186 resultados para Salmonid


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As part of the River Lune juvenile salmonid investigation, a number of sites on the River Wenning catchment were electrofished annually from 1981 - 1985. Particularly low Salmon parr populations were evident for much of the Wenning catchment which has caused some concern. All the Wenning catchment electrofishing results are reported in this paper and comparisons are made with designated groups of sites on the remainder of the Lune catchment. These groups of sites are: River Lune and tributaries, upstream Tebay, Upper Middle Lune, Lower Middle Lune, Lower Lune, Birk & Borrow Becks, Chapel & Crosdale Becks, Rawthey system, Barbon & Leek Becks and the Greta system. The general scarcity of Salmonids in large sections of the main river Wenning probably reflects the apparent limited natural spawning areas on the catchment. Details of Salmon fry and ova planting on the Wenning catchment since 1981 have been collated and whilst survival through the 0+ stage appears to be quite good, recruitment to the 1++ stage appears to be poor. Water quality does not appear to be responsible for the very low salmonid densities at some main river sites but is possibly a factor in apparently preventing any Salmon run in Keasden Beck. Recommendations for future Fisheries and Biological work are given.


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An extensive survey of the River Lune using River Habitat Survey (RHS) was commissioned to assess the habitat quality of the Lune for salmonid fish. The main river on the Lune and tributaries were divided into 500m sections. A sample of 103 sections (25% of the total classified length) was randomly selected and surveyed in February/March 99. A Habitat Modification Score (HMS) describing the level of habitat modification was derived for each site and compared to the whole reference network and to rivers of similar types in Britain. The analysis of Habitat Modification scores show that more than 70% of the sites on the catchment are predominantly unmodified and very few sites are significantly modified (less than 10% of the sites). The analyses of the data collected suggest that although river habitats are altogether of good quality, the natural processes within the catchment may reduce spawning habitats for salmonids. The river processes appear to be driven by natural forces, although land-use is likely to impact on the levels of run-off. Further analyses using fisheries data on the Lune will investigate the relationship between the major environmental dimensions and fish distribution on the catchment.


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This report presents data from the juvenile salmonid fish stock assessment which is part of the routine Environment Agency riverine monitoring programme. A total of 110 sites was electrofished throughout the Lune catchment between 15th July 1997 and 14th October 1997. These sites included 84 that had been previously sampled in the last comprehensive survey of the catchment, in 1991. The aim of this survey was to assess the distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon and trout in the River Lune catchment and to compare results with those of previous surveys.


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The River Ribble bailiff team completed a total of 377 salmonid creel censuses by interviewing anglers fishing on the banks of the Rivers Ribble and Hodder during 1994. The study was undertaken for a number of reasons: (i) , To determine which areas of the river were fished by anglers. (ii) To ascertain which fishing methods were used in these areas. (iii) To identify the success of each fishing method within each area of the River Ribble system. In a limited 1993 sampling programme, 55 censuses were carried out. Results from these indicated that fishing with worm as bait was the most common method (39% of anglers interviewed) and also resulted in the greatest number of salmon being caught (61% of all salmon). The 1994 census data were collected from all areas of the Ribble system during the months of June to October. The data presented here are for anglers fishing for salmon only or for those fishing for salmon and sea trout at the same time. All of the fish caught were salmon.


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The River Douglas has a long industrial heritage beginning in the early 18th century with its use by boats carrying goods between Wigan and Tarleton. The River and its tributaries have also historically been, and to a certain extent are still, subject to polluting inputs from the urban, agricultural and industrialised areas located within its catchment. During the early stages in the production of the River Douglas Catchment Management Plan, it became apparent that very little data existed on the populations of coarse and salmonid fish species within the River Douglas system. The data that did exist was largely anecdotal, consisting of catch reports from anglers or water bailiffs, or of dead and distressed fish following pollution incidents. This study was initiated to assess the status of coarse and salmonid fish species within the River Douglas system and so address the lack of knowledge. Eighty two sites were surveyed by electric fishing, including 14 sites using an electric fishing punt and up to four anodes. The data was analysed according to a new National Fisheries Classification Scheme. This classified the sites by the fish stock s present and compared the results with a database containing information from sites around the country that have similar habitat types. A stocking experiment was also undertaken in the River Lostock using chub reared at the Leyland Hatchery. These were marked with an identifiable blue spot in the spring of 1995 and then released into three, previously surveyed, locations in the river. These sites were then resurveyed during the summer stock assessment. This report also Site Reports with details on monitored sites, habitat features and fishery classification.


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The River Darwen is a highly impacted Lancashire river with very little known about its fishery interest above the impassable weir at Salmesbury Bottoms. Below the weir there are populations of coarse fish around the confluence with the River Ribble. To the knowledge of local bailiff staff, prior to 1996 the fish population in the middle and upper River Darwen had never been surveyed by electric fishing. In order to address this lack of knowledge, a survey was undertaken during the summer of 1996 with the aim of evaluating the salmonid and cyprinid fish population in the river. Twenty two sites were surveyed by electric fishing between June 11th and July 11th 1996. Information was gathered on the presence and density of fish populations in the river catchment, and analysed according to the National Fisheries Classification Scheme in order to determine how these populations compare nationally with sites of similar habitat features. From this report, recommendations were made to improve and develop the fishery potential in relation to water quality and habitat prioritising areas classed as being Ashless. It was recommended that juvenile coarse fish should be stocked in the Houghton Bottoms area. This area has excellent fishery habitat and was found to contain a minor coarse fish population. Water quality in this stretch of river was thought to be good enough to establish a major coarse fish population. Fish were introduced for the first time in 1998 at Houghton Bottoms from the Agency's Leyland Fish Farm. 3000 each of Roach, Chub and Dace were introduced. Further fish introductions occurred in 2000 with the stocking of 1000 Chub, again from the Agency's Leyland Fish Farm in the Lower Darwen and Witton areas of the main river on a trial basis.


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The aim of this study was to assess the status of the juvenile salmonid and coarse fish populations of the Wyre catchment. Emphasis was placed on an examination of the distribution of spawning and nursery areas for salmonids within the study area and an assessment of the status of juvenile salmonid stocks. The species distribution and spawning areas for other fish species were also identified where possible and the status of the Wyre coarse fishery, downstream of Churchtown Weir, assessed. This report examines the results of stock assessment surveys carried out in the Wyre catchment between 2/06/92 and 11/08/92. Forty-six sites were surveyed from Tarnbrook Wyre (SD. 598577) and Marshaw Wyre (SD. 614541) downstream to St Michaels (SD. 465411). Flow, habitat and in-river obstructions have been shown to affect juvenile salmonid densities. A habitat description is provided for each site studied during the course of this study.


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The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of Foxhouses and Grizedale Becks as nursery habitat for juvenile salmon. A comprehensive fish stock assessment survey of the Wyre catchment was carried out by the NRA in 1992. This survey found that juvenile salmon were absent from two sites studied in Foxhouses Beck. In one site in Grizedale Beck, 0+ salmon were found at very low densities. Juvenile trout were found in all three sites studied in 1992. On the basis of the results of the 1992 survey, these two becks were stocked in 1994 with 0+ salmon reared from Lune broodstock at the NRA's Witcherwell Hatchery. These salmon were stocked at a known density, following a pre-stocking survey. This report examines and compares the results of the pre-stocking survey consisting of fourteen sites in the two becks, carried out between 12/04/94 and 27/04/94 and a post- stocking survey of six sites, carried out between 12/10/94 and 19/10/94. Flow, habitat and in-river obstructions have been shown to affect juvenile salmonid densities. A habitat description is provided for each site surveyed during the course of this study.


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Adult salmon and sea trout rod catches in the River Wyre have been subject to considerable variability over the years. Annual rod catches ranging from 6 to 401 have been reported since records began in 1905. It has long been suspected that the physical nature of the catchment, combined with anthropogenic influences, has resulted in a deleterious effect on the Wyre fishery. Acidification problems in the head water streams (Marshaw Wyre and Tarnbrook Wyre) have been reported and are thought to threaten salmon juvenile survival. The construction of Abbeystead Reservoir and an increased tendency towards rapidly rising water levels during storms (flashiness) 1 are thought to have a significant impact on spawning gravel quality and quantity, both of which are thought to be deteriorating. As part of an overall desire to maintain and improve the migratory salmonid population in the River Wyre, this project has been commissioned to investigate remedial action which may improve and enhance spawning success, leading to an eventual improvement in the status of adult stocks. The primary objective is to establish whether the quantity and/or quality of available spawning gravels are limiting migratory salmonid productivity. The investigations undertaken confirm the general observation that useable spawning gravels appear to be in short supply in the River Wyre, and may be the limiting factor influencing returning adult stock.


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This report presents the first attempt at a national assessment of an Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) for dissolved oxygen (DO) in estuaries with the objective of allowing the passage of migratory salmonids. Under the Control of Pollution Act, Water Authorities and River Purification Boards have powers to control discharges to estuaries and need to define an EQS for the calculation of consent conditions. The object of any such standards is to permit the existence of good quality salmonid fisheries with only very occasional restrictions to the passage of fish. The report gives brief summaries of the DO regime in estuaries, the oxygen requirements of salmonids, and of tentative standards proposed by various authorities. These standards are then compared with DO and fishery data from UK estuaries, provided by the appropriate regulatory authorities. It concludes that a minimum annual lower 95-percentile of 5.0 mg/1 will meet the objective in most estuaries, and that a lower value of 3.0 mg/1 will permit the establishment of a more restricted fishery. However, more stringent standards may be needed in estuaries containing high concentrations of toxic pollutants. containing high concentrations of toxic pollutants.


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The European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, is a highly under-rated freshwater fish, particularly in the United Kingdom. As such, little scientific research has been conducted on its biology, ecology or specific management plans, in comparison to the related species, salmon, Salmo salar L. and brown trout, Salm.o trutta trutta L. or the nearest relative to T. thymallus, the Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus (Walbaum), whose life history has been well documented in view of its high ranking by anglers, as a game fish. However, the importance of sound scientific research cannot be over stressed for this species, which can potentially provide an excellent fishery and source of income in salmonid depauparate rivers. The aim of this report therefore, is to review all available information on the biology, ecology and management of the European grayling, T. thymallus, incorporating findings for T. arcticus to bridge subjects where the literature is scarce, and propose management strategies for T. thymallus in the United Kingdom, bridge subjects where the literature is scarce, and propose management strategies for T. thymallus in the UK.


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In October 1992, a fish population survey of the Swanside Beck system revealed that the densities of juvenile salmon present in the beck were generally poor. The survey highlighted that a potential reason for this may be due to a lack of spawning substrate resulting from siltation. Numerous workers have found that increased levels of A salmonid egg box experiment of Swanside Beck carried out in the spring of 1994, revealed that the survival rates in the majority of sites were good. While the in-site variability was relatively high, mean survival rates remained in excess of 70%. As a result egg survival rates were eliminated as the reason for low juvenile salmonid production. The only site with a relatively low survival rate was Swanside Beck downstream of Cowgill Beck. However, even at this site siltation was eliminated as the cause of the increased mortality rate. It is recommended that a salmonid stocking of Swanside Beck should be carried out this year. This should be followed by an electric fishing survey to evaluate juvenile salmonid survival rates.


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Swanside Beck is formed from a number of minor tributaries which rise in the Middop area to the west of Barnoldswick. The Beck is approximately 10 km long from the source of its longest tributary (SD. 850445) to the confluence with the River Ribble (SD. 769455). Swanside Beck has one major tributary, Ings Beck, which rises from a number of sources on Twiston Moor and is approximately 6km in length from the source of its longest tributary (SD. 812418) to the confluence with Swanside Beck (SD. 785453). Both Swanside and Ings Becks are important spawning and nursery areas for salmon and sea trout from the River Ribble. In recent years a perceived decline in the migratory fish population of the becks has been reported. This decline has been reported in terms of both adult returns and juvenile production and has been particularly noted in Swanside Beck. The aim of this survey was to assess the likely benefits to Fisheries and Conservation interests of the adoption of a set aside policy for agricultural land adjacent to Swanside Beck. The survey also formed part of an on-going Fisheries study of factors limiting juvenile migratory salmonid production in Swanside Beck. This section of the report deals with the Fisheries aspects of the survey.


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This report presents the findings of the first phase of an investigation into the cause(s) of taints in salmonid fish in the River Ribble, commissioned by the North West Region of the Environment Agency. There have been reports of tainting in fish taken from both the estuary and the freshwater river for many years, but the contaminants involved and their source and transport pathway are unknown. Tainting by phenols has been of specific concern in the past. The work programme comprised: examination of tainting reports; collection of salmonids; their submission for taste testing; literature review; analysis of fish flesh using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) and analysis of river bed sediments. From enquiries, three common descriptors of the 'taint' were identified: disinfectanty; diesely; and muddy. The incidence of taints appears transient/irregular and may therefore relate to the incidence of discharges and specific threshold concentrations of pollutants. The literature review showed that a wide range of organic compounds including many industrial chemicals, and others which are naturally occurring, can taint fish flesh. Taste testing confirmed the presence of tainted salmon and trout in the Ribbie Catchment. It identified a low incidence of 'untainted' fish but demonstrated the 'taint' to be not specific to one tainting substance. Differences were found both between the species and fish from different parts of the catchment. Overall, most fish exhibited an unpleasant flavour, though this may have been influenced to some extent by the fact that most were sexually mature. The worst tainting was found in trout from the river Calder: a soapy/chemical aftertaste. An unpleasant earthy/musty flavour distinguished the salmon from the trout. Phenol was shown to have been a minor issue during the present study, whilst no hydrocarbon taints were identified. Examination of tissue from the eight salmon exhibiting the worst taints revealed the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons, but no phenolic compounds. Other notable substances present in the fish were siioxanes and benzophenone. Data from sediment analysis is presented which shows the main compounds present to be aromatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, that concentrations at two locations R. Darwen and R. Calder were significantly higher than at other sites, and that some phenolic compounds were detected at low levels. A paucity of fish flesh taste descriptors linked to specific compounds prevented an obvious correlation to be made between the tastes observed and the organic compounds detected. Descriptors frequently used by the taste testing panel (e.g. earthy, musty, astringency, chemical) cannot be linked to any of the compounds identified in the tissue analyses. No taste information was available from the literature on siioxanes. Aromatic hydrocarbons though present in tissue and sediments were not identified as tainting.


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Although geographically the River Wyre lies between two rivers containing major migrations of adult salmon and sea trout, its rod & line fisheries have for a number of years produced exceptionally low catches. In order to determine the causes of this the Wyre Salmon and Sea trout Restoration Group (WSSRG) was conceived in 1994 as a partnership between the then National Rivers Authority (now Environment Agency), local landowners, angling clubs and interested parties. Two studies of 1994 and 1995 stated that there is a shortage of useable spawning gravels on the river. This is compounded by Abbeystead Reservoir acting as a gravel trap, the siltation of gravels on several side becks and problems with access to available gravels by returning adults. There was also perceived to be a need for accurate fishery data from the river encompassing redd counts, catch data and surveys of fry populations. The 1995 report suggested a number of management proposals which might be adopted in order to improve and create available spawning habitat for migratory salmonids. Funding was made available to create three spawning gravels on each of two side becks (Grizedale Beck and Joshua's Beck) and the addition of gravels to a site oh the main river below Abbeystead Reservoir. Modifications were also made to the fish pass at Abbeystead to allow easier passage of fish. These improvements were made in the autumn of 1995. Salmonid spawning redd counting was undertaken on the whole Wyre catchment in 1995/1996 and specific surveys by electric fishing on the gravel enhancement sites in the summer of 1996. This report details the current state of the improvement works that were undertaken and presents the results of electric fishing surveys in September 1996. A number of lessons have been learnt which will be of great benefit to the Fisheries Function in other parts of the Wyre catchment and the Central Area in general.