784 resultados para ovine keratinocytes


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Endothelin-3 (Edn3) has been shown to be an essential environmental cue in melanocyte development. Edn3 and its receptor, EdnrB, are allelic to mouse mutations occurring at the lethal spotting and piebald loci, respectively; these mutations result in hypopigmentation phenotypes. Mutations in the genes for both Edn3 and EdnrB are implicated in human pigmentation disorders such as Waardenburg-Shah syndrome, which is characterized by pigmentation defects, deafness, and megacolon. In this study, a tetracycline-inducible transgenic mouse model that overexpresses Edn3 under the control of the Keratin 5 promoter was shown to produce a hyperpigmentation phenotype that decreases over time. The expression pattern of transgenic Edn3 and its effects on the melanocyte population were examined in transgenic embryos, postnatal skin, and the skin of adult mice that exhibit faded hyperpigmentation. These studies suggest that overexpression of Edn3 in this model is restricted primarily to the roof plate of the neural tube and surface ectoderm in the developing embryo and to keratinocytes in the epidermis of postnatal mice. A decline in transgenic expression and a reduction in the dermal melanocytes and free melanin that characterize the phenotype in juvenile mice were shown to correlate with the fading of the hyperpigmentation phenotype. Transgenic mice in which transgenic expression was repressed (resulting in the disappearance of the hyperpigmentation phenotype) also exhibited a decrease in the dermal melanocyte population. The Edn3-overexpressing mice used in this study might be helpful m understanding human skin conditions characterized by dermal melanocytosis.


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Detection of external irritants by head nociceptor neurons has deep evolutionary roots. Irritant-induced aversive behavior is a popular pain model in laboratory animals. It is used widely in the formalin model, where formaldehyde is injected into the rodent paw, eliciting quantifiable nocifensive behavior that has a direct, tissue-injury-evoked phase, and a subsequent tonic phase caused by neural maladaptation. The formalin model has elucidated many antipain compounds and pain-modulating signaling pathways. We have adopted this model to trigeminally innervated territories in mice. In addition, we examined the involvement of TRPV4 channels in formalin-evoked trigeminal pain behavior because TRPV4 is abundantly expressed in trigeminal ganglion (TG) sensory neurons, and because we have recently defined TRPV4's role in response to airborne irritants and in a model for temporomandibular joint pain. We found TRPV4 to be important for trigeminal nocifensive behavior evoked by formalin whisker pad injections. This conclusion is supported by studies with Trpv4(-/-) mice and TRPV4-specific antagonists. Our results imply TRPV4 in MEK-ERK activation in TG sensory neurons. Furthermore, cellular studies in primary TG neurons and in heterologous TRPV4-expressing cells suggest that TRPV4 can be activated directly by formalin to gate Ca(2+). Using TRPA1-blocker and Trpa1(-/-) mice, we found that both TRP channels co-contribute to the formalin trigeminal pain response. These results imply TRPV4 as an important signaling molecule in irritation-evoked trigeminal pain. TRPV4-antagonistic therapies can therefore be envisioned as novel analgesics, possibly for specific targeting of trigeminal pain disorders, such as migraine, headaches, temporomandibular joint, facial, and dental pain, and irritation of trigeminally innervated surface epithelia.


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At our body surface, the epidermis absorbs UV radiation. UV overexposure leads to sunburn with tissue injury and pain. To understand how, we focus on TRPV4, a nonselective cation channel highly expressed in epithelial skin cells and known to function in sensory transduction, a property shared with other transient receptor potential channels. We show that following UVB exposure mice with induced Trpv4 deletions, specifically in keratinocytes, are less sensitive to noxious thermal and mechanical stimuli than control animals. Exploring the mechanism, we find that epidermal TRPV4 orchestrates UVB-evoked skin tissue damage and increased expression of the proalgesic/algogenic mediator endothelin-1. In culture, UVB causes a direct, TRPV4-dependent Ca(2+) response in keratinocytes. In mice, topical treatment with a TRPV4-selective inhibitor decreases UVB-evoked pain behavior, epidermal tissue damage, and endothelin-1 expression. In humans, sunburn enhances epidermal expression of TRPV4 and endothelin-1, underscoring the potential of keratinocyte-derived TRPV4 as a therapeutic target for UVB-induced sunburn, in particular pain.


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Le cordon ombilical humain suscite beaucoup d’intérêt comme source de cellules à des fins de recherche et de thérapie. Quatre types cellulaires majeurs - les cellules épithéliales, stromales, musculaires lisses et endothéliales - composent les tissus solides du cordon ombilical. Quelques-uns de ces types cellulaires ont été utilisés en recherche scientifique depuis longtemps, alors que d’autres commencent à peine à dévoiler leur potentiel. Nous avons développé un protocole unique pour l’extraction séquentielle de tous ces types cellulaires d’un seul cordon ombilical, permettant ainsi la reconstruction à partir d’une même source. La combinaison des techniques de perfusion, immersion et explants a mené à la mise en culture et à l’expansion de ces cellules, dont les cellules épithéliales et les cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton qui ont été caractérisées plus en détail par l’immunomarquage de protéines spécifiques. Leur potentiel pour la médecine régénératrice a été démontré par la production de tissus par génie tissulaire. Un vaisseau sanguin composé de cellules stromales et de cellules musculaires lisses du cordon ombilical démontra une résistance substantielle à l’éclatement. Les capacités de différenciation des cellules épithéliales ont été étudiées dans le contexte d’une peau bilamellaire reconstruite en combinaison avec des kératinocytes, des fibroblastes dermiques, et des cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton. Les cellules épithéliales ont montré une différenciation similaire à celle des kératinocytes lorsque cultivées sur des fibroblastes dermiques et exposées à l’air, tandis que sur des cellules stromales du cordon, elles ont subi une désorganisation. Finalement, la différenciation des cellules stromales a été induite en culture vers plusieurs types cellulaires afin de compléter cette étude. L’ensemble des résultats fait ressortir l’importance non seulement de l’influence du milieu physique sur la croissance et la différenciation des cellules, mais également de l’impact de la provenance des cellules sur la qualité des tissus reconstruits.


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Background: In the field of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery the development of new innovative matrices for skin repair is in urgent need. The ideal biomaterial should promote attachment, proliferation and growth of cells. Additionally, it should degrade in an appropriate time period without releasing harmful substances, but not exert a pathological immune response. Spider dragline silk from Nephila spp meets these demands to a large extent. Methodology/Principal Findings: Native spider dragline silk, harvested directly out of Nephila spp spiders, was woven on steel frames. Constructs were sterilized and seeded with fibroblasts. After two weeks of cultivating single fibroblasts, keratinocytes were added to generate a bilayered skin model, consisting of dermis and epidermis equivalents. For the next three weeks, constructs in co-culture were lifted on an originally designed setup for air/liquid interface cultivation. After the culturing period, constructs were embedded in paraffin with an especially developed program for spidersilk to avoid supercontraction. Paraffin cross-sections were stained in Haematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) for microscopic analyses. Conclusion/Significance: Native spider dragline silk woven on steel frames provides a suitable matrix for 3 dimensional skin cell culturing. Both fibroblasts and keratinocytes cell lines adhere to the spider silk fibres and proliferate. Guided by the spider silk fibres, they sprout into the meshes and reach confluence in at most one week. A well-balanced, bilayered cocultivation in two continuously separated strata can be achieved by serum reduction, changing the medium conditions and the cultivation period at the air/liquid interphase. Therefore spider silk appears to be a promising biomaterial for the enhancement of skin regeneration.


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Exogenous androgenic steroids applied to pregnant sheep programmes a PCOS-like phenotype in female offspring. Via ultrasound guidance we applied steroids directly to ovine fetuses at d62 and d82 of gestation, and examined fetal (day 90 gestation) and postnatal (11 months old) pancreatic structure and function. Of three classes of steroid agonists applied (androgen - Testosterone propionate (TP), estrogen - Diethystilbesterol (DES) and glucocorticoid - Dexamethasone (DEX)), only androgens (TP) caused altered pancreatic development. Beta cell numbers were significantly elevated in prenatally androgenised female fetuses (P=0.03) (to approximately the higher numbers found in male fetuses), whereas alpha cell counts were unaffected, precipitating decreased alpha:beta cell ratios in the developing fetal pancreas (P=0.001), sustained into adolescence (P=0.0004). In adolescence basal insulin secretion was significantly higher in female offspring from androgen-excess pregnancies (P=0.045), and an exaggerated, hyperinsulinaemic response to glucose challenge (P=0.0007) observed, whereas prenatal DES or DEX treatment had no effects upon insulin secretion. Postnatal insulin secretion correlated with beta cell numbers (P=0.03). We conclude that the pancreas is a primary locus of androgenic stimulation during development, giving rise to postnatal offspring whose pancreas secreted excess insulin due to excess beta cells in the presence of a normal number of alpha cells.


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Orthobunyaviruses are the largest genus within the Bunyaviridae family, with over 170 named viruses classified into 18 serogroups (Elliott and Blakqori, 2001; Plyusnin et al., 2012). Orthobunyaviruses are transmitted by arthropods and have a tripartite negative sense RNA genome, which encodes 4 structural proteins and 2 non-structural proteins. The non-structural protein NSs is the primary virulence factor of orthobunyaviruses and potent antagonist of the type I interferon (IFN) response. However, sequencing studies have identified pathogenic viruses that lack the NSs protein (Mohamed et al., 2009; Gauci et al., 2010). The work presented in this thesis describes the molecular and biological characterisation of divergent orthobunyaviruses. Data on plaque morphology, growth kinetics, protein profiles, sensitivity to IFN and activation of the type I IFN system are presented for viruses in the Anopheles A, Anopheles B, Capim, Gamboa, Guama, Minatitlan, Nyando, Tete and Turlock serogroups. These are complemented with complete genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Low activation of IFN by Tete serogroup viruses, which naturally lack an NSs protein, was also further investigated by the development of a reverse genetics system for Batama virus (BMAV). Recombinant viruses with mutations in the virus nucleocapsid protein amino terminus showed higher activation of type I IFN in vitro and data suggests that low levels of IFN are due to lower activation rather than active antagonism. The anti-orthobunyavirus activity of IFN-stimulated genes IFI44, IFITMs and human and ovine BST2 were also studied, revealing that activity varies not only within the orthobunyavirus genus and virus serogroups but also within virus species. Furthermore, there was evidence of active antagonism of the type I IFN response and ISGs by non-NSs viruses. In summary, the results show that pathogenicity in man and antagonism of the type I IFN response in vitro cannot be predicted by the presence, or absence, of an NSs ORF. They also highlight problems in orthobunyavirus classification with discordance between classical antigen based data and phylogenetic analysis.


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A utilização de vermicompostos de diferentes resíduos agroindustriais na produção de mudas de acácianegra pode ser uma alternativa de reutilização de resíduos e aumentar a produção de mudas. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o crescimento e a concentração de nutrientes em mudas de acácianegra, cultivadas em substratos com diferentes vermicompostos de resíduos orgânicos agroindustriais. Instalou-se em casa de vegetação 11 diferentes tratamentos: T1) vermicomposto de esterco bovino (EB); T2) vermicomposto de esterco ovino (EO); T3) vermicomposto de lodo de parbolização de arroz (LP); T4) tratamento controle (sem adubação); T5) tratamento controle com adução mineral (NPK); T6) mistura de EB e LP; T7) mistura de EO e LP; T8) mistura de EB e vermicomposto de resíduos de alimentos (RA); T9) mistura de EO e RA; T10) mistura de EB e vermicomposto de resíduos de frutas (RF); T11) mistura de EO e RF. Após 180 dias de cultivo em recipiente com capacidade de cinco litros, foram analisadas a massa seca e a concentração de nutrientes na parte aérea da acácia-negra, e a concentração de nutrientes no solo, após o cultivo. A adição do esterco bovino, bem como a mistura de esterco bovino e resíduos alimentícios favoreceram o incremento de matéria seca das plantas de acácia-negra. Os resultados mostraram que as concentrações de nutrientes nas plantas, com exceção de Fe e Mn, variaram com adição de vermicompostos no solo. Os tratamentos T3 e T6 elevaram as concentrações em P, N, Zn de Cu nas folhas de acácia-negra. Além disso, a adição dos vermicompostos ao solo aumentou a disponibilidade de nutrientes para as plantas, mesmo após o cultivo, especialmente com relação ao fósforo, potássio e magnésio, sendo uma alternativa viável e eficaz na produção de mudas, podendo substituir a utilização de adubação mineral.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação Nanociência e Nanobiotecnologia, 2016.


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Dissertação de mest. em Química Celular, Unidade de Ciências Exactas e Humanas, Univ. do Algarve, 1996


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Purpose: To detect Brucella melitensis in the milk of reared sheep and goats from Isfahan and Shahrekord regions, Iran. Methods: A total of 225 milk samples (sheep = 125; goat = 100) were collected from Isfahan and Shahrekord regions, Central Iran. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the presence of B. melitensis in the milk following standard procedures. Results: From 225 milk samples, 20 (8.9 %) were positive for B. melitensis. Out of 125 sheep milk, 12 (9.6 %) had B. melitensis, and of these, 8 (66.6 %) were milk collected from Shahrekord and 4 (33.3 %) from Isfahan region. On the other hand, out of 100 goat milk samples, 18 (18 %) were positive for B. melitensis, out of which 10 (55.5 %) were from Shahrekord and 8 (44.4 %) from Isfahan. Conclusion: The findings show that B. melitensis is present in a significant proportion of caprine and ovine milk in a section of Iran.


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Toxoplasmosis is one zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii protozoan. Goats, amongst the production animals, are one of the species most susceptible to this parasite, being one them main involved agents in ovine and goat abortions, determining great economic losses and implications for public health, since the presence it parasite in the products of goat origin, consist in one of the main sources of infection for the man. In this study 244 blood samples in 8 farms situated in 4 cities from the Sertão do Cabugi region, Rio Grande do Norte State, northeast of Brazil and, tested by ELISA assay. The results had shown a prevalence of 47.13% for anti- T. gondii antibodies and a significant association between positivity and variable evaluated as age, locality and property. The IgG avidity assay evaluated in 115 positive samples was carried to discriminate acute and chronic infection. Twelve samples (10.4%) had presented antibodies of low avidity while 103 (89.6%) presented high avidity antibodies; indicating that most of the animals was precocious exposure to the parasite. Significant difference was verified only for the variable sex. We also evaluate the capacity of recombinant adenoviruses codifying SAG1, SAG2, SAG3 and CMV in inducing activation of specific immune response in goat. These 109 animals received 109 pfu of the AdSAG1, AdSAG2, AdSAG3, AdCMV or PBS in vaccine protocol with 3 immunizations. Serum samples of the each animal, before and after mmunization, had been submitted to the ELISA. The results demonstrate that the immunizations had induced the production of IgG antibodies specific against T. gondii proteins


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Cette étude vise à caractériser le «crampage», une entité relativement nouvelle dans l’industrie ovine au Québec. Les signes cliniques se manifestent au pas, par une hyperflexion (hanche, grasset, jarret), d’un ou des deux membres pelviens. Cinq agneaux naturellement affectés et cinq agneaux appariés cliniquement normaux ont été soumis à des examens physique, neurologique et orthopédique, à des techniques d’imagerie avancée (tomodensitométrie, résonance magnétique), à des tests électrodiagnostiques (électromyogramme, vitesses de conduction nerveuse motrice et sensitive) puis à une nécropsie. Des hématologies, biochimies ainsi que des analyses du liquide céphalorachidien ont également été réalisées. Les résultats ont été comparés entre les groupes (affectés/cliniquement normaux). Il a été constaté à la tomodensitométrie que la surface du canal vertébral mesurée au niveau de la deuxième vertèbre lombaire était inférieure dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.045). Aucune répercussion n’a été constatée sur le segment de moelle épinière correspondant. La racine S2, quant à elle, était plus grêle dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.01). À l’issue de cette étude, une cause orthopédique, musculaire ou neurologique consécutive à une lésion structurale de la moelle épinière a été écartée. Il pourrait s‘agir d’une atteinte sensitive de la racine S2 altérant la sensation dans le membre affecté, toutefois, une anomalie fonctionnelle cérébrale ou de la moelle épinière dans le renflement lombaire, est également à considérer. Sans anomalie musculaire, l’appellation «crampage» est inexacte. Nous proposons de la remplacer par des termes plus descriptifs comme «syndrome d’hyperflexion» ou «high stepping gait».


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Ovine enzootic abortion, caused by Chlamydia abortus, leads to important economic losses worldwide. In addition to reproductive failures, infection may impact lamb growth during the first weeks after birth, yet this effect has not been well characterized. Vaccination can help to control the disease but variable efficacy values have been described, possibly related with factors associated with the host, the vaccine, the parameter used for efficacy determination and the challenge conditions. In this context, we evaluated the efficacy of an inactivated standard commercial vaccine and a 1/2 diluted dose in pregnant sheep challenged with C. abortus by examining multiple indicators ofvaccine effect (including incidence of reproductive failures, bacterial excretion, and evolution of weight gain of viable lambs during the first month of life). Three groups of ewes [control non-vaccinated, C (n = 18); vaccinated with standard dose, SV (n = 16) and vaccinated with 1/2 dose, DV (n = 17)], were challenged approximately 90 days post-mating and tested using direct PCR (tissue samples and vaginal swabs) and ELISA (serum) until 31 days post-reproductive outcome. There were not significant differences in the proportions of reproductive failures or bacterial shedding after birth/abortion regardless the vaccination protocol. However, a beneficial effect of vaccination on offspring growth was detected in both vaccinated groups compared with the controls, with a mean increase in weight measured at 30 days of life of 1.5 and 2.5 Kg (p = 0.056) and an increase in the geometric mean of the daily gain of 8.4 and 9.7% in lambs born from DV and SV ewes compared to controls, respectively. Our results demonstrate the effect of an inactivated vaccine in the development of the offspring of C. abortus-infected ewes at a standard and a diluted dose, an interesting finding given the difficulty in achieving sufficient antigen concentration in the production of EAE-commercial vaccines.


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Cette étude vise à caractériser le «crampage», une entité relativement nouvelle dans l’industrie ovine au Québec. Les signes cliniques se manifestent au pas, par une hyperflexion (hanche, grasset, jarret), d’un ou des deux membres pelviens. Cinq agneaux naturellement affectés et cinq agneaux appariés cliniquement normaux ont été soumis à des examens physique, neurologique et orthopédique, à des techniques d’imagerie avancée (tomodensitométrie, résonance magnétique), à des tests électrodiagnostiques (électromyogramme, vitesses de conduction nerveuse motrice et sensitive) puis à une nécropsie. Des hématologies, biochimies ainsi que des analyses du liquide céphalorachidien ont également été réalisées. Les résultats ont été comparés entre les groupes (affectés/cliniquement normaux). Il a été constaté à la tomodensitométrie que la surface du canal vertébral mesurée au niveau de la deuxième vertèbre lombaire était inférieure dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.045). Aucune répercussion n’a été constatée sur le segment de moelle épinière correspondant. La racine S2, quant à elle, était plus grêle dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.01). À l’issue de cette étude, une cause orthopédique, musculaire ou neurologique consécutive à une lésion structurale de la moelle épinière a été écartée. Il pourrait s‘agir d’une atteinte sensitive de la racine S2 altérant la sensation dans le membre affecté, toutefois, une anomalie fonctionnelle cérébrale ou de la moelle épinière dans le renflement lombaire, est également à considérer. Sans anomalie musculaire, l’appellation «crampage» est inexacte. Nous proposons de la remplacer par des termes plus descriptifs comme «syndrome d’hyperflexion» ou «high stepping gait».