943 resultados para sugar-sweetened beverages


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OBJECTIVE: To examine associations between dietary intakes of fathers and their children at child age 20 months, 3·5 years and 5 years, and to determine if fathers' intake predicts change in children's intake between 20 months and 3·5 and 5 years of age.

DESIGN: The diets of fathers and their first-born children participating in the longitudinal Melbourne Infant Feeding Activity and Nutrition Trial (InFANT) Program were assessed using FFQ and three 24 h recalls, respectively.

SETTING: Sixty-two pre-existing first-time parent groups were selected from fourteen local government areas within a 60 km radius of Deakin University Burwood, Victoria, Australia.

SUBJECTS: Fathers and their first-born children at 20 months (n 317), 3·5 years (n 214) and 5 years of age (n 208).

RESULTS: Positive associations were found between fathers' and children's intakes of fruit and sweet snacks at 20 months (P=0·001) and 5 years of age (P=0·012). Fathers' intake at child age 20 months was associated with change in children's intake for fruit, sweet snacks and sugar-sweetened beverages between child age 20 months and 3·5 years, and for sweet snacks and sugar-sweetened beverages between child age 20 months and 5 years (all P<0·05). After adjustment for maternal intake, fathers' intake of sweet snacks remained a predictor of change in children's sweet snack intake between 20 months and 3·5 years of age (P=0·03).

CONCLUSIONS: Associations between the dietary intakes of fathers and their children commence at a young age and continue through early childhood. Fathers should be included in future interventions aimed at improving children's diets.


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Indian adolescents' over reliance on foods such as nutrient-poor snacks, sugar-sweetened beverages and take-away foods puts them at significant risk of obesity and several diet-related chronic diseases. Therefore, the factors that influence their dietary behaviours need to be better understood in order to develop effective nutrition promotion strategies. The purpose of this qualitative inquiry was to investigate adolescents', parents', teachers', and school principals' perceptions of the main influences on adolescent eating behaviours. Fifteen adolescents aged 14-15 years, 15 parents, 12 teachers and 10 principals from 10 private English-speaking schools in Kolkata, India, participated in semi-structured interviews. The digitally-recorded conversations were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically. The 52 interviews revealed a number of factors that may influence adolescents' eating habits including parent and peer influences, home and school food environments, and the mass media. Emerging evidence suggests that future health and nutrition promotion interventions need to target the different influences on Indian teenagers' food consumption.


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OBJECTIVE: Evidence suggests that TV viewing is associated with body mass index (BMI) and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in adolescents. However, it is unclear whether dietary intake mediates these relationships.

METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted in adolescents (12-19 years) participating in the 2003-2006 United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. BMI z scores (zBMI) (n = 3,161) and MetS (n = 1,379) were calculated using age- and sex-specific criteria for adolescents. TV viewing (h/day) was measured via a self-reported questionnaire, and dietary intake was assessed using two 24-h recalls. Using the MacKinnon method, a series of mediation analyses were conducted examining five dietary mediators (total energy intake, fruit and vegetable intake, discretionary snacks, sugar-sweetened beverages and diet quality) of the relationships between TV viewing and zBMI and MetS.

RESULTS: Small positive relationships were observed between TV viewing and zBMI (β = 0.99, p < 0.001) and TV viewing and MetS (OR = 1.18, p = 0.046). No dietary element appeared to mediate the relationship between TV viewing and zBMI. However, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and fruit and vegetable intake partially mediated the relationship between TV viewing and MetS, explaining 8.7% and 4.1% of the relationship, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the complexity of the relationships between TV viewing, dietary intake and cardiometabolic health outcomes, and that TV viewing should remain a target for interventions.


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L’objectif de modifier son poids est associé à certains comportements potentiellement dangereux, mais ses retombées sur les saines habitudes de vie des adolescents sont peu connues. L’objectif du mémoire est de quantifier les associations entre l’objectif relatif au contrôle du poids et la consommation de fruits et légumes, de boissons sucrées et d’aliments de restauration rapide, la prise du déjeuner et la pratique d’activité physique. Des régressions logistiques ont été effectuées sur les données de l’Enquête québécoise sur la santé des jeunes du secondaire 2010-2011. Respectivement, 25 %, 34 %, 12 % et 29 % des adolescents essayaient de perdre, maintenir, gagner du poids et ne rien faire à propos de leur poids. Chez les garçons et les filles, essayer de perdre du poids était associé à une probabilité plus faible de déjeuner quotidiennement (RC garçons = 0,72 ; 95%IC = 0,61 - 0,84, RC filles = 0,61 ; 95%IC = 0,56 -0,70) et chez les filles, cela était aussi associé à une probabilité plus élevée de consommer au moins cinq portions de fruits et légumes par jour (RC = 1,20 ; 95%IC = 1,04 - 1,37) et une probabilité plus faible de consommer des boissons sucrées quotidiennement (RC = 0,77 ; 95%IC = 0,66 - 0,90). Essayer de maintenir son poids et de gagner du poids étaient minimalement associés à une habitude plus délétère. L’objectif de contrôler son poids n’est donc pas strictement positif ou négatif. Il semble plus prudent de promouvoir directement les saines habitudes de vie plutôt que d’encourager l’adoption d’un objectif de contrôle du poids.


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L’objectif de modifier son poids est associé à certains comportements potentiellement dangereux, mais ses retombées sur les saines habitudes de vie des adolescents sont peu connues. L’objectif du mémoire est de quantifier les associations entre l’objectif relatif au contrôle du poids et la consommation de fruits et légumes, de boissons sucrées et d’aliments de restauration rapide, la prise du déjeuner et la pratique d’activité physique. Des régressions logistiques ont été effectuées sur les données de l’Enquête québécoise sur la santé des jeunes du secondaire 2010-2011. Respectivement, 25 %, 34 %, 12 % et 29 % des adolescents essayaient de perdre, maintenir, gagner du poids et ne rien faire à propos de leur poids. Chez les garçons et les filles, essayer de perdre du poids était associé à une probabilité plus faible de déjeuner quotidiennement (RC garçons = 0,72 ; 95%IC = 0,61 - 0,84, RC filles = 0,61 ; 95%IC = 0,56 -0,70) et chez les filles, cela était aussi associé à une probabilité plus élevée de consommer au moins cinq portions de fruits et légumes par jour (RC = 1,20 ; 95%IC = 1,04 - 1,37) et une probabilité plus faible de consommer des boissons sucrées quotidiennement (RC = 0,77 ; 95%IC = 0,66 - 0,90). Essayer de maintenir son poids et de gagner du poids étaient minimalement associés à une habitude plus délétère. L’objectif de contrôler son poids n’est donc pas strictement positif ou négatif. Il semble plus prudent de promouvoir directement les saines habitudes de vie plutôt que d’encourager l’adoption d’un objectif de contrôle du poids.


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Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue relacionar la etapa en el cambio en el comportamiento frente a la actividad física y el estado nutricional en escolares entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá- Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Método: Se trata de un estudio transversal, en 6.606 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas, de Bogotá-Colombia. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento en función a la intensión de realizar actividad física (CCC-Fuprecol) y se midió el peso y la estatura para determinar el estado nutricional con el índice de masa corporal (IMC). Resultados: El porcentaje de respuesta fue 94% y se consideraron válidos 6,606 registros, siendo 58.3 % (n=3.850) niñas con un promedio de edad de 12,7±2,3 años. En la población general, el 5,3 % de los escolares se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 31,8 % en contemplación, el 26,7 % en acción y el 36,2 % en etapa de mantenimiento. Al comparar la etapa de cambio con el estado nutricional por IMC, los escolares clasificados en obesidad mostraron mayor frecuencia de respuesta en la etapa de pre-contemplación, mientras que los escolares con peso saludable acusaron mayores porcentajes en la etapa de mantenimiento. Conclusión: En escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre a la intensión de realizar actividad con el estado nutricional medido con el IMC. Fomentar la promoción de la actividad física y monitorear el estado nutricional, deberá ser una prioridad en las agendas y políticas públicas dentro del ámbito escolar.


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Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al consumo de bebidas azucaradas en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 8136 niños y adolescentes en edad escolar entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá, Colombia. El peso, la estatura, el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la circunferencia de cintura y el porcentaje de grasa, se recogieron como marcadores antropométricos y de composición corporal. El consumo de bebidas azucaradas (bebidas carbonatadas, jugos ultra-procesados y/o Té), y los factores asociados (sexo, edad, obesidad abdominal, clasificación del IMC, grado de estudios de la madre/padre, y nivel nutricional por cuestionario “Krece plus”), se recogieron por encuesta estructurada. Se establecieron asociaciones mediante la construcción de modelos de regresión logística simple. Resultados: De la población general, el 58,4% eran mujeres. En función al sexo, los varones acusaron la mayor ingesta de “bebidas carbonatadas” con una frecuencia semanal y diaria de 70,9% y 21,0%, respectivamente, seguido de “jugos ultra- procesados” (64,4% semanal vs. 11,3% diario). En ambos sexos, la prevalencia de obesidad abdominal fue mayor en los escolares que respondieron consumir diariamente “bebidas carbonatadas” (23,3%), “jugos ultra-procesados” (13,2%) y “bebidas Té” (9,7%). La edad, el grado de educación de los padres y el nivel nutricional, se asociaron como factores predisponentes al consumo diario de “bebidas carbonatadas”. Conclusión: El consumo de bebidas azucaradas cambia por los factores analizados. Se recomiendan intervenciones integrales en las que estén involucrados los componentes nutricional y educativo entre los niños y adolescentes de Bogotá, Colombia.


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O Brasil é um dos maiores consumidores per capita de açúcar e estudos têm mostrado um papel específico do consumo excessivo de açúcar no ganho de peso. Com o aumento do ganho de peso observado em vários países, e também no Brasil, é importante testar quais mensagens, estratégias e propostas de intervenção seriam eficazes na prevenção dessa epidemia. Os dados reportados são referentes a um ensaio randomizado por conglomerado, controlado, conduzido em 20 escolas municipais na cidade metropolitana de Niterói no Estado de Rio de Janeiro, de março a dezembro de 2007, que testou a eficácia de orientações para merendeiras objetivando reduzir a disponibilidade de açúcar e de alimentos fontes de açúcar na alimentação escolar e no consumo delas. A intervenção consistiu em um programa de educação nutricional nas escolas usando mensagens, atividades e material educativo que encorajassem a redução da adição de açúcar na alimentação escolar pelas merendeiras e no consumo delas. A redução da disponibilidade per capita de açúcar pelas escolas foi analisada através de planilhas com dados da utilização dos itens do estoque. O consumo individual das merendeiras foi avaliado através de questionário de freqüência de consumo alimentar. As medidas antropométricas e bioquímicas foram realizadas de acordo com técnicas padronizadas. As escolas de intervenção apresentaram maior redução da disponibilidade per capita de açúcar quando comparadas às escolas controle (-6,0 kg vs. 3,4 kg), mas sem diferença estatisticamente significante. Houve redução no consumo de doces e bebidas açucaradas nas merendeiras dos dois grupos, mas o consumo de açúcar não apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre eles. Houve redução do consumo de energia total nos dois grupos, mas sem diferença entre eles, e sem modificação dos percentuais de adequação dos macronutrientes em relação ao consumo de energia. Ao final do estudo somente as merendeiras do grupo de intervenção conseguiram manter a perda de peso, porém sem diferença estatisticamente significante. A estratégia de redução da disponibilidade e do consumo de açúcar por merendeiras de escolas públicas não atingiu o principal objetivo de redução de adição de açúcar. Uma análise secundária dos dados avaliou a associação entre a auto-percepção da saúde e da qualidade da alimentação com o excesso de peso e concentração elevada de colesterol sérico das merendeiras na linha de base. As perguntas de auto-percepção foram coletadas por entrevista. Dentre as que consideraram a sua alimentação como saudável, 40% apresentavam colesterol elevado e 61% apresentavam excesso de peso vs. 68% e 74%, respectivamente, para as que consideraram a sua alimentação como não-saudável. Dentre as que consideraram a sua saúde como boa, 41% apresentavam colesterol elevado e 59% apresentavam excesso de peso vs. 71% e 81%, respectivamente, para as que consideraram a sua saúde como ruim. A maioria das mulheres que relatou ter alimentação saudável apresentou maior frequência de consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes, feijão, leite e derivados e menor freqüência de consumo de refrigerante. Conclui-se que perguntas únicas e simples como as utilizadas para a auto-avaliação da saúde podem também ter importância na avaliação da alimentação.


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Objective: To review the evidence on the diet and nutrition causes of obesity and to recommend strategies to reduce obesity prevalence.
Design: The evidence for potential aetiological factors and strategies to reduce obesity prevalence was reviewed, and recommendations for public health action, population nutrition goals and further research were made.
Results: Protective factors against obesity were considered to be: regular physical activity (convincing); a high intake of dietary non-starch polysaccharides (NSP)/fibre (convincing); supportive home and school environments for children (probable); and breastfeeding (probable). Risk factors for obesity were considered to be sedentary lifestyles (convincing); a high intake of energy-dense, micronutrient-poor foods (convincing); heavy marketing of energy-dense foods and fast food outlets (probable); sugar-sweetened soft drinks and fruit juices (probable); adverse social and economic conditions—developed countries, especially in women (probable).
A broad range of strategies were recommended to reduce obesity prevalence including: influencing the food supply to make healthy choices easier; reducing the marketing of energy dense foods and beverages to children; influencing urban environments and transport systems to promote physical activity; developing community-wide programmes in multiple settings; increased communications about healthy eating and physical activity; and improved health services to promote breastfeeding and manage currently overweight or obese people.
Conclusions: The increasing prevalence of obesity is a major health threat in both low- and high income countries. Comprehensive programmes will be needed to turn the epidemic around.


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Objective: To examine the pattern of intake of key foods and beverages of children aged 4–12 years and the association with weight status.
Design and setting: A computer-assisted telephone interview was used to determine the intake of fruit, vegetables, packaged snacks, fast foods and sweetened drinks ‘yesterday’ and ‘usually’ as reported by parents/guardians of a representative sample of 2184 children from the Barwon South-Western region of Victoria, Australia.
Results: Children who consumed .2–3, .3–4 and .4 servings of fruit juice/drinks ‘yesterday’ were, respectively, 1.7 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2–2.2), 1.7 (95% CI 1.2–2.5) and 2.1 (95% CI 1.5–2.9) times more likely to be overweight/obese compared with those who had no servings of fruit juice/drink ‘yesterday’, adjusted for age, gender and socio-economic status (SES). Further, children who had $3 servings
of soft drink ‘yesterday’ were 2.2 (95% CI 1.3–3.9) times more likely to be
overweight/obese compared with those who had no servings of soft drink ‘yesterday’, adjusted for age, gender and SES. In addition, children who ‘usually’ drank fruit juice/drinks twice or more per day were 1.7 (95% CI 1.2–2.4) times more likely to be overweight/obese compared with those who drank these beverages once or less per week, adjusted for age, gender and SES. Although fast foods and packaged snacks were regularly eaten, there were no associations between weight status and
consumption of these foods.
Conclusions: Intake of sweetened beverages was associated with overweight and obesity in this population of Australian schoolchildren and should be a target for intervention programmes aimed at preventing unhealthy weight gain in children.


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The increasing consumption of sucrose has resulted in several nutritional and medicinal problems, including obesity. There is an alarming rise in the prevalence of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome in children and adults around the world, partly related to increasing availability of energy-dense, high-calorie foods, and perhaps to increased consumption of sugar and particularly fructose sweetened beverages. Therefore, low calorie sweeteners are urgently required to substitute table sugar.

Stevioside, a diterpene glycoside, is well known for its intense sweetness and is used as a non-caloric sweetener. Its potential widespread use requires an easy and effective extraction method. Enzymatic extraction of stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana leaves with cellulase, pectinase and hemicellulase using various parameters such as concentration of enzyme, incubation time and temperature was optimized. The extraction conditions were further optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Under the optimized conditions, the experimental values were in close agreement with predicted model and resulted in a three times yield enhancement of stevioside.

Various studies have revealed that in addition to sweetening nature of stevisoide, it exerts beneficial effects including antihypertensive, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-human rotavirus, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor actions. Its anti-amnesic potential remains to be explored, therefore the present study has been undertaken to investigate the beneficial effect of stevioside in memory deficit of rats employing scopolamine induced amnesia as an animal model.

Significance: Stevia is gaining significance in different parts of the world and is expected to develop into a major source of high potency sweetener for the growing natural food market. There is a strong possibility that Stevia sweeteners could replace aspartame in some diet variants. In addition, Stevia is expected to be used as a part substitute for sugar and also used in combination with other artificial sweeteners in the emerging phase of life cycle.


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Fruit processing for beverage production purposes is a way of adding value to the raw material and of raising the farmer s income by increasing the demand. Thus the objective of this work was the production of fermented West Indian cherry beverages and their physicochemical and sensory evaluation. The beverages were produced based on the Brazilian legislation for fermented fruit beverages and wine. The fermented beverages were produced from West Indian cherry pulp (pulper) and juice (press) and sweetened with sugar to obtain three types of beverage: dry, semidry and sweet. The beverages were submitted to the following physicochemical analyses: pH, alcohol, reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, total acidity, volatile acidity, fixed acidity, dry extract, reduced dry extract, alcohol to reduced dry extract ratio, free sulphur dioxide, total sulphur dioxide and turbidity. In the sensory analysis, the beverages were assessed using a 9-point hedonic scale, evaluating the attributes of appearance, odour, flavour and overall assessment. The chemical and sensory results were submitted to an analysis of variance and the means compared using Tukey s test (5%). Both the raw materials (pulp and juice) and the different sugar concentrations (dry, semidry and sweet) interfered in the sensory and physicochemical parameters of the fermented West Indian cherry beverages, the tasters showing preference for the sweetened beverages.


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The aim of this study was to produce mix beverages of grape juice and soybean hydrosoluble extract (SHE) in laboratory scale. The raw materials were soybean (variety BRS 213), grape (species Vitis labrusca, variety Niagara Rosada), citric pectin, water and sugar. The mix beverage was produced with different proportions of SHE and grape juice (1:1; 1:1.5 and 1:2; respectively; m/m) and different soluble solids concentrations (10, 12 and 14 °Brix) obtained by adding granulated sugar (sucrose). Soybean hydrosoluble extract, grape juice and mix beverages were chemically analyzed (humidity, ash, protein, lipids, carbohydrate, reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, sucrose, titratable acidity and pH). The mix beverages were sensorial analyzed through the acceptance test (hedonic scale). The results of chemically analyzed were expressed as mean and standard deviation and the results of sensorial analyzed were submitted to variance analysis and the means were compared using the Tukey test at 5% of probability. The pH of mix beverages was lower than 3.9, without addition of acidulants. Sugar addition to mix beverages (10; 12 and 14ºBrix) increased the levels of soluble solids, total reducing sugar and carbohydrates, but it did not interfere in the reducing sugar concentration. The increased proportion of grape juice in mix beverages allowed observing the elevation of titratable acidity and reducing sugars levels, as well as the pH reduction. The increase of grape juice in mix beverage did not interfere in the acceptance of mix beverages. The more sweetened beverages were preferred by the sensory panel.


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Purpose: To determine whether a significant relationship exists between fat mass (FM) development and physical activity (PA) and/or sugar-sweetened drink (SD) consumption in healthy boys and girls aged 8-19 yr. Methods: A total of 105 males and 103 females were assessed during childhood and adolescence for a maximum of 7 yr and a median of 5 yr. Height was measured biannually. Fat-free mass (FFM) and FM were assessed annually by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). PA was evaluated two to three times annually using the PAQ-C/A. Energy intake and SD were assessed using a 24-h dietary intake questionnaire also completed two to three times per year. Years from peak height velocity were used as a biological maturity age indicator. Multilevel random effects models were used to test the relationship. Results: When controlling for maturation, FFM, and energy intake adjusted for SD, PA level was negatively related to FM development in males (P < 0.05) but not in females (P > 0.05). In contrast, there was no relationship between SD and FM development of males or females (P > 0.05). There was also no interaction effect between SD and PA (P > 0.05) with FM development. Conclusion: This finding tends support to the idea that increasing PA in male youths aids in the control of FM development. Models employed showed no relationship between SD and FM in either gender.