Ribot’s law refers to the better preservation of remote memories compared with recent ones that presumably characterizes retrograde amnesia. Even if Ribot-type temporal gradient has been extensively studied in retrograde amnesia, particularly in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), this pattern has not been consistently found. One explanation for these results may be that rehearsal frequency rather than remoteness accounts for the better preservation of these memories. Thus, the aim of present study was to address this question by studying retrograde semantic memory in subjects with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) (n = 20), mild AD (n = 20) and in healthy older controls (HC; n = 19). In order to evaluate the impact of repetition as well as the impact of remoteness, we used a test assessing memory for enduring and transient public events that occurred in the recent and remote past. Results show no clear temporal gradient across time periods (1960–1975; 1976–1990; 1991–2005; 2006–2011), but a better performance was observed in all three groups for enduring compared with transient events. Moreover, although deficits were globally found in both patients groups compared with HC, more specific analyses revealed that aMCI patients were only impaired on transient events while AD patients were impaired on both transient and enduring events. Exploratory analyses also revealed a tendency suggesting preservation of remote transient events in aMCI. These findings are discussed with regards to memory consolidation models.