936 resultados para osteoarthritis, cell interactions, cross-talk, subchondral bone osteoblasts, articular cartilage chondrocytes, mitogen activated protein kinase, matrix metalloproteinases, co-culture


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Artemia has evolved a unique developmental pattern of encysted embryos to cope with various environmental threats. Cell divisions totally cease during the preemergence developmental stage from gastrula to prenauplius. The molecular mechanism of this, however, remains unknown. Our study focuses on the involvement of p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK), a family of serine/threonine kinase-mediating signal transduction downstream of mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades, in the termination of cell cycle arrest during the post-embryonic development of Artemia-encysted gastrula. With immunochemistry, morphology, and cell cycle analysis, the identified Artemia RSK was established to be specifically activated during the post-embryonic and early larval developmental stages when arrested cells of encysted embryos resumed mitoses. In vivo knockdown of RSK activity by RNA interference, kinase inhibition, and antibody neutralization consistently induced defective larvae with distinct gaps between the exoskeleton and internal tissues. In these abnormal individuals, mitoses were detected to be largely inhibited in the affected regions. These results display the requirement of RSK activity during Artemia development and suggest its role in termination of cell cycle (G(2)/M phase) arrest and promotion of mitogenesis. Our findings may, thus, provide insights into the regulation of cell division during Artemia post-embryonic development and reveal further aspects of RSK functions.


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Oesophageal cancer is an aggressive malignancy which is resistant to conventional therapy and has a poor prognosis. A greater understanding of the underlying molecular biology of oesophageal cancer and the identification of novel targets is necessary for the future treatment of this disease. This thesis focuses specifically on the ill-defined and understudied p38δ mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and its function(s) in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (OESCC). In contrast to the three other p38 isoforms (p38α, -β and –γ which have to-date been relatively well-studied), p38δ MAPK signalling is poorly understood. Thus, this research elucidates some of the role(s) played by p38δ MAPK in cancer progression. This work outlines how loss of p38δ MAPK expression confers greater tumourigenicity in oesophageal cancer. Restoration of p38δ MAPK expression, however, has anti-proliferative and anti-migratory effects and decreases OESCC capacity for anchorageindependent growth. Using a novel application of an enzyme-substrate fusion approach, the effect of phosphorylated p38δ (p-p38δ) MAPK expression is also considered. The work goes onto describe the effect(s) of p38δ MAPK status on the chemosensitivity of OESCC to conventional cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (CF) versus the effectiveness of doxorubicin, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (ACF). ACF treatment of p38δ MAPK-negative OESCC results in decreased proliferation, migration and recovery, and increased apoptosis when compared with CF treatment. This thesis examines the potential mechanisms by which p38δ MAPK expression is lost in OESCC and identifies epigenetic regulation as the probable cause of differential p38δ MAPK expression. Also analysed is the role p38δ MAPK and p-p38δ MAPK play in the cell cycle. In summary, this research identifies p38δ MAPK as a possible molecular target and a potential predictor of response to chemotherapy in OESCC patients.


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Maintenance of oxygen homeostasis is a key requirement to ensure normal mammalian cell growth and differentiation. Hypoxia arises when oxygen demand exceeds supply, and is a feature of multiple human diseases including stroke, cancer and renal fibrosis. We have investigated the effect of hypoxia on kidney cells, and observed that insulin-induced cell viability is increased in hypoxia. We have characterized the role of protein kinase B (PKB/ Akt) in these cells as a potential mediator of this effect. PKB/Akt activity was increased by low oxygen concentrations in kidney cells, and insulin-stimulated activation of PKB/Akt was stronger, more rapid and more sustained in hypoxia. Reduction of HIF1 alpha levels using antimycin-A or siRNA targeting HlF1 alpha did not affect PKB/Akt activation in hypoxia. Pharmacologic stabilization of HIF1 alpha independent of hypoxia did not increase insulin-stimulated PKB/Akt activation. Although increased insulin-stimulated cell viability was observed in hypoxia, no differences in the degree of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake were observed in L6 muscle cells in hypoxia compared to normoxia. Thus, PKB/Akt may regulate specific cellular responses to growth factors such as insulin under adverse conditions such as hypoxia. alpha 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Atherosclerosis, which occurs prematurely in individuals with diabetes, incorporates vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) chemotaxis. Glucose, through protein kinase C-beta(II) signalling, increases chemotaxis to low concentrations of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB. In VSMC, a biphasic response in PDGF-beta receptor (PDGF-betaR) level occurs as PDGF-BB concentrations increase. The purpose of this study was to determine whether increased concentrations of PDGF-BB and raised glucose level had a modulatory effect on the mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular-regulated protein kinase pathway, control of PDGF-betaR level and chemotaxis.

METHODS: Cultured aortic VSMC, exposed to normal glucose (NG) (5 mmol/l) or high glucose (HG) (25 mmol/l) in the presence of PDGF-BB, were assessed for migration (chemotaxis chamber) or else extracted and immunoblotted.

RESULTS: At concentrations of PDGF-BB <540 pmol/l, HG caused an increase in the level of PDGF-betaR in VSMC (immunoblotting) versus NG, an effect that was abrogated by inhibition of aldose reductase or protein kinase C-beta(II). At higher concentrations of PDGF-BB (>540 pmol/l) in HG, receptor level was reduced but in the presence of aldose reductase or protein kinase C-beta(II) inhibitors the receptor levels increased. It is known that phosphatases may be activated at high concentrations of growth factors. At high concentrations of PDGF-BB, the protein phosphatase (PP)2A inhibitor, endothall, caused an increase in PDGF-betaR levels and a loss of biphasicity in receptor levels in HG. At higher concentrations of PDGF-BB in HG, the chemoattractant effect of PDGF-BB was lost (chemotaxis chamber). Under these conditions inhibition of PP2A was associated with a restoration of chemotaxis to high concentrations of PDGF-BB.

CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: The biphasic response in PDGF-betaR level and in chemotaxis to PDGF-BB in HG is due to PP2A activation.


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Bacillus anthracis secretes exotoxins which act through several mechanisms including those that can subvert adaptive immunity with respect both to antigen presenting cell and T cell function. The combination of Protective Antigen (PA) and Lethal Factor (LF) forming Lethal Toxin (LT), acts within host cells to down-regulate the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade. Until recently the MAPK kinases were the only known substrate for LT; over the past few years it has become evident that LT also cleaves Nlrp1, leading to inflammasome activation and macrophage death. The predicted downstream consequences of subverting these important cellular pathways are impaired antigen presentation and adaptive immunity. In contrast to this, recent work has indicated that robust memory T cell responses to B. anthracis antigens can be identified following natural anthrax infection. We discuss how LT affects the adaptive immune response and specifically the identification of B. anthracis epitopes that are both immunogenic and protective with the potential for inclusion in protein sub-unit based vaccines.


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Streptococcus suis de type 2 est un microorganisme pathogène d’importance chez le porc. Il est la cause de différentes pathologies ayant comme caractéristique commune la méningite. C’est également un agent émergeant de zoonose : des cas cliniques humains ont récemment été rapportés en Asie. Cependant, la pathogénèse de S. suis n’est pas encore complètement élucidée. Jusqu’à présent, la réponse pro-inflammatoire initiée par S. suis n’a été étudiée qu’in vitro. L’étude du choc septique et de la méningite requiert toujours des modèles expérimentaux appropriés. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons développé un modèle in vivo d’infection chez la souris qui utilise la voie d’inoculation intra-péritonéale. Ce modèle a servi à l’étude de la réponse pro-inflammatoire associée à ce pathogène, tant au niveau systémique qu’au niveau du système nerveux central (SNC). Il nous a également permis de déterminer si la sensibilité aux infections à S. suis pouvait être influencée par des prédispositions génétiques de l’hôte. Le modèle d’infection par S. suis a été mis au point sur des souris de lignée CD1. Les résultats ont démontré une bactériémie élevée pendant les trois jours suivant l’infection. Celle-ci était accompagnée d’une libération rapide et importante de différentes cytokines pro-inflammatoires (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12p40/p70, IFN-ɣ) et de chémokines (KC, MCP-1 and RANTES), qui ont entraîné un choc septique et la mort de 20 % des animaux. Ensuite, pour confirmer le rôle de l’inflammation sur la mortalité et pour déterminer si les caractéristiques génétiques de l’hôte pouvaient influencer la réponse inflammatoire et l’issue de la maladie, le modèle d’infection a été étendu à deux lignées murines consanguines différentes considérées comme résistante : la lignée C57BL/6 (B6), et sensible : la lignée A/J. Les résultats ont démontré une importante différence de sensibilité entre les souris A/J et les souris B6, avec un taux de mortalité atteignant 100 % à 20 h post-infection (p.i.) pour la première lignée et de seulement 16 % à 36 h p.i. pour la seconde. La quantité de bactéries dans le sang et dans les organes internes était similaire pour les deux lignées. Donc, tout comme dans la lignée CD1, la bactériémie ne semblait pas être liée à la mort des souris. La différence entre les taux de mortalité a été attribuée à un choc septique non contrôlé chez les souris A/J infectées par S. suis. Les souris A/J présentaient des taux exceptionnellement élevés de TNF-α, IL-12p40/p70, IL-1β and IFN- γ, significativement supérieurs à ceux retrouvés dans la lignée B6. Par contre, les niveaux de chémokines étaient similaires entre les lignées, ce qui suggère que leur influence est limitée dans le développement du choc septique dû à S. suis. Les souris B6 avaient une production plus élevée d’IL-10, une cytokine anti-inflammatoire, ce qui suppose que la cascade cytokinaire pro-inflammatoire était mieux contrôlée, entraînant un meilleur taux de survie. Le rôle bénéfique potentiel de l’IL-10 chez les souris infectées par S. suis a été confirmé par deux approches : d’une part en bloquant chez les souris B6 le récepteur cellulaire à l’IL-10 (IL-10R) par un anticorps monoclonal anti-IL-10R de souris et d’autre part en complémentant les souris A/J avec de l’IL-10 de souris recombinante. Les souris B6 ayant reçu le anticorps monoclonal anti-IL-10R avant d’être infectées par S. suis ont développé des signes cliniques aigus similaires à ceux observés chez les souris A/J, avec une mortalité rapide et élevée et des taux de TNF-α plus élevés que les souris infectées non traitées. Chez les souris A/J infectées par S. suis, le traitement avec l’IL-10 de souris recombinante a significativement retardé l’apparition du choc septique. Ces résultats montrent que la survie au choc septique dû à S. suis implique un contrôle très précis des mécanismes pro- et anti-inflammatoires et que la réponse anti-inflammatoire doit être activée simultanément ou très rapidement après le début de la réponse pro-inflammatoire. Grâce à ces expériences, nous avons donc fait un premier pas dans l’identification de gènes associés à la résistance envers S. suis chez l’hôte. Une des réussites les plus importantes du modèle d’infection de la souris décrit dans ce projet est le fait que les souris CD1 ayant survécu à la septicémie présentaient dès 4 jours p.i. des signes cliniques neurologiques clairs et un syndrome vestibulaire relativement similaires à ceux observés lors de méningite à S. suis chez le porc et chez l’homme. L’analyse par hybridation in situ combinée à de l’immunohistochimie des cerveaux des souris CD1 infectées a montré que la réponse inflammatoire du SNC débutait avec une augmentation significative de la transcription du Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 et du CD14 dans les microvaisseaux cérébraux et dans les plexus choroïdes, ce qui suggère que S. suis pourrait se servir de ces structures comme portes d’entrée vers le cerveau. Aussi, le NF-κB (suivi par le système rapporteur de l’activation transcriptionnelle de IκBα), le TNF-α, l’IL-1β et le MCP-1 ont été activés, principalement dans des cellules identifiées comme de la microglie et dans une moindre mesure comme des astrocytes. Cette activation a également été observée dans différentes structures du cerveau, principalement le cortex cérébral, le corps calleux, l’hippocampe, les plexus choroïdes, le thalamus, l’hypothalamus et les méninges. Partout, cette réaction pro-inflammatoire était accompagnée de zones extensives d’inflammation et de nécrose, de démyélinisation sévère et de la présence d’antigènes de S. suis dans la microglie. Nous avons mené ensuite des études in vitro pour mieux comprendre l’interaction entre S. suis et la microglie. Pour cela, nous avons infecté des cellules microgliales de souris avec la souche sauvage virulente (WT) de S. suis, ainsi qu’avec deux mutants isogéniques, un pour la capsule (CPS) et un autre pour la production d’hémolysine (suilysine). Nos résultats ont montré que la capsule était un important mécanisme de résistance à la phagocytose pour S. suis et qu’elle modulait la réponse inflammatoire, en dissimulant les composants pro-inflammatoires de la paroi bactérienne. Par contre, l’absence d’hémolysine, qui est un facteur cytotoxique potentiel, n’a pas eu d’impact majeur sur l’interaction de S. suis avec la microglie. Ces études sur les cellules microgliales ont permis de confirmer les résultats obtenus précédemment in vivo. La souche WT a induit une régulation à la hausse du TLR2 ainsi que la production de plusieurs médiateurs pro-inflammatoires, dont le TNF-α et le MCP-1. S. suis a induit la translocation du NF-kB. Cet effet était plus rapide dans les cellules stimulées par le mutant déficient en CPS, ce qui suggère que les composants de la paroi cellulaire représentent de puissants inducteurs du NF-kB. De plus, la souche S. suis WT a stimulé l’expression de la phosphotyrosine, de la PKC et de différentes cascades liées à l’enzyme mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Cependant, les cellules microgliales infectées par le mutant déficient en CPS ont montré des profils de phosphorylation plus forts et plus soutenus que celles infectées par le WT. Finalement, la capsule a aussi modulé l’expression de l’oxyde nitrique synthétase inductible (iNOS) induite par S. suis et par la production subséquente d’oxyde nitrique par la microglie. Ceci pourrait être lié in vivo à la neurotoxicité et à la vasodilatation. Nous pensons que ces résultats contribueront à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes sous-tendant l’induction de l’inflammation par S. suis, ce qui devrait permettre, d’établir éventuellement des stratégies plus efficaces de lutte contre la septicémie et la méningite. Enfin, nous pensons que ce modèle expérimental d’infection chez la souris pourra être utilisé dans l’étude de la pathogénèse d’autres bactéries ayant le SNC pour cible.


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La sepsis es un evento inflamatorio generalizado del organismo inducido por un daño causado generalmente por un agente infeccioso. El patógeno más frecuentemente asociado con esta entidad es el Staphylococcus aureus, responsable de la inducción de apoptosis en células endoteliales debida a la producción de ceramida. Se ha descrito el efecto protector de la proteína C activada (PCA) en sepsis y su relación con la disminución de la apoptosis de las células endoteliales. En este trabajo se analizó la activación de las quinasas AKT, ASK1, SAPK/JNK y p38 en un modelo de apoptosis endotelial usando las técnicas de Western Blotting y ELISA. Las células endoteliales (EA.hy926), se trataron con C2-ceramida (130μM) en presencia de inhibidores químicos de cada una de estas quinasas y PCA. La supervivencia de las células en presencia de inhibidores químicos y PCA fue evaluada por medio de ensayos de activación de las caspasas 3, 7 y 9, que verificaban la muerte celular por apoptosis. Los resultados evidencian que la ceramida reduce la activación de AKT y aumenta la activación de las quinasas ASK, SAPK/JNK y p38, en tanto que PCA ejerce el efecto contrario. Adicionalmente se encontró que la tiorredoxina incrementa la activación/fosforilación de AKT, mientras que la quinasa p38 induce la defosforilación de AKT.


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Emerging evidence suggests that dietary phytochemicals, in particular flavonoids, may exert beneficial effects in the central nervous system by protecting neurons against stress-induced injury, by suppressing neuroinflammation and by promoting neurocognitive performance, through changes in synaptic plasticity. It is likely that flavonoids exert such effects in neurons, through selective actions on different components within a number of protein kinase and lipid kinase signalling cascades, such as phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/Akt, protein kinase C and mitogen-activated protein kinase. This review details the potential inhibitory or stimulatory actions of flavonoids within these pathways, and describes how such interactions are likely to affect cellular function through changes in the activation state of target molecules and/or by modulating gene expression. Although, precise sites of action are presently unknown, their abilities to: (1) bind to ATP binding sites on enzymes and receptors; (2) modulate the activity of kinases directly; (3) affect the function of important phosphatases; (4) preserve neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis; and (5) modulate signalling cascades lying downstream of kinases, are explored. Future research directions are outlined in relation to their precise site(s) of action within the signalling pathways and the sequence of events that allow them to regulate neuronal function in the central nervous system.


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The consumption of flavonoid-rich foods and beverages has been suggested to limit the neurodegeneration associated with a variety of neurological disorders and to prevent or reverse normal or abnormal deteriorations in cognitive performance. Flavonoids mediate these effects via a number of routes, including a potential to protect neurons against injury induced by neurotoxins, an ability to suppress neuroinflammation and a potential to promote memory, learning and cognitive function. Originally, it was thought that such actions were mediated by the antioxidant capacity of flavonoids. However, their limited absorption and their low bioavailability in the brain suggest that this explanation is unlikely. Instead, this multiplicity of effects appears to be underpinned by three separate processes: first, through their interactions with important neuronal and glial signalling cascades in the brain, most notably the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways that regulate pro-survival transcription factors and gene expression; second, through an ability to improve peripheral and cerebral blood flow and to trigger angiogenesis and neurogenesis in the hippocampus; third, by their capacity to directly react with and scavenge neurotoxic species and pro-inflammatory agents produced in the brain as a result of both normal and abnormal brain ageing. The present review explores the potential inhibitory or stimulatory actions of flavonoids within these three systems and describes how such interactions are likely to underlie neurological effects.


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Although many studies have explored the stimuli which promote hypertrophic growth or death in cardiac myocytes and the signaling pathways which they activate, the mechanisms by which these pathways promote the pathophysiological responses are still obscure. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades (in which MAPKs are phosphorylated and activated by upstream MAPK kinases [MKKs] which are, in turn, phosphorylated and activated by MKK kinases [MKKKs]) were identified in the early- to mid-1990s as potentially key regulatory pathways in cardiac myocyte pathophysiology.1,2 The principal MAPKs investigated in cardiac myocytes are the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2), c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs), and p38-MAPKs. ERK1/2 are potently activated by hypertrophic stimuli, whereas JNKs and p38-MAPKs are potently activated by cellular stresses (eg, oxidative stress). However, there is cross-talk such that JNKs and p38-MAPKs are activated by hypertrophic stimuli and ERK1/2 are activated by cellular stresses, and the contribution of each pathway to the overall cardiac myocyte response is not entirely clear. MAPKs phosphorylate a number of known transcription factors to alter their transactivating activities thus, presumably, influencing gene expression to elicit the cellular response.3 Nevertheless, the immediate consequences (ie, the transcription factors which are phosphorylated) and downstream consequences (ie, genes with altered expression) of MAPK signaling in the heart or specifically in cardiac myocytes are still largely unknown. To start to address this issue for the p38-MAPK pathway in the (rat) heart (Figure), Tenhunen et al4 directly injected adenoviruses encoding wild-type (WT) p38-MAPKα together …


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Maternal pancreatic islets undergo a robust increase of mass and proliferation during pregnancy, which allows a compensation of gestational insulin resistance. Studies have described that this adaptation switches to a low proliferative status after the delivery. The mechanisms underlying this reversal are unknown, but the action of glucocorticoids (GCs) is believed to play an important role because GCs counteract the pregnancy-like effects of PRL on isolated pancreatic islets maintained in cell culture. Here, we demonstrate that ERK1/2 phosphorylation (phospho-ERK1/2) is increased in maternal rat islets isolated on the 19th day of pregnancy. Phospho-ERK1/2 status on the 3rd day after delivery (L3) rapidly turns to values lower than that found in virgin control rats (CTL). MKP-1, a protein phosphatase able to dephosphorylate ERK1/2, is increased in islets from L3 rats. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed that binding of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) to MKP-1 promoter is also increased in islets from L3 rats. In addition, dexamethasone (DEX) reduced phospho-ERK1/2 and increased MKP-1 expression in RINm5F and MIN-6 cells. Inhibition of transduction with cycloheximide and inhibition of phosphatases with orthovanadate efficiently blocked DEX-induced downregulation of phospho-ERK1/2. In addition, specific knockdown of MKP-1 with siRNA suppressed the downregulation of phosphoERK1/2 and the reduction of proliferation induced by DEX. Altogether, our results indicate that downregulation of phospho-ERK1/2 is associated with reduction in proliferation found in islets of early lactating mothers. This mechanism is probably mediated by GC-induced MKP-1 expression.


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Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common endocrine malignancy and RET/PTC rearrangements represent key genetic events frequently associated to this cancer, enhancing proliferation and dedifferentiation by activation of the RET/PTC-RAS-BRAF-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Recently, let-7 microRNA was found to reduce RAS levels in lung cancer, acting as a tumor suppressor gene. Here, we report that RET/PTC3 oncogenic activation in PCCL3 rat thyroid cells markedly reduces let-7f expression. Moreover, stable transfection of let-7 microRNA in TPC-1 cells, which harbor RET/PTC1 rearrangement, inhibits MAPK activation. As a result, let-7f was capable of reducing TPC-1 cell growth, and this might be explained, at least in part, by decreased messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of cell cycle stimulators such as MYC and CCND1 (cyclin D1) and increased P21 cell cycle inhibitor mRNA. In addition, let-7 enhanced transcriptional expression of molecular markers of thyroid differentiation such as TITF1 and TG. Thus, reduced expression of let-7f might be an essential molecular event in RET/PTC malignant transformation. Moreover, let-7f effects on thyroid growth and differentiation might attenuate neoplastic process of RET/PTC papillary thyroid oncogenesis through impairment of MAPK signaling pathway activation. This is the first functional demonstration of an association of let-7 with thyroid cancer cell growth and differentiation.


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Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a major feature of Alzheimer's disease pathology. In CAA, degeneration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) occurs close to regions of the basement membrane where the amyloid protein (Aβ) builds up. In this study, the possibility that Aβ disrupts adhesive interactions between VSMCs and the basement membrane was examined. VSMCs were cultured on a commercial basement membrane substrate (Matrigel). The presence of Aβ in the Matrigel decreased cell-substrate adhesion and cell viability. Full-length oligomeric Aβ was required for the effect, as N- and C-terminally truncated peptide analogues did not inhibit adhesion. Aβ that was fluorescently labelled at the N-terminus (fluo-Aβ) bound to Matrigel as well as to the basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) perlecan and laminin. Adhesion of VSMCs to perlecan or laminin was decreased by Aβ. As perlecan influences VSMC viability through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 signalling pathway, the effect of Aβ1–40 on ERK1/2 phosphorylation was examined. The level of phospho-ERK1/2 was decreased in cells following Aβ treatment. An inhibitor of ERK1/2 phosphorylation enhanced the effect of Aβ on cell adhesion. The studies suggest that Aβ can decrease VSMC viability by disrupting VSMC–extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Alveolar bone loss associated with periodontal diseases is the result of osteoclastogenesis induced by bacterial pathogens. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphatase 1 (MKP-1) is a critical negative regulator of immune response as a key phosphatase capable of dephosphorylating activated MAPKs. In this study, rat macrophages transduced with recombinant adenovirus (Ad.)MKP-1 specifically dephosphorylated activated MAPKs induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) compared with control cells. Bone marrow macrophages from MKP-1 knockout (KO) mice exhibited higher interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and select chemokine compared with wild-type (WT) mice when stimulated by LPS. In addition, bone marrow cultures from MKP-1 KO mice exhibited significantly more osteoclastogenesis induced by LPS than when compared with WT mice. Importantly, MKP-1 gene transfer in bone marrow cells of MKP-1 KO mice significantly decreased IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α and chemokine levels, and formed fewer osteoclasts induced by LPS than compared with control group of cells. Furthermore, MKP-1 gene transfer in an experimental periodontal disease model attenuated bone resorption induced by LPS. Histological analysis confirmed that periodontal tissues transduced with Ad. MKP-1 exhibited less infiltrated inflammatory cells, less osteoclasts and less IL-6 than compared with rats of control groups. These studies indicate that MKP-1 is a key therapeutic target to control of inflammation-induced bone loss.