973 resultados para mathematics and science education


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Despite efforts to motivate students to engage in Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, women are still underrepresented in these areas in the workforce and higher education. Targeting females at high school or earlier may be a key towards engaging them in STEM. In this paper we report on the research question: How do middle school females interact for learning about engineering education? This ethnographic study, part of a three-year longitudinal research project, investigated Year 8 female students’ learning about engineering concepts associated with designing, constructing, testing, and evaluating a catapult. Through a series of lead-up lessons and the four lesson catapult challenge (total of 18 x 45-minute lessons over 9 weeks), data from two girls within a focus group showed that the students needed to: (1) receive clarification on engineering terms to facilitate more fluent discourse, (2) question and debate conceptual understandings without peers being judgemental, and (3) have multiple opportunities for engaging with materials towards designing, constructing and explaining key concepts learnt. Implications for teachers undertaking STEM education are evident, including outlining expectations for clarifying STEM terms, outlining to students about interacting non-judgementally, and providing multiple opportunities for interacting within engineering education.


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Since 2000 there has been pressure on education systems for develop in students a number of competences that are described as generic. This pressure stems from studies of the changing nature of work in the Knowledge Society that is now so dominant. The DeSeCo project identified a number of these competences, and listed them under the headings of communicative, analytical and personal. They include thinking, creativity, communication skills, knowing how to learn, working in teams, adapting to change, and problem solving. These competences pose a substantial challenge to the manner in which education as a whole, and science education in particular, has hitherto been generally conceived. It is now common to find their importance acknowledged in new formulation of the curriculum. The paper reviews a number of these curriculum documents and how they have tried to relate these competences to the teaching and learning of Science, a subject with its own very specific content for learning. It will be suggested that the challenge provides an opportunity for a reconstruction of the teaching and learning of science in schools that will increase its effectiveness for more students.


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Research into student teachers' perceptions, attitudes and prior experiences of learning suggests that these experiences can exert an influence on practice which can be relatively undisturbed by their initial teacher education. This article is based on the initial findings of an all-Ireland survey of all first-year students on B.Ed. courses in colleges in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland. The survey is the first stage in a longitudinal study which will follow the same cohort of students for the duration of their initial teacher education, seeking to map and track the development of their ideas about teaching and learning in primary history, geography and science. Based on an analysis of the quantitative data in the entry questionnaire, the initial findings suggest that subject knowledge remains a problematic issue in initial teacher education and that both location and gender interact with knowledge, attitudes and subject area to produce a complex and challenging context for teacher educators in history, geography and science education.


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L’introduction aux concepts unificateurs dans l’enseignement des mathématiques privilégie typiquement l’approche axiomatique. Il n’est pas surprenant de constater qu’une telle approche tend à une algorithmisation des tâches pour augmenter l’efficacité de leur résolution et favoriser la transparence du nouveau concept enseigné (Chevallard, 1991). Cette réponse classique fait néanmoins oublier le rôle unificateur du concept et n’encourage pas à l’utilisation de sa puissance. Afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage d’un concept unificateur, ce travail de thèse étudie la pertinence d’une séquence didactique dans la formation d’ingénieurs centrée sur un concept unificateur de l’algèbre linéaire: la transformation linéaire (TL). La notion d’unification et la question du sens de la linéarité sont abordées à travers l’acquisition de compétences en résolution de problèmes. La séquence des problèmes à résoudre a pour objet le processus de construction d’un concept abstrait (la TL) sur un domaine déjà mathématisé, avec l’intention de dégager l’aspect unificateur de la notion formelle (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). À partir de résultats de travaux en didactique des sciences et des mathématiques (Dupin 1995; Sfard 1991), nous élaborons des situations didactiques sur la base d’éléments de modélisation, en cherchant à articuler deux façons de concevoir l’objet (« procédurale » et « structurale ») de façon à trouver une stratégie de résolution plus sûre, plus économique et réutilisable. En particulier, nous avons cherché à situer la notion dans différents domaines mathématiques où elle est applicable : arithmétique, géométrique, algébrique et analytique. La séquence vise à développer des liens entre différents cadres mathématiques, et entre différentes représentations de la TL dans les différents registres mathématiques, en s’inspirant notamment dans cette démarche du développement historique de la notion. De plus, la séquence didactique vise à maintenir un équilibre entre le côté applicable des tâches à la pratique professionnelle visée, et le côté théorique propice à la structuration des concepts. L’étude a été conduite avec des étudiants chiliens en formation au génie, dans le premier cours d’algèbre linéaire. Nous avons mené une analyse a priori détaillée afin de renforcer la robustesse de la séquence et de préparer à l’analyse des données. Par l’analyse des réponses au questionnaire d’entrée, des productions des équipes et des commentaires reçus en entrevus, nous avons pu identifier les compétences mathématiques et les niveaux d’explicitation (Caron, 2004) mis à contribution dans l’utilisation de la TL. Les résultats obtenus montrent l’émergence du rôle unificateur de la TL, même chez ceux dont les habitudes en résolution de problèmes mathématiques sont marquées par une orientation procédurale, tant dans l’apprentissage que dans l’enseignement. La séquence didactique a montré son efficacité pour la construction progressive chez les étudiants de la notion de transformation linéaire (TL), avec le sens et les propriétés qui lui sont propres : la TL apparaît ainsi comme un moyen économique de résoudre des problèmes extérieurs à l’algèbre linéaire, ce qui permet aux étudiants d’en abstraire les propriétés sous-jacentes. Par ailleurs, nous avons pu observer que certains concepts enseignés auparavant peuvent agir comme obstacles à l’unification visée. Cela peut ramener les étudiants à leur point de départ, et le rôle de la TL se résume dans ces conditions à révéler des connaissances partielles, plutôt qu’à guider la résolution.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Nos últimos anos, a Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), entre outras providências importantes, tem investido significativamente na reestruturação e expansão de seus campi, com a construção de novos prédios, ampliação e reforma dos já existentes. Como na maioria das IFES, porém, na UFPA não existe estrutura e tempo suficientes para que a equipe técnica responsável possa gerenciar e executar os projetos executivos, acompanhar e fiscalizar as obras de construção e manutenção. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma análise gerencial dos processos construtivos da UFPA, tomando por base a obra do Complexo de prédios do Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica (IEMCI) da UFPA, visando à identificação e minimização dos problemas que se apresentaram ao longo de seu fluxo. Para tal, procedeu-se um estudo de caso nos processos administrativos e demais documentos inerentes à construção dos diversos módulos que compõem o Instituto, com o levantamento de dados de todas as obras executadas, e realização de entrevistas, baseadas no modelo de Campos (2011), a todos os envolvidos no processo. Após a análise dos resultados, constatou-se que a falta de planejamento e gerenciamento efetivo dos processos de projeto construtivos produziram vários problemas, entre os quais, projetos incompletos e falhos, levando à construção fragmentada. A obra, executada em várias etapas, custou 35,19% mais, do que se fosse realizada em uma só etapa, integralmente. Quanto ao prazo, esse acréscimo foi maior ainda, chegando a 283%. Concluindo-se que os intervenientes causados pela fragmentação, influenciaram seriamente no prazo e no valor final da obra.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Committee chairman: James D. Watkins.


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For a number of years now it has been evident that the major issue facing science educators in the more developed countries of the world is the quantitative decline in enrolments in the senior secondary sciences, particularly the physical sciences, and in the number of higher achieving students applying for places in universities to undertake further studies in science. The deep malaise in school science to which these quantitative measures point has been elucidated by more qualitative studies of the students’ experience of studying science in secondary school in several of these countries (Sweden, Lindahl (2003); England, Simon and Osborne (2002); and Australia, Lyons (2005)). Remarkably concordant descriptions of these experiences can be summarized as: School science is: • transmission of knowledge from the teacher or the textbook to the students. • about content that is irrelevant and boring to our lives. • difficult to learn in comparison with other subjects Incidentally, the Australian study only involved consistently high achieving students; but even so, most of them found science more difficult than other more interesting subjects, and concluded that further science studies should be avoided unless they were needed for some career purpose. Other more representative confirmations of negative evaluations of the science curricula across Australia (and in particular states) are now available in Australia, from the large scale reviews of Goodrum, Hackling and Rennie (2001) and from the TIMSS (2002). The former reported that well under half of secondary students find the science at school relevant to my future, useful ion everyday life, deals with things I am concerned with and helps me make decisions about my health.. TIMSS found that 62 and 65 % of females and males in Year 4 agree with I like learning science, but by Year 8 only 26 and 33 % still agree. Students in Japan have been doubly notably because of (a) their high performance in international measures of science achievement like TIMSS and PISA and (b) their very low response to items in these studies which relate to interest in science. Ogura (2003) reported an intra-national study of students across Years 6-9 (upper primary through Junior High); interest in a range of their subjects (including science) that make up that country’s national curriculum. There was a steady decline in interest in all these subjects which might have indicated an adolescent reaction against schooling generally. However, this study went on to ask the students a further question that is very meaningful in the Japanese context, If you discount the importance of this subject for university entrance, is it worth studying? Science and mathematics remained in decline while all the other subjects were seen more positively. It is thus ironic, at a time when some innovations in curriculum and other research-based findings are suggesting ways that these failures of school science might be corrected, to find school science under a new demands that come from quite outside science education, and which certainly do not have the correction of this malaise as a priority. The positive curricular and research findings can be characterized as moves from within science education, whereas the new demands are moves that come from without science education. In this paper I set out these two rather contrary challenges to the teaching of science as it is currently practised, and go on to suggest a way forward that could fruitfully combine the two.


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Forty-five 12- and 13-year-old females attending Grade 7 in North York, Ontario were randomly selected from a group of 100 females who had volunteered to participate in a oneday hands-on workshop called It's Your Choice at Seneca College. The goals of this intervention were to broaden the career horizons of these students and to help them realize the need to continue mathematics and science through high school in order to keep occupational options unlimited. The young women were given a pre- and post-attitude survey to provide background information. In the month following participation in the workshop the students were interviewed in small groups (S students per group) to discover their perceptions of the impact of the workshop. The interviews revealed that participants felt that after the workshop their feelings of self-confidence increased, specifically with respect to working with their hands. Participants felt more aware of the usefulness and importance of the study of mathematics, science and technology, They also felt that It's Your Choice increased their interest in careers in these domains and helped them to see that these careers are viable choices for females. The interviews also revealed that many of the participants felt that in this society their roles and their choices were influenced and probably limited by the fact that they are female.


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This article presents an examination of the use of Rasch modelling in a major research project, 'Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science' (IMYMS). It is unarguable that it is important to take students' perceptions, or views, into account when planning learning and teaching for them. The IMYMS student perceptions survey is an attempt to make visible these student viewpoints, and report them in a way that is accessible to teachers and researchers involved in the project. The project involves four clusters of schools from urban and regions of Victoria to investigate the role of mathematics and science knowledge and subject cultures in mediating change processes in the middle years of schooling. There are five secondary and twenty-eight primary schools. The project has generated both qualitative and quantitative data, with much of the qualitative data being ordinal in nature. Reporting the results of analyses for a range of audiences necessitates careful, well-designed report formats. Some useful new report formats based on Rasch modeling -the Modified Variable Map, the Ordinal Map, the Threshold Map, and the Annotated Ordinal Map - are illustrated using data from the IMYMS project. The Rasch analysis and the derived reporting formats avoid the pitfalls that exist when working with ordinal data and provide insights into the respondents' views about their experiences in schools unavailable by other approaches.